20. TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AKTJST 22, 1920 .ars, BUTTERICK QUARTERLY FOR AUTUMN AND SUBSCRIBERS' DELINEATORS ARE READY PATTERN SHOP, SECOND FLOOR Just Received 1500 Yards Printed Georgette Crepe Semi-Annual Manhattan Shirt Sale now in progress. The Store for Men acknowledged shirt headquarters offers its entire stocks of these famous shirts at a straight reduction of 25. New prices are $3 to $13.10 for regular $4 to $17.50 Manhattan shirts. Quality that sold earlier in the season for $3.59 now less than half that price at $1.49 yard. All this material is 39 inches wide. , Standard quality georgette crepe for blouseand gowns. Brown, navy and taupe grounds with brightly-hued floral designs. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. TttEvQjUALITTr STORP OI PORTLAND Daly. abaHy-Mwi lci,AM 8U. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor. the f or the JhiO: IPS $1.49 Sales for Person! Sa es me a The Daintiest of New Crepe cle Chine Undergarments Very Specially Priced at " $5.95 GOWNS ENVELOPES The remarkable feature of this sale is that the garments which compose it are charmingly new and fresh and yet so specially priced. This is a ' purchase made for the August Sale and, because of tardiness in arrival, priced even below what it was our original intention to sell it for in the August Sale. Yet the opportunity is of the timeliest. Gowns and envelope chemise of excellent quality crepe de chine with dainty laces, fine tucks, embroidery, georg ette and ribbons. August Sale of Corsets continues to amaze by its seemingly inexhaustible supply of good values. Standard makes. Back lace and front lace. Particularly fine choosing at $6.45, $3.45 and $2.95. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor, Sixth Street. Emphasizing the ' In the Dress Goods Shop" A showing that evidences remarkable completeness for ' so early in the season and that evidences the low prices for which this store is noted. New School Plaids . Yard $10 40-inch plaid dress goods, not all wool but just the thing: for new school dresses. All-Wool Serge . Yard $3 30 0 40-inch all-wool French serge of good quality in a fine assortment of new plaids and stripes. j BROILER EFFICIENCY Seen at Its Best in the Universal Combination range. The broiler oi the Universal Combination is at a convenient height for working. The smoke and odors are carried off into the flue. You obtain the perfect wholesome juices of the broiled food when mak ing proper use of the broiler. This is but one of the many features that make for economy and convenience in the Univer sal Combination. Let us show you these ranges tomorrow. Complete Stocks Universal Heaters Ask also to see the Universal Pipeless Furnace. Your Own Terms in Reason Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor, Fifth Street. In Time for Fall Sewing Secure an Eldredge Two -Spool Rotary Sewing Machine "the world's best sewing machine" and STOP Winding Bobbins Sew direct from two spools of thread one above, the other below. Let us show you this perfect sewing machine. Easy terms no interest. 10-Year Guaranteed Willamette Sewing Machines $35 A limited number of these reliable Willamette sewing machines. Five-drawer oak case, drop head, full set of attachments. Also Used Machines at Special Prices Buy one of our Adjustable Dress Forms a dress form that can be adjusted to your individual measurements and your home sewing will be a pleasure. We . Bell the .best for cash or on the easy payment plan of $1 Down 50c Week No interest. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, Fifth Strent. All-Wool Coatings Yard $5 Particularly good are these new 54-inch all-wool coatings in heather mixtures for women's and misses' garments. NEW yet very SPECIAL at $5 yard. All-Wool Serge Yard $3 40-inch all-wool French serge in a complete line of new colors; All-Wool Taffeta Yard $3 JO . - , A new fall fabric in plain weave which because of its splendid wear ing quality will.be excellent for school frocks. 44 inches wide. New shades. TAILORING SERVICE We cut, baste, fit ' and ' niaka ready to finish any style of tai lored skirt for a small charge.. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Hair Goods Regular $25, $27.50 and $30 switches of finest quality hair in natural shades, 26 inches long, three short stems, now half price at $12.50, $13.75 and $15. Regular $22.50 switches of wavy hair in gray and white, 24 inches long, three stems, now half price at $11.25. sk sic Regular $15 and $18 transfor mations on weft to fit all around the head, all shades -including gray and white, now half price at $7.50 and $9. sk sk Jk Regular $8 clusters of soft curls now half price at $4. sk sfe sk . Expert Marcel Waving , Phone for Appointment Meier & Frank's: Salon de Coiffure. FTfth Floor. White Ransom and White Derby Famous Haviland China Vz Because of the difficulty in obtaining matchings we are going to dispose of our stock of white "Ransom" and white "Derby" shape Haviland china. The extraordinari ness of this half-price sale is manifest. Patrons who wish to be sure of sharing in the values will come early. The Assortment Comprises Chocolate Cups and Saucers Bouillons . Butter Dishes Ramekins and Plates Celery Trays Pickle Dishes . Platters ' Etc. ' " ' " Quantities limited. Salad Bowls Sugar Bowls Creamers Jugs Covered Dishes Oatmeal Bowls Plates Etc. No delivery on less than $2 purchases. V' . Meier & Frank's: China Store, Basement., -I While They Last 'Old Hickory;" Chairs and Rockers , Choice of Our Stock , i .$4.95 : The rugged beauty of old hick ory summer furniture, its im perviousness to ordinary assaults of time or usage win for it a place in many homes. This sale of all our old Hickory chairs and rockers at $4.95 is certain to extend its popularity. -Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. Most Remarkable Clearaways of Dresses, Suits, Skirts, Coats and More New Arrivals Go on Display Tomorrow The price-advantages of purchasing apparel here tomorrow are so extraordinary that we cannot but feature them most prominently in this announcement, although equal ly marked advantages are in store for those who select their new autumn garments at Meier & Frank's. SILK DRESSES CLEARA WAY . 3 Astonishingly. Underpriced Groups Were $75 to $95 I Were $45 to $65 I Were $25 to $39.50 $28.65 $42.45 $16.45 The reductions speak for themselves when they are taken into consideration with the fact that sale prices affect some of our finest summer dresses of georgette, taf feta, . tricolette, pongee, crepe and novelty silk, also fashionable combinations. This season's models. Wanted colors. ' JERSEY SUETS $20 A fine assortment of wool jersey suits in navy and other shades of blue, rose, plum, brown, tan. Good-looking models at twenty dollars ! SUMMER COATS $10 to $35 $10, $15, $29.50 and $35 are the greatly reduced prices on summer coats of satin, fiber silk, wool jersey and tweeds for clearaway. NOVELTY SILK SKIRTS HALF While Any of the Assortments Remain Were $20, Now. .$10.00 Were $25, Now. $12.50 Were $35, Now .$17.50 Were $45, Now. ..-.- v $22.50 Novelty silk skirts in the most approved weaves and styles. White and colors. AUGUST SALE OF FURS continues tomorrow , and balance of week. Entire stocks at worth-while savings. SALE OF PLUSH COATS continues tomorrow and balance of week. The only sale of its kind in Portland. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor, Fifth Street. -I 25 Sale of Dining Room Furniture Continues Suites -and separate pieces in this clearaway. One of the most important announcements of the August Sale. ' Meier & Frank's: Furniture Store, Eighth Floor. August Sale Brings Seamless Kaba Rugs . at Most Worthwhile Savings Finest grade wool fiber rugs in patterns suitable for every room. Various good odd patterns and shades in the sale mostly plain colors, some small two-tone effects Regular Size. Special . $12.50 4x7 $ 8.33 $20.00 s 6x9 ' $14.35 $28.75 7:6x9 $19.85 $31.50 8:3x10 '$22.85. $33.50 9x12. - $24.75 In Addition to the Sale of Kaba Rugs Sale of Wilton Rugs Continues Large assortment of regular and discontinued patterns and coloririgs in Wilton rugs. Regularly $110 to $175, now S87.50 to S143.75. Sizes 8-3x10-6 and 9x12. Meier & Frank's: Hug Store, Seventh Floor. New Marabou Neckwear . Sale-Marked Special purchase of Marabou capes, collars and stoles just re ceived. Offered at prices -which suggest early selection. $7.50 and $8.50 Values $5.95 $10.50 to $12.50 Values $8.95 $15.00 to $22.00 Values $11.95 All the pieces are silk lined. Some with ostrich band trim ming or tail fringe trimming. Ideal light weight wraps in taupe, seal, natural and black. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. $ Special Sale of Good Silk Blouses 7.95 $6 Blankets $4.85 , One of the many specials in the August Sale of Blankets, etc., now in progress. Heavy wool finished cotton blankets, size 66x80 inches, in white, tan or gray with pink or blue borders. $14 Blankets Pair $10 6-lb. gray blankets,, for the -most part wool, at more than a fourth off a price that was already low for the quality. 66x80-inch double blankets, in serviceable gray that' will not easily soil. ' Meier it Frank's: Second Floor. Etc. 6 Remarkable Specials Drap cries? $130 Colored Drapery Madras $1.15 Blue,' rose and mulberry. 500 yards. $33 Couch Covers Special $19.75 Figured velour couch covers in beautiful oriental patterns. Colors are blue, rose and tan. Limited number. , $4 Chenille Yard $2 Blue, golden brown and rose. 48 ' inches wide. . For portieres and window draperies. Half price while the quantity lasts. $1050 Figured . Mohair $635 50 inches wide. Taupe, blue and mulberry. Especially good J for upholstering davenports and chairs, makes handsome and durable pillow covers. Taffeta Pillows Special $425 Regularly 7.25. Bound silk taffeta pillows in rose, blue, mulberry and gold. $125 Cretonnes Yard 79c Lovely chintz effects. Large assortment. Meier & Frank's: Drapery Store. Seventh Floor. Sale of RIBBONS By the Bolt As the lavender season is here we are specializing narrow all-silk ribbons by the bolt for making lavender sticks, sachets, coat hang ers, novelties. Many of the lighter shades are suitable for bonnet bows and lingerie, also useful for tying packages, etc No. Res. Bolt I Sale 1 40c I 10 Yds. I 29 1V2 I 50c 10 Yds. 33 2 60c 10 yds. 43d 3 75c 10 Yds. 49 Sold only in 10-yard bolts. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor, i Some are a third and more off and all these blouses are sterling; values at $7.95. We use the word "good' ad visedly, for they are emphatically that kind. Made of superior quality crepe de chine, men's wear crepe, georg ette and pussy willow taffeta. Many white and flesh, some navy and black. All are. distinguished types of "tailored" blouses in high or low neck styles with long sleeves. All sizes in the lot. We repeat EXTRA value at $7.95! Meier & Frank's: Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. r i I More New Arrivals in Autumn iffltEmerp These new arrivals bear out the earlier indications of a decided leaning towards draped fabric hats for autumn 1920. Duvetyn is es pecially favored and is ac corded becoming recognition in our Autumn Millinery dis plays. Duvetyn and velvet dress and semi-dress hats autumn shades of brown, blue, jade. Mostly off-the-face styles. New tailored hats in vel-vet-and-beaver combinations, all velvet, hatter's plush com bined with velvet. All moderately priced. Meier & Frank's: Millinery Salons.Fourth Floor. S32K2BS2ES1