18 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 8, 1920 FOB BEXT. Flat. 5-ROOM upper flat, with sleepinr porch, finest tn the city; will be vacant nexl 15th; $45; no children, cats or dogs; can b seen at 207 E. 23th st.. between Madison and Hawthorne, 10 to 12 A. M. Phone East 1819. . . Nice 6-room unfurnished flat on the I " corner of Grand avenue ana bi uio son. Good location, rent $40. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 3th .St. Main orto9. MODERN 3-room flat: sightly location on east irie: easy walking distance; $18 ner month: possession Wednesday, the 1 1th, possibly a day sooner. Call 404 Piatt bldg.. 117 Park st. S-HOOM modern flat for rent, furniture for sale, rent $40; nicest location; can net M) besides own apt., extra well furnished: $700 will. handle. THOMSON, G20-21 HENRY BLPG. 4-ROOM, unfurnished and bath, all built in conveniences. Hardwood flours and electric stove, walking distance. Call East 2622 after 9 A. M. Monday. 4i-ROtM flat, unfurnished. unexcelled view west side, walking distance, $30. BVJVs loth st. Vinney, Marshall 1B22. -hOOM modern flat, furnace, responsible party." ten minutes Meier Sc. Frank s. 043 5th sU $40 for walk ta BEAUTIFUL modern 4-room flat, close in, large sleeping porch. Call Monday. Wdln. 1 02. . 695 GLISAN street. S-room flat in fine order, $40. Woodward. 104 2d- Main 1430. . 6-ROOM flat, adults. East 6177 day. East i !tij eve. u. MODERN 3-room lower bridge. East 5914. flat at Will- 6-ROOM flat, second floor, well located. cheap rent. 842 E. Stark st. East 4ita. MU1KKN 5-room upper flat, two blocks from Broadway bridge. East 5824. EAST ISth and East Ash. lower. 5 large rooms, modern, adults; $4 E. tii 6-ROOM lower flat, 304 Eugene St., adults. East 633-. $35; Furnbued Flat. TO ATMJlTS 6 rooms and sleeping porch. which is it teei aoue S(uuu, ..w heat, completely '"kihin beautiful water In bath f16 from v.ew of Mt. Hood ami St. Helens f.om dining-room windows; can be seen iun- i day Want perma-nent tenant. Phone 545-Hft or call 024 Montgomery st. 1J RMTL'RE complete for G-room flat or bungalow for sale. Flat for rent to party buying furniture. Walking dis tance. Main 4240 all day Sunday or be fore 9 A. M. or after 6:20 P. M. week days. - BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8-room tlat, just completed. Nob Hill district; ar ranged for renting 6 rooms, separate basement with furnace; references. Mrs. "Wiley. Broadway 200, automatic 510-43 after 6 P. M. :t- l-ROO M flat, nicely furnished, nrst floor, outside room be private porches. 152 20th, cor. Belmont. 10 A M., or phone Sellwood 3o31. After 3-ROOM furnished flat. Rose City park, modern home. 2 blocks car and stores: adults. Tabor 587G. G74 East utlb et. N. , 3-KOOM furnished flat. Rose City park. modern home. 2 blocks car and stores. Adults. Tabor 5576. G74 East otn st. X. FULLY furnished C-room flat; piano; $00; walking distance. Evenings and Sunday. Marshall 3290. TH REE large, light, outside rooms. -Pt-. $40 and $30. 40 Park St., cor. of Har- rison. -. WILL rent my flat, completely furnished. very desirable, fireplace and furnace; references. Phone East 4292. FURNISHED flat. 6-rooms. fine location, east side, rent reasonable. Tel. East 4bJ 82 E. 27th st. DESIRABLE furnished 5-room J.lat- .exT ce.lent west side district, $00. East 2578. V ILL share my 5-room furnished flat cheap. East 4093. $60 MODE KN, six rooms, adults only. 572 East Salmon, bet. 14th and ltb. 10 to 4. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room flat. 1043 Gan- tenbeln, cor. Alberta, nr. Jefferson high. 4-ROOM furnished flat, private bath, two adults, no children. Sellwood 2412. FURNISHED lower flat for rent. 21 E. 15th st. CLEAN, upper and lower garage. 854 latest. 2, 3, 4 rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO neatly furnished outside housekeep ing rooms, gas and electric lights, $16 a tnth Ph.7n Kant SOIL 222 Crosby st., near Broadway and Steel bridges. Call today ana tomorrow. $4 WEEK up, completely furnished house keeping suites, absolutely clean, every convenience; save car fare. .The Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. LADY who is out of town part of time wishes to share home with lady who is -1 ; .1 .. Ul WV". 1 rlTA. finpioyeu uurms ua. -u wv, wo ntan. o 'i punvi furnished housekeeping apart n.anid Vt,f rfnt: 4 sleeoimc rooms. $3.50 week. Fifth St. Apartments, 201 Vi Mor rison. Main - i -v f ,.i..un ! fi i ant., also one house keenlnc room. hot and cold water, all modern; walking distance, 2 blocks from 14th and Montgomery. out narrison ai. r isKM ET hnusekeenlntr rooms com niaiiv urnishpri. urlvate bath. hot water, electricity, also single room. 328 Main st. ONE suite furnished H, K. rooms, water, pas range, electric iignts; price io month, close in. 42 N. 21st, V block north of Wash. TRUNKS and baggage delivered in down town district for 25c. Auto service. Free s tora ge for 15 days. Phone Bdwy. 244o. BLEEPING rooms in modern apt. house with housekeeping privileges, working girls preferred. 504 Couch st.. apt. 1. EW, clean, front, furnished housekeeping rooms, single beds, phone. 32S Clay St., between Broadway and 6T.h st. 1 FURNISHED housekeeping room and sleeping porch, gas. Main 2718. 546 Yamhill. Call Monday. U.' WO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, near Jefferson high; no children. Call Wdln. 2420. ' w MAKE the Bushmark your home; one and two-room outside apts.. clean, modern, respectable. Washington St.. cor. 17th. TWO newly painted rooms at 271 McMillen st.. 4 blocks from Broadway bridge. East MtMi. Call forenoon. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mar. Furnished H. K. rooms. $15 up, including gas range, hot water, electric lights, laundry room. 4U33 42d AVE. S. E., Mt. Scott car to Anabel. Modern 6-room house for rent, furniture, like new, for sale reasonable. 9 CLEAN H. K. rooms, also one nice front sire ping room, on first floor. 37 Col- luge st. Main 3154. 1 LARGE single housekeeping room with running water, steam heat. $18 month. 4021a 3d Bt. TWO housekeeping rooms for man and wife. 204 fc 14lh st., eight minutes to Washington st. Maranaii qwitf. FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms at 1S04 r. una su s. iteasonao:e. Phone 214-40. COM PLETELY furnished newly renovated 2-room suites. $15 and $18; near ship yards. 5i.t 1 nira st. S FURNISHED H. K. rooms, gle one; walking distance, tliorne. also one sin 372 W Haw FRONT room and kitchenette, single moms, hot water always. 055 Flanders street. HEAL'T I FULLY clean rooms for sleeping end housekeeping. $4 ' to $5 per week. 3N5 Yamhill st. TWO furnished near Clay st. H. K, rooms. SOS 10th at. FURNISHED 2-room housekeeping apart ment. ol t. Morrison LARGE, cool H. K. and sleeping rooms, clean, aesiraoie. ou jn. jitn. TWO rooms, kitchenette. first floor, also rooms and boo Flanders Bt. 4 H. K. ROOMS, gas and lights. $20 per mo., close MV car. 106 E. 60th st. N. VERY desirable sleeping room. also.H. K. rooms. 161 22d st. N. XA RGE, clean H. K. tance. 221 10th st. rooms, walking dis- Vl'RN is H E D housekeeping rooms. Washington st. 3 N IC E H. K. rooms. Fished rooms for re n t . also single fur 530 E. Bumsid e. FURNISHED keeping- 103 ROOMS for .5 Second st. light house- iOn RENT Furnished housekeeping apts. 405 West Park St.. cor. Harrison. LIGHT, airy housekeeping rooms. 204 12 street. FURNISHED H. Jefferson st. K. rooms, close in. 489 TWO front housekeeping rooms. 413 East P in e . THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 13 Buchtel avenue. 1 LARGE, modern H. K, room with kitch entte. 249 I3th st. 1- URN1SHED H. K. rooms.. 349 Jefferson st., near roaowny. $3 WEK.K Three furnished H. K- rooms 366 First atw near Alill. FOR RENT. Housekeeping; Boomg. COMPLETELY furnished one. two and . three-room housekeeping suites with or without private baths, hot water con tinually, gas range, la unary, electricity; children welcome. lti bherxxian st. Marshall 3a53- i-AHUE clean front room, first floor; also steeping room, back from the street, large trees around the house, close in. 201 14th, near Jefferson. $3 WEEK Furnished H. K. rooms. 253 Washington st., corner Third. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 2 FURXISHE DH 7K. rooms, second floor. 2 w indowB in each room, furnace heat, also one room and kitchenette, first fJoor; 3 windows, tireplace; house newiy papereu and painted; beautlluily fur nished. Marshall 3010. 3 ROOMS and kitchen, newly furnished, mouern, including gas, light anu water. Kent very reasonable- tail, Sunday or aiter P. M. weea uaya. 213 Colum bia st., bet. 3d and -l'o, 3S9 SO. 6TH ST.. between Montgomery and Harrison ; light housekeeping rooms, two three-room apis, and one two-room apt., with running water in each; Ciose in and clean; $20 each. $25 SUITE of 3 large furnished house keeping rooms; nice location, near ship yards. 134 Porter, walking distance. In quire upstairs. ONE large well furnished H. K. room with kitchenette,- heat and tireplace and gas stove. Walking distance. 515 Mor rison st. Phone B road w ay 4433. LIGHT, cheerfull H. K. rooms, modern home, furnished, separate entrance and porch, nice neighborhood. let car serv ice; adults. l'Jti E. 30th st. Tabor 0001. ONE suite II. K., hot and sold water, pri vate bath. Stewart id o tel. 147 Broad way. M ain 7044. 3 H. K. rooms, new aiid clean, partly fu nished; private bath. East bGd. 2D East 3 iStli north. TWO large H. K. "rooms, light, phone, bath anu heat furnished. 6 Go East Wash ington st. LARGE front room and kitchen, also garage to rent, reasonable. 331 14 th st.. near Clay. CLEAN, airy rooms, single or en suite would look after child for mother em ployed. 093 East Madison. NICELY furnished 2d story fron " housekeeping. Also sleeping . front room rooms. TWu furnished H. W. rooms, private fam ily, lights, phone, bath and cooking gas. 211 Chapman St., cor. Madison. W. S. 3 ROOMS. 2 furnished for H. K., $15 per mo.; no children. 271 College St., be tween 3d and 4th sts. LIGHT, comfortable room for working girl, kitchen privileges, rent reasonable. Mar shall 043. - HOUSEKEEPING rooms, newly tinted, rea sonable. 550 Couch, block of 10th and Washington. 3 NICE H. K rooms completely furnished in modern residence. Main 7572. M. Crain, Woodlawn 3041 Monday. $28, WELL furnished modern 2-room suite. urst noor, private entrance. 4 to Clay. HOUSEKEEPING rooms porch. Main 1131. with sleeping H. K. ROOMS, gentlemen, everything fur nished. 675 E. Yamhill, cor. 20th. 2 PARTLY fur. H. near car. , Wain. rooms to adults after 2 P. M. TWO fine housekeeping rooms for nice people. 116 East Yamhill, private family. ONE and two light housekeeping rooms. uuu Marshall st- drive. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. loo Monroe st. rnone vvoouiawn u22. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, bia st. 620 Colum TWO housekeeping rooms. East Pine. free gas. 4 74 TWO housekeeping rooms for rent. 435 Last Pine st. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, close in; rent $22.00. 734 Hoyt. Mar. 7j. 2 ROOMS, lower floor, modern, near Broad way bridge. 3b2 E. 1st St. 1 LARGE li. K. room, electricity, gas. link. 1st noor. w. Park:. FRONT first floor room with kitchen prlv- u-ges. nu rv. itn. uawy. 2000. NEATLY furnished 2-room 547 Morrison st. apartment Adults. Houses. SUBURBAN HOME FOR RENT. Modern G-room house with basement bath, toilet, fireplace, garage and brood er house; partly furnished; 14 miiet west of Oswego, 9 miles from Portland; paved and rock road; 6 acres of land, 12 more can be had. Abundance all kinds fruit; fine butter, cow and 00 chickens with' place if wanted. Inquire Mr. At water, tire store, bet. Pine and Ankeny, on 0th st. FOR RENT 1 lots. 5-room house with basement, some furniture, gas, electric light, toilet, freshly painted ; barn, ga rage, hen house, fruit and berries; some garden ; all for $30, or will rent house and garage for 95. Ideal for cow and chickens. 51 E. iiSth st., corner Pine. Mt. Tabor car. IRVINGTON. If looking for a new and classy 6 room bungalow with a large attic and garage then see this today. 500 - East 25th st. N., near Stanton st. Open week da s f rom 8 A. M. to 5P- M. Owner. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, fine condition, neat and clean, central loca tion, nice neighborhood; will lease; adults; rent $40. See owner today. 747 E. Burnside st., after Sunday call 75U E. Couch st. FOR RENT $25 per month, 5 rooms, on 2 floors, good for manufacturing or light housekeeping. 14yi First, near Morrison. Inquire 221 Morrison. FURNITURE for 5-room house for sale. $3U0, rent $18; close in, west side. 500 Clay st. Call before 1 P. M. Sunday, any time week days. i-KUUM nouse, suitable for one or two lamiiies, located 2oo chapman st. ; rent oU per month. Inquire 2U0 14 th st. jeiepnone .Main osu. TO RENT With prospect of selling, Irv- mgion ounga.ow, tour bed rooms and sleeping porch; abundance of fruit of all Kinus. o.io 2fttn st. N. East 2038. MODERN 7-room house for rent or lease to reliable party. Alberta district, close to cars and handy to schools, $40: .BC cib, oregonian. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0. A 6747. in I?, Att jeriersou ingn and grammar senoots. nouae ior saie or trade for im proved acreage. Wdln. 5U2G. P 003, GOOD 0-room house, cor. Union ave. and we idler; walking distance; adults ; $30 Key across street. Union Ave. Garage Phone Marshall 20S, Monday 9 to 5. 6-ROOM semi-modern house. 6S3 East Stark street, near Washington high ocuuui. .iv t-y ui 00 1, next door. DeYoung A Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity, furnace two toilets, wash trays, oaved trr convenient location, no children. Inquire AUGUST 1. beautiful Irvington home. iidruwuou 1 ioors, tt replace, garage. eLc, 10 a month. 5t0 East 25th st. No, uii .Buwy. iuau, room 4O1. SUBURBAN home on 2 acres for rent to ueciraoie tenant; b miles from Port land, near Base Line road. Phone Main 5-ROOM HOUSE, not new. 511 Brooklvn st., iO per month; free water. Key 512 Wood ward a ve. , 6-ROOM HOUSE Gas. electric light; 333 E. 1st st. N. Inquire 390 E. 1st st. N., near Hancock. 1 N K W. modern. 3-room bungalow, sleeping porch, gara . $00. 830 E. Yamhill. Marshall 3403. BEAUTIFUL home. 9 mis., $85 per month. Will lease. E. 1010 Ehurman. Main 5072. 800 2D STREET Desirable 6-room house N&S car; Gibbs St.. west two blocks, up steps, or auto around Whitaker st. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS $10000 home, new. rent $80 monthly, will lease. Main 6127. LOCAL and long-distance moving and hauling; first-class equipment. Green Tr. Co.. 202 Alder st. Main 1263. 572-61. FOR RENT Good eight-room house near si' hoot and car line. Waverly Heights district; $40. Sellwood 3061. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121 FOR RENT 3 rooms: can be used light manufacturing, offices or storage. Phone East SIOO. MODERN 7-r. house, cement basement, furnace, near shipyards. Phone 310-01. -ROOM modern house, good condition. 29 E. 33d. Call Monday morning 7-ROOM unfurnished house, 50 N. East 2441. Call Monday. E. 9th su 3-ROOM HOUSE $10 a month; some fur niture. 69 E. 30th, near Stark. 4-ROOM house for rent, quire 367 11th st. ISO Grant sL In- -ROOM house. $30 month, noon. 882 E. Davis st. Call before 7-RM. house for rent, furniture for sa!e, in Nob Hill district rent $30. Mar. 3027. UPXFURNISHED house at 927 Grand ave. a., to lease loryear month. 1 6-ROOMhou for reoU 4S5jN23cL - FOB RENT. Houses. MR. AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTER. Intend moving this fall, don't put It off. bouses are scarce. It is hard to tell what people will do this winter. Better make your arrangements now. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXOH.VVGE. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT. Ten-room houte 331 Jefferson et, be tween Sixth and. Broadway; partly fur nished; Northwestern team neat; suit able lor bouKing small organization; will give leae to desirable tenant; can be seen any time. Heady for immediate oc cupaucy. Apply University emu. Main t. 275 Sixth sU FURNISHED HOUSE FOIt RENT. 6 rooms. 449 East 27th St.. between Division and Clinton sts.; hardwood floor in living-room, built-ins in kitchen; open touay for inspection. Price $-45 per month. ' BROWN 8c GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bl a . B road w a y 3222. NICELY furnished 7-room modern bunga low, garage, fireplace, fruits, flowers, no objection to one child ; can sublet two rooms; possession 2Uth to 25th. Call Sunday after lo. 24o East 47th St., near Aladison. v PORTLAND HEIGHTS. " "Will lease tor ti months from Oct. 1. attractively furnished 0-room modern bungalow, extra large living and dining rooms. 4 bedrooms. 2 batns. beautiful grounds and view. Main lb44. FURNISHED house, 2 bedrooms, and paved, o ft. street and carline, beyond i-aureihurst; 22 minutes ride, LEASE ONLY. $50 per moiitn. Tabor 1792. FURNISHED modern S-room house ; fire place, sleeping porch, garage; $ti0 mo.; no chlluren or animals; prefer to lease; one-half block south Hawthorne. 29tf E. 32d st. COMPLETELY fur. S-room house. Laurel- nurst, garage, etectnc washing machine, mangle, vacuum cleaner, player piano, $5 mo.; ref. req. lo3o Pacific street. Tabor 3201. LARGE handsome Irvington home to auuits; attractively furnished in ma hogany; fruit, flowers; double garage; automatic water heating equipment, C V&7. Oregonian. COMPLETELY furnished C-room house. sleeping porch, garage; in Irvington, tor Aug. 25 to Nov. 1, $150 per month. East 5So; references required. a-KOOM HOUSE Partly furnished, to re liable people; with piano, garage; will sell Universal combination range. 670 Alblna ave. FoR RENT Completely furnished 5-room cottage with sleeping- porch ; one year lease to very responsible parties only. Main 5O02. jf'URNISHED house for rent, 8 rooms, modern; lots of fruit, on paved street, half Oluck from car; in University para. rite G 031, Ore go man. FOR RENT Furnished bungalow with xirepiace, on Oregon City car line, $35 per month, incluuing garage. See Mr. Nelson. 2iu Buruside st. Buwy. 4 so 2. WILL give use of home to couple who will boaru young man; references required. Wain. 11K3. FlKMSHED 7-room house, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, good district. Woodlawn 1 iu4. FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, 1580 Sana-y bitu., $0A per mo.; piano. Sunday, 'xaoor 1K4J ; axtcr Sunciay. Mar. 100. MCtiLil furnished cottage. 3 blocks from tdbt enu 01 Buwy. briuge; auuits only. 24 Crosby st. East 7bi0. FREE rent, fuel, gas, lights, water for meals tor eluerly xady. -Arieta. i &5o. ' Oregonian. Ji'UK RENT Nicely furnished bungalow, close in, C63 Lawthorne, corner luth. l. t'J7a. 2-ROOM furnished cotage. gas; M. V. de pot car b2d to uouuuuy ave. 1 b40ck . iu3 iioiiauay. IRVINGTON. furnished u rooms and sleep ing porcn ; possebsioa Sept. o ; uuowu uy apounment. o ox . oregonian. 4-ROOMED furnished bungalow for rent piauu and sewing niacmne; rent 25 2j.aj East Gusau. MonLavnia Depot car. OUE, 3 rooms, toilet and closet, partly luruisiied. gat range, small garden. U-ii 5itn ave. owner, -kS2i Jath ate. S. E. FURNISHED 4-room house and garage for reiit. Phone Taour OiOS. -itUUJl house, modern, lease; after 8 . at. li iu Sanuy bivd. WILL share my home with couple alter u-ROUM modern furnished cottage, with garage. u&i 'J-KOUil HOUSE, furnished, for rent on xayiur street, n uoo, oregonian. VV1L.L rent anare modern well-lui nished borne; 1046 .ui vision su Taoor oils. TO RENT Furnished house, no children. 2o Gau tea Ocin ave. ' FOR KENT Furnished 8-room house, Sept. bummer iiesorts. PACIFIC CITY BEACH. Tillamook county. Oregon, a unique coiubmaiiou of ocean, by and river. NearesL ocean result via JkicMiunvlile by auto to .Portland anu iiiMiueliu vaey points. Saliuou, mus Suibiimts, oybleia, era us, clams, bQriOip, liuui, livuuuvift ana ueep aca iia 'in aouiiuati-ce. oood accommodations. For luiui'uiduoa wiK c ix. xcas. PaciiiC oity, or. tU.NU iiEACH NORTH BEACH INN. lrecuy lacing ocean, bun batuing. Large anudy grounus. Rooms $1.0 uay aud up. FLRNxanED liU oil,Kiii.P.G 'xtitS is, i0 weeg.. Hotel ocaiey, fori lanu, or JN. B. inn. Long lieacn. Wasn. MacLEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE. Coitaue for rent, partiy furmobed; reatucu from Oswego suction on -m st. ReU cieCLric Hue. Ma.cL.eau, Out Lewis bidg. puoues lroauway u00 anu Ua Vieu 431. SEASIDE- Good clean housekeeping rooms. iO anu a Wcea; Sleeping luunis b and a week. iO xroaUWay. i'uoiie 13. M. 11- Lowe, box 232. FUit RENT Desirable store. No. ltt 12th sc., in iotel instoi uloca, uetween Stark and Hui usiue svS. See xj. G. Vv uudwiu, xv-i st. irhoiic Main 1430. CAMPERS, hikers, fishermen. The Wa tum Laae pacK. train, 3 trips a week from cascaue locks. Berry tfea&on ou. pnone Giovers' store. -Ort rvENT at Seaside, housekeeping room or rooms, nice no me. r or 111 ioi 111a lion, addreab lox -u0, 00 10 t-ti ave., Seaiue, Oregon. NICE housekeeping rooms for rent re inaiaucr ot lu.u month, per week. Auuics Mis. Motao, llu lourtu avenue, SeauiUe. Or. ROOM and board at Seaside, near P. O. and beach; best home cooking, clean, airy rooms; rate $18 per wee a. Taour 43S9. SEA VIEW. WASH. 5-room lurnisiied mouu cottage, 2 blocKs to postoitice; tor ins month of Sept. Call bUU DeKum BlUg, 11 to 1. NORTH BEACH. WASHINGTON. Seaview. coilurt able cottatce tor SgdL 3 double beus, ocean view. Phone Eaat 30. LADY of 30 wishes companion lo share cottage at beacn for nort time; would also tit&e am in town. ei2, ore gonian. FOR RENT 4-room furnished bungalow and garage "on Willamette river and Oregon city river road. Call Oak Grove 12o- WANTED At Seaside, Oregon, furnished cottage of 4 or 5 rooms from August 15 to toeptemoer 1. Mornings, .ast 43a8. WANTED Furnished house at North or Tniamook beach, Aug. la to 30. P 612, Oregonian. WANTED Seaside. 2 or 3-room furnished cottage Aug. 14 to 29. AM 618, Orego nian. WANTED Cottage or tent house at beach, Aug. i.st to oepu b. seaview or Sea- si a e-P bia. oregonian. FOR RENT or sale, large walled tent. Can nonBeach.C! L. W ingard, Ecola, Or.' SEASIDE Small 2-room furnished house, near ocean. $15 per week. Wdln. 4038. AT SEASIDE For rent, 4-room cottags i roni j. ug uai x o. sawy. x t O . Stores, 2u8 MADISON ST. Store room, about 20x50, In modern Dries: bldg. Reasonable rent. W ill lease, A. H. HIKKELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. FOR LEASE Brick blcs?., 20.0tK sq. ft tioor space; large elevator; Stark it.: suitable for auto accessories, mfg, or unoiesaie. nua. xvineter, iienry bldg, aiuin.a ana storage room ror rent: n be used for shop or other purpose, 55 47 Lit. FOR RENT Concrete store room for any kiuu o iruaiiico nuoaiawn OU.J- FOR RENT One-half of store or part of STORE. 20x40, run basement, $30. 32 nouauay ave. tvey at corner. ATTRACT! E store on Broadway near .ereii iuquim at eu rortn broadway. 15-FOOT store, close In on Alder. North- FREE rent 3 months, part of good store. oifu nii9iiiiiEi.ua oi. STOREROOM for rent, 3d and Taylor. e FOR RENT. (10x100. CONCRETE BUILDIXO. ICear city hall, will lease for 5 years: suitable for garage and repairs. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Com. bldg. Alain 20S. FOR REXT. Store building containing 1500 sq. ft. store space, and a 3-room Uvng apart ment located on Sandy blvd. cor. of E. 50th st. ; suitable for a drug or gro cery store. IN ROSE CITY ADD. Apply Department of Property Management, PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. - 0th and Morrison Sts. Office. THE PITTOCK BLOCK HAS A NUMBER OF HIGHLY DESIRABLE OFFICES READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCU PANCY; ONE LARGE SUITE OF NINE ROOMS CAN BK SUBDIVIDED. PHONE BROADWAY 784 OR CALL ROOM 414 PITTOCK BLOCK. WILL rent one of my furnished offices In the Chamber of Commerce bldg. for a fw months at a reasonable figure. E 9h0, Oregonian. DESK and display space, fine ground floor location for specialty line. Thompson Scale & Fixture Co.. 306 Oak. PARTY to share with lawyer expense of reception room and stenographer. BC S03, Oregonian. FURNISHED office, adjoining attorney; $15. share phone and girl's help. Stock Exchange bldg. PRIVATE office with entrance In modern office build in g. phone f urn lulled, only $17.50 per mo. 325 Ry. Ex. bldg. LA'RGE office with 11s of reception room and typewriter; rent reasonable. 12 Pittock block. FRONT office, change bldg. modern, in Railway Ex Apply room 312. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT 65x100 ft. fireDro basement. Good, strong tor cars or trucks. See Quigley, 81 North 12th. Broadway 1758. BUS1XKSS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED Partner with financial re sources of $30,000 to $50,000 for estab lished motor truck business with provin cial contract. At present gross turnover exceeds $400,000. Can show 20 per cent net return on investment. Will stand strictest investigation. - J. L. DEERING. 2210 McDonald St., Vancouver, B. C. THRIVING small restaurant averaging daily business $35 to $40, fully furnished, 2 rwms rented out upstairs; number of stendy boarders. Owing g-oinir to Alaska a spl-ndul opportunity to enlarge, town growing fast with new lumber mill about to open and another to be built. Price $1200. THE GREELT CO.. RIDGEFIELD, WASH. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY; Small gen eral store, confectionery, supplies, school lunches, nearest stoie to large public school, half block from car line. 30 min utes from center of city, living rooms: price and rent reasonable. Grao this now and get ready for opening of school business in three weeks. 584 Umatilla ave. Sellwood 57. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable men to open branch office and manage salesmen. $30O to $2000 neces sary; handle own money. Exclusive rights; patented article; money-making possibilities unlimited. Will pay ex penses to Baltimore If qualify. Mr. Clemmer, salesmanager, 603 N. Eutaw st., Baltimore, Md. RESTAURANTS. $1200 East side quick lunch. $J000 In modern hotel. $30O0 Receipts over $3 50. $25ou West side cafeteria. We do not misrepresent. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. 3d and "Wash. LOCAL manufacturing company which has orders ahead for more goods than their present capital enables them to produce desires to place limited amount of stock with local people. Gilt-edge proposition. If Interested write and full details will be triven. Investment absolutely safe. R !6H. Oregonian. FOR SALE Small furniture factory, rail road facilities; season stock of hardwood lumber, machines In good order, bulldln can be leased or mru-hinery and lumber moved to suit; also good market for sash and door business; price $."ioo. Address Triumph Machinery Co., 320 E. Yamhill st., city. ONB-HALF intej-est in old-established business, ground floor location, center city. Clearing $500 per month, can don ble. too- much business for one owner. working 8 salesmen, will ntand Investi gation, po experience needed. Common sense Is all I want. If you have $1500 investigate. B (5. Oregonian. EXTRA SPECIAL, Country store, doing $30,000 a year building, fixtures, one-half acre, only $1500; stock at Invoice, about $2000 terms easy ; $2500 hand lea. A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. BUSINESS opportunity: tile factory, now operating in best part of Willamette valley, best of clay and product; ide track. Stewart patent kiln; owner h other business: residence and acreage ad joining plant If wanted. For particulars call at 262 T2th St.. Portland. Or. ORGANIZE BUSINESS under Declaration of Trust. Legal in all states. No re ports to county or state com. No stock liability taxed as individuals. We pre pare bonds, furnish trustee, compile printed matter, supply salesmen. Est, 1914. Nat'l. Org. Co., 123 Madison, Chgo, CLEAR PROFIT $600 IN A MONTH on $3f00 Investment, all cash business. 6 years, present owner; coniectionery, soda fountain, light lunch, on busy east side corner, rent 4o. A. J. De FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590 CONFECTIONERY store clearing over $600 ner mo. Onlv store of Its Kind in a tow of about G-"00 population. Profits can be easily doubled. Fixtures Invoice $0000. $3500 will handle. Turner & Kimball 514 Henry bldg. GROCERIES. Wo have several well located stores witn dean stocKs ana an estaonsnei trade. $1000 to $27,000. We do not mis represent. Coover & Holman, 322 Fail Ing Bldg.. 3d and wash. MR. SPECULATOR Here you have chance to make moey. jiy $l'nou equity In SO acres. Hood River, $1200 : equity in 5-room house and lot, St. Johns dist., $200; equitv in good corner business lot, all for $1500 cch. BC 817, Oregonian. GROCERY Doing $3000 a month ; 22 rent: established 5 year-; fixtures $400; invoice stock, about $2000. A. J. DE FOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. FOR SALE: Paying established trout hatchery. Beautiful location, excellent climate, perfect conditions. modern equipment complete.. Fish Lake Hatch eries.. Stryker. Mont. RESTAURANT Clearing $700 a month. west side, busy district; rent $75; $2000 handles. A. J. DE FOREST A CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. MONEY MAKER. $ Splendid opportunity. $ Grocery business. $12,000 month. $ Fixtures and stock complete. $ Leaving . town. $ Investigate. $ Owner, 411 4th St.. Santa Rosa, Cat. FOR SALE One-hallf interest or all; a new soap proposition: we want more cap ital to develop a factory: contracting a new patented article. AO 799, Orego nian. MANUFACTURING business for sale by owner who has other business that takes all of his time ; good profits, large amount of orders on hand, full Investi gation. $ S000. AM S16. Oregonian. 4-FLAT apartments. 3 rooms each, mod ernly furnished, brings O per cent; couia be raised to SO per cent ; $7500; must sacrifice. Owner lives east. 245 Shaver st. Wdln. 107. Miss Crlz. East 5011. RESTAURANT, downtown IrK-ation, good established business, reasonable. $3500 Greenhouse, fully equipped. J4500 Grocerv stock, east siue CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg FIREPROOF garage. 50x110. complete equipment, on most traveled highway inst outside city: erood business for working owner; $1200. Patton, Tabor 9228. LEASE tor sale, with some fixtures of 20x30 steam-heated store, in good going Willamette valley payroll town. Address M. Foley. Box 135. Silverton, Or. FOUR-CHAIR barber shop for sale In city. For particulars inquire Lewis-Stenger Barbers Supply Co.. Morrison at 10th street. OH. BOY! Wonderful business. $100 per day. Restaurant, location perfect. Price Just right. Retiring. Owner, Box 302. Sa n taR osa. Cal. IF YOU have rooming houses, apt. houses or business chances for sale, list them with Call Bdwy. 5146. WOODCOCK. 200 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE 2-man blacksmith shop, well equipped power. In concrete building. Price $2750. Charles Andersen. Box 132, Dayton, Or. ONE of the best locations of the city for fruit stand or Daaery snop in public market. Rent very reasonable. B 910, Oregonian. RESTAURANT for sale, prominent loca tion. 6 years' lease, $75 per month; busi ness $140 to $150 per day. Write or phoue Ey 464. R 2&S, Oregoniaa. BCSLNES9 OPPORTlTflireS. PACIFIC AGENCT. XNC 514-20 Swetland Bids. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. This bakery Is fully equipped, dandy location for wholesale and retail trade; corner. This propo sition Is suited for man and wife. We can get seme terms for respon ' si ble party.. Price $25O0. Rent $30 with lease. BAKERY AND CO FECT I ONE RT. This bakery Is fully equipped, but not running bakery at this time. Confectionery and grocery end of this business is good; rent $45, price $3500. and will invoice every dollar asked. CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS. TO BACCO AND FRUITS. Good west wide location In heart of city, dandT corner across from park; good bar and fountain, fine line of confectionery; price $3."O0, doing $60 to $100 dally, rent $60. This Is a fine corner and does a good busienss the year around. CONFECTIONERY. This is a -very neat and clean store, dally receipts average $H0 and better. You are buying no good-will. This is an Invoice prop osition or lump. Rent $22.o(: $2700 takes everything; one nice - living room. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. This is not only a store, but a real home; 6 nice living rooms with large yard; daily receipts av erage better than $125: cash, no credit. Rent $30; stock and fix tures $7000, lump or invoice. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. One of the choicest corners on the east side, good the year around; average receipts $60 and up; nice living quarters In the back of the stoie; price $2600. GROCERY. Rent $25, one-year Tease; price $2800 or Invoice; receipts $70 per day and up. Good corner location In business section of one of the best suburbs le Portland. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Washington street location, rent $35; price $350O. This is one or the best of them. Give it a once over. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Rent $35, 2 rooms, 6-room flat upstairs, also garage, full base ment; price $2500. Receipts $50 to $75 daily, cash and carry. THE PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-20 Swetland Building. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ONE. TWO OR THREE SALES MRV F.VPRHIFA'CED IN SELLING TO FARMERS. TO INTEREST THEM SELVES PERMANENTLY IN THE FACTORY DISTRIBUTION OF FARM HOME N EC ESS I TI ES. . IN V E STO H S HAVE FULL SHARE IN MANAGE MENT. PROFITS SURE AND LIM ITED ONLY BY YOUR ABILITY TO SELL; CLEAN, SQUARE BUSINESS PROPOSITION. ADDRESS AR 804. OREGON I AN. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. SNAP. $2500 for all, doing $40 per day, all cash and carry business, lo cated good corner, east side. This can be ncrea?ed; have other busi ness, must sell; will InvoU-e more than price asked : will take good vacant lot or car as part pay. Phone East 2374 for appointment today. Price for all $2000. DRILLING OUTFIT WANTED (OIL OR WATER RIG). RTTTT Am.R FOR OIL DRILLING 500 TO 1500 FEET. MUST BE IN GOOD ORDER AND RIGHT PRICE. ALSO WANT GOOD STAR RIG. GOOD UP TO 500 FEET DRILLING. OW NER, ADDRESS C 927. OREGONIAN. FULLY EQUIPPED VULCANIZING PLANT. WILL SELL ONE-HALF INTEREST. Clearinar $400 per month, trial given. I am too old to handle all. A real chance for some one. Price 7u. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 oak: ST. FOR SALE California county seat weekly newspaper and job shop, in prosperous and rapidly developing county: is mak ing money, but owner desires a change for famllv reasons; priced right at $5000 cash. Might consider trade for other paper or for land. Lake County Bee, Lakeport, Cat RESTAUR A NT in town of 1200, doing a nlcj business; only public place in town t" eat; good transient trade; reasons for selling good. If you are looking for a real bargain. Investigate this. Also a pooiroom and soft drinks. Will sell - either or both. Address Box 227. Falls City. Or. ACCOUNT sickness one-half interest in the only fully equipped vulcanizing and tire shop In Pend. Or.. $900 cash or $T.O0 cash and f-50 a month will handle. Will be at Room ti't6. Imperial hotel, until 1 o clock P. M. Sunday. inquire ior R. W. Harvey. CHANCE to make money In a live eastern Oregon farming town, 1200 pop ulation, for a wide-awake confectionery and ice cream man ; dandy location, adjoining pos (office for rent res son able. Inquire at room 407 Perkins Hotel Sun day from 5 to 6 P. M. " I HAVE 13 acres in the new oil belt of Redondo, Cal.; many on companies arm ing and gusher struck In this district. I will furnish the land free to those who will put down w!l and finance It. For alt particulars address Emma E. Craven, 300 E. 22d St.. Portland. CONFECTIONERY ON CORNER. ALL WHITE ENAMEL FIXTURES. 2 living rooms;. all stock, fixtures, fur niture and a good business with good lease, swell location, all for $1300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. WANTED FIRST-CLASS AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC OR ELECTRICIAN WHO WILL BUY STOCK IN AN OLD ES TABLISHED AND GOOD DIVIDEND PAYING CORPORATION. TOP WAGES PAID. V 933. OREGONIAN. A FLOUR and cereal mill now operating desires from $5000 to $10,000 for ex pan sion purposes. Our products are well advertised and the demand is here. This will bear investigation. AH S22. Ore gonian. ON ACCOUNT of health am selling fully equipped repair shop doing good busi ness, good stock of parts in garage of 200 cars storage: should be seen to be appreciated. $2100 cash will handle. AH 802. Oregonian. - WANTED Partner with $10,000 capital to act as Jobber, state agency on popular line of proven worth. Rapid turnovers, . excellent profits; this agency good for $75 000 net profit first year. G 975, Ore gonian. HOSPITAL. For rent, hospital and surgery. wHI milnncri with 25 beds, close In. handy. Will give lease for two years. Big money maker for the right party. Address BD SI 5. Oregonian. PIGAR STORE ON THIRD ST. Fixtures, stock. 2Vfc years lease, fair -rent, all for xeoo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. FOR PALE BY OWNER ERIKsOVS WHITE Siilf-UU MA 1 t.n.ri i 1 tlUME, 7!8 E. 72D ST. N. 2-CHAIR barber shop for sale cheap, lo cated at -- r nbu Appiy iurs. can tell. 421 E. 4Sth St. SMALL restaurant for sale cheap, good lo cation, established, parties leaving city. BF HIS. oregonian. $3000 BUYS cash business on busy corner. all new, rent $30; conrecuonery, cigar, marble fountain. P 994. Oregonian. GENERAL store at Metzger, Or., nine miles out. doing $100 per cay. invoice. Putman & Pu'.man. Main 9."17. GROCERY and confectionery, good loca tion, doing $50 day, rent 13. 7 living rooms, lease; sen, .i-reo. FOR SALE First-class accessory business, justness. - . . . i . i -.r. nartlculars writ. AR 793. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GET IN NOV". The future for aviation is assured. The man who gets In now can be an other Willys or Ford by growing with this newest Industry. To purchasers of American-built Curtiaa machines our Contract Department will turn over fly ing contracts for fairs, exhibitions and passenger routes. Several 3-day engagements recently brought in over $15uo. Let us tell you about the oppor tunities for the man who operates an airplane. Phone Broadway 33. Or drop in at Lewis and Clark, fieid at 20th and Linnton road. O.. W. X. AIRPLANE CO. Portland. Oregon. CAN YOU MAKE ICE CREAM? We have for sale some real estate, which carries with it an ice cream manufacturing bm-lness; the owner lives in Oregon. whot-a hia nroali" itt reOUlred.tO look alter other interests; his wife and daugh ter run thn nlnnt: they are OOing line. have a orosDerous business, entirely free fm-i H.-Ht nn.l makinc money; naturally they want to eell and go home: the hus hanri v. kii" Th niunt will fairly Invoice $20,000; will make a price that I will move It quickly. Purchaser can sten In at once and continue to "carry on" at a profit. JOHN MILLS, PUiAL- LUP, WASHINGTON. MR. BUSINESS buyer, here is a oppor-I tulitv (a -- tt.trt rood establishea business, stock and fixtures; invoice! -, ci t iit inrB i.h in larc e terri tory; practically no opposition. locattd I on S. P. Co. and P. A. & P. R. R-i now on K. P. Co. and P. A. & P. R. R. n hntldtn- iu!r. averatre S7500 Der montn; $12.0O to S15.0O0 will handle deal; no I trades. Ralph Hannon. tsuxton. or. i.nrm a i.in-a for sale; ilmn-t w ?U.lnn truck: has good I milk and general freight haul, now Pay- I in- s.'.on trt S6UO ner month. I cannot I run it mvslf on account of operating I larse datrv ranch: nirea. neip y i r.m1- un aw lfon tin lha business: 1 up a for thAn ar:tuallv have In truck. $1000 cash will handle. Address Shannon J B. Shafer, Deer Island. Or. CAPABLE man familiar with eutomooiie business to Invest $10,000 to i-'u.uw w tu prt... - v. h..t nH n- nf the old est automobile businesses in Portland: you can handle your own money; ousi- nca navintf nna T, nr Celltl S Teal opportunity for a live man. Address. I with full particulars in first leuer. li biO. Oregonian. A "T TTVT'CTT A T . OPPOWTTTNITY awaits a man with a small amount of ranltal who sees the advantage of get- ing in at the start of a business enter- prise of unlimited possibilities. The prop- 1 osition cannot fail to attract the man who would start small an d bill d big Association with men well qualified for I the undertaking AJ 06. uregonian. REAL ESTATE DEALERS AND tj i n v tr. r s I own and huve for sale one of the TK.U nrnnniirinnn In the COUn- on- t o nn.ituhu min who has menus financially aoie 10 unuw I Room 309. " New Perkins Hotel. MAN or woman or man and wife to travel with nartv of vmneiists who are good singers and have $000 to $1000 cash to put into the Lord's work. We are now holding meetings, have more dates than we can till for a year. We have a largs tent and suto. we are well equipped for the work. Answer u you can qu'- P. O. box 93u. i xaiuTV" H W4.XTED. Partner wanted for close In west slds I vn v mm) steadv trade and net profits are over $40O month for each partner; full of storage; sells gas, oils. tires and does auto repairing; $3000 for equal half interest. Call Room 401. Dekum Bldg. i.nD RiLcmnrir of drv roods. mens. women - and children s snoes ana m-ii furnishings; well located in good brick building with good lease, in good Co lumbia river city; it will pay you to Investigate this stock; stock win invoice about $8000 Address U. S. Mercantile Co.. 7ol Washington it, Vancouver. Va!ti. u . u v- l- r w a K" t IT r TV r.AHAGE A reliable man can buy equal half n-rt nvith n Al mechanic in large close in garage; 60 cars steady storage, ...... i- rtT-ir- p u s. tires, etc.; nunnop cr,,in- in to look after front nd- l-'OOU reouired. Room 401. Dekum I Bldg. dirtvku WANTED. Established west side garage and used car depot in the heart of the wholesale district always full of storage, plenty of repair work. This is your opportunity to get in one of the best places in Port land. A J 442, Oregonian. rriv cii'.pTiriv itr t lirht lunch, town of Him -n pacific highway. Willamette it rt no and Southern Pa cific 'Co.; Doing $40 per day. profit 40 per cent: light overhead expense; for nn irk. sale. $1000 cash; deal direct with me. AV 214. Oregonian. WELL established Portland manufacturing concern has for Immediate sale I mlted amount of preferred stock; dividend payable semi-annually; this Is a Kill ed g? proposition which will stand closest in vesti gallon. For further information write to postoffice box oa'-7""-.,.-., " Z ,ith xAnn -ear room cottage. 4 store buildings, all in i ti.i ,-i.n.Hnt walks, uaved st.. electric lights; ciose to Portland; $3000 cash or trade for a grocery or dellca tn By owner. J. Fulton, 20 N. Alam st.. Newoerg. Or. t..tiuv .laviii'ht bakery for sale, sanl lary and up to date, doing good business in town with $20,000 payroll per day: low rent, excellent chance bakr -,i wi- owner iroing east. Deal di rect Call Tabor 1013 after 7:30 P. Address BD 323. Oregonian. . f.-u-uc.-m v ivn TIRE STORE. Very central location, established for years; owner called away: will sacrifice ir.i-I -iar-inic 3UO month above all expenses, for about $2500. Room Railway Exchange. 511 FOR SALE Outside of Portland, milk route of 300 galions. only one there, with all equipment and car. or would con sider a good, honest man as partner, don't take up my time unless you have . ' .,v, ah R. Oreaonian. FOR SALE Club cafe. Dayton, Wash. Only first-clas restaurant m city of Jtooo years' lease on building at $50 PeT month rent. Best of location: price For inquiry .write Dewey Martin, Dayton, w asn. "77", , ,-.. v a i-i CON F ECT IONS R Y near high school; a money-maker; rent. $35; daily sales $Sa to iuu; wiu inven tory stock and fixtures; Ftock and fix tures will Invoice about $3000 WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Bldg. WANTED Every man or woman looking for an opportunity i ucl"""t" eut position or income, write for LOOK. ING AH BAD. Address THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill, Portland. Or. DRUG STORE GOOD CORNER. ON 2 ir wavT A DRUG STORE SEE THIS BEST REASON FOR SELLING H 200, OREGON IAN. i a v A 41 V. BARGAIN. Cement building on busy street; rent $85 month; 25 cars steady storage; large stock supplies, oils, etc.; disagreement Partners cause of sale; price $320. Room 511 Railway Lxcnange. : .iH rftn.il candy store- In Astoria or ; best location in town; good rain lor the right party. See pro prietor. Address 535 commercial st., Astoria; Or. : . t-vi-B - it in iinancinjr oaten ic article; moneymaker " mnt - talesman with car. Phone Tabor W1W9 after tt P- M., for sppoint- meat, or box A in. -i-o...- ., . .- i.iv tji:vs:f,'S Ktnre c os nr oeai of so-ca.iea mwt-k estate business, get advice of Portland Realty ttoaru, -o way 1902 GARAGE PARTNER WAN l BiU. 100x120 cement bldg.; 4. cars steady storage machinery, tools and equipment; good man can get half interest at a bar gain. Room 51 1 Railway Exchange. CLEANING and pressing business for sale Owner has ouirr uu-m -rive it his personal attention; average receipts net $304) per month, can easily be doubled, E G0S, Oregonian. EED hay and grain store located in busy section; owner wishes to retire; will show you can make $450 month ; $ 500 will handle iL Room 511 Rail- way Exchange, FOR SALE Meat market, well equipped, ice machine in connection; can be bought on your own terms; the cause, partners oisagree. Call or write Mrs. E. Bonn, Canuy, Or. GARAGE SPECIAL. . - Loiuini. lnur rMt wtnna foil of storage, do a general ? rarugs business; net profits are $OO0 month. Call Room 401, Dekum Bldg. SPLENDID grocery In downtown district; rent $55; 2 living rooms; clean, new stuck : price $20oo. WOODCOCK, 200 Henry Bldg. SHOE SHOP, fully equipped, for sale. In quire Chas. B. Slater. Harrisburg. Or. TsiIi.t hon tne Deit location; in cit'v. A 614. Oregonian. I . . 1 C- V anil Pnnr.rlU.... suve. Burnside sU .. ... BrsiVE-- oppoRTryiTiFs. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Nice cash VMn es of $ 65 per day, very jpood stock, rent $40 per month, including nice living rooms. Can have lease if you wisn. Loca tion Is good; price $3700. FUEL CO. FOR SALE. This is an old established busi ness and has always been a suc cess; fully equipped with saw, horses and wood wagons, trucks, good going business: can be han with $2&iM. about $2000 stock of fuel on hand, plenty time to pay balance. COUNTRY STORE. General stock of merchandise, boots, shoes, groceries, feed; busi ness Is good, wire will not live in country; price $8000. GARAGE. One of the best equipped !n the city, storage capacity for 60 cars, all modern machinery, long lease, $75 per month; location is good; a splendid buy for $45u0. RESTAURANT. One of the bett buys in the city, doing $125 a day business, rent $150, lease; price $3300. T. RIERDON. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B.ldg. A FORTUNE OPEN TO TJS. PRODUCT MORE STAPLE THAN SUGAR). WANT TWO OR THREE PARTIES TO JOIN ME IN A SYNDICATE TO CON TROL AN OPERATING COAL PROP ERTY (NEED 3 ACTIVE MEN). WITH $15,000 ADDITIONAL CAPITAL CAN INCREASE PRODUCTION TO 5oO TONS PER DAY. FULL EQUIPMENT. LIGHT. POWER COMPRESSOR. DRILLS. CARS. SIDING TO MINE (TUNNEL MINE). 5 WELL-KNOWN LEDGES. CAN NET BETTER THAN $3 PER TON. CAN YOU BEAT ITT WORTHY INVESTIGATION. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW, D 571, OREGONIAN. OIL OPERATIONS (TEXAS AND KENTUCKY). WANT PARTIES TO JOIN DRILL ING SYNDICATE, $1000 OR MORE EACH. TO DRILL IN WELL-DEFINED TERRITORY. ABSOLUTELY FAIR BASIS (NOT SELLING STOCK). BEST PEOPLE IN TOWN IN ON THIS. (OPENING FOR DRILLER WITH A LITTLE MONEY. ADDRESS G 33. OREGONIAN. ttvtt rc '-p-c T FVT Sxiv LoNEYCURE ?N YOURSELF TN A ESS WITH YOUR MONEY SECURED? WE NEED SOME ADDITIONAL CAPITAL WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR SERVICES. UNUSUALLY GOOD IN TEREST ON YOUR INVESTMENT AS SURED. ADDRESS AR S01, OREGO IS IAN. FOR SALE In San Francisco, n oriDor tunity seldom offered, retail business. 1' years esta bllshed, long lease, ladies' wearing apparel, furs, etc ; located In the center of the exclusive shopping dis trlct- Modern equipped store ; arcaded double dienlav windows, with cemented glass Joints. Ixiwry. 304 Sheldon bldg.. r irst ana Mantel streets, san J- rancisco, California. SOME GOOD MONEY MAKERS. Confectionery and cigar stores in heart or city: 1 $5 rent $2f0 1 $75 rent L'KoO 1 $50 rent ltMK) 1 $35 rent louo 1 $75 rent 600 Csrtl Main 7931. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY, AT INVOICE ABOUT $1800. If you want a swell place up to date, In good location, fresh stock, good busi ness. on account of sick news, we will let you pay $1000 down and trust you lor the rest. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. PARTNER in garage. 100x100. Hest loc tion on west side. Business well cstab lished. Now storing 70 cam. Renal shop fully equipped, lots of repair work Long lease, good opportunity for first class mechanic $1200 will handle. Bdwy. 5706. WANTED $2000 FOR 2 YEARS. SE CURED BY CHATTEL MORTGAGE ON NEW MACHINERY VALUED CONSER VATIVELY AT $64)00. WILL ALSO DE POSIT DIVIDEND-PAYING STOCK IN INDUSTRIAL COMPANY AS EXTRA COLLATERAL. V 93Q. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE Barber shop, pool hall 2 tables) and confectionery: located on paved highway. 22 miles from Portland; good all year around business: rent $10 per month, 2 year 'ease: will sell at a sacrifice if taken at ouce. L 928. Ore gonia n. CONFECTIONERY & LIGHT LUNCH. BRICK BLDG. ON CORNER. Working 6 people. - Sales $90 per day. rent $65. Trial given; a complete place, . All for $50O0, some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 80S OA K ST. GOING ON HOMESTEAD ONLY $175. A fine cleaning, pressing and alteration parlor In cement bldg.; rent only $10 mo. Doing a nice business: rooms to live in. Clearing about $200 month. Phone or write Cobart. 1215 S. Commer cial st.. Salem. Or. Phone 186S. THE IRVINGTON PARK GROCERY is for sale; $-tOO0 per month year around. The best location in Portland. Cash deal only at invoice. Fixtures reasonable. Best of reasons for wanting tn sell. Irvington Park Grocery. 1147 E. 30th N. Wdln. 2028. SWELL CAFETERIA, CENTER OF CITY. We can show you a swell place doing a big business, with lease, cheap rent, brick building. A real buv. $20(10. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. FOR SALE Cash and carry grocery. down town district. Closed on Sunday and evenings. Average business $ 1 G00 per month with long profits. W'lll stand the closest Investigation. Price $3500 or will invoice. Y 933. Oregonian. BY OWNER, garage 100x100. Best loca tion on west side, business well estab lished. Now storing 70 cars. Repair shop fully equipped, lots of repair work. Long lease. $2550 will handle. Bdwy. 57O0. BUTCHERS. Here Is your chance to buy a 1-ton ice machine, witn ammonia. xi2 Ice box, 10-ft. counter, two fiO-lb. scales. 2 meat blocks, sausage mill and other tools. Price $R50. Call week days after 5 P. M. 622 Gantenbein ave. IF YOU want a cleaning and pressing shop see us; we have them from $la0 up to $800. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 805 OAK ST. MOVING picture theater for sale with lease of building. Splendid opportunity for experienced, energetic people. In quire H. Marks, temporarily here at Ho tel Benson. GROCERY in good location ; owner leav ing city; must be sold at once; living rooms; reasonable ren t ; doing over $ I Oil a day: man and wife can handle. Stock and fixtures $3000. AF 820. Oregonian. 12-ROOM. excellent furnishings : lust the place for lady that wants good house besides $190 per month income. Selling on account of sickness. Make me an of fer. Call Monday Main 7931. FOR RENT 4-room house and lot; will trade for confectionery and light gro cery. Owner only answer. BC 43$, Oregonian. WOOD SAW. driven by 6-H. P. Stover eiT- gine. mounted on motor-driven truck, all in A-1 running order. See owner any time. oio Belmont st. A GOOD grocery store for sale at inven tory; clean stock and doing good busi ness. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. WANTED Partner in electric store and wiring. Must be class-A man. $luu0 will give you half interest. AH .01, Ore gonian. PARTNER wanted for sales end of estab lished manufacturing plant, must be abie to furnish relerences ana prooi oi aoii lty. L Oil, Oregonian. MILLINERY STORE, good business, fine location; a snap, owner leaving city. A 921, Oregonian FOR SALE Photo studio; must quit by Aug. loin ; an or t uuim. .o Third St. CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, bes' location in town. Call Bdwy. 84 an time. li:E CREAM. confectionery and He ht grocery stock an d fixtures ; expenses only yi a day. f none t,ast i . FOR SALE Watting room cigar, confec tionery, light lunch, ice cream, etc Phone Bdwy. !-" RESTAURANT In working men's district: 15 taoies. i a Lui . iciu ? w, tuuu uubi ness; $'K)0. 370 Front st. OLD ESTABLISHED painting and deco rating business for sale. N 9b 1, Ore gonian. T--OR SA LB Grocery stoca, fixtures. liv ing rooms, cheap rent. Main 01 SI. Rlj&iiN"-f v w ... . .... v. . tura Urge profits. AV Jol. Oregonian - I . . .. i i i i I c-ttT i iKAn 1 lur tnn.iK, K vuu i wo. l.u u, lium I to car barn. 113 hallingiiwcrth ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE. FOR SALE by owner, firet-claee ga rage business and new two-story build ing located on mala paved highway, 6 miles from Portland. In one ot Portland's best suburbs; sells gaa, oil. tires and supplies and does a general repair and storage business; fine living rooms on second floor; bal. of second floor used for storage; first-class garage equipment and exce.ient stock of merchandise and Ford parts. This business can be doubled in a year's time and just right for 2 men; will take $7500 for building, and Invoice for equipment and stock; gross receipts approximately $3000 per month; will take about $75o0 cash to handle. No asents.. No trade. .Box AV 3S5, Ore gonian. BLSlNEtS opportunity; 2-story corner bunding at N. 26th and Warner, la coma tboth streets paved; improve ments paid for). This building Is 75x25 feet; the lower floor has the fixtures " fcr grocery business. Every man who has run it has made money as it is situated in the best residence sec tion of the city. The second story has nine rooms aud bath; 5 bedrooms. oubje parlors. dining rooms and kitchen; each bedroom has' a fine closet; the bathroom fixtures are Al and fitted up wuh gas water heater; lot is 30x120 feet with alley; garage at alley end of lot. It can be purchased at this time at a great sacrifice as changes in busi ness arrangements make a quick dis position necessary. s. L.. LESTER, Box 2:3. Olympia, Wash., owner. BUSINESS SNAP. ( Fixtures nd stock for sale at Invoice light groceries, confectioneries, cigars. This will bear Investigation: doing about $lo.OOO a year; in a prosperous small town in center of rich Yakima vallev; two railroads and rapid I y developing country. Less than $0io0 covers this; some terms. Address box 146, Granger. Wash. CONFECTIONERY, ror sale, pool hall, cigar, tobacco. Ice cream parlor in good payroll town on Pacilic highway; low rent, lease, living room. 3 pool ane one billiard table; new Red Croa-s fountain, back bar. good fix tures; a first-class proposition for right party; nxtures $22uo and invoice. BC 439, Oregor ian. PATENTS Write for free guide book and c,,uc " i conception Dianis; send mod el or sketch and description of inven tion for our free opinion of its patent able nature; highest references, prompt attention, reasonable terms. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO.. Hobart bldg.. San rancisco. CaL Main offices. 642 Ninth st.. Washington. D. C. A COUNTRY STORK. Well located and old established store; hand .es groceries, shoes, hardware, furnishings, etc.; cash sales $100 day; can be greatly increased; failing health compels immediate sale; price $2400, or will invoice. -Call Room 401, Dekum Bldg. TRANSFER AND FUEL BUSINESS. Owner leaving city, must sell; good paying, well-established business: will aacrince; Slouo will handle, including all equipment; price $30uo. For further In formation see Mr. Schmidt. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 3Q43. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Big sacrifice. Lyric theater eyuiiiincnt, meaier cnairs. electric euulD- ment. stage appliances, rope, brass, lin oleum, electric fans, fire hose, asbestos curtain, piano, mirrors. etc Apply i-yric tneater. Lyric Theater company will move to present Baker theater, opening Sept. 5. W ANTED Wide awake business man to invest from $."VOoo to $10,000 in estab lished manufacturing corporation doing lare business netting 20 per cent on gross sales. Increase of orders demands more capita!. Business open to, fullest Investigation. G 032. Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man with $000 can buy equal half interest in concrete garage; 20 cars steady storage ; plenty of repair work ; can clear 00 month each partner; this is a gCod Place, Call Room 401 Dekum Bldg. IF you have capital to open up a vein that shows rich in copper and silver ore I will show you location -of same for an interest in whatever it might produce; this is near a mine that is already pro ducing very rich ore, about 150 miles from Portland. H i74, Oregonian. WANTED A man of financial standing as distributor for the well-known Fitch Four-Drive tractor. This tractor ha power in all four wheels. therefore is particularly adapted to this section of the country. Write A. T. Burch for an appointment. Benson hotel. AUTO ACCESSORY STORE. Centrally located. carrying general line of auto accessories, tires and electric goods, both wholesale and re tail; will invoice about $3oOO; net prof its are $000 month. Room 401. Dekum Bltig. BUSY GARAGE. Choicely located brick, low. rent, big repair trade, large stock tires and acces sories, good storage; pay $400 month; $juuo will handle. Room 511 Railway Exchange. $2u0 PER MONTH income; can be in creased; oft ice aud monthly publication; present owner has Invested in and en tered another line; bank and highest business relerences; $1000 cash. AV 229, Or-gonian. PARTNER wanted for a good paying wood business In the city; $025 cash is all required. Don't answer if you don't mean business. Give phone n umber if pos sibie. BJ bti. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cloak and suit house in Port land; 100 increase during 1920; good reason for selling; excellent bargain if bought at once. Hurry. AV 22o, Ore gon, an. CIGARS .AND CONFECTION EH Y. East side location, old-established store; owner wishes to retire; rent $10; cltsars $10 day ; price $10o0. Room 511 Railway Excnange 1U-KUUM HOTEL In center of business district: all tran sient; alwas full: rent $150, lease it re quired; price $0000. WoODCOCiv, 200 Henry Bldg-. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Iu tine location, handles groceries. Ice cream, lunches; profits good; $o75 handles ; nice living rooms. Cail room 4it, Dekum Bldg. $750 FOR NEAT GROCERY. Good location ; doing good business; rent J22; good reasons for selling. WOODCOCK, 2Q0 Henry Bldg. LAR(iE and growing auto accessory and supply no use; want a c Live man as pur chaser for half interest; big profits and money secured. Room 401, Dekum Bldg. BEST opportunity In the northwest, get in manufacturing o us in ess as pari owner; new invention; start now. Invest $3uO0 to $00oo. D 030. Oregonian. FOR SALE Grocery and feed store doing $4.tOo cash business a month; one mile south of Oregon City. Call 4&4J, Ore gon City. FOR SALE General merchandise, prop erty, stock and fixtures; best prune country; paved road; no competition. Particulars, AV 187, Oregonian. WANTED Someone to publish the latest song, entitled That Jazz J tzs Jazziest . Hug," on a royalty basis. Information P. O. box oi2 city. FOR SALE Two drilling machines with contracts; suitaoie ror one or two par ties. Address all inquiries to AV ISO, Oregonian. WEST SIDE GROCERY. In apartment district, fine location; $ good living rooms; rent $6U; price $1150. WOODCOCK, 20Q Henry Bldg. COUNTRY restaurant, $1400; doing $00 to $if; low rent. years lease; about $400 stock Included ; $.'00 will handle, balance to suit. AV 218, Oregonian. GARAGE Cement building 75x100; good lease, low rent ; lots or accessories; plenty work: will sell interest or all; terms If deslrea. D 96. Oregonian. MACHINE AND ELECTRIC SHOP. Old est a bllshed shop doing large business and making money; price $3500. Room 401. Dekum Bldg. iOO RESTAURANT, west side, on Wash ington St.; gooa -equipment, uoing day business ; $300 will hand'e. Morris, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark St. BLAC KS M IT H shop for rent, good loca tion for auto repair shop on Pacifto highway. Jefferson. Or. Write Guy E. Endes, The Dalles. Or. 6-FOOT soda fountain, $215; one 5-foot plate-glass snowcase, manog. iinisn; one 6-foot showcase. Imitation mahog., $15 per foou 830 Mississippi ave. MAN WITH $1000 CASH can get into a good business that pays handsomely. Must not be afraid to work. E 931, Oregonian. DENTAL PRACTICE. DENTAL EQUIP MENT AND OFFICE FIXTURES FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL WOODLAWN 1285 OR MAIN 630. SOFT DRINKS. TOBACCO. CIGARS and pool room, in heart of city; rent $75; splendid business corner; price $21uu. WOODCOCK. 20Q Henry- Bldg. W ELI EST A B LIS H ED beauty parlors for sale; good locality; win sacrifice on ac count of health; investigate; it is worth your while. O o'J. Oregonian. FOR SALB Out-of-town plumbing and tin to hop. fully equipped ; good business; p rice ? 200Q. A V 102, Oregonian. FOR SALE A ladies used apparel shop; must seil at once; leaving city. 4o3 Alibky bidg A HARDWARE STORE. Established 9 years, clears $4000 te $0000 year. Room 401. DeKum fcftag. Bldg. at 2ST FOR SALE. Soft drink end lunch place Russell st. Call forenoons. MILLINERY business 'or sale. SC3 Aide (3