18 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, rORTLAXD. AUGUST 13, 1920 FOB RENT. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartmentv ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms, dreeing room and j bath, white en&me. finish, hardwood floors, tiled bafch. beautiful apartments; one furnished and one uniurnished. Etna apts.. 2ttth and E. Burnside sts. Pho.ue manager. East 3503. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments, walking distance. East S1S3. 3t2 J Hawthorne av. FUKNI5HBO apt., from $3.50 and up. two entrances. 2ti9 Market, 328 4th et. Flat. MODERN 3-room flat on ground floor with a beautiful view of the city; cheap rent to good tenant; for particulars call Mr. Newman, at Main SSO. FOR KENT Unfurnished flat, five rooms and sleeping porch, walking distance: three blocks from east end of Broadway bridge. 406 Ross st.: $25. t " UP SHU RAP ART M ENTS. 4-room unfurniheU nt; private en trance, steam heat, hot and coid water. 4')ti' X. 2Sth. ilUUKKN upper fiat, 5 large rooms and bath; rent $25. 9&4 E. Washington, cor. of 33d st. 5-ROOM flat, furnace, 2 fireplaces, newly tinted and painted, no children. 5-18 r. Taylor. East 3375. . 0 ROOMS, lower flat, strictly modern, lo cated on ISth st. near Alberta; rent $30. Gustaff, Broad ay 4075. Main 2.jOO. MODERN, 4-room, unfurnished flat, close in, very desirable location. 474 Clay st. Furn billed Flats. "WELL furnished modern 5-room flat, two large porches commanding fine view; large lawn, 15 mln. walk. 349 E. Glisan, near Union ; after 12 o'clock. AN ATTRACTIVE, completely furnished 5-room flat in private home, including water, phone and light. Adults only. Very desirable district. Phone 314-o3. MUSIC teacher wishes girl employed to share ilat rent; lessons, piano, reason able; walking distance; references. Main 30 1 s. -ROOM FLAT Unfurnished, unexcelled view, walking distance, west side; $-5; 3b'9Vi lth st. Vinhey, Marshall 1622. CLOSE in, very desirable 5-room flat for rent, good furniture for sate. 349 K. Glisan, near Union; afternoons. BEAUTIFULLY furnished flat for rent; west side, walking distance. 143 hk N. 21 st St. Auto. 510-43. FURNISHED 4-room flat with bath. 6 blocks from S. "P. shops. No objections to children. Call Sell. 1028. FURNISHINGS of 8-room flat for sale; sacrificed if taken at once for cash; close in. AO 442. oregonian. ATTRACTIVE, clean, airy 5-room flat, completely furnished, west Bide, $00. East 2578. LOWER furnished flat for rent. bor 000. Call Ta- filX-HOOM furnished fiat, piano; no chil dren, Phone Mar. 3015 evenings, Sundays. FURNISHED lower" flat for rent. 21 E. 15th st. -ROOM flat, $22.59. also 3-room flat, $37 41 E. Eighth st. North, corner of Couch. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished we. two and three room housekeeping suites, with or without private baths, hot water contin ually, gas ranges, laundry, e'.ectricity ; children welcome. ISO Sherman st. Mar. 30S3. - NICE, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE SINGLE AND ONE ROOM WITH KITCHEN ETTE APTS., $2.50, $4 AND $5 PER WEEK. 103 13TH AND MORRISON. MAK. 245. LOVELY, large, clean completely fur nished room for housekeeping, 5 per week, he-uted by Northwestern Electric Co.. "The Waunitu." 385 Yaiiihill St., downtown. CLEAN", all modern 2-room apt., also large single H. K. room, hot and cold water, $20 and $10 per month; 2 blocks from Montgomery and 14th st. 501 Har- T. WO or three roms, unfurnished, clean and sunny kitchen, has gas range, treas ure and breaktast table; private entrance, reasonable. Sell. 050. FOR RENT Welt-furnished room with privilege of bath and telephone; house keeuuig if desired. Call Sun. alter 10:30 A. mT East U3. 529 E. Ash t. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, 5th and Morrison. Goodnough bidg., room 410. Marshall 1079. Only $16. Free gas. b ROOMS with electric light, bath and gas. Good furniture, clouc in ; also 2 room apt. Phone -Main. 7070. Inquire at 352 2d 8,t. . TRUNKS and baggage delivered in down town district lor 25c. Auto service. Free sto rage for 15 d ays. Phone Bdwy. 2 4 43. MAKE the Bushmark your home; one and two-room outride apts.. clean, modern, respectable. Waah.ngton et.. cor. 17th. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar. Furnished H. K. rooms, $15 up, including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. LARGE Front room, light housekeeping; walking distance. 373 W. Park, corner Harrison. ' COMPLETELY furnished 2-room suite; renovated and redecorated; $14. 53 Third at. 1 AND 2 furnished roms. nicely arranged fur housekeeping; reasonable rent. 412 loth st. - 2 NICELY furnished clean housekeeping rooms, 4 blocks to shipyard. 211 Sher man st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ciean. light and airy, fine location ; adults only. Call after 2 P. M. 1275 E. Taylor s CLEAN connected housekeeping rooms; also one large front room, suitable for business. 2ti3 5th st. Main 4336. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, clean and reasonable; walking distance. 329 Montgomery, near Broadway. $5 WEEK, completely furnished house keeping suites. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. TWO or three housekeeping rooms, suit able for working m-en; $2 per week each. 3ti2 Chapman st.. Corner MU1. bTK ICTL t clean housekeeping room and kitchenette, including light, gas. liuen and free phone, close in. 407 Columbia. FURN1SH ED houHekeeplng apts., reason able; newly papered. 559 Couch. Broadway 989. CLEAN, vinail front housekeeping room, everything furnished. 429 3d st.. Main 2.MI3. TWO or four rooms, light housekeeping, at 6-S7 E. Everett. East 4o40. COMFORTABLY furnished 1-room house keeping suites, $4 and $5 per week. 3'J5 tith st. FURNISHED ROOMS for keeping. 19SVa Second st. light house- HOUSEKEEP1XG, 1 and 2 rooms, nice ciean place. 1. 44T Main st. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping room. 3d floor, for party employed. 325 12th st. TWO ROOMS; also rooms and kitchenette; hot water always. 055 Flanders, st. TWO FRONT H. K. on first floor, abso lutely clean; $22. 490 Clay. FURNISHED 2-room H. K. apts. 461 East Morrison. TWO LOVELY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath and gas. 586 Pettygrove st. DESI RABLE unfurnished housekeep-Ing-roums. $18.5o. 392 Sixth. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 793 Betmont. E. 6175. CICELY furnished sleeping and H. K. room. 3xS7 Yamhill st. NICELY furnished suites, first floor. two and three-room 317 N. ISth st. 1'IRXISIIED H. K. rooms for rent. E. Sth st. S.. cor. Oak. LARGE. -clean front H. K. rooms, desirable. 30 North 17tl at. 1, 2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. 396 26th N., corner UpshurMarshall 456. ONE front room with kitchen. 66 N. 21sL hT"k. ROOMS for couple only.509 Mill st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family 3 COMPLETELY furnished rooms, clean anu ueat, lights, water, bath, telephone. bath. Call anytime after Sun. i'.9 Evervtt. THREE clean housekeeping rooms, also r nice front sleeping room, first floor. 3S7 College st. Main 3154. S FLRN1SHED housekeeping rooms in private tamily ; adults only. Call after o:ao. iui ti, layior. TH REE furnished H. K. rooms, walk in r distance, near Broadway bridge; adulta. I ill L? 441 Ross. $25 SUITE of 3 large furnished house keeping rooms; nice location; 134 Porter Bt. 20 minutes walk. Inquire upstairs. A WHITE enamel H. K. rooms in attractive home, furnished : 2 adults only. 1'Jti E 30th. Tabor 5501. 2-ROOM clean H. K. apts.. walking dis tance; reasonable. 50S Jefferson. I L'RNISHED housekeeping rooms. N. 17th st. 245 OXE LARGE H. K. room with sleeping porch: ho slen!Tar r.-om. Min PLEASANT houbekeeping rooms; li&m u.iU phone free. lostf Belmont. Tabor 3394. fc INGLE hskpg. room, suitable for bache lor. 154 N. ISth. TU O FIXE housekeeping rooms for rent to nice people. 9)fi E. Yamhill. CLEAN, lieht COiy. 40 .N hou ek.-eping rooms, adults L 20th SU FOB BENT. Housekeeping Koin in Fri vatc Fm 1 1 y. ; WluaT SIDE clieao to right parties. rooy bedroom, silting room, big kitch en, gas range, sink and bathroom, abso lutely clean, new rugs, laundry trays, big back yard; private home; adults oniy. Caii Marshall 2G08 all week. HOUSEKEEPING apartment, neatly fur nished, absolutely clean; lovely private home ; modern coonveniencea; busineaa women employed during Gay preferred East 2,'i-tS. 711 E. Ankeny. $25 TWO LARGE furnished H. K. room! on first floor, suite on second floor; lights, water and gas free; two blocks trom Broadway bridge. 310 Crosby. 2 CLEAN' completely furnished housekeep- I ing rooms; light, water, phone, private entrance; also 1 sleeping room. 34 Mont- gomery. corner Park. OXE LARGE front room, second floor, kitchenet, hot and coid water; walking distance, west side. 515 Morrison. $6 per week. Broadway 4433. SINGLE H. K. room, suitable for lady employed, running water in room, light and clean; very desirable. Nob Hill. 656 Glisan. 2-ROOM housekeeping suite, very cozy and convenient, fine modern residence, light, gic, linens furnished; $28 a month. Main SXS5. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent; very reasonable, west side; phone and bath. (S8 X. 9th st., west side. 3 ROOM S 2 f u rn hed for hskpg. ; $15 per mouth. 271 College, between Third and Fourth sts. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; adults oniy ; gas, light, hot and cold water; rent $27.50. 425 6th. Mr. Hall. TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms in choice east side district for a nice young cou ple. 701 East Main st. Call Monday. ROOM with kitchenette, large closet, run ning water1 and sleeping room. 134 X. 17th st.. Main 4338. FAMILY to board invalid mother and son, give 3-room apt. and pay board. 661 Everett. Bdwy. 4718 Monday. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, in good location, suitable for 3 adults; no children. 293 10th st. H. K. ROOM, sleeping porch, near Wash ington, $5; 3d floor, H. K $2.50, fine location. Bdwy. 2397. ATTRACTIVE, convenient, furnished H. k! room, one or two persons, employed: 547 Yamhill. LIGHT hskpg. room, gentleman, every thing furnished. 875 E. Y-amhill, cor. 29 th st. TWO large, light 3056 3d af front h. k. rooms. 4 H. K. ROOMSr gas and light furnished. 520. Montavilla car. 106 E. 6th st. N. DEKTJM &. JORDAN. FOR RENT. 3-room house and large sleeping porch; water, lights, toilet, gas etc; 1 block to car. RENT $18 PER MONTH. See it at 1546 Wabash. Take St. Johns car, get off at Wabash . and go south. DEKUM &. JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce bidg.. 4th and Stark sts.. Min 2 33. HOUSE OR BUNGALOW "WANTED TO RENT. Now or Sept. 1. 0 or 7 rooms, with 3 bedrooms. modern conveniences ; for adults; garage not necessary; in good neighborhood ; rent $40 to $50. Reply daytime to Mr. Paterson. grocery buyer, ' Meier Frank's. Sunday and evenings phone East 5902. FOR REXT, $30. 6-room modern bungalow; all built-in conveniences, laundry trays, cement base ment, etc. ; vacant Monday. Call today at 4)3 E. 43d. near Lincoln st. FOR RENT 909 E. 9th St., house, 6 rooms and bath, large yard. $25 per month, three months payable in advance. Apply 005 East 9th st. or 343 Washington st., near Broadway. FOR REXT Modern 9-room corner house, in best neighborhood, close to town ; lawn, etc. ; no housekeeping permitted. Inquire 331 12th st. Phone Main J39. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0. A 6747. 7-ROOM HOUSE FURNITURE FOR SALE Rent $15; tfilet, bath, light, water. 302 Sacramento st., near Union ave. Home Sunday A. M. SEPT. 1 Furnished or unfurnished, Irv ington ; ivory woodwork throughout, H. w. floors, 2 fireplaces, ref. required; adults only. C 217, Oregonian. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, attic and basement. Modern plumbing, 40th st. near Harrison. Rent $3,. 793 E. Main St. Telephone tt.tst owner. SEPT. 1 9-room house, E. 20th and Ash; 4 bedrms., sleep, porches, furnace, ba.se ment, fruit. Marshall 3509 Monday. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling; first-class equipment. Green Tr. Co.. 202 H Alder st. Main 1261,572-61. MODERN 7-room house, furnace, on Ken ton car, near Peninsula park. Wood lawn 454. BU NG ALO W, 5 rooms, modern, furnace. garage. Kose City park, no children, $o0. AM 3S2. Oregonian. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 512L NICELY FURNISHED six-room home, very convenient location, for five mo., at $85 a monin. rnone Aiarsnau 34ti. LINNTCN two nouses; a rooms, one 3 rooms. 1 Phone Marshall 12S5. FOR REXT 5-room houce on west side, $20. Inquire at SNi Texas St., take River view car. cor. Morrison. UNFURNISHED 7-room house and- ga rage, on 57th ave. and 71st street. Call Monday. Tabor 1679. FOR RENT S-room house and furniture for sale; more than pay expenses; no dealers need apply. 390 Jackson st. A CLEAN 5-room cottage, modern plumb ing, furnace and large lawn for children. Call Woodlawn 2626. 5-ROOM cotage. South Portland. 512 E. 2Sth st. north. Inquire ARLINGTON HEIGHTS $10,000 home; rent $80 monthly, will lease. Main 6127. HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale. Call house. 778 Thurman st. STRICTLY up-to-date 7-room Call Tabor 2209. rent $45. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. riaisey st. .ast 202. 6-ROOM HOUSE. $35. Phone E. 1223, or address 7S-M, Milwaukee. MODERN bungalow, 4 rooms and bath; no children. 3 303 Cornell st. FIXE modern home, west side, 3 0 rooms, $S5. Owner. 54 Oregon Bidg. Brdw. 791. -ROOM house for rent: bathJ 235 Curry; take S electric, P. car. Furnished Houses. FOR SIX months, from Sept. 1, furnished house with 8 rooms to small family of adults, west side, fine local ton; respons ible parties only. Marshall 252. FURNISHED house. 5 rooms, enameled kitchen, floors freshly finished ; easrv to heat: on paved st. and car line: $r0. Rebate on guaranteed lease. Tabor 1792. FOR RENT 5-room furnished bungalow to young couple with references; no objec tion to infant. Call personally. 7126 53d av., S. E. Mt. Scott cars. PARTY going east will rent completely furnished bungalow for 2 months, pos sibly longer; no children. Call Monday, East 243. FOR RENT Partly furnished house, modern, near Council Crest car; rent $25. Phone Monday, Marshall 5210. I HAVE a nicely furnished house for rent, right couple, no children; I will want room and board. East C014. -ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale, reasonable price will be accepted; close in. west side. Call 509 Clay st. WELL-FURNISHED bungalow in Rose City Park.. Owner wishes to reserve 2 rooms. C. S. preferred. Tabor 6736. LEAVING Portland for the winter, wish to reat house furnished at 1534 Miss, ave. 6-ROOM nicely furnished house and gar age, until Sept. 1; immediate possession; references. Phone East 562. MODERX 9-room house with garaee: fur niture for sale. Call 595 E. Alder after 11 A. COMitMAL wmow win share cottage with honest woman down town: every convenience. AP 459, Oregonian. 5-ROOM bungalow; cheap rent if vou buy furniture, which is new. Call today, 505 Aiberta st. FURNISHED Piedmont home, all modern garage; 90 per month; will lease. Phone owmr, 321-2S. HOUSE 3 rooms, toilet and closet, partly furnished, gas range. 5029 57 th are. Owner. 4227 5Sth ave. S. E. LAD Y WILL SHARE furnished, modern house with couple for board. Sell. 1717. 5-KOOM bungalow, furnished, $45. Phone East S653. SMALL fur. suburban house, suitable for couple only. Call Mar, S65Z " FOR BENT. Furnished Ho $300 BUYS completely furnished all-year-round camp at Oak Grove beach. Electric lights, spring water and free wood. Ten cent car fare, commutation tickets. Very nominal ground rent. Just the thing for family of three or four who want to save money. Oregon City car. get off 11 Oak Grove, walk down to river and ask at store for Garrett's camp. BKAUTIFUL.LT furnished home for rent. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, very larsre living and dining room, ivory finish, hardwood floors. lame grounds, garage. Alameda Park, district, lease for 6 months or longer, references required. PhftHP Wnnil 1 a urn 1 - Ll.hall jlTiiT T: " , - pt,LTl.fur"ished home, seven rooms, near employed over town, who wishes to re tain one sleeping room and store room; references. Call Tabor oOtfl any time Sunday, after tf P. M. week days. NICELY furnished housekeeping; and sleep ing rooms, reasonable rent. 71 X. 22d, 9-ROCif house, well furnished, elec. light, gas, big yard. C 983, Oregonian. 4-ROOM furnished cottage, no 'children. 533 E. 31st. SelL 3430. bummer Resorts. SEASIDE, OR. 7-room cottage, furnished. 7 beds, kitchen, dining room, toilet, etc.; electricity, oil and wood stoves; location 1015 4th ave.; price $45 untH Sept. 1. Call H. C. Pounall, Main 16$, or Inquire at 951 Board WaJk, Seaside. LONG BEACH NORTH BEACH INN. Directly facing ocean. Surf bathing Large shady grounds. Rooms $1.50 day and up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING TEXTS, $10 week. Hotel Ockiey. Port land, or N. B. Inn. Long Beach, Wash. MacLEAN'S CAM P. OSWEGO LAKE. Cottage for rent, partly furnished; reached from Oswego station on 4th st. Red electric line. Mac Lean. 507 Lewis bidg. Phones Broadway 5900 and Oa wego 431. SKA VIEW Clean. convenient. well equipped ridge cottage for Septmber at $3U to responsible party. Write O- A. Cook. Sea View, Wash., or AN i33, Ore gonian. CAMPERS, hikers, f;s;iernien. The Wa tum Lake pack tiain, 3 trips a week from Cascade Locks. Berry season on. Phone Glovers' store. FOR RENT Furnished room. 2 beds, with kitchen privilege; everything furnished ; situated on ridge at popular Washington Beach; reasonable. Call Bdwy. 2125. WELCHES For rent, 5-room furnished cabin; fireplace; price $20 per week. Call . Main 1932 week days; Sunday evening, Marshall 210U. AT SEASIDE Furnished 5-room cottage on the ridge, unobstructed view, for rent for September. Marshall 4701. 6-ROOM modern furnished; September; Seaside; Hermosa Park. Call Main 490b Monday. SEASIDE Rooms and board at Edgewood cottage, block from beach, $2.50 per day or $17 per week. Phone East 3424. FOR SALE 5-room cottage, 1O0 ft. from board waik. Apply 611 Panama Bidg. (Bridges), or 125 Ninth ave.. Seaside. SEASIDE modern bungalow, 4-rra., attic. near beach, from Sept, o, or furnisnea. Marshal 3509 Monday. GBARHAftT Completely furnished mod ern cottage for September; near beach. Marshall 2402. GEA RHART Small 3-room cottage near beacn for rent; vacant, warn. 4Ua. FURNISHED cottage at Bay Ocean. Phone wooaiawn a-ts. SEVILLE, WASH., completely' furnished 4-room cottage bal. of season. E. 2075. TWIN LOCKS 3-room furnished cottage for rent for Sept. , Tabor oioO. FURNI3HED cottage at Gearhart for rent sept. l. .Main Stores. 20S MADISON ST. Store room, 17x65. In modern brick bidg.; reasonable rent; will lease. A. H. Blrrell Co., 217 N. W. Bank Bidg. Mar shall 4114. IF YOU are huntinr for store location, with Ions lease, in the very central ousmess district, inquire A J? 5oO, ore- gonian. LARGE STORE FOR RENT. . Best location on 1st st., modern build ing, i or o years Lease given, seou month. AO 829, Oregonian. FOR RENT -Desirable store. No. 18 12th st.. in Hotel Bristol block, between Stark ana urn side sts. See D. G. Woodward, 104 2d st. Phone Main 1436. j 15-FOOT STORE, business center on Alder; Get right in. See Northrup, Northwest ern Bank Bidg. STORE with living rooms above. 610 Al der. cor. Sixteenth; good location. See Air. o irien, 23o Stark, cor. Second. STORE. 20x40, Holladay ave. full basement, $30. Key at corner. Offices. THE PITTOCK BLOCK HAS A NUMBER OF HIGHLY DESIRABLE OFFICES KAU X r OR IMMEDIATE OCCU FANCY; ONE LARGE SUITE OF NINE ROOMS CAN BE SUBDIVIDED. PHON BROADWAY 74 OR CALL ROOM 414 fiTIUL'K BLOCK- CHEAP OFFICE ROOM IN FIRST-CLASS BUILDING. For rent, $35, splendid office room with desk, linoleum on floor, telephone, suitable lor sales manager's office. Call line & Trust Blug., Main 8182. VERY desirable office space for rent; rooms from 150 souare fet tn l r,ri Thoa. Meienberg. agt., 501 Gerllnger bidg. Phone Main 5031. SEVERAL DESIRABLE OUTSIDE OFF1 CES IX THE COUCH BUILDING: SIN OLE OR EX SUITE. REASONABLE WILL rent small office in out suit on tral location, best building in Portland. raune juain o--o. DESK and display space, ground flohr fine place for specialty line. Thompson Scale &. Fixture Co., 3o6 Oak. LARGE office with use of reception room and typewriter; rent reasunuwa. 12 Pittock block. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex change blog. Apply room 312. $15 GOOD desk room. Call Main 5405 325 Chamber of Commerce bidg. VERY desirabie office room In Selling bidg. Inquire room 515. FURNISHED office, $15, share phone, girl and service. 207 Stock Exchange bidg. Misce 1 laneoiu. STORAGE room for rent, room, for 12 auios. Tabor 3643. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IF YOU WANT A RESTAURANJT and want the worth of your money, buy this one. Daily receipts 65 to $90: rent $05. Price $2100. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRY BLDG. MANUFACTURING business, has a future to make a million dollar proposition, now running; price $MW0 to $17,090- 1 want you to investigate this In every way. See H. W. Garland. 2ol 3d st. $3500 HANDLES an Income of 9350 a month, grocery, doing $32,000 a year, near city limits, good buy. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bidg. Broadway 5590. SALESMAN $300 cash Can secure Vi in terest in two year exclusive selling con tract with incorporated comnanv. Call on drug trade; ,a real opportunity; in- vestigate. io slock exchange Bidg. AUTO ACCESSORY STORE. West Side automobile row. clean, up-to-date stock tires, accessories, oiis. etc will invoice; show you can clear $300 monin. ua.ii ai l rtaiiway change. WANTED Partner with $2500 to take nan interest in manuiactunne buslnM has a patented device; good chance to get on the ground floor in big business. -i-r uregonian. GROCERY, doing $3000 a month. $22 rent, established 5 years, fixtures $409, stock invoice aooui tn'u. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bidg. Broadway '6590. IF YOU are hunting for store location.-' witn long lease, in th very central business district. Inquire AF S30. Ore gonian. $50 TO $3500 FOR legitimate business. Substantial office business, brokerage or manumciunng preierrea. J. H. KEATING. 618 Board of Trade. GROCERY store doing a spot cash business averaging between $2000 and $2500 per monin; no aeuvery; iuu win nan ale. 506 Spalding bidg. RESTAURANT In good live town, doing good business-; owner has to sell account sicKnes!". very cneap. A-auxess AV 2 Oregonian. WANT rooming house, 8 to 12 rooms, not over $I0O a room; west side preferred. BJ 851, Oregonian. WANT to buy drug store in or near Port land, or lease one room. Charles Evans, Carlton Hotel. I HAVE a $5,000.010 proposition to offer to a promoter wno nas siuu.oou to ban die same. BF 439. Oregonian. SOO SOFT DRINKS $050. No belter location in the city; rent $75. w uuucuLh.. -uo nenry mcr. ICE CREAM, confectionery and light KrO' eery stock and fixtures, expenses only $1 a cay. t'n-one ivast jzoi. 3-CH AIR barber shop for sale. North Second st. VULCANIZING and retreading outfit, also unit burring motor. Aadress 40O 4th st. PA HTNER Auto repair shop; iOO quired. Apply 19 10th. cox. Waao. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY (Incorporated) 914-20 Swetland Bidg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH- Just the place for two ladies, located near the dental collego ' and, manufacturing plants; rent 30. receipts $45 and up; price $1650. GROCERY. This store is located near a large school and good neighborhood ; 4 nice modern living rooms, on a good corner; rent $30; price $1S00. CONFECTIONERY. This Is a very attractive place, equipped to make all kind- of candies. If you want a good little) business, come in and look this over. Rent $25. Price $2500. CONFECTIONERT. If yon really want a real store, run this for a week; If as repre sented, you can buy. Daily re ceipts $60 and better; rent $22.50w with lease. You are buying no good wiW h ere-; price $L0O0, In voice or lump. BAKERY. This bakery Is fully equipped, either to retail or wholesale, run ning as a retail bakery at this time; good corner location, also good fountain; rent $30, with leae. Price $25oo, or invoice. GROCERY. Did you say grocery store? Do you want a real location in one of the choicest districts? Rent $40, one large living room; daily re ceipta $50 and up; price $2600. GROCERY. Suburban location, 6 modern Wving rooms, corner location; rent $30, dally receipts $125 and up, some delivery; $6500, or Invoice. This is a cash business; if you ws-nt to handle credit, can double dally receipts. PACIFIC AGENCY (Incorporated) 614-20 Swetland Bid.. GET IN NOW. The future for aviation Is assured. The man who gets in now can be an other Willys or Ford by growing with this newest industry. To purchasers of American-built Curtiss machines our Contract Department will turn over flying contracts for fairs, exhibitions and passenger routes. Several 3-day engagements recently brought in over $1500. Let us tell you about the oppor tunities for the. man who operates an airplane. Phone Broadway 33. Or drop In at Lewis and Clark field at 29th and Linnton road. O., W. & X. AIRPLANE CO. Portland. Oregon. TO LEASE. NEW HOTEL. MORO, OR. A splendid 8-story hotel with full basement constructed of cement and hollow tile and having 50 rooms, will be completed and ready for occupancy about Sept. 15: the board of directors for the Moro Hotel Co. desire to lease lk liiitl.ns. imfni-nlcheH In A f trat- class bote) man; a long lease, baed on a reasonable rate of interest will be given; here ts an opportunity for the right person. If Interested write or phone at once to the Moro Hotel Co-. Moro. Oregon. 1 MANAGER WANTED. Bv larce eorDoration o Derating on coast, to take charge of branch office establlsnea ana aotng gooa Dusiness; oik possibilities for right man. jwusi oe ' able to manage men and take full charge of business. Knowledge of real estate business preferred. Must be able to invest $l0.00u; part can be paid out of the business, and start active work not later than August 25. Call Mar. 12t5 for appointment. PACIFIC AGENCT, INC. 514-20 Swetland Bidg. FOR SALE All or part first-class garage business in large Willamette valley city; concrete building, cheap rent, long lease; located on one of the main streets; now doing a good new and used car business; storage pays the rent; a good opportunity for a hustler to make big money; have two good car agencies at present; excel lent reasons for selling and the price i right. AV 402. Oregonian. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; general mer chandise stock on Tillamook bay near sawmills and beach resorts. - This is the only store of this kind here and Is doing a big paying business. Owner is sick in bed and must sell, so will make a good deal to' responsible party. Invoice about $SO0O. Come over and see it at Garibaldi, Or. Take Tillamook train. Ralph Ackley OVER 50 MADE BY OTHERS. WOULD YOU APPRECIATE PARTICULARS OF GOOD BUS INESS CALLING FOR $100 OR MORE? BC 615, OREGON IAN. LARGE manufacturing corporation, wants capable men to open branch oiitce ana manage salesmen. $300 to $2000 neces sary: handle own money. Exclusive rights; patented article; money-making oossibilities unlimited. Will pay ex penses to Baltimore If qualify. Mr. Clem me r. salesmanager, 603 N. TSutaw st., Baltimore, Md. DOWNfOWN GROCERY, no delivery, car rying fresh stock, turned dozens oi times per year; clears over $50 daily. Corner location; hotels and railway district. f!aild to EuroDB account illness, only faitsiTi for iumriK. Price and books avail able upon reply to buyer direct. (No dealers, please.) AH 32. Oregonian. PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception Diana; sen a raou el or sketch and description of lnven tion fnr our free oninioii of Its patent able nature; highest references, prompt attention, reasonable terms. VICTOR J. EVANS A CO.. Hobart bidg.. San Francisco. Cai. Main offices. 642 Ninth st.. Washington. D. C OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING. We are waiting for someone who can manufacture a gas saving device, will burn any kind of fuel; make 35 to 50 miles on coal oil. Have people ready to sign up agencies. Have no capital to manufacture. Will be glad to have you inspect. P 535, Oregonian. ATTENTION Oil lease operators want partner who knows oil leases to enter established business: $5000 secures half interest and you handle own money; an attractive opening; bank and commercial references furnished. G 959, Oregonian. ONLY" bakery and restaurant in good Wil lamette valley town; $350u business last month; hop picking will be on in three weeks and business will be double that amount: not able to care for the busi ness, want to get out before ' the rush; price $4500. New electric oven. Craven &. Walker, Independence. Oregon. WARM mineral springs for sale with bath house, cottage, large swimming pond filled with warm mineral water, mile from new Mt Hood loop highway, 14 miles east of Government camp; some cash or mortgage on good property or improved Portland property. H. E. Miserve, Rhododendron, Or. WELL established Portland manufacturing concern has for Immediate sale limited amount of preferred stock: dividends payable semi-annually; this Is a gilt edge proposition which will stand closest investigation. For further Information write to pos tofflce box6 8 7. LIVE SALESMAN TO HANDLE MA CHINERY, POPULAR LINE: MUST BE FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE. WE ARE NOT SELLING TERRITORY. GOOD MONEY FOR THE RIGHT MAN. CALL AXD SEE WHAT WE HAVE. 306 CHAMbtK Jr jo JdAieriii. ouu. SWELL CAFETERIA. $1000 DOWN. N EAR 6TH Al N D STARK. Rwii location: nice-looking place, do ing a fine business; am ca.led away, so will sacrifice tor $2000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. X-l PROPOSITION New invention, big morey maker, territory protected; 9IO00 invested and two hours of your time daily will net you $2-o or more per mo. California territory open. Chance of a lifetime. Rep'lta confidential. AE 823, Cregonian WANTED Every man or woman looking for an opportunity to oeiier aneir pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or. A-l PATENT for sale by owner, iioa Holbrooke Gf Writs BUPTNESS OPPORTUNITIES. IS TOUR BUSINESS MAKING TOO FROM $500 TO $1500 A MONTH NET? HERE'S ONE THAT WILL. An absolute necessity, no charges, no deliveries. Bake and seil bread. roUa, pies, pastries the Eiectrlk-Maid wy; every one who eats Is a customer. Prof- Us start the first day. We furnish rn.il equipment and information. We put vou in a good going, growing business. Ex clusive territory. WRITE OR "WIRE TOD AT for full information. See B1ectr!k-Ma)d Bake ofeps, in operation. Ask about our doughnut p-ropohition. A good money . maker on email capital. Act now before some other enterprising business man selects the very territory you're figuring on, ELECTRIK-MAID BAKE? SHOPS. Dakota B:dg., SU Paul, Minn. HAVE TOU $1000? A CALIFORNIA "FREE GOLD" OP ERATING GOLD MINING PROPERTY WITH OVER $50,000 VALUE OF FIRST. CLASS EQUIPMENT (PAID FOR) AXD HAS PRODUCED 22,090 TONS, AVERAGING BETTER THAN 39.00. 3,000 TONS NOW BLOCKED GOING BETTER THAN $15.00. AND 13.O0O TONS BLOCKED OUT WILL GO BETTER THAN $3.00. NEAR 5,000 FEET OF TUNNEL COMPLETED AND IX GOOD ORDER. THE COMPLETION OF NEW LOWER TUNNEL WILL MAKE THIS A MILLION DOLLAR PROPERTY. THIS TUNNEL OX ORE WILL MORE THAN PAY ITS WAY. THE ADDITION OF ONE MACHINE WILL MAKE A CAPACITY OF 40 TONS DAILY. CONDITIONS ARE IDEAL. A TUNNELING MINE "WITH BUILD INGS AXD GOOD ROADS COMPLETED AXD PLENTY OF WATER AND TIM BER FOR ALL FUTURTS OPERATIONS. $ 1 2, 090 TO $ 1 5, U00 IN BL OCKS O F $1,000 OR MORE. WILL PUT US ON SAFE .PRODUCING BASIS. INVESTOR ACTIVE IF DESIRED. ADDRESS AK 832, OREGONIAN. SWELL CONFECTIONERY IN SUBUR BAN TOWN. AH' white enamel fixtures; 2 living rooms: furniture, stock, fixtures, awning, cor. location, with good lease: doing $'U per day ; can increase ; a snap for 9130O. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. ' AX UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY awaits a man with a small amount of capital who sees the advantage of get ting in at the start of a business enter prise of unlimited possibilities. The prop osition cannot fail to attract the man who would start small and build big. Association with men well qualified for the undertaking. O 249, Oregonian. WrE OFFER SEVERAL APARTMENT HOUSE LEASES with furnishings, from $5000 .and up to $15,000; best invest ment today. Rents are climbing and no extensive new construction in sight. Large revenues every property we handle. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 532.333 Ry. Exch. Main 5199. PARTNER wanted for a country garage; sell gas, oils, tires, auto accessories and have Dodge and Chevrolet car agencies; profits are good. Only $2000 required for equal half-interest and you buy in with a good mechanic. Call room 401 Dekum bidg. . ., . A NICE home with $000 year Income. 5 roora cottage. 4 store buildings, all in fine condition, cement walks, paved st.. electric lights, close to Portland; $3ui0 cash or trade for a grocery or delica tessen. By owner, J. Fulton, 209 N. Main st.. Ne where. Or. AT INVOICE COUNTRY STORE. One acre of land, building 3 Ox GO with five good living rooms overhead, dointz $20,000 to $30,000 a year; on electric line; terms. See Brown A Biddle. 324 Railway Exch. bidg.. Portland. Or. Mar shali 3331. HAVE AN OLD-ESTABLISHED OFFICE business, ground floor, employing seven people, clearing $5O0 per month at pres ent. Can increase business; want an in side man; money secured; swell furniture. $1500. Box T 967, Oregonian. iX - ACCOUNT of the increased demand for their whole grain products the Old Fashion Cereal Mill desires from $3000 to $10,000 for expansion purposes. For particulars address oid Fashion Cereal Mills, 241 Holladay avenue. NEW INVENTION, big money maker, ter ritory proiect'id; $;000 invested will net ou monthly $1500 to $2O"0 in cities sise of San Francises and Los Angeles. An exceptional - opportunity. Replies confi-dti-tial. O t0l, Oregonian. FINE little tire and vulcanising business in the best city in Willamette valley; es tablished three years; invoices about $2t0o; must sacrifice to go east Sept. 15". ' $2000 for quick sale. Investigate. AV "lit). Oregonian. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Owner of busy xara?e. cement build ing, on busy street, wants partner to attend office and seil supplies while he is doing repairing: only $lfto0 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange bidg. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO- wants fur niture stocks, also clothing and shoes. Merchants who have such merchandise and willing to sell at reasonable prices can write to Feldstein Furniture Co., 174 First St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. - A good modern store building in the best part of Main St., Heppner, Oregon; at present rented to a good tenant; $4009 ; might trade for Portland prop erty. AV 2:tS. Oregonian. GARAGE FOR SALE. Concrete, bldic.. lease, on well-traveled street ; sell gas, oils, tires, storage and auto repairing; net profits $600 month. Call room 401 Dekum bidg. 11150 GROCERY $1150 In apt. house district, 5 good living rooms, rent $0; good place lor man and wire. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Bidg. FOR SALE. Shoe repair shop In Southern Oregon, with machinery; good location and good opportunity Further information in quire The Breyman Leather Co. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man with $550 can buy equal half-interest in concrete garage; 25 cars storage; plenty repair work and good profits. Call room 401 Dekum bidg. FOR SA LE Small grocery, stock, fix tures and property, all for sale reason able; 6- clean, comfortable living rooms; good location, on car line. Call owner. Tabor 3010. Xo agents. BATTERY and service station for sale; selts oils, gas, tires and batteries ; doing " over 91 OOO per month business; low rent, long lease: a bargain for cash; will in voice about v lieu, oregonian. PROMOTERS TAKE NOTICE I have 100 to 000 acres ricn suipnur ana in Texas, sulphur showing on surface; price and terms right. Fred G. Irby. owner. Van Horn. Texas. FOR SALE. Shoe repair shop in Vancouver Wash.; modern machinery and a good estab lished business. Further information in quire The Breyman Leather Co. SMALL restaurant at depot in McMinn- ville, good business, ust the place for two people, come and see this if you want something good. Write J. W. Ship 1 e y. MeMinnville. Or. 9500 ROOT barrel and confectionery ; fine location : $20 rent ; will net you $7 a day ; must sell ; other business ; leaving city. See Harper, wUh J. A. Wickman Co.. 204 Stark st. POSITIVELY MUST BE SOLD. Grocery, confectionery. light lunch, fine location, must sell at once; price $1200. Call for owner Sunday. E. 7594. Monday Main 7931. A LARGE and growing auto accessory and supply house has opening for an act! ve man as partner; big profits and money secured. Call room 4 in Dekum bidg. PARTNER WANTED. GARAGE, In suburbsr stand full investigation very little money required, a snap. Call 511 Railway Kxcnangc bidg. A COUNTRY store. located ud the vallev groceries, shoes, hardware, etc.: profits are larire ana price oniy aiuu. uall room 401 Dekum blag. $2100 RESTAURANT, located in heart of city, with lease, well equipped, daily receipts $90; tome terms. See Harper. with J. A. w icKtnan to.. -'t4 stark ct. $1500 GOOD restaurant, in good town. 12 rooms furnished, doing good business. Run-down health reason for selling. Box 312. Winlock. wasp. GROCERY Good location, doing over $100 a day; 4 living rooms, targe store room snd garage; clean stock snd ftrst-cass trade-, corner store. BD 3?9. Oregonian, PARTNER wanted in office business: will be some outside work, references re quired, also small invebtment. Call 511 Railway Kxcnange oiok. WILL guarantee salary to live salesman with car. who knows real estate In city of Portland ; must be high grade man. Write D 932. Oregonian. HARDWARE store: net profits $4000 to $5M0 month. Price is right and easy terms. Room 4Q1 Dekum bidg. GENERAL store at Metxger. Or., nine miles out, doing $100 per day. Invoice. Put man & Putman. Muln 9517. 1 HAVE one of the best locations In city for fruit stanJ or bakery; price reasonable, L 201. Oregonian. RvTAl'RA NT for sa:e, fjheap. good lo aUoo established, a F elti, Oregonlaa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY STORE. First class, west side location. Old and well estabMshed business, owner Is quitting business and will sell at Invoic and put fair price on fixtures. Well Invoic about $5500. v SUBURBAN GROCERY. Brick touHdinr. rent only 32-''. stock and fixtures $4700. or will Invoice. GREEN HOUSE. Well established business located on east side. Will sell large ground, 30x160. green house and small resi dence for $6000. which ts les than building's cost and will give some term a GARAGE. Best "buy In Portland, largo floor space, brick building, well equipped with machinery, wash racks, etc. - Lease at $T5 per month. Price $4500. GENERAL STORE. No competition, about 25 miles from Port! And. on hard-surfaced highway, doing good business and has nice clean stock of about $4iWK. Ground and buildings are about same value. For further particulars call at my office. F. RIEROON. RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 291 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. WE- WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, RESTAURANTS. $ H50 West side, good lease, terms, $ 850 West side, nine living rooms. $1500 West side, good Lease, oa Wash ington st. a , POOL HALL, SOFT DRINKS AND . CIGARS. $3600 Eltyht pool tables and two billiard tables, in A-l shape. MILLINERY STORE. $ 800 Buys good place on east ide. rent $22.50. GROCERIES AXD CONFECTION ERIES. $1100 Buys good place doing good busi ness. $1250 Good place on Alder st. west side. $1800 Good place on Washington St.. west side, good lease. 92SOO Good store on eat side, or will invoice, doing not less than 91600 a month. $3500 Buys good store, close in on east side, or will exchange for good home in this city and pay bal ance in cah. $4000 Buys one of the best in the city. on west side, come and see this. 93000 Buys one of the best confection eries on west side on fourth st. DOUGHNUT PLANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. For $2250. on west side, on Stark st. Our auto at your service; a pleasure to show any of the above. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE 324 Ry. Exch. bidg. 3d and Stark. Marshall 3S31. 915IMI LIGHT grocery and confectionery soft drinks: dandv lo-.tion: rood clean stock and fixtures: living rooms; rent 22: dnilv receints S40: some terms. $50K- 32 rooms apartment house; fine location: long lease; rent $75; net pro ceeds '$2.0; steam heat; furnace; fuel for year included; terms. See Mr. Harper. J. A. WIT KM AN CO., 204 Stark St. NEWSPAPER SNAP Country newa and Job office, lower Willamette valley.' one man (or man and wife) shop, making money, for sale for $1500. Income past seven months over $3000; small paper with big business. Owner has bigger prnposi tion offered. Terms f J.OOO down, balance 1 year at 8 per cent. Must get quick action. AV 25, Oregonian. ONE-HALF INTEREST VULCANIZING PLANT. established, clearing $400 per one partner too old wants to a real bargain; will teach the Old month retire; busin price $7o. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO a 05 oa K b t. CA LLED AWA Y Will sell my grocery, doing $S0 daitv cash business, no deliv ery: pr;ce $3500. Includes property, con sisting of modern store and living rooms, furniture. fixtures and $1500 new clean stock; $2.V)0 cash will handle. This is a real opportunity. Woodlawn 6203. J PARTNER wanted in garage, a reliable man can buy equal half -interest in a close-in garage; sell gas. oils, tires, auto accessories, etc. Fug of storage and plenty repair work. Net profits $4-0 month for each partner. Price is right and easy terms. Call room 401 Dekum Mdg. . FOR SALE Shortorder restaurant doing an extra good business in a .good, live town in eastern Oregon; only reason for selling, poor health. Address . G. L. HETZER. Wasco. Oregon. FOR SALE BY OWNER Grocery stock snd fixtures, located close in on east side: old established stand: sales running $25,oO0 to $30.0o0 per year; stock to sell at invoice: fix tures at a bargain. Xo agents, V 963, Oregonian. EXCELLENT opportunity for man with 910O0 capital to secure county rights to manufacture "Liberty Fuel" a substi tute for wood charcoal and coal. W e furnish full equipment and expert serv ices to start you. National Fuel Cor poration, llfll Broadway, New York. irr vnTT Hi V v. .- TO TXV EST IX GOODS AND WILL WORK. WE CAN SHOW VOU MOW TO JIAMS S 1 .Ml Lf.l MONTH OR BETTER. STOCK AT IN VOICE FREE OFFICE AXD PHONE. CALL AT 432 PITTOCK BLOCK. RESTAURANT $1250 A crackerlack lit tle restaurant nmng average jihi per dav. rent only $35 per month, with 3 years' lease, 8 tables and 10 stools at counter. See T. H. Drake, with RUM MEL & RUM M ELL. 274 Stark st. 91 4O0 GROCERY best of location; averag ing .o a aay; -a nice-nvinw am leaving city on other business. See my agent. Harper, with J. A. Wickman Co.. 204 Stark st AUTO ACCESSORY STORE. Extra good location; sell auto acces sories, tires, vulcanising, etc; profits are large. Price only $2300. Room 401 Dekum bidg. 2a-ROOM hotel and furniture complete. for quick rale, doing more ousmess man any hotel in Tillamook county year around; price $5500. It is a snap, come and see. Ed Kellv, Wheeler. Or. NIGHT CLASS man or woman capable or taking charge of business c nance ana city department. Must have experience, good recommendations and own machine. Write for interview. AO S02. Oregonian. SOFT drink parlor on First street, doing a good business ana must oe iu. a ume has purchased a farm: price $1200. Metzger-Parker Co.. 269 Oak. NICE lunch wagon. Buy this and start s business that will make you better than wages $100, half cash takes, if quick. J. E. Hedges. 201 W. Park. VOR SALE cheap. act of sickness, con i.Minnrv. lunch and Huht grocery, op do site IB-room graded school. W 269, Ore- gonian. FOR SALE Large Cafeteria, long leaso. good location, sell all or part: buyer must be able to take the management. Address X 134. Oregonian. . NEAT CASH GROCERY. Fine corner location, 2 living rooms, rent $55: price $2000. WOODCOCK. 200 Henry Bidg. XjCE little restaurant for sale, making good' money; price only $SOO. half casn, bal. $50 per month. Gibson. 2tkt Stark. Marshall 12. FOR SALE Small meat mkt. doing $60 a day; In good pay-roil town of 12,000; 940O cash, bal. terms; good buy for live Viftatcutter. N 251. Oregonian. CIGAR, confectionery and soft drink store located on East Side; owner show you: clears $59 month net. Call 511 Railway Exchange bidg. ; SOFT DRINKS AND POOU Splendid corner location on . street; rent $75; price $2100. WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Bidg. busy FOR SALE cheap, dental equipment snd office furniture; good locylon and some practice. Call Wdln. 12. or Main 63 O. A WELL paying small garage and repair shop: cash or terms; $250 will handle, Cair Tabor 4890 or SeMwood 1028. A" WELL-BQUIPPED vulcanizing snd tire shop In a good town : will invoice and add $200. AV 264, Oregonian ELECTRICAL machine shop for sale; have big business and profits are large. Price $:tr.oo. Ro-jm 4ol Dekum bidg. W ANTED A man with plumbing experi ence to take an Interest in a going bust- np? A E 307. Oregonian. BAKERY All retail, doing $75 business s day ; west side location ; about $2UOO will take it. A 930. Oregonian. IF YOU wish to invest in money-making box factory proposition, write P. A. L;nscott. O 20S. Oregonian. FOR SALE Lunch wagon in good condi tion. Call Main 6195 between hours of 7 snd 10 A. M. BAKE shon for rent. 2 ovens, boiler. $20. 342 Front, near Market. I NEED one or two partners and $."OOU additional capital. AC 3&U Oregonian. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A FORTUNE OPEN TO US (PROD UCT MORE STAPLE THAN SUGAR). WANT TWO OR THREE PARTIES TO JOIN ME IN A SYNDICATE TO CON TROL AX OPERATING COAL PROP ERTY (.NEED 3 ACTIVE MEN. WITH 9I5.0UO ADDITIONAL CAPITAL CAN INCREASE PRODUCTION TO 50 TONS PER DAY. FULL EQUIPMENT. LIGHT. POWER COMPRESSOR, DRILLS. CARS. SIDING TO MINE (TUNNEL MINE). 5 WELL-KNOWN LEDGES. CAN NET BETTER THAN $ 3 PER TON. CAN YOU BEAT IT 7 WORTHY INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW. D 971. ORKOUNIAX. GROCER SNAP. 925O0 for all; nice large store room, fountain, good stock of groceries and confectionery and bakery line; doing $40 per day; cash and carry business ; nice place for couple of ladies or man and his wife. Will maae terms to re sponsible parties or take car as part Pay. Phone East 2374 for appointment today. BUSINESS SNAP. Fixtures and stock for sals at Invoice, light groceries, confectioneries, cigars. 7 bis wiil bear investigation; doing about $10,000 a year; in a prosperous small town in center of rich Yakima valley; two railroads and rapidly developing country. Less than $5U00 covers this: some terms. Address box 14ti, Granger, Wash. MR. BUSINESS buyer, here is an oppor tunity to step into good established business, stock and fixtures; invoice about $17,50U; located In a large terri tory; practically r.o opposition ; located on S. P. Co. and P. A. & P. R. R. now building; sals average $7500 per month; 912,090 to $15,000 will handle deal; no trades. Ralph Hannon. Buxton, or. PARTNER, preferably with sales ability, who can invest $5000 and services for half interest in established business; you handle own money; a clean proposition and excellent profits. Best of references furnished and required, C 952, Orego- ALL WORK and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Put your Jack (money) to work in a going and growing company whose proposition is approved by bank ers, ana make it earn 25 per cent or more annually. We can show you how. Address AV 241, Oregonian. 91000 POOL HALL AND CONFEC TIONERY". S fine pool tables, back and front bar, swell front; rent $30; in good suburban tow n; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. ROTARY daylight bakery for sale, sani tary and up to date, doing good business in town with $2U.OO0 payroll per day; low rent, -excellent chance for baker and wife; owner going east. Deal di rect. Call Tabor 1013 after 7:30 P. M. Address BD 323. Oregonian. IF PARTY with $10,000 cares to invest in a legitimate proposition bearing big re turns, communicate with me at once; references exchanged. This is gilt-edged ana worthy of your earnest considera tion. AJ 382. Oregonian. OWNER of a $75,000 manufacturing plant wants an active partner, with ability and means. A great opportunity lor a man who understands manufacturing. Sat isfactory rfernces required. T. P. Phillips. 635 S. Fife St.. Tacoma. Wash PARTNER in garage, 100x100; good loca tion, on west side ; business well estab lished; now storing 0 cars; repair shop fully equipped and lots of repair work; long lease; good opportunity for lst-ciass mechanic; $12o0 wiii handle. Bdwy. 5 TRUCK PARTNER. Have a seven speed truck (Paceol) need a partner on the best freight run out of Portland; small sum required. See bhepard at ageol Truck Co.. 12m and faverett sls, HARDWARE BUSINESS. Fine going hardware business In live and growing irrigated district southern Joaho aoing si 00,000 a year: owner re tiring account health ; will accept part iraue. l. ai, oregonian. FOR. SALE. Wholesale and retail candy store Astoria, Or.; best location in town; good bargain lor tne rignt party. see pro prietor. Address 535 Commercial st. As ion a. Or. CLEANING and pressing parlor, centrally locatea; a oargatn ir taken this month reason for selling, going east. Don't an swer unless you mean business; rent rea sonable ; money maker fur good worker. M t2i , oregonian. BY OV NER. garage 100x100, best location on west side: business well established now storing 70 cars; repair shop fully equipped and lots of repair work; long leae; $2o0o will handle. Bdwy. 500. FOR SALE Cloak and suit house in Port land; 10U increase during l!ti:0; good reason for selling; excellent bargain if bought at once. Hurry. AV 22a, ore gonian. IF YOU wftnt to make an active connec tion with a live going business and are willing to take off your coat and hustle. ttiia is your- opportunity ; iuuu invest COMPETENT bookkeeper with busineFi ability to take charge of office and look after the outside of well established wholesale bakery ; some investment re quired. O 930, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Drug store at . invoice if taken at once near Portland; best agencies, good buai ness; unless $5000 cash don't answer. AJ -tbO. Oregonian. GENERAL mere, store, near Port., with P. O.. trackage, large warehouse: will invoice $ .oO; sales $200 and better day. Phone M. S4SH. R. F. D. No. 1. p. r . Rioenour, MiUsaaie. or. FOR SA LE Shoe repair shop and busi ness; good location and power machinery, .Including motor, bench and hand too la. 421 y Washington st. or phone Wood lawn 4b4U Monday. LIVE AGENTS wanted in every Oregon and Washington town for fastest e'.l ing proposition on the market. C. W. Borders. 902 Spalding Bidg.. Portland. Oregon. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal of o-ca.led interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bidg.. Broad way 1902. PASTRY SHOP. Suitable for two people; lease; good location, good stock and fixtures; - rtal moneymaker; living jocms, small over head ; $1300 cash. AK 311. Oregonian. LARGE manufacturing corporation has some good territory in Oregon snd Washington open to the right man. Call or write Associated Engineering Cor poration. 114 First street. Portland. Or. TAILORING and cleaning business for sale; average weekly ioo, more than one can handle. The Vogue Tailors, Box 47, Pe Ell. VV ash. WANTED To hear from painter who wants to take Va Interest in auto paint shop; fine chances; email cash required. Locke. 205 Salmon. - FpR SALfcw Best located revolving oven 'bakery in city, doing fine business, may consider good home as part payment. Owner. M 952. Oregonian. PUBLIC MARKET LOCATION. Grocery. fruit. butter, eggs, light lunches, good house. 207 Stock Ex change bidg. DRUGSTORE for sale by owner; other in terests demand his attention; good lo cation ; growing business. AG 625. Ore gon ian. HARDWARE store, invoice about $4000. established 8 years at Tremont station, on Mt. Scott car line; will trade for im proved Portland property. Ca 11 at store WOMAN wanted, partner in restaurant : must be pear 25 years; if you are inter ested write. Address Cook. White House Restaurant, 291 First st. PARTNER wanted, oid established mfra.' agency; exceptional staple lines; oppor tunity seiaoin onerea; conservative j vestment. AK 3o9. Oregonian. A BARGAIN for someone In an apt. house if taken soon. For information call at 125 14ih st. S.. near Wash., on west s'.de CLEAN stock of groceries doing cash business; expenses $.'0 a month, incltid- 4-ROOM house and lot. will trade for con fectionery and light grocery; owner only answer. BC 43S. Oregonian. FOR SALE Weekly newspaper office; county printing: $4o00. Oregonian. for full particulars. and job AL &3 HO AD WORK, 5 months' Job : 3 trucks and dump bodies. Call 22 Saunon at. Main SI54. CONFECTIONERY STORE for sale that is doing the business: near car barns and school: cash. A 927. Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS restaurant for sale paying place; w ill sell cheap. First st. good 335 WI L.L sell interest in three-ton truck, contract In wood business; $250 wiii h s ndlc 1024Po well. GOOD office business paying $5 to $10 per day, trade tor lots in city. E 957. Ore gonlan. IF YOU are looking for a smati. light gro cery and confectionery on west side, one living room. $1250. AR 375. Oregonian. BARBER shop. 2 chairs, bath; In good town: doing $50 to $K5 week; also build ing if wanted. Clem Brown, Yoncolla. Or. CONFECTIONERY First st- for sale, $4O0. 149 FOR SALE A one-chair Larher outfit, ta-sl-ciasa, l45sv Wiii.anis avt. 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MACHIXE FHOP. 4Ox0 space, rent $&5; good lease, finest location, nets around $40O Per month; equipment win invoice over $50UO; price $2500; terms. Restaurant, fully equipped and doing good business, and 10 rooms over same; all furnished; rent t5; lease; can transfer lease to Jap anese; a bargain for cash. Woodyard. 100x100, furnished office and space for two 'trucks; rent of all $10; 140 cords of wood on hand, 2 S - ton Velie truck- in first-class condition, old established buMr.ess. nets $300 per month ; could be made to pay double ; orders galore; real bargain at $5390. Cafeteria fully equipped with the best, no better location: lease, right rent, capacity business see the crowds); price 9ou; beat of terms. Good cash grocery, sates 955 daily ; nice living Quarters; rent 92S.50 (can have lease); fixtures very good; 2 cash registers, clean, new stock; price $3000 or fixtures at $750 and Invoice stuck. Millinery stock, fixtures and lease f.r aalo; best location: floor space 20x4o ; rent Includes N. W. heat ; doing over $20,000 busiheas per year; price $5000. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRT BLDG. WILL DEED TO YOU HALF MY 20-ACR?S "OIL LEASES BEST PART OF TEXAS IF YOU CAN RAISE $5'HH) TO 9tiOOO FOR BUILDING OPERATIONS. CAN CET A WELL. AT ABOUT 500 FEET. HIGH GRADE OIL. SOME WELLS ARE PRODUCING 25 TO 35 BARRELS HIGH GRADE OIL PER DAY (LESS THAN COO FT.) SOME "RED BLOOD." SOMIi GAMBLE. MAY PAY "HUN DRED TO OXE" OR MORE. LET MH "SHOW YOU." I LIVE HERE. BUT NSUW TEXAS. THE BEST BET IN THE WORLD. ADDRESS M 9S4. ORE GONIAN. STORES. Country general merchandise, stock: and building; $7oOO, $5000 cash. Small cash grocery, $950. Ca.-h-and-carry grocery. $2500, Cash-and-carry grocery, $3200. Grocery and market. $27,000. Delicatessen store. $1600. Confectionery, bakery and lunch, -ceipts over $2oO day; $10.0o0. Confectionery and bakery, $2454. W e do not misrepresent. COOVER & HOLMAN, 522-3-4 Falling Bidg., 3d and Wash. LOAN'S, REXTALS. INSURANCE. INVESTORS A SYNDICATE) W I'l'H GOOD LEASES" OFFERS TOU A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN US PORTLAND FELLOWS. AND "MAKE A LOT OF MON Wf AI Eh KA C1AL OFFER ON SALE OF FIRST lO.O(M) UNITS. ADDRESS PRODUCERS, V 22S. OREGONIAN. PRESS THE BUTTON and know the amount of water In your battery at any time; a new invention, a necessity for every automobile, no com petition, territory open to the right party, Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Se Blocker & Haldon for demonstration. M. & F. garage, 21st and Washington, Portland. GENERAL MDSE. BUSINESS. Located in southern Oregon town: In voice around $20,009; last year's busi ness was $100,000; rent $45 per mo. Four clerks handle the trade; this is positively beat money-maker we have ever listed; some terms can be arranged. Owner at our office Monday. COBB BROTHERS. 263 OAK STREET, OIL DRILLER WANTED. PREFER PARTY WITH A DRILY OUTFIT OR A LITTLE CASH. I OWN GOOD LEASES IN BEST PART OF TEXAS. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW M 9so. OREGONIAN. ORGANIZE BUSINESS under declaration of trust; save excess taxes, fees, pnal- ties, reports and blue tky permits; legal , In all states, no stock liability. Wo prepare bond Issues, prospectuses, fur nish salesmen and trustee. Advice and literature free. National Organization Co.. 1 23 Mad ison. Chicago. GROCERY STORE FOR $S0O. In splendid district, new stock and good fixtures, rent $15; one room in rear can he lived In. - This would be fine for man and wife or lady or gentle man. I'll show you. Bruce Goddard, ftoi-2 Couch Bidg. TWO REAL SNAPS. Confectionery, fruit snd cigars, paying $40 to $75 pr day; $26o0. Confectionery, cigars and soft drinks, paying $40 to $75; $2rioO. B0U1 of these downtown, good location. Call for owner, 30l Railway Exchange. Main 7931. DENTISTS ATTENTION ! -Owing to sick ness, must immediately dispose of estab lished practice and completely equipped downtown office, rent reasonable : excel lent opportunity for dentist desiring to beg-in practice at once. O 954, Orego nian. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Soft d rinks, ice cream and sta tion cry in school district: present owner there 13 years; daily sales $5 to $100; will invoice stock and fixtures; total will inventory shout $3foo WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Bidg. FOR SALE Confectionery and pool room in town of 50O people, only store of kind in town, railroad construction camD em ploying 200 men close by. $1490 for fix tures and invoice stock; good Proposition for man snd wife; living rooms in con nection. Box 125. Willamina. Or. LOCAL manufacturing concern desires to meet party with $u0OO to invest; future business unlimited. This offer is a real one and will benr the very strictest in vestigation. Unless you mean business do not answer. C 219, Oregonian. MANUFACTURING OPPORTUNITY. A sanitary specialty, patented In U. S., Canada, already being manufactured, wants more capital to enlarge, or wiii sell or all. G 241, Oregonian. MANUFACTURER'S representative wanted by old established corpora tion. open of fice, manage salesmen; meritorious prop- ncltlnn. tn ms-rhanl w h n I n I rn and retailers: net $10,000 annually; $500 to $ 1 000 capi t a 1 req u lred. Balentine, 822 Reaper block, Chicago. TRIAL GIVEN. COR. LOCATION. Brick bidg., working 6 people: cen f ectionery and light lunch, doing $75 rn r day. A real buy and a busy corner. Enough said. Price 930O0. Some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. LOCAL agents in all smaller towns, estab lished merchants preferred, to sell safes on installment to busirss and farmer trade. We carry account.; liberal com mission. Thompson Scale 4 Fixture Co., :;ofi Oak st. CONFECTIONERY, soda fountain, light lunch, on busy east side corner, rent $45, all cash business, established 6 years; $350U; clears $600 a cnonth. A. J. DeFOREST CO. S20 Henry Bidg. Broadwrj 5590. 38-ROOM HOTEL $50O Steam heat, f 'lrniture an carpets rood. Income $600, rent $175, 2-year rease. We do not misrepresent. Coover A- Holman, 322 Failing bidg.. 3d and Washington. MUST SELL General store, about $4500 stock, good business and location: will res fixtures with store room. Owner has other business snd will discount for cash if taken before September 1. AO PL'S. Orteonian. 91f50 CONFECTIONERY. soft drinks, next to movie. 6 living rooms, corner, rent $30. Clears $30O a month. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. S20 Henry Bidg. Broadway 6590. STOC K of hardware, granltewar. alumi num ware, glass, paints and oils: busi ness good; price $4000 cash, or IO per cent, less than invoice. B 277, Oreson lan. FU LLY-EQUIPPED machine shop wanted for manufacture new, heavy-duty, mine i hor-sa ving machine. A. G. L.. Room 227. Hotel Argonaut, San Francisco. CaL FoR SALE Attractive confectionery, fountain, a'l new. good location, rent $30, doing good business. Owner, AR b33, Oregonian. $K BAKERY, with 3 living rooms, money-maker, rent $25. - A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. 320 Henry Bidg. Broadway 55QQ. FOR SALE Cigar store with large room in rear. Ill Kllllnswortfc ave. Wood lawn 4497. $700 will handle. FOR SALE Cigar store, best location Ftrondway 34. and In confectionery town. Phone A REAL bargain", small grocery and delicate.-sen, with larpe living room In rear; candy location. 207 5th st. ESTABLISHED beauty parlors for sale, good locality; will tacrlflce. Call Main 4"7 on Monday. $65 ft BUYS one-half Interest in good soft drink place on transfer corner. For par ticulars, phone East 692. CANDY kitchen snd Ice-cream parlor, good busin ess: owner leaving city. G 92 L, Oregonian. GOOD stock of furnitu- o between 150o to $2Oi0; stock sacrificed for $1100 if taken at one. 5.4, . Washing tosy