21 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, VOETLAXD, SEPTEMBER 12, 1920 OPENING PRICES OF PRUNES ANNOUNCED Lower Quotations Are Made by Oregon Association. SECOND CUT IS REPORTED larkct Throughout Country Is in ' Unsettled Condition "With Bujers Holding: Off. Opening prune prices have been named by the Oregon Growers' Co-operative as sociation and as expected they are lower than those put out by the California as sociation. The Oregon and California prices on the severai sizes are here given: Oregon. California. materially lower than last year on all sizes oX packages. The southern packers named an opening price this season of 13 cents as against 23 cents lat season. LEVI CLING PEACHES 12 MARKET Season for Elbertaa Is Drawing to a Clou; CAlng Quoted at $2.M Box. Among the peach receipts yesterday was a car of Levi Clings and Salways from California and two cars of Yakima El bert as. The clings were quoted at $2.90 a box and tha Salways at J2.15ffi2.25. El bcrtas sold generally at a range of $2.40 2.G5. Ashland Muirs were offered at $2.35. The coming week will close the northern Elberta season. The cantaloupe season Is drawing to an end. There Is still a fair supply on the market and the Burrell Gems are mostly of good quality., f Watermelons are slow sale. ( ' A car of California grapefruit la due. It has been abont. two months since tbs last full car was received. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland ST.nH.'S.a.'Ui Sl.r22.8R4 Seattle 6.1 lit. 140 . 1.01.i5: Tacoma S0O.HS7 81.0O4 Spokane 2.1 17.070 54.5B3 Cleariirgs of Portland. Seattle and Ta coma for the past week and corresponding weok In former years were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. iri20 $:w.4n."..K:ul $a2.7i."70 $4,344,920 8n-4ns 40-5OS MI-HOs .. -7lH .. 7-SOs .. 8i-Os . . BO-lOOs . . l'.c . .13c . .lle . . lo . . 9c . . So , . 7c 17c 15c 13c 11c l(4c MsC 9c MARKET CLOSES STEADY TRADING AT YARDS LIGHT OS LAST DAY OF WEEK. Since announcing the opening ' prices. the Oregon association is reported to have cut the list one cent. At the opening of the season the inde pendent packers put out u. nutations at a hlglici lcvelv but when it was learned that the association would not follow the lead, eastern buyers naturally neld off expect lr.B a cheaper market. This r.nd the dowDvarii trend of nearly all commodities has lstt the prune market In a very in active condition. The Calif-jrnUns were successful In early disposing of their (.mall stock of the three larr sizes, wherias the Op-gon " holdings whic!l mainly run to these sixes, are yet to find a market. Comir.citlng on the unsatisfactory prune market in general and the causes of the condition, a New Tork trade writer sMd, before he- had word of the Oregon prices: "The tendency of the California prune n-srket all season from the time the inde pendents first sought business, until the present time, has been toward lower levels and It is noteworthy also that the declines have halted buying more than they have increased it. While the association is not seeking business on the larger sizes and is not trying to force an Issue on the other types either for that matter, the lndepen dent packers are soliciting orders. There Is very little buying being done here or In other eastern Jobbing markets. 'The delay in naming Oregon prices by the association la one reason for this at titude, as It is surmised that the delay will result in a :low basis, even on the larger sixes. Should this be the case, the California market will naturally be af fected. Some factors are free to admit their belief that - were all prune prices to be made today, in the face of the de velopments since values were announced, that a lower market would result. Un certainty as to the supplies of old pack exists, while It Is not known whether any export outlet will be afforded this season. Take it all in all,, the prune market is very murh unsettled." WHEAT IS Y1BMKR AND H1GHKR A 1 1 Itids on Local Board Advance Except Northern Spring. The wheat market was firmer yesterday at all points. A moderate amount of busi ness was reported from the country, but farmers are by no means free sellers. September bids were generally higher on the local board, hard white being up 4 cents, soft white 2 cents, hard winter 1 cent and white club and red Walla 3 cents, while northern spring declined 2 cents from Friday's prices. The coarse grain market was irregular. White oats were unchanged, but grays were $1 lower. Brewing barley and Oc tober feed barley advanced $L and corn declined $2. . Crop conditions in the United Kingdom, as cabled by Broomhall: "Weather fine and harvesting being completed In the late districts under' most favorable conditions. Stocks of wheat and flour in the United Kingdom are 6.000.000 bushels larger than a year ago. Corn stocks 8,000.000 bushels larger and oats 1. 300,000 bushels larger." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants 'Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Klour.Oats.Hay. mis. mis. 1A17. ii. 1915. 1014. 1913. 1912. mil. 1.010. in . 1908. 4:i.o:iri.is.-. 29.S92.719 JG.!W8.r77 3. 1,1 till. r,7 1 32,191.894 1 l.r0.02 13.447.S04 11.973.707 ll.S7t.7S9 0.021.248 7.744.700 7,001,055 47.44S.7S5 41.3S7.012 2S.7Hfl.10fl 3S.2iH.457 33.474.S77 13.8H5.721 13.40S.24B 1S.24R.24" 12.440.747 30.852.S03 18.KB9.3HO 9.709.247 n.6.M A. 02H.194 4.44H.291 2.5O0.243 2.145.059 2.407.88S 2.B11.5HS 4.303. 47 4.0K5.3K4 B. 1S9.728 H.fll 5.504 5.131,263 As Compared With Previous - Sat urday, Hoga Gained 75 Cents and Yearlings 25 Cents. There was only a small run of stock at the yards yesterday and aside from a few sales of hogs no business was trans acted. The market ' closed steady in all lines. The only changes at the close as compared with a week ago were advances of 75 cents on hogs and 23 cents on yearling wet Ire ra. Receipts yesterday were 78 cattle, 827 hogs and 130 sheep. y . The day's aalea were as follows: Wt. Price. Wt. Price. 4hogs... 202 $18.00179 hogs. . . 215$1S.OO 1 hog 300 18.001 1 hoe 340 18.00 2 hogs... 325 18.001 6 hogs. . . 20(1 18.00 4 hoers. . . goo 1S.UOI 2 hogs. . . 155 18.00 Official quotations st the Portland Union stockyards- were as follows: Cattle Price. Choice grass steers $ 9.5OW10.59 Good to choice sfers Medium to good steers Fair to good steers Common to fair steers...... Choice cows and heifers Good, to choice cows, heifers. Medium to good cows, heifers Canners . . Sept. . ..$ 2 52 . .. 2.44 . ,. 2.48 . .. 2.46 . .. 2.46 . .. 2.40 . .. 50.00 . .. 48.00 . .. 51.00 . . . 50.00 Oct. Nov. $ 2.50 .$ 2.48 2.50 2.42 :.4U PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATION'S Grain, l-'lour, "eel. Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. -Bid- Wheat Hard white .... Soft white White club Hard winter . . . Northern spring Red Walla Oats No. 2 white . . . No. 2 gray ..... Barley Brewing Standard feed . Corn No. 3 E. yellow, ship. 59.00 Mlllrun 51.00 Corn No. 3 yellow, delivery 511.50 2.47 2.45 2.44 2.38 50.00 48.00 51.00 50.00 S 00 44 1)0 58.00 2 45 2.4 2.36 Bulls Choice dairy calves.. Prime light calves . . . Medium light calves.. Heavy calves ....... Best feeders ........ Hoga Prime mixed ........ Medium mixed ...... Smooth heavy Rough heavy Pigs . .-. , Sheep Prime lambs ........ Cull lambs Yearlings Wethers Ewes Dec March . 2.42 Sept 1.37 Deer. Sept. Dec. LIU .63 .65 H MESS PORK. Low. $2.46 J.42 ., 1.8T 1.18 V4 .63 Close. $2.47 Insufficient, which makes tha stability of prices more than doubtful. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT.. Open. High. $2.47 $2.47 y, 2.43 CORN. 1.38 H l.ltl OATS. .63 H .65 5 STOCKS UNDER PRESSURE 2.42 jFOREIGX EXCHANGE DECLINES CXSETTLED MARKET. 1.87 1.18 Sept. Oct.. 23.50 23.75 19.72 1U.S2 16.82 16.87 2 bard. 23.70 23.80 LARD. Sept. 19.50 19.72 19.50 Oct 19.55 19.85 1U.53 SHORT RIBS. Sept 16.70 10.82 16.30 Oct 16.50 16.S7 16.60 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 rod. $2.58;- No. $2.56a2.S7. Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.40 1.40 ,i ; No. 2 yellow. $1,411 & 1.41 hi. Oars No. 2 white, 6SV4c; No. 3 white, G4H&5c. Rye No. 2. $1.96. Barley $1(1.13. Timothy seed $47.50. Clover seed $2227 per hundred. Pork Nominal. Lard $19.75. Bibs $16.75iff 17.73. Oils, Motors, Steels, Rails, Marines and Equipments Are Center of Bearish Attacks. Portland Sat... 69 Tear ago 43 Total this week 377 Tear ago 247 Season to date. 3100 Year ago 1787 Tacoma Friday. S Year ago 16 Season to date. H38 Year ago 958 Seattle Friday. 39 Year ago 5 Season to date. 656 Year ago .. . .... 976 19 45 66 77 24 4 77 J 38 365 107 11 10 121 202 23 50 3 1 20 132 3 11 34 4U 250 420 3 7 174 216 1 "437 359 LOCAL. APPLES ARE MOVING WELL tiravenstelns of Good Color Are Firm, With Steady Demand. Local apples are selling well, particu larly Gravenstcins that show good color. Kor these Jobbers are getting $3.253.75 a box. In Washington an apple crop of 15,749, OO0 bushels Is now expected, this being a slight decrease from the August 1 esti mate of 15.978,000 bushels and over 3.000.- 000 bushels less than the 1919 crop ol 3B.136.0O0 bushels. Condition September 1 was 69 per cent: on August 1 70 per cent. The apple crop In the United States in creased from 70.4 per cent or normal on August 1 to 72.4 per cent on September 1. forecasting a production of 223,241.000 bushels, ' against 213.187,000 eir August 1. The 1919 crop amounted to 144,429,000 bushels. HOP CROP COIIWC DOWN LIGHTER Estimate for State Has Been Reduced to So, BOO Balem' The first week of hop picking has shown that the Oregon crop Is not going to be as large as expected, and the dealers are all reducing their estimates or the state's yield. A month ago most of them looked for a crop of 60.000 bales at least, but now they think the state will do well to produce oO.OOO bales. Some well posted hop men place their estimate 5000 bales below this figure. As a consequence a firmer tone has de veloped In the market. Offers are being made of 55 cents and one bqyer claims to have purchased at this price, but growers, as a rule, are not willing to sell at such a figure. Several small lots of fuggles in the Mount Angel and Silverton sections were bought during the week at 60 to 62 cents. tlBK BUTTER MOVES AT 61 CENTS Buying Price of Eggs Is Raised Storage Regularly Offersd. - The butter market, was steady with fur ther sales of cube extras at 61. cents. No early change la prints la expected. It was reported that a car of fresh creamery cubes was shipped to Sao Francisco, where the market Is materially higher than here. . The egg market was strong with a very mall supply of ranch stock. A buying quotation of 53 cents, case count, waa sent to the country. Jobbers asked 60 cents for candled ranch and up to 65 cents for selects. Storage eggs continued to be of fered at 56 cents. Poultry and dressed meats were In email supply and cleaned up at unchanged prices. Figs Cheaper This Tear, wtie flret car of white package an bulk figs U rolling from California. Prices are FLOUR Family patents. $12.95; baker's hard wheat. $12.95: best bakers' patents. $12.95: valley. $11.20; graham. $10.80; whole vhet. $11. 05. M1LLKEED Prices f. o. b. mill: Mill run. 159 per ton: rolled barley. $616 63; rolled oats. $59: scratch feed. $81 per ton. CORN Whole. ?72; cracked, $76 per ton. HAY Buvlng price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $23(124: cheat. $20; clover. $22; valley timothy, new, $27flr28. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 61c' per pound; prints, parchment wrappers. In box lots. 6rtc per pound: cartons. 67c: half boxes, yc more; less than half boxes, lc more: but terfat. No. 1, 03i 64c per pound at sta tions'; 8c. Portland delivery. EGGS Buying price, case count, 52 53c; Jobbing prices to retailers: Candled. 60c ; selects, 6465c. CHEKSB Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets. 30c; Young America, 81c. POULTRY Hens, 22iS28c; springs. 32c; ducks, 2535c; geese, nominal; turkeys, nominal. PORK Fancy, 25c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 23c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $8.259; lemons, $3.25&5.75 per box ; grapefruit. $306 box; bananas, 1 2 Va it 13 Vs c per pound; apples, $2lgJ3.75 per box; cantaloupes. $1.0002.75 per crate: watermelons. 162c per pound: peaches. $2.15&2.65 per box; plums. 5 7 Vic pound; casabas, 2c per pound; grapes, $2.50ffi 3 pt-r crate, lOllc per pound; huckleberries, 23 25c per, pound; pears, $2.50t&3 per box. VEGETABLE!! Cabbage, 2 3c per pound; lettuce, $2 2.50 per crate; cucum bers, 50&73c per doxen; carrots, $2.50 per sack; horseradish. 25c per pound; garlic. 30c; tomatoes. 60c&$1 per box; beans. 7 toe per pound; beets. $3 per sack; turnips. $3.50 per sack; eggplant, flfrlic per pound: green .corn, 25(&30c per doxen. POTATOES Oregon, $2.5ow2.75 per 100 pounds; sweet potatoes. 8&9e per pound. ONIONS Yellow, $1.75 sack; pickling, 810c pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack busts: Cane, granulated, 18.30c per pound. HONEY New, $7.503S per case. NUTS Walnuts. 22j38c; Brazil nuts, 35c; filberts. 30(ri35c; almonds, '35c : pea nuts, 14 '15 Vic: cocoanuts, $1.75 per dozen. RICE Blue Rose, 14c per pound. BEANS Small white, 7Vic; large white, 7c; pink, 8!ic: lima, 12Vic per pound; bayous, llc; Mexican reds, lOVsc per pcund. COFFEE Roasted, In drums. 2 Of 47 per pound. Provisions. Loral jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 42&46c: skinned. 41 & 46c: picntce. 25c; cottage roll, 35c. LAR9 Tierce basis. 23c; shortening. 20c per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 25 27c per pound; plates, 21c. BACON Fancy, 46 a 58c; standard, 32 42c per pound. Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salt hides, all weights, 11c per pound; green hides, all weights, 9c; green- or salt calf, under 15 pounds, 17& 20c; green or salt kid, 15 to 30 pounds. 12c; salt bulls, Uc; green bulls. 7c; dry hides, 20c; dry salt hides, 15c dry calf. under 7 pounds, 25c; salt horse hides. large, $4 each; medium, $0; small, $2. PELTS Dry fine long-wool pelts, 15c per pound: dry medium long-wool pelts. 12c; dry coarse long-wool pelts. 10c; salt long-wool pelts, $2 to $3 each; salt lamb pelts, 50c to 75c; salt shearlings, 25c to 50c; salt clippers, 15c to 25c. S.505 9.50 7.50ijj S.50 7.00 7.50 6.00 7.00 7.25 8.IMI 6.25 igi 7.25 5.256 6.25 2.75(9) 4.25 O.OOifS 6. no 13.0015.50 11. 50 KM 3.0 9.00 011.00 7.0018I 9.00 5.50 & 6.50 17.25 iff 1B.O0 10.5O 17.25 14.00iii 18.00 3 2. 00 fir 14.00 13. 0O 16. c0 9. on or in. 00 .00 7. Ofl .50S! 7.75 B.25 B.75 2.25 6.25 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, . Sept. 11. Cattle Receipts 1100; compared with week ago, good and choice steers and yearlings, 25 to 50c higher; all weight tnnp:ng at $18.00; com mon and medium grades, uneven but aver age about steadv- spots. 50c higher; can ners and cutters, steady to strong; bulls, strong to 25c higher: choice vea.1 calves held uniformly steady to. trade; medium and heavy calves. 50c to $1 lower; range cattle strong to 25c higher: stockers, 25c higher; feeders, 25 to 50c higher. Hogs Receipts 2400; mostly 10 to 15c h'gher than yesterday's average: top. $16.85; bulk. light and butchers. $15.85S li.75: bulk packing sows. $14.6515; pigs, strong. Sheep Receipts 1500: compared with a week ago. fat and feeding lambs and yearlings. .25 to 5flc higher: fat ewes, steady to weaker; culls and feeding ewes, strong, to higher. Omaba Livestock Market. OMAHA. Sept. 11. Hogs Receipts 35O0: market active, mostly 25 cents higher. Bulk. $15.0016. 00 : top. $16.25. Cattle Receipts 200: market, compared with week ago. beef steers 25 to 50 cents higher; butcher stock. SO to 75 cents higher; bulls, generally 25 cents higher; veals, steady to strong: stockers and feeders. 25 to 75 cents higher. Sheep Receipts 500; market, compared with week ago. killing lambs 50 to 75 cents higher; yearlings. 25 to 50 cents higher; ewes and wethers, mostly 25 cents higher; feeding lambs. 50 cents higher. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Sept. 11. Hogs Receipts none; market steady. Prime. $17.73 i 38.25; medium to choice. $10.7517.75; smooth heavies. $15. 75ia 10.25 : rough heavies. $13.75'a 14.25; pigs, $13.00(&il4.0ll. Cattle Receipts none; market weak. Prime steers. $lo.oo$p 10.50; medium to choice. $8.75&'9.50; common to good, $(.50&8.0O; best cows and heifers. $7.75 8.25; medium to choice. $G.5o7.50; common to good. $5. 007 0.50; bulls, $4.00 6 3-00; calves, $7.0ofe 13.00. Kansas t'lty Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 11. Cattle receipts 400. Market for week: Beef steady to 40 cents higher; best she stock steady: other classes and canners weak to 50c lower; bulla weak; calves and stockers and feeders steady to 50c higher. Sheep receipts 2000. Bulk receipts to day feeding' lambs. Market for week: Sheep mostly 65c lower: fat lambs 5tfc to 65c higher; feeding lambs steady to 25c higher. Seattle Grain Markets. SEATTLE, Sept- 11. Wheat Hard white, $2.54; hard winter. $2.52; northern spring, $2.55; toft white, $2.48; white club and red winter. $2.47: red Walla, $2.43; Big Bend bluestem hard white. $2.56. Feed Scratch feed, $82; feed wheat, $83; all grain chop, $70; oats, $68: sprout ing oats. $67; rolled oats. $05: whole corn. $78; cracked corn. $75; rolled barley, $63; clipped barley, $68. Hay Alfalfa, $30 per ton; double com pressed alfalfa, $36; do. timothy. $42; eastern Washington mixed. $36. Foreign Grain Markets. BUENOS AY RES. Sept. It. Wheat closed steady, February $2.14 ;. Com, steady, October, 99c; November, 99'c; Oc tober closed unchanged: September, 99c. Corn continues firm, active demand from shorts. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 11. Wheat, steady. Corn, demand quiet, but market firm. Port stocks exceed 11.000,000 bushels corn, compared .with 4.000,000 busbels year ago. Corn parcel market steady. 6d higher. Oats strong. Sllnneapoils Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 11. Cash wheat. No. 1 dark northern. I2.6nsr2.70; No. $2.552.65; No. 3. $2.3o2.0: No. 1 red spring. $2.53i& 2.55; No. 2. $2.48612.33; No. 3. 2.43ii.2.48: No. 1 northern. $2.58a2-65; No. 2. $2.532.60; No. 3. $2.4692.55; No. 1 dark hard Montana. $2.62t2.65; No. 1 hard Montana. I2.572.0: No. U durum. $2.49S! 2.51; No. 2. $2.46i& 2.4S; No. 3. $2.40 &2.45. Corn. No. 3 yellow, $1.3801. 39; No. 3 mixed. $1.34 fe4. 35. Oats. No. 2 white 59'&60l4; No. 3, 5 "ffMOSA. Barley, $1 1.05. No. .2 rye, $1.91 igl. 82. San Francisco Grain and Hay. SAN FRANCISCO. Sent. 11 Grain Wheat. $3.b56i3.85: barley, $2.2tl2.35: oats, red feed, $2.35 "S 2 BO; corn, nominal. Hay Fancy wheat. $2'ft)2S: light five wire bales. $23 '2.1: tameoat hay, $2325; wild oat hay, $1710; barley hay. $lt9t2 alfalfa hay, first cutting. $17&23; second $210 25. - St. Louhi Grain .Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept J 11. Cash wriest, un changed to 2c lowr. No. 1 red. $i.631i 2.66; No. 2, $2.6-'i 2.64: No. 3. $2.602.61: No. 1 hard. $2.582.59; No. 2, $2.57. Corn steady to lc lower; No 1 mixed, $1.39; No. 2. S1.3SIA: No. 3. $1.3714: No. 4, $1.36; No. 6 si. 36: No. 1 vellow. $t.39; No. 2. $1.39. Oats, steady. No. 1 white. r5!fcc: No. 2, 65Hc; No. Z, 650c; .old No. 4 white, 64c. , Eastern Linseed Markets. DULUTH, Sept. 11. Linseed, $3.363.44- MINNEAFOL1S. Se'pt. 1L Flax. No. 1. $3.32 3.35. Coton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 11. Cotton Spot, quiet. Middling, 31.75c. . KFSKiyVES OF GOLD ARE INCREASED Gain of One Hundred and Seventy Million Reported in Week. WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. Combined re sources and liabilities of the 12 federal reserve banks at. the close of business Sep tember 10 were announced as follows: - Resources Gold and fold certificates 130.990.000 Gold settlement fund, federal reserve board 42S.70H.OOO Gold with foreign agencies. . 1 1 l.4.o.006 as vice-president of the Western Na tional bank, of Caldwell, of which he and his associates recently acquired controlling interest- His successor is John G. Fralick. vice-president of the Lumberman's National bank, of St. Marys. Mr. Gibson's resignation makes the fourth chan see in Governor Davis' I cabinet within 18 months. I Guy Bowerman. finance commie- I aioner. resigned in 1919. HUs suc cessor, C B. Walker, resigned two 1 months ago- to enter tha banking ' business. Price 93.42 NEW YORK. Sent. 11. Stocks were un der Incessant pressure during today's brief trading period on the further weakness of foreign exchange and lack ot constructive r1Vfllnnmantg Oils, steels, equipments, invsyneni. r"-. . T . .umnrn shippings and motors wax U center 01 . 1 -" bearish activity at extisas reactions 01 one to three points. Mexioaa and Pan American petroleums, Houston Oil. Bethle- ESSAYS ON CHEESE WIN BEST WORK BY PUPILS. hem Crucible, Vanadium and United States Steel, Baldwin Locomotive, studebaker. r'anain nH Rnnih.m Pacific. Reading and American International Corporation represented the more reactionary The reaction In exchange rorcea tnc onv- -at. hinn 3 mv the lowest quotation for demand bills since the early part 01 la.t Mareh Vr.nrb Italian. Belgian and Oermn i-mlttfinceH also broke sharply. . The clearing house statement was favor able, actual loans and discounts showing nother substantial contraction, wnn a verv moderate decrease of excess reserves. Bonds reacted with stocks, most ummj- Medals Are to Be Awarded and Papers Read at County Fair at Tillamook Each Year. TILLAMOOK, Ot., Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) Prize winners in the recent Watson essay contest on the subject "Tillamook Cheese Why Superior?" have been announced as follows: tic issues, including liberties, losing ground, first. Myrtle Crawford of Nehatem. An exception was again proviueu " j i'1" e-m .., v. lit, , octuiiu, oninc -,.v ' . new French issue, which increased Its Bay City, silver medal: third, Mayme premium to 1 per cent. Total sales, par Jacob, Tillamook, bronze medal, value. $4,150,000. Old United Suites 4s Jn addltfont winnera fr0m each gained per cent on call during the Rrade ln scnool wU1 reCeive week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Sales. Am Beet Sug.. 6,800 Am Can 200 Am Car A Fdv. 1.KOO Am H & L pfd. 200 Am mt Corp... a, zoo Am Loco 1,.4"U Am Sm & Rtg.- 500 Am Sug 100 Am Sum Tob.. 100 Am Tel & Tel. 500 Am Woolen... 1.200 Am Z LAS.. 1.200 Anaconda Cop. 2oo Atchison A U & W I Bald Loco B A O Beth Steel B. . Bt & Sup Cop. , Cal Petrol Can Pac Cen Leather. . Chan Motors. Ches Ohio. . C M 4 ?! F C & N W C R I . P Chino Copper. Com Products Crucible Steel Cuba C Sug. Erie Gen Motors. . . Gt Nor pfd . . . Gt Nor Or ctfs III Cent lnspir Copper. Int Nickel . . Tnt Paper .... K C Southern. Kenne Copper. 40 1.O00 .17.00 2.0O0 0.SIKI 6ISI 4 INI 3, ".00 KOO 1.2O0 41(0 KOO 2.300 1.O0O 2.3IH1 4110 1.0O0 3110 1.20O l.OOO :no l.ooo 100 200 700 200 200 00 Total old held by banks.. $ 691.213.000 Gold with Mex Petrol 12.700 Miami Copper. 20O Mid States Oil. 8..-.00 Mid vale Steel.. SllO Mo Pacific . 1X10 Nevada Copper 3.400 N Y Cen 3IIO N Y N H H. 4,400 Nor Wes 3im Nor Pac 1.3O0 Okla Pro Kfg soo Pan-Am Petrol. 8.HO0 Pcnna IMto Pitts & W Va. . 1.2i" Ray Con Cop.. 200 Reading 3.000 Hep Iron S. 2.300 Roy Dtch N' Y. 1.9O0 Shell T & T.t. Hon Sinclair O & R 7.4O0 So Pac 2, .100 So Ry 3.200 Stn O N J pfd . 2MO Studebkr Corp. 2.:ioo Texas Ob 6.S(X Tex Pac 2xi Tob Pdcts 20O Transcon OH... 2.300 Union Pac 2,tH U S Ind Atco. . . SOO U S Ret Stores. 4 no U S Rubber. . . . soil U Steel 13.OO0 TJ 8 Steel pfd.. 1,200 Utah Copper... Hoo West Union.. 400 Westlise Klec. l.nou Willys-Overland BOO High. 82 8Bt4 lllfil. 74 79 61 V4 112 R 99 'i s:m i: 53 14 8.". 13S14 llli 44 7S MO'.S 122 34 SS 1T4 39 74 4 :is is 123 :io m 21 7s 70 v4 32 89 4S4 20 82 20 '-', 17 20 14- 40 2S II 7r. as '4 4 92 4.1 30. Itt 94 80S 81 5." 33 I !H 2 lO.t . 3 .'.1-H .19 14 124 85 70 s 90- 107 MH 84 49 I ,(i w. 75 34 Tt 133 71 21 94 59 110 84 914 81 12 S3 83 132 108 41 75 7 2S 119"ji, ."0 8;m 59 30 73 3 14 86 121 37 15 20 76 32 . 8S 47 19 79 1 bronze medals. The prizes were given by O. M. Plummer and the -essays will be read at the county fair and the awards then given. Contrib utors to the medals other than the 71 I grand prizes are Rollie W. Watson. O I rViA VlT-it V.flnnftl KanV TOTamnnlt 9.-. ... , , .. 111 I ty ureamery association. 85 I The idea of these essays originated ! with Mr. Watson and it is expected 12 I that funds will be provided each year 54 J so that prizes may be awarded. Pu 83lrils entered from almost every school 137 I in the coimtv httt na the. time was short fewer entered than was ex pected. However, ample time will be provided next year. Last Sale. 82 35 13.-. 109 41 76, 7 28 120 i2 52 GOAT MEN ARE TO MEET Northwest Association Is to Be Formed Next Saturday. Milk goat owners will meet next Saturday at Central library hall at S P. M. to form a northwest milk goat club, along lines similar to those fol lowed by other cities of the covntry Washington state growers have Just begun a movement to bring owners of milk goats together and it is 257 211 I planned to have the northwest work 74 30 V I.". S7 124 3 15 21 32 H 88 4S 19 80 H 111 1 YIELD I to i ol Free From r All Dominion": Government Taxation $125,000 City of CALGA Y ALBERTA PROVINCE School District 6' Gold Notes Dated September 1. 1920. Denominations: Due March 1. 192i $500 and 1000. 166 19 12 39 26 11 74 33 94 79 3 ss 42 29 1.-. 91 82 -80 ,-.2. 30 94 27 104 bM w 13 120 82 07 88 lofl S4"T 4S"i 15 as a unit in forwarding: Koat-raisins;. To make the merits of the milk goat better known and to supply informa tion on the subject to besrinners in the industry are among ttfe objects of the organization. M. P.' Eggers. noted breeder of milk goats of Wood- inville. Wash., has been invited to address the goat people, of whom there are more, than 150 in Oregon la Grande, Salem, Newport, Pendleton and other towns will send delegates All who have Interest in the sub J I Ject are urged to be present, f4 1 At 94 HST HrWN UK- r-1 1 1 1 IV I I I'llll W I I asss I Vsf rtl Ike WVIIaf 173 19 14 39 44 28 11 74 33 94 79 " 91 42 3(1 1 92 28 105 S3 r.o 36 65 14 121 84 8 86 89 106 64 R4 4S 15 WHEAT IE CENT HIGHER HEAVY BUYING OF DKCEMBER AT CHICAGO. federal , reserve agents i.i-t Gold redemption fund S 1' 774,000 rfool, CaHcara, Etc. MOHAIR Lonf staple, U3c per pound; short staple, 15c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 7u per pound; No. 2, 5c .per pound. CASCARA BARK Per pound, cross weights, old peel, 10c; new peel, 9c per pound. WOOL All grades nominal. HOP S New cro jj, 55 GOc ; tug g lea, 60 65c pound. OH. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, $1.54; drums, f I tfl . caves, $1.69. Boiled, bar rel, drums, $1.63; cases, $1.7L TLRrKNTlNB Tank. 1.9tt; cases. S2.ll. COAL OIL Iron barrels, 15c; tank. wagons, 25vsc; cases, 28c. GASOLINE Iron barrels, 20c; cases, 38c. FUEL OIL Bnlk, $2.10 per barrel. Hedges Against Cash Sales at Gulf to Exporters Removed Coarse Grains Lower. CHICAGO, Sept. 11. Wheat displayed a firm tone today, while coarse grains were off. At the finish, wheat showed a net of lc with December $2.47 and March $2.42; corn was He to c net. lower; oats wer c lower to c higher. and provisions were unchanged to 35c up. There was a stronger undertone In wheat and prices averaged hisher because of buying of December In order to remove hedges against sales of cash grain at the gulf to exporters. Trade, however, was light and Inclined' to press the selling side. Australian news was regarded a rather bullish, while the unsettled political sit uation In Italy also attracted attention. as that country has been a free buyer. Corn averaged lower on local and com mission-house selling. There was borne baying on the break against the high- price bid. (scattered short covering was responsible for an upturn that lifted prices arsund the previous close. A great deal of week-end evening up was under way toward the last on account of the relatively low temperature in tne Canadian northwest- Oats were dull, but rallied after an early decline. Packers were good buyers of lard and riba and prices advanced to a new higb for the week. The Chicago market letter received yes terday by Overbeek A Cook Co., of Port land bald. Wheat Although the market had a nar row range and luylng and selling orders were well balarxred. the tone waj stmntt with a good part of the purchases having the appearance of belna- aorainwt oxport sales. Cah premiums were slightly easier with sales of bard and red at 11 4 12c iver December. The strength in the Winnipeg market, which was clearly a reflection of try SAX FRANCISCO FRODICE MARKET Prices Current en Vegetables, Fresh. Frusta, Ctc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 11. Buttei EMrk grade, tic; prime firsts, 4c. Kugd Fresh extras, 72c; firsts nominal; dirty. No. 1, 60c; extra pullets, &fec; un dersized pullets, 48c. Cheese Flata, fancy, 84c. . Poultry Hens, large, 3sjf42c; small, 30 H2c; white leghorn, large, 30 32c; small, 2J(y.23c; strictly young roosters. 424m old. 2oto3ric; fryers, 4245c; broilers, 45c; ducks. 25 & 28c ; pigeons, $2.50&3.5O per dcxen; squabs, 5a(& tOc; Belgian hares. lS21c. x "Vegetables Eggplant, lug, 50&5c; sum mer squash, lug, uOc&$l; cream, 75c $1; potatoes, street prices, $2.60 2.73 for Nb. 1; sweets, i$p7ic; onions, yellow and white, $ 1.23 q 1.3a ; beans, 5 4f 7c; lima SfirlOr; tomatoes, $lfrL2.j; bell peppers. &-63c; chile, 50(&OOc; celery, crate, $6 ft 6.50; green corn, $1.60 (& 2.00; peas, 11 Fiuit--Stra wherries, W60c; raspberries, 75 90c;. blackberries, $7 8; cantaloupes. standards. $lir l..0; pontes, i.90; flats. rH4j fOc; watermelons, $23.50; dozen and 1 Sri Vic pound; Valencia oranges, $4.739 3.50 lemons, $2(2.50; grapefruit, $3 9 4.20; apples, Gravenstetns, fancy, 92.250 3; peaches, small box, $lfjl.50; pears, Biirtletu $3fSM; plums, $1. 20 W 1.50 per crate or box; figs, double layer, $lftl.25; wh Jte, 50 (n UOc : grapes, black. $ 1. 73 2 ; seertlrrc. l.r.2 15; bananas, italic. Receipts Flour. 5SSS quarters; wheat, 4OO0 centals; barley, 800 centals; corn, 300O centals; potatoes, 32fr4"s-acks; onions, 1810 sacks; hay, 305 tons; hides. -S roll; oranges 1000 boxes; Livestock, 1370 head. Total gold reserves . .$2,131,247,000 BilTs discoupted secured by gorvernment -war ounxa- , tions $1,290,123,000 Legal tender notes, sliver. etc -1 .).r-i .utwj Bills discounted, all other.. 1.376.07r,.mo Bills bought in open market 31.PS2,Ooo Total bills on hand 2.002.181,000 United States government bonds - . . . zo.oui.iiin) United States victory notes.. - ttO.OOOJ United States certificates of indebtedness ;.3'.4-.'t..iHiu Total earning assets 3.o51.4H;;.000 Bank nremises j.os.ouu Uncollected items and other deductions irerm gross ue-posits Five per cent redemption fund against federal reserve bank notes All other resources 837.060.000 11.7RS.OOO 6.65O.0O0 Total resources .96,353.233,000 Liabilities Capital paid in ft7.191.0O0 Surplus 164.746. OOO Government deposits 30.975.000 Due to members reserve ac count 1.R2S.024.OO0 Deferred availability items.. 617.783.OO0 Other deposits, including for eign government credits.. -3S.703.0OO Total cross deposits 2.516.477.0OO Federal reserve notes in actual circulation .1 3.2Oo.l0.0O0 Federal reserve bank notes ln circulation, net liabilities. . 207.3S3.0O0 All other liabilitlea 7O.362.O00 BONDS. U S Lib 3 Vjs. . .00.001 Anclo-Fr 5s ... 9! do 1st 4s. .. .85.421 A T & T cv 6s. 04 do 2d 4s una un ted lAtch irrn 4s .. 75 do 1st 44. ..85.701 D R G con 4s. 63 do 2d 4in. . . 85,061 N Y C deb 6s.. 01 U do 3d 4 Vs. . .88.461 N P 4s 75t do 4th 4 Vs. . . 85.241 N P 3s R4 victory , . . .0.1. 42! t'ac T & t as... K2 do 4s 95.48(Pa con 4s 80 u to ss reg. . . . -101 fit 1 cv as . iih, do coupon ..10l rSo Ry 5s ...... 84 ii & -h reg. . . . & 1 f 4s 81 do coupon ..lonVslU S Steel 5s.... 054 ran aa reg "77 I do coupon ...77 I Bid. ' Mining Stocks' at Boston. BOSTON, Sept. 11. Closing quotations: Trio of Stills, Mash and Liquor Found in Hog Pen. YAKIMA, Wash., Sept. 11. Iteaded by Silas L Bunker, prohibition agent deputy sheriffs last night raided premises of Fred Parritt, a mile west of Toppenish, capturing three . stills. which they claim member of Parritt'a familj' were trying: to throw through a trap door into a creek, 200 gallons of mash and 30 gallons of alleged whisky. The outfit was in a hog pen and chicken house. The officers said that ttpy hens were perched around the rim of a barrel. Allouev . . Ari Com . Calu & Arts. . Calu & Hccla. Centennial . . . Cop Range . . . East Butte . . Franklin Isle Royalte . . 23 tl-ake Copper... . 10 1 North Butte . 5 (Old Dom .20O t Osceola . 10 iQuintry , . 3tt 1 Superior . 11 M-! sup & Boston. 24)Shannon . 20 (Utah Con Oreene Can . . 3 VI 25 37 40. 4 u Milwaukee Changes Schedule. ABERDEEN', Wash.. Sept. 11. (Special.) The Milwaukee railroad schedule for trains operating' between Grays harbor and Vuget sound will be changed effective Sunday, Sept 12. Train No. 118, leaving Aberdeen at 1 P. M., will leave at 1:20 P. M. reaching Tacoma at 5:33 P. M. and Seattle at 7:13 P. M- The comple mentary train. No. 11-7. now leaving Seattle at 12:30 P. M., will leave at 12:15 P. M reaching Aberdeen at 6 P. M. instead of 6:10. Price 93.42 and Interest to Yield 9 "" Calgary Enjoys a Great Period of Prosperity Due to this year's treat grain and agricultural production in Alberta Province, Calvary, the commercial center and largest city in the province, is enjoying the greatest period of substan tial prosperity in its history. Statistics from the wheat pro ducing country surrounding Calgary show an exceptionally high yield. The general business Increase brought about through this crop is proven by the increased business of the Calgarv post office and the receipts in the office of the local luxury tax collector. FIXASCIAL STATEMENT Aaarnard Valuation trr0.R3.S2.OA Bonded Debt (including this iKnue) 2.17.1 n.OO Value of School lHntrlrt'i. Assets 4.e2,tOO.OO Principal and semi-annual Interest (March let and September 1st) payable in Gold Coin of the- United States in New Tork City or at the offices of Morris Brothers, Inc. Legality approved by Messrs. Malone. Malono A Long, Toronto. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Between The Premier Municipal Bond Hoom 5th and th Established Quarter of a Century Streets Morris Bids., 309-11 Stark St. Cspltot One Million Dollars TelephoM Broadway 3111 Telecraph or Telephone Orders at Onr Expense SALMON OUTPUT LIGHTER SMALL TABLE PACK OX COLUM BIA RIVER AND COAST. Public May Resume Consumption of Grades Lower Than Chi nooks and Sockeyes. will have their minds chaneretf " Je-. clared Sir. Rice. "We will take this, step to protect' the republican paf ty " on tne advice or the attorney-general of the state." Money. Exchange. Ktc. NEW TORK. Sept. 11. Prime mercan tile paper, unchanged. Exchange, -weak. Sterling. demand. Total liabilitlea . . $0,35;,::o3,O0O an adtive export demand In that coun . attracted considerable attention hern. Th tremendous amount ni whna: that has been cleared from the seaboard nine July V. combined with the quantity already bought and to be snipped out. naa re sulted in a deficiency possibility that must be reckoned with if fresh rmying develops. Indications are not lacklnir. hat additional sales of importance will be nwde next week, under present conditions It is not likely that .Ttw-Uoes will dm pernia ment or far extended. Corn Selling pressure waa encouraged .early by the high temperatures prevail ing over the belt, but the market en countered good absorptive power and the losses In price were mostly recovered. There was little of interest tn the cash market where price were quoted un changed to 1 cent lower. Cooler weather Is predicted for the belt for the next few days and some law temperatures in the Canadian northwest gave rise to fears of frost. Oats Sold earlier in sympathy with corn but met good buying power and closed firm with the late advance in fluenced by high pricea ln Winnipeg and report from Canada of some large-sized sa-Jes having -been made for export. We believe it won id be well to be on the alert for any news of a constructive na ture. Rye Had a strong tone, notwithstand ing claims that export Inquiries today were completely lacking. It is more than likely that Europe, In view of tbe wheat deficiency, will take our rye almost as rapidly as It is obtainable and the pre- Ratlo of total reservese to net deposits and federal reserve note liabilities com bined, 4.8 per cent. Ratio of gold reserves to federal re serve notes In circulation after setting aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities. 46.8 per cent. . . Coffee Futures ICaaler. NEW TORK, Sept. 11. The market for coffee futures lost a few points of yes terday's advance today. It was the first Saturday of the fall season, but business was quiet and the decline was attributed to liquidation or realizing over the week end, or some scattered selling on rather disappointing Brazilian cables and the de cline in foreign exchange. Tne opening was 3 to 13 points lower and active months sold 13 to 18 points below Friday's clos ing figures during the middle of the morn ing, but rallied slightly with the close showing a net losa of 3 to 9 points. e ceraber sold off from 8.35c to 8.20c and closed 8. 30c. September, T.TOe; October, 7.1c: December, 8.30c; January 8.50c; March. 8.90c; July. 0.20c. Spot coffee nominal. Rio 7s, 84c; San tos 4s, 14(&15c. Eastern Dairy Produce., CHICAGO, III., Sept. 11. Butter, weak; creamery. 44 ft-56c. Eggs, unsettled; receipts, 10,558 cases; firsts, 51i 5Jc; standards. 52 He; ordinary firsts, 45 (& 47c; at mark, cases included. 4840 4c; btorase packed, firsts. 53H 4f 54c NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Butter easy, un changed. Err, steady; unchanged. 4 Cheese, firm; unchanged. Naval Store. . SAVAXNAH, Ga., Sept. 11. Turpentine, $1.3" V; sales. 897; receipts,1 255;, ship ments, 31 ; stocks, 12,385. Rosin, firm: sales. 1053; receipts. 1156: shipments, 422; stock, 43,600. Quote: B, I, E, $12.50; FM. O. H, 1. K, M, N. WO. WW, S12.75. Dried Frelt at New York. . NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Evaporated ap ples, dull. Prunes, easy. Peaches, steady. Xw Principal Klectod. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Sept. 11. ("Special.) A. W. Nelson of Kearney Neb., has been elected principal of 3.494; cables. 3.30. Francs, demand. I Cottage Grove high school in place of mand, T.O; cables. 7.J1. Guilders, de mand. 31.25; cables, 31.37. Lire. de mand, 4.U0; cables. 4.32. Marks, de mand, 1.81; cables. 1.83. Drachmas, O.Ott. New York exchange on Montreal, ft 10-16 per cent discount. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Bar silver, do mestic, unchanged. Foreign, 0 J vi Mexican dollars, ilc. LONDON. Sept. 11. Bar silver, money and discount unchanged. B. S. Burkett of Beckett, Mont., who could not secure a certificate to teach in Oregon. Mrs. Matilda K. Sleep has been elected in place of. Miss L.ola Howe, released to accept a position in the Eugene schools, where she formerly taught- Miss Ella Koeger of Kickrea.ll has been elected to the , sixtbgrad-e. Decrease ln Excess Reserve. August Accident Causes Death. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept. 11. v,r vroi o.f 11 Th- .ot,.aiVft.Mcpeciu. injuries received eariy in diUon of clearing-house banks and trust August in a threshing; machine acci- aeni resuiiea in tne ueain last nigni of Lee Gorsuch, aged 43. Mr. Gorsuch, who was working on the C. N. Hatch ranch near Eureka, fell into a com bine. His Jaw bone was fractured In several places and his arms crushed- Blood poisoning also set in comnanles for the week five days) show that thev hold f24.07fl.2OO reserve In ex cess of legal requirements. This Is a de crease of Sl,SH3.ti2u irom last weea. Swift Co. Stocks. Closing prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by Overbeek & Cooke company of Portland aa follows: Swift & Co H4i Swift International i3 Libbv. McNeil Sc. Libby IS National Leather 10 TIRN FOR BETTER IS NOTED Spokane Democrats Select Ticket. SPOKANE, Wash.. Sept. 11. Candi dates for the democratic nomination for county clerk, prosecuting at torney, assessor, coroner and superin tendent of schools were selected by the democratic county central com rait tee yesterday, it was announced today. No filings had. been made for the offices. No selection was made ASTORIA. Or. Sept. 11. (Special.) In a review of the canned salmon situation on the Pacific coast, S. Elmore A Co., local salmon brokers, say: "In view of orlces announced by the Alaska Packers 'association, season of 1020. including exceedingly low prices for pink and chump, and announcement by other packers of $2.25 a dozen for medium red tails, 59 cents a dozen )e.s than the Alaska Packers association price for the same grade, we are of the opinion 'that prac tically all the canneries that have been operated for many years, from Aberdeen to the Umpqua river, wiil remain closed during trie Tall season, and. aa near a we can determine, not exceeding two or thre canneries will be operated on the Columbia river during the- (all season. Therefore. through the clojHnj? of the coast canneries and on the Columbia river, the average output will be materially decreased as compared with former years, probably to the extent of lOO.0M to 2H.O00 rates. "The maximum prices for all grades of salmon are controlled by the British min istry of food, which has recently sold its entire holdings of pink halves, iKht dozen each, and pink tails, four dozen each, axgregatlng about 40O.0OO cases of the two sizes, at prices far below the coat. f. o. u. British Columbia or Puget sound during 1017 and 11)18, and also recently sold their holdings of Alaskan red at prices mate rially less than the present coast value, plus freight and insurance, and we call particular attention to prices on the other side, in comparison with the present rate of exchange, about 93.55. "Since the British ministry unloaded its holdings of Alaskan red, about 50.00O cases, the market has advanced materially, and we are of the opinion it will advance tn the near future to a point enabling distributors to import on Ihe basis of $3.25. f. o- b. Pacific coast. We understand that the noara or trsae of l-iverpool And I-ondon are endeavoring to secure the passage of an act tnrougn oariiament remowne the control of salmon from the British ministry of food, and if so the market will assume normal condi tions, and trading, we trust, will rt-sult. inasmuch as stocks are at an exceedingly low ebb in both London and Liverpool, particularly of No. 1 grade sockeye, fancy chinook. Siberian red. Alaskan red and the No. 2" grade medium red. Packing of pink has ceased !n south eastern Alaska and canneries closed, owing to low price of chums named by the Alaska Packers association I. e., Ji.io; ana. in asmuch as this is the off year on Puget sound, pink have not been produced ln that ction. "Following the trend of consumers' views for the pa-vt three years, the pur chase and distribution from British Co lumbia of 300.0O0 cases of halves sockeye. eight dozen each, for shipment to eaternt Canada Or eat Britain and Australia: 75.000 cases or TsocKeye naive, proauceo on Puget sound, and the entire product of the No. 1 or fancy grade of the Colum bia river in halves and Hats, at lor flats and $2.50 for halves, and from $2.75 to 3 a dozen for Puget sound sockeye halves, and $19 to $21 a case of eight dozen for British Cplumbia sockeye halves, would indicate that the consumer has neg lected all other grades, but we are of the opinion that omMng to posyibie change In general conditions the consumer, who for merly purchased, for instance, the medium grade, will, through force ot circumstances, resume the consumption of this and grades lower than sockeye and fancy Co lumbia river chinook." Estimated Pack on Pacific Coast. Case GOOD WORK TO BE REPAID- Spokane to Give Employes More... Pay on Efficiency Basis. ": SPOKANE, Wash, Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) Salary increases for city em-V ployes will be granted in individual, cases for efficient service, but nq... general rise is contemplated by tha.: city commissioners. It is probable that the majority of' employes of the city will receive ln- , creases, but it will not be on a per- -centage that the rate is based. r SUNDAY SHINE FORBIDDEN:;, Spokane Prepares to Wear 4irty Shoes to Church. SPOKANE. Wash.. Sept. 11 Sun day -shines" were forbidden today in : notices sent proprietors of shining parlors . from the city halL Pro-' prietors said employes who have been objecting to working on Sunday had complained to the city authorities. The stands will be closed under' Sunday closing ordinance, it wae t nounced. Beaver at Home in Millpoiwl. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Sept. 11. Spe cial.) "Old Bach" is the name em ployes of the Oregon Lumber company vailing discount under whet prices makes j at Dee have applied to a beaver that sDeculatlve purchases look attractive. Provisions Were again supported by local packers with Large sales of cash lard and ribs reported. It is not hard to see where the owners of the tremendous amount of cash lard in Chicago would Tike to maintain prices, but the consump tive demand fox the actual lard appears makes his home In the millpond. The animal is seen almost daily swimming about the big pond or disporting him self on logs. The beaver will fre quently ride a big log until it is seized by the teeth of a cable and started on its journey to the saws. Local Railroad Advances Rates. Improvement m General Credit Situation . Shown by French Underwriting. NEW TORK. Sept. 11. Conspicuous fea tures of an otherwise uninteresting and imfMain wwk in th. stock market were furnished by the successful lssus or the for auditor, treasurer or engineer. new French government loan ana stesay decitne of foreign exchange, particularly sterling. T V. .. . Ami,,. nnMinvtral riviTnnmRti were accompanied br extensive Imports of) COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Sept. 11. gold, most or which doubtless la to be I (Special.) The Oregron Pacific & applied to th. payment by France of I Eastern railway, operating a local her hair or tne Angio-r rencn war uota-1 fresnl aI1(i passenger and Jogging; 4.1. .r.. ." w i. road up the Row river valley, has fol underwriting removed all doubt in the lowed the larger roads ln announcing mlncln of financial interests that a turn advances in freight and passenger for tha better has come, not only in the rates of 25 per cent and 20 per cent responsive aimuue pi investors, itui aiso i respectively, effective today. 1 .1 III-, .1 .- o.t i r.ii i mi u.iivii Time money held at 84 to 9 per cent. CoppeTS benefited moderately by the re tention of existing dividends. Authoritative reviews of general trade 1 19 Holstelns Bring $15,000. MAKSHF1ELD, Or.. Sept. 11. (Spe- ccndltlons referred to a more hopeful feel- cial ) A aa)e or Holstein cattle held Ultf tit inxi; itiir v 1 1 1 1 er, ubbu uii assurance or abundant crops. -Advices from purely manufacturing eenteri, how ever, were of a le opt i mint tc character. JAY GIBSON here today brought excellent prices. Nineteen head sold for $15,000. L. J Sinipson paid $2350 for a 2-year-old heifer and Herbert Haynes of Coos riv.r hmie-ht Onp.en Sef is Plvrlft Dplffil RESIGNS) for 2000- Mr. Simpson's buy was VjaKesuaie Loia.ui.iia junnans. Xew Project to Bo Viewed. ..... WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept. 11.- (Special.) A. P. Davis, director of the IT. S. reclamation service, will be In' Pasco Sunday to inspect the proposed Five-Mile dam project. Representa tive Summers will meet him and to g-ether they will look over the project, under which thousands of acres of. land in Walla Walla and Franklin counties would be irrigated. Columbia river . . . Puget sound Coart streams British Columbia Alaska Total Plus carry-over Available 1020 ... Packing 1318 Short of 1918... 'O0.1MM1 2011.0(H) 73. OOO l.OOO.OOH 3. 500. 01K) 5.4TVOOO l.OOO.OOO B.47.1.0O0 9.6 1.193 1-3.48 1.GR7.707 Packing 1919 Apparent shortage, fully covered bv sales of United States gov ernment to canners and foreign governments, and carried from 1B18 Packing 1918 9. OKI. 193 The Columbia river pack includes larcre auantitv of halves, four dozen, which should be reduced to full cases, two for one, reducing materially the output in full cases. Decline In Sugar Expected. The oplglon prevailed in grocerv circles that sugar price, would be reduced by the California refiners ln the coming week. In some quarters it wss thought the de cline would amount to $2 a bag Rain May Damage Prunes. EUGEXE, Or., Sept. 11. (SoeciaLV The rain of the past two days will benefit the apple crop, but will be disastrous to the prune crop if it continues, according to C. E. Stewart, county fruit Inspector. VV. WILL SELb 50 Amer. Lifeojrraph . .$20.04 2UU0 Alaska Pet roleum & Coal Co 2000 Idaho Gold & Ruby Ming 5000 Baker Steam Motor 50 Lombert Tire & Rubber 2000 Queets Tradine Co. 3d racmc states rire 21.60 50 Western Rubber Co .Sptcinl , 2000 Mike Henry Oil Co .12 i iouo Koyaity oc rroauc- ers 100 Hecla Mining 500 Gates Oil 500 Boston Wyo 50 Commonw ealth Finance Pfd. ... 100 Elgin Motors. .. 200 Allen OiL .17 1S .06 8.00 09. .35 4.50 .98 1.20 65.00 9.50 1.15 Liberty Bond, and Inllted Storks a Specialty. r ESTABLISHED I OS.. . STOCKS and BON DS. Main 2SS. Railway Exchange Bldg. Members Chicago Board of Trade. Riot Jury Finds 16 Bills. John 43. Fralik. Xanied to Succeed Idalio Commissioner. DEWER. SeDt. 11. The countv BJl t. lOa., Sept. ll. t&pecial.) 1 1,,rv nrnhinf rlntinsr rrnwlnr Announcement is made of tbe resig- out 0r the strike- of street railway nation of Jay Gibson, commissioner of trainmen reported in court today to commerce and industry, and of his return 16 additional true bill. Judec successor's appointment by Governor j Hersey delivered a new charge, in- U. w. Jjavis. structine them to investigate allea-ed Mr. Gibson's resignation was sub-1 frauds in the primaries, to be held mittea to tne governor August zu, here next Tuesday, wun tne request mat r.e oe renevea by September 10, in order that he I Phone your want ads to Tbe Orego j might devote full time to hia duties clan. Main "070, Automatic 660- PLAN DECLARED NO BLUFF Voters Known as Xon-Partisan Sympathisers to Be Challenged. SPOKANE. Wash., Sept. 11. (Spe cial.) The plan to challenge voters known to be in sympathy with the farmers Kon-partisan league and the farmer-labor party is not idle talk, according to a statement made today by Ren H. Rice, campaign manager for Representative Webster in his fight against Thomas Corkery to be renamed to congress. "If the members of these radical organizations think we are bluffing on- the challenging proposition they OVERBEGK & COOKE CO. Broker. Storks. Bonds. CUM, Grain. Et& tlO-117 BOAKU Of IKADE BLXo. UV.UMKHH CHICAGO gtOAJUi of IKAllg MEMBERS. Corresprntdenta t Lgas 4s Bryaat Clalcag and Xi fork. New Xork Stock Exchange Cuicago Stock KichaagSk 13 ton Stock Exchange. Chicago Board mt Trade. Kow Xork Cotton Eichssf. Kew Orleaas aottoa Exebaojns New ork Coffee Kaetutago. Xew Xork Prodiseo Exchange. Liverpool Cottoo Association. Industrial and Commercial BUILDINGS DESIGNED AND BUILT ERTZ & WEGMAN GENERAL CONTRACTORS 651 PITTOCK BLOCK i BuoosailliMWUl nUlstmnHlli W I'll 105.5v