The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 12, 1920, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Battle More Than Half Over,
Nothing Accomplished.
Ket urn Prom West Awaited ' by
Those Who Clinched Nomination,,
- With faith Xet Tnvraverlng.
m Continuei3 Kro-m Ffrrst Paw.)
accomplishing any more than this
'With his campaign fund charges, it is
that much more than I expected.
Three Issues Possible to Cox,
Turn now to the more permanent
Issues of the campaign.
Cox bad three possible Issues: One
was the league of nations; another
's "progressivism." including bis
own record as governor of Ohio; the
third was the "wet" issue.
These three issues he had and still
has. The original intention of his
backers; of thos who brought about
his nomination, was to play the "wet"
issue strongiy. They had no stomach
for the league of nations 6r for any
thing else associated with Wilson.
They were "wets" and they Intended
to make a "wet" campaign. They be
lieved tliat was the only chance for
the democrats to get anywhere this
year. They believed that issue pre
sented an opportunity to make in
roads in what they used to call in
terms of military strategy "the repub
lican eastern salient" New Jersey.
New Tork, Connecticut, Rhode Island,
Maryland and possibly one or two
other states.
Wtt" Issue Sidetracked.
That was the programme- of Cox's
backers. But Immediately after his
nomination it was apparent that Cox
was not willing to embrace the "wet"
iasue as openly and exclusively as his
backers desired. Whether his refusal
to cs on with the "wet" programme
was temporary or permanent, whether
It was principle or caution, remains
to be seen. At this writing the "wet"
democrats still entertain the hops
that Cox, after he finishes his west
ern trip and comes Into the east early
in October, will adopt the "wet" issue.
The- "dry" democrats, on the other
hand, are urging him right now to re
pudiate the "wet" leaders who helped
to nominate him. At the present writ
ing Cox has not made this decision.
He must make It soon. In my judg
ment this "wet" versus "dry" issue is
going to- cut a large figure in the
closing days of the campaign.
In any event, at the beginning,
among his three possible issues. Ctx
first chose the league of nations. He
visited President Wilson at the White
House, and that visit -was the cause
of much irritation to those backers
who bad got him the nomination and
who tnousht they were entitled to
have something to say about the con
duct of the campaign. Cox embraced
the league fully. To the surprise of
muny and the dismay of some, he
muuu the league of nations the bur
den of his acceptance speech - The
first half hour of that speech was
devoted -wholly to that topic; no other
topic got more than a fraction of as
much emphesis.
Scandal Merely Interlude.
All the rreeches Cox made during
August were about equally divided
between tht league of nations and
p regress! vlsm. That is the record up
to the lime fate presented him wlto.
the earn on' gn fund scandal. As I have
said before, 1 think the campaign
fund scsrdal, in the beginning at
least, bad merely the status in Cox's
min-i of an accidental interlude.
I exi eet to see Cox. on his western
trip for the coming month, play two
strings thu league of nations and
progressivism. Both these issues ar
popular in the west. If he really suc
ceeds In -stArting something" In the
wot with either or both of there
issues, he will stick to tha't line right
un to the election. But I doubt
whetehr Cox will succeed in stirring
"Wonderfully tempting' dishes '
may be served for luncheon
or dinner by combining fresh
fruits 'with
Red Rock
Unless you have eaten "Red
Rock" you cannot know how
really delicious and health
ful it is.
TouTl Like
Red Rock"
Wit Cam
R. W.
110 Sixth St.
up the -west to the point of any rea
sonable eyptctaticr of carrying that
ter.-.tory. The reason is that the west
is suspicious oi Cox because of the
character of some of the forces which
Save him his roirinatlon.
Strategic Change ExpeetM.
"If Cox does trot succeed in the West
with either the league of nations or
procrresslvlsm. and If the camnalsrn-
fitnd scandal does not stick as a major
issue, then I expect to see a sharp
change of strategy as soon as Cox
nas completed his western trip and
starts into the east, about October 1.
If a political critic may venture so
much, I- think there -was one issue on
which progress could have been made
and might still be made against the
republican ground-swell.- That.-issue
is progresslvisra. Cox is. a progres
sive. Harding himself says he is con.
servative. and takes pride in the fact.
Harding doesn't object to being called
a stand-patter. Harding Is conserva
tive almost to -the-point where con
servatism Is a religion withhim.
Whenever be expresses his belief -in
conservatism he falls Into a kind of
emotional fervor Harding" would
never divide, the progressive is
sue with Cox, nor dispute it with him.
Harding is 100 per cent conservative.
As- between Harding and Cox,-on this
issue there is no overlapping and no
middle ground. On this Issue the two
candidates are in sharp and undisput
ed contrast.
One Issue Holds Oat Hope.
This was and still Is the Issue that
holds out most hope for Cox. Every
body knows that during the past year
rather more than a majority of the
people have come to be dubious about
the league of nations In the form In
which it now stands. Also most peo
ple feel confident that the republicans,
if they are successful, will join some
sort, of league of nations. A good
many of us believe that the kind
of league of nations which Cox, If
he were elected, would be able to get
the senate to ratify and Would lead
the country Into does not differ much
from the kind of league the country
will ultimately enter if Harding is
elected. There is a difference in the
mental attitude of the two candidates
but, speaking generally, on the league
of nations the issue Is blurred.
Yet I should not want to go too
far in minimizing the possibility of
the league of nations becoming a
most acute issue In this campaign,
with the sharpest sort of line-up
on it. Certain modifications in the
republican attitude which are just
now taking place will have much to
do with this.
. Piimmlili Best Bet.
But on progresslvlsm, there Is no
overlapping and no blurring. Every
body In Ohio gives Cox credit for a
thoroughly progressive administra
tion. When Cox became governor of Ohio
there were more than 50,000 lawsuits
in Ohio courts between employers and
employes over personal injuries. Fifty
thousand lawsuits between two
classes In the community comes close
to being a kind of suppressed civil
war. Today Governor Cox tells me
there are not five such suits.' It may
have been generally forgotten, but it
is a significant fact that the year
Cox became governor of Ohio was the
year the doctrine of "the recall of
judical decisions" arose and the place
it arose was the capital of Ohio. Co-
Cork Floor Prodncts Co.
202 Broadway, Near Taylor
. g
lifts t . j ffe 4 !&3.iag3iSjB 1
lumbus. For the disappearance of that
klnd-of radical unrest. Cox's friends
believe his administration la respon
sible. State Ripe for Reform.
To be sure not all republicans in
Ohio admit that Cox is entitled to the
whole- credit for the progressive pro-
frammA In that atatA Thpv sav the
'sentiment had been worked up for it.
that the state was ripe for It, and
that it would have come about under
any other man as governor. ' I have
never made more than a superficial
Inquiry, but I am convinced that Cox
Is entitled to credit as a progressive
Of course It Is true that It would
have been difficult for progressive
voters to overlook some of Cox' present-backers
and some of the forces
that gave him, his nomination. Be
cause of the "wet" nature of much of
Cox's Intimate support,, roost of the
members of the old progressive party
are sticking to Harding, distatesful as
Harding's nomination- was to them:
Nevertheless. I think that Cox's best
issue was and still Is progresslvlsm.
and his own progressive record as
governor of Ohio. '
Uphill Fln-ht Dlaeoaraglnav
Any candid and thorough review of
the situation must conclude that Cox
has a -discouraging uphill fight.
Things have been running in favor
of the republicans for more than two
years ever since the congressional
election of 1910. This is due to many
causes, chief of which is widespread
distrust of the administrative ca
pacity of the democratic party.
I cannot see that Cox so far has
made- any appreciable headway
against that current. And Cox Is aN
most alone In the effort. The demo
crats have very little organization,
few resources and scanty funds. Their
shortcomings in this respect are not
so, much a virtue as they would like
to make out. They are due largely
to bad management.- Just at this
moment there are some signs that
this condition may be overcome, but
the time remaining Is very short.
(Copyright, 1920, by New Tork Even
lng Post.)
One-Act Plays May Be Produced
Under Post's Auspices.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept. 11.
(Special.) A "little theater" move
ment for Aberdeen will be launched
within the next few weeks by the
American Legion post here, it was
announced last night.
' The legion is considering presen
tation of several of Lord Dunsany's
one-act plays, as well as works of the
modern Russians and selections from
the repertory of the Grand Guignol
of Paris. Scenic effects will be
handled as nearly as possible in the
manner of Josef Urban and Max Rein
hard t.
The legion post Is considering plans
for this year's" armistice day ball, to
be held in the Electric park pavilion.
The ball will be very elaborate in appointments.
Dancing tonight, Columbia Beach, I
Fleming's 10-plece orchestra, 7 to I
11:20. Take Vancouver car. Fifth,
Washington. Broadway, direct to
beach- every 15 minutes. Adv.
Hot- Air I TofcHMr
u i 'I'm i Hi'iM'i'
-T J J Ml
M !! ' j 1 U
i- ! 't! mt
Ir.N 4r i I I, Cp&Crp 1 j a,
W; Gal Gar & -
'Sit II . : Burner turner ft t -it
Here's the New Gas
Burning Pipeless Furnace
It's laborless odorless smokeless.
It's simple and easy to operate no more
wood or coal to-juggle.
It's built of steel, copper and galvanized iron
with asbestos linings.
It's equipped with "Hi-Intensity" Burners
that generate nearly 1600 degrees of heat.
Before putting in winter fuel have Edwards .
measure the cubic feet of space in your house
and tell you what this gas-burning pipeless
f umace costs to operateyou'll be surprised
Installed on Conveniently
Arranged Easy Terms
No Interest
AGood PfaceTo Tradi
Easy-Terms - No Interest
On. terms to fit your Individual requirement. ?o Interest charged either. InltlmV
payment on tna four rooms full of fusnlturc only
gas; l-;J'l ''iiT-re-y1"5''.'!
Living Room
Dining Room
Library Table with book racks as shown; top
is 24x38 Inches (quartered oak); the two rockers
on the left are also exactly like the picture;
arm chair has been replaced with a beautiful
rocker that is upholstered with genuine leather.
Beautiful suite, finished In hand-rubbed golden
wax to match the living-room pieces. . Table has
45-inch quarter-sawed oak plank top that ex
tends to 6 feet. The chairs have 3-slat backs
and they're solid oak, too.
' A. A SI. Karnghensian Co.' Lakewood
Fine Wilton Rugs
SUe .3xlO.B, now at
They are all new and neat up-to-date patterns,
too. Ton may have intended to spend only about
J75 for a rug, but if service is considered you will
readily invest a few dollars extra. Five patterns to
select from aad the saving on each Is over $20.
Other Very Attractive
Values in Rugs
9x12 Shah Abbas Wilton Rugs Ciri'T Cft
(two only) , JiJ .i-J
9x12 Fine Wool Velvet Rugs J CO 7R
(four onlv) 1 V0 I J
9x12 Medium Weight Wool Velvet fl AQ Cfl
Rugs (two only) J
9x12 Axminster R-ugs. both seamed and seam
less. A large assortment from
$56.75 to $89.50
and seamless
This is the beauty: Lustered old Ivory enamel,
hand decorated with "Moss Roses and Foliage"
In oil. It's In the window today see it. If de
sired you- can have the same suite hand deco
rated with Blue Birds and Blossoms.
The Table Is far better than the illustration
shows. In construction the four Windsor-back
chairs are quite identical to the illustration. All
are finished In white enamel, the same as the
table base. Tou can have either round or square
top table.
9x12 Brussels Rugs, both seamed
In variety from
$44.50 to $57.50
Armstrong's Inlaid Linoleum, per fitC
yard OfaiOJ
Armstrong's Print Linoleum, per $1 65
Genuine Linoleum Rugs, slse 6x9, $12 75
Terms to fit your requirement arranged on floor
coverings as well as on furniture.
Sleepwell Mattresses
$25 and $31
$5 Cash, $1 Week, No Interest
Here are great, big, downy, felted, cotton matresses that
weigh 50 pounds. Full size; filled with first quality cotton felt,
built layer upon layer; imperial rolled edges and double stitched;
boxings are reinforced with special grade of long-fiber cotton.
Sleepwell mattresses are guaranteed not to lump or shift. Try
one for two moaths. If it's not as stated, send it back.
Edwards fully expected to announce the name of the
new Gas Burning Pipeless Furnace today, but about
2000 people suggested names and some of these suggested
as many as a dozen; that each suggestion receive the
careful consideration due it no selection has as yet been
made; it . will take until next Thursday s or Friday an
nouncement will be made on this page next Sunday.
Every Lover of "The Home
Beautiful" Should Make a De
termined Effort to Attend This
Early Fall Exhibition and
Sale of
Mahogany With Cane
and Luxurious Overstuffed,
Exquisitely Upholstered
With Velours and
Single pieces, also two and
three-piece Matched Suites. One
four-piece Tapestry Overstuffed
Suite that was procured by Ed-;;
wards at a special discount from
the manufacturer, as it was dis
. played in the Buyers' Week Ex
0 ; .
ft, -r-"--.T1fc.- ,.H i J...-.q.-,.-v"v,,-.,, Tj
Easy Terms, No Interest, Arranged to Fit Your Individual Requirement, Even Though
- Prices Have Been Reduced.
Use Both Ovens and Both Tops at the Same Time if You Like no Restrictions What
ever When Your Home Is Served With the
Vesta Combination Range
Yes! The Vesta Is Two Separate and Distinct Ranges Built Together Upon One Base
Outfit Complete
Which includes the model illustrated in waxed
oak, Jumed oak or mahogany at
$20 Cash $3 Week No Interest.
This model is built with the new oval horn
and The Ultona that plays all disc records
without changing attachments.
Outfit consists of: Brunswick illustrated in
any finish twelve 10-inch double-faced rec
ords (24 selections), two Pa the Ball Points,
one Edison Jewel Point, 200 steel needles, rec
ord album, record brush, bottle tone clear, oil
can and bottle of oil.
Edwards has a complete line' of Branswicks,
even the decorated Black Lacquer and the Ital
ian Renaissance Period. ..
I'",M' g'"at-,y "t''''' iiS-'"'-"i-'","V.
Edwards will install it with hot
water coils and gas connected on the
convenient terms of
$25 cash
$3 week
No interest
.Your old stove taken as part, too.
Vital facts you must not overlook.
They're pleasing, too!
4-lid wood and coal cooking top.
t-burner and simmer gas top.
18xl8-inch wood and coal baking
18xl6-inch gas baking oven.
Gas-fire lighter (no more kind
lings). All nickel trimmings are plain (no
grease catching scrolls), white
enamel splashers on back and oven
door, broiler underneath the gas
oven. Same burner heats (both) gas
oven and broiler.