6 TOE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 29, 1920 REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. On Oregon Electric Railway. 1 -story double constructed, 6 Iarg? airy rooms, also den; large bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, fireplace, gas, electricity, city water, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays. Located on a beautiful 1-acre tract, overlooking the surrounding country, close to Ryan Place station ; only 4 blocks to school. There Is also a first-class garage and large chicken house and run ; bearing fruit trees. This property was built by the present owner 5 years ago. Has never been on the market and probably never would be but for the fact that owners are obliged to move east. We can recommend this as an exceptionally fine buy. All the comforts of a home. In the best residence district of the city, plus pure, fresh country surroundings; $7500 full price; $3500 cash will handle, and the balance at 7 per cent without monthly payments. Shown by appoint ment only. -Main 802T GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. ' $2200 DOWN. A modern 5 -room bungalow, hardwood floors, concrete basement, lot 50x100; entire home finished in Ivory white, with two neatly finished bedrooms In attic, making practically a seven-room bungalow and only one block from Sandy blvd. This will have to be seen to be appreciated and Ls being sacrificed for RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE. Near Ladd's Addition, -room, 2-story double constructed residence, with bath, fireplace, full base ment, 1 blocks to- car, 20 minutes walking distance; owners leaving city and must sell at a sacrifice price of $3200; will make reasonable terms to the right parties; must have quick ac tion. Why pay rent? Let Us Show Yon. CEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HAWTHORNE RICHMOND. 452 E. 80th, garage $4150 2019 E. 49th, garage $5000 1184 Ivon $4500 433 East 37th $4500 Modern, with hardwood floors, fire place, breakfast room; all imps, paid; $ 1000 down, bal. terms ; vacant; bouse open. GEO. A. ROSS, Mar. 858. 404 Gerlinger bldg. EAST SIDE HOME, $5000- Cosy 8-Toom residence, strictly mod ern, hardwood floors, fireplace, full ce ment basement, furnace, paved street, easy walking distance to Washington and Benson high schools; easy terms. See RTOHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION. 868 Multnomah St., walking distance east side, near schools and churches; two-story, 8-room house, four bedrooms, bath, electric lights, hardwood floors, full-sized concrete basement, with the famous Gasco furnace, large garage; If old this week can make special price snd terms. PO IN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 184)0. RESIDENCE, EAST 6771. WESTMORELAND. Extra well constructed 5-room bun galow, oak floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, cement basement, laundry traya and furnace; rooms are large and light, finished in old ivory; large attic with sleeping porch; paved streets and sewer paid; price J 5250, half cash.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE or lease by owner, 100x150 corner lot. with small house, well built and modern, bearing apple' and cherry trees, shrubs, rose and berry bushes. This is an ideal home for two adults or young married couple. Owner leaving town. $700 will handle; balance as rent at 6 per cent. Call Monday and Tuesday afternoons. No. 15 E. 55th St., cor. Burnside. Montavilla car to 55th. RICHMOND. By owner, 5-room up-to-date bungalow built 1 year; hardwood floors, all modern improvements, cement basement, fine lawn and shrubbery; paved street, all assessments paid; lot 100x100; will sell furnished If so desired. Call before 1 P. M. Phone Aut. 218-23. Ideal small home; must be seen to be appreciated. $3600 FURNISHED . BUNGALOW $3600. 5 nicely arranged and nicely furnished rooms all on one floor hall, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 sleeping rooms and bath; extra good cement basement ; several bearing fruit trees; berries, large garage; 2 blocks from Union and 1 block from Alberta. See O.. B. Rippey, 610 McKay bldg. Main 6229. WEST SIDE HOME. $10,000. Modern 8-room residence, hardwood floors, built-lns, etc., full concrete base ment. 50x100 lot with east front, cash. bal. to suit. See RICHARD W. MAST. ' RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Fine corner lot. 100x100. on Broadway. -room residence, 5 bedrooms, near Irv lngton school; make good home now and in a few years will double in value; house is modern except hardwood floors. $12,000; terms. PO INDEX TER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771 IRVINGTON HOME. $10,000. Beautiful Irving ton home first time offered, grounds 100x100. corner loca tion, large 6-room modern residence. liDerai terms, see RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SAVE tlOO. Dandy 5-room bungalow, white enamel Kitchen and bedrooms, furnace, full ce ment basement, laundry tubs, gas stove In basnment, east front. 2 blocks from car; If you want an ideal home, call Sunday between 2 and 5 P. M. 983 E. JSth N. Price $3500; terms. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE, $25,000. Beautiful colonial house of 11 rooms. interiors of white enamel and mahog any, 3 fireplaces, grounds 150x100. See RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Beautiful 8-room home in best locality for view and car; hardwood floors throughout house, plate glass, best fur nace, hot water, fireplace ; 75x110 grounds; street hard surfaced ; bargain. M. 847. 409 Spalding bldg. " LADD ADDITION. Near Hawthorne Avenue. 7-room. 2-story, absolutely modern residence, with large lot and garage; only $7400. on terms. Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg S-ROOM house, cellar, city water; 1 acre land with fine crop of potatoes, prunes and garden; good chicken house, 35 chickens and ducks: 6 cords wood. All goes for $2750 ; $1800 cash, balance on easy terms; furniture if desired. AV 410, Oregonlan. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Invest $1000 in lovely home and make 40 per cent; 7-room house, in excellent condition; finest location, 50x100 lot; full cement basement, furnace, garage; best of tenants; bargain at $4200. MRS. DAWSON. 621 Henry Bldg. COSY COTTAGE. $1900. 5 rooms on paved street, 3 blocks from car, lot 90x100, modern plumbing. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUILT BY OWNER DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, ga rage, 40x100 lot, close in. This ls worth the money. See and be convinced, $4850. Terms. Broadway 48K0. IRVINGTON HOME $11,000. 7 room with all modern conveniences n Hancock st. near 24th; large lot with fine double garage and shade trees. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY HOM E. Dandy corner, 100x137. 8-room house In splendid shape inside and out: fur nace hnat, $55O0 ; terms. See Mrs. Thom son. 621 Henry bldg. 4-ROOM cottage at 992 Enst Yamhill. It is a big snap at $20CTf). on your own terms; out-of-town owner must unload at once. See N. H. ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $7500 value; 8 rooms modern, house furnished. Price $5500; $1500 cash. $50 per month. Tabor 4216 Sunday, week Broadway 1901, Owner. IRVINGTON bungalow-style home va cant, large lot, one bedroom down, balance up. choice location, $7750. Neu hausen. Min 807S. 1'ITLE Insurance saves time and money because no abstract is required. Titie A Trust company. FOR SALE Or will lease by the year, 5-room cottaare, just papered and painted. Phone East 6589. 6-ROOM modern house, near Sandy blvd.; paved street ; reasonable terma East 6329. DEAL WITH owner. $700 down, balance like rent, buys 6-room house and 2 lota at 336 E. 44th. Call Taftor 3S. B-ROOM modern home, good condition, $2200. cash $903, 260 E., 77th North. MV car. T0 YOU need a comfortable 6-room house. near school one block to ear. for little BEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. EXCHANGES. 2H. acres close in and 160 acres of good timber land and some cash for a modern residence in Portland. 40 acres in White Salmon apple dis trict; 7 acres bearing apples; good fair buildings; exchange for Portland prop erty. Modern 7-room steam-heated residence, 100x200. fruit, walks and lawn; will take acreage part payment. T. M. KELLER, 801 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 8908. LA TJREL H U RST BUNGALOW. Six large rooms, garage, 50x100 lot, 2 blocks to car, $7000; must have at least one-half cash. 1255 E. Davie st-. Near 43d. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. BEST BUY IN THE DISTRICT. $4730. Strictly modern in every particular. 5 rooms and sleeping porch. While en ameled finish, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. French doors, ce ment porch, full cement basement with furnace, laundry trays. $1500 down, $35 per mo. at 6. 34th, south of Haw thorne. METZOER PARKER COMPANY. 269 Oak st. Bdwy. 5355. AINS WORTH AVE., near Ockley Green school, modern 6-room bungalow; lot 70x105; fruit and lawn; in good order. Price $3100; small payment and easy terms. KENTON DISTRICT. 5-room residence. Price $2250; $250 will handle, balance small monthly, pay ments. T. M. KELLER, 801 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 8908. MT. SCOTT CAR, 7 ROOMS $2250. S bedrooms, bath and toilet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, 80x100 lot, fine garden, close to school, good barn could be used as garage. Easy terms and an easy way to get rid of the landlord. Let Us Show Yon. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 nicely arranged rooms below 'and large floored attic, full cement basement, trays, furnace, fine condition ; improve ments all In and paid, double con structed; a bargain at $3700; reasonable payment down, easy terms; only one block from Hawthorne, near 43d. It ls a bargain you will have to hurry. O. B Rippey, 610 McKay bldg. Main 6229. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow with large attic, rooms are large, light and conveniently arranged, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, built-! kitchen with breakfast noo't, cement basement and laundry trays. Prico for immediate sale $4700, $2000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8T87. SEMI-BUNGALOW. $1500 DOWN. 6 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, full concrete basement, on paved street in Waverly district; whole price $5500. See RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST. Fine corner lot, 100x100; fine view mountains and Laurelhurst Park ; mod ern 9-room residence, 4 bedrooms, sleep ing porch maid's room, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, double garage, $17,000. Terms POINDBXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. LAURELHURST. 8 large rooms and breakfast room, just completed, up to date; full thick ness 13-10 best oak floors,, center hall entrance, double plumbing, Gasco fur nace; large garage, plastered Inside, $9600. easy terms. 1185 E. Davis st. - PRETTY CORNER, $4100. No. 136 7-room Hawthorne home, furnace, paved streets, very pretty cor ner lot, 50x100. Price $4100. $850 cash, balance $50 per month. Place vacant and ready to move into. Better hurry. Marshall 1S98. FOR SALE OR TRADE. WOODLAWN BUNGALOW. Four rooms and bath, finished pret tily with latticed work, living and din ing room ivory enamel, bath and kit chetnette white enamel. Has modern plumbing, gas. electricity and some built ina. Want acreage. Call Woodlawn 1836. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE $4100. . Located on the west side, near 14fh ami Colium'bla sts.; 13 rooms, 2-family house, 2 complete sets of plumbing; lot 87x100. income $44 monthly; $1000 cash, balance monthly; a real value. Fred. W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK. For sale by owner, beautiful new 6 room bungalow; very large living room, den, dining room, kitchen with large Pullman breakfast room; 2 bedrooms and bath ;' fireplace, furnace and ga rage. On corner Thompson. 490 E. 53d North. NEW, classy, three-room modern bungalow. jjutcn Kitcnen, nice oatn, living room, bedroom, clothes press; fine electric and plumbing fixtures; woodwork white enameled; nice lawn; all improvements in and paid; lot 00x112. Call at house, 971 Knott st. BUY FROM owner, $4550; 6-room. double garage, fireplace, furnace, built-in book cases and buffet, beam ceiling, panel dining room. white enamel cabinet kitchen, on corner, east front, close to car, grade and high schools. 501 East Bttth st. FOR SALE. Fine modern 8-rooTn house with garage and three lots, located 691 E. Hancock st., between 19th and 21st sts. ; one of the best blocks in Irvlngton district, lots all in lawn and trees; price $13,500, part casn ana lerrns. uwner, uawy. 44 -U. BY OWNER, R. C. P., 5-room modern bungalow, enclosed sleeping norch, Dutch kitchen, fir"lace, built-in seats and bookcase, paneled dining room with large buffet; half block from car, on pavea street; 4ou; nan casn. Auto matic 328-94. SNAP. MOVE IN TOMORROW. Double constructed well-built 5-room bungalow; convenient to schools and car line: only $2750; easy terms. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen bldg., or Sunday phone Tabor 5169. $5800 JUST completed, magnificent 8 room house, with sleeping porch. Sunny side, 2 blocks from car; elegantly fin- . ished in ivory, fireplace, large hand some buffet: tile bath; all conveniences; corner lot; $1800 will handle. Open now. By owner. Tabor 8436. NEW modern bungalow of five large rooms, breakfast nook, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, Dutch kitchen, built-in effects; concrete basement; corner lot, close - in. 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. FOR SALE by owner, 7-room modern Irv lngton bungalow and furniture; hot water, furnace, full cement basement and cement garage, corner lot or quar ter of block if desired 1 block from Broadway car line. E. 8535. 15TH STREET NEAR HENRV AVE. While you stand Idle others are pick ing up such buys as this 5-room bun galow with full basement, floored attic, large and small fruits; good lot. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. OWNER ILL MUST SELL. Montavilla double constructed 7-room bungalow, in restricted district, fireplace, piped for furnace, 50x100 lot; fruit; $4300; terms. It will pay you to see this. Mrs. Thomson. 621 Henry bid. ROSE CITY PARK. $6750. Modern 5-room bungalow, near Ala raeda Drive: hardwood floors and fire place in den, furnace, cement- basement. newiy painiea ana iiaiea insiae ana out. Tabor 1067. $4200. Two-story 6-room house, double con structed, furnace, bunt-ins and garage; fruit trees, paved street, 50x100 lot on 39th st. Phone Auto. 22-266. COZY 8-room house and one lot. 100 feet irom pavea street; price suzo; easy terms, eu. AM GOING east, will offer my home for Quick sale for $6000; fine location, near . car line to school. Has every conveni ence, pienty 01 iruu; auuxiuu corner lot. wooaiawn jotw. 7 LOTS and shack. $1050; $200 cash; 1 acre ana 4-room snacK, ino, $500 cash; Siroom classy bungalow and 4 lots. $1100, siuu caen. r rtu opear, xaoor ossy. SUNNYSIDE and 33d sts., $3600; good 7-room house, bath. gas. elec. light, two tot jets, ciose to ueimoni canine. ti. H. istauD, iva aeimoni, weeic labor 219. GET title insurance instead of an abstrmnt. It is quicker and cheaper and you are absolutely protected against error. Title 4ft Trust company. WUUUbAww uakuain, ::eoo : easy terms. 6-room cottage, bath. 100x100, garage, berries. Owner, 830 N. W. Bank mag. nam euo. ALAMEDA PARK. Brand new 5-room bunealow. vnwl cation; has all modern conveniences. Pee uui bkwi Bay. vwasXj xabox 5493. REAL ESTATE. For Sale H oases. J. A, WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." Years of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with values and a splendid organ ization enable us to give you the max imum service in home buying. , . $2350 buys 5 rooms and bath, n full 50x100 lot on Montana ave., near Skidmore st. Fruit, imp. in but bonded; easy terms. $2400 buy 5 rooms and sleeping porch, buffet, Dutch kitchen, garage, fruit, full 50x100 lot, with all Imp. In and paid; $250 cash will handle. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW BAR GAIN. $3250 and assume bonded st. Imp. buys this 5-room new bungalow, built less than 6 months and never occupied. Fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, full base ment, garage. This Is an abso lute bargain; $1000 cash, balance easy. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 You would never think It tobb1- , ble to buy - a home, double con structed, less than 5 years old, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, for so little money. Remember, there ls a furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, garage; easy terms. Vacant, move right In. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $5000 Let us show you this beauty ; 5 rooms, strictly modern, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, all bullt-Ins, full cement basement, wash trays, garage, st. imp. all paid. This has been reduced from $5500 cash to $5000, and now requires only $1000 cash. Better hurry. LAURELHURST HOME. $7350 Two-story, 6 rooms, and sleep ing porch, besides aen and break fast room. Strictly modern, in the best of location and pink of condition. Terms to suit. IRVINGTON HOME. $8500 6 rooms and den, also sleeping porch, strictly modern bungalow style of home; garage, terms to suit. This is near club house, east front. $3150 Let ns show you a dandy home, live upstairs and rent lower floor at $35 monthly ; 4 rooms down, 2 and kitchenette up. Newly fin ished throughout in enamel, st. imp. in and paid. Terms. Call and Inspect our photos of the best home buys. We have homes in all sections, term and prices to suit. Autos aty our service. We are glad to show you; it places you under no obligations. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest .Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 583. I4G00 LAURELHURST $5300. Big buy. Owner leaving city ; must sell; thoroughly modern, extra well built home, adjoining Laurelhurst Park. In Laurelhurst. $5300; large lot; or $4600 with half of the ground; $2500 cash; triple construction, best oak floors, fire place built right, full cement basement, full Dutch kitchen in white enamel, bathroom with shower, extra lavatory in seoaxate toilet rnora: 2 beriroarna. dre.. ing room and sleeping porch; fruit trees ana oerries. immediate possession; will sell furniture if desired. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor, East 894. TO BEAT THE LANDLORD. $1250. Small cozy 3-room house, patent toilet, sink, electric lights, gas, etc.; garden all in ; 6 bearing fruit trees, chicken run; located Just east of Laurelhurst; we can sell this place for $300 down. balance $25 month. Why give this amount to the land lord, when you can ouy a nome witn it? Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ALBERTA BARGAIN. 999 BAST 17TH XDRTff 7-room modern -house, breakfast room, large front porch, screened back porch, 2 toilets, new pi pel ess furnace, new elec tric light fixtures, new shades, iiewly paperea ana aecoratea tnroughout; walk ing distances of Jefferson high; Irving- ton and Alberta car lines 1 and 2 blocks; 50x100 lot; six bearing fruit trees, rnce souuu. - tiooa payment down. 8ee owner, 950 East Glisan street. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern bungalow, 5 rooms, break fast nook, cement basement, Gasco fur nace, fireplace, bookcases, haiM-wood floors, laundry tray ; other special features, including; gas range and heat ing tank, linoleum. One block from car line. Close In and all street improve ments in and paid for. Terms reason able. 981 Division st., or call Sellwood 955 or Marshall 1516. REDUCED $600. " Just off Alameda drive on 50th st. ls a modern five-room bungalow, with very large living and dining rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in con veniences, full cement basement and furnace. The price has just been re duced $600 as the owner wishes to selL See this at once. 634 Cham, of Com. STRONG & CO. Main 2-S87. SEE STREET'S COLUMN OF IRV INGTON'S BEST BUYS IN "NEW TODAY" COLUMNS ADJOINING. 7-ROOM HOUSE, close in, near Union or Williams ave. car, 50x125 lot, 3 large fruit trees, full plumbing, cement base ment; $3500, $750 cash, balance $35 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. SEE STREET'S COLUMN OF IRV INGTON'S BEST BUYS IN "NEW TODAY" COLUMNS ADJOINING. $8100 A 5-ROOM semi-mod,, almost new, large attic, full cement basement, lot 60x100, liberal terms, fruit trees, ber ries, dandy chicken run. See this Mon day. J. P. McKENNA, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Woodlawn district, nice lot, nice view, good-sized rooms, full basement, large ngjii wmuows, nouse wen arranged. $2500, $300 to $500. cash and $25 per SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH, IN GROVELAND PARK. Five blocks from. Franklin hirh a. room bungalow; H. W. floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcase and linen niot large floored attic; full basement. Block and half from Hawthorne car. Tabor FOR SALE By owner, beautiful home at o-ii,j o-ttn ave. ana ltnnn st. S. E. on wouni ocoti canine, near Lents Junc tion, consisting of H block, well-buMd. 7-room house, with basement; small barn,-fruit trees and beautiful shrubbery mi ia.i uuumia vau a 1 auova aauress. $7600. ' Near Fernwood school, fine lot, 90x100; all kinds of fruit, paved street, seven rooms ana sleeping pore a. POINDBXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG, Main 1800. Residence. East 6771. INCOME PROPERTY. $15,000. Four-party flats, modem; five large rwuiiiB, utt. m, lirepiHce, lurnace, cement basement. laree balconv for onv. fiot- lot 100x100; corner on East 18th St.. one diock irom car; warning distance; net 10 yc ueuu iiv roarq 01 1 raae. hi. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. iau auu see us. BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035, IRVINGTON elegant home. 75xioo i built for owner about year ago; finest of material and finish ; exquisite taste throughout; could not be duplicated for price ttSKPu. x. j. neu.naujsen uo.( is. v, isna Diag. HAWTHORNE 6-room bungalow, double consiruciea, on pavea street; all im provements paid; full cement basement, laundry trays, etc. $40 0O, terms. Owner, 1 k uj i ROSE CITY Modern 6-room house and Sleeping porcn. rnce suu, SOOO cash balance terms to suit. Owner. Tabor HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $4250; smal nayment down, balance 'monthly. 166 East 52d st- Seen by appointment. N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8078. 830 8-ROOM house, modern, newly painted and tinted, full basement, furnace, fireplace See owner, 605 Yeon bldg. WHEN you purchases your home have the title Insured. Get title insurance pol icy. Title A Trust Co. FOR SALE 6-room house; half a mile from county seat; Ideal fruit land; near Portland Market. $2000; terms. Col. 520 BY OWNER The most attractive house In Rose City Park. Phone week days. Main 4486. for location and description. BUNGALOW. 6 rooms near Franklin high school, only $2800, Terms, Tabor 130L REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoases. "THE HARRIS METHOD SELLS HOMES. 6 HOUSES AT $150 DOWN. SOUTH PORTLAND 5 rooms, 149 Ab ernethy st. CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE S rooms, 433 East 7th at. WOODSTOCK 8 rooms, 5438 44th ave. Southeast. BROOKLYN 5 rooms, 745 East 81st st. KENTON 5 roorhs, 1806 Foster st. ALBERTA 8 rooms, 103T East 29th st Lot 80x100. SEE THERE TODAY SEE TJ8 TOMORROW. .RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce $4600 LAtTRELHTJRST $5300. Big buv. Owner lea vino- citv: must sell; thoroughly modern, extra well built home, adjoining Laurelhurst Park, In Laurelhurst. $5300; large lot; or $4600 with half of the ground ; $2500 cash; triple construction, best 'oak floors, fire place built right, full cement basement, full Dutch kitchen In white enamel, bathroom with' shower, extra lavatory in separate toilet room; 2 bedrooms, dress ing room and sleeping porch; fruit trees and berries. Immediate possession ; will sell furniture if -ired. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor. East 894. GOOD GRACIOUS, MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER, JUST LOOK AT THESE. One of those nice 6-room bungalows so nice and conveniently arranged with beautiful lawn and flowers, 50x100 lot, $3500. No. 2. 6-room bungalow style with beautiful lawn and flowers, very nicely arranged .and in fine condition, 50x72 lot, hard-surface street, only $3000. I have many other homes from $2500 to $6000 each on which I can quote a homeseeker reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. . 577 East Tenth st. north. 8-room house, built for a home 5 years ago by honest labor and material; it has been taken care of and is in splendid con dition. Hardwood floors first floor; built-lns extra fine woodwork, plate glass, fireplace, enameled cabtneted kitchen ; three splendid bedrooms, in closed sleeping porch, finished attic, fine cement basement, large garage. Must be seen to be appreciated; shown by ap pointment: $9500. Owner. East 2871. $30,000 WEST SLOPE Wt Tabor home, $16,500- Laurelhurst, elegant home. $ 9.00O Laurelhurst, 9-R. home. $ 7,500 West slope Mt Tabor, sightly view site, modern well-bunt 7- room home, double garage. Couldn't duplicate for $12,000. $ 5.500 Piedmont, 6-R. modern. $ 4,600 Irvlngton bungalow, 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, sleeping pch. $ 900 Furnished 5-R. cottage. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. Main 802. WOODLAWN DISTRICT. Cozy 4-room bungalow; 3 blocks from Union avenue cars, 2 blocks Woodlawn car; a cute little home for 2 people; fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bath, 2 bed rooms, on corner lot; full price $2050; - easy terms. This ls a.splendid buy from every angle. Payments same as rent. Let Us Show You. . GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. SAVE CAR FARE A beautiful 8-room house on best street on west side, within 7 minutes of business district; eight rooms, two ha he, hot water heat, hard wood floors, modern in every respect; lot 50x100, large garage. Price for a few days, $10,500, STURM-KEEFER CO., 214 Fifth St., Corner Salmon, opposite Courthouse. Main 2458. BUNGALOW. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, paved street paid, double garage, fine lawn, fruit and roses, full lot on car line: has hardwood floors, white enamel wood work; place in fine condition; no fur nace or fireplace. This place a bargain at $5300, including linoleum and drap eries. Phone owner, Wdln. 5436, or call izzi. jutn st. in. GOOD HOME IN WOODSTOCK. A SPLENDID PLASTERED BUNGALOW of 7 rooms, in first-class condition, newly tinted and painted; full cement basement with laundry trays; nice lawn and gar- aen; price 'uu, sizik cash, nso Schil ler st. 1 block to Woodstock car. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE. $1250. Not a shack, but a clean, attractive little 4-room bungalow, plastered, good plumbing, electric lights, small fraction al lot; convenient to mills fco. Portland. Cash required $250. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 517 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. SEE STREET'S COLUMN OF IRV INGTON'S BEST BUYS IN "NEW TODAY" COLUMNS-ADJOINING. GOOD 2-story home in choicest location ease siae, auuxiu lot. street paved, lawn, trees and choice Bhrubbery. The owner or this property ls offering it for $5000, $1500 cash, reasonable terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ; Main S7ST. $4000 7-ROOM modern, almost new, full cement basement, lurnace, 2 trays, fire place, oak floors, built-in effects. 60s 100 lot, garage, splendid location; It is i. v. $iauu casn. See J. P. McKENNA. Belmont at 89th. i aDor o4M. WEST SIDE BARGAIN? Two modern cottages, one five rooms ana one six rooms; lot DOxlOO on Sher man street, near Broadway. Easy walk- TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg. $3800 VACANT SEPT. 1. 6-room modern home on Knott st. C Ox 1 10 lot; paved st., gar a ge. So me iruiu jl oargain. C. E. ADAMS, Woodlawn 3433, 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. b BARGAIN $600 equity for $450 cash 4-room furnished and plastered house, gas and water In; garden and chickens; close to school and Mt Scott car. Come today. 9859 56th ave. S. E.. cor. 09th st IRVINGTON, charming home, original de sign, ucauui ui reception nan, rrencn doors, oak floors, art paper, ivory and mahogany finish, garage, $7500; terms. Neuhausen. Main 8078. $5200. ON OWN TERMS. Brand new 6-room bungalow in Rose City, must be seen to appreciate. Call owner. Automatic 219-65. $400 DOWN PRICE $1100. Alberta 8-room house, electric lights, gas, plumbing, 40x100 lot, lawn, berries and garden, 2 blocks from Alberta and Broadway cars. Owner. 968 E. 29th st. N. HOT-WATER HEAT, 7 ROOMS, sleeping porch, corner lot, near Laurel hurst park; built for owner's home; big value; every built-in feature. See this. JACOB HAAS, 626 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON BARGAIN; owner leaving city, fine modern home, large living room, fireplace, oak floors, double ga rage. 503 East 17th, near Brasee. East 394. Main 8078. MASON ST.. between Union and Williams ave. $2500 takes neat 5-roora home; cement basement, bath; street paved paid; easy terms. Tabor 6441. IRVINGTON. 6-room bungalow, all up-to-date cor ner 50x100 lot, garage; cheap at $5700. McDonell. East 419. $900 FURNISHED 5-R. cottage; view of river and Oaks; f. of Nevada st. Easy terms. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 225 Henry bldg. WHEN you get a title insurance policy you do not need an abstract of title. One premium pays for all time. Title Trust company. $2650 A 6-ROOM cottage near 39th, Urge lot, plenty of fruit, must sell this week. See J. P. McKENNA, Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6493. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 6 rooms and bath, full basement, 50x100 corner, some fruit, $2400, terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. IRVINGTON MODERN 7-ROOM wnfH! SLEEPING PORCH. DEN AND FIN ISHED ATTIC. BY OWNER. 459 EAST $2250 6-ROOM cottage, west side, close in; walking distance; beautiful view property; near Sftattuck school. Inquire 0 0 muuiouu eircet. 734 E. BURNSIDE 4fiOrt 8-room modern house, having 4 bed rooms, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays; ivfi. t' ji iw, eunti, terniB. .at I 1. PRICE SiBOO. $150 buys a big six-room hon nr easy terms. Deal with owner and save t-onuniBBiuu. riione i aoor aim. IRVINGTON. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. 6 -room modern house, center hall, large living mvjm, uui waier neat. fc,at 672q. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, near Knott, a. uv, .( naii;, iarK living room, mning room, sun room, fine garage. ncuiiuustrn, .i 1 ri ou i a. oi jrvington, modern, j rooms. garage, pisie glass, n. w. rioors, lino leum, draperies and water heated, $8500. Owner, AJ 777, Oregonlan. MUST sell my home at sacrifice; 7 rooms; narawooa iioors, lurnace, lull cement casement, targe cemem porcn. Price $4500; term. Call Tabor 6310. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. THE HARRIS METHOD SELLS HOMES. IN IRVINGTON An up-to-the-minute stately 9-room home of stucco construc tion, tiled bathroom, two lovely fire f laces, hardwood floors, splendid built n conveniences full cement basement, furnace; lot 66x100 with good garage, finel awn with ornamental shade and shrubbery. Price $11,500, best of terms. 609 Siskiyou street. ROSE CITY A beautiful home of 7 rooms, with sleeping porch, hardwood, floors, fireplace, furnace, fruit and ber ries and 225 choice rose bushes: garage. Price $8500, good terms. 634 East 59th street North. PIEDMONT 6-room modern house, with sleeping porch, bath, gas, electric lights, full cement basement, furnace, wath trays, good lot, on paved St., fruit snd berries; pi Ice $4500. $1000 cash. 1318 Rodney. CHARMING HOME Near J ef ferson high school, 6 rooms, all In splendid con dition, tha downstairs attractively fin ished In Ivory enamel, full cement base ment, good furnace, garage, paved st., all assessments paid; price $3800, term. 46 Shaver street. SEE TH3SSE TODAY SEE TJS TOMORROW. Phone Main 6624. . RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. KENTON DISTRICT. NEW 2-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 NOW READY TO OCCUPY. $1100 each on terms that you can buy. They are new, neat and clean and we will help you add on to them and make a little home away from rent. 4- room house and garage on full lot 4 blocks from 2 car lines. A dandy lit tle home. $2150, $300 cash. 6-room house on full lot. 1 block from car and paved st, $1700. $250 cash. 5- room modern house on paved st., fine yard and fruit. House in fine condition. $2800, $500 cash. .4-room house thoroughly modern, hardwood floors, etc $2500, all cash. A real buv. 5-room house on lOOxlOO-foot lot; fine zruit and garden; $2500, $500 cash. a, c. Mcdonald & son, 296 W. Lombard St. Woodlawn 627S. Office open evenings. $4600 LAURELHURST $5300. Big buy. Owner leaving city; must sell; thoroughly modern, extra well built home, adjoining Laurelhurst Park, in Laurelhurst. $5300; large lot; or $4600 with half of the ground; $2500 cash; triple construction, best oak floors, fire place built right, full cement basement. full Dutch kitchen in white ena.mel. bathroom with shower, extra lavatory in separate toilet room; 2 bedrooms, dress ing room and sleeping porch; fruit trees anTl berries. Immediate possession; will sell furniture if desired. R. T. Street, uooq nomes realtor. East B4. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. Full lot. garage, modern home, six rooms and sleeping porch, finished in white enamel throughout, all hardwood floors, house la nearly new. in excel lent condition, owner leaving oity, will maae me place available lor occupancy soon. .trice and terms apply A, H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. FOR SALE 5-room modern house. V block to Mississippi carline and Jeffer son high school; 5 blocks to Peninsular park; 3 blocks to St. Johns and Kenton carline and Piedmont car barns; paved street, sewer, raxes 1919 all In and paid for; title clear; $200, $675 down, balance $25 a month, with Interest. Inquire of owner, Sunday or any evening alter o at idz .&ast Sumner st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. . I want to sell my bungalow on ac count of going on farm. It has five rooms and attic, cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, mirror aoor, garage, lot toxiuo. iruit and ber ries, every thing is In first-class con dition. Will pay you to investigates win sea lurniture. uuuu. .mono Main 6SS2. leave your address. Will show house after Monday. NEW NEW JUST FINISHED. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ' ROSE CITY PARK E. 41ST ST. Artistic 5-room bungalow with garage, oreaKiast room. plate glass windows. swell beveled plate buffet, 13-16 eastern oak floors, old ivory finish, trimmed ma hogany, tapestry paper, nice attic, fur nace, wide cement porch, etc. Phone owner. Tabor I00. 501 ,E. 43d st. N. 6 ROOMS. y story house. No. 389 E, CSth st. N. Three bedrooms four clos ets, hardwood floors, first-class plumb ing and electric lights, gas, laundry trays in casement, trout porch. 4 down. 2 upstairs, fruit, trees. 2 blocks from Rose City school. bell for only $4500, some cash and terms. Call Sunday, Ta- Dor M.)i, weeKdays Marshall 4375. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE, $7000. TERMS. 7 rooms and extra large sleeping porcn, new narawooa xioors aownstairs, good furnace, terra cotta garage; 436 K. 24th st. N.. between Tillamook and Thompson. Have bought larger house ana can give possession in beptember. not oriered oeiore. O. W. DAVIDSON, Owner. $2000 4-ROOM HOUSE $2000. ALBERTA DISTRICT ON 13TH. $100 CASH AND $20 PER MONTH. 50x100 lot. bath, toilet, lavatory, elec trie lights, gas, sewer, hard-surface street. NO PHONE INFORMATION AT ALL. SMITH-WAGONER CO STOCK EXCH. LAURELHURST, $7300. A beautiful bungalow and garage, just completed. with hardwood floo: throughout, furnace, pedestal lavatory, oase oata tun, oreaKiast aen, in iact ev ery thing that is needed in making " home complete. Phone owner, 219-65. 6-ROOM HOUSE. $250 Down. 8 bedrooms, attic, paved street, sewer. 1 block Union avenue car: $25 monthly payments; here's another chance to beat tne- lanaiora. Let TJs Show You. GEO. T. MOORE. CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. MODERN 5-roDm bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, leaded glass bookcases, large UUIJL'III WUfclk. A-ruLl.Il n.VWH2U BItu W 1 1 4 ..I i I., nWlnM- good 50x100 lot, street liens paid; price $3250. $iuoo casn, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 SEE STREETS COLUMN OF TRV INGTON'S BEST BUYS IN "NEW TODAY" COLUMNS ADJOINING. IRVINGTON. Swell home, 6 rooms, completely fur nished. Turkish ruEs. 1 moor ted net cur tains, silk tapestry, mahogany, brass bed sets, oak dining set. kitchen com plets; everything only $8300. This 60c on dollar. Delahunt, East 1347. BY OWNER. Will sacrifice for quick sale, 5-room modern bungalow, lot 50x100, plenty fruit, garden. Call at ZOO) E. Yamhill. Mt. Tabor car passes the door SEVEN-ROOM strictly modern home 1 best residence district; $5500. Terms $1000 down. $50 per month, including in terest. BUILDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. A MODERN house, 2 apartments; income shhO ner vear for one apartment, an nice homes for you to live in; first class bis: vard. See owner. Take M. car to 53d. Come Zhb blocks north. 204 E. 53d st. N. A NEW five-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement an tcnvR b.nt of ttlumbinc and shades an electric fixtures; lot 60x100. near school and Hawthorne. Owner, Tabor 73. ACRE 6-ROOM HOU8B CITY. Hi eh state of cultivation, good bouse, electric plumbing, 4 blocks car, $3000, trmn Cron will Day for it. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. $6500. Irvlngton, on car line, full lot, seven rooms, four bedrooms, furnace, garage. POINDBXTER, ZOS it .fcL.lK. Main 1800. Residence. Bast 6771 NEW TODAY. 685 Halsey st- 7-room modern house, firnlftce. furnace, cement basement; nicely located must be seen to be ap- 9-ROOM house, all In fine shape; near large school ; half block to car: can rent room i. ueeuvu. f . x uuci, Tabor 82. a pnnvs. box oaoered house. Dutch kitch en. light, gas. patent toilet. lot 50x100, new root, exauu, pari cia. w o.a S. E. ALAMEDA PARK bungalow style, oak floors, fireplace, one bedroom down. 2 and sleeping porch up; attractive shrub bery, $OJou. iveuaauaen, juain ou o. " T6CLOSE AN ESTATE miMtt sell two modern close-in houses between Benson Tech. and Washington high schools, price 35UO. East 1S64. $650 CASH Nearly new bungalow, close to sa. ixiisan s-l. rnw a'iu, morrtm payments on balance; neat place. Jaco Haas, main oi -s . jasiioo-. IRVINGTON Large front room near Irv ington ciud; .pome privileges, 025 2 1st st. N. CLOSE your real estate deal Quickly through title insurance. o abstract re- q u tred. ritie at -trust company. iliSOO 5-ROOM house, cement basemen furnace, fruit trees; cook avenue near Union. W1U give terms. CaU East 3200. BKAL ESTATE. For Sale ATTENTION ROSE CITY PARK RUTERS. Our company pay, particular at tention to thU popular district. We maintain a branch office at 50tn and Sandy. Moat of our sales men live in Rose City Park. w e know the history of nearly every house in the district. Because we ell so many houses there those who want to sell naturally list their property with usl Wouldn t it be wisdom on your part to see our attractive offerings before you buy? Below we offer Just a few of our Rose City Parle listings. We will be Had to show you. You will be under no obligations ab solutely. Our branch office la open Sundays. ROSE CITY' PARK. ROOMS AND DEN. 4250 Exceptionally lare living- room; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, etc Terms. ROSB CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $5350. Here truly Is a homo you will be proud to own; living room exte-.ids entire width of house; finest hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, etc Real value ROSE CITY PARK. A REAL BARGAIN'. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE. 52S0. OWNER MOVING TO SE ATTLE. You'll like this nifty bungalow. You'll appreciate the construction. The location ls Ideal. This bungalow Is complete In every way; hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement: Fox furnace, wash trays, garage. A beautiful borne. This ls one cf those homes rou would, stop to sdmlre in pass ng. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR. GARAGE J5500. ' Owner building suburban home and ls offering his beautiful Rose City bungalow on very liberal terms. Complete in every way. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, gas heating system, garage; beau tiful shrubbery. Wonderful terms can be arranged. ROSE CITY PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW GARAGE $5750. I Here you are, folks. Here's a home you will be proud to own. Modern to the very last detail. Living room extends entire width of liouse. Great big plate-glass ' window in living room. Fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. Really you wouldn't know how to make It any better. Let us show you. ROSE CITY PARK NEW, NIFTY BUNGALOW AND GARAGE $5900 See this one. folks. Compare It with others priced at more money. The builder here put forth his best efforts to produce a perfect house. See it yourself and be convinced. The quality of work manship and materials speak for themselves. No need to mention that it has hardwood floors and other conveniences. It'll be a. dowiy-lsht pleasure to show you. ' 1 ROSE CITY PARK ONE OF THE SHOW PLACES OF ROSE CITY, $6500. This beautiful bungalow is lo cated at 665 E. 48tn No., corner of Siskiyou- Drive by and see for yourself. Don'J disturb tenant. This truly Is one of the most beautiful bungalows in all of Rose City Park. A. G. TEEPB CO., 270 STARK ST., NEAR FOURTH. MAIN 3092. BRANCH OFFICE. 50TH AND SANDY (OPEN SUNDAY). Tabor 8586. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. A dandy new 6-room bungalow, not quite finished; 2 rooms plas tered, others ready for lath and plaster; 3 large rooms and break-, fast nook on first floor. 3 bed rooms and bath on second floor. Full set white enamel plumbing, -a ash trays in the basement. On 100x100 corner. Will sell for $2750. $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. This is 5750 less than you can build this for at today's prices- Eh Mr. Farnsworth, with H. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN" 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 608 L ALAMEDA VIEW CORNER. Charminr. well - appointed 8 - room hnmj. with delightful slseolng porch an garage, located on choice 100x110 view corner; tile vestibule, loxao living room, l.r.A it.n. French doors to massive porch, beautiful dining room with lots of ngnt ana wan space, pnss-i.uu j very convenient ancnen whu uwi nu' Aiaiim . nrt iinvi: 8 larce. sauare bed' rooms, elaborate dressing room. 2 baths. large sleeping porch; attic; one of the nl.At bnsaniflnti in cltv with expensive hot-water heating: finest oak floors and woodwork throughout: built fo hnm bv nresent owner and no ex' pense spared. Priced much below actual value. i'aoor u. $3900 CLOSE IN EAST SIDE $3900. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. Seven-room, exceptionally well con atructed house, cement basement, fur nace, first-class plumbing, electric lights, gas; lot 50x100: all bonded city Hens paid; nice district; $2500 was loaned on this house a few years ago and was taken in on the mortgage; was con sidered worth $5000 at that time and ls worth more today; terms. Sunday, Marshall 5963; weekdays. Main 7987. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON MODERN. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. FURN ACE, FIREPLACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. CONCRETE GARAGE. Large Porch. 50x100 lot. , PRICE $6500.00. $6500.00 PRICE. $6500.00 THIS IS WHERE YOU MAKE $1000.00. SEE IT MONDAY. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th A Stark st. FINE HOME. T wish to sell a splendid modern home with double garage and beautifully im proved grounds. It has hardwood floors and finish, hot-water heat, two baths and sleeping porch. Located on corner with area of about three lota Never occupied by anyone other than owner; practically new and In best of repair. Will sell on any reasonable terms and may consider other acceptable prop erty as part pay. If you need such a home by all means answer this ad. AM 846, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS AND HOME. It takes years to grow the beautiful shrubbery and fruit trees like this home has. Good 6-room house, finished in white enamel: full cement basement, paved streets in and paid for; best car service in the city: Mt Tabor district. Price $4000. See this at once. Easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 805 OAK ST. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Six large rooms and garage, Ivory finish, hardwood floors, papered and decorated throughout, C isco furnace, shower bath, corner lot. If you are In the market for a good home, come out and see this one; owner on premises to day; southwest corner of 10th and Klickitat. Turner & Winshlp. Tabor 5694. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow, un der the bill, at 656 B. 49th St.: hard . wood floors, furnace, fireplace, all bullt Ins; nice lawn, roses, garage: all imps. In and included In price of $5250, about $2000 cash. Owner, 1105 Yeon bldg., phone Main 1239, ask for Cochrun. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW HOME. Nearly new 6-room bungalow with ga rage, near park: old Ivory finish. French doors to sun and dining rooms; Pullman breakfast nook; walls nicely papered, beautiful lawn ani ahrubbery: a rare bargain and quick possession. Tabor 407. FOR SALE Beautiful home In Piedmont, near Jefferson high and Catholic schools, suitable for large family, equipped for two families at present and ls paying for Itself; strictly modern, fruit trees, ber ries, garden space, garage and chicken house. Call Woodlawn 8Q82. A BARGAIN for sale or rent: 6-room bungalow, nicely furnished, piano: ga rage; fruit trees, berries; 100 ft. square; 1 block from car; reasonable: owner leaving city the 1st. 630 84th St.. S. E. NORTH PIEDMONT. 5-room house, bath; 2 lots: berries, fruit, house for chickens; gs. electricity. $1950; $300 down. Wdln. 8333. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, strictly modern. Half a block to Rose City car. East 8038. RltL ESTATE. For Sale Hoiwrn. M. E. THOMPSON. 848 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 1733. PIEDMONT. $12,000 Very choice 9-room house, every modern convenience: . corner, 100x100: close to car, school, stores and park. $6300 6-room modern bungalow, with corner. 100x100. I ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $5300 6-room. sleeping porch, bard wood floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet, china closet, fur nace, strictlv up-to-date; terms. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $4500 New. modern 5-room bunjralow; $1000 ca.h. bslenre to suit. HAIGHT AVENUE. $3500-- 5-room bungalow; full lot: ex ceptionally attractive home; 500 cash, balance instalments. MICHIGAN AVENUE. $2800 6 rooms, with innxlOO; fine view or city; aounaanco or fruit; close to school and car; $500 cash, balance monthly. CLEVELAND AVENUE. $2000 5-room. semi-modern house; hard surface street: an attrac tive home: $300 cash, balance like rent. ALBINA AVENUE". $2500 4-room house and comer lot: 1 block to car, stores and school; 50rt cs!h. balanre Instalments. MONTANA AVENUE. $1500 6-room house, and lot. 33x100; 300 cash. hKlnnce easy terms. M. E. THOMPSON. 848 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 1733. EXCLUSIVE LAURELHURST HOME. FIRST TIME OFFERED. TV,!, la nnn of the verv finest homes In this beautiful home addition and it has QUALITY. BEAUTY AND COMFORT stamped on it In capital letters. It was built by day labor four years ago, when rood construction was essy to obtain. The materials used were of the very hlKhest grade. The design and plan are absolutely exclusive and you will hunt the city over ana Tina nninins ni" -. Oak floors tnrouirnout: oesi piinmn .nil hnril.nrK- sneclallv designed elec trie fixtures: beautifully decorated: front K.lr t. t-wn v large rooms and ample closet snace; billiard, laundry and fruit rooms, finished, in basement, also plenty of fuel space: good heating plant: east frontage In one of the best lora (i.n. Shown tv annolntment only. The I. v.rv ren.nnahle. Phones: Office, Mrshnll 1050; residence. Broadway 3S56. IT S WORTH IlMUl YYlllljEi u ocj THIS. WEST SIDE HOME. I am going to sell the following fle wihMl bnme at about one-half lis ac tn.l v.ln. Tt occuoles a quarter block near in on the west side and is artistic and absolutely modern to the minutest detail. . Eight rooms finished In hardwood and mahogany: two baths: three fireplaces. The very best ot mooern construction convenient ana up-io-aaie isi every rn The price ls $17,000. Terms If de sired. I do not wish to consider any other property in exchange, but if you are looking for such a home, by all means answer this advertisement and I will be pleased to show you the place. AK 840. Oregonlan. .sn MODERN BUNGALOW ;l?r,(l RICHMOND NEAR DIVISION ST. THIS IS CERTAINLY SOME BARGAIN. Seven-room bungalow, 5 rooms first floor, full basement, first-class plumb lng. electric llsrhts. gas. built-in bufft and Dutch kitchen: (no hardwood floors, furnace or fireplace) : hard-surface street, all assessments paid: house In fine condition: this is one of the very best buvs we have: on easv terms. Pun dsv. Marshall 593: weekdays. Main 7BR7. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham ber of" Commerce bldg. HAXriSOVTE LAURELHURST HOME. One of the most elaborate "j-storv bungalows with garage and every new feature. Including rich, old ivory fin ish. French doors, finest oak floors throughout, dainty breakfast room, one fine bedroom and bath downstairs: 3 large, souare bedrooms, bath and sleep ing pnrrh nostalrsr flni.ho Snsn "f with billiard room: located on East Flanders street, in most exclusH-e sec tion, near car and park: l.ss than Tour vears old and never offered before. Tabor 407. CHARMING new Irvlngton bungalow. 7 rooms, extra-large living room. Ix-orv woodwork and papered: hardwood floors throughout, tile bath and expensive p'umMng: Gasco fur nace: garage. 672 E. lflth wt. N.. E Nelson, owner. Tabor 6334. $100 DOWN. $25 per month. Includ ing Interest, buys 5-room house at Lents. No hardwood floors or fireplace, but Is worth $1000. See Mr. Farnsworth, with TT. A. DRYER. THE ACREAGE MAN 608-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 8081. RIVERA BUNG A LOW AND ONE ACRE. Young family orchard, berries, fine m.Dl. trees, good garage; house ls well rtnl't snd attractive: large llvle- room with f'repjsoe,- white enamel finish ; 2 bedrooms, large closets: breakfast room, kitchen and bath, large a-ttlc used as sleeping porch, but could be finished Into roome: price $55-00. Let m show It to vou. Mrs. Helen S. Turner. 1008 Spalding bldg.. Main R66 or 7271. WALNUT PARK MODERN. 7 ROOMS UP TO DATE. Large Coraer Lot. FIRE PL A OFtFTTR NACE. ALL BUTT.T INS. GARAGE FACIXG ALLEY. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL AND LIBRARY. NEAR CAR. 15 Minutes to West Side Center. $7500.00. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th & Stark st. EASIEST KIND OF TERMS. $2400 A REAL BARGAIN $2400. CERTAINLY CHEAPER THAN RENT. Seven-room bungalow type: basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, lot 4(ixim some iruit ana oerries: near car: this home could not be built for the price and the terms are very easy. Run- dav. Marshall 5963: weekdavs. Main T987. Mariels or Williams, 820 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. ROSE CITY. Six rooms and sleeping porch, fli place, furnace, full basement, garage, strictly modern, on paved street; lot. ROxlOO; price. $5500: $1500 cash and $25 per month and 7 per cent Interest. This place is nlcelv furnished and will sen furnished ror xoooo. see Mr. crox ford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. 41Q Henry Bldg. Broadway 5043. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial home, built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot. with unobstructed vlersv of city, mountain and river: every new fea ture. Including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand-painted solarium, 12 sets of rrencn floors, s me oatns. aouote ga rage, gas, hot-water beat. 1079 Westover road. R. H. Torrey, owner, Tabor 4 BUNGALOW $37.'.0. Hawthorne district, fine comer lot fiOxlOO: both streets paved and paid Living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath: kitchen and bed rooms in white, fireplace. A choice little home at moderate price. A. H.- BIRRELL CO.. .217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. CASH SACRIFICE. Neat 6-room house with 4 furnished rooms In basement; would bring good rent: several large bearing fruit trees, full lot. close to car. school and stores. Mt Tabor district. Price $1950. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. IRVINGTON. Attractive modern 7-room residence. on best part of 24th St.: hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement.- all built-in conven. ; good garage; nice lawn. DONALD MACLEOD. 1001-2 Spalding Bldg. $2500 BY OWNER, 5 rooms, modern, east facing, good deep basement, wash trays, attic, lawn, garden, newly painted and screened. Inlaid linoleum in kitchen; water heater, splendid neighborhood: 100 ft. north of Alnsworth ave. 1275 East 6th North. $3950 HAWTHORNE. Modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, linen closet, white Dutch kitchen, bath and bedrooms, full cement basement; near school; excellent bungalow district. See it today. 1181 E. Lincoln, .near 89th. Owner. Tabor 6581. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA PARK. EXTRA FINE BUNGALOW. Large rooms, large attic; best of loca tion; 2 blocks to Broadway car: all im provements in and paid ; good terms. Tabor 8292. A REAL HOME modern 8-room, near Hawthorne ave.. close In, fine large closets with windows; beautiful lawn, berries, fruit; $5250: easy terms. F. DUBOIS, S04 SPALDING BLDG. 6-ROOM HOUSE; $2900. 15 E. 30th N.. newly painted, shape. See today. East 2571. In fine FOR SALE $550, 4-room plastered house, one block from Mt. Scott car. $300 cash, $10 a month. for balance. Tabor 6478. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Housee. OUR EXTREME BARGAINS. $750 A very neat little 3-room house in Lents: full lot; your terms. $1450 Another 3-room house Just east of Laurelhurst. $1950 On 82d St., paved street, at tractive 4-room bungalow on corner loe; very nifty. See this and you will buy. $2375 On 61st St.. 4 short blocks Mt. Scott car, very cosy 5. room bungalow on two lots; your terms. $2750 Hard macadam street, close to car and markets, school and children's p:avrround; 2 lots; $1000 to handle. $2875 Classy 4-room bungalow with glassed-ln front porch: yard a bower of flowers; close to markets, car and garage. $.-250 A wonderfully built 8-room house, on fine macadam street; has large grounds; house is a beauty and If in Laurelhurst would sell for $9000; sur roundings good. $.'250 Close in east side, near Benson Tech.. good 7-room house; needs paint ing and some interior work; will accept 8100O in trade. $750 In cash, balance mortgage. $5450 Rose City Park, near Sandy, excellent 8-room house; strictly modern excepting hardwood floors: put those in and you have a $7500 home. Offered by an eastern man who needs monev. $12,500 Rose City Park, on beauti fully landscaped grounds, with many attractive features, we offer magntfl cent bungalow at 444 East 48th st. N. Size this up from the outside and If It appeals, see us. WE HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED SINCE 1905. KNOW VALUES AND OUR OFFERINGS ARE PRICED RIGHT. ERNEST WELLS CO., 505 Couch Bldg. Main 6829. Sundays. Tabor 3428. SUNNTSIDE BARGAIN. 8 rooms, modern except hard wood floors; lot 60x100; house alone worth more than we are asking-. $5800, terms. East 29th. near Morrison: six rooms and sleeping porch; hard wood floors, 2 fireplaces, full base ment, furnace, laundry trays; ga rage; 50x100 lot; a nice home, $6000, $1500 cash; some snap. Sunnyside; 6-room cottage, all on ground floor; gas. electricity, bath, basement. $1900; $800. See this. W. H. SAWTELL, Tabor 1811. ROSE CITY PARK. This clever bungalow is np to " tha minute in modern completeness: large living room with attractive fireplace, leading through French doors to a lovely dining room with a distinctive buffet, both rooms having polished hardwood floors; convenient Dutch kitchen and more than usual built-lns. including built-in refrigerator, cosy breakfast nook, two large, airy bedrooms with closets, glass-inclosed sleeping porch. Ivory woodwork throughout, tapestry wall pa per, latent lighting fixtures; house is double constructed, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, wonderful garage, well-kept lawn, abundance of choice shrubbery and flowers; excellent surroundings, one-half block to Rose City Park car: only $0250, convenient terms. EVERSON. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 7S7. $3R00 SUNNYSIDE HOME $3800. $800 CASH $30 PER MONTH. On East Salmon St., near 25th. is a -6-room house of excellent construction and material. Full cement basement with furnace. Hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen and pantrv first floor, 3 bedrooms and bathroom second floor. The rooms are of good size and well lighted. A very satisfactory home. Glad to show it. Mr. Boehm. MacINNES & PRATT. Broadway 1858. 210 Oregon Bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH 2 LOTS. Walnut Trees. FRUIT AND GARDEN. Price $3000.00. $3000.00 Is the Price. $3000.00. TERMS, TOO. Look up our Other ad a BARGAINS OUR SPECIALTY. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Bldg., -5th A Stark st. WHY RENT? $250 VACANT VACANT $250. $2950 SEE THIS AT ONCE $2950. Six-room vacant house In Montavilla; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas. 80x100 of ground, four large fruit trees: $250 down will buy this: it ls a shame to try to rent when you can buy like this. Sunday, Marshall 5963: week days. Main 7B7. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. JUST completed, a new Rose City bunga low, double-constructed, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, furnace, beau tiful tile mantel, lots of built-in con veniences, sewer In, street paved, all paid; built by owner for a home, but must sell: immediate possession. Owner at premises all day Sunday. Take Rose City car to 54th at., 1H blocks north, at 600 E. 54th N. Reasonable terms considered. $2850 SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE $2050. GET IN BEFORE WINTER. Five-room cottage-type, basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. street !m--provements paid, near car and Laurel hurst park; this is a mighty good buy and terms are easy. Sunday, Marshall 5963; weekdays. Main 7987. Mariel or Williams, 820 Chamber of Com. bldg. $7000 HOME. 7 rooms, including large living room with fireplace, hardwood floors: 4 sleep ing rooms, 2 baths; double garage; lot 60x100 ft.. In good neighborhood, near grade, hiph and technical schools; lo cated at 690 East Couch st., near E. 20th. Price $70O0, which ls less than pre-war cost. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAINS. Would like fair offer for 2 fine 8 and 9-room homes I have just repaintied and d-ocrated. in best locatlone near car: one Is 65x100 corner, the other on 6ftxloo inside lot: both have old ivory finish, plate-glass windows, v.ry large living rooms and beautiful grounds with trees and shrubbery. Tabor 407. TO CLOSE ESTATE. Entire block, with 2 good 7-room resi dences, at Alberta and Montana ave.; improvements all In and paid for; will sell all or part at low prices and easy terms. DONALD MACLEOD, 1001-2 Spaldinr Bldg. " ROOMS and sleeping porch, breakfast alcove, den, trunk room, fruit room, fur nace, laundry tubs, full cement base ment, garage, few blocks to Franklin high. 100 feet from Division street, on h.-s. street. Price $4150. $1450 cssh, bal. monthly. Owner. 2419 East 49th at. S. E. Aut 223-37. $2600 IRVINGTON PARK $2600. Neat 5-room bungalow with large sleeping porch, cor. lot. large walnut and fruit trees, good chicken houses, yard; one block to car; $1100 cash, bal. like rent. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. SIX ROOMS $2S00. Good comfortable 6-rm. home on Lombard street: full size lot, fruit trees. Owner non-resident, will make con venient term-. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 4114. A GOOD COMFORTABLE HOME. 4 ROOMS, MT. TABOR. Cement basement, large porch with good view, 90x100 lot, house well paint ed and In good repair; total price $2600, $500 cash and easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. IRVINGTON SNAP $7800. Attractive lte-story 7-room bungalow on 75x100 lot with beautiful shrubbery and many fruit trees loaded with fruit; on Eas 19th St.; hardwood floors, fire place and furnace; 1 bedroom down . stairs. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch upbtsirs: vacant. Tabor 407. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Nearly new 6-room bungalow with every n"ew feature; French doors, old Ivory finish, best oak floors throughout, Pullman breakfast nook; nice lawn; at tic: a real snap at $7000, terms. Ta bor 07. 6-ROOM HOUSE. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, paved street fall pald. Two blocks from street car. Price $4250. Answer this ad for further particulars. Its a bar gain. BD 846. Oregonlan. $4500. Near Washington high school, good 6 room house, three bedrooms, furnace heat, small lot. POINDBXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence. East 6771. LOOK AT THIS FOR $2700. In Kenton district. 1 blk. west of Den ver and 1 blk. south of Lombard; 5 room house, garage, fruit and lawn. 1533 Lancaster st. Terms. Owner. Home Sunday and evenings. CUT HIGH RENTALS. Buy a modern 5-room houseboat, fur nished or unfurnished, with bath and sleeping porch; good supply of winter's wood; must sell; leaving city. Call Sellwood S445. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, well built, large living room, oeautiiui paper, ivory and mahogany finish, garage, $7520; terms. Neuhausen. Main 8078.. YOU'LL want it the minute you see It -5-room modern cottage, close In : only $2100; easy terms. F. DUBOIS. 804 SPALDING' BLDG. FOR SALE by owner. 9-room house, cen tral east side, walking distance. $5000, terms. Phone Main 433 or East 2952. LADD ADDITION. and garage, $3500 caah win East 3718. House handle. r