The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 05, 1920, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 35

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W an t c d Do m e 1 1 cm .
W ANTED A middle-aged woman to care
for an old gentleman, do his washing,
cooking and general housekeeper; the
gentleman la able to be up most of the
time; Just the place for a neat woman
wanting a home; wages $:i0 per month;
lor more particulars write Crandall Broa.
Oak Point. Washington.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking, serv
ing and some housework for two adults;
Jaundrfss employed; also boy who takes
care of porches, fireplaces, cellar and
11 rough work ; must have good city
reference; wages J75. 653 Johnson U
near 20th.
"YOUNG widower, railroad man. with three
children, age 6 to JO, wants housekeeper
by Sept. 15; some one who would appre
ciate a home more than big wages; per
manent position for right party. F. O.
Box 8221, Portland.
HELIABL, girl toassist with housework
and care of young baby; must be neat
worker; no washing, good wages. Call
723 Corbett bltlg.. Filth and Morrison
sts., between 3 and 5 P. M. Sunday.
Phone Main 318. . t
WANTED A reliable and neat-appearing
liu nekeeper, not over 4, that loves
children, in a modern home by gentle-n-an
with two children, age 6 and t;
give full particulars and salary. Address
t.ox 341. Oregon City.
"WANTED Young girl to assist with
houaework. No care of children, no
cooking; Inexperienced girl preferred.
Call between lu and 12 A. M- and 4 and
6 at U60 Klickitat st., or phone Auto
matic 327-50.
WANTED An elderly lady or high-school
girl going to Franklin high lor light
housework and to care for seven-year-old
boy after school hour. Call 549 E
4 1 st st. Sunday.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework, good cook, light washing, no
heavy cleaning; Sunday off;- references
are required. Call mornings, Alain -u.
Ji 1 Cornell roau.
COM PETEN'T and neat woman for gen
eral houaework in modern home in Lau-relhurs-t.
Pleasant room. Would like to
interview applicants. References re
auiretl. Wages $70. Phone Tabor 771.
OlHLi wanted to help mother with infant;
washing necessary; hours from 20 in
morning to 7 In evening. Call Main
Buena Vista Apt., 12th and Har
rison 8 Lb., Apt. F-5.
PROFESSIONAL couple without children
want housekeeper for attractive home in
Eugene; compensation, $50. Phone Sell
wood 118t$ bfore Wednesday, or address
Colin Dymond. Heed co 1 1 ege.
"WANTED A gtrl to o light housekeep
ing in apartment from 3 P. AL. to 8
P. M. ; call Tuesday, between 9 A. M.
and 11 A. M. Mrs. Kaufman, 283 Morri
son St.
HOUSEKEEPER for general work, no
washing; family 4 adults; refined home
where housekeeper is treated as one of
family. Tabor 2239, mornings before 10
iVOULD like refined young girl going to
trade school afternoons to help care for
8-year-old child. Main 9001. 7b2 Lovejoy
y street.
EF.L1ABLE girl or woman wanted lor gen
eral housework. Small home, modern
conveniences; 60 to experienced woman.
Mrs. C. H. Watsek. Wanna, Or.
.WANTED Housekeeper tor nome near
city ; must be economical and good
character; S. D. A. preferred. Write T.
H. F., Llnnton, Or.-, Route 2. Box 44.
WANTED Woman for downstairs work In
good family ; might consider respectable
widow with child under 6 years. Phone
Main 2352 or call 1064 Thurman street.
EXPERIENCED cook, best wages; no
washing. Call mornings. 229 Cornell
Toad. Phone Mar. 1807. References re
quired. EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work ; plain cook; small family, good
wages. Call mornings, 170 Vista ave.,
apartment 47. Marshall 1732.
WILL give comfortable room in Irvlngton
homo to lady employed who is willing
to stay home some evenings with girl
11 years. East 2740 after Monday.
3.GUNG woman or girl to assist with light
housework and care of child: 2 In fam
ily; good home, good pay. 306 Fourth
st apt. a.
Shorthand and Typewriting; Individ
ual Instruction. 20U 14ih. near Jeffer
son. Main 3813.
YOUNG woman or girl to assist with
housework ; no laundry ; homelike place.
caii ;uh cook av. or phone 317-Otf Au
tomatic. WANT young girl to assist with housework
and help take care of two-year-old baby;
no cooking or washing, good home, good
pay. Main 1T14, 144 in. 23a.
UIRL WANTED for general honsework :
small family; pleasant room. Woodlawn
lois, or call li0 Hryce ave.. Broadway
Q J R L for general housework in family of
3 adults: good wages, every evening oft
no Sunday dinner. Phone Main 6282.
1025 Savier st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house
work. Good wages to right party ; two
adults only. Phone E. 2643. 185 E. 13th
A COOK for 10 people. Address or call
assistant adjutant Vancouver Bks. Apt.
furnished. Good wages.
WANTED Cook for a family; no washing
or ironing. Apply to Mrs. Montgomery,
Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6773.
AND 12 A. M. AT 620 E. 20TH ST. N.
WANTED Reliable girl or middle-aged
woman for general housework. u85 E.
22d St.. N. Ea s tl 4 99.
WANTED A girl for light housework;
good wages; 3 adults tn family. Apply
2i4 College, corner 5th.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework,
May home nights. 407 Clay st.. Main
YOUNG GIRL to assist in housework,
small family, no washing or cooking; no
children. 6S6 Lovejoy.
GIRL to assist with housework, no fur
nace fire, no washing, small family; best
wages. East 6349, 650 Knott st.
GIRL for general housework or reliable
high school girt. East 2742.
If you can Invest (10,000 In a wholesale
, distributing agency for state of Oregon;
will pay you to investigate this proposi
tion; well-established business, large
profit. T 937. Oregonian.
i REPRESENTATIVE to take charge of
the territory in eastern Washington
must know how to demonstrate and ap
point local agents: a small investment
required. See Mr. O'Brien, at Broadway
Hotel, room
HAN or lady as a working partner in a
paying specialty office; must have $500
cor nan interest; s.ou or tnis will o
used in the business. Write for inter
view, not for particulars. AN 787, Ore
WANTED Experienced power machine
operator lor making ladies hats. Co
lumbia Hat Works, 104 Tenth street, ap
ply Tuesday.
MEN. WOMEN. GIRLS. S133 month, eov
ernment Jobs, thousands vacancies. Write
lor list positions. franklin Institute,
i-ept. Bid o, itocnester, i . r.
WANTED Specialty candy salesman. Ex
perience essential. Good opportunity,
State references in applying. AR 737,
MAN OR WOMAN, salary S3 full time
75c hour spare time, selling guaranteed
hosiery to wearer ; experience unneces
sary. International Mills. Norristown. Pa.
WANTED Lessons on a Cadillac roadster;
state price of lessons and give phone
number. AG Oregonian.
KALSOM1NING, papering. signs, cold
water painting, whitewashing, with ma.
rhlne. Broadway 1RQ.
WANTED Position as bond salesman for
bank or high-class brokerage company.
Y Ml. Ore on lan.
WANTED Position m hotel clerk by ex
perienced middle-aged man. V 039, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as high-class spe
cialty salesman. P 045, Oregonian.
WANTED Steady position by expert me
chanic. Phone East 6S.F.8.
MOTION picture operator wants job in
city, t to 1 1. a tt ttsis, jregontan.
FIREMAN wants light duty work, night
or nay; n uccngc. a n f 7, oregonian
YOUNG man must have any kind of work.
day or nig nr. marsnan 1310.
AN VOXE desiring a first-class fireman
or assistant engineer. T 946, Oregonian.
GOOD mill fireman wants job In city
8 years' experience. AO 7S3. Oregonian!
MAN wants aucK lake to watch. Call
automatic wi-ji; bsk ior ii j;'.
GENTLEMAN, HO, wish 3 or 4 hours
wornjin'i iiiiibs, A. oregonian.
CARPENTER WORK done' satisfactorily
dav or contract. Phone Col. 7B0.
W A NT rL to no carpenter worK in x
change ror aemmt worn, rnone col. 760.
SHINGLERS When you want reshingling
Gone can tv "-n ti
alt jr. I
FURNACE bricklayer, mill work sped
COLLEGE graduate, seven years success
ful experience as teacher and superin
tendent, open for Immediate engagement
as school superintendent or .principal.
Just declined re-election for third year
as superintendent at $2200; age 33. mar
ried; best of references including pres
ent school board. Write or telegraph. L.
O. Swengon, Y. M. C. A., Spokane. Wash.
CIVIL ENGINEER wishes connection en
abling him to become familiar with Ore
gon with the ultimate object of settling
here; experienced highways, topography,
machinery and mines; also newspaper
and publicity work ; reasonable salary;
local references. AL 788, Oregonian.
WANTED Every man looking for a posi
tion, or who Is not satisfied with his
present position, or his present income,
to write for "LOOKLNG AHEAD." Ad
Park and Yamhill, Portland. Or.
MECHANICAL engineer, with 16 years of
experience in. the automobile industry;
for past 6 years In responsible position
. with Lodge Bros., Detroit, Mich.; wants
connection with reliable dealer as part
ner, service or branch manager. K.
W., 2626 Arnold way, CorvalUa, Or.
ALL-ROUND printer-machinist operator,
capable of taking full charge, job or
news office. A-l executive and system
lzer, wants a steady position as work
Itg foreman ; married ; best of ref er
eLces. tit ate wages in first letter. AV 333,
EXPERIENCED lumberman would like re
sponsible position; executive ability and
exoerienced in handling men and teams;
can take hold any place; prefer shipping
or retail departments. AH 851. Orego
nian. WELL appearing young man of good
education and thoroueniv competent,
nerlenced accountant, executive, also
possessing knowledge of stenography,
looking for opportunity to get busy,
AC 853, Oregonian.
AUTO mechanic with 16 years experience
in repairing and driving, would UKe a
position hs chauffeur or will repair your
car In your own garage; I know my
business. Phone Main (5001. call for Mr.
A YOUNG Filippino tailor Just arrived de
sires steady position witn some oo
firm in city or country; can do cutting,
making and busheling; good references.
Address J. M. Elefanio, Perkins Hotel,
Fifth and Washington sts.
LUMBERMAN going to San Joaquin Val
ley, cai., win represent lumuer noi--saler
on small commission: well ac
quainted with retail yards there, AB
875., Oregonian.
MAN, 45, boy, 13, want work, on ranch;
boy to go to school and do light worK
for board; good all-round t armband,
milker and can driv.e Ford truck and do
general farm repair. AJ 791, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man and wife want po
sitions as Janitor and management or
hrst-cLass apartment house; best refer
ences. Main 5164 or Broadway 317.
WANTED Good steady driving Job by
young married man; first-class mechanic
and drives; best of city ref. Call Mar
shall 1133. H. M- Shields.
HAVE FORD car, would like 4 or 5 hours
work dally except Saturday and Sunday;
know city, can furnish references. Call
Col. 232 Monday before noon.
EXPERIENCED accountarvt and credit
man, familiar with the auto business, de
sires position, whole or part of day;
beat of references. U 911, Oregonian.
POSITION WANTED Man, wife on farm,
am No. 1 milker all-round farming;
wish a separate house furnished ; state
particulars In ana. AO 809. Oregonian.
YOUNG married man, 27 years old, strontg
and willing, desires few hours' work
after 5:30 P. M. ; permanently or tem
porary. AL 873, Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires office position; five
years experience as an all-around oirice
man; excellent references, m.. wo, ure
NEAT-APPEARING middle-aged white
man vould like work as watchman, por
ter or Janitor. Joe Wyer. Telephone
Brofld way 233 1.
MARRIED man. over 20 years' experience
enerl mercHandlse" and bookkeeping.
desires position Oct. 1st; moderate sal
ary; references. AV 422. uregonian.
EXPERIENCED dairy man, married,
wants oosition as a milker or general
farm work; state wages you are paying
In first letter. BF 8M4. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN desires office position; five
years' experience as an all-round office
man; excellent references. M 8J6, Ore
POSITION as cashier In some store
other light employment: salary no ob
ject. B. E. Sheffield, 389H 16th street.
ars n a 11 l oa.
WANTED By 2 or 8 men. about 1000 or
1500 cords of. woo a to cut: gooa timoer;
suitable for drag saws. BF tt3. Ore
Exoerienced floorman wants perm a
nent position ; chance for advancement.
AB 877, Oregonian.
JAPANESE exoerienced cook, with wife
wants a position in camp or ciuo; group
of 20 or 30. T. T. lama, va ntn su is.
Phone 516-15.
YOUNG man wishes employment even
ings, between 5 add 1L B V4T, ore
gonian. TAILOR and pants maker to work home
or in shop. JE. C. Petersen, lti tiua
sell st-
WANTED Haulinr with 1-ton truck.
Gordon Pattee, Box 198, Route 2, Hills
dale, or.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants work between
7 P. M. and midnight. J 934, orego
nian. BOY. AGED 18. attending Benson Poly.
wants work after school and Saturday
or fciaturday only. Tabor 933.
WANT work, am experienced oil-burner
pipe tlttea oy traae, or wna. nave you;
Call Jfiast 44ui.
vi RST-CLASS all-roundV cook, city pre
f erred. H. J. McDonough, 164 hk Beech
st., Portland.
YOUNG man with some seHlng experi
ence wishes work from 12 m. until
P. M.; reference. O 92.0, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wishes situation; take care
srarden and houseworic. AK 7bts, ore
JAPANESE student wants position 1
good family; can do anything. Ati
788. Oregonian.
WANTED By a man of experience.
high-class dairy and general farm to
manage. AV 340. Oregonian.
JANITOR, married, no children, ex perl
enced. Phone Marshall 677. N 910, Ore-
YOUNG man would like position as elec
trlclan's helper; opportunity to learn
more than wages. AC 1 i9, Oregonian,
YOUNG MAN with light ear wants work
mornings as salesman or collector.
954, Oregonian!
ALL ROUND chef wants position in hotel
or restaurant. Address San Marco Hotel,
W. R. Drew, room 32.
EXPERIENCED abstracter desires posi
tion with local abstract or title company.
AH 804. Oregonian.
HIGH SCHOOL BOY wishes job after
school, with or without board. Write A.
1. Spires, Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED 3 or 4 hours work evenings
by young marriea man. am Ore
gonian. CESSPOOL and cement work guaranteed.
Call after 6 r m., Aiain jis. Miller.
GOOD handy man wants any kind of night
work. Ar so, oregonian.
CEMENT work of all kinds; also frame
garages. jau i aoor duu.
phone Tabor
FOR 'HIRE 2-ton truck wiin. dump body
and noist. proiaway ion.
TRICK 2V-ton, with freight body.
hire. f none nronuway ua.
PAINTING, tinting, decorating. Call Lapp-
Willis & JQ. vvooaiawn
JAPANESE cook wants work In hotel or
camp. H. Nino. AB 702. Oregonian.
WANTED Driving truck or touring car,
by a mechanic. Woodlawn ft337 evenings.
PAINTING and tinting work guaranteed.
Prices reasonable. Tabor 8077.
PAPERH ANGING, painting and tinting;
gooo wor it, rigut fi iv-a. jwaranau 493.
ROOMS tinted, $3 and $4: good work and
satisfaction. Phone Broadway 5669.
REGISTERED pharmacist desires perma
nent position. Phone Wdln. 22 J 8.
MOTION picture operator wants Job In
city. 7 to 11. AL 856. Oregonian.
CARPENTER, contracting, repairs, remod
ellng. etc. Call after 5 P. M. Bdwy. 2487.
CARPENTER wants new or repair work-Built-in
work a specialty. Tabor 2345.
SALESMAN wants line; prefer goods made
In Oregon. AH 865, Oregonian.
ROOMS tinted, $3-M; good work and all
leaks stopped. Broadway 3523.
BOY nearly 18 desires Job Xor Saturday
only. AG 7SS. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as concrete foreman
or superintendent, years of experience
in all classes of concrete construction;
age 37. welt educated, married; at pres
ent am employed in the east, but wish to
return to a good position in the west;
will want to change Jan. 1; only per
manent position wanted; Al references.
AV 820, Oregonian.
SITUATION by all-round printer and lino
type machinist-operator by September 6;
union, married, 24 years' practical ex
perience; STATE SALARY, model of
machine, working conditions, etc.. In
first letter. E. J. Bettner, McKenzio
Bridge. Or.
HTGH-eOHOOL graduate, 2 months' business-college
training, wants office work
or any other place where there is a fu
ture for a good worker; will work, in or
out of city. N 944, Oregonian.
LIVE, progressive, ambitious married man,
not yet 35, wishes position with lots of
responsibility. Not particular regards
location of work or kind. State par
ticulars In first letter and salary paid.
Have fine education. M 944, Oregonian.
ROOT attention, should cost no more, so
don't chance ' roof fixing without first
investigating;;' We repair and paint your
rcofs, giving a nosittve guarantee against
leaks; hundreds of satisfied customers
are our references. Call today Main 5t44.
LINCOLN high-school boy wants home and
small wagea in return for work, such as
washing dishes, cleaning house, tending
furnace and lawn; good ref erencea
Main 7011.
Caretaker of property capable of do
ing repairs, painting, carpentering, elec
trie, plumbing, etc., wants position or
property to look after. East 2&4U.
WILL paint your house for $100 less than
you think it will cost: 20 years' ex
perience; guarantee best of material and
first-class Job or no pay, AsJk for
CLIFFORD, Main 8220.
MARRIED man, no children, wishes em
ployment or can take charge of ranch;
have had years of experience, muet
have furnished house or rooms. O if 41.
B3 EXPERIENCED lumberman, capable
of taking charge of lumber manufac
turing and shipping. BJ 843, Ore
gonian. WANTED Light work by elderly man;
day or night; night clerk, janitor,
watchman. 375 N. 19th st. Phone
Broadway 4755.
MAN. 35, would like place as caretaker:
proier toe vicinity or jvieorora, ana
where I can be alone; wages no object;
good references. Box 423, Salem, Or.
YOUNG MAN STUDENT desires work
near Lincoln High. Prefer dining room
service with room and board. Aiv. oiu,
WANTED Watchman Job on duck lake;
state terms in letter. C C Peters, 2U0 A
Wash. St., City, or call New Market
perience ; capable taking charge and
handling credits;, go. anywhere. BC 790,
EXCEPTIONAL, experienced salesman.
open for position ; any good line; have
car; state your proposition fully. P UD7,
COMPETENT timekeeper and general
ot 1 iceman, win rurnish nest or refer
ences; out of town preferred. AK 862,
YOUNG MARRIED MAN with Ford road
ster, wants work for self and roadster.
All day Sunday or Monday or after 5
P. M. weekdays. 21 Grand ave.
STEADY, reliable man, single, wants per
manent jod on ranm or country place.
experienced farmer and gardner. Ad-
d ress 7f4 Wash. St., Vancouver, Wash.
loUNG ATTORNEY wishes position with
gooa estaDiisned lawyer. uut-or-town
location considered. AF 803. Oregonian.
COUNTRY BOY would like place to work
lor ooara ana room ana attend Frank
lin high. East 5065 Monday.
CHAUFFEUR wishes position. 5 years'
City reference, call Main 4107, spt. 14,
oetween 10 ana 1 a. m.
WANTED By married man with small
car, position as salesman or collector.
Phone Woodlawn 6337 all week.
GENTLEMAN. 30, would like to meet a
few good aalesman&gers and learn some 1
pnnH linj A T K 7 K Hr.irnnl . n I
ACCOUNTANT. 8 years' experience, -wants
permanent city position. lest reler-
encea. AM pi3. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED all-around baker wants
steady Job. Write or phone T. S. 77.
Phone East 7884.
TRUCK DRIVER who knows
the city
akcujr juu. iuuttuiYuv i
WANTED Winter haulinr of Iocs or lum
ber lor truck and trailer. Address
li. W. R.. Drain, Or.
DENTIST Good all-around dentist wants
position; willing to go any place. BJ I
813, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stock and auto parts man
wisnes position; gooa city reierences. M
BOO, Oregonian.
WANTED Home on farm for
where he can attend school..
boy 13.
AN 803.
WNTED Land to clear by man with ex
ptrieuceci crew. r oo, uregonian.
Bookkeepers, fetenorapoern. Office.
COUNTANT. Married man. tire 3a years, employed.
desires position where enertry. Intelli
gence and reliability are required; -0
years mercantile and banking experi
ence. H ighest references. AB 7Uo,
taking complete charge any set of books
wants position, can furnish bond If
necessary ; A-l references as to charac-
ter and ability. Call Tabor 7512.
EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper and
office man desires position ; capable of
takincr entire charge of office and hi
dllng of sales; no objection to out-of-
town position. T vjst oregonian.
POSITION with lumber firm by young
man. 2 J. as invoice and Order clerk.
Thoroughly experienced. L 9O0, Orego-
YOUNG MAN with bookkeeping and gen
eral clerical experience would like work
fciaturday afternoon and Sunday. HG 803,
AN A-l ACCOUNTANT, nine years' lum
ber experience, . very highest references.
Would like position requiring all or part
of the time. A tftta, oregonian.
TAX SERVICE, ETC. Ernest Johns, 56
Williams ave. Phone 317-81.
BOOKKEEPER with flrst-cias references
wants position in or out of city. Mala
COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper de
sires position, accurate worker; uooer-
ate salary. a.t
LADY with some experience wants small
apartment house to manage, call uawy.
BUSINESS girl wishes to exchange light
services for ooara. room ana sio month;
A-l references, is ihi, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman desires manage-
ment of apartment nouse or hoteL
Woodlawn -4
HIGH school girl will do light housework
for room and ooara ana sroau salary.
near Jefferson high. Af ivi, oregomcn
FIRST-CLASS cook, meat or pastry, hotel
or cafeteria, city; reierences. Ab iby.
WILL take good care of children after-
noon or evening. aiain 'Jaa.
WANT house cleaning, other work, hours,
d a y; work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305.
LADY wants day work washing or Ironing;
will do housecleanlng. 753 Missouri ave.
LADY would like- work as kitchen helper.
Marshall 160.
A RELIABLE lady will take cars of chil-
dren, 30c an hour. Broadway 1:609.
VIOLA and violin player wishes orchestra
position, hotel, cafe, etc. Tabor 4l;.
YOUNG lady wishes position as exchange
operator, wood taw n 4aoi.
YOUNG lady wants washing and cleaning.
. rnone rast qa aun., to i only.
EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position In
cafe or theater. Phone Automatic 520-42.
Tabor 6-"09.-
dressmaker, day work.
RELIABLE woman wants laundry work.
felast 773:3.
COLORED woman wants day work. Main
GRADUATE piano teacher will teach at
your home; lessons 75c Main 4506.
RELIABLE woman cook wants
position. B 9ff'J, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position;
AR 785, Oregonian.
porter work.
HIGH school girl wants work on Satur
days, w ooaiawn otw.
LADY wishes full management of genUe-
maii'g rennea nome. Aiarsnau 2o44.
YOUNG woman with baby wants house
work.. A Li oregonian.
EXPERT pie-maker wants position; best
of reference. au 04, Oregonian.
COLORED lady wants day work.
East 3237.
WOMAN wants day work. Main 5849.
WOMAN would like day work. Tabor 4174.
LADY, cultured, wishes to take charge of
private borne with motherless children,
companion or chaperon, or in any ca
pacity where menial work Is not le
qulred; willing to go west or south;
highest credentials exchanged. AV 342,
UNINCUMBERED widow wishes h. k. po
sition; neat, clean and good cook; must
hav work. Anyone wishing good, hon
est, agreeable help will do well to an
swer this ad. Can give references. More
for home than wages. Phone Sellwood
220. 549 E.- 17th S., Woodstock car.
i conservatory or music, -suncn,
Switzerland, will accept two or three
pupils for piano. Phone Main 4749 tor
COMPETENT stenographer, six years ex
perience general office work, desires per
manent position; able to assume respon
sibility; salary $123; less where rapid
advancement is assured. Phone Main
RE FI N E D young lady, neat, reliable, Vco
nomtcal, wishes light housework in a
small, refined family; no laundry; fond
of children; neat seamstress; home priv
ileges appreciated; references exchanged.
Woodlawn 6057 after 10 o'clock.
REFINED widow like to meet gentleman
having home, one who wishes good cook
and housekeeper; have no children; more
for home than wages. Phone Sellwood
220S. 549 E. 17th S. Woodstock car.
WANTED Position by high school teacher
of experience. English, history, French
and Latin; musical. Good references.
Writi to Mrs. E. S. Ackert, Myrtle
Creek, Or.
EASTERN woman of business ability and
tact wishes position of trust with relia
ble firm; best of references furnished.
J 988. Oregonian.
A REFINED lady would like to act as
companion to read and attend to cor
respondence by the hour. BC 787, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED married lady with good
V wuuiu ime position as manager
of rooming house or hotel. Mrs. H. H.
Jones. Mass 2201.
EXPERIENCED hotel housekeeper, desires
V . 1. suuu noiei, or management
or apt house; city references. BF 82U,
REFINED lady, past middle age, desires
.vwn. auor nome lor tne winter while
owners are away; best ref. Call or write
Anen, tu i. 1, Scappoose, v Or.
achool girl wishes place with re
fined family to help with .housework for
""a' '""in ana io per month. A 578,
and IChonl lrl wnnM b-un
house In rt fined home for hnnrri nri
room, near high school. S. C. preferred.
WA-TED Position as manager of room-
..wwee or win UKe cnarge of home
where there is no other boss. X) 21L
young lady would lika nHvtt
switchboard eyenlngs after 6. AF SO0.
COMPETENT stenographer wants perma
nent position: good rfemn
WILI. TEACH French to a few ohlldren
"ei"n o na 1 years old in my own
home. Tabor 8377.
TWO SWISS woman want work by the
Alder, bet. 16th and 17th sts. East 948.'
i iiuur nn ffrfnm ti. I '
YOUNG lady wishes private exchange or
. - r "v "ours an evening, x
94. , Oregonian.
W A N T E D By widow, oosttlnn ka....
keeper for widower wits hiih- .w.i
age preferred. Phone Mar. 245. 'room 6.
Kt 85r u" new wui M
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work for
VhiZ " carry ana bring; reason
able prices. AJ 895. Oregonian.
ELDERLY woman will do Uht houwnrb
for working woman in the city. B 917,
EXPERIENCED switchboard operator and
.1 1 aooBnea Position; references. Mar-
snail 3323.
X TRAINED baby nurse and experienced
primary Instructor wiahe, a position a-l
b, oregonian.
EXP. LADY clerk. rtlrri-.r.t u.
KtonHv I . I . . - pi.iih
steady position;
good references. Main
WANTED A Place to t.k. ! hn-
dren evenings while mother Is away.
References Woodlawn 1611.
FOR THE care of children evenings, con-
, . . . . .lea., inrough tbe day.
call Marshall 349. "
u n f ti scnooi riri wlaben tn rirt ,,.., :.
for board.
room " and wages. H 845,
A loUN'U woman desires Doiltlnn in
OOCtOrS Or dentlSt'S Office. Iflnmnnn.
' . oreponian.
WIDOW past 40 would like Dositlnn a
demonstrator: well icaiulni.H v a-:
LESSONS given in grammar grade studies;
shall 9iT pec.a.. . Alar-
REFINED lady, unincumbered, desires po-
vuiniidiiioa in rennea home; no LW travel, ah boo. Uregonian.
10 VOCAL or piano lessons by expert, $5,
" e nintou. , (recronian.
Bookkeepers. S tenor rap hern. Oifit-e.
WOMAN- of large experience offers her
vrviues in a secretarial capacity, well
versea in real estate transactions, docu
ments and terms, collections and rentals,
accustomed to handling large sums of
in o iicy iur com-paniea and private es
tates, familiar with banking and invest
men ls; luga-ciase reference. Bl 806,
STENOGRAPHER, 11 month In business
college. &maU amount of office training,
can transcribe notes: will start at $60
with chance for advancement. Rati
j o nut , yuonp xaoor t-JS.
WANTED Every man and woman looking
position or woo is not satisfied
with their present position or income to
write for "LOOKING ahraty" a dHr...
ram ana xamhlll. Portland. Or.
rtie,i ,..rtKifcj.Ntt; DESIRES PER
zj; A-i Ki;j?ij;i;NCJS. AK. S2. ORE
stenographer Can operate Bur
roughs calculating, adding and posting
machines. Prefer position where 1 can
use one rurrougns mac nine. L 642,
BY RESPONSIBLE people, 4 to S-room
lurmsnea nouse or bungalow, preferably
in Irvlngton, Laurel hurst or Rose City
Park ; must be strictly modern: will
tease; reierences. fnone Marehall 2574
THOROUGHLY comoetent bookkMn-r
with knowledge of stenography, desires
permanent position; o years experience
pest pi reierences. ruone 323-37.
YOUNG lady, experienced blller and typist,
wishes .position; also has had four vmrmr
general ouice experience. Ai &04. Ors-
YOUNG woman with general business ex
perience. Knowledge of salesmanship,
and accustomed to meeting people wishes
position or trust. sr oregonian.
EX-JsSTENOG-RAHER, energetio and de-
penna'Die, must have clerical or gen, of
lice work by 15th; moderate saiary to
etarx. Mam owz.
TOUNO lady with 2 years experience In
general office work desires position: alna
1 unaersranaa swucnooara work. G wOv,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes per
in a.uen l position, laminar witn sadlng
mac nine anu, typewriter; reierences.
Phone tu. sz.
I A YOUNG lady pianist would like eosl
lion as accompanist ior orchestra, good
aignt reader, evenings. rr t47, Oregonian
STENOGRAPHER vlth experience l
filing, and general office work. . Phone
YOUNG woman wants office work, cler
ic&i ; can use comptometer; small salary
tn herin iF 7ft ftrotrnnio m
LaDY would like- position as assistan
bookkeeper or small set of books. Mar-
sraii i-4.
STENOGRAPHER, 4 months' experience,
wishes position; A-l reference. X 946,
STENOGRAPHER-bookkeeper wants oosl
lion, l years experience; salary over
$125. A 997. Oregonian. I
WANTED By a young lady, a position ; i
clerical work preferred; have had Borne
experience in bookkeeping. Bdwy. 2597.
WANTED Position as private secretary
or senior stenograpner. oood reterencea
V 945, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes posi-
off. O 934. Oregonran.
-ROOM furnished, all conveniences; one
lock Rose -oity car; adults. Tabor 3176,
628 E. 64th St. N.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experlneced
and not arraia or worK. desires position
with reliable firm. AN 790. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER with some experience
desires position, rnone djj-iu.
TYPING at home, expert, very reasonable.
or dictation oy nour. 1 aoor .
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants
position, excellent reierences. Main 7496.
I jr-
YOUNG lady wishes position In general
otrice worK ana typing, woooiawn 4501.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog-
bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
gttion; salary 100. G 49. Oregonian.
Dress makers.
DRESSMAKING School clothes tailored,
suits and coats,' dresses, etc., alterations
reasonable. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver
ave. 316-06.
DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed
prices reasonable. 311 Central Bldg.
10th st.. Main 3408.
DRESSMAKING. alterations, children's
clothes ; work guaranteed. Mrs. Ground,
407 loth. Main 1789.
ENGAGEMENTS by day, up-to-date dress
maker, remodeling reasonable. Broadway
AN EXCELLENT seamstress, $2.50 per
day. Mrs. Vanderhoof. Phone Main 28U5.
THOSE desiring first-class dressmaking,
call Main 7223. s
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work
by the day. East 6264.
GOOD dressmaking, alterations and re
modeling. $4 per day. Wdln. 6159.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, reliable, rea
sonable; alterations. East 7fV5.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Tabor
Michigan ave..
done reasonably,
near Beech st.
FURS remodeled, repaired.
Shop, 827 Morgan bldg.
Vanlte Fur
SEAMSTRESS wants work. Prefer house
dresses, aprons, etc - BD 796, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring.
94 per day. Call Tabor 3213.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
-by day. Auto. 223-58.
REFINED lady used to waiting on sick
wishes position to care for elderly or
invalid lady. BJ 7U3, uregonian.
TRAI NED nurse wishes more cases or
hourly nursing; reasonable terms. Mar
shall 349.
NURSE wishes position to care for Infant
or children ; first-class references. M
987, Oregonian.
POSITION as trained nurse, colored, 13
years of experience. Call Broadway 224 1,
Room iOJ.
POSITION wanted by experienced child's
nurse ; references. AN 865. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED trained nurse is now ready
for any kind of cases. Tabor 9232.
PRACTICAL nurse wants position,
furnish references. Woodlawn 1241.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes case
or otherwise. E 844. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED American woman wishes
housekeeping for elderly gentleman; city
or country; no lncumberance ; good home
more than high wages. Direct, Aber
deen, Washington. Mrs. Emma Hudson,
A WELL-BALANCED, capable woman
desires a position as housekeeper in
refined private home; excellent service
guaranteed; no objection to leaving city,
AK 854, Oregonian.
AN ELDERLY woman wants a position
as housekeeper for a Widower with one
school child, or light nousework in
small family. G 910, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPERS Middle-aged widow
with girl 9 years old, would like house
keeping, city or country. B 938, Ore
UNINCUMBERED middle-aged woman
wishes work on farm where there are no
ch ildren or women. Mrs. I. Smith,
Rldgeneia. w asn. rt. r . u. 2. Pox wo.
YOUNG widow 33 desires position as
housekeeper where she can go home
nights to be with children. Mrs. Luhr,
6103 45th av. S. E,
POSITION as housekeeper, where there Is
no other child. 1 have little girl 7 years.
want to get near school. Tabor 10IT
CAPABLE lady wishes position as house
Keeper in gentleman s noma, can lau
W. Park st., room 5.
REFINED lady wishes "position as house
keeper in city Tor adults or cook zor
club. V oss, ores-onlan.
ELDERLY lady wants position as house
keeper. Address Mrs. Mary eandridge,
Oregon city, or. rt. i, tiox irj.
HOUSEKEEPER, neat, reliable, middle
age, wishes position, couple employed,
or widower's home. T 908, Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady with references deslrei
housekeeping for one or two gentlemen.
AB 714. oregonian.
YOUNG widow wants position as house
keeper in widower s or bachelor s bom
in city. Marshall 1344.
ELDERLY unincumbered woman want:
permanent housekeeping In widower
home. AM 779. Oregonian.
WOMAN wishes housekeeping in widowers
or bachelors home. N 990, Oregonian
House cleaning, window washing, car
pet cleaning by expert workmen; floors
waxed, furniture polished like new,
188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157.
Tabor 4t3tt. Mouse cleaning, iioor wax
ing and vacuum cleaning; estimates
cheerfully given. 15 eat or reierences.
YOUNG lady wants a good home where
there is light work to ao ior ner room
and board. AL 791, oregonian.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats
with definite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find thl
bureau of great value in helping them
gat properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WANTED To rent 6 or 6-room bungalow
with sleeping porch, fireplace and fu
nace preferred, by a responsible business
man; any desirable location: will lease
ir satisfactory, call lapor Wio.
WANTED For a term of 1, 2 or 3 years,
an up-to-date well-f urnlsned nouse; mu
have II bath rooms and 4 bedrooms on
second floor. Adulta. Best of references.
A 575, Oregonian.
WANTED- 6 or 7-room furnished house
or bungalow witn. garage; win tatc
lease and furnish references. BJ 74
I WANT to rent a home, and I want It
bad. Will take good care 01 property
Location makes no aillerence. oau iven
worthy. Tabor oL'67 any time today.
WANTED Furnished house: aoout fi
roams, modern, with garage: best refer
ences; family of three. J. W. Gebhart.
Imperial hotel.
WANTED Br September 12. 6-room fu:
nished or partly furnished house by re
soonslble family; no small children.
Phone East 7135 or Wodlawn 4609.
WANTED To rent or lease. or S-room
modern nouse witn garagv. viui to.
Call Tabor 3302.
FAMILY of three wants house or apar
ment. 5-7 rooms, on lease; reierencc
S-44, Oregonian.
xl a kt ft r T-rm. modern, convenient
cation; consider purchasing. A 990, Ore
. gonian.
A NICE 6-room house and maid's room,
good location; pay s.o or iuv jr m
unfurnished, x 940. oregonian.
WANTED To rent by family of adul
an 8 or 9-room modern house with g
rage. Phone wooaiawn mi.
Tfi R K NT Partlv furnished house.
sDonsible young couple; no children,
Wdln 4406.
hoi irk 4 or more rooms, in Milwauk
Or. "Will take lease for 1 year with
option of purchase. Call Wdln. L'3b8.
TO RENT 3-room house, furnished.
per month. Ring up Tabor 8993 between
8 and IO o clock bunflay.
fioilPLE with daughter 14 desire a 5
7-room house in Irvlngton. Phone Wd
PIiRNifiHED house. 3 or four sleepi
rooms; adults; long lease. Sellwood
WANTED Modern 7 to 9-room house, west
side or Irvington; 3 cnitaren in iamiiy
references. Tel. East 999.
7-ROOM or more, close In," west side pre
f erred; win pay 4 montns rent in au.
vance. East 6U4.
ori WTn T3is pannniihU nartv. 3 or
room bungalow, house or lower ffat.
Prefer Rose City Park. East 3864.
room house, unf urnlphed, modern, cloi
In: adults only. N 908. Oregonian.
WANTED TO RENT 6-room house. Mt
Tabor or Hawthorne districts; references.
1256 East Madison.
ADULTS to rent four furnished rooms In
quiet suburbs. H 928. Oregonian.
WANTED Small unfurnished house; sub
urbs preferred. AM 856, Oregonian.
TO LEASE: An elderly couple, a 4 or 5
room bungalow. 790 E. Morrison, city.
WANT small furnished bouse in good lo
cality. Phone East 5045.
FURNESHEfD home wanted, W. S. Mar.
2544. .
FURNISHED house or rooms, 2 bed, not
over $2A r 330. Alain &35.
WANTED To rent or lease, 5 or 6-room
modern house, unfurnished. East side 1
location preferred. Possession required
not later than Oct. 1. Best of refer
ences turn Ished. Phone Tabor 67 1 4.
WANTED House., flat or housekeeping
rooms, unfurnished or furnished, for
Rntimhi n ci October: east side, pre
ferably Rose City Park district, east of
42d street. Phone Main 3109. Webb.
BY RESPONSIBLE party. 7-room home
north rkf Wnnhinsrton or Portland
Heights. 207 Stock Exch. bldg. East
2923. ' .
A part men ts.
ANTED 2 or 3-roora furnished apart
ment about September 15; adults. Phone
Kast 41 15.
WANTED Well-furnished, well-heated
room. W. 8. preferred., steam neat, run
ning water, electricity, Housekeeping 1
privileges; not over $6. M 945, Orego
nian. ANTED Two furnished housekeeping
rooms for middle-a ed mother and son.
Cook stove in kitchen preferred. Call
Woodlawn 49S4 all week, mornings, near
Hawthorne school.
TEACHER of voice and Dlano. man.
wishes room and breakfast; lesqpns in
part payment. Ab oww, uregoniau.
NGLE man. emdoved. wants aulet room.
moderate price, west side. AH 789, Ore-
gonian. I
Booms With Board.
REFINED couple employed wish rra. and
board with priv. fam. ; willing to take
care of children evenings. Box AV 33 L
TWO HIGH SCHOOL teachers, gentlemen.
desire room ana two meals in private
family in Irvlngton. Would consider
room with breakfast references from
Irvlngton people. Call only today from
1 to o r. i. labor iwjj.
MOTHER wishes to place little girl in
rood home where she can eo to school.
Age 12 years; good company. BJ 847,
OTHER, son and daughter (adults), wish
room and board In orivate home: refer
ences exchanged. Tabor 5559 after 12 I
EFINED young business man wishes
board and room in good private fam
ily near Grand ave. and Multnomah. P
943,- Oregonian.
PHONE MAIN 10"9tt.
WANTED Room and board In private
family in desirable location for refined
couple and daughter 12 years. Rose
City preferred. V 540, Oregonian.
WANTED Place to board and room girl
that is attending nigh scnooi; must De
private lamtiy. v mm, oregonian.
WANTED A pleasant, well-furnished room
and dinners in private family, west siae
AF 7hE, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady teacher . wishes room and I
board, near Fernwood school.
RESPONSIBLE couple with no children
desires to rent a modern a or o-ronm
house. Can give references. Bast 2164.
WANT home for little school girl, with
C. S. people, bv working widow ; snat
tuck school district. Call 247 Yamhill.
BOARD and room wanted for extra well
reared boy of nine, near school. O w-u,
Housekeeping Rooms.
WOMAN, employed, wishes housekeeping
rooms tn private home wnere little girl
of 5 will have best of care through day:
surroundings for child of most impor
tance. L 946. Oreconlan.
MAN AND wife wish H. K. rooms in vicin
ity of Rose City Park. T. 5728.
WANTED To rent auto, repair shop; must
do good location, witn or witnout toois;
do not want to buy, but rent. Jt 948.
WANT to rent small barn for horse and
wagon. AB 779, Oregonian.
LARGE front sleeping room, suitable for
two. 18,; side sleeping room for two. i:
ladies preferred ; walking distance, near
Wash, high school; garage. $7.50. 556
East Alder. Sun. bet. 10 and 3 and Mon
day between 9 and 5.
SOME very good, clean sleeping rooms at
20S 17th st.. near Taylor.
Furnished Rooms.
GENTLEMAN having large room with
new bed davenport, sanitary couch, pi
ano, steam heat and elevator service,
would like roommate: cooking if de
sired; $10 a month. 413 Goodnough
bldg.. apposite old pos toff ice an oth su
ANGELA HOTEL Under new manage
ment; large cheerful lobby; rooms witn
or without bath ; reasonable rales by
day, week or month. Angela Hotel,
f2o w ashing ton st.
124 14th St.. at Washington.
Rates $6 per week up, $1 day. Fire
proof, large attractive, spotless rooms;
close to amusement and shopping center.
FOR RENT 3 or 4 rooms, nicely fur
nished, modern, close in. on west side.
to responsible party; must be permanent.
Shown by appointment. Maxwell Hall,
or phone Bdwy. 3 4 90.
East Morrison st.. at East Sixth.
The principal east side hotel; digni
fied and refined; 91.-5 per day and up;
q per weeic ana up.
MODERN 2 large rooms, upper fiat, at
702 V E. 9th st.. partly furnished, in
cluding lights, water, phone and haul
away the garbage. Inquire at 6S6 E. 14th
st. ts.
FOR RENT Two steam-heated sleeping
rooms, or will furnish for H. K.. rooms.
on Broadway car line, corner 19th st.
Call 354 E. 19th N. or phone East 8712
after Monday.
NICE sleeping room for rent to one or two
gentlemen, uau any time bunaay. Mon
,day or Tuesday at 128 Vs 13th st., near!
v nsuiiigvuii, uiinuo,
Morrison and Park streets.
New, fireproof and modern.
Special rates to permanent guests.
$4. $5 COME and look at these lovely
steam-heatea iront rooms, warning dis
tance, all modern conveniences. Call
mornings, Bdwy. 1429.
Fifth and Washington sts.
Attractive rates to permanent guests.
Commodious suites zor zamulea.
WELL furnished sleeping room, adjacent
to bath : also one small room lor a
dent, with bath privileges, $7 per mo.
128 North I8tn st.
DRURD HOTEL, 410Vfc Morrison, corner
11th, newly furnished throughout, hot
and cold water In every room; special
rates to permanent guesta
SEPARATE and outside rooms now vacant
at 24 Albina ave.; make your own price;
workingmen only; board if desired. aat
Mir-PU.Y fitmishsd front room with kitch
en privileges; close in. 683 Hawthorne,
corner itftn. .ac vt o.
NICELY furnished room in Irvlngton for
lady or gentleman employed. Phone
Kast 8413.
ROOMS to rent in well-furnished home
and near Reed college. JaUtohan privi
leges, fcenwooa uoo.
GARLAND hotel. 25 Trinity place; rate. $5
a week up, modern outde rooms, steam
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison at Tenth
Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; free
phone and patns.
MAKE "The Bushmark your home;
clean, modern rooms. Washington st., at
SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and
sleeping rooms. Phone last 29L 271V.
Grand ave.
HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th st. Nice
modern, clean rooms, at transient and
permanent rates.
HOTEL ST. PAUL 130 4th st. Central,
Clean, respectaoie. outes witn or with
out bath for permanent guests.
ONE LARGE front sleeping room or light
housekeeping, furnace heat. 387 College
st. and West Park. Main 3154.
FURNISHED ROOM Large front room.
witn pain, iuiuidid ior jl or gentlemen;
walking distan ce. 4tf7 Harrison st.
Third and Main sts. Rates $5 a week
up; large rooms, attractive loony.
HAVE room for rent by Lincoln high
scnooi in ncaiea primenii gin pre-
I erred. r w-, vr-suuian.
NICE large room for 2. reasonable; 1
Broadway bridge. 334 Rown at.
NEWLY furnished rooms, single or en
suite. ojj"h avercn, corner lotn.
fl DAY. $2.50 week up; clean, baths free.
notei -aaniac. x nira, near J errerson.
lng rooms.
Housekeeping and
266 Front, corner Mad is on.
NICE, clan bedroom, two large windows
bath. 68 N. 22d st.
FURNISHED rooms with bath. 187 16th .u
841 ELEVKNTH Room in exchange for
care oi mom ms ana evening.
Main 6494.
room downtown, $3.f.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, hot and
Furnished Rooms.
207 14TH ST.
Hot and cold water, steam neat, every
room ; ideal location, close in. A home
'Away from home.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished suite or single
rooms, with or without baths In high-
clus apartment house, to refined gen
tleman. Marshall 2830.
Large, nicely furnished, steam-heated
rooms, hot and cold water in every room,
nic parlor with piano: $4 to $6 a week.
Cor. Third and Montgomery. Main 799 4.
VERY desirable large sleeping room, com
pletely furnished, electric lights, not
and cold water in room, suitable for 1
or 2 persons, easy walking distance,
lel Monte. 167 Stout St., near 2Uth and
CLEAN furnished rooms. 414 Taylor St.
Unfurnished Booms.
FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
i-etron ave. su Johns car. woodi.
rooms at Multnomah
Inquire at poolroom; unfur-
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, cen
trally located. Call 370 14th su, near
ROOMS to rent, all modern, close in: ref
erences. Alain 2000. 3sl 11th St.. cor
ner of Mill.
FIVE unfurnished rooms. 1206 East Main
ROOM 17x21. o2d and Sandy blvd., $7.00.
Jiarsnau dji. 1 Corbett bldg.
FOR RENT A basement room, cheap,
for one or two men. 57 Trinity Place.
THREE housekeeping rooms, $6 per mo.
Lower Alblna; adulta only. Tabor 571.
Furnished Booms In Private Family.
FRONT parlor with dressing room, suit-
aoie ior two refined gentlemen: aiso
side room and sleeping porches for both
rooms; reference; west side, close in.
Bdwy. 4:129.
ONE LARGE front room, beautifully fur
nished ; also large side room ; use of
piano and home privileges for refined
LARGE, well-furnished front room In nri
vate residence for gentleman, walking
-.stance, reierences required. Call fore
noons. 554 E. Taylor. Phone East 2529.
2 ROOMS, fully furnished, not far from
S. S. hall. 10 minutes' walk to business
center; private family. 389 12th street.
mars nan 9t..
Large front room, facing park: gar
age if desired; walking distance. East
LARGE front room, adjoining bath, out
Bide entrance, mahogany furnished, $20.
-Jin ana Aiain ana iu mast Main. Tele
phone East 6918.
FINE large" front room, bav window.
cioset. monern conveniences; suitable for
i or ; la m. to bus. center. 413 W
PLEASANT front room in poor family
tor singio moy or gentleman employed;
a v-nristian cnaracter preferred. 292
l r.t n st.
LARGE, clean room, all conveniences; pre-
ler teacner. : itn St., cor. Jeffer
ROOM with garage, $25 month. 884 Skid
more St., end of Broadway car line. In
Aiameoa r'arit.
448 TAYOLR ST Clean, nlea-ant hnm
like sleeping room, quiet, for gentleman.
BIG LIGHT room, well furnished, modern
conveniences, easy walking distance,. f33
Johnson st, cor. 16th. Broadway 2I6.
FOR RfcNT Close In. a nice, light, well-
vertuated front room, garage room, rent
reasonable. East 1062.
LARGE, neatly-furnished sleeping porch.
mouero ouiioing, an conveniences, will
accomodate two adults. 547 Yamhill st.
ATTRACTIVE suite, Ladd's Addition.
Within Walklna distant iloarntnnrn- ,i r-
able two gentlemen. East 1120.
, NICELY furnished room. all modern:
middle-aged lady preferred. Inquire of
janitor at Bezendorf, 208 16th st.
(LARGE, beautifully furnished room; re
sonable; employed girls preferred.
NICELY furnished room, near Multnomah
ciuo. ior gentleman. 587 Madison. Mar
shall 1H39.
NICE room, furnished, home privilege,
well heated. For middle-aged lady; walk
ing distance. 325 S. 17th. west side.
3 NICELY furnished sleeping rooms 3
blocks from Jefferson high school. 1004
Commercial st. Phono Woodlawn 5724.
ONE OR TWO outside roona. newly fur-
nisned; not and cold water, free bath.
jjiione. tinvate nome. tvt landers.
LARGE front parlor bedroom; new furni
ture ana piano, witn use of kitchen. 20
E. i5th st.
FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two
persona oi Giisan at., near 23d. Main
LARGE, airy fro n't room, suitable for one
or two gentlemen or two ladies, near
library; $7 a week. 394 Yamhill.
PLEASANT room for rent to school girl
or girl employed. 6SC E. 15th N. or call
automatic 3 10-25.
257 12TH ST. Large front room. 2 clothes
closets, running water; walking distance;
strictly modern; suitable for 2 or 3.
MODERN room, west side. 443 Ilth st.
tall before noon or after 5 P. M. Main
1 033.
L. H. K. ROOM, gentleman.
875 E. Yam-
hill st., cor. 29th.
854 CLAY Furnished room for gentleman.
jmurutty, ounaay and Monday.
269 14TH. near Jefferson Choice rooms.
HSJ l 1 ,WM T 11 I" lICC main JflJJ.
STEAM-HEATED room In private family.
center. Aiarsnau iit.
ONE CLEAN, neat basement sleeping
room. a month. 241 13th st.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one
or two, i--? j errerson st. Main 67 4 .
FURNISHED room for rent. 147 North
::.ia st.
tance. SO N. 21st st. Main 5223.
IRVINGTON Front room for gentleman.
one block from J car line. Bust 7290.
! TWO extra large H. K. rooms, clean and
quiet, walking distance. 375 14th st.
LOWER floor of modern Irvlngton home;
iuei. pnone ana water. rat 3147.
NICELY furnished front room reasonable.
o i union ave.
LARGE front room, reasonable for one or
two. loca sc. near Washington.
NICE, furnished rooms, single and double.
u-a.i uip w-i -m. iwauoq, o lamnui.
LARGE front room, modern.
breakfast room. 327 6th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms;
place tor cniidren. 95 17th.
EXCEPTIONALLY well-furnished large
room, reasonable, gentleman preferred.
739 Gltsan. Main 1124.
1 FURNISHED room, suitable for 2. 212
ntn st.
A LARGE, nicely furnished room, suitable
two or tnree girts. ojay.
VERY nicely furnished room, furnace heat.
wiiHini uisuinLc. o i . . isi st.
FURNISHED room In private home, heat,
ngnt ana omn. j jvs r. rteimont et-
FRONT room. 362 Morris sL, near Union.
ONE outside steam-heated sleeping room
in apartment, jproaaway 4Bjy.
FU RN ISHED room with private bath.
Apply Janitor Rose-Friend apartments.
PLEASANT room for rent to gentleman.
ttf V oavis. corner itn. .roadway 4317.
ROOM for a gentleman In a private Jew.
ish family; references. Broadway 17S2.
NEWLY furnished rooms, east side, wa 1 k-
ing distance; heat, light. Phone E. 7714.
I NICELY furnished rooms, single or double;
heat, light, phone. 120 East 15th.
SLEEPING ROOM in private family. Nob
Hill district. Gentlemen only. Mar. 1865.
NICELY furnished room.
walking dis-
tance, -utm
FU RNISH ED room for busf ness woman;
r e asonaoie. iom st. .viam -tt.
CLEAN, comfortable room with alt con
veniences. 1 1 tn st.
SEPT. 7 Irvlngton. - 2 carl in es, warm.
sunny rooms, cast 1-10.
VERY desirable room, walking distance;
breakfast it qesiren.
ON E NICELY furnished
sleeping room.
TW Moyi. wain o--.
TWO clean furnished housekeeping rooms;
adults. 1 cj. tin st. ivs-t
SCHOOL girls or couple employed may
have rooms. H. K. privileges. Tabor 2"8.
ONE SLEEPING ROOM, cheerful outside
room. bJS n. --a st.
CLEAN sleeping room. private home;
walking distance. ian rast
FURNISHED front room tn high-class 5-
room apartment. .a i.m st., apt. 1-
A PLEASANT room in quiet home; relax
oce. Marsh 4 4428.
FuniiMifd Rooms in Private Family.
Walking distance near 23d and Wash
ington. Corner room with alcove, dress
ing room, fireplace. furnU-hed mahog
any and twin beds, suitable for two
Kentlemen at $50 per month or single
o5. In private family and good surround
ings. Phone Main S-6
BUSI NESS woman will share cozy four
room flat with teacher or business wom
an; separate beds; $.0, Inquire Sunday
afternoon or Monday. 76 Michigan
ave. M isglsstppj car.
3 LARGE outside rooms, completely fur
nished, piano. light, heat and use of
phone: 1 block south of Multnomah c4ub:
$4 per- month. 233 Chapman, cor.
ATTRACTIVE room with fireplace for era
ployed people; every comfort and con
venience ; $25 for one. $39 for two;
kitchen privileges optional. 774 Wasco.
East 50S1.
COMFORTABLE room In fine residence:
very congenial surroundings; kitchen
and laundry privileges if desired for
Fmall additional charge; 35 a week.
Mam 80N5.
FOR RENT Clean, front room, mahog
any furniture in a strictly private home,
one block from Laurelhurst club and
park, for one or twu gentlemen. Civil
Tabor lo46. m
NEWLY furnished attractive front room
and alcove with fireplace in beaitirul
home. One block from Mt. Tabor car
line. Tabor SS00.
NICE large room with private dressing
room and lavatory in a beautiful home
with all modern conveniences; west side,
walking distance. Marshall 401.
ONE or two nicely furnished front rooms.
strictly modern home; gentleman pre
ferred ; walking distance ; 1 blk. from
Broadway car; reasonable. East 1689.
2 WELL-FURNISHED separate rooms in
beautiful residence district, H block
south of Hawthorne; men employed pre
ferred. 30 Glenn ave.
PLEASANT, well-furnished room in mod
ern, reftned home, very reasonable; one
or two ladies or married couple. Tabor
LOV" ELY room, suitable for 2 men, fur
nace heat. Nob Hill, walking d istance.
Call before 10 and after 3. Mam 2964.
7-tS Hoyt st.
IN NICE home In Irvincton. liKht. cheer
ful, well -turn ished room, heated with
hot water; large closet, lavatory in room.
Gentleman. East 3169.
ROOM for rent, 2 school girls or em
ployed couple, with or without use of
ki tchen. E. 20th st. Phone Sell.
A LARGE front furnished room with bath
to a reliable man wishing a home with
a family of two. 11 .9 Ha.wthorue ave..
opposite Sunny side lodge.
PLEASANT sleeping room, single or
double, for employed person : plenty of
heat, home surroun flings, walking dis
tance. 3 Jo 13th st. Phone Main So 40.
NICE front room in modern flat, reason
able; for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Oall before
noon Sunday, 2?S loth st. Phone Main
FOR TWO gentlemen of refinement I havo
2 iovely rooms in private home, west
- side.$30 per month. Main 1GSQ.
WELL-FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 em
ployed, near Broadway bridge. 423 Ross
FURNISHED room for rent ; ail modern
conveniences. Desirable location. 2u2 N.
23d st.
FOR RENT Ideal room with bath In
private family for two girls. Just one
block from Rose City car. Tabor 2549.
ONE ROOM $7, 1 $10, Including gas: 2
lower floor $15. All outside. 474 Kast
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Take
Mt. Tabor car. get off 3oth. walk north
2 blocks. 105 East 30th st. Tabor 822.
LARGE nicely furnished room suitable for
one or two: also smaller room, $3.50
per week. Broadway 4251.
137.S TABOR COURT. 2 sleeping rooms
and sleeping porch; will furnish for per
manent renters ; ladies only.
WILL rent cheerful front room to school
teacher, with brcakfa&t, near . Sunnyslde
school. Phone Tabor 1 179 forenoons.
NICELY furnished room In private fam
ily; modern, steam heat, home priv
ileges; lady preferred. B 120, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished room in private family,
suitable for young lady or gentleman.
Ins E. 12th st.
TWO NICE large rooms, large closets,
close to Jefferson high school; board
next door. Automatic 324-21.
NICELY fumlFhed room In private family
for one or two ladies: home privileges,
modern; veary reasonable. Tabor 5950.
LARGE room, steam heat, no other room
ers, with or without garage, in modern
home. 6h7 E. 9th st., near Beacon st.
FURNISHED room In private family, fur
nished room with sleeping porch in
apartment, kitchen privileges. Main 3449.
ROOM for rent to girl employed, home
privileges. $12 month. 1129 E. 15th at.
N.. Alberta car.
FURNISHED room, suitable for two men,
steam heat, walking distance. 6bU Flan
ders st.. apt. 34.
FCRX1SHED room, private famtly; gen
tleman only ; free heat and bath. 363
Fargo st.. near Union ave. Auto. 322-63.
HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping room, close
In ; employed people preferred ; use of
piano. Call Monday. Woodlawn 2128.
PLEASANT furnished room, private family,
west side, walking distance; reasonable.
Marshall 2051.
FOR RENT One sleeping room, suitable
for 2, $15 per month for one. $20 for 2;
t. diking distance. Phone East 3067.
GOOD home for high school girl near
Jefferson high school. 866 Williams ave.
Rooms With Board.
Two of the best-known residential
hotels on Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath.
$2 50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
NuHTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel: rooms en suits
or singie. with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you ai the comforts of a home,
reasonable jratea.
JEANNE D' ARC Furnished rooms, with
or without ooara, ior Business giris ana
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features within the limitation
of the minimum wage earner; (2 per
week and up. 265 14th st. Main 4119.
WOMAN, living alone, has well furnished
room, suitable for two, with board; also
small room. 551 South Broadway. Mar
shall 572.
3S0 Tenth st. For business girts and
students : reasonable rates. Mar. 125L
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; walking distance;
$5 per week. Aut, 21-974. 12 E. 7th st.
TWO GENTLEMEN can, find a nice room
and two home-cooked meals, very close
in. by calling Broadway 3524.
452" MORRISON. corner 13th; choice
rooms and board; modern conveniences.
FURNISHED room with board- 4o7 Clay
st. Main 3834.
Boomi With Board in Private Family.
N 1C ELY f u rnish ed room, su i table for 2
employed; a good table and home priv
ileges; walking distance. East 156.
IRVINGTON HOME Large room, two
beds. two empioyea . c. lauies pre
ferred. Telephone East 6591.
HAVE ONE or two rooms for rent with
board in modern home; pleasantly lo
cated. Tabor 4216.
ROOM and board for one or two young
women who want to enjoy home oppor
tunities. Tabor 1444.
BOARD and room for four young men or
Franklin high school students in private
heme. AL 792, Ore-sonian.
ROOM and board in 'private family; lo
cated two blocks from Clinton Kelly
school. Sellwood 31 12.
BOARD AND ROOM for 4 men close to
Wash, high and Benson. 623 E. Stark.
East 4127.
CHILDREN will receive good care In sub
urban home of a refined and thoughtful
woman. Sellwood 2793.
WILL board and room school girl in a
cheerful home 4 blocks from Sunnyslde
school. Call Tabor 1179 forenoons.
NEAR West over Terrace, good room with
private family for person employed;
ref. required. Phone Main 8563.
BEST of care and board for 2 boys or
girls; 2 blocks from school. 703 Everett
nt. Marshall 3023.
ROOM and board for a gentleman; garage
if desired. East 2119J
ROOM and board in private family; good
room, home cooking. 269 North 21st st.
WANTED 2 teachers for school year BXJ
SoV. Oregonian.
ROOM with breakfast and dinner in mod
ern home. Tabor 1129.
q4 k OR two small children to board,
mot her's care; reference. Sellwood 358L
BOARD and room in private family. CalJ
Kant 2S99.
LARGE front room with board for gentle
man only, close In. west side. 319-36.
LARGE front room for 3 adults, 721 East
Ast street. East 8678.
- 1 BOOM with board.
I G.nllomtn
S74 Idd .