The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 22, 1920, Magazine Section, Page 4, Image 78

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IT was almost In the 8ha4ow of the
- Colorado etatehouso that rioting
strikers wrecked and overturned
streetcars In the recent disturbances
there. G. T. Harry, federal mediator,
was ordered o go from Portland to
Denver to adjust the differences be
tween the tramway company at Den- .
ver and the striking employes.
. . .
"With the stars and stripes flying
from their masts, the German 22,600
ton, dreadnaught Ostfriesland and the
cruiser Frankfurt entered Kew Tork
harbor as prizes of war, accompanied
by three other ships allocated to this
country at the peace conference. The
Frankfurt was scuttled by the Ger
mans at Scapa Flow, and was towed
across .the Atlantio by the dread
naught. At the 88th supreme convention of
the Knights of Columbus, recently
held in New Tork, seven directors
were elected, one of whom was Frank
J. Lonergan of Portland. The mem
bers of the board are: Edward A.
Houlihan of Chicago. William F, Fox
of Indianapolis. James J. McGraw of
Ponca City, Okla.; John A. O'Dwyer
of Toledo, Joseph J. Myers of Carroll,
la.; John F. O'Neill of Jersey City and
Frank J. Lohergan of Portland.
The Pennsylvania Barge club's
four-oared crew won the privilege of
representing the United States in the
Olympic games at Antwerp, in the
final tryouts on Lake Qulnsagamon,
Worcester, Mass. The men composing
the team are: E. Federschmidt, F.
Federschmldt, Klose and Myers. .
The orig'nal "horseless carriage"
Invented and built by Achilla Phlllon
of Chicago in 1893 is now being
shown In the streets of that city. A
steam engine, using oil for fuel, fur
nishes the motive power. It was the
forerunner of the industry that has
revolutionized highway travel and
converted the public to' the value and
necessity of good roads.
Because he wants to help his boss,
F. C. Stark of Boyleeton, Mass., get
hla hay in, David Nicoll Cant, a farm
hand, won't go to Scotland to claim
his share of a $1,000,000 to $2,000,000
estate until 'the end of this month,
anyway. The fortune has been seek
ing Cant for seven years, since his
father died, leaving his estate to six
children, all of whom are still living.
Cant has been a farmhand for 20 years
and has averaged $22 a month during
that time.
Polish troops have vindicated the
traditions of their country in the
stand they made against the bolshe
vik army that persistently concen
trated its efforts to take Warsaw.
The Russo-Polish situation was
brought to a climax by developments
S lSS7jw LS. jC OJ'? ?-7"fZf? ln the Warsaw campaign that def
7 jjtjr-Sy- Initely fixed the attitude of the al
lied powers toward Poland
Belfast, Ireland, was patrolled by
troops witji their fingers on the trig
gers of their rifles, following the re
cent serious fighting which occurred
"Little Friskey" is the name be
'stowed upon a midget pony colt that is
owned by R. A. Babcock of Milwaukee,
Wis. At one month cf age the colt
stands 26 inches high and weighs 28
pounds. It is the pet .of children of
the lake city.
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