M 1 14 M 11 ' IV- ; . THE SUNDAY OltEGOXTAX. POUTI.AM). AUGUST 23, 1933 13 Money can't buy a greater luxury or surer way to "beauty But modern progress, revolutionizing the world, still prizes these rare oils as indispensable cosmetic cleansers Palm and Olive oils -were discovered in ancient Egypt 3000 years ago Lae easy way to beauty in a simple cake of soap HOW do you. keep your Face clean? Do you feive it a hasty daily washing with any old soap? Or do you perhaps depend on cold cream to remove dirt and dust? Either method is dangerous and invites bad results. ' Careless washing makes the skin rou&h and coarse. Yet complexions &et soft and flabby without the tonic of water. - The secret is make washing your face a real beauty treatment. How by usin& Palmolive Soap as we tell you here. Washing for heauty The Palmolive lather is so mild that it cleanses without irritation, no matter how sensitive is your skin. Profuse and creamy, it penetrates every tiny pore, removing the dirt, dust and oil secretions, which, when neglected, clo& and irritate. - Rinse thoroughly and these accumulations are washed away. Then apply Palmolive cold cream and ap ply it liberally. If your skin is dry, use it both before and after washing. Just before bed-time is the time to do this thorough cleansing. You will wake with your complexion soothed, rested and re freshed. Egyptian cosmetics Palmolive is the scientific modern combi nation of the Palm and Olive oils Cleopatra used. She, as did all the ancients, employed these rare oils both as cleanser and cosmetic They were cleansers which also soothed. Thus Palmolive always agrees with even .the most sensitive complexions. It works without irritation. It is the favorite facial soap of millions who have learned that while you pay more you can't buy better. THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, U. S. A. M V 7) H "Why don't it cost more? ause the Palmolive factories work day and Ai&ht to supply demand. Because the rare Palmolive ingredients are bou&ht in enormous quantities. ' Thus the price of Palmolive is kept moderate no more than for ordinary soap. It can he enjoyed by every woman and procured everywhere. . '. I I! "Cll 102.2