THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAK", PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 5, 1920 m'rvif1 ' r -trrzrr- H&j" K - - , : - Ssjfc ' ' :sfi;.?. ,r j TWIN ROCKS, Or., Sept. 4. (Spe cial.) Visitors at the beach this season have been impressed with the great number and variety of wild birds to be found in the vicinity of the ocean. Every socles of Oregon bird named in "Birds of the Northwest" has been identified here this summer, and there have been two varieties seen which local bird lovers have not been able to identify by any author ity. Last winter four wild white swans alighted for a short time on Spring lake, which has long- been a noted haunt of wild ducks in the autumn. Odd-est of all is the statement made by residents that nearly all of the varieties of wild birds, now compar atively common at. this beach, have made, their appearance here within the 'last nine years. 'Mrs. J. F. Shreeve of Dufur is spending a fortnight's outing at Wat eco.. tmerson Orth of Bar View was a isrt6'r at this beach last week. Miss Irene Hawks and Frederick C. Wilson, both of Walla Walla, ar-, rived during the past week to be the gruests of Mrs. Fred Wilson at her cottage on the ridge. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Oxman and William Duggan, all of Portland, are established at Rock View Villa for a ahort outing. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Gassett of Fort rand are among the visitors at Wat Bee o. Mrs. Frank J. McGettigaT and Miss Ruble Goulet left for their homes in Portland Tuesday after an extended outing at the McGettigan cottage, "VlUa. do Joffre. Mrs. J. B. McKinstry and daughter fend Miss Marion McKinstry of Port land arrived for an extended vacation at . the Markell cottage last week. With Mrs. McKinstry were her guests, Mrs. O. L. Bloomfield and son, Bob bie Bloomfield, Mrs. Henry Brammer and Miss Lillian Russler. Mrs. E. B, Drew and Alfred Drew bf Portland are here for a short stay. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Gilbert of Seattle are spending a brief vacation at this beach. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Catton and Mil red Catton, with Mrs. A. R. Conn, all cf Portland, and F. L. Ayer of San Francisco are domiciled for the com irifr fortnight at Rock View Villa. Mrs. Opal Elliott Hiett of Portland Is the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Van. Scyoc. Mrs. W. J. Forrester, Miss L. M. Forrester and Frank Forrester, all of Portland, were among the arrivals at Twin Rocks last week. J. F. Sedgwick and son John of "Portland arrived here Friday, having hiked in from Seaside. They stopped at the Nehalem river to troll for ealmon and succeeded In capturing one weighing 29 pounds.- Mrs. Sedg wicR arrived Saturday, and the party will remain for ten days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Comstock. SEASIDE CONTINUES POPULAR Bcsort "Will Keep Open During September and Until Fall. SEASIDE, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.) Tftis beach resort, being an incor porated city, will naturally not as- EUme the proportions of the average summer resort, closing its season with LCDor-aay iesuvities. n the con trary! Seaside is witnessing a .wave of unbroken popularity and this is calculated to continue during Septem ber and welf into the fall months. Many lolk rent their own cottages during the summer months, and then come' themselves to the beach when the crowds have thinned. Hotel Sea side is an all-the-year-round hotel and provides every comfort for vis itrs coming late to the beach. Res ervations are big for Labor day. and wjjile some of the lesser and arti ficial'attractlons, such as the merry-go-round and Ferris wheel and such so-called attractions, are closed, the season here is by no means ended, add every incoming train brings transients and cottagers to take the praces of the ones leaving, - Mrs. William Cake has gone back to: Portland after a little visit with her daughter, Mrs. William Huesner, in her beasiae home, trior to her so Journ here Mrs. Cake had gone with friends for a tour of British Colum bia summer resorts and a trip through itamier parK. Misses Kate Sherman and Freda Barnes will return to Portland on Latvor. day, after a summer at Sea BlSe.r --Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lduls' Tetu, with their son, nave taken Miss Da man's' cottage near Necanicum Inn for Seottinber. Mrr and Mrs. Percy W. Blanchard. wfth" Thomas C Blanchard, are guests at -Necanicum inn. 'Mlsa Marjorie MacKinnon of the ' O.-W. R. & N. office force was a week-end guest of the Misses Casey In their handsome beach home. Ocean side. Miss MacKinnon was the inspi ration for several informal social af fairs d,uring her stay; at Seaside, , . i ' iii v i- - rs i among which was a clambake given for her by Miss Nina Malia. who is a guest at Oceansid. Mrs. Martha Cole, with Eleanor M. Shaw of Tacoma, are new arrivals at Necanicura Inn. Miss May Sullivan, accompanied by Miss Mary Mohl, are among the guests for early September at Ocean side. Miss Sullivan was here earlier in the season for a fortnight's visit. Leland J. Sarks. with Mrs. Sparks and their baby, of Portland, accom panied by Mrs. A. M. Burits of Cor nelius, Or., arrived In their car and stopped at the Rollins last week.- An other motor party which joined Mr. Sparks' family later was Mr. and Mrs. R. L. . Charleston, who also stopped at the. Rollins. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Thompson, with Mr. Thompson's father, A. M. Thomp son, and Miss Thompson were recent guests at the Rollins hotel. Mrs. Hannah, with her daughter Dorothy Hannah, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Foott, arrived in their car on a tour of Clatsop beach points and stayed at the Rollins hotel. Miss Helen Meyers, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Meyers, are recent arrivals at Oceanside. Mrs. N. Goodman will remain at Hotel Seaside throughout September. Mrs. Maurice Goodman, with her small daughter Betty, have a cottage and they, too, will remain through Sep tember. Miss Kate Porter, with her sister, i Miss Fannie Porter, made a visit to Seaside last . week and stayed at Oceanside. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Rowley, with their children, Jean Ellen and Le Roy Kowley, accompanied by Mrs. Mohl, made 'a trip to Astoria for a day's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Buewell" of Portland, with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Buswell of Los Angeles, were at Hotel Seaside last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Caswell ar rived at Hotel Seaside last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nelson of Port land were guests at Hotel Seaside last week. Jason McCune has soent the .sum mer at Seaside and will remain until mid-September, when he goes to Portland and later to the University of Oregon. Mr. McCune has had guests at various times during the season, and last week entertained Lot Baty and Duke Rummel. The latter has gone to Long Beach for a brief visit with his family, which is vaca tioning at Ocean park. Jack RIvenberg, Jimmy Forestel, Jack Hering and Bill Wiggins went back to Portland by automobile last week, following a summer vacation at Seaside. A party of Portlanders who came by motor to Hotel Seaside last week included in its personnel Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd, M. L. Thompson and Henry Judd. Fannie G. Porter and Kate L Porter were guests at Hotel Seaside last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hall of Portland were at Hotel Seaside last week. Guests at Hotel Seaside from Port land last week include C. C. Bechtal, R. H. Tomlinson. L. Clifford, J. B. Grossens, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, E. S. -Jellowa, R. K. Jones, Florence D. Ayer, L. M. Briggs, F. G. Lawrence, George E. Zweifel, Fred A; Kribs, Ben Neustadter, C. T. Haas, Mrs. R. M. Gordon, Jacob Rosenthal. Mrs. D. Dunsworth, Edrea Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jackson, Emma Henkle, Mrs. F. Kribs. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brill, W. P.. Dickey, H. O. Voget, Helen U. Budd. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Porter, Sol Stiller. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cum. mings. Phil Harris. Mrs. B. Pallay. Mrs. M. F. Butler, Bertha Gale, Alma Klum, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Howe and son, Mrs. William A. Shea, Lee B. McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. George fcrtaw, Mrs. w. H. Norman and child Mr. and Mrs. T. V; Sandahl and son Vincent. Guests at Hotel Seaside from points other than Portland last week were Ben R. Neblett, Pasco. Wash.; John f. Hint Jr., Walla Walla; Dr. R. W. Tennant, Spokane; F. P. Hamel. Seattle; J. C. French, Dufur. Or.; James P. Clancy, Vancouver, Wash.; John Hanrahan, Indianapolis. Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dowd, Mr, and Mrs. J. Wertgen, Parkdale. Or.; Mrs. C P. Bishop. Salem; C. M. Bishop, Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Camp bell, Multnomah, Or.; Gladys Irvine Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Arsdall, Kitchell, Ind.; Mr., and Mrs. Albert F. Wilson, Lebanon, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Riddle, Boise, Idaho: Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenwood, Bull Run, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. M. Fame, Glenns Ferry, Idaho; Dr. and Mrs. L. Maclennan Raymond, Wash.; Lee Johnson, Kerry, Or.; Dick Gross. Walla Walla; Max H. Sommer, San Francisco: Mrs. W. E. Gilbert. Wichita Falls, Tex.; Kath erine Kendall, Providence, R. I. Frank A. Rhodes, Tacoma; I. V. Mackintosh, Seattle; S. J. Truthard, Seattle: J. C. ' Clark, Sacramento Harold Richmond. Walla Walla: Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Nayberger, McMlnn ville. Or.; Mrs. J. L. Schelmer and children, Seattle; Mrs. K. A. Harrison, Seattle: Mrs. A. B. Thomson, rith iilna Harrison, Echo. , Guests at the Rollins hotel from Portland last week were V. Swlgert, Mr., and Mrs. H. R. Jonaberg, E. W. McLean. Mrs. Don R. Bloyd, George H. Fitzgibbon. Mrs. Stephen H. Moesch and son, F. Burroughs, H. E. Llndsey, E. L. Zimmer, J. E. Keneflck, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Frey. J. B. O'Shea, A. 'M. Hand. Walter Scott, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. A.rnell. Miss Zell Cramby, Mr. and ,Mrs. Edward R. Poot, Mrs. Marie L. Thearle, Mrs. James Trail, M. Brodecky, C. A. Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Jenkins. J. C. Welch. Guests at the Rollins from points other than Portland were M. E. Welch, Rainier; Dan A. West. Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reed. Hood River, who came Jn their car; N. McWallace and family of Wallace, Idaho; E. J. Bor deaux, Olympia; Major E. J. McClung, Fort Stevens; J. M. O'Donnell, Bea verton, and Jessie Leiser, Vancouver, Wash. Others at Neeanicum Inn are Ned M. Frame, Ed Clark, J. Hamper and Mrs. Thomas Connell. GEAR HART SEASON" CLOSES Opening of Schools Brings Fami lies Back to City. GEARHART. Or., Sept. 4. (Spe cial.) With the rains which trailed in the wake of the tennis tournament and the postponement or cancellation of various events of lesser importance plus the general exodus of families with children to send to school, the beach season here has automatically clo&ed. The natatorium has Deen closed, and Mille Schloth is vacation ing at Seaside and Cannon Beach motoring over from Gearhart. The natatorium will open on two evenings each week for swimming parties, but with Miss Schloth's departure the in struction and inspiration ceases. Horseback riding too. has been brought to an end with the closing of the stables maintained by James Nicol. Ten of his own horses were taken to Portland last week and Mr. Nicol and Douglas Nicol will take the others of their own and those belonging to Gearhart riders, up to Portland this next week. Many folk who love the September days at Gearhart will ar rive to spend that month at this beau tiful beach. The transient visitins here Is necessarily light because there is only one small rooming house to accommodate guests, aside from the Y. W. C. A. camp, which Is, of course, maintained for girls only. It is an ticipated that the splendid new hotel will be ready for occupancy next season. Two parties marked the closing days of Gearhart's summer season. Both,, by a happy coincidence were in observation of birthdays of two of the young girls who have spent the summer here. One was in honor of Elinor Dittenhofer's 16th birthday and the other was for Flora McBrlde's 16th birthday. The guest list included the same names. Jane Talbot. Eloise Fleischner of Seaside, Helen 'Parker, Frances Prudhomme, Douglas Nicol, Norbert Cavanaugh, John Piper, Ben Reed, Jack Marshall. Jack Dougherty, Jack Grossmayer, Ambrose Cronin and Richard Lang, with the hostesses in each event. Miss Dittenhofer and MiEsJtfcBride. One party, that of Miss McBnde was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McBride, and was in the nature of a "hard times gathering in which the guests assembled to dance and play- games, wearing assorted, misfit and patched garments. Miss Dittenhofer s party began witn a dance "at the Bungalow at Seaside tollowed by a visit to the "movies" and a supper at the home of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. I. Lang at Gearhart. Miss Dittenhofer, with her brother, Billie, will go up to Portland on Labor day for a brief stay before returning to their home in St. PauL Berne Howard is the guest of the E. J. Frohmans. Mrs. Erskine Wood and children who have been visiting the David T. Honeyman's. are now guests of Mrs. George Low. Miss Florence i the guest of the Dow J. Zanes. Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Otto, with their daughter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Don Henderson, are return ing to Portland after a summer at Gearhart. The cottage of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Otto has been taken by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mueller, who are spending their honeymoon at Gearhart. Mrs. Mueller, who was Miss Gertrude Buehler, a Portland teacher In the public schools, is Mrs. Otto s sister. Upon Mr. and Mrs. Mueller's return to Portland they will go to Chicago to make their home. Mrs. M. E. Reed and her daughter, Josephine, are visiting Mrs. H. Nicolal A group, cf Spokane folk who are domiciled in a cottage here for early September include Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. J. H. Klrkley Is visiting Mrs. E. M. Bergen. ' Mrs. H. L. Powers is the guest of Mrs. C. E. Grelle. Mrs. Grelle'a father, J. H. Henry, has returned home. Casper, Kirk and Bruce Casper, Mrs. Sarah Reese. Miss -Cecilia Gagnon and Miss Anna Meiners. Mrs. John Klostermaa is a recent arrival. Mrs. C. D. Brunn and Mrs. R. H. Prael are visiting Mrs. F. E. Mackey. Misa Bessie Bell and Maxwell Chambers and Eleanor Chambers are at Gearhart. Mrs. Gerald Beebe and children who have been spending the summer at Ocean Home Farm stopped at Gear hart en route home. Mrs.-A. M. Kinney of Astoria (for merly Lillian Morgan of Portland), has as guest3, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lemons (Grace O'Neill) of Portland. The Kinneys are occupying Boscebel, their summer home at Gearhart. Mrs. Kinney is expecting her sister, Mrs. Owen Summers with her children to 'spend September .with her at Gear hart. Mrs. Summers, who was Mil dred Morgan, and her husband. Cap tain Owen Summers, are stationed now at the Vancouver barracks. For merly they were at Camp Lewis. Dr. James Zan and his two daugh ters. Mary Louise and Elizabeth, are at Teebegs. They spent the summer at Tagg's farm. Edith Marshall Is a guest of Mrs. Bert MacKay. Helen and Genese Parker have been entertaining a house party, the per sonnel or which was Pauline Dick, Helen Carman, ' Katherine Wilcox. James Lively, Frans Drinker, Jack mvenoerg and Walter Holman. Omar Henderson, with his sister. Miss Mitzi, were summer vacationists at Gearhart. An unusually enjoyable beach party waa that given Thursday night by Miss Frances Prudhomme in Gear hart to about 28 young people, who enjoyed Coney Island's "hot dogs" and coffee cooked on a huge bonfire. Aiierwaraa the guests indulged in games and dancing by moonlight on the beach to the music of a victrola. umiss prudhomme s guests were: Anne Adams. RTIm ri.iu.hi,., v. . i. - Bhull, Dorothy Dunne. Helen' Parker, Marlon Norman, Mary Ferguson. Flora Idc Tr. ',XRDet" arreu. Kllnor Drttenhof. MlVre?tmUH!BJonMS,' ?: ! Brombur. John Piper, Kirk Caspar, Bruce Casper. James Brouxher. Rnrfv T3, D - Jack Hering, James Forestel, Jack Mar- j hall. Jack Grossmeyer, Carl Hubekoat. Lougias Hicol and Lawrence Uppenhouse. STORM LEVELS BEACH TEXTS Cottagers Who Planned on Staring Late Return Home. CANNON BEACH. Or.. Sent 4 (Special.) The recent and totally un expected storm of a week ago sent home a number of cottagers who had planned to remain through Septem ber. The storm was unusual for August and literally came out of a fair and smiling sky. It did its only damage to the tents and small cot tages, but trees were broken down and a heavy rain following chilled tne vacation ardor of the colonists to the extent that they packed up and hurried home. Transient travel, however, remains heavy, and the hotels will continue to house guests until late falL September and Oc tober are lovely months at- this beach. . - . . Mrs. W. H. Ross has as guests her mother, Mrs. H- R.' Powell, and her sister. Miss Lenore Powell, both of Albany, Or. Other guests in the home of Mrs. Ross at her cottage "Rossey rie" are Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cavender of Porland. , Mrs. Hattie Fielding of Santa, Monica- is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lamphere. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Murphy are at Ecola Inn. H. O. Voget Is here. Freda Christenson and Bess . E. Jones are registered at Ecola Inn from Salem. Jack O'Donnell Is here. A party-of motorists stopping at Ecola Inn are Dr. I. D. Latimer with Mrs. Latimer and their . small daugh ter and Mr. and Mrs. -A. J. Thorp. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Fitzpatrlck re turned to Portland after a two months visit at Cannon Beach. Jobn Bittner, who was a guest at the Fitzpatrlck home, returned with them. Margaret Peterson, who has been visiting Florence. Graydon, has gone home. Miss- Graydon will remain a while longer. A house party of Astortans in progress at the Mansur home on Cannon. Beach includes in its per sonnel Miss Grace Hammerstrom Miss Alice Wilson, Miss Beatrice Barker, Miss Doris Hoeffler, Miss Wenona Dyer, Miss Zoe Allen, Miss Nellie Tenbrook, Miss Florence Grif fin. Miss Bernice Daviee, Miss Frances Dunbar. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bickel are here. Mrs. Arthur Murray; Sherwood with' her two children, Albert and Lydia E. Sherwood, are new arrivals. Mrs. J. Lang-man and child are new comers. Arthur Lacey and Herbert Lacey of Spokane are at Cannon Beach. Among the new arrivals are Harold Oberg with Ovedia Oberg. Mr. and Mrs. . W. A. Morgan came last week to this beach accompanied by H. N. Byron. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Look with Marlon and Eleanore Look are at Cannon Beach. Mrs. Lloyd Buchanan is a new ar rival. - Mrs. A. Osburn, accompanied by John and Elsie Osburn, are newcom ers. Mrs. A. N. Rahles, with Nancy Rahles, are at this beach. Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Zander arrived to spend a week here. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kirk are new ar rivals. With them are E. Albert Kirk and Letha Kirk. They are from The Dalles. Mrs. 'T. H. Lewis with her daugh ter, Imogen, and her eon, Donald Lewis, are recent arrivals at Ecola Inn. Paul L. Heslop is at Cannon Beach. Carrol Llndon, with Richard Clancy, spent the week end at Underman's cottage. A camp of boys who are having a great time fishing and hiking on Can non beach is made up of Kenneth Macklin, Fred Doane, Clarence Wil son, Jack Pearson, Fred - Standring, John Standring and Sumner Quinn. Their camp is called Chapman camp. . A croup of Campfire girls vacation ing ' here Includes Misses - Blanche Slade, Ada Mahan. Maude' Mahan, Borlghild Edison, Irma Kenny, Clover Burllngan, Louise Hansen, Margaret Wilson, Glenora Smith and Jeanette Chisholm. Mrs. Slade is chaperoning the group. Other guests at Hotel Ecola are H. L. Piatt. Miss Ruth. Street. L. V. Burk ley, J. R. Duncan, H. W. Neer, Miss M. Pinere. S. Stenenberg. Frieda Wig field, T. H. Yount, Dr. Ralph V. Moore, Mrs. McKnight with her daughter, Miss M. McKnight. Mrs. Stephen H. Moesch and baby boy are at Ecola inn.. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Claxon. with their children .Catherine and Colon Claxon, .accompanied by Dr. A. Z. Crayne, have left their cottage and stinnail a t V pnl q Inn In. a risv ftf me before proceeding to Portland in their car. Among the Portlanders recently at the beach are Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stell nager and child, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dibble and child, J. A. Veazie. Marlon Bush, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Robin son, W. W.' Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Good. Others include Mrs. A. B. Thompson and her daughter Etna of Echo, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Jones of Kelso, Wash.. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Clancy of New York. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branch Riley with William and Peggy Riley and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Riley were among the arrivals here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Burton, Chicago tourists, stopped at Ecola inn while visiting this beach last week. Mr. and Mrs. Keyes Of Bend, Or., with their two daughters, Jeannette and Elizabeth, are at Ecola-inn. LONG BEACH TO BE IMPROVED Tennis Courts and Cottage Will Be Built This Winter. LONG BEACH, Or., Sept. 4. (Spe cial.) While Long Beach has a third class postofflce and la a sizable place, with a splendid public school and fine civic clubs and organizations, it is essentially a summer resort, and the season .is practically ended, save for a few latecomers who prefer to take their vacation after the crowd has gone Driftwood hotel keeps open the year round. It is the home of Mrs. Mollis Lyniff, who makes the comfort of her guests her personal interest. The Driftwood is a restiui place,, ana guests come to Its peaceful quiet well into the winter months. At holiday periods Mrs. Lyniff Invariably haa a houseful of guests. Sunset hotel plans to remain open. Its managers, Mr. and Mrs. Seal, are planning extensive improvements and will devote the winter months in that direction, following a six-weeks mo- -ftor trip through eastern Oregon and Idaho. -. Mr. Seal plans to have a tennis court and to build a few cottages on his place Mrs. T. J. Hammer and Mrs. John Clyde, who manage the North Beach inn, are not planning to receive many guests after Labor day. Mrs. Ham mer and her son Jean will rematn at the beach, but Mrs. Clyde will go up to Portland soon. Recently they en tertained Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Friendly, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wagner and their daughter Dorothy. Mr. Hammer ar rived last week, bringing with him little Carl Glissendorf of Portland Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Post, with Nancie Post, are visiting: Mrs. Benjamin Baker. Mrs. Agnes .Carney and her three interesting children Mary Heleh. Billy and little Edward have gone back to Portland after a summer at the beach. Miss Loma Atherton of Tacoma and Miss Rilla Jordan of San Francisco were visitors with Miss Hazel Powell. recently. Robert E. Gould or Bend was a week-end arrival at the Home cot tage, where Mrs. Gould is domiciled. Kenneth H. Well was another week-end arrival, visiting Mrs. Weil In the Wallula cottage. Miss Hazel Powell leaves for Port land next week, to be the guest of Mrs. C E. Heitkemper for a few days, after which she will go to Seattle for the winter. SEA VIEW STILL ATTRACTS Vacationists W ho Like Fall Months Now Visiting Resort. SEAVIEW, Or.. Sept. 4. (Special.) -This attractive resort is still calling a few vacationists who' are arriving for the early fall days, but for the most part the season is ended. Seaview hotel will not remain open after the last of October. Although its location and homelike atmosphere and modern conveniences make the Seaview an Ideal stopping place. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mutzig, the managers. are going to make It only a summer resort hostelry and they will" go to Portland for the winter. Their daughter. Miss Orltae Mutzig, will accompany them and spend the win ter months in Portland, returning in the early spring to open Seaview hotel for the new season. This Is the only hotel at Seaview station and it has had a big patronage all summer. Res ervations have been made for Septem ber and guests are expected through October also. . Among the Portlanders at Seaview hotel last week were Laura Walther, Magdalene Walther. Rev. H. N. Fer rls, C Merritt, Dorothy Emerson Car- lock. Minnie R. Heath, Lenore Loew, Alma R. Kuenecke, Ben Riealand, Gladys Williams, Sarah Smith, Mrs, R. N. Dark, Mrs. William MacDougall, Dan A. West. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Friendly with Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Wagner and daughter, who came in their car, C. H. Brown, A. G. Rossman, Thomas C. Bloomer, R W. Ransom. R. Bartlett. Mrs. D. E. Dunbar of Seattle with her daughter, Lovina Dunbar, accom panied by Bob Morrison of Portland, are among the recent arrivals at Sea view hotel. Another party at Seaview hotel In cludes Mrs. J. MacKenzie of Portland with Harriet MacKenzie of Tpsllanti, Mich., and Flora MacKenzie of Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. L. Carney of Astoria Is visit ing her mother, Mrs. J. A. Fast abend. Another party at Seaview hotel in cludes Misses Edith Bray, Ethel Mil ler, Bess Stanchfield and Caroline Stanchfield of Helena, Mont. Mrs. L. A. Harned, with her young son, Haldane Harned. are at Seaview In their cottage, where they have been domiciled for the summer. Mrs. Harned'a nephew, Fred Jeffers, is with them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Neal are spending a ten. days' visit at Seaview. E. M. Wlngate and family are at Seaview. Mr. and Mrs. George Putnam are going to Portland for a fortnight's visit. Fannie Reynolds of Seattle is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Henrietta Rey nolds, here. ' Miss Vivien Eikers. with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Eikers, are here. Mrs. W. O. Leltz and daughter are at Gray Gables. W. J. Ryan and Joseph M. Ryan are at Seaview. Doris Ward is here. Miss Mary Holmes has arrived at Beach Center to spend a fortnight with her grandmother, Mrs. Richard B. Knight. .The Shelburne hotel remains open during the winter. Us manager, T. J. Hoare, being a permanent resident of Shelburne, one of the several stations along North beach. Many guests come to the roomy Shelburne after the summer season has endd. On the 16th of this month a group of 60 men from . the Astoria chamber of commerce will be housed at the Shel burne for a two days' sojourn on North beach. , Among the Portlanders recently at the Shelburne are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockley, the latter of whom have made an extensive visit along both the Wash ington and Oregon beaches; Mrs. W. B. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Meaker, Alice Mae Phelps, tE. T. Pattison, Ernest Markowitz. Samuel A. Levy, with his brother, Theodore Levy; Mrs. M. A. Osborne, Mrs. Fay Sims, with her son Dick, and Dr. Kittle Plum mer Gray. Dr. Gray, too. Is touring the various resorts. Other guests at the Shelburne re cently Include N. E. Lee of Vancou ver, Wash.; H. C. Blewett of Tacoma. R. C At wood of Wasco. Wash.; Ruth F. Lalng and James F. Laing, the latter two from Portland. OCEAX PARK SEASON OVER Vacationists, However, Continue to Come and Go at Beach. OCEAN PARK. Wash., Sept. 4. (Special.) The summer season at Ocean Park is closed, but sundry and tardy arrivals are here for September, which is a particularly beautiful month at this beach. A big com munity bonfire last Tuesday brought a big crowd together. Rev. James El- vin, who. is secretary or tne x. al. ij. a. at Salem, was a popular visitor here last week and gave a lecture on a visit through France after the war. Later he lectured at Oysterville where the affair was turned into a delight fur social event. - - Rev. J. Thomas Cowley-waS one of ilia leading spirits. Dr. Cowley has a Methodist pastorate at Ocean Park. Taylor's hotel is still enjoying a belated season, with occasional trav elers stopping for a few days to see the lovely park in its autumn dress. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockley, touring the various beaches, were recently at Taylor's. Others include Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grie and son Junior, Grant Gleason, Rev. Mr. Ferris, Daisy --Woodring, -Hazel Charleston, A. J. Ellis, C. E. Stewart, Li. j. Travis. Another party at Taylor's included Miss Mary Browne, Helen Maney and Mrs. Mary Maney. Mrs. Celia Burkstof of The Dalles, with her two children, are at Tay- lor's hotel. Mr. and' Mrs. Frederic Kirgis of Caldwell, Idaho, are recent guests at Taylor's. Mies Adelaide "Begg will return to her home in Vancouver, Wash, after a summer with her grandmother, Mrs. Arthur Spalding. Mrs. Tracy Moore of Astoria will arrive this week to occupy the Camp bell cottage. She will have a party of six. BAYOCEAX SEASON CLOSED All Accommodations at Beach Re sort Taxed. During Summer. BAYOCEAN, Or.. Sept. 4. (Special.) The approach ot autumn and the busy winter time closes the most successful season in the history of this resort. Since early in the sum mer, all the accommodations have been taxed to the limit and fre quently beyond it, and all who have taken their vacations at this beach are enthusiastic in their accounts of the delightful outings they have had. A part who spent la&t .wej& at Overlook included Mr. and Mrs. Rex iSf Turner of Seattle, and Miss Joy Turner of Salem. , . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lyle, J. Lace, and Miss Erma Lace, all of Portland, are completing a two weeks' outing here. The Misses Bertha Cose and Mamie Thomas of Council Bluffs, la., with S. L. Van Tuyl, Mrs. James Bradford. and Miss Elizabeth Bradford, all or Omaha, spent last week at Tent No. 10. Bungalow City. , Chester Arnold. Mrs. W. H. Sanford. Carl N. Sanford. and Miss Doris Pratt, all of Portland, were recently domi ciled for a week's outing in Mount Angel cottage. Marion and Z. E. Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boatrighti Who have been spending a fortnight respectively at Saltair and Bar view, were among last week's visitors at Bayocean. Ellen Fiske Brockett of Ohio, and Mrs. Frank B. Wire of Portland, were at this resort recently. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Sablnson. Miss Maude Harris and George Anderson, all of Portland, have been established in Glen Orkney camp. Claude Rohlefsen of Portland was here last week. The Misses Anna Beck. Lydia Git zel, Mary Eissler and Lena Beck and D. E Beck, all of Portland, were a party who arrived here during the past week. Mrs. M. Turner and son, Mrs. E. F. Sadler and Angel Beede, all of Port land, who are spending- a vacation at The Shingles." Rockaway, came over for a short stay recently. Mrs. E. R. Jones and Miss Marion Bingles of Portland are concluding a pleasant outing at the Williams cottage. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chandler and Carroll A. Olsen of Portland were re cent vacationists at Bayocean. Miss Ethel Van Gilder and Arthur Van. Gilder of Wasco and the Misses Cora Laidlaw of Aylmer. Ontario; Mary J. Laidlaw of Portland and Anna McLachlan of Detroit were domiciled last week in Fox Glove cottage. Wlllard E. Jackson of Portland registered here last week. Mrs. L. T. McPhetters. Mrs. M. Goar, Miss Susie Stockton, Miss Affie Reag gan and Mrs. Ed L. Moore, all of Hlllsboro, are established for ten days at Cottage Fleur de Lis, Bun galow City. Lucrezia L. Huddlestone and Claire T. Scharpf, both of Portland, are at the E. H. Roberts cottage, "Bayocean Rest." Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Geer and chil dren of Portland are occupying the Hance cottage for two weeks. Miss Anna Johnston and V. S. Lump kin, both of Portland, spent a day here last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'George W. Keller and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Burco. all of Port land, have established Camp High Flier. Merle Butler. Margaret Hutchinson and Freda Geiger of Portland are completing a ten days' outing at Bil lows cottage. Miss Hazel Vaughn of Chicago was here last week. . Mrs. George A. Risenberg ot Port land arrived here last week for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. John Kenneny and family of Cleveland, Mrs. -L. Ritter and Mrs. George A. McNamara of Portland are taking an outing at L,upin cottage. A party of vacationists from Dalles t-lty domiciled for a fortnight in Vlo let cottage included' Mrs. Victor Mar den. Susanne and John Marden and airs. Alice Barr. Jarvis B. Pratt of Portland was re cently at Bayocean. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Galley of Port land are sheltered in Mignonette cot tage. Elva Ann Adams and Lona Mae Crandall. both of Portland, with Dor othy Clonenger of Dayton, O., are completing- a two weeks' outing at ufacinui cottage. Clara E. Gibson of Portland regis tered at this beach last week. Geneva Dye of Vancouver Is com pleting a three weeks' stay at this re sort. Mrs. L. A. Toung, Miss Myrtle xoung and tlllbert Tounar of Portland are at Dahlia cottage. Bungalow City. mr. ana jure. s. M. Calkins and Mrs. G. W. Hash. Clara V. Calkins and Dr. Sarah E. Smith, all of New- berg, spent part of last week la White Waves cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bates of Van couver, wash., are scheduled to r rive shortly and wilp occupy Palouse cottage for two weeks. Mrs. Rosie Logan of Kansas City spent part of last week at Bayocean. P. O Holstrom of Vancouver, Wash., has engaged Four Leaf Clover cot tage. Mrs. D. F. Doherty. Misa Ann Doherty. Mrs. C. H. Houser. Sam and Doris Houser and Ellen Matersch. of Sheridan, are concluding a ten days' outing at Aster cottage. Raymond M. Stambauah. Maud Stambaugh. both of Vancouver, Wash, ana Mrs. uavia B. Manerey of Port land are domiciled in Restful cottage, Bungalow City. Mrs. M. A. Shaver and Mrs. Irma Coleman, both of Sheridan, have taken Tulip cottage for a ten days' vaca tion. P. O. Hilstrom of Vancouver, Wash., is established in Four Leaf Clover cot tage, with Marie G. Hilstrom and Louise M. Lackoff, also of Vancouver. John Hilstrom is at Mount Angel cot tage with Undine S. Hilstrom of Seattle.. Reglstred during the last week at Hotel Bayocean were M. Butler, M. Hutchinson. Freda Jager, Mrs. J. N. Hurney, Mary E. Humey, D. Fullen, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Scott, Anna M. Hall. Mrs. W. B. Jackson. E. Sheeld. K.' Saberton. R. Saberton. A. Bruno. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McPhereon and Mrs. R. S. Townsend, all of Port land; Mrs. Pearl Wright and Mrs. R. E. Jones, of Baker; Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hall, "af Hillsdale; Mrs. H. M. Kachel. of Garden Home, and A. R. Morgan of Kasvelle. G."C Harlow of Portland Is estab lished in Lark cottage. Bungalow City. A party of. Tacoma vacationists who will shortly arrive to occupy Mignonette. Hyacinth and Evangeline cottages are Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Galley and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Adams and Mrs. D. Hemerich. ROCKAWAY PL.VNS NEW HOTEL 5 0 Cottages, 25 Tent Eooses and Natatorinm to Be Built. ROCKAWAY, Or., Sept. 4. (Spe- cial.) The rapidity -with which Rockaway has come to be known as one of the leading beach resorts of the northwest has been so great that housing facilities cannot be provided fast enough to accommodate the crowds. Plans are being made, there fore, for next season. A new hotel and fifty, new cottages and 25 tent houses will be built during the win ter. A large natatorium will be added to the amusement features and the capacity of the dancing pavilion is to be doubled. ' .Mrs. Haze! Shevetts and Mrs. Viola Bentley. both of Hillsboro. are spend ing a week at the Nut Bowl Visitors at Ocean Crest apartments last week were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cayo, Mrs. L. A. Hausler. the Misses Lillian and Luella Hausler, Raymond Hausler. Mr. and Mrs. R. M Dobie and family. Mrs. F. M'Zigler and daughters, and Mrs. S. Riley. Ruth and Wesley Riley, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. James Brunner and daughter Helen of Parkplace. A pleasant evenig at cards was spent at the summer home of Miss Mary Troy last week. Mrs. R. Parcell won first prize. Present were Mr. and Mm David Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burns, Mrs. James Troy, Mrs. Will- ' lam Harlow, Mrs. R- Parcell, Mrs. Fred Graap, Mrs. Andross. Mrs. E. H. McAllen and the Misses Zulah And ross, Harriet urns, Ada Parcell and Jane Harlow. Portlanders registered during the past week at the Anderson hotel were: Mr. and Mrs. William Grimm, Adna O. Taylor, M. K. Collbeck. George Momer, A. McNeal and R. Ryan. From other points than Port land were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Kelly of Dalles City. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rhurazel of Monmouth, Glen A. Miller of San Francisco and W. Fewerslln of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meyers of Port land entertained a party of young people at their camp recently. Miss Mary Coleman. Mrs. T. Cole man and George W. Moriarity, all of Portland, have been the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walsh at their cottage in Bungalow row. The registration at the Hotel El more last week included the follow ing Fortlandere: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gregory, Mrs. E. H. Rood; Miss Pearl Wright, Joe Howard, Mrs. Henry Seer and son, Robert Crawford. Mrs. F. L. Crawford, Mrs. M. A. Sagster, Miss Alice Perry. Miss T. M. Lind. W. W. Paulson. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, W. N. Conrad. J. L. Jones, C. A. Black. Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, J. W. Dono van. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dutton, C. T. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Rey nolds. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Norton. J. W. Neville, T. F. Mesch. Victor Daut off. H. Albers. A. S. Sauves, Mrs. Dora Shreve, Mrs. E. Heckbert and daugh ter. Mrs. Mary L. McKown and son. Miss Gladys Groocock and F. L. Fields. Registrants at Hotel Elmore from other points than Portland were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sibley and) daughter of lianas, airs. t. uartwrieht. Glad-va and Constance Cartwright, Mr. and nirs. w. vy. iioore. Lucile and Dorothy Moore, all of Salem; J. C. Billings of Tillamook. D. M. Gelse of Baxter, la.: Thekla Scheldt. Ophelia Wesimei- and Lecla Wesimer of Hillsboro, Misa Ba uer or uorvallis, Mrs. W. F. Gilkie. Mrs. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Stllwell and Miss Stilwell of Dayton, Wash.; uss Margaret Cooke and Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Cooke of Seattle and Mr. . andi Mrs. J. W. Mann, of Salt Lake City. - Frank S. Ward of Salem was among the campers on the ridge last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kennedy and son and Miss M. Dunn were cottagers at this beach during the past fortnight. Mrs. Katherine Conway, Burine and Terrance Conway. Mrs. Harry J. Lea, Miss Alleen O'Donnell, Charles W. Myers and son Wesley, all of Port land, are concluding a pleasant outing at Arnold camp. Mrs. W. J. Cuddy and daughter. Miss Rose Cuddy, of Portland spent the past week at Driftwood cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Knykendall of Yamhill arrived Saturday with a par ty of friends to spend a short vacation at the Brownie camp. Saltair hotel registrants of the past week were: Fred Rierce of Tillamook. J. Dorden. A. Whittaker. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnston, A. M. Hand and Wal ter Scott, all of Portland; Mrs. Mahl C. Ellis and family of Dalles City. A. Wended and C. Froeschle of Milwau kie. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Robinson of In dependence, Mrs. C. S. Hoskins. Scotty. Helen and Charles Hoskins. Mrs. An thony Shea and son and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hancock, all of Portland, spent the past week at Newcmb cottage. Miss Minnie Strauch and Miss Edna Taylor or Portland and Mrs. C. W. Bluchar and daughter Margarette of Milwaukie are occupying Oceana cot tage for a week's outing. Mrs. Louis Oliver and children and Miss Edith Coles entertained Tuesday evening at cards at their summer headquarters, Enmore cottage. Mrs. H. H. Bassindale and Jane Dalrs, both of Portland, are domiciled in Taft cottage for a fortnight. Miss Birdie Chowning of Aloha, Or., has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wood at Rockwood cottage for two weeks. RESORTERS GO ON EXCURSION Many at Bar View Hike to Cape Jiears Lighthouse. BAR VIEW. Or.. Sept. 4 (Special.) For the second time this season va cationists who are registered at Villa camp went in a crowd last week for an all-day excursion to BavOcean. The hike to Cape Mears lighthouse was enjoyed by a number, while other members of the party made & tramp to the caves. After a picnic luncheon, the party spent the after noon in a "community swim" ir the natatorium. A party spending a fortnight at the Wise cottage includes Eva. L. Kidwell of Oakland. Cal; Miss Edith B. Jones of Salem; Miss Eleanor M. Todd of Portland; and D. L. O'Neal of Banks. Grace Maurer of Beatrice, Neb; Alice Lockard and Gladys ' Page both of Salem, and Nell Hunlock of San Fran cisco have been registered during the past week at Brownie cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John Croner and fam ily of "Oregon City registered last week at Memories cottage. Villa camp. G. Boyington . of Astoria spent three days last week at the coast guard station. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker of For est Grove, who have been spending the season at Woodbine cottage, will terminate their vacation Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maurer and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Pilkenton are a party of Salem people who have been occupying Oh How Different cottage curing tne past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ellis and Ed Frunde, all of Newberg, and John M. Hanson and Mrs. M. Hanson, both of Portland, have engaged Just Right cottage for a short stay. Phil Thompson of Portland fcs-spend-ing a brief outing at All Out Inn camp. L. H. Feaster of Oregon City was registered at Bar View last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregory were here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins and Miss Ruth Helms, all of Hillsboro, spent a recent vacation at Star Fish cottage. A party of Camas, Wash., vacation ists who arrived during the week in cluded Mrs. W. H. Buchman, Wayne and Deane Buchman, Clayton Alden and Miss Gwendolyn Alden. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ataller and fam ily of Cedar Mills.' Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reichan of. Hillsboro and L. T. Reichan of Portland are spending a week at Carter's cottages. Edward Durham and Robert N. Slinger, both of Portland, were camp ers here last week." Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Baird of Port land spent the past week at Camp Carter. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hollister and family of Portland are terminating a fortnight's outing at the Slocum cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. P. Givas and family of Portland have been encamped dur ing the past week in the Orchard. Mrs. O. S. Andrews and daughters, the Misses Eva, Loree and Helen An drews, with Mrs. L. L. Putnam and children. Eldred. Arthur, Edith. Del raer and Gail, have established Kum Inn camp for a two weeks' vacation. Hallie M. Stover of Portland is spending two weeks at Bar View. Miss Eleanor Gardner of Hillsboro was a recent visitor here. Mrs. Jessie C. Jones. Miss Rosalie and Creighton Jones of Gervais, with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cainess,and family of Portland, are spending a fort night's vacation at the Wise Way. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chown. Roger and Betty Chown and Arvllla Hus band, all of Mosier, have engaged the Slocum cottage for a week, Mrs. S. E. Olson. Zenas. Onas and Laveda Olson of Hillsboro have been spending the summer as guests of iCoaciuded on Face IJ.