6 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 22, 1920 GASOLINE PRODUCED IS 12,292,880 Gallons Average Daily Output. CONSUMPTION KEEPS PACE 82,000,000 Gallons More TTsed Than in April; Lubricants Also Reach Highest Point. The latest bulletin Issued by the National Automobile Dealers' associa tion contains what is probably the latest and most. complete resume of the gasoline situation in this country now possible to obtain. In tabulated form the gasoline and petroleum sit uation is shown, the figures taken from the latest .authentic reports of the grovernment. Portions of the report, in which irovernment experts make a summary of the situation, are quoted as fol lows: Statistics of refinery operations for the latest month in which complete data have been secured by the gov ernment. May. 1920. compiled by H. F. Mason, petroleum economist for the United States bureau of mines: IscrUM Is 430,032 Gallons. Gasoline production from the re fineries in the United States during May shows a daily average of 12.292. S80 gallons, an increase of 439.632 gallons over the daily rate of produc tion during the preceding month of April. The gasoline production in May Is the highest on record. Domestic consumption, however, has Increased approximately 82.000.000 gal lons, or 28 per cent more than the consumption in April. Stocks, there fore, were reduced by 65.880.849 gal lons during the month, showing that the seasonal demand for gasoline has overtaken supply and the reduction In stocks for the year has begun. In 1919 gasoline stocks did not start to decrease until in June, or two months later in the season. The exports of gasoline during the month of May were 25.125.000 gallons larger than in the preceding month. Shipments to our Insular possessions were reduced approximately 727,000 gallons, or over 100 per cent compared with April shipments. Lubricant Production T"p. The production of lubricating oils In May reached the highest point on record, with a daily average of 2,879, 110 gallons. Lubricating stocks on May 31 were 136,000,000 gallons, or a decrease of 39,000,000 gallons since June. 1919. The total export movement of lubrl caflng oils for the first five months of 1920 showed a gain of 58,000.000 gallons, or 47 per cent increase over the same period in 1919. Domestic con sumption for the first five months of 1920 was 39.000.000 gallons, or 21 per cent larger than the consumption in 1919. The Increased domestic consumption and foreign demand may be taken as an indication of increased industrial activity, both home and abroad. Petroleum Figures Given. Statistics on petroleum production In general, also compiled by Mr. Ma son, are given as follows: Accompanying the regular monthly report on petroleum refinery prod ucts, the U. S. bureau of mines issues the following review of the gasoline situation for the first four months of 1920, with comparisons of the same periods of the three previous years: During the months January. Febru ary, March and April, 1920, the pro duction of gasoline increased 1,352,890 gallon daily, or 13 per cent, where as the domestic consumption of gaso line has increased 2.148.920 gallons daily, or. 33 per cent, indicating a far greater increase in consumption than in production. Consumption has in creased 796.030 gallons per day more than has production. Stocks Increase 8.5 Per Cent. Stocks of gasoline at the end of April, 1920, were 49,936,474 gallons more than for the corresponding pe riod of 1919. or approximately 8V4 per cent greater. Stocks for the end of April, 1918, represented 60 days' pro duction: in 1919 the stocks represent ed 59 days' production, whereas in 1920 the stocks represented 54 days' production. Exports during the first four months of 1920 have Increased by 246. 80 gallons daily, which, however, is still less by 142.852 gallons daily than for the same period in 1918. The imports of gasoline for the first four months of 1920 the largest on record were approximately 100 per cent increase over 1918 during the same period, but still constituted less than 1 pep cent of the total gasoline production. Shipments to our insular posses sions Alaska, Hawaii. Porto Rico and the Philippines during the first four months of 1920 were approximately S7.000 gallons per day. During the same period for 1919 they were 43,000 gallons per day. Four-Year Figures Tabulated. The following tabulation summa rizes the gasoline situation for the first months of 1917-18-19-20: rmily Average. p Qt 2. a u o p 3 3 njr o ; a o TEAR. C m iri7 191 19M 8.SP4.S8-J 8.411. 4521509.107. 134 10.068.053 8.442.91)2 503.61 8. 170! 1 1.4:21. H4SiH.sni,B 12 IS4S.SS3. 644 Daily Average. Imports and Exports.) J017 . 22.7451 003.034 ST. 579 mis jnis 63.8S6I1.407.BB7.37.960 40.Btnil.tn8.013 4S.0SO 98. 58il.-ja4. 815137, BS9 COLE MANIFOLD DESCRIBED Gasoline Said to Be Heated to Proper Treatment. A description of the 'new hot blast manifold of the Cole aero-eight has been received here. It is declared that to obtain correct vaporization of the present day grade of gasoline, with minimum consumption of fuel, the raw gasoline must be heated to the proper treatment before pass ing into the cylinders. This is ac complished in the new Cole mani fold. It is stated, which is described as follows: An opening at either end of the this Jacket connects with a like open ine in each of the exhaust mani folds- "With the first explosion of the motor, hot exhaust eases are MY RECORD l oaf r TEAR. 3E : 8? . I ' 2.- I 33 : ? : 3 forced through the Jacket. The thin walls of the aluminum which sur round the intake from the car buretor, allow the heat units collect ed to be applied to the gasoline, which on leaving the carburetor, "enters the superheated vaporizing- chamber, and is drawn into the cylinders in the form of highly volatile gas. The whole assembly is manufac tured from aluminum and is lined with bakelite to prevent any . leak age that might cause pre-ignition. STUDY YOUR SELF-STARTEK Electrical System Should Bo In spected Frequently. Self-starters at present are very re liable; nevertheless this does not mean that this device does not need careful attention. The electrical appliances a.tSAGER OF THB UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, - All used Fords taken in trade by any of the authorized Ford dealers in Portland are appraised and sold through the exchange, the manager of which, Mr. Billingsley, is one of the pioneers in the automobile field here. used have a number of important bearings and points of adjustment which need careful attention. One should make it a point to familiarize himself with all the details regarding - the electrical system and inspect them carefully at frequent Intervals. By so doing a lot of trouble and expense will be obviated. TIS p SLEEVE VALVE MOTOR NEVER BOTHERED BY DEPOSITS. Engine of Jfew Wlllys-Knlght Same as Used in British War Tanks Because of Dependability. Millions of miles of service In peace work and war work, in America and across the seas, have determined the merits of the s'.eeve-valve motor, the highest development of which is rep resented under the hood of the new Willys-Knight models. As distinctive and graceful as the new body lines of the Willys-Knight are, it is under the hood of this car that prospective buyers and show vis itors will find what engineers now concede is the highest type of long life locomotion, a perpetually youth ful motor that actually improves with use. Several years ago the peraformance of the Knight sleeve-valve motors at tracted the attention of John N. Wil lys. He was quickly convinced of its future because of its surging power, its quietness of operation, its depend ability. Mr. Willys' judgment was confirmed later when English engi neers adopted the sleeve-valve motor for use in tanks because of their de pendability under adverse conditions, and before and since in a wide va riety of services the sleeve-valve en gine has become the international motor. In design the Willys-Knight dif fers from other motors. One of its striking features is its simplicity. Noisy poppet valves are replaced by noiseless sliding valves. Two cylin drically shaped sleeves, fitting one within the other, glide quietly up and down in a film of U. In these sleeves are openings or ports. As the sleeves slide by each other these openintra are brought to gether at the proper moment, form ing large passages for intake and ex haust action. Continued use polishes the sliding surfaces of these sleeves, making them more smooth In opera tion, more powerful and more effi cient- Because of the uniform com pression in all cylinders and at all speeds, the Willys-Knight motor is extremely flexible, reducing gear shifting to the minimum. The valve action does not depend on the uncertain operation of springs. The valve action is positive. It re quires no adjustment. There are no valves to be ground. There are no springs to weaken and require new timing. There are no valve stems to break and no clashing parts to cause rapid wear. Complete combustion and thoroueh exhaust for burnt gases minimize the carbon evil which bothers most cars. What littlo carbon forms actually builds up the efficiency of the Willys Knight motor. Because it uses all the energy of each power charge, the Willys-Knight motor requires less gasoline for a given amount of power. The (tow of oil is automatically regu lated, giving greater mileage on a less amount of oil. These are the most important of the qualities that entered into selec tion of the sleeve-valve motor bv English engineers for the tank serv ice. AMERICANS BUSY IN CANADA Manufacturers Spend Millions In Starting New Branches. LONDON. Aug. 21. American man ufacturers are spending millions of dollars In the establishment of branches of their business In Canada, according to representatives of the overseas department of the board of trade. This enables them. It is stated, to export products under trade t ar rangements guaranteeing special ben efits to "British-made" goods; to han dle the export orders received by the parent companies In the United States for shipments to the united kingdom and other parts of the empire, and to handle the Canadian market at close range. American manufacturers of chemi cals, automobiles, weMing compounds, toilet preparations, proprietary medi cines, metal and woodworking tools, gas engines and wire goods, it Is said, have taken a leading part in this "Americanization" of Canadian indus try. Turn corners carefully. rmm yiu j.iKj mmim, j.. '. 11 1" '' " ' ' H -'' - ' - X ' One - AUTO CHEAPER THAN RAIL BIG INCREASE IX PASSENGER RATES EXPECTED. Essex Dealer Shows How Business Houses Save Money by Putting Salesmen in Autos. "The question whether it is cheaper to travel by railway or automobile has been brought up again by the report that railway passenger trans portation will in all probability be advanced to 6 cents a mile, which is something like a 20 per cent in crease," says C. L. Boss, Hudson and Essex distributor. "The answer is to be seen in the constantly increasing use of the light, economical car for commercial purposes. Big firms everywhere are finding that their salesmen can cover more territory and cover It cheaper by automobile than by train. In the cities, too, it has been found that the use of a car in competition with street railway transportation results In a decided cut In sales expense be cause it increases the efficiency of the salesmen. "One firm which has adopted Essex roadsters has found, for instance, that each salesman's sales increased from 40 per cent to 80 per cent as soon as he began to operate the car. This is because he makes from six to eight towns a day where he formerly made from one to four. Also he can carry his full line of samples and demon REPUBLIC P"TT Built by the Largest Manufacturer of Motor Trucks in the World. Sold by the Largest Exclusive Truck Dealer in the Northwest. - No wonder you see so many! Roberts Motor Car Go. Inc. - Boise, Ida. Vancouver, Wash. Portland, Or. Half Million EunaeRs dp Good Dodge Brothers business has just, reached and passed another mile-' stone in its history. In a little over five years more than one-half million Dodge Brothers Motor Cars have been placed in the hands of owners. If this sales record represented the "appeal of a price, the total would not be particularly impressive. The important thing is that 'the car is not thought of in terms of price, but in terms of value. How often you hear the car spoken of and how seldom the price! It is the quality of thought that surrounds it which makes this success noteworthy. Because people think well of these cars, it is still impossible for Dodge Brothers to build enough of them. Seldom has there been a finer ex ample of the force of friendly . thoughts. It is an inspiration and an encour agement to build well because the reward, in America, is so great and so sure. With nothing but good will toward them in American homes how could Dodge Brothers do less than they have done? Covey Motor Car Co. WASHINGTON AT TWENTY-FIRST strating accessories, which he could not very well do if he were working by train. "Again the automobile relieves the salesman of the necessity of carrying a heavy grip constantly and assists him In maintaining his 'pep' right to the end of the days work." 230,000 CHEVROLETS IX 1920 That's Production Estimate lor Current Tear. There will be 230,000 Chevrolet auto mobiles built during the present fiscal year, which ends August 1, 1920. This is announced by R, C. Durant, vice president and sales manager of the Chevrolet organization on the Pacific coast. Of the 230,000 Chevrolet cars being built. 26.600 are to be turned out by the Chevrolet Pacific coast plant. This number will not be sufficient, how ever, to supply the demand of the six western states and the islands of the Pacific, so Durant has made arrange ments to draw on one of the eastern Chevrolet factories for approximate ly 1000 cars per month during the year. Garage Light. A very satisfactory light for use in the garage may be made by cutting the side out of an empty metal can of the sort that metal polish comes in. which has a screw top. A case of this kind obviates glare and also af fords protection to the glass bulb. By running a layer of solder in the bot tom of the can to give it weight it makes a stand for the light, which can be conveniently used on the work bench. Nothing has checked or hindered for so much as a single week, the continued bestowal of this recog nition and reward. The eagerness to own the car is greater today than it ever has been. The reason is not far to seek. Take first the mere . numerical ownership. Remember that the satisfaction of .one-half million owners is not cas ual, but deep and profound. Multiply them by the average family of even three. Remember that all of these are warm friends. Then think of that' leaven of thought leavening the whole mass. You will begin to understand, then; why ' Dodge Brothers have been building new buildings ever since the business began. You will understand why the works in which the car is built are still steadily spreading and ex panding. You wilt get an idea of how much men -can do when the homes- of America are solidly behind them. CAHADA SECOND IN AUTOS DOMINION MADE 91,000 CARS LAST YEAR. Latest Figures Give Total Auto mobile Registration in the North as 350,000. TORONTO, Ont., Aug. 21. Canada is now the second nation in the world in the manufacture of automobiles, the number of cars owned and the number owned per capita. The United States Is first and Great Britain third. Figures taken from a government report show that the automotive in dustry in Canada employs 1S.000 work ers and represents an Investment of J50. 000,000. The total sales Of cars last year amounted to $100,000,000 and the payroll exceeded $15,000,000. Dur ing 1919, 94,000 automobiles were manufactured in Canada and it is be lieved this total will be Increased 35 per cent in 1920. Latest registration records show that about 350,000 motor vehicles are in operation throughout the dominion. One In every 23 persons In Canada THE UNIVtlTSAt CAR The Ford Coupe, with electric self tarting and lighting system, has a big, broad seat deeply upholstered. Sliding plate glass windows so that the breeze can sweep right through the open car. Or in case of a storm, the Coupe becomes a closed car, snug, rain-proof and dust-proof. Has all the Ford economies in operation and main tenance. A car that lasts and serves satisfac torily as long as it lasts. Demountable rims with 3-inch tires all around. For the doctor and travelling salesman it is the ideal car. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO Grand Ave. and Hawthorne. WM. L. HUGHSON CO, RUSHLIGHT A PENNEY, Broadway and Davis lat Tlilrd and Broadw.7. PALACE GARAGE CO, TALBOT A CASEY, . Twelfth and Stark. t:t Ankeny and Grand. ROBINSON-SMITH CO, Sixth and Madison. Will owns a motorcar. There are 6,000,000 automobiles in the United States or one to every 20 inhabitants. In Eng land there are only 180,000 cars or one to every 268 persons. There is one automobile to every .402 people in France, to 684 people in Germany, to 1000 people in Italy, to 2700 people in Austria, to 6300 -in Russia. UNEVEN FIRING AND TROUBLE It Is Frequently the Cause of Rough Riding of the Car. - Many people wonder why their cars do not always run as smoothly as they think they should, but a great deal of this trouble is due to uneven firing. Using different makes . and styles of plugs in the different cyl inders, or even if they are all of the same make and one or two of them happen to bs partly fouled or short ened it is liable to make a motor run poorly owing to weakness and lack of steadiness in Its firing power. Hose . Protector. Oil is the deadly enemy of rubber. It is a good plan to protect the inlet hose from the radiator to the pump from the effects cf oil by giving It a coat of shellac. The shellac pre vents the oil soaking through and getting at the rubber. Have Proven Their Efficiency Eight Years of Used in U. S. Mail Service Electric lights, windshields, bumpers, impulse starter, spotlight, power tire pump. Completeness 1, l'-ton chassis, solid tires. 1, l-ton chassis, cord tires. V2, 2-ton chassis, cord tires. McCraken Motor Co. Distributor 475 Morrison Street Broadway 93 "We carry the parts." AUTO ACCESSORIES AND PARTS' They're More Official Product Service fSSa David Hcdes Co. Ill N. Broadway KE2 AUTO SPEHS C0. (!isits!s caii- 2Wv Service Station batteries darged or repaired" Phone Broadway 346 SIlQ Cl AiS S 0 rll Or yM SSffin fcnssf win a- rr m 4 J eJtrsmsisti 1 1 irw mi hr rtm ts mmnmt 4trj-.x:sJi AUTO DIRECTORY Bayers SAYERS Aut? Funeal Equipment JACKSON fccarCo! SIX TOURING FOUR DRIVE Franklin offers more Main 4880, GARDNER $1393 Light Four F. O. B. Portland Manley Auto Co. 11th and Oak at Burnsidc Phone Broadway 217 i SPEEDOMETERS and "BIG TEN NECESSITIES" Than Accessories Service Genuine Parts Station, Broadway at Flanders AUTOMOBILE EQUIPMENT PARTS. GEARS, AXLES AND SPRINGS ' 10,000 Springs Carried fn Stock. Let Us Repair Your Spring Where You Get Service. 15TH AND COUCH STREETS StorageBattert On Park Street belvoeen Gouchi&vlj H.M.NISBET.Mj- Recommended by a Million Ford Owners West. Coast. TlistririutrVr Corn 35 Stark St. Phone Broadway 436 New Light Six; Mitchell. Seven-Passenger Jordan MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVEB CO. Broadway at Everett Sayers-Pacific Motor Car Co. Twenty-first and . Washington State Distributors Twenty-first and WHEEL TRUCK Washington State Distributors of "what you actually need and want . in an automobile. BRALY AUTO CO. A 3881. 19th and Washington Sts. A