8 TIIE SUNDAY OHEGOXTAX, FORTLAXD, AUGUST 22. 1920 BEAL ESTATE. For ONZ.Y $3500. and this walktns distance, clos. In on East Pine street. In the heart of the center of the close-in east-side district, not as far out as 13th st. So you see this is Betting it pretty close in for the price. You et a good, sub stantial 5-room house with a full lot. with all street and other improvements made and paid for. As an investment for the price it caps the climax as an in side home, doing away with street-car fare, and puts you on the top shelf. Half cash is all you need. M. J. CL.O KESST. ABLNGTON BUILDING. OXLT SK00, In the Nob hill center on the west side close to Washington street, walking; distance, no carfare to pay. not as far out as 25th street. Here is one of those substantial and modern resi dences in the right location where you haven't been able to buy before, a real pretty home Rood enough for any family, and has a full cement baayiient, with concrete walks, furnace, sleeping porch, nice lawn and shrubbery. It Is a bargain and provides you with an Inside city home forever. The price is considerably less than the value of the property. Half cash will consummate this transaction. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTOJJ BUILD LN'O. IN LAURELHURST, In the swell part, en a swell drive, is a most modern 7 room bungalow, hardwood oak floors downstairs, a full cement basement with fine furnace; all of the sleeping rooms, you ni ht say, are sleeping porches; there is a full lot with a nice lawn, shrubbery; paved street and cement side walks in front and around the house; every Improvement made and paid for, and you can buy all of this for $6750; about SOOO cash will handle It. M. J. CLUHE3SY, AB1MGTON BUILDING. ONLY $1800 will buy this 6-room house, modern, with corner lot. garage, etc. This place Is on the ML Scott car line about 86th street. This house with a corner lot for the" price beats anything we know of. as it should cost to build the house alone from the looks of it with all the modern conveniences in it, at least $25uu. Now the corner lot la wortJi something and, whether it Is or noT. you can have it all for $1800; $1000 cash will make a noise as thoutrh you meant business. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABING TuN BUILDING. ONLY $3000 buys a good 5-room house on East Burnslde street. 4 blocks from cither ML Tabor or Montavllla car line. The house has full basement with con crete walls, all of the plumbing In, and with this house we will throw in a half acre of land with fruit, large and small, in full bearing. This is cheaper than anything offered In this section of the city. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BUILDING. A SUBURBAN HOME In That Beautiful Residence District, MULTNOMAH. Strictly modern, practically new 5 room bungalow, bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, lights, gas, city water, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, garafie, 3 large chicken houses, beautiful acre of ground, hard surface road, 6 blocks school, 4 blocks Multnomah station, for the exceedingly low price of $U000. Pay $-500 cash, we can arrange balance. Furnished with beautiful mahogany fur niture, including piano, which can be bought at less than half value. Keally a beautiful home and excellent bargain. I.eL us show you. GEO. T. MOOR E CO.. 1007 Yeon Bids?. GROVELAND PARK. Near Franklin High. Was $600u. Now $5000. Beautiful 6-room home, 3 large bedrooms; pipeless furnace, -50x90 lot, east facing. Fine home at a pickup. Some terms. Call Morrin, Marshall S0S9. Evenings Automatic lu-19. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. Modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, full concrete .basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces, French doors, built-in con veniences, extra front room in base ment furnished for double bedroom; billiard room in den with outside win dow and entrance. This is a sightly location 4 blk. from carline. near school. Lot 1:46x60. Will be sacrificed for $5500 end will sell completely furnished for $lo30 additional. Pee KICHAKD W. MAST. RITTElt LOWE A CO., 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldsr. YOUR CHANCE. 5-room cottage, between Arberta and Irvington car. Electricity, saa. bath, etc. Full cement base ment. 50x100 lot. fruit, etc; $2:275, $700 cash, balance easy from, owner. WOODLAWN 6260. $3230 BIG BARGAIN 8 ROOMS & GARAUE ROSE CITY CAR LINE Place In fine condition, S'A blocks south of Bandy Blvd. on 77th St. One of the best house bargains listed with us in many a day. built-in effects, fireplace, cement basement, owner lives out of town and says sell. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, o Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 2US. -ACRE TRACT. 3-ROOM J1SO0 TERMS. 1 H blocks from car in Park Rose, close to school; o bearing fruit trees, balance garden; some furniture; $W10 cash, balance $29 a month, interest in cluded; immediate possession. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber ut Commerce bidg.. Main 208. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $4750 3 rooms on first floor, living room. Iireplace, dining room. French doors, built-in bullet, large Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, also two un finished rooms second floor. Large cement porch, hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace A very modern home. This is a won- aenui Duy; .i-ltn, near riawtnorne. METZGEK-PAKKEK-FEKGLaON CO. 260 Oak St.- Bdwy. 555. SUNN YS IDE. $3750. 2-story residence with 6 rooms, den And floored attic, fine bath, 2 toilets, 2 lavatories, bullt-ln bufTet, Iireplace, full basemenL. laundry trays. 1 block Sunny- side car west of 30th street, close to stores, school and churches; $1500 will iianuie, oaiance mommy. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. 6-ROOM RESIDENCE. 3 bedrooms, fine bath, white enameled kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, newly painted outside and in, beautiful view ot Mt. Hood from front porch, street improvements in and paid: 1 block to car; only $3650, first pay ment $500. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOOKE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME $1000 DOWN. Lot 92x93, 6 rooms all modern, garage, fruit trees. Whole price $GU00. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTEK LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 6EE STREET'S COLUMN OF 1RV INGTO.V3 BEST BUYS IN "NEW TODAY" COLUMNS ADJOINING. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3400. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, bath. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, 2 blocks Hawthorne car. close to school; some terms. Let us show you, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeun Bids. THIS ONE LEFT IN LAURELHURST. At $6000, a 6-room bungalow and slee-plng porch, strictly modern; near car and school, in Al condition. Sua day. Tabor 3U0, Marshall 3352. ft-ROOM plastered house; bath, gas. base- . ment, fruit and berries; garage; 2 lots; one block to car; fine location; $1885. terms. Take Woodstock car to 4tith ave. 4215 47th ave. S. E. MODERN 5-room bungalow on good lot. facing Hawthorne avenue, which 1 will ell for $2000, on terms. For particulars see me at my office, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. EY OWNER Two houses, one 8 rooms, one 7, on 50x50 lot, corner Broadway ar-d College s-t. : bath, gas, toilets; $3000. Woodlawn 2779. A SNAP Good 7-room house, close ln, furnished cr unfurnished, by owner. Call mornings or evenings. 673 E. balmon. HOUSE 4 rooms and large attic, all mod ern Imprevements; fruit cheap. Tabor TOSS. 7-ROOM modern house, large lot; fur niture If desired. 'Terms. 355 Graham ave. WILL take light car as part payment on 6-room house and lot in Alberta district. BK 782, Oregonian. LEAVING CITY Will sell my extra fine big 7-room house with &6xl00. Wood lawn 4266. BY OWNER The most attractive house in Rose City Park. Phone week days. Main 448tJ lor location and description. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, CAREY-SAVIDGK COMPANY, MAIN 7487. OPEN SUNDAYS. An expert selects our homes wno Is going to select yours? If you are not familiar with values "? want to be sure that you get a desirable home for your money. rre. our lal"8e- carefully-chosen listing before you select your home, we have houses for sale at every price In every part of the city. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4200. Don't pass up this real buy; at tractive, modern, 5-room bungalow on 50x130 lot; large living room, bullt-ln buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, garage, chicken house, hardwood floors, fireplace. This is a real buy;, terms. FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. $2200. This story -and-half house has six rooms; 1 bedroom downstairs and two up; newly painted and tinted; latest of plumbing, gas. electricity; house is four years old, within walking distance of high school; has several prune trees that are now loaded with fruit, and is va cant; a desirable home; very easy terms; one block from fine new grade school. ' ' ROSE CITY. $3150. This classic little bungalow Is on a corner lot. one and one-half blocks from car; it has a large liv ing room with concealed bed, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom, ce ment basement, best of plumbing. This is a very artistic bungalow, well worth the money; very rea sonable down payment. ' 11TH AND HARRISON. $2800. This 5-room bungalow-type house Is within walking distance of town; It has two large bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen, an excellent basement- This house is on a corner lot on the northeast corner of .j BOn and llth streets. We con sider this an excellent buy; terms. ROSE CITY. $4250. This Is a very attractive, strictly modern. 6-room bungalow, on a paved street. It has unusual bullt lns, incjuding buffet. Dutch kitch en, living room. 2 nice bedrooms, cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, hardwood floors. See this; terms. ON 21st St., Just OFF PRESCOTT $4500. This Is a handsome 6-room house on a full corner lot With paved street; it has a very large living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs and three large, airy, well-arranged bedrooms with clos ets upstairs; the house is double constructed, has full cement base ment, laundry trays, toilet in base ment, furnace, fireplace; commo dious porch on two sides of house. I his is a genuine snap. $400 down. HAWTHORNE. $4000. If you want one of the classiest bungalows In this exclusive dis- il . let us how you this one; It is a typical 5-room bungalow with well-arranged rooms, consist ing of a large living room, two Tine bedrooms, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, garage, fruit, shrubbery, paved street and sewer; close to two car lines. This Is a dandy; terms. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY MAIN 7487. 211 Railway F.xchange Bldg. Third and Stark Streets. WHO? $25 MONTH RENT. WHEN? $23 Month Rent Will Buy a Home. ve have a number of well-constructed 8 and 4-room bungalows in first-class locations, that must be sold account of owners having taken jobs in other cities They are real snaps. Can be bought as low as $1000, on very easy t-'.rms- . Why pay rent to the landlord when the same amount of money will buy a home of your own? Our sales man will be pleased to show you any of them. Autos at your service. ?TIoilKCO.i1007 Yeon Bldg. SPLENDID 8-ROOM HOUSE AND o l-uia JUB $4500. No doubt but what this is the best ln a home in the city. House 3 years old, has hardwood floors. fireplace, sleeping porch, lavatory up and down stairs, nice bedroom downstairs, large living room, dining room and kitchen, Kitchen and all bedrooms done in white enamel; 3 beautiful lots, very choice fruit, shrubbery, grape arbors, holly trees, etc. Facing on one of Portland's "rice $4500UBhfareS- 1 blOCk trom car" . HARGROVE REALTY CO. 1-2 N. 6th St. Broadway 43R1 MARSHALL 1SI8." ROSE CITY. No. 164 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors. fireplace. plumbing. electric lights, gas. furnace, attic. shades, screens, Dutch kitchen, paved street, cement sidewalk, in the very best part of Rose City, for only $4750, $1850 cash, balance can be arranged. 2&5 Stark street, near 4th. Marshall 1S!. SUNNY SIDE. 7 ROOMS AND DEN 2-story double constructed residence with fine bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in bullet, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, laundrv tr.v t v..,.....:.... larf s'eeping porch between Sunnyside .... ,.UIUe cars, west ot feast 27th V.?1 i?',5;? parage. Full price only $4.,oo. w 111 pay you to investigate. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $12,500 WILL buy my modern bungalow of 9 rooms, located in the Rose City . "'ollal' cnoice corner, luoxioo. All set to beautiful shrubs and troui large garage. I built this property for u " 11 unie, out moiner and I are now left alone and the place is really too large for us. Consequently I will Sell tO reSDOnsfhlA tlAl-tv nn " " . . . . .. For particulars, see my agent at 404 iii. uiuu., rarK st. IRVINGTON. New classy bungalow, 6 rooms and oieamnsi room, large living room with rencn doors. hardwood floors unisnea in old Ivory and white enamel, beautifully decorated. Al oainroom ana lighting fixtures. Open all day today. Weok days from 8 to 5. 51)0 E. 25th st. N.. between Knott and oianion. jaroaaway car. Owner. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $1000 DOWN. -..J.-f4 65x100. 1 blk. from heabtiful uuuievara at me most sight' ly spot. 2 doors from store and car line. Whole price $3000. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WOODLAWN. S 2650. A nifty little 4-room bungalow on cor ner lot, 2 blocks from Union avenue, liv ing room with fireplace, Dutch kitchen fine bath, 2 bedrooms. An ideal place for young couple. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg IT'S A GEM! 3 rooms and large aleenlncr porch, built with the nicety of a Pull man car yet supplied with every mod ern convenience known to the . home lover. It's new as paint. On a dandy corner lot, and is ready for your in spection. If you have $500 to pay down, see "Ben Riesiand at 404 Piatt bldg . 127 Park Bt. , WALKING DISTANCE NEAR LADD'S ADDITION 2-story double constructed 6-room res idence, bath, fireplace, full cement base ment, laundry trays, sewer; an excep tionally good buy for only $3200; first payment $1100, balance on terms. Let us show J ou. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon. Bldg. SEE STREET'S COLUMN OF IRV 1NGTON S BEST BUYS IN "NEW TODAY" COLUMNS ADJOINING. MODERN 6-room house with sleeping porch, 1 blk. from Broadway, near 31st, Irvington district. Now occupied, pos session within 10 days. Good bargain for quick sale. First payment $1000 to $1500. balance easy. East 5878. Seen by appointment only. SEE STREET'S COLUMN OF IRV INGTON'S BEST BUYS IN "NEW TODAY" COLUMNS ADJOINING. IRVINGTON PARK 5-room bungalow. 1337 30th st. N. ; $2500, $1000 cash. IRVINGTON bargain. $4500, 10-room house.. 601 Tiiiamook; cpen today. BEAL ESTATE. For Bale SOME CRACKER JACK BUYS. $4600 $4600 $4800. A 5-room bungalow; furnace, fireplace, all built-lna. glassed-in sleeping porch, cement basement, wash trays, large clothes closets, etc.; newly renovated throughout: hard-surface street and sewer in and paid; $604 down, balance like rent; ON BROADWAY; CLOSE IN. 13400 $3400 $3400. A 2-story 7-room house; fine base ment, wash trays, etc; built-lna in kitchen and dining room: 60x100 lot; price only $3400; $750 down, balance like rent. $2800 NEAR UNION AVE. A 7-room. house, with full basement, wash trays, bath, etc.; all nice size rooms; city Improvements ln and paid: make your own terms; VACANT; im mediate possession. $5000 A DANDY BUY. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays, etc.: 50x 100 lot: city Improvements in and paid; TERMS EASY. $2850 FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. A 4-room bungalow, in Al condition; on E. 34th St.; price only $2850; easy terms. $5250 ROSE CITY PARK. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, new and nifty: cement basement, wash trays, all built-lna, finished ln ivory and whte enamel, fireplace, breakfast nook: 60x100 lot; everything in and paid; easiest kind of terms. $6000 ROSE CITY PARK. A 7-room strictly modern home: fur nace, fireplace, all built-lns, full ce ment basement, wash trays, etc. ; in the very best of condition; corner lot: city improvements in and paid; large ffarage; best part of Rose City; terms. $650O ALAMEDA PARK BUY. A 6-room strictly modern house; full cement basement, wash trays, all built lns, oak floors, fnrsm.ee, fireplace, cor ner lot, beautiful lawn and roses; city Improvements ln and paid; terms. $5250 ALAMEDA BUY $5250. A 6-room bungalow, practlcftly new, hot water furnace, fireplace, all built lns, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; 60x100 lot; hard-surface street and sew er In and paid; death in family, must sell: terms easy; It's a real buy, folks; Investigate. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. If you are looking for one of the classiest bungalows in the best part of Irvington. let us show you this; it has five rooms and a large breakfast room, oak floors throughout, all bullt-ins, fur nace, fireplace, all finished in Ivory and enamel, beautiful tapestry paper, large porches, garage and cement runway; in fact everything is there. Phone for ap pointment; let na show you this. ' RUM MKT. L RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. IRVINGTON RT5 A LLY QLE OANT HOME. WHY STAY AT HOTELS? See this and enjoy life. Near Knott and 23d; built ahout five years larcre rooms In solid ma hogany and ivory, large breakfast room, eastern oak model kitchen. a 2 beautiful tiled baths, guestroom has lavatory; beautiful bathroom, art window, wonderful floor, two . lovely white tiled fireplaces; beau- , tiful mirrors. This is a perfect city home. IRVINGTON VIEW HOME. 80OO. Located between Irvington and Alameda, Ideal for adults: 6 artis tic rooms, ivory over solid mahog any, hardwood floors throughout; large tiled bath, Dutch kitchen, large built-in enameled refrig erator, concrete ' garage; on easy terms. E-st 419. IRVINGTON 7-ROOM HOME. $7350 ONE-HALF CASH. Near Knott st.. east of 17th. A-l condition, first-floor , rooms large, 3 lovely bedrooms, large glass inclosed sleeping porch; yes, fine garatre. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Six larpre rooms, hardwood floors throughout; French doors, full lot, garage, fruit trees, rosea, shrubs. $7500, $1500 cash handles; vacant Open today. BETWEEN HOLLADAT AND IRVING TON. 7 rooms, -modern. 3 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, bullt-ins, furnace, fireplace, cor. lot 100x100. garage, beautiful rose gar don, walnut trees, paved street; $1500 will handle this nice home. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 6-room modern home, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, bullt-ins. beamed ceil ings, lot 50x90. garatre; $400 carpet. $125 range, shades and fuel included; $5850, terms. . $1000 WILL HANDLE. iGood 7-room home, 4 bedrooms, some built-lns, laundry trays ln kitchen, fur nace, lot 50x98. gara-re. beautiful lawn, some fruit: price $4200. THIS IS A GOOD BUY. Modern 5-room bungalow, built for owner, doubly constructed, Deamea ceil ings, garage, lawn and fruit, all in first-class condition, near high and grade schools, fireplace grate. $300 carpet, lin oleum in kitchen and bath included: price $4850, terms. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. MARSHALL 1898. ROSE CITY. "DUTCH COLONIAL. No. 154. Large 7-room Dutch Colonial house, 1 bedroom down stairs, den, living room, dining room. . Dutcn kitchen, hardwood floors, extra good plumbing, fur nace, fireplace, basement, screens, and shades. Lot 50x100. This Is a very pretty home and the price is only $7500; $3500 cash, balance to suit. 285 STARK ST.. NEAR FOURTH MARSHALL 1898. $3750 BUNGALOW. , ACRE TRACT. PARK ROSE WHERE TAXES ARE LOW. mo "BARGAIN Closing out an estate, 6 rooms and large attic, hardwood floors in 'main roomi, both electricity and gas, ground all cleared; located Just off Craig road, only 2 blocks to car line, $1750 cash, balance 3 years; possession at once. T I.. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. ROSE CITY PARK. $750 CASH $50 MONTH. AUTOMATIC GAS FURNACE. $5750. 5-room "bungalow. garage. breakfast nook. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, corner lot, pavea street. all paid; has modern built-in features; a blocks to Rose City- Park car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BY OWNER. 5-room bungalow, like new on Alameda hill, white and old ivory enamel, artistically papered. Dutcn Kltcn en with inlaid linoleum, sleeping balcony and sun parlor, fireplace, hot water heat- - ing system, cement basement, beautiful 57'4xl00 corner lot with 6 large fir trees, garage, price $6300. $2300 cash, bal. reasonable, terms. Phone 822-21. 852 Grand ave. N. VERY SUBSTANTIAL, double-constructed house of six rooms at No. 596 E. 39th st., Richmond district; three large bed rooms with closets upstairs; full cement basement, laundry trays; pavemen-t and sewer in and paid for; garage; close to Frandclln high and to grade schools. This is a very fine home and am selling at sacrlfide price. Phone owner, auto matic 222-66. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE $2000 DOWN. - Corner lot 50x100. paved st.. hard wood floors, fireplace, 6 rooms, strlct lv modern, with full concrete basement, f'urnace. Price $4500. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 6 rooms, strictly modern, H. W. floors, fireplace, furnace, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, garage, a NIFTY BUNGALOW just under the hill. 556 East 49th sL Write owner to see it. AM 821. Orego nian. $2500 WILL buy 6-room cottage in Al con dition, large yard, fruit and berries, Woodlawn district, good furnaces. For sale by owner. Call Woodlawn 184 Mon day. $3500 A LARGE, new 4-room bungalow, all built-lns, breakfast room, screens, north Mt. Tabor. 70 E. 65th St., 1 blocks south MV car. Sunday after 6 P. M. $1850 A COTTAGE rooms., on west side, with largo porch, bath, pantry, lot 50x100. Fruit trees and berries. Chicken house and run. See owner at 86 Texas atrett- Take Fulton car. BEAL ESTATE. RALPH HARRIS CO. SELLS HOMES. SEE THESE . TODAY SEE US TOMORROW. VACANT 7-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. Bath,' gas. electric lights, on paved street, all assessments paid. One-half hlndr to thrA car lines. Immediate possession. 388 Failing st- Price $2800 j -$5O0 cash. j VACANT. ' 6-room plastered house, bath, gas, electric lights, laundry trays, wood-lift. Good lot with fruit and berries, chicken house and run. Garage with cement floor. One-half block from car line. 834 East 83tn sL Price $2050 $650 cash. HURRY TO THIS BARGAIN. 8-room house, gas, electric lights, nice Dutch kitchen. Lot 80x100, on good street. One-half block to car. 1037 East 2Uth St. North. Price $1650 $250 cash. , THIS ONE CLOSE TO CAR LINE and ln good condition 6-room plas tered house with bath, gas and electric lights. . Full lot with fruit, garage. 6005 39th ave. Southeast. Price $2500 $500 cash. SEE THIS ONE IN SELLWOOD at 1702 East 9ih st. Good lot with sev eral fine bearing fruit trees. 5-room house, with bath, three porches, on hard-surfaced street. Full basement, 2 blocks to two car lines. $2200, $300 cash. WEST SIDE HOME. Close In on the west side we have a good home that has to be sold in the next 10 days on account of sickness. 6 rooms. In first-class condition, with lovely fireplace, all on the ground floor, on paved street, all paid. To be sold for $2500; very liberal terms. ONLY $150 CASH. In south Portland we have a 6-room plastered house with bath, gas and electricity; good basement, on paved street; sewer in and paid; large fruit trees. See It at 149 Abernathy at Va cant; move right in. ANOTHER AT $150. 8-room house In good condition, on good lot 66x133 ft.. yth large fruit trees and berries; wonderful garden; large chicken house and run; see It at 5433 44th ave. S. E. The total price is only $1050. PENINSULA." 5-room cottage in very good condition, full lot; good fruit. One block rfom Peninsula ave. $1000; very easy terms. 1806 Foster st. ATTENTION. ST. JOHNS WORKERS, TO THESE THREE 4-ROOM PLASTERED BUNGALOW with bath, gas and electric lights. One half block off WHlamette boulevard. v 1022 Yale street. Price $1800. $400 cash. PARTLY FURNISHED 8-room house in good condition, gas, electric lights. Newly painted. Full lot. 2 blocks from -car, good garden, honhouse. VACANT see it at once at 109 South Olympia st. St. Johns car. Price $1200, $200 cash. . THIS ONE HAS A 100x100 LOT planted to spnds and a fine garden.- 3 bis fruit trees. Good 3-room house, wired; has city water and gas, good cesspool. Must sell quick account of sickness. $1500; terms. No. 910 East Burr at- St. Johns car. Our phone Is Main 5624 we admit its "always busy"- better come in and see us. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW JUST OFF ALAMEDA. 6 rooms and bath first floor, very large room can be used for dancing or billiards, and sleeping porch on second floor: full cement basement. Indirect lighting, fireplace, furnace, cove ceil ing ivory finish, large garage, fruit. berries., roses and shrubs, in fact every thing you - can ask for. House alone worth $500 more than total price; rea sonable cash navment. balance easy: pos session on short notice. Phone Xabor 0UI6, or can aou ts. eist st. n. ONLY $4200 FOR THIS . splendidly constructed 10-room house ffak floors and hardwood finish, full ce ment basement, high and light; Fox furnace: house could not be built today for less than $10,000; located on cor ner, 100x120, fenced, with garden in chicken house and run; this is in the Mt. Scott district. If you' want a big bargain let us show you this; $4200, with terms. MacINNES & PRATT. Broadway 1658. 209-210 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, one acre of land, fruit trees, berries, grapes, roses and lawn. 6-room modern house with full basement, barn full of hay, chicken house, work: shop and garage; a cows, about 75 chickens and ducks, chance to rent more land: price $5000, $1000 down -no trades; also 4-room house with one lot, furnished and partly modern, cement sidewalk in and paid for, $1600, $100 down. 3006 7tn st. s. K. LAURELHURST HOME $6500. Eight-room modern home, hardwood floors, fireplace, full concrete basement. furnace. Lot 50x100. Three bedrooms and sleeping porch. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WALKING DISTANCE, The cheapest new 6-room house in Ladd addition, double constructed, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, tile bath room, full basement, modern' In every way. Come and look at this and if you like It we will make a deal. Owner. 363 Larch st FOR SALE By owner, large 7-room house. O 1.. n 1n -Oman, ti.tl. tnilst anH gas in the house; 2 outbuildings, 15 fruit trees. 2 large English walnut trees, large lawn: all fenced, cement sidewalk ln front of house; $3200 cash, $3400 time. A WONDERFULLY FINE BUY. An eight-room semi-bungalow, with four beautiful lots, located in the Irv ington district; a fine garden ahd or chard: $6000: good terms. See Mr. Campbell, with Frank McCrillis, 324 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY $5000. FIVE ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Breakfast nook, bath, furnace, fire nlace. built-in bookcase, built-in buffet, hardwood floors in dining and living rooms; garage. Tabor 2523. 728 East 63d North. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT By owner. 5 room house, sleeping porch, screened porch, bath, full concrete basement, ga rage; Improvements paid; fruit and gar den; $3500; terms. 1033 E. Grant St.. near 34th. SELLWOOD BARGAIN -HUNTERS . TAKE NOTICE. Owner- offers. 6-room modern house, full basement. 100x100, paved, corner, cost $5000, take $4000. hurry terms. I want quick sale. Marshall 1022. BUNGALOW. Laurelhurst, 6 rooms and unfinished attic, ivory finish, beautifully papered, garage; $B500. Owner leaving city at once. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor, East 894. MODERN house, 6 large rooms and den, large lot, well improved ; street paved ; good neighborhood, walkings distance to business center; price $5000, terms; or might take small house ln suburbs part payment. BC 783, Oregonlaru "irvington parkTbungalow. Five rooms and bath ; modern fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, old ivory iinisti; price ?;ijau; easy terms. a. j-i. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5549. RODNEY AVE.. FURNISHED, $3000, TERMS. Owner offers for quick sale, immediate possession, best furniture. Marshall 1022 Monday. WALKING DISTANCE SWELL HOME. Hawthorne carline, west of East 20th. strictly modern, built for owner's home; price $6350; cost over $7000 to build now. Jacob Haas. Main 6127. BEAUTIFUL Westmoreland 5-room bunga low, fireplace, large attic, full basement, garage, 2 blocks car. 4 school, $3750, $1500 cash. See it and you'll buy. Mar shall 1022. $1800 Good five-room house, corner lot; bath, toilet, electricity, gas; 6836 47th ave., corner 69th st. S. E., one block to Mt Scott car; $500 down and monthly payments, or $1500 all cash. Owner. 4-ROOM house, not modern, but comfort able, lot 100x200 feet, good soil; price $1500, part terms. H. Hatfield, 231 Morrison st. FOR SALE A good six-room corner house In the best district in Irvington ; good bargain, for cash. Phone owner. East 6759. - " $5500 IRVINGTON $5500 Should be $65O0. for this fully modern new bungalow on 16th st. Easy terms Jacob Haas. Main 6127. FINE IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Notice See today from 2 to 5 o'clock this desirable home at 489 E. 19th St., near Thompson. Weekdays. Main 341. FOR SALFv 5-room house with four lots, large bearing fruit trees, small fruits, earden. etc. Inquire 1466 Madison st. Woodlawn car. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. 528 E. 44th St. N., cor. Brazes. Attractive 5-room. colonial bungalow in setting of fir trees, lawn, payed streets, sewer In and paid, large dining room 14x25, heavy plate-glass windows, fireplace with gas radiant fire and book cases; dining room has plate-glass win dow, built-in buffet: kitchen has all built-in features, including cool closet. Ironing-board, etc.: cosy breakfast nook, with built-in furniture: two light, airy bed chambers, one designed for sleep ing porch; bath with built-in linen clos- , . inthaa hutA Ate. : cement DOBe- floors, Imported paper, beveled plate mirrors and beautiful fixtures through- , out; $2350 cash will handle, balance' $46 per month. Including interest. Fur- nishings. including filet net and silk , draperies, rugs, furniture, piano, etc., range, water heater and washing ma- chln. If desired. Owner. . MARSHALL 1898. HAWTHORNE. No. 167. Very pretty new 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace. good plumbing. light fixtures, gas. basement with laun dry trays, close to school and car line: a lot 60x100. This buncalow is new and vacant and ready to move Into. Price $4350. $1000 cash, ' balance to suit. 285 STARK ST.. NEAR FOURTH. MARSHALL 1898. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. ROSE CITY PARK ' SEE TODAY VACANT. Attractive 7-room house (bnalow tvpel. delightful sleeping porch, real hardwood floors, fireplace tuj""",1 up-to-date features. Freshly readv to occupv. CHOICE. CLOSE-IN EScATION?C CORNER GROUNDS; con venient to Rose City car. GREAT SAC RIFICE for Vt to 2-8 cash. w"er n premises 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. a 43'' East 41st. corner Tillamook St. NO m 1 an MODERN 7-room bungalow lanw . living room, D?am -v.. - dlnimr room and kitchen with h""1"'""; one bedroom down, three nice light ana airy bedrooms and bath up. very ous recp. hall, large roomy Porch" basement; grounds l"0?1. c"one of blks. from street csr. 7 blks to one of Portland's best Brade schools and easv walking distance to Reed col le W this direct from owner at $3050, terms Tabor 753. Main 5R42. Edwin Jacob- son. 71" Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON SMALL HOME. Near school. 8 rooms, tiled bath, hardwood floors; east face, two blocks from car. $4000. IRVINGTON 6-room home, not new but good. livable home full lot bearing fruit trees: 2 blocks Irvington school : instantaneous Puud water heater, furnace McDONELL. 500 B 14TH ST. N. r.;ist iiu. 18750 TRVTXOTON HOME $6750. INSPECTION INVITED. 17th St N , Near Thompson. Convenient to irvington School Eiprht rooms, Dr.iie ment basement, furnace. J' ern oak and Canadian maple ,2C central entrance Jiving r"ms , Sor ouick sale; call. owner. East -436. or j v 1 n Q n-ppknavs. 'ofutedh Mt. Tabor "Four ro"oms first floor. Including bed room with extra toilet and avat"'' 5 bedrooms, bathroom and "al sleeolng porch second floor: iurnai. . hardwood floors, built-lns and f"ge. It's a real home, ready to move into. at a low vaiuHinm. ,1,.,. - way If, or Kast ;i-to '"" A BARGAIN for cash, on Alameda beautirul ln c..n,. .... - -5-room bungalow: interior old ivory and wMte enamel and artistically PaP": hot water heat, fireplace. French doors fr..m dining room onto sun Prc2 ing balcony. Dutch kitchen with in laid linoleum, cement basement. six beautiful fir,. S, ' pood saraen, price w..a 952 Grand ave. N. m "ttawthorne BUNGALOW $4000. Reception hall, living nnd dining rooms. Tauten kitchen. 2 sleeping rooms, bath, below larffft florred attic, 3 dormer wln-dSwI-full cement basement, furnace and wash trays full front porch, faci n east Newly painted, spick and span. 6 large, fruit trees, st. improvements in 43d elope to Hawthorne. O. B. Rl" &Y, 610 McKay Bldg. Main 6229. Res. Kast 29 ltt- "$8000 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. GREATEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. Trvihgton. 7-room Dutch colonial, im mediate possession: easy errn: J.SQ0 down. balance. $3700, payable M monthlv, including interest: full lot. hard-surfaced street. all assessments paid- lot alone worth price asked. 4CG E. 9th N., near Broadway. ' . HAWTHORNE. On East 37th st.. near Hawthorne ave. I have a 5-room bungalow that is verv attractive In fine condition, and tne price Is only $3750. Do you want to see it C. M. DERR. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. Rf? 4th Street. Main 45-2. $5000 HAWTHORNE AVE.. 1 block north on Glenn ave. and Madison and num bered 02, you see one of the finest and het-bultt modern 6-room bungalows with beautiful corner lot: house lon,e could not be built for JftOOO. fi-nest hard wood floors, furnace and fireplace See this and report to me. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont: week. Tabor 219. GOOD HOME. 8 rooms. Lents. Or., paved street quarter block; bath, toilet, hall, living' room, dining room, kitchen, pan try one sleeping room downstairs. 4 sleeping rooms above, large shade trees Price $4500. Terms. See G. A. Tavior. 317 Board of Trade: Sunday. Woodlawn 1405: after. Main S6G7. m IRVINGTON HOUSE 700O. 8-room residence strictly modem. bedrooms, full basement, furnace, garage, lot 50x100. a beautiful house. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER LOWE A CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. A REAL BARGAIN. Good-as-new 4-room house in first iai rendition, with fine garage, ce ment walk in and paid; 25 minutes out on Mt Scot car; for quick sale. $2750. $500 cash, balance only 6 per cent. No agents, occupied uy owue. w v avenue S. E. MAPLE HILL PLACE. ' Immediately adjoining Laurelhurst. -ntw a.room house, concrete basement. bath, lot 50x116. Owner will sell at ex act cost, $3400. part cash. A beautiful little home. see owner, n J?n" , st. North. Phone Tabor 8874. Montavjlla car to 47th st. MODERN 5-room bungalow, Rose Citv. close In, one block to car. If you want a house built solid- as a battleship, buy this one: $4500. terms. Owner, Tabor 7853. Main 5642, Edwin Jacobson, 718 Spalding bldg. , REL BARGAIN. QUICK POSSESSION Unique 5-room modern house, desirable, close-in location; close Laurplhurst park and Sunnvside car. Only $3750; terms. Tabor 5169. No agents $3750 TAKES MY LARGE modern 8-room house, now vacant, with 80x100 feet of ground. Choice, si&htly locality." House is in A-l condition. It's a bargain at the figura. For particulars see my agent at 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park street. PENINSULA district, 5 rms.. modern, sta tionary laundry trays, garacre, chicken boue, paved and paid: lot 66x129 feet. $1250 cash, assume $1500 mortgage. May arrange terms with responsible buyer. 1550 Wabash ave., Woodlawn 5076. YOU OUGHT TO LOOK these over. Six-room house, 629 East Ash. $3250, and No. 11 East 17th. $3500. Northwest corner East 17th and Ash. Jacob Haas. East 1364. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Immediate possession; fireplace, buf fet, choice plumbing, good basement, gas, electricity. 100x100 corner; open today, 2 to 4., 9 E. 74th St. N. NEW 6-room bungalow, close in, R. City, close to car. a dandy cosy little home for you. $4750, terms. EDWIN JACOBSON, Tabor 7853. 718 Spalding bldg. Main 5642. FOR SALE. Eight-room modern house, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, new paint and tint; $4000: eee owner. 605 Yeon bjdg. ROSE CITY Modern eix rooms and sleep Ign porch; two lots; must sell now; real bargain : possession September 1 ; owner, 47 E. 54th et. N. Tabor C079. WEST SIDE 12 rooms, rent only $20 a month; this place is all newly papered and painted, and clean; furnace heat; close in; price $900. Broadway 1046. FOR SALE bv owner, 4-room house. lot 50xlOO; $1300. 76l E. 28th St. S. Call J567 22dst. r MODERN 5 -room artistic bungalow, hard wood floors, etc. Tabor 7687 evenings; 4 lots, fine garden ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Six rooms, sleeping porch; sure, it's modern. Only $5350. Woodlawn 1402. RKAL ESTATE. For Sale SPECULATORS. TAKE NOTICE! A BIG BARGAIN 3450. Here Is a, positive bargain: A fine bijc 2-story house with 3 rooms and re ception hall, pantry and lavatory down ar-d 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch up; bijr full cement basement, hisch grade furnace, vash trays, fruit room : Karage. 50x100 lot. Some fruit. Near Union and Alberta cars. This proDerty couldn't be duplicated for $6000. Owner leaving city, will take $3450 with. J2200 cash. Hurrv and see it. COMTE &. KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Main 6oS0. HOME SEEKER'S OPPORTUNITY IN BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA PARK. Charming new 5-room bungalow. No. 004 27th street and Mason. Skldmore block. 'two blocks from the Alameda car. Handsome living room, full width of house, and cosy dining room, each hav ing built-fna, heavy oak flooring, old ivory finish, tapestry paper harmonizing with artistic electric fixtures; two bed rooms with large bath with buiit-lns be tween: handy gray and cream kitchen and breakfast nook; large floored attic, cement walk, basement and wash trays. Level lot. 0x-00, rough graded, street Improvements In and paid. Open Sunday. S-5; price ?5S00. terms. Dwyef, 109 Hast 30th st. Phone 210-SS. GREAT BARGAIN. $4500. To Settle an Estate. Strictly modern 7-room bungalow with full -cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, kitchen with pass pantry, large living ' room, large front porch: beveled plate glass In front door; one bedroom on first floor and three on the second: hardwood floors throughout on first floor; second well finished In fir; house must be sold to the highest bidder at once. Mt. Tabor district. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., S19 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. A REAL BARGAIN. $6750 VACANT VACANT $6730. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, strictly modern, fuil cement basement, furnace. laundry trays, fire place, hardwood floors, built-lns; just being decorated and painted, old ivory In bath and bedrooms, woodwork newly finished; beautiful paper In lower rooms; outside silver gray. RealVy a beautiful place and the price Is right and terms easy. Sunday, Marshall 5H3: weekdavs. Main 7976. Marlels or Williams, 820 j nam 'per or Lommwce blag, IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 73x100; 4S9 l!th near Thompson; ex cellent location, modern, first-class con dition. Immediate pnssnssion; has 3 bed rooms, sleeping porch, sewing room, hardwood floors. all built-in conven iences, fine fruit trees. 53x100, -corner 2lth and Braxee; 7 room modern residence and garage. DONALD MACLEOD, 1001-2 Spalding Bldg. $5500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 15500 SEE THIS TODAY. 6 rooms a-nd sleeping porch first floor, 1 bedroom upstairs, fine basement, fur nace, laundry trays, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins, fine garage ; all city liens paid ; this is really a wonderful buy, as house cannot be built for the price asked ; liberal terms. Sunday, Marshall olfl3 : weekdays. Main 79G7. Marie-Is or Williams. S20 Chamber of Commerce. $18.000 LAURELHURST, 10-rm. home. $3.1.000 Mt. Tabor, 12-rm. hime. $10.000 Rose City bunpalow. corner. $ 7.500 Mt. Tabor, 7-rm. home. $ 9,000 Laurelhurat, 8-rm. home, $ 6,500 Rossmere, 7-rm. home. $ 4.000 Irvington, 6-rm bungalow. $ 5,500 New bungalow. 5 rooms. $ 3.700 Peninsula. 7 rms.. 100x100. CHA'S. RINGLER. 225 Henry Bldg. $3500 Here is dandy close-in home. 7 rooms and bath. Ga. fireplace, full cement basement. wash trays. Macadam street. This is on Hast Ash street, near 24th. and a home really worth $4200. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 5S3. MOUNT TABOR RESIDENCE $0000. Eight-room strictly modern; 4 bed rooms, .fireplace, hdw. floors, full con crete basement, furnace. Lot 50x100. See . RICHARD W. MAST. . RITTER LOWE & CO., 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON. Ftrlctly modern bungalow. 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, hardwood floors, all on -one floor; garage; has Gasco fur nace; can give immediate possession; $0000. half cash. POIXDEXTER. 20? FELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 0771. ALAMEDA PARK. $9500. Beautiful 6-rm. house, finished in oak; strictly modern in every respect; must be sold at once; all improvements in and paid. .T. L. KARNOPP A CO.. Main 675 319 Ry. Exch. bldg. HAWTHORNE DIST. $5750. 7 rms., modern bungalow type, garage, hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace, sleeping porch, all bullt-lns, full cement basement, stationary tubs, window boxes, trees and shrubery. Owner, 412 Mar guerite ave., corner Grant. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Four rooms and bath, freshly tinted and white enameled; extraordinary t un sized lot, bearing fruit trees, luscious grapes, berries, chicken run ; $2850 : re quires $500 or more cash and substan tial payments. Owner Tabor 4562. IRVINGTON HOME With Some Furnishings $R500. Very substantial 7-room home with enclosed sleeping porch; in excellent con dition and fairly modern; splendid loca tion, near school and carline. cash and terms. Owner, 533 E. 14th st. N., near Knott. A WONDERFULLY attractive 4-room bun galow with glassed-in front porch, yard a bower of flowers, on 55th ave., close to markets, school, children's play ground - nnd car; look at 7103 55th ave.: price $2850, $1000 to handle. Call Tabor 342S. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. $1800 TERMS. Woodlawn bungalow, four rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished ; lights, gas and modern plumbing : finished in ivory enamel; bath and kitchen white enamel ; garace, corner lot, lawn, roses. Call Wdln. 1S36. $2050 MODERN BUNGALOW $2050. $300 WILL HANDLE $300. Five rooms, one floor, good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; a bargain, on easy terms. Sunday, Marshall 5903; weekdays. Main 7967, Mariels or Will iams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like "u'lLDERS REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. FINE WEST SIDE HOME, elegant view, large beautiful grounds: $14.OO0. can divide erounds and sell for $9000 if en tire property is- taken, will conFider part in trade. L. K, Moore, owner. 317 Board of Trade. ' ! ' RICHMOND DIST. $4500. 6-rm. modern cottage, furnace, full basement, stationary tubs, all bullt-ins, lot 50x100: good value; easy terms; by owner, 1116 Clinton st. BEAUMONT BUNGALOW $4800. 5 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace, fire place, owner leaving city; will discount for all cash or big cash payment. Tabor 6984. 7-ROOM house, partly burned, on Terwll llger blvd.; cheap if taken at once; fin est view in city, overlooking Oregon City, Vancouver, the river and every house in city. Phone Woodlawn 4038 or Wood lawn 1123. Owner. IN SEATTLE, good, light, clean B-room bungalow, close in, good neighborhood; dandy view of mountains and ay; con venient school, stores and carline. Phone 271-37. ; SPLENDID 4-room bungalow, paved street to door, 5 short blocks to car: very at tractive for $1950. $400 cash will handle. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. Carll Tabor 3428. BY OWNER A modern 10-room house with steam heat, also good electric fix tures, gas, with range and heater; very reasonable. 793 Minnesota ave. Wood lawn 3563. FOR SALE Hawthorne diet., $3500. terms. A 7-room house on corner lot, 50x106 ft., surrounded by choice fruit trees, lawn and garden space. 980 E. Main, corner Glenn ave. Tabor 790. $4500 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $4500. Corner lot, paved streets, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace. CHAS. RINGLER. 225 Henry Bldg. WALNUT PARK HOME, in one of the best districts in Portland; 7-room house, price $4500; part cash, balance like rent. Inquire 1185 Cleveland ave. IF YOU are looking for a home, I have one to sell; 7 rooms, modern, garage, fine location, reasonable. AB 842, Ore gonian. $750 JUST think, a very neat little 3 room home in Lents for this price. Call Tabor 3428. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. BY OWNER New 5-room house, full basement, hardwood floors, buiit-ins. on paved street and car line; near school; terms. 85 Lombard St. ON WOODSTOCK CAR LINE Modern 6- room house and garage; lot 100x100; 7 large bearing fruit trees; for sale by owner. Call Sellwood 872. 5-ROOM cottage, modern. 2 lots. S4th St.. $2000, bargain, McFarland, Failing bldg. REAL E'JTATft. For Sale tJouse. SOME REAL BARGAINS. $1500 $200 cash; 3-room cottage In Woodlawn ; close to oar. $1900 6-room cottage. Sell wood, close to car; very easy terms. $2500 5-room modern cottage. Mt. Scott. lot 65x121; fruit and .garden; J250 cash. $4500 6-room strictly mod. bung., near Hawthorne. walking distance Franklin high; half cash. $4500 7-room strictly mod., N. Mt. Ta bor; extra fine home, close to car; good terms. $4750 7 rooms, built for a home. Just north of Piedmont, cor. lot ; a real bargain, good terms. $3700 8-room mod., west cide, garage, t paved ; easy terms. $5500 Cal. bung., R. C. P., strictly mod., in perfect condition. This is a humdinger. See it. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 105 4th st. CHARMING BUNGALOW ROSE CITY. 6 pleasant rooms on one floor. The rooms are of good size and beautifully finished. Two bedrooms and music room or 3 bedrooms. Buiit-in wardrobes. The living room is very attractive with fireplace. French doors between it and dining room. In white with real mahog any finish. A gem of a kitchen. All hardwood floors. Garage. Lot 50x102. A home of taste and refinement. Price only $5400. Terms $1500 cash with easy balance. Mr. Boehm. with MacINNES & PRATT. East 2436 Sunday, or Bdwy. 1658. HAWTHORNeTbUNGALOW HOME. $4500 Let us show you this niftv bun galow of 6 rooms, all on one floor so arranged that one room can be usod for den or" bedroom as desired. Fireplace. buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment. wash trays ; garaite. Re quires $2000 ca?h. Street im provements in and paid. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 583. $4300 COZY BUNGALOW. This pretty bungalow- has living room with fireplace and bookcases : living room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitch en, bath and 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch and floored attic. Cement basement, new furnace. wash trays, garage; paved ptreet : 2 blocks to car. Holladay addi tion. If you can nav $2000 cash, better see this today tomorrow may be too late. COMTE A KOHLMAN. MAIN 6550. 2tS Chamber of Commerce B!lg. WESTMORELAND. FINE HOME. LIVING ROOM. DIN ING ROOM, ' KITCHEN. DEN FIRST FLOOR. THREE BEDROOMS. SLEEP ING PORCH. BATH SECOND FLOOR: FULL CONCRETE BASEMENT. DOLT BLE GARAGE; ALL CARPETS, CUR TAINS AND GAS STOVE INCLUDED IN PRICE. $7500; TERMS. THIRD CASH. DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH. POIXDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 6T71. $6250 SEE THIS ONE $6250. Country home in the city, ground 350x 100 feet; 7-room house, pas, electricity, Hi cement basement with wash trays, house painted in.side and out; has beauti ful creek, 40x1 00, running through cen ter of property with trout pond and three artificial islands; fruit, berries and a good garden. Must be seen to appreciate. $1250 will handle. Phone owner. Sell. 3 88. I AMTHE OWNER. MUST SELL AT ONCE. $3200 ON EASY TERMS $3200. SEE THIS AND SAVE MONEY. 6-room, exceptionally well-built house, double constructed every way: full base ment, wash trays, fine plumbing, elec tric lights, ga.. all kinds of built-lns; corner lot, 50x100. This house today would cost $3750 to build. Call owner at Tabor 8189. NEW NEW JUST FINISHED. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK E. 41ST ST. Artistic 5-room bungalow with garage, breakfast room. plute glass viidowa, swell beveled plate buffet. 13-10 eastern oak floors, old ivory finish, trimmed ma hogany, tapestry paper, nice attic, fur- nace, wide cement porch, etc. Phone owner. Tabor 1900. 5ol E. 4:td st. N. LA URELII L'RST. 8-room bungalow. 5 rooms on firft floor and 3 finished in the attic, everv Inch of the floor space is utilized, many built-in features; location best part of Laurelhurat sure, it has a ga rage. Price $8000. Let me show you. C. M. DERR. COli A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th Street. Main '4522. $2650 SUNNYSIDE COTTAGE 52650. GET IN BEFORE WINTER. 5-room cottage-type, basement, good pl-UTn-bi'ng, electric lights, gas. street im provements paid, near car and Laurel hurst park. This is a mighty good buy and terms are easy. Sunday. Marshal! 59-63 ; weekdays, Min 7967, Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Com. bidg. A WONDERFULLY-BUILT and highly at tractive 8-room house with large grounds and on hard macadam street for only $5250. Would be a $10,000 house if in Laurelhurst. Beautiful drive right from city to the door. Has new pipeless fur nace. Let us show this big snap. Tabor S428 or ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. LAURELHU RST. Fine corner lot, 100x100, fine view mountains and laurelhurat Park; modern 9-room residence, four bedrooms, sleep ing porch, maid's room, hardwood floors, hot water heat, double garage, $17,000. Terms. POIXDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Fine corner lot, 100x100. on Broadway, 9-room residence, 5 bedrooms, near Irv ington school; make good home now, and In a few years will double in value; house Is modern except hardwood floors; $12,000. terms. POIXDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. $2950 EASY TERMS $2950. NEAR ST. JOHNS CAR. 7 roomsi half cernent basement, elec tric lights, gas, good plumbing; house in in fine condition, all assessments paid : immediate possession. Sunday. Marshall 5003; weekdays. Main 7967, Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Com. bldg. $2400 Go look at 707 Spokane ave., five rooms and sleeeplng porch on full 50x100 lot, with paved st. and sewer in and pd. Garage and fruit, $250 cash will handle. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 'Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1094 and 5S3. FOR SALE, for $4500., or exchange for close-in east side or west side home ud to $8000. 6-room modern home in Irv ington district. Two fireplaces, furnace, hardwood floors. Apply for further par ticulars to the Oregon In v. & Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. Mar shall 205. ROSE CITY First time offered, elegant 8-room. east-facing home, close to Sandy boulevard and below the hill. Strictly modern excepting hardwood floors; put these in and you will have a $7500 home. Call Tabor 3428 or ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch B!dg. WHY PAY RENT? ROSE CITY. Nifty little bungalow, partly finished; 93x100, fine garden soil, chicken house, some fruit. $1550. $2f0 down, $2u mo. 949 E. GSTH N. Call owner. Tabor 6020. $4000. Two desirable residences in East Port land, each has 6 ruoms, bath, pantry, closets, full basement, electricity and gas; good district, close in ; $4O0o each, terms. Call at 774 E. Yamhill, or phone E. 17U8. LAURELHURST. Strictly modern two-story residence, hardwood floors. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, full-size basement; $7500, terms, half cash.' POIXDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST 6771. YOUR TE RMS. a modern 5-room bunga low, fine lawned-of f lot with extra lot lor gardening; price $2500. Another dandy cottage with 2 lots, on hard macadam street, for $2750. $1000 to handle. Call Tabor 3428 or ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. 8ROOMS. bath, stationary tub. built-in cupboard, fireplace, gas heat, linoleum, cellar, parage, fruit, berries, shrubbery; lot 80x100; 72d ave., near 60th st., S. E. ; $2400. terms. Call owner. East 191, or Sellwood 1965. $850 $850$S50 $850. Furnished houseboat, 5 r., neat, com fortable, ready to move in; nice garden lot, near river; Nevada st. ; city water, electric lights; easy terms. C. RINGLER. 225 Henry Bldg. GET LOCATED before school opens and the rush for houses in on; my excellent 5-room house on lot 62x145, near Arleta school, fine neighborhood, can be had for $3150, $650 cash, terms on balance. Owner. Tabor 4200. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Three lots and old 7-room house, good condition ; unsurpassed view ; $4000. terms. Donald Macleod, 1001-2 Spalding bldg. TWO-FLAT HOME. Graham ave.. near Union, live in one. rent the other; lot 60x125. double garae. $4(H0. $1500 down. bal. good terms. Owner E. 4 556. A 4-ROOM house, electric lights, citv wa ter and garden; cash or will trade for Ford touring car. Mr. Merrifield, 1334 Macadam st. 5-ROOM house, fine corner. Hawthorne dist., some buy. $3200; 1500 cash. 1151 Kast Lincoln st. Tabor 2225. EQUITY 6-room Hawthorne bungalow ; lot 60x103. 985 E. Harrison. 100 ft. from Glenn ave. Will be on place Sunday. FOR SALE-7-room modern house, barn, four lots, fruit trees, berries; ter ma. 6210 56th ave. Tabor S75. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houho. RALPH HARRIS CO. WOODSTOCK 5-room plastered house with bath, gas and electricity; gas heat ing system; lot 100x100. with fruit, ber ries and garden, garage, hen house and run 1264 39 th st. Southeast. Price $2100. Terms, Close to the Woodstock car. PIEDMONT: VACANT 6-room mod ern house with bath. gas. electric lights. Full cement basement, furnace, wash trays. Good lot on paved street: fruit and berries. See It at 1316 Rodney. $4500 $1000 cash. WOODLAWN at 1452 Fern ave., near Woodlawn car. we have this wonderfully fine lOOxIOO lot with garden, lots of ber ries and fruit enough for a dozen fami lies; 5-room cottage. chicken-house. Price $2000 with $400 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. SOMETHING SENSIBLE. A nice comfortable little home on an acre of ground in the city limits, con venient to your work and business; city water, light and gas. paved street, ce ment sidewalk, two blocks from Alberta car and adjacent to a 'beautiful resi dential district commanding an- excel lent view. This tract of land has been subdivided and. will be sold in acre lots. It is not a large tract, consequently will not be on the market very long. The en tire tract is and has ben for the past several years under a High state of cul tivation, producing wonderful crops and is in excellent condition, no stumps or brush. For particulars ask for Mr. Nay lor. J. O. ELROD, OWNER. 617 Corbett Bldg. Main 6173. ROSE CITY PARK. $5900 Let us show you this 'nifty bun galow, 5 rooms and bath, fur nace, fireplace, buffet kitchen with Pulman breakfast nook; you will like this home and the workmanship and material used is the very best and so evident that you cannot overlook it. Quarter-sawed oak floors in the exceptionally large living rooms. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1094 and 583. $4750 Here is your opportunity to se cure a lot 100x112 with garage, chicken house and a lot of fruit, some berries, also a strictlv modern 6-room home. Hard wood floors. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, wash travs. furnace. Plenty of larae closets. Sewer In and connected nu t street not paved. Terms. This is a real buy. J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Wav Home." 204 Stark St. Main 1O04 and 583. WHY PAY BIG RENT WHEN YOU CAN CUT COST IN HALF? BAL. LIKE RENT. Good 5-room house. YOUR3 FOR $2450 $250 CASH. NETLAN PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $500.00 cash will handle a number of our modern homes In this desirable section. For instance. $5100 buys 5 rooms and breakfast aook. fire place, hardwood floors, buffet, Dutch wkitchen, f uU cement basement, wash trays, St. Imp. in and paid. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark at. Main 10;4 and 53. $7000. STRICTLY MODERN WESTMORE LAND BUXGA L O W. HARDWOOD FLOORS. ALL BUILT-INS. FINE COR NER LOT. GARDEN. LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM, KITCHEN. BATH, THREE BEDROOMS FIRST FLOOR. THREE BEDROOMS SECOND FLOOR; TERMS. HALF CASH. PO IN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE. EAST 0771. IRVINGTON. We are Instructed bv the owner to sell this beautiful 8-room Enellsh Colonial home, large living room, pun room, beautiful dining room, ivory fin ish, tapestry walls, oak floors. 3 bed rooms and glaefsed-in sleeping norrh. It Is really a complete home and someone is going to get a real buy. Call me to day. C. M. DERR. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th Street. Main 4522. 2750 NEW. MODERN. VACANT S2750. TRY OWNING YOUR HOME ONCE. 4-room modern bungalow, just fin ished and never lived in : small base ment, good plumblntr. electric lights and gas. white enamel finish, some built-lns, large lot, near car. This is a cosy, nifty little place and trms are easv. Don't move all your life ; own your home. Sunday. Marshall 5!3 : weekdays. Main 7007. Mariels or Williams. 820 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION. 36S Multnomah st.. walking distance east side, near schools and churches; two-story, 8-room house, four bedrooms, bath, electric lights, hardwood floors, full-size concrete basemen with tha famous Gasco furnace, large garage : If sold this week can make special price and terms. POIXDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. EAST H771. $1400. Is the price for the whole business. 4-room house, gas light, platered, hot and cold water, garage, chicken house, wood and' coal range, large gas range, beds and dressers, sewing machine, one organ, lot 75x100, all in garden, tomatoes and beans ready to pick. About 12 min utes walk from M. v. canine. J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand ave. N.t near E. Ankeny. E 61. $6000 Let us show you a home on lot 84x100 with garage and 8 large fruit trees. Paved street, paid. Exceptionally large living room. Dutch kitchen, built-ins. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. Near Hawthorne car and Franklin high. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN COl. "Shortest Wav Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 583. PIEDMONT, modern. except hardwood floors, 50x100 corner, hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, one sleep ing room downstairs, cement basement, furnace, bath, toilet, laundrv trays, ga rage; bargain at $4850; terms. $1000 down. Streets paved and paid. See Mr. Taylor with L K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. Sunday Woodiawn 1405 ; after. Main 8667. $200. CHEAP. 6-room house, electric lights, bath, full basement, cbr. lot, fruit trees, near car line, school and stores; immediate pos session. S. W. cor. E. 42d and Fran cis ave. J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand st. N., near E. Ankeny. East 61. I AM THE OWNER. VACANT SEPTEMBER 1. $-00( HAWTHORNE BfXGALOW. REAL BARGAIN: I NEED MONEY. 6 rooms, full basement, good plumb ing, electric lights, gas, fireplace, some built-ins; east front, all city assessments in and paid; terms. If you are after a Fnup, call owner at Tabor 81S9. $o2l0 HERE Is a good 5-room bungalow with attic, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, macadam st., pd. Near Union avee. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark st. Main 1094 and 583. $5300. Near Franklin high school; paved st., near car; well-built 6-room bungalow ; beautiful grounds ; terms ; $30U0 cash, balance 6 per cent. POIXDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. M AIN 1S00. RE S IDEXCE. EAST 67T. HAWTHORNE district, on 47th St. We of for a little dream of a bungalow, strictly modern to the dot. Has five rooms and one finished off upstairs and all for $4850. 1S50 cash will handle. Call Ta bor 3428. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 503 Couch Bldg. BY OWNER $450 gives you possession of a 3-room furnished cottage, 50x100 lot. garden full of vegetables, fruit and flowers. Wdln. car to Winona st., walk two blocks S. E. 1442 Lenore st., cor. BrMleview ave. Wdln. 3120. $4000. 7-room modern house, S. W. corner E. Taylor and E. 38th sis. Immediate pos session. For particulars see J. J. OEDER. 4 Grand ave. N.. near E. Ankeny. E. 61. WEST PIEDMONT HOME. Six rooms, 3 bedrooms, garage; walk ing distance Jefferson high school; mod ern ; $4000: terms; owner, 1214 Borth wirk st. Woodlawn 5051. BY OWNER. Rose City Park, 5 rooms, enclosed sleeping porch, every built-in feature and convenience, on paved street, half block from car. $4250, half cash. Automatic 328-94. ROSE CITY PARK home, double constructed, 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, strictly modern, full-size base ment. Fox furnace, paved street, garage; trms; no agents. Owner. Tabor 5728. FOR SALE Cheap, large barn on 100x100 lot in Montavilla. Inquire in grocery, corner 75th and buse-lme road. GROVELAND PARK. 5-room modern bungalow, $4300; terms to suit. East 7978.