The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 08, 1920, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 39

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K r
bb a
TThs eh1ronrctl ttrofsaio offers ftl
most unusual opportunities of any field
Sr. the world tnday. Know about Its
great opportunities before deciding your
c&rfer, or it. vou art dissatisfied in your
prssept position In life or Its earning
rapacity Is not what you would like It
to be. Investigate the great opportuni
ties offered in tills greatest of all pro
fessions CUIKOPRACTIO. A most M
cept;onal .opportunity to study chiro
practic And to become A chlropractio
physician is offered at this time by our
college; both. iay and night courses.
chiropractic physicians needed la the
United States today t supply the de
mands of the millions who have turied
to this great method of healing taeir
Augmented curriculum. Able Vacuity.
Clinical Facilities Unexcelled.
Far particulars aadresa Dr. Oscar W.
Elliott, president,
Para .txd YamhllL
Main 3014. Portland. Or.
You cannot isajra any part of this H"o-
iwaaa eorreiponacncs.
WE teach you hew to preserve your valu
able tssth. IS they need repair we fill,
bridge, crown, remove nerves and ex
tract teeth without, pain by tne modern
nerve-b:ocking method.
Majestic Theater Bldg.,
351 Washington at..
Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks,
give you a set of tools and some pay
while learning. Positions secured. Ore
gon ex-service men, the course is free
to you. Write or call for particulars
and catalogue. 234 Burnside st.
MADAME BOURY will register student
fur French classes to open immediately;
blnpers and advanced. For further
.information call Broadway 4557 or write
care Mrs. V. Scott, third floor Henry
AlISS A. DAWSON", teacher of English.
French and Italian, will register stu
dents for clashes to open soon. For
further information address care of Mrs.
. V. Scott, 321 Henry bldg., phone
Broadway 4037.
Business College, Portland. Enroll any
time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking.
bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue.
Concerts, musicals, recitals. Dunning
system for beginners. Alice Genevieve
Fmith. Studio 509 Eilers bldg. Phone
Main 6650. bummer school 1684 6th ave.
you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face
massage specialty; tools free; positions
guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition
reduced this term. 233 Madison.
WANTED Private Instruction In short
hand by lady, three nights week. Gregg
system. State price, etc. AR 813, Ore
gonian. FRENCH instructor, art, English, student,
London, Paris; special summer cla&ses.
Marshall 24V 1.
Miss Bucket's private school: individ
ual instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427.
while learning; gives you set of tools
free; position secured. 38 N. Second st.
ROCKY MfTTeachers Agency. Enroll free.
Frank K. Welles, ex -asst. state bupl,
Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8::76.
graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange
idg. Free booklet.
X-SK Teachers Agency Journal bldg.
Main 4S35. Teaching positions, free reg.
PIANO Instruction, experienced teacher.
Tabor 7122.
PAINTING Very reasonable, references;
plaster patching, tinting. Get my
figures. Main 6705, please leave your
TRACTION engineer; please give particu
lars and wages paid in first letter or see
me at my home, 1076 Arnold sL, Port
land. AlARRIED farmer, all-around experience,
all branches, agriculture and fruit; have
own furniture ; hitch-class farm or or
chard wanted to run. AM 897, Oregonian.
CARPENTER wants work, terms reason
able. Call today. Mrs. Campbell. Mar
shall 2141.
EXPERIENCED elevator operator; neat,
elderly, wants employment. AH 805,
YOUNG man, age 20. good milker, wants
work on ranch, 4u4 E. 37th at. Tabor
1470. .
BOOKKEEPER and office man wants
opening in large or Al small business;
give some Information. V 907, Oregonian.
ELDERLY man wants position as night
watchman or elevator operator, best of
references. A 1000. Oregonian.
YOUNG violinist who wishes to study de
slres work for half day. AK 804. Ore
gonian. MARRIED MAN desires work an carpenter
helper; some experience. Call at 11
E. 63d N. Phone Tabor 2010 after o P. M.
YOUNG MAN. ex-soldier. 8 years' experi
ence In office work, wishes position in
or out of 'lty. O 203. Oregonlun.
CHAUFFEUR must have work at once ;
six years' experience; age 26; single; best
of city references. AF 824, Oregonian.
Do you need a professional abstracter
and title examiner? R 905, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN with 1-ton truck wants haul
ing; experience; good worker. AC 874,
POSITION as manager of retail lumber
yard ; capable of handling yard where
competition is tough. AV 222, Oregonian.
REASONABLE price on cement'work" and
cesspools. First-class work. R 694, Ore
gonian. ,VH! DO all kinds of plastering, cement
and brick work. Phone Main 5042 W.
B. Russell. 233 H all st.
CARPENTER, contracting, general repairs,
remodeling. eve, rt.iaoio mechanic.
Broadway 24S7.
JAPANESE BOY wants job. hotel or res
taurant, any kind work. AR 807. Ore
gonlan. HOUSE and roof painting, walls cleaned
Tabor 6212. W. L. Belew, 24C3 60 th st
S- E.
BT EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and of
fice man. middle age; reference. L 214
lOtTNO MAN wants position ts book
keeper or general office work; age 34
8 years' experience. BC 821. Oregonian!
PAINTING, kalsomlnlng. furniture polish
ing for rent of furnished apt. or small
bouse. Marshall 5353.
MAN AND "WIFE want janitor work in
otflce building or apartment house; man
familiar with oil burner. Broadway 4407.
'ANTS kalsomining, painting, furniture
polishing by hour or contract. Marshall
5333. Will Gaither.
It OOF cleaned, repaired and painted, rea
sonably; all work guaranteed. Phone
Tabor "20.
RELIABLE repair man would like em
ployment or delivery driving. Call
Tabor 52.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, ex
tensive experience, in or out of city. G
EXPERIENCED gartlener. single, thor
oughly competent, wants permanent po
sition; references. AG h03, Oregonian.
T.TIR " IT Vf W NIT IVril) -
KLDKRLY teacher wants a few weeks'
work. Room 24, Ryan hotel.
GOOD, all-around auto mechanic wants
sieaay worn. i aoor o4.
CARPENTER New or repair work. Phone
Tabor 8.'27.
CARPENTER, new and repair work, all
i 1 i mo. bun m i ier O f
W ILL furnish small delivery auto and scrv".
Ices. $0.50 day. AL 77$, Oregonian
YOUNG MAN wants position as chauffeur
private car, W. M. Schiernan. Main lf,
FOR first-class painting, tinting, etc call
Woodlawn 2497. Lapp, Willis & Co
ALL kinds of cement work done at a ra
sonab'e price. Tabor 6SS8.
WANT Job cutting wood! Prefer rick
wrtod. Have gad saw. Marshall 349 3
THREE hours' janitor work every evenin
AR 812. Oregonian. evening.
PARTY with 2-ton truck wants haulin
any kind. 569 Belmont st.
MILKER, experienced, open for position G
t34. Oregonian. w
BOY. 13. ork on stock farm; can ban',
die Worses. AM 708. Oregonian.
6H1NGLER When you want re-shinsrllnsr
done. Call Woodlawn 520fl. "inKlin
KALSOMINING, papering, signs, cold-water
painting and ashing. Bdwy. 9S9.
We have need for employment for a
number of men who are more or less
handicapped by injuries they received
while employed in the various indus
tries of this state. Some of them are
suitable for farm work, some for watch
men, and others for other kinds of
light employment. Here la the list:
57224 Age 29, Bulgarian, does not speak
English, neck injury, has had
considerable experience In gar
dening and want work in that
10265 Age 30. Hindu. lost function of
left foot, has been employed In
lumber camp, wants job as ele
vator operator or watchman.
20sj-Aee 45. lost 2-8 function of right
CVJ, has had varied experience
fck. should be valuable handy
m. .Nut ranch, has had much
experWe aa teamster.
6554. Age 36, let Nuiction of left hand.
practically 4C. wants Job as
watchman or Caretaker about
some mili. factory or warehouse.
27153 Age 43, lost function right lg.
wants job as watchman.
25615 Age 43, lost function right hand
except thumb and part of second
and third fingers of left hand,
has had farm experience In old
country and can do light work
on farm here.
84979 Age 83. lost function right
foot, wants work in highway con
struction. These men do not expect to receive
the wges of able-bodied men. but de
sire a reasonable wage for the services
they are able to render. They desire, if
possible, to find permanent positions.
If you have a job available, please
State Industrial Accident Commission.
Salem, Oregon.
WANTED Every man looking for a posi
tion, or who Is not satisfied with his
present position, or his present income,
to write for "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad
Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or.
STEADY, reliable married man Interested
in farming wants work where a percent
ages of wages can be applied to purchase
of- 1 or more a-; res of ground with small
cabin or cottage ; can furnish best ref
erences. Call Wdln. 1772 or write G. W.,
756 N. E. 9th st., Portland.
MILLWRIGHT with wide experience In
coast and inland mills, open for en
gagement as head millwright or con
struction foreman; good draughtsman;
installation while running a specialty;
A-l references. AR 817. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper, cap
able of taking full charge of books, de
sires position In or out of city; several
years experience in the lumber busi
ness; best of references. Phone Mar
shall 2781.
HORTICULTURIST, up in all branches of
fruit growing, marketing and by-products,
also experienced in poultry, stock
and general farming; single; full charge
or otherwise. BD 817, Oregonian.
OVERLAND specialists. 45 N. 9th St. be
tween Couch and Davis; all work guar
anteed. Phone Bdwy. lib. B. W kort,
Oscar Oinonen. 9 years on Overland car
WANTED Position as foreman of country
daily or job office, 22 years at trade;
operates Miller's feeder and cylinder
presses, ad and job compositor. Address
AV 386, Oregonian.
DENTAL STUDENT desires employment
a few hours morning and evening for
room, board and carfare to begin about
Sept. 25; not afraid of work. L 613,
EXPERIENCED picture machine operator
wishes position in small town, wages ex
pected reasonable. Address K. L. Meyers.
204 Madisou st., Portland, Or. Phone
Main S76
YOUNG married man would like work aa
janitor, farmer or some place of trust;
would like to take charge of rooming
house, experienced in bulh. J 174, Ore
gonian. WANTED Work from 7 to 11 P. M. as
doorman in theater or clerk in cigar
store; any other light work. Call Mar
shall 2380. after 6 P. M.
DRIVER, trouble shooter; qualifications
exceptional; want driving Job; service
car. bus or truck; understand starting
and lighting system, etc BC 809, Ore
gonian. YOUNG auto mechanic, well experienced in
battery work, can drive any car and
willing to work; wages no consideration.
Phone East 416. call for Rupert.
UNION linotype operator-machinist and
tloorman wants steady position in or near
Portland; married ; plenty references.
Box 131, Estacada, Or.
YOUNG man wishes position driving light
truck; well acquainted with city; can
do minor repairs. References. Auto
matic 219-14.
REGISTERED druggist. Permanent po
sition, 5 years' experience, married, good
references, graduate. 303 Salmon st.
Telephone Marshall 428.
YOUNG man with long experience in art
paint work wishes position as help with
artist painter. Write Marcellus Galindrea,
342 First st.
A-l AUTO mechanic wishes job driving
logging' truck or to take care of trucks:
have 12 years' experience. G 979, Ore
gonian. DOCTOR, Mr. Business Man, get that
money now! Let a boy collect your slow
accounts; small commission. BJ 886.
JOB driving a truck or delivery car; 4
years' experience; best references. Write
AR 861. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stationary oil burner
fireman would like position In or out of
town. fnone East J-id.
WANTED Lumber or wood hauling, any
distance. 514 E. 47th St. N.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office.
DEPENDABLE office man, 27, married,
five years' employment In positions giv
ing thorough training in stenography,
typewriting, filing, accounts, correspond
ence, card records, etc., desires perma
nent position either In Portland or other
coast city. .rofcioiice dox azuj., .rori
land. Or.
BOOKKEEPER of several years' experi
ence desires small set of books that
would rea u ire half day work and that
I could keep at my office. To parties
requiring such service, 1 would also fur
nish of 'ice and phone in modern office
blag. A.B 8t'9, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS all-around office man open
for position where hard work and Initia
tive will gain advancement, capable of
handling department, number of years'
experience as secretary and general of
fice work ; best of references. O 202,
WANTED Connections with an aggressive
concern that offers a future to a mar
ried , man 33 years old with consider
able executive and selling experience and
training and one who can produce re
sults. P. O. box 489.
CAPABLE young married man with re
sponsible executive position would like
to work out of town during two weeks'
vacation on work requiring ability ; ex
pert In handling auto. D 642, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, 21. married, desires position
as asst. cashier or asst. bookkeeper; ex
perienced in every kind of office work;
prefer small firm. H 60S. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, 10 vears experience, best
of local references, now employed,
v, ishes to make change. L 927, Orego
nian. LUMBERMAN, experienced In managing
retail yards, understands mill and fac
tory, middle aged; reierences. AB 685,
EXPERIENCED, efficient, accurate young
man. now employed, desires position as
bookkeeper; local references. M 215, Ore
gonian. EX PERIENCED grocery man. also compe
tent as bookkeeper, wants city position.
AJ 810. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, competent and experi
enced, seeks engagement; references and
bond furnis hd . A. ES 1 6. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT for leading city firms will
open, audit or examine your books. BF
804. Oregonian.
CAPABLE young man desires small set of
books to keep after 3 P. M. AB 627.
BOOKKEEPER wants position, in or- out
city; Al reference. Main 7496.
ACCOUNTANT wants a few sets books to
keep in his office. Main 7496
Soldiers and Sailors.
COLORED man wishes position as chauf
feur with private family, willing and
able to woik. Phone East 6663.
WANTED Work by hour. Call Tabor
6210. Mrs. E. Stiff e.
COMPETENT housekeeper Scotch), de
streaposition. H 692, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning or
launary; -toe nour. rnona Alain 5450.
xvELIABLE woman warns day worn or
sq ins . gn seamairess, i aoor -14.
WOMAN wants day work Monday-Thura-
any. cxp-ngncea. Amomauc 31157.
WANTED Lay wgik. Call East 6074.
WANTED Position aa cook and helpers
for myself, husband and daughter. Prefer
R. R. camp or highway road camp. Can
give reference from last employer. Would
like not over 40 men, so we can do alt
kitchen and dining room work. Mrs.
1. E. Hart wig, 2240 N. Liberty it, Salem,
QUIET, respectable girl, employed during
day, wishes place in plain home, to as
sist with light housework and children
as full or part payment for room and
board. AL 869. Oregonian.
WANTED Work by a reliable woman, on
west side. In exchange for comfortable
living rooms and small salary. M 19,
experienced in office detail work and
capable of meeting public, desires per-
manent position, a oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE party wants baby girl for
aa option, age oet. e montns an-a z years;
able to give loving home and good edu
cation. AO 811, Oregonian.
REFINED young woman wants housework;
no laundry, email family, good cook, in
Vancouver. 824 E. 1st N., apt. 3, Port
land, ur.
REFINED, caihlt woman with some
nursing ana x- training wisnes po
sition in institutT r as physician's
assistant- AK 27, t,onian.
REFINED girl wants care j: hild while
mother works. C. S. prefers. AJ 607,
COMPETENT nurse, care illness, elderly
invalid or as companion nurse. Mar
shall 2S83.
tains done up like new. Will call.
East 6516.
LADY wants house cleaning, other work,
hours, day; work guaranteed- Wood-
lawn 6305.
GOOD laundress wants washing Tuesday,
Thursday, k riday, b or 6 Hours. .ast
MARRIED woman would give service In
return for plain light housekeeping: apt.
M 999, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants to care for elderly woman
In her own home. Terms reasonable.
Best of references. AH 680, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young lady wishes to
take charge of rooming house or apart
ments. E 604. Oregonian.
WOULD like work by day or hour. Mrs.
Clara Engle, 258 E. 77th N. . Tabor
RESPECTABLE, refined woman wishes to
keep house for widower and daughter.
T 966. Oregonian. ,
YOUNG girl will care for children day
time; dependable, experienced. Tabor
LADY pianist and singer, experienced in
motion pictures and dance orchestra, de
sires position. AO 797, Oregonian.
WANTED By widow, full charge house
keeping; must be good home. M 611,
WANTED A place to take care of chil
dren evenings while mother la away;
reierences. wooaiawn ion,
BY EXPERIENCED teacher, pupils to
tutor in all grammar grade subjects.
Tabor 1592. .
REFINED motherly woman wishes care
of child where only best of attention is
given. H 960. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman, with sales ability,
knows city and drives own car, wants
employment AN 603, Oregonian.
LAUNDRY work and cleaning; references.
Marshall 3028.
COLORED woman wants day work.
Main 7492.
EXPERIENCED office nurse wishes posi
tion with doctor. B 693, Oregonian.
YOUNG colored woman wants chamber
maid's work or work. East 2208.
POSITION as plain cook for two men on
ranch. M 214. Oregonian.
TWO EXPERIENCED waitresses want
breakf as t J o b Ca 1 1 Ma 1 n8 42 4.
GOOD, reliable woman wants housework.
4730 77th st. S. E.
WASHING and Ironing wanted by the day.
Phone East 4300.
YOUNG, energetic schoolgirl wishes posi
tion in small family. 12. Call East 2735.
GRADUATE PIANO teacher will teach at
your home. Lessons io cents, jiain
COLORED girl would like work Monday
and Thursday. East 4u90.
SWEDISH lady, good worker, wishes day
work; ooc hour. n-asi om.
LADY wants a few hours' work each day.
Phone Sell wood 1232.
EXPERIENCED woman wants all around
day work; expert laundress. East 2034.
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing or
Ironing. Mon., Tues. Main 114Q.
CLOTHES laundered at home, dried in
fresh air. Main 9132
Bookkeeper, Stenographers. Office.
a HlftH SCHOOL teacher of many years'
experience with a university education
wishes a position where there would be
opportunity for advancement into a sec
retarial or executive position. She wlU
"stick" and study your business without
watchlne the clock. Good typist, under
stands general office work, has sales
ability and is a Die to meet tne puoiic
BD 813, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, Al, with broad experi
ence in stenography, typing and general
office work, capable of handling respon
sibilities, desir&s permanent position with
reliable firm in Portland; best of ref
erences. Phone 219-45.
WANTED Every man and woman looking
for a nosition or who Is not satisfied
with their present position or income to
write fur "LOOKING AHEAD." Addr-s.i
LEGE, Park and Yamhill. Portland, or.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, cashier and
office woman wants position with re
liable firm where there is a good op
portunity for advancement; now em
ployed but desires a charfge; references-
AO bis, oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER with several years ex
prienc desires a position where ad
vancement is possible; neat, accurate
and thoroughly competent ; references.
AN bu'j. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, also dicta
phone operator have had experience in
wholesale credit department; nothing
lets than 125 accepted. Ars bi, ore
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes posi
tion by August use typewriter, also
comptometer ana isurrougns aaaing ma
chine; references furnished. O 606. Ore
YOUNG LADY employed in office from 9
to 6 wishes work mornings and evenings
for room and board in private family,
AR 802. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, some experience, wishes
position f irat of September. Possesses
initiative, willing to learn new ousiness.
AN 801, Oregonian.
PRIVATE secretary, office work by com
petent woman ; minimum wage; refer
ences. Marshall 24UJ.
Lh YOU HAVE $125 position open for sten
ographer-boQkkeeper, I can fill it to your
entire satisiaction. aenwooa
EXPERIENCED private exchange oper
ator and general office woman; can op
erate typewriter, ak &uu. oregonian.
YOUNG lady experienced in general office
work and bookkeeping desires position.
V 9H9. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position with reliable firm; ref
erences. Auto. 317-41.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-stenographer
wants position In or out of city. - Mar
shall 3298.
GIHL. experienced in general office work.
wishes hail a ay wora; references.
605 . Oregonian.
ONE-PIECE dresses $5 up; children $2.50
up. 872 E. Davis st.
BOOKKEEPER-STENO wants position in
city; good reierences- -Mam 1 4'Jtt.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra-
pher. best or reierences. wain 2817,
Dress makers.
ENGAGEMENTS by day up-to-date dress
maker ; remodeling ; reasonable. Broad
way 1567.
DRESSMAKING Prices right, work guar
anteed. 311 Central bldg. Main 3408.
Tenth st.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
will sew bythe day. Phone East 777S.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes icw
Ing by day. East 6264.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 a day
Call Tabor 6205 Sunday or evening?.
DRESSMAKER. Tabor 3605. Prefers Out
by day. 7107 45th ave. S. E.
LADIES' suits, gowns, dresses. Call Ta
bor 1.VJ6L
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phone Sell
wood 1657.
RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman with
baby 2 yrs., housekeeping for bachelor
or widower; good home more than big
wages. J. R. K., 1630 East 6th. city.
WANTED Plain sewirnr. children's a
specialty, S3 E. Washington. East
7G25. Mrs. Edwards.
WANTED By refined widow, position as
housekeeper for widower. C 92S. Ore
gonian. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes position
In institution or will take private cases.
H 203, Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED child's nurse; will take
care of children evenings; references.
Marshall 1723.
WANTED Nursing by practical nurse;
coniinements prer erred. Main 043 even
ings, room 1.
TRAINED nurse experienced and reliable
wisnes more cases. Marshall 349.
NURSE going east will travel with cmid
or invalid. bast
YOUNG lady with 2-year-old baby wishes
position as housekeeper in - convenient
home of one or two people, or would
care for children at the beach. East
3451, apt. B.
RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman
would like housework 41 days a week.
Call or write Mrs. Schultx, 1404 Kerby,
north end Peninsula park.
YOUNG woman with 1-year-old child
wishes position In 6mall family or house
keeping for gentleman; good references.
AK 805. Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wants to care for rooming
house or wait table where experience
Tint necessary. Call from 11 to 12 only.
Phone Marshall 1156.
YOUNG woman with little girl wishes po
sition as housekeeper for wmower jn
city. 5702 86th court. S. E. ML Scott
car. Sixth ave. sta.
KK FINED middle-axed woman wishes po
sition as housekeeper ana companion or
nurse and companion; u. a. lamuy pre
ferred. Marshall 3617.
MIDDLE-AGED lady, with boy and girl.
wants position as nouseKeeper oy aepi a,,
home more than wages; In our out of
town. N 601, Oregonian.
hotki. hnukerer. caoable. 8 years exp
S, r . and Portland reierences, ueau im
position Spt. 1 in good peruana noiej.
G 015, Oregonian.
t a t-v nf refinement would like nosition
as nouseKeeper in rrnneu wiuuwcr
home; neat and reliable. sua, ore
gonian. TOURIST widow wants housekeeping.
pleasant home more man wass. ii.,
country or camp. B ...
RELIABLE middle-aged woman wishes
position as nouseaeeper, ue vi i-w
... 1 .- k.A. Uain SAQ1
tiemen. m ij -.
WANTED A position as housekeeper in
nice rennea nome. bu "-V J
widow with boy 15. Woodlawn 3Jft2.
WANTED by respectable widow, middle
age, position as nouseaeeper ior vac
more men. AH 803, Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wishes position ss house
keeper; good noma rmusi n.u ui(u
wages. East 4661.
COCK Capable young woman wishes
cooKing ior mutu, v
PRIVATE housekeeping or cooking by
middle-aged woman, x- o,
RELI ABLE woman wants day work; 50c
per nouirii"w
XaDOr njmv bJ-Bu.B, ..w -
ing and vacuum cleaning; estimates
cheerfully given. Best of references.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailored suits.
street dresses. i.itvy "
Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. Phone
3 1 6-06. '
EX PERIENCED woman, wants work 5
days a ween, ouc per uour, vn..
Phone after 6 P. M. Mrs. Brown,
Bdwy. 317.
A DEPENDABLE nurse cares for children
evenine. tne sica inxouaa mo uaj. war
shall 349. - .
WOULD like a place aa second girl or to
assist with house worn in a smaii xamiiy.
Call East 6456.
EXPERIENCED colored chambermaid
wants position. Call all week. Bdwy.
EXPERIENCED girl would like chamber
work or nurse maid. Broadway 4791.
GIRL 17 wants to assist housework. Mar.
WOMAN wants washing .ironing or clean
ing by day. fnone case
5 OR 6-ROOM house In desirable neigh
luThnnd to lease ior two years oy reua
ble couple with baby. Tabor 2935. 5905
Slid s. E.
WANTED by Sept. 1. a 5 or 6-room un
furnished flat, close In, long time lease.
AF 774. Oregonian.
FURNISHED or partly furnished 5-room
Jefferson high schcooL East 7037, bet,
9 and 12.
5 OR 6 room bungalow, up-to-date with
improvements in. Alberta district: state
terms. B. H. Hollingsworth. lo73 62d
st. N.
TO RENT A five or six-room house In
outskirts of city; Park Rose. Garden
Home or Hawthorne-ave. districts. AL
828. Oregonian.
WISH to rent by Sept. 1, 5 or 6-room
unfurnished -house or bungalow with ga
rage if possible; will pay up to (50 per
month. Call East 821(3.
WANTED To rent, lease preferred. 7 or
S-room house on west sioe or irving
ton; small family, adults, best of refer
ences. Main 7855.
WANTED To rent, a bungalow of not
leas than six rooms, on or before ept.
1. No children. Best references. aone
E. 5902. Main 7070.
5-room house, place for garden and
chickens, prefer Sellwood, reliable, no
children. A uregonian.
FAMILY of 3 want to rent a 5-room bouse;
ore far a house on paved road a little
ways out f town on one of the roads
south of Portland. A us, uregonian.
YOUNG couple would like to rent mod
ern 4 or 5-room unfurnished home In
desirable neighborhood. WlU lease.
Phone Tabor 3740.
WANTED Furnished tent bouse on a
Tillamook beach for last 2 weeks of
August. Call Monday, lidwy. ttu.
WANTED To rent furnished house or
fiat, about 5 rooms. Vernon district; A-l
references. Pederson. Woodlawn 6120.
WANTED to rent, a 5 or 6-room bunga
low furnished. Mr. Phillips. Broad
way 30O6.
WANTD By careful people, nicely fur
nished modern 4 or 5-room bungalow,
flat or house. Tabor 8182.
WANTED For the winter, beginning Sep
tember 1, furnished or unfurnished house
in Irvington. Phone woodlawn &4itf.
WANTED to rent, large furnished house
suitable for boarding house, to re
sponsible party. Phone S14-6S.
WANTED To rent 3 or 6-room cottage;
permanent; best of references. J 176,
WANTED To rent five or six-room mod
- ern house by reliable couple. Call Bdwy.
3848. Ask for Fraiser.
5-ROOM bungalow or house, preferably in
Rose City Park, win lease ior l year
references. Tabor 2Q36.
WANTED At once, a ' small, desirable
house by two elderly people; will not
destroy property, fnone laoor iw.
WANT to rent 5-6-room bungalow, in or
near Portland, furnished, with some land
preferred. AR aOt, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished house. 6 or
9 rooms. References. 1 year or longer.
AN sou, Oregonian.
WANT modern house In good neighbor
hood, furnished or unfurnished : re
sponsible people; will lease. Tabor 901O.
FIVE to 7-room modern furnished house.
first-class location, paved street, furnace.
single or double garage, iast 7b 60.
WANTED To rent, by responsible party.
6 or 7-room modern bungalow; garage.
lease. Can Marshall 4Uj.
WANTED In Irvington district, strictly
modern six-room house, rent not over
J 50. Call E. 4512.
WANTED S mall furnished house or flat.
WANTED to rent, 5-room bouse. Sunny
side preferred, permanent tenant, will
lease If desired. Phone Woodlawn 8353
SMALL furnished house by responsible
couple; must be modern. AL 888, Ore
gonian. WANT to rent furnished flat on west
side, by adults. Call Main 5009.
WANTED Modern 4 or 5-room house, flat
or apartment for family of 2. Mala 1166.
WANT 10 or 12-room house, partly tar
nished. Mrs. Morris. 145 13th N.
CONGENIAL refined couple would
mode rn home, garage. East 7860.
6-ROOM house with or without garage, for
family of three. Call Marshall 564 2.
WANTED. TO RENT 6 or 7-room house in
rood ncLshborhood, AG b23 Oregoniaa.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats
with definite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find thia
bureau of great value In helping them
get properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WANTED Permanently, 6 large room,
modern, unfurnished bouse with yard In
Piedmont or Walnut Park district pre
ferred. Write or phone full descrip
tion, condition, location and rental. J.
F. Steins, manager Coast Culvert A
Flume, Co. Kenton Station. Wdl. 8171.
RELIABLE couple, without children, neat
and particular tenants, desire to rent
in good residence district a 5 or 8-room
bungalow, partly furnished or unfur
nished; must have hardwood floors, fire
place and furnace; can give hign-clas
references and desire a year's lease or
longer. Phone Tabor 8454.
RESPONSIBLE business man with small
family would like to rent B or 6-room
unfurnished modern house with garage,
Laurelhurst, Irvington or Rose City pre
ferred; best of references B 911, Ore
gonian. COUPLE living at hotel wants aix-room
home for two months; must be well fur
nished; will pay $100 per month; best
of references. AH 879, Oregonian.
WANT to rent a house on west side;
need 6 or 7 rooms; would consider an
old house In need, of repair; will pay
925 per month; would like it near 13th
and Montgomery st. T 970. Oregonlon.
WANTED Furnished home or flat with 3
bedrooms by 4 adults, careful and re
sponsible tenants, 6 morflhs or year; murt
be clean, modern and reasonable. AK
803, Oregonian!
5 TO 7-ROOM modern home with g a rags
In Laurelhurst, Rose City Park, Irving
ton or Alameda. Will lease for 1 to 2
years; no children. Best of references.
E 606, Oregonian.
W NT house at Tillamook beach for last
two weeks In August: must be fur
nished and large enough for two adults
and five children. Write L. D. Brown,
Dallas, Or.
WANTED To rent unfurnished 6-room or
mnra house or bunKaloW. strictly mod
ern ; Al references, six months' rent
paid In advance if desired. East 6141.
WANTED Modern furnished house of
6 or 8 rooms, till March, oy reuaoie
family. Irvington district preferred. Ste
Mr. Myers, Hotel Benson. '
WANTED Cottage at Rockaway after
Aug. 15. Taoor 5Utt.
WANTED A 5 or 6-room heated unfur
nished apt. in first-class apt. nouse.
For 3 adults, refined and responsible
people. West side preferred. Can give
best of references. L 917. Oregonian.
WANTED 4 or 5-room unfurnished apart
ment with private batn; must oe sinew?
modern; west side preferred. Can give
best of references. East 4506.
LADY. EMPLOYED, desires one or two-
room apartment In ltrt class apartment
house. E 932, Oregonian.
WANTED 2-3-4-room furnished apart
ment, Sept. 1; year's lease. Woodiawn
WANTED Nice 3 or 4-room unfurnished
apt. for man and wife. Marshall 32 after
1 P. M.
COUPLE wants 2 or 3-room desirable apt.
on or before Sept. i; reierenuea.
60, room 550. .
WANTED Apartment or 1 or 2 rooms with
private batn, close in ; state v
761, Oregonian.
3-ROOM unfurnished apartment, will
ease. Call Mrs, rteaa. .iain qq.
WANT to rent furnished flat on west
side, by adults. Jaii Jiain oim.
ROOM with running water, with or with
out board, by gentleman. Prefer West
over Terrace or a location near St. Vin
cent's hospital. Main 623.
ROOM wanted for business man; board
considered; references. N 982, Orego
nian. WANTED 3 or 4 furnished rooms In Uni
versity Park district or St. Johns. Co
lumbia 563. m. . .
WANTED to rent. 3 unfurnished rooms or
fiat, adults: references. East 7775.
Rooms With Board.
MIDDLE-AGED gentleman wishes room
and board, private family (not a board
ing house). Elderly lady owning home
with garden and chickens preferred.
References: United States National bank.
Crown-Willamette Paper Co. Phone
room 420. Seward hotel. If not In, leave
telephone number.
WANTED By young man employed in
office, excellent habits, room and 2 or 3
meals per day; 1 or 2 tables for study
will be required; prefer south Portland;
please give address and phone number
and state how many roomers you have.
Address C 616. Oregonian.
for little girl of 7 where she will have
piano for practice and the care of a
motherly woman. Mother, who is busi
ness woman, also desires room and board
in same vicinity. AR 805. Oregonian.
rivni.v two adults, one 6-year-old girl,
wants good room, board and garage
space in good residence uiainct h
side; particularly want good playground
space for child. AP 808. Oregonian.
WANT to rent, with prospect of buying
later, 6 or 7-room bungalow with ga
rage in good residence district on east
side; small family; references. Phone
J. A. Davidson, Main uays oniy.
WANTED Home for small boy of 3 years;
must be with refined people where he
will be given mother's care; prefer
i v. o-a fa b n ranm also. E 928.
Oregonian. .
WANTED Room and board In private
family for Italian girl, aged 21. Good
home rather than cheap price. Phone
Marshall 3403. call mr. r isner.
WANTED In private home, board and
room for an east side business man and
13-year-old boy. Address O.. 687 E. Mor
rison at.
WANTED By a gentleman, room and
tBn rronln a dav in a nrivate family;
prefer a widow's home where there are
no other roomers. An .:. vrgmnnwii.
Housekeeping Rooms.
WANTED By elderly lady, well heated
nne-room and kitchenette apartment,
house or private family; permanent.
Tabor 2396.
w a xted Un-f urnished room H. K.. prl
vate family, elec., gas. heat, phone; nice
place. Mra. Brown. ast liwo.
Business Places.
WANTED Storeroom. Want to rent
store. In business district, size about
35x20. D 970, Oregonian.
WANTED To lease, 20 to 2 5 -room build
ing sultaoie ror sanitarium , must os
close in. Call Main 433 between 1 and 5
P. M. .
DESIRE to hire furniture for bedroom.
living room and nan ior penoa o mos.
No children. Tabor 1808.
LARGE bake shop, lance enough for six
bakers; lease by the year; give full par
ticulars. M S1, Oregonian.
SOME very good clean sleeping rooms. 208
17th. near lay ior.
Furnished Rooms.
NEAT and ciean rooms. 315 Fargo at., be
tween Williams and Union aves. Phone
East 6126.
SARGENT HOTEL Housekeeping and
sleeping rooms, roone .at zui
Grand ave.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at Tenth.
Rates $1 a day up; weekly, $5 up; free
phone ana patns.
$1 DAY, $2.50 week up; clean, baths free.
Hotel, inira, near jeiierson
NICELY furnished sleeping room, hot and
cold water. 269 Fifth st.
NICELY furnis'bed front room. 738 John
on bet. 22d and 23d. Main 3796.
OHIO HOTEL Housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms. 266 Front, corner Madison.
NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms. 414
Market at, Men only.
LARGE, light sleeping room, suitable for
2; walking distance. 511 Columbia.
FURNISHED room, use of piano. 552
Everett, automatic 512-71.
FURNISHED room. 235 Kort 11 la. sL, near
Multnomah club. Main 4171.
4-ROOM corner apt.. $50. 114 Eleventh st.
Marshall 1 1 63
KICE. airy room for rent, walking dis
tance, west side. Main 2373.
FURNISHED room near Broadway bridge.
434 Larrabee. East 5914
ONE large front furnished sleeping room,
free phone. 592 4th st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance, free phone. 592 4th st.
NICELT furnished rooms. H. K.. and
sleeping, at 37 I'axnhiU st.
Furnished Boon
207 14TH ST.
Furnished and L H. K. rooms, modern,
close in, best location In city, transients,
a home away from home.
One of the best residential hotels In
the city ; good home cooking, family
style, with large, light, airy outside
rooms, hot and cold water In every room.
3d and Montgomery. Main 70W4.
124 14th st., at Washington.
Rates, to per week up. $1 day. Fire
proof, large attractive, spotless rooms.
close to amusement and shopping center.
East Morrison at., at East Sixth.
The principal east side hotel; dignified
and refined; $1.25 per day and up; 36
per week and up.
Fifth and Washington Sta.
Attractive rates to permanent guests
Commodious suites for families.
Transients. 31 and up.
Pleasant, desirable all outside rooms,
phones, elevator. $5 per week up.
Morrison and Park sts.
New. fireproof and modern.
Special rates to permanent guests.
1314 11th street, between Washlnrton
and Alder, clean, modern rooms, privats
oatns; it per day up; 4 per week up
corner Washington; transient and per
manent; spotless rooms, $5 per week
and up; phone, private paths,
25 Trinity place, pleasant outside
rooms, weca up; si per oay.
LARGE, cleun. attractively furnished
rooms, suitable for one or two adults,
near shipyards. 573 Third st.
HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Nice.
modern, cluan rooms, at transient and
permanent rates.
ST. PAUL HOTEL 130 Fourth St.. clean.
modern, respectable. Transients 31 up.
Permanent $5 up.
and open-air sleeping porch, private
family ; very clean. 4o5 Market.
CORNER ROOM., furnished in ivory, all
modern conveniences. Ilrst-ciass apart
ment, close in. Y 914, Oregonian.
HOTEL RAMAPO. Washington st. at 14th.
rooms so and up per wee; also I a mil j
suites of 2 and 3 rooms and bath.
RALEIGH BLDG.. 327 Washington, mod
ern sleeping rooms, apartments.
NEATLY furnished room. 180 Grand ave
corner Oregon. E. b2o9.
I'nfurnlshed Rooms.
NICE and airy unfurnished sleeping room.
private family; across Broadway bridge.
wa t;rosoy. ,
ONE UNFURNISHED room, suitable for
business, also housekeeping or sleeping
rooms, reasonable. 12 on 6th st.
ROOMS to rent, 1 couple only. 509 Mill
st. Marshall 2772.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
4 LARGE furnished rooms on lower floor.
between m. and Union ave car lines.
Large yard, flowers, garden and fruit.
fhone Eat
DESIRABLE room, suitable for two. 329
13th it, between Clay and Market. Main
COMFORTABLE room with or without
board, reasonable. Also housekeeping
room. East 3753.
NEWLY FURNISHED Outside room with
bat h, 32.50 week for one, 4 for two.
273 h Columbia st., bet. 3d and 4tn.
LA HGE room, suitable for 2, In private
home, easy walking distance to business
district. lus ix. i&m, joroauway oi.
LARGE size front room, steam heated, flat,
gentleman or lady. Can have kitchen
privileges if desired, otxi (joucn. apt, o.
NICE, cool room, modern home, wlt,h
kitchen privileges. 663 E. Salmon. Bast
7 too.
CLEAN, airy room in American home
with or without garage; meals if desired
o;o i-idBi jiHuiaua bi
WALKING distance, cheerful, fins porch,
ya"d; $15 to 125. 655 Everett, Broad
way awi.
CLEAN", auiet room, convenient, reason
ab'e; 382 Ross st., 2 blks. Broad w ay
FRONT room, nrivate home, refined, con
genial family, walking distance. Mar
CLEAN front sleeping rooms, suitable for
two; gentlemen p re i erred. ao juont
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, close in,
best car service, home privileges. East
DKS1RABLE furnished rooms. refined
home, west side; ladies only. Marshall
3 too.
CLOSE IN, 2 clean, comfortable rooms for
men, 3, 4 week; o min. ousiness center.
54 h N. 15th st.. corner Davis st.
LARGE room in private family; hot water
heat. 687 East 9th, Sellwood car, on
Beacon st
PLEASANT front sleeping room. Price
$12 a month. For gentleman. 451 10th
st. s.
NICELY furnished front room, upstairs,
light and airy, suitable for 2; reason
able. Call Tabor i3o.
FOR RENT Two airy front rooms; home
privileges; gentlemen preferred. Phone
and open-air sleeping porch, private
family; very ciean. oo aaaraet.
NICELY furnished room with privilege of
hath and phone, walking distance, west
Side. o'.l Harrison st. fhone Main 4o."
LARGE corner room with or without
breakfast. 469 h. Stephens st. Lui
NICE room, suitable for one or two young
men, walking distance, $10. 667 Gllsan
st. Broadway
DESIRABLE room with uee of kitchen
girl employed, walking distance. Main
PRETTY bedroom, all conveniences. Rose
City Park home, reasonable to young
lady. Tabor 4oQ.
FURNISHED room, all modern conven
lances. 564 Couch, apt. 3. bet. 17th and
NICELY furnished room suitable for 1 or
feryon. Main 6746. "
CLEAN, airy rooms, single or en suite
would look after child for mother em
ployed. bH3 East Madison.
FURNISHED room in modern home. Phone
NICE sleeping room with garage. Tabor
269 14TH, near Jefferson, choice rooms.
warning distance. .Main sovd.
ROOM Near Couch school, suitable for
two. Broadway 4572.
FURNISHED room with breakfast. East
FURNISHED room with board. 407 Clay
st. Main S3.
ONE nice, light room with sleeping porch.
iuu rioyt st.
AIRY front bedroom, 1 or 2 gentlemen.
Mars nan now. 24s 1 jtn st.
LARGE, airy room, suitable for two. 160
N. 21st, ijroadway US7.
FOR RENT Nice front sleeping room,
walking distance. 60 N. 21st. Main 5223,
NICELY furnished room in walking dls
tance. --to rsortn zutn sx.
N ICELY furnished room in modern homi
for 1 or 2. Bdwy. 5371. 147 N. 17th
35 E. 16TH st. North, cor. of Couch, 1
larse room ior rent.
COSY room for one, walking distance, ren
reasonable. Marshall 43.
EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant room, all con
venlence?. west siae. Main &33o.
SLEEPING room for rent; walking dis
. l11 m TATU
PITRX1SH ED room, modern: calkins- dis
tance. East 353, 440 E. Clay, cor 7th.
MODERN furnished room, private flat.
Marshall SIM.
SLEEPING ROOM for rent, walking dis
tance, can cast ioia.
NICE corner room In modern home, $1:
per month, ai-i . ia.
THREE unfurnished rooms, private home.
261 Chapman st,, cor. Madison. W. S.
LARGE front room, well furnished, walk
ing distance. 59 N. 20th. Bdwy. 5564
LARGE furnished room, separate beds,
moderate rent, rxvj Market st. w.
FOR RENT Large, clean, front room in
private lamuy. 4U7 r airpanks at.
NICELY furnished rooms. $16; walking
distance. ou- jiarnet. rnone Mar. 3460.
NICELY furnished, extra large room, all
home privileges, to lady. Tahor 8831.
QL'IET and well -furnished rooms In prl
vate residence, on .tn ortn ;mn st.
ROOM, modern, $3 week. 547 6th st, wes
sine, close in. Main
j run n.c.-w oiwtt v ' ""Ul IVUU WHO
i parage room, i.9b.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
TWO large furnished sleeping rooms, one
witn sleeping porch, four blocks iroin
Broadway bridge ; Cherry Court. 255
Cherry st. ; take Broadway car to Van
couver ave., thence one block south.
Phone East 6399.
VERY reasonable, nicely furnished room
in refined, modern home, close in; la
dies preferred; references exchanged.
Tabor 5950.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sdulta
only; iiRht, gas. not and cold water in
cluded, large basement; rent 327.50. 425
6th. near Hall st.
PLEASANT room for 1 or 2 persons, em
ployed; meals II desired; good locality ;
convenient car service: not far out; re
fined private home. Call Wdln. 3170.
VERY nleasant room, nicely furnished. In
a very nice residence, l oioca xrom
Mount Tabor car line, on o3d and Mor
rison. $15 a month. Phone Tabor 8850.
FOR RENT" Large furnished room, suit
aoie ior two. batn and telephone, walk
ing distance, close to three car lines. 106
st. North. Phone Main 2SB9,
CHtE in. very desirable room with
Dreaaiast; also weil-vcntllated basement
room; ideal location and surroundings.
469 Clay t. Main 2228.
EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished clean
rooms: 15-minuta walk to business cen
ter; reasonable. Automatic 51-43, or
145 H N. 21st st.
FURNISHED room, rent free; answer
pnone 3 evenings a week and every
other Sunday ; board in same block.
l aoor 4313.
ROOM with sleeping porch, clean, light
anu io minutes' walk to bin ana an.
Irving sL. near 20th. west side. Marshall
4 4 151.
CLEAN, lilght basement H. K. room for
one or two wonting men, reaonaoie. vi
jencrson, corner otrv.
ONE large, newly furnished, airy front
room, absolutely clean, every conven
ience, suitable for two. 315 Yamhill st.
ATTRACTIVE, coav suite of rooms in re
iineo home, ideal ror two reituea ousiness
ladles; Nob Hill. Main 7895.
LARGE, clean front room, all conveniences.
walking distance, near 3 car lines, suit
able Ior 2 people employed. East loltf.
A LARGE airy corner room In beautiful
irvington. convenient lor 2; cooking
privileges if desired; reasonable. K.4852.
DESIRABLE front sleeping room. All con
veniences. 4lo W . iroadway.
LARGE, airy room, suitable for two. 160
-n . ist sl Broadway u7.
NICELY furnished room, west side, walking
distance. 61 21st N. Main 84.
Rooms With Board.
Two of the best-known residential
hotels on Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath
$2.50 a day up; rates by das or month.
Meals served to t ransien ta.
2 EAN'NK D ARC Furntxned rooms, with
r without board, for business girls and
lady tourists. Dot manent or transion
Epeclai features within the limitation
I tne roiuimum waxe smrrter. a pe
and up. 265 14th sc Main 4119.
NORTON! A HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you all the comforts of a home.
reasonable rates.
NICE comfortable. modern ' room with
board; walking distance; west side; tor
gentleman. Price reasonable. Automatic
380 Tenth st. For business girls and
students; reasonable rates. Mar.
ROOM and board for business girls: all
modern conveniences: walking distance
$5 per week. Aut. 21-974. 12 E. 7th st.
WILL rive room and board In nice home
to high school girl in exchange for
light services. Call Tabor 7920.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
LOVELY large room with sleeping porch
and large ciotnes Closet witn oreuKiai
and dinner ; walking distance on Eas
Side; within block of car. Phone Eas
WILL take into my home child three years
old or older and" give best of care, can
give good references. Am college graau
ate and formerly teacher. AV 235, Ore
CLOSE in, very desirable room with
breakiast; also wen-ventilated Duemeni
room ; ideal location and surroundings.
4y uiay t Main s.
NICELY furnished front room with board
for two. also garage If desired; also room
on a n oar ; waiaing aiaiance. x-uu
East oilo. '
ON E well-furnished double room in prl
vate hotel: home cookinjr. modem coon
veniences. Call East 8U89 for appoint
ONE nice room, suitable for man and wife
or 2 men, first-class board, lots of hot
water, shower Dams, taoie ooara who
out room. 681 Glisan st.
ONE nicelv furnished front room In pri
vate family, with board, $40 per month
reier wmower wim one or two cuu
dren. 171 N. 17th st. Bdwy. oiiu.
WANTED To take care of little girl
mother's care; best of references. 112
S. Ivan hoe, bt. Johns.
FOR RENT Newly furnished room in at
tractive new bungalow; home privileges.
Breakfast if desired. wain. atii.
WELL-FURNISHED room with board in
comfortable refined home, fine neigh
borhood, near car line. Tabor biOl.
GOOD home for 2 working girls in widow's
home; walking distance: either board
or light housekeeping. attffr otn st.
CHILDREN may receive good care in sub
urban home of refined, responsible worn
an. sellwood Z7a.
WANTED By Sept. 3, a school girl to
work for room and board and some
wages. Call Main 2122.
WASTED For comoany. a lady boarder
room, board, $20 month. Ella Finney, K.
2, Gervais, or.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, prl
vate home, near Broadway bridge. 408
NICE front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen,
along with home-cooked meals; modern.
2"5 N. 21st-
WANTED Small children to care for by
month: can give best of references. Ta
bor 953.
ROOM and board in private home. East
83C3. 599 E. Salmon.
PRIVATE home tor children. 714 Everett.
GOOD room, home cooking for 1 or 2.
Walking distance. E.8104.
ROOM, board, one or two gentlemen,
private home. 576 Ladd ave. East 233.
ROOM and board for 2 men, home privi
leges. Call Wdln. 2341.
FURNISHED ROOM with board, modern
and reasonable. 686 Gllsan st. nr. 21st.
LARGE modern room. 431 West Park st.
Furnished Apartments.
PEABODY APTS.. 19th and Upshur.
Housekeeping apartments. 1. 2 and 3-sm.
Steam heat: reasonable. Broadway 1546.
t AND 4-ROOM furnished apts.; steam
heat, free phone. 27th and Sandy blvd..
1 blk. from 2 car lines. 843 Nelson st.
3 NICE, clean, large rooms for- H. K. ;
new furniture and carpets. Walking dis
tance. 20 East 15th st., cor. Ash.
FOR RENT My 8-room furnished apt.,
private bath, until Sept. 15. 554 East
Madison, cor. 13th. Call before 12 o'clock.
SROOM furnished outside apt. The El
bridge, 274 N. 21st st. Bdwy. 4730.
4-ROOM. comer, front apartment, $00.
Lucille Court. 228 N. 20th.
THE STANSFIELD, 204 Porter St., modern
2-room apt., 122. Main 7392.
2 AND 3-room furnished apartments rea
son a bi erenLCaillJroadwayJSj
MORTON apts., 3-room furnished apt 69
Washington street. Main 1082.
FURNISHED apartment, pleasant place,
close In. yard, nice porch. 105 E. 11th.
GARFIELD, rooms, sleeping porch. 361
E. Fall lag, aiacs: west union.
FURNISHED 2-room apt.. $20; bath, walk
ing distance. 480 East Washington.
WANTED Young lac"y to share apart
ment ;closeinJlila352.
3-ROOM furnished apt., with bath. light
and water furnished. $32.50. S82 E. Ash.
UPSHUR APTS. 2-room furnished apts.,
$15 per month up. 406 N. 26th st
apartments. 207 H 2d st.
THE FLORENCE. 888 11th st.. 3 and
4-room furnished apts; close in,
DENNISON apt.. 2 and 3-room furnished
apt. 1027 Belmont st.
NICELY furnished apartment, first floor.
117 N. 18th aL
3-R&OM furnished apt., $62.30. Juliana
Apts.. 45 Trrnlty Place, Marshall 983.
ALBERT APT. Neatly furnished, steam
heat, private bath. 840 Mississippi ave.
2-ROOM modern apt., with private bath.
$35. 402 3d st.
THE BERKELEY. 39 Trinity Place: fur
nished 3 and 4-room apt., now available.
3-ROOM nice apt., light and clean, walk
ing distance. $25. East 3rQ5.
PLEASANT front room and alcove; free
phone and light; adults. 347 Hut!.
LIGHT and airy 2-room apartment. 455
6i& st. Mala 61W5,
Furnhhe0 Apartments.
Fifth and Columbia Streets.
Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's
store; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern, outside, with French doors and bal
cony. Permanent and transient.
1 2 and 3-room apts. and sleeping
porch, beautifully furnished In Chinese
rugs and willow furniture; also bachelor
suite and single rooms and bath; reter
ences required. Marshall 2S3U.
V O adults, six rooms and sleeping porch,
which Is 17 feet above ground; hot water
heat, completely furnished, always hot
water In bath and kitchen, beautiful
view of Mts. Hood and 6L Helena from
dining room windows; can be seen Sun
day Want permanent tenant. Phone
oo-oj or can a.'jj, Montgomery at.
UiSfc- PORTLANDS loveliest, cleanest
apartments, 4 rooms, newly furnished;
all large, light airy outside rooms;
splendidly attractive and very homelike.
Apts., 377 Vancouver ave.. Just across
th Broadway bridge; block north
of Broadway.
A newly furnished 3-room apartment
with 2 disappearing beds and outside
balcony. Call Main 3bS3. Price $75 ;
aduits only; will rent by. week or month.
68 Grand ave.. Hi min. walk to city; 3
room tarnished apt. ; private bath, re
frigerator, bed linen luruisheu; free
phone, automatic elevator; $4u and $45.
East 208.
189 N. 23d St.
3-room furnished apartment, strictly
modem, private phone and bath ; rea
sonable rate. Appiy to R. g. Cafey.
NICELY furnished 2-room bas'.-ment apt..
team ne.; no extra charge for prlate
phone and electric lights; adults only;
$3o month. Lincoln apts.. 4th and Lin
3-room apts., $27. 50 to $40;. private
bath, phone service. 13 minutes' walk
to 5th and Aider sts. Union ave. and
East Davis st. E. 2S46.
FURNISHED apartment for man and wife;
no children; rent and wages to wife in
exchange for chamber work ; man can
get work nearby easily. Address AG
&23. Oregonian.
VERY nicely furnished 2-room apt. with
Kitchenette and private bath; 1 or X
adults only. Easy walking distance,
$37.50 pt:r month. 24 E. 8th st. N.
East 8472.
CORNER apartment. 3 rooms, bath, al
cove, sleeping porch, flower boxes, piano,
telephone and library, mahogany and
wicker furniture. Irvington. $70. East
3 rooms, large closet and bath, whits
enamel finish, nicely furnished and clean.
Irvington district, 11th and Hancock.
East 4019.
NEW APT., large room, built-in furniture,
wall bed, dressing room, bath, kitchen
ette and hall; gas heat, private home;
- Linnton road, near St. Johns ferry. $23.
Phone Columbia 985.
Three-room furn. apt.; two disappear
ing beds, tiled bath, dressing room, etc;
strictiy .first-class; $75; adults; refer-
ences. 4 15 loth. Main 6Q00.
SMALL family to occupy 4 large, ean,
richly furnished rooms In old, private
residence; piano, 2 fireplaces, fine view,
large yard, west side; walking distance.
References. BJ 448, Oregonian.
Fur. basement apt., with all mod
ern conveniences, $55. See Mr. Ballia,
Wakefield, Fries & Co., 85 4th St.
Completely furn. three-room apt. In
flrst-ciaas apt. house, 5 min. walk; $70;
adults. 229 11th. Main 8397.
DESIRABLE 3 or 4-room apartment, with
sleeping porch: 3-room ground floor
apartment, private porch and entrance.
750 Ho yt st. Main 1552.
PORTNOMAH 3 rooms, newly papered,
ivory finish, glassed sleeping porch,
hardwood floors, walking distance, $55;
adults. Ii00 Eat 13th.
LEEDS APARTMENTS 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments, also sleeping rooms; mod
ern, fireproof biock. private baths, clean,
reasonable. 210 Market st.
FOR RENT Two-room furnished apart
,ment In nice home; good district; walk
ing distance: running water, gas and
electricity; call Monday. 106 N. 18th st.
2-roorn H. K apt., sleeping room a
545 Washington st., between iuth-17th;
$3.5u week up Broadway 148.
One 3 and 1 4: beautifully furnished,
modern apartments; walking distance,
w est side. Ca 1 1 Main 0375.
FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment,
also one front room with kitchenette.
404 Park st.
2-ROOM front apartment, well furnished,
hrst floor, private entrance, $35. Close in,
west side. 474 Clay. Marshall 4194.
PLEASANT sunny 3-room furnished apart
ment, bath and porch. Walking distance.
Call 43 Berkeley apts.. 39 Trinity place.
TWO-ROOM furniehed apartment wlta
light and heat, $o0. Gray Gables, 289
Teuth st.
MARVIN apes., E. 7th and Taylor sts.;
furnished 2 and 3-room outside apts.,
pho ne and 11 ghts included. Call East 44.
HOUSEKEEPING single rooms, modern,
close in, $12 to $25 per month. 147
13th st.
2 ROOMS and private bath, rent $22.50
including water, garbage and use of
phone. Phone Woodlawn 6111.
HOME privilege, music lessons, piano, for
girl employed. Walking distance. Mala
2 rooms, furnished. $85. 11 East 14th.
East 207. "
Nicely furnished o-room apartment,
with balcony. $50. 22 d and Glisan.
CLEAN, modern apartment, suitable for
parties with children. 422 East Burn
side. La Roy apartments.
WOMAN employed will share modern 5
room flat with one or two ladies. Call
Sunday or evenings. East 6174.
FURNISHED 3-room apartment, private
bath, rent $32.50 up. Orderleigh Apt., 32
Grand ave. at E. Stark st -
FURNISHED apartment. 5 rooms, front
and sleeping porches, $125. Call in morn
ing. Marshall 1073.
TWO and three-room, furnished apart
ments. 1135 Albina ave. Penninsula
2 AND 3-ROOM FLATS, running water
In rooms; close in. 444 East Oak at.
$19 month and up. Call Main 4810.
FRONT APT- 1 big room with kitchenette,
light, airy, clean; west side; lights, gas,
water. Brwy 1371.
3-ROOM furnished apartment at 210
14th st., near Salmon; can be Inspected
after 7 P. M. Phone Main 32ol.
TWO rooms and kitchenette, suitable for
3 people, reasonable rent 306 Broad
way. FOUR and 5-room modern apt., near two
car lines. 5G3 Rodney ave.; reasonable
rent. East 3862.
2-room apt., strictly modern. Phona
Broadway 4140
4-ROOMS partly furnished, $15 per month.
Main 7135.
C n f urnUurd A part men ts.
ATTRACTIVE three-room apartment for
rent, white enamel finish, hardwood
floors, tiled bath, strictly new and mod
ern. Etna apartments, 20 la and East
Burn?ide sts.
TWO 4-room apartments for rent. Apply
to janitor at Caruthers Apartments, cor
ner 1st and Caruthers su. or 215 Mor
rison st.
3 ROOMS and private bath, rent $18.50,
including water, garbage and us of
phone. Phone Woodlawn 6111.
2-ROOM APT. This is a nice one, close
In; very little furniture required. Rex
fod apt Main 553.
VACANT August 15. modern, unfurnished
5-room. steam heated, front apartment.
witn sleeping porcn; soo. Main 4i4.
DESIRABLE 3-room apartment for rent
with furniture for sale, reasonable.- 570
Couch st. Bdwy. 3031.
2-ROOM unfurnished apt., splendid loca
tion, private bath, disappearing bed, $32.
Westonia apt. Aut. 5r6-19.
4-ROOM steam-heated apartment, lory
woodwork, private bath; only $35; west
side. J 607, Oregonian.
CORNER apartments, 3 rooms, balcony
and sleeping porch, Irvington district.
East 4619.
2- ROOM apartment, very desirable, walk
ing distance. 30 Clay st.
3- ROOM unfurnished apt., with porch. 10
St. Ciair sL Mar. 3555.
3-ROOM, third floor, front h. k. suite,
reasonable. 631 Hoyt. Broadway 4040.
Furnished or 1 nfurnished AMtrtnie--lw.
NICE front bedroom with kitchenette,
furnished or not; walking dista nee and
rMe to shipyard. 758 Front st, Marshall