16 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. AUGUST 3, 1920 HELP WANTED MALE. HIOH-SCHOOL graduate looking for a. vo cation can secure employment and. ad vance to Important position. Experienced men of exceptional ability can frequently find openings with us in clerical positions with excellent oppor tunity for advancement. Applicants must be neat in appear ance, ambitious and furnish satisfactory references. STANDARD OIL- CO.. YEQN BLDG. WB ARE looking for several high-grade men to become sales representatives for a client who has an unusual opportunity to offer. The character of the work is the highest grade and demands men with a reputation for honesty and fair dealing. The men who can be most suc cessful will be those who have a stand ing and a wide acquaintance. Your ap plication will be considered confidential. L 930. Oregonlan. 6ENIOR ACCOUNTANTS Firm of certi fied public accountants with large prac tice desires services of two or more senior accountants; exceptional oppor tunity for capable men with public ac counting experience as seniors in ful' charge and control of audits and who are of good character. AE 798, Orego nlan. Live salesman to handle ma chinery, popular line; must be financially responsible. -we are not selling territory; good money for the right man call and see what we have. 306 chamber ok commerce bldg. PRINTER wanted to work in open shop; also want operator who can take care of linotype; steady job, union scale, 8 hour day; Oregon .evening dally, except Sunday. Answer immediately giving qualifications, when can come. and salary expected. BJ 811. Oregonlan. . WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO WORK IN OREGON IAN MAILROOM SATUR DAYS AND SATURDAY NIGHTS. AP PLY TO ft. li. HENDERSON. IN MAIL ROOM. WANTED Bookkeeper, stenographer and general office man for small place of business; give age. refferences, phone, salary expected or no attention will be paid to your reply. AP 821. Oregonlan. FEW good men can secure steady em ployment by applying at the Portland Gas A Coke company's plant on the Llnnton road. Take free bus at 23d and Savter at 7:15 A. M. J IF IT'S HELP you want, cajl BROAD WAY 586. STAR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 24 North Second St. WANTED First-class clothing and fur nishing goods man, must be good sales man, capable of taking full charge of the mens department; good salary and commission, with good future. D. M. Nayberger. McMinnville. Or. WANTED Licensed electrician, good wages to the right man, must be reliable and know how to handle men; give ref erences and state experience; all confi dential. J 987, Oregonian, WANTED by large established Insurance ofrice, young man for solicitation all kinds of insurance, especially marine and surety bonds; salary, excellent future for right man. BF 8U5. Oregonian. UPHOLSTERERS wanted; perament posi sitions; first-class men only. Washington Mattress Co., Seattle. iilKALSOX Easy Starter company. Ever ett, Wash., wants absolutely reliable representatives. Sold 13U0 in Everett al ready; sell on sight; no charges for ex clusive territory. WANTED Young marrlea man to take charge of our Pendleton retail tea and coffee route; route established; bond re quired. Apply Jewel Tea Co., 21- Grand ave S. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open shop experienced machinist-blacksmith for work in city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak sta. WANTED AT ONCE First-class open shop experienced boilermakers and boii ermakers' helpers for work in city. Ap ply 520 Oregon bldg.. Fifth and Oak sts. W A NT E D N tG HT JAN ITOR. MUST COME WELL RECOMMENDED AND ABLE TO FURNISH BOND. EMPORI UM. 126 SIXTH STREET. WANTED Reliable young man over 2o as traveling collector for big company; ref erences, big money to hustler; must have car. Address AG 876, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED kodak and pen salesman, must be experienced and well recom mended. Multnomah Photo Supply Co.. 131 Broadway. BAN K messengers, excellent opportunity for advancement; answer in own hand writing, stating age. AC 434, Orego nian. BAKER WANTED for small shop, must be good on cakes and sweet dough goods. Phone or write at once. Clark's Bakery, The Dalles. Or. WANTED Boy for bank messenger, about 19 years old; state if studied bookkeep ' ing or operated adding machine, also relerence. ti vvv, uregmuau. XV a VTEn You n or married man for re tall tea and coffee route, in city: routes established; bond required. Apply jewel Tea Co.. Inc.. 21 Grand ave. S. WE ARE shooting pictures every day. If vaii r11v want to set into pictures, call Sunbeam Film Co.. 1020 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - HARRIED man with good reference for west-side route, must be a hustler; good wages and commission. Queen City Dye Works. 288 Grand ave. UPHOLSTERERS wanted for high-grade work, steady employment. Michaelson Bros., 5433 Foster road. Phone Tabor 7015. WANTED First-class man for large laun drv route in city, must be hustler and able to handle the public. H UoS, Ore gonian. BUSINESS MEN. If your need is trained, efficient office help, call Bdwy. 4499. Clerical Help Service, 529 Artisans Dldg. WANT tiecutters, new camp on head waters Green river: good timber, steady employment. Write Standard Timber Co., Evanston, Wyo. HAN to work on farm, some experience. work all year, good pay. Apply 226 Chamber of Commerce, Sea Wood Realty Co. WANTED Names men, boys over 16, wishing to become railway mall clerks; $133, $193 month Answer AV 030. Ore- gonian. AT ONCE All around Baker; best of wages; alt new machinery. LEIBS BAKERY. Albany, Oregon. WANTED Man for slaughter house and back-room work. Write or phone Dallas Meat Co., Dallas. Poik county. Oregon. WANTED Students to learn vulcanizing and retreading Irora Aaron, O., grad uate. 433 Stark st. CAMP bookkeeper and store keeper for logging camp in eastern Oregon ; must be perlenceq. I ail r,ast 42sta. WANTED MTg jeweler for out of town, Apply between 5 and P. M. Tuesday to S. A. Scnremer. rainier Hotel. WANT 500 cords wood hauled 240 rods, SI; or sell 14. 141 E. tkJth N. evening. Tn Dor iiioa. EXPERIENCED bakers' helper, bread and ca kt s. Central Mat. Bakery, 1 am hill st. WANTED Experienced window cleaners. American Window Cleaning Co., 703 Board of Trade bldg. WAN TED First-class sign painter to work in small town ; must be a good man. write a v oregonian. VAN wanted for general farm work. Pay S7U a montn. room and board. vi. Hem- rich, Clackamas. Or., box 6i. MANAGER suit house vestment. WANTED For cloak an in Portland. Must make in AV 22t, Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitors: railway brother. hood books or city publications. Clyde, :iu estocK tiXcnange. JUNIOR CLERK., good future in wholesal line; state age and references. AG 343, Oregonian. TO HI RE truck for hauling wood from country and car; state equipment. AC fct4, oregonian. FREE RENT, wood and water to married mendeslring sawmill work; school close. . Janffa Cole, Devitt. Or. - EXPERIENCED hall boy, Japanese pre ferred. Apply to housekeeper. Benson hotel. SECOND cook for first-class club; no shoe maker; $150. and room furnished.. Apply Chef, Waverley Country club. WANTED Good blacksmith, good oppor tunity for right niaji. UopeweU Garage, Amity. Or., route 1. ' ELDERLY man to care for Invalid In country; good home, small wages. 125 14 th st. WANT an experienced house boy; refer ences required ; good wages. Mrs. Louis Lang. 722 Park ave. Phone Main 2iH)o. WANTED Good furniture f i runner an J . repair man. Write AC 432, Oregonian. WA NTED A houseman, room, Oregon hotel. Apply Linen MAN wanted for bu5heling and pressing. G. W. Hawes. Tailor. Condon. Or WANTED Second cook. Coffee Cup lunch room, uroiamy ana wasnington. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted. Pay from ftlo ana ui. r. j. nuner, leaiord, or. HELP WANTED :MALE. HIGH grade capable men desiring better - executive mercantile, technical or cler- ical positions, $2500 to $20,000. Our confidential services and diplomatic negotiations are available for attractive openings without Jeopardizing present connections. Not an employment agency. If actu ally qualified request particulars. F. B. McCAULEY. Box 12S5. Spokane. Wash. DRT GOODS man wanted to fill position in rtir frrwwin dpoartment of general department store; good salary and do- : nus; must have first-class recommenda tions, pleasing personality ana aoiiiiy to make good. MILLER MERCANTILE CO., McMinnville, Or. WANTED A Portland manufacturer In metal lines has a permanent opening for a first-class mechanical and civil engi neer. Applicant must be of good ap pearance, experienced in meeting and talking business to business people, must be aggressive, systematic and able to as sume responsibility and initiate. In an swering state age, practical experience and references from former employes. AV 219. Oregonlan. SALESMAN Prominent shirt manufactur er with nationally advertised brand wants thoroughly capable salesman for next season on commission basis, with or without another line, for parts of the Pacific coast. Applicants must have un questionable record and established trade in these states. Give full particulars. In cluding age and experience. Emery Shirt Co., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, Vy wholesale house, yoisn? man fniriilif-r with toy and fancy goods lines as fa distant to department manager; state previous experience and salary ex pected. M 970, Oregonian. RESAWYER. Experienced man for Mershon hori zontal: $7.25 for 8 hours. CROSSETT WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY", WAUNA, OJB. -75 miles below Portland on Astoria division S. P. A S. Ry. WANTED Two Catholic men to become salesmen for large organization on pleas ant out-door proposition; highest wages paid ; permanent employment; excellent opportunities for advancement if you. possess ability: A-l references required. Call 8-9:30. 4:30-6, 719 Spalding bldg. EXPERIENCED ROOM FIXER FOR CROMPTON ROOM. UKtiUUW WT1 MFG. CO. , WANTED Assistant working foundry foreman who can take charge or. snop when foreman is away; castings from a tew pounds to 213 tons. Write fully what you can do, give reference in first letter and when able to come to work; confidential. N 906, Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE TWO PLASTERERS on women s building, u. or Eugene. Oregon. None but first-class men need apply; $9 per day. A, Lombard, Eu gene, Oregon. NEW SAWMILL starting, GO miles from Portland on Tillamook line, to -oegin operating Man. morning. Wanted 1 band man, 1 off bearer, 1 deck man, 1 carriage rider, also general mill work ers. Apply in person to Loggers Em ployment Agency. 43 K. 2d st. YOUNG man. about 20. to call on my list garage men to introduce fast-selling tire boot. Commission basis means excep tional opportunity for hustler as season now on. Call my representative, Fendel, weekdays. Broadway 580 line 25. WANTED- Experienced man for general work in lumber orfice, must be rair sten ographer and good at figures; send full particulars in first letter, including ref erences and salary expected. Address Oregon Lumber Co., Baker; Or. WANTED AT ONCE. First-class Ice cream maker; must un derstand refrigerating machinery. Write or call PUYALLUP ICE CREA-M CO., Puyallup. Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC OR ELECTK1C1A.N WHO WILL BUY STOCK IN AN OLD ES TABLISHED jND GOOD DIVIDEND PAYING CORPORATION. TOP WAGES PAID. V 931. OREGONIAN. FURNISHED apartment for man and wife; no children: rent ana wages 10 wne in exchange for chamber work; man can get work nearby easily. Address AF 823, Oregonian. WANTED First-class furniture depart mnnt manager and buyer: give age. list of former employers. 1 en 3th of time with each and salary received. Apply box 17;;3. Great Fails, iiont. WANTED 15 automobile trucks with or without drivers, for hauling gravel on hlehwav construction work: 5 mo. work. See the company man, 11 A. M. Sun day, at 2 iO Burns! de. ADVERTISING salesmen; permanent em ployment, big money for bustlers; expe rience unnecessary; Investigate Imme diately. N. H. Robinson. 208 Stock Ex change bldg. SALESMEN and aeents. who know they can sell an article that is the best or ifs kind; must have own machine. Call Monday A. M., 240 E. 7th st. Mr. Thayer. GOVERNMENT and railway clerks need ed; $150 month; experience unnecessary; particulars free. Write Modern Civil Service Inst.. Dept. 100. Denver. Colo. WANTED Men for sawmill and yard work. Houses free to married men Cole, 420 Lumbermens bldg. Phone Broadway 421. WANTED One resawyer, $7.25 and up. must be A-l man. One dogger, $5.40. Call Caufins Employment Service. 273 Bumside st. WANTED Two auto mechanics at once ; will pay $i.50 a day or more.; can work some overtime. Phone or wire Ira W. Thornton, Heppner, Or. MAN for truck haul; must have some cash to handle new Mack truck now.be ing used on job. For particulars call 910 Tiiurman st.. city. jan aun. or .Mon. COMPETENT and experienced foreman for modem eastern Oregon pine sawmill state experience and salary expected. v 932, oreoman. WANTED Mlddle-ag man In estab lished poultry, pet stock business: stand rigid investigation; half Interest. 31 Kiverside ave., Spokane. Wash. EXPERIENCED young single man for inside and outside grocery work; ref erences required; must be able to, drive BRIGHT, active boy over 17 or oerma- nent position in machine shop; state phone, age and salary wanted. AO 700, Crfpr-nian. ENERGETIC boy over 17 to make self useful around office and drafting room . state phone, age and salary wanted 13 V; A T E D M an and wife to take charge of farm cn shares; must un-istanti fruit culture, Belgian or Swiss pref-irrod; ief- oiences required. AM hi., ogonrnn WANTED Married man lor ten-'iM- farm work, wages $!Hj. good hou&e, wood and milk. 14U East .".2d st. JANITOR for day work; give references, a ge and sa lary wanted in first letter. A K 01, Oregonian. LARGE old-line life insurance company de sires a few men as salesmen. Permanent income. 406 N. W. Bank bldg. $30 A DAY' is easy introducing new ne cessity; no competition. 410 E. Burn side. EXPERIENCED electric elevator operator for office bldg. ; give references. 511 Panama bldg. WANTED Packer for wholesale millinery house; experienced man preferred. Apply Lowengart & Co., 11 North Broadway. WANTED Working man with Ford to go in partnership in wood saw business; have law. Phone Tabor 6446. WANTED Delivery boy with bicycle. 8 A. M. Monday. Hanson Blueprint Co., 207 Concord bldg. ONE block filer, $6 per day; one si filer, $9 per day, for shingle znilL Butts & Oak. 241 Couch st. GOOD. HONEST BOY to learn trade: easy mecnanicai worn. uieno service Station and Repair bhop. Last 5&. WANTED Experienced talking machine repair men. Apply tne uey B. Allen Co., Morrison at Broadway. GOOD, clean man for dairy milkhouse work. iw a montn ana Doara and room. N 978. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced men to bud nur sery stock. Benedict Nursery Co.. 135 K. STtn st. . 2 CUTOFF men, 1 ripsaw man. 2 off bear ers. East Side Box Co., foot of Spokane ave. ' WANT a man to dig well. G. L.Wood. oi2 tiucnanan Diag. juain 0004. EXPERIENCED men's furnishings sales man. Lowey & Co. LABORERS wanted. $5 S hours, cor. Union ave. and Bryant st, Vancouver car. BOY ebou 16 years old for office work; excellent opportunity. AJ 444, Oregonian. SALESMAN- wanted. Hanser Tire Service, 4tn ana 1 nuiraaa. GAS ROLLER and hot stuff roller engi neers, tail .u curnnoe. WANTED Experienced irrainhandlera. Gall at 11 xmra c, near uu. HELP WANTED MALE. HOPPICKERS. ATTENTION. Wanted 1500 pickers for T. A. Lives ley A Company hopyards, 650 acres of best hops in the state, practically all high trellis, tents, apartment house, wood, straw, tables and stools furnished, nice shady camp grounds, store, butcher shop, restaurant on grounds. Register and make arrangements now at room 602 McKay bldg., corner of 3d and Stark sts. Telephone Automatic 618-48. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE has a good opening for a young man who desires to learn the window shade business. Apply superintendent's office, 8:15 to 10:30 A, M. THE Meier A Frank Company requires the services or ooys under i ior tne spe cial delivery department. Permanent po sitions. Apply - Employment Bureau, Sixth. Floor, Meier A Frank company. WANTED 50 families to locate at Ridge fieid. Wash. Plenty of work; new saw mill to open; another to be built; sev eral other new buildings going up; must be family people and willing to own home; we will help you out. THE GREELY CO., Ridgefield, Wash. SALARIED EMPLOYES, UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Employment manager will personally post deserving persons how to secure better position, more salary, real future in employment qualified, desired. Co operation nationally known concerns. E. Quinn, .244$ Leland ave., Chicago. WE HAVE excellent openings for several more salesmen ; pleasant work ; no pre vious experience necessary; new patented shock absorber for Chevrolet car. You must have Chevrolet car to demonstrate. This Is a product of real merit and will pay you to investigate. See C. H. Cook, 353 E. B u rasi d e. WANTED 50 women who have aching, tired, sore, sweaty feet. We remove the odor, guarantee a year's foot comfort, one week's home treatment does it. In vestigate, SI. 50. Money back plan. 415 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 1521. ENERGETIC MAN To take my contract trucking for large mill and make $60 a day. Party must have $ V00. Forced to sell on account of other interests. Barnes, 162 N. Com mercial, Sjtlem, Or. BRIGHT, capable young man can acquire interest in paying established advertis ing business. $UJ0 cash. The advertis ing business has a real future. A 959, Oregonian. WANTED Parties to build brick chim ney. WANTED Sign painter for a few days, plain work. Main 5644. -Help Wauu-u 8ulf.mcn. 1 WILL help you get five to ten thou sand dollars year; permanent income guaranteed selling phonographs to deal ers and farmers; big profits to dealers and agents. If you qualify with bank references. I will finance your accounts and furnish samples. Nat Kawin, the Phonograph Man, sales directtor. Great Eastern Manufacturers' Co., 310 South Wabash ave.. Chicago. PERMANENT, good paying position open for able, energetic high grade salesman In local territory to represent nationally known manufacturing corporation. Must call on wholesale jobbers, stores and garages. Line well, advertised and de mand great. Splendid opportunity for the right man. Milwaukee Tank Works, Milwaukee. Wis. WANT a first-class man that has a small automobile to take charge of a department of business in my office. I sell houses, suburban homes, business chances, hotels, rooming houses, etc. Permanent place for a live wire man. Bruce Goddard. 501-2 Couch bldg. $500 MONTHLY" selling new patented fuel vaporizer, guaranteed to save up to au per "cent gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford; on money-"back guar antee. Sample free. Stransky Vapor izer Co., 365 Pukwana, S. Dak, WANTED. Two more energetic salesmen with autos to help sell and liet farms near Portland. Must have t pep and ginger. Can make big money. Main 3672. Mc Farland Realty Co. SALESMEN with car,, country territory. big money for right men, sewing ma chine and phonograph mm preferred. Call utter 2 P. M. Sunday only, 512 Selling bldg. GIRLS WANTED for factory work; good wages, sieaay worn, exnerience unneces sary ; Saturday afternoon off. Take N. & S. car to 16th and Thurman. Am. tan to. SALESMEN Why not sell our Advertis ing healing Tape? Every merchant using string a prospect. 4U sale nets you Si commission. Main or side line. Address Lee Novelty Co.. Dept. A-18. Chicago. BRIGHT, energetic young man, must have gooa reierences. salary to start $' per week and expenses; good opening for . tne right man; also a future. AO S00, . Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE salesman for popular- pricea ana weii-estaoiisnea car. Give experience and telephone number. Real opportunity for the right man. AF S2L oregonian. DISTRIBUTER wanted in every town for Speedoiine; $300 to SoOO per month; t- exclusive territory; automobile fre t workers. Speedoline Co., Dept. 86, Dal las, Tex. LARGE manufacturer wants two expe rienced house-to-house men, out of town, Btandard line; railroad fare and, com missions;, state age and experience. V 929, Oregonian. STOCK SALESMAN. Want a good stock salesman to handle a small issue in Washington; a clean proposition that will pay well for a good man. T U30, Oregonian. WANTED Two or three young men with lots of energy and pep, men who know an opportunity when it is offered : no experience necessary. Call 404 Spalding bldg., ask for Mr. Stranahan, after 9:o0. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experienced ciw or traveling. Write for list of lines, full particulars. National Salesmen's Tr. Assn.. Dept. 274. Chicago. 111. TWO good oil sock salesmen, good div idend paying stocks. If you can deliver the goods, see Mr. Badley, 1517 Yeon bldg. I WANT two live salesmen with automo ; biles, permanent positions ' for right parties guaranteed. H. F. Miller, 421 E. Clay st. East "5384. SALESMAN who can approach big men; no fly-by-night scheme; I have a great thing- and need help: talk to me after Monday. Greenberg. S3 Park, at the cor. FIRST-CLASS salesman to carry side line of dresses, skirts and millinery; one with following preferred. 5u2 Manches ter bldg. WANTED Experienced talking machine salesman for outside work; car fur nished. Write, stating experience and references. P. O. Box 347, Oregon City. WANTED For one of the best inland towns in Central Oregon a first-class grocery salesman and all-round store man.- AV 216, Oregonian. SALESMEN To sell part time. Sell direct irom manuiacturer to retail stores, from catalogue. Big money. Jean Robert Co., 417 S. Sacramento blvd.. Chicago. A SALESMAN who can handle trades, one who is a real live one; we handle all clashes of property and turn away ex changes every day. V 979, Oregonian. WANTED Truck salesman, must be live- wire, salary ana commission. Ask for manager. States Auto & Truck Co., 430 Burnside st. WANTED Salesmen to sell stock for cor poration; a good thing for persons with pep. Apply at room 223. Lumber Ex change bldg.. between 0 and 11 A. M. SALESMEN with clean record; must be acquainted in Portland; exceptional op portunity. Mr. Roberta, 611 Buchanan bldg. EXPERIENCED scale and store fixture salesman. Thompson Scale A Fixture Co.. 306 Oak U Complete store equip ment. BEST opportunity in the northwest, get in manufacturing business as part owner; new invention: start now. Invest $3000 to $50o0. D 6S9. Oregonlan. WANT real estate salesman with car to handle city property, must be a hustler; start work at once. O 968, Oregonian. A-l PROPOSITION for specialty advertis ing; no competition; salary and com mission. For appointment call Main 6217. GOOD live salesman wanted : must have experience. See sales manager W. JH. Wallingford Co.. 15th and Washing ton. BODY salesman for outside territory; com plete luie commercial bodies. Universal Body Corporation. 900 Sandy blvd. SALESMAN wanted to handle side line; a big seller; will give 100 per cent com- mission. rnone Alain t. SALESMAN with Ford car, nearby country territory: salary and expenses. Call 317 Boaid of Trade. SALESMAN, strictly high grade, union made overall; commission basis. AV 217, oregonian. WANT live salesman who is acquainted with city; prefer man with car. 621 Morgan bldg. SALESMEN Wonderful opportunity, come Insurance. 501 Corbett Bldg TRAVELING salesman, preferably college graduate at Sen wan Piano Co 110 lOca JTEXP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN. "Let there be Stransky) Light. Specialty men amazed at resulta Sell 10 to 1 dally to users at $3.50 each. Commission- $2.25 each. Earnings 122.50 to $33.75 per day. Not sales, but earn ings. Convincing proofs sent on request. Only men used to big earnings need answer. We don't want peddlers, but specialty men. Those with auto earn as much as $40 per day. Stransky Mfg. Co., 261-267 Canal St., N. Y. Makers of the Stransky Light, the largest selling commercial unit in the U. S. Adv. copy ' righted 1919. TIRS and rubber stock salesmen Experi enced stock salesmen to place the capi tal stock of the Puritan Rubber com pany of Yakima, Wash., one-half issue placed during the past SO days. Excava tion for factory completed and construc tion work on factory building starts to day. The best opportune time for real salesmen. If you can furnish reference and want to make real money, as others are doing, write or wire Puritan Finance Co., underwriters for Puritan Rubber Company. 16-20 Wilson Bldg.. Yakima. Wash. . THE BLANCH ARD CO. want a selling representative for Oregon. The phenom enal growth of our business proves con- " clusively that our line of calendars, pen cils, engraved greetings, mailing cards, blotters, penholders, etc.. a most attrac tive combination in advertising field to day. The fall selling season Is about to open, making this an opportune time to connect with reputable advertising spe cialty house. Apply, full particulars. The Blanchard Co., Lincoln Highway, Aurora. 111. - SALESMEN WANTED. Two good men to sell A-l industrial stock in Vancouver, Wash., and vicinity. This is a firat-class proposition. Good advertising has been investigated and indorsed by leading citizens of Clarke county. If you can sell this Is your opportunity to make real money. None but live ones wanted. This is an abso lutely new proposition.. No oil or mines. Call 702 Spalding bldg. Ask for Mr. Starr. . SALESMAN WANTED Residing in Port land, by Swiss importers ana manufac turers to sell from stock In New York, embroideries, laces and white goods to the retail trade in surrounding territory on a strictly commission basis. No ob jections to carrying non-conflicting lines. Applv by letter, stating age. experience, references. L. H. Junod & Co.. 104 tilth Ave., New Tork. SALES BOARD SALESMEN We have the most attractive line ot premium assort ments on the market today. COMMIS SIONS $5 to $2( per order, with v ULL REPEAT COMMISSIONS. For a LIVE, UP-TO-DATE proposition, write TO DAY. CANFIELD MFG. COMPANY, 4003 Broadway, Chicago A LARGE and successful organization is seeking the services ot men who are anx ious to establish themselves in a per manent ana well-paying businese which can be built up as time goes by; the op portunity places no limitation on a man, he can grow and build with the organi zation. Call &0'J Wilcox bldg. WE need a few more substantial. reilaDie salesmen to represent us in certain sirable portions of this state, with or without cars. Liberal commission con tract. Trees are in great demand and a capable man can make big money. For particulars address Oregon Nursery Com pany, Orenco. Oregon. . SALESMEN to represent America's best telling highest grade men s tailoring line, retail at -o uireci 10 consumer. Only live wires capable of earning $50 $200 weekly. Liberal commissions and exclusive territory. References required. Universal Tailoring Co.. 18 Washington place. New Yot city. MALE OR FEMALE Clean business; no investment necessary. With selling abil ity and personality can make $10 per day net. Write for particular. R, Fos ter Stone, 725 S. Sheridan St.. Spokane, Wash. Reference, E. T. Mathes, mayor of Belllngham, Wash. WANTED Every man looking for a posi tion, or who is not satisfied with his present position, or his present income, to write for "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad- dWTHB PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill. Portland, Or. WANTED Two live salesmen for Vancou ver, Wash. Easy to sell for good men. Stock, insurance or magazine experience desirable, but not essential. If you are a lire wire and want to make not less than a hundred a week call or write 411 Main street, Vancouver, Wateh. WANTED Experienced salesman with auto to appoint county agents in Ore gon for fast-selling nationally-advertised half-horse gasoline engine; many leads; very attractive proposition to right man. Write or call Stixrud Brothers, 212 Vir ginia st., Seattle, Wash. I AM in a position to offer you an oppor tunity whereby you will make more money, live happier and have a bigger future. If you. are a man of ability and ambi tious fb forge ahead, answer In person; references required. Call 10 to 12. H. B. Koa. HOT Spalding bldg. FOUR house to house men to work in town. If you are Just Ipoklng around for something, try the other ads in this column first. Do not call on us until you are ready to go to work. 211 Stock Exchange bldg.. 8 to 8:30 A. M. SALESMEN WANTED We have territory in this section, selling Made- To-Measure Clothes to wearer. Country-wide repu tation. Men wanted who can produce. Fall line ready. References required. P H. Davis Tailoring Co.. Cincinnati. O. CAN USE two nore men In our sales de partment if energetic and willing to work; experience not necessary; perma nent employment ; good wages. Call Monday 3 to 5, 402 Spalding bldg. Fi K. Shelley, Mgr. ' CAN YOU cotne to Aberdeen where It's nice ana cool ana people nave, reai money? Success assured and big money possible if you have real sales ability. G. M. L., Fairmont Hotel, Aberdeen, "Wash. LIVE-WIRE SALESMAN to handle our holiday goods ana novelties as siue "no. nn whn alreadv covers states of Oregon and Idaho; say whether with or without car. Apply crescent wamer at ovitj Co., 334 lilooe mag., seattie. w an. SALESMAN and agents for the latest and beet Improved portable moving picture projecto: for ecnoois, ciuds, cnurcnes. homes and commercial use; also new improved lighting system. in every county in Oregon. 425 Washington st. PRESSER son st. and. bushelman. 423 Jeffer- W ANTED AGENTS. AGENTS to travel by automobile Intro ducing our hie lin of fast summer sell ers, the greatest line on earth; make $10 day, complete outfit and automobile furnished to workers. Write for ex clusive territory. American Products Co., 443 American bldg., Cincinnati. O. TAILORING aceuts. sell men's special or der suits-overcoats, best values, lowest Trioe Want bie producers; state ex perience. Write for fall-winter sample line. Leeds Woolen Mills. 230 S. Frank lin, Chicago. SELL Mexican diamonds In your spare time, beautiful pocket sample case makes sales en sight; have rainbow fire of s-enuine diamonds, fool experts, stand tests. Write today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.. 255 Las Cruces, N. Mex. AGENTS can earn $10 daily selling Ivory Yanoco combs, brushes, mirrors, etc Factory to consumer. Enormous demand. Particulars free, Yanoco Ivory Co., Leo minster, Mass. Mail order dept., Yale Novelty Co. AGENTS $3.50 an- hour selling guaranteed waterproof kitchen apron. needs no laundering, sell to every home, dainty. durable, economical, big money, sample free. Thomas Apron Co.. 519 Top c, Dayton, O. AGENTS Large manufacturer wants agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shirts, dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothlnc. etc Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broadway. New York. BIG demand for our line, sold to auto owners, garages, repairmen; uoerai com missions, exclusive territory. Write to day. Atlas Publishing Co., 96 Butler b Idg. . Cincin natL AGENTS $75 to $100 week representing our splendid line of men's guaranteed tailored neckwear, particulars free. E. L. Keiser Co., Palmer bldg., Detroit, Mich, AGENTS $3 an hour, newest kitchen tool. every woman win use zu times daily. easy seller. Dig pronts, sample iree. Thomas Tool Co.. 519 Sat St.. Dayton. O WATER STILLS, write for FREE book let giving prices and description of our heavy copper water stills. Boyer A Co.. B WW r arnamDiog, umana, jsco. 4 SOLICITORS for crew work In town. Call between 8 and 8:30 A. M. at 21 Stock Exchange bldg.. ready to go to work. SEND for free toilet soap sample and $10 cash refund offer. Lacaasia Co., Dept. 610. St. Louis. Mo. AGENTS Learn about the" profits, supply ing perfume to families, add reusing Lef fler A Co., 723 Walton, St. Louis, Mo. PKG. 25 different fun cards. 10c; doa., 0O0, Box 6-H Portland, Or. WANTED AGENTS. ARE you making $4500 per year? If not. we will show you how. Fred Wolfgang 'made ."0OO last year. E. J. Goellet av erages $iH weekly, Mrs. Walton of Indi ana makes J250 each month selling guar anteed made-to-measure, Liberty Kombl nation storm, auto and top coats. 6-4 samples to select; cash commission in advance, no delivering nor collecting; we furnish complete selling outfit free. Write for particular, dept. D-145, The Liberty Raincoat Co., Dayton, O. THE AUTO owner has the money; we have what he needs. The MULTI-MIXER has startled great mechanical engineers; . vaporises every particle of gasoline be fore entering motor; removes carbon: increases mileage up to 50 per cent; sold on money-back guarantee. Dept. OS, Hudson Products Co. 153 Grand Ave., Portland, Or. QUIT worrying over labor unrest, make $10 daily ref lnishing brass beds, autos, chandeliers, new method, light work, no loesses, no capital, no experience re- ' quired; vast amount work ready in your city; you hire others, profit on their work; free particulars and proofs, Gun metal Co., 33- Elm, Decatur, 111. AGENTS $100 weekly, automobile owners everywhere wild with enthusiasm. Mar velous Invention douoles power, mileage, efficiency Saves its cost first day. Sensational sales everywhere. Terri tory going like wildfire. $26 sample out fit. Ford cr free. Write c-ulck, Ovee Co., dept. 074, Louisville, Ky. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re . quires the services of experienced sales women in the following - departments: Jewelry, Stationery. Drug Sundries and Crockery. There are also vacancies for saleswom en in our Lower-Price Store. Those hav ing had experience in general merchan dise stores can qualify for these posi tions. -Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Editor, Meier & Frank Company. THE METER A FRANTC CO MP ANT re quires the services of girls between the aees of 1-6 and 18 for nermanent posi tions In our office and wrapping de partments. Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier &. Frank Company. MEIER A FRANK COMPANY requires the services of an experienced cholocate dipper. Apply to Bureau of Employment, Sixth Floor, Meier A Frank Company, THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of apprentice girls for general office work. Apply superin tendent' of lice. &:13 to 10;U0 A. M. EXPERIENCED waitresww. Apply employment Bureau before 10:30. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. FEMALE. Expert stenographer for position with wholesale brokerage house; must be ex perienced and absolutely first-class; sat isfactory salary. Call Broadway 1240. WANTED 50 men who hae aching, tired. nrA owmiv feet. W e remove the odor, guarantee a year's foot comfort. One week's home treatment does it. In vestigate. $1.60. Money back plan. 415 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main xoji. TPfttTfi a vtis 1 S. government positions open to women, girls, $135 to $200 mnnth Short hours. Common educa tion sufficient. For free list positions open. Franklin Institute, dept. IM o. Rochester, N. Y. tcttphev helner on ranch: head waitress. out, $50, R. B.; cook, hospital; two ex tra wn it rcwips. citv: cook lor camp. 'JU cook for boat. $00; waitress, out SI 7. 50- week. 301 Raleigh bldg., 327 Was&ing ton st. . . BRIGHT, capable young lady can acquire interest In paying estaDUsnea aaveriis Inir business. $000 cash. The advertls Ing business has a real future. A 058, Oregonian. STEADY stock girl for coat and suit do partment. Apply 9 A. M. Monday to Mr. Farrar. second floor. - H. LIEBES & CO., 149 Broadway. GIRLS, age 10 to 20, for light stock work. Kood wafres ana opportunity ior advance ment. Apply Monday from 10 A. M. to 2 f. M., dM apaiuing oiag., j&ontgom' ery. Ward & Co. FURNISHED apartment for man and wife; no children; rent ana wages to wue in exchantre for chamber work ; man can get work nearby easily. Address AE Oregonlan. WANTED Competent cook and house keeper for work on I arm near town middle-aired preferred : steady employ ment and good wages to the right party. A. C, 939 Cleveland ave. Phone 317-37. REFINED lady for position paying hand somely lor special worn, witn 2'ortiana manufacturer, see Mr. itooerts, 011. jou chanan bldg. TEACHERS Hundreds, rural, gne.de. sec ondary, college, university. Salaries nlen, Quick results. Write qualifications. Cline Teachers Agency. Columbia. Mo. WANTED Lady for Invoice desk : must be accurate, neat ana gooa at itgures give phone number. Address Y 915, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, office assist ant: erive aee. exuerience and salary ex pected; no objection to a good beginner. t oregonian. GIRL or woman living walking distance to Willamette rieiehts to assist part time with light housework and care of child. Mar. iikji. TEN ladies to sell goods that appeal to every lady, can at room j spaiaing bldg. Monday- or Tuesday irora A. u to 5 P. m. ana investigate. WANTED at once, a girl to assist with general nouseworK, go nome mgnts ; board and wages. 171 North 17th st. Bdwy. 5710. WANTED An apprentice for alteration in tailor shop; wages. Ben Adler, 201 1st st. Main 3207. WANTED Lady dish-wanner for small logging camp. nu witn ooara. suiis A Oak, 241 Couch st. FOUR window demonstrators for drug stores. Experience not essential. 410 Stock Exchange bldg. EXPERIENCED women for cashier and work on cigar stand. call Broadway 3SN7. WANTED Girl to do downstairs work and cooking; no laundry; (70 a month. Col. 721. WANTED Hand sewer. Apply Metropoli tan Hat &. Cap Mfg. Co., 131 2d st. 3d floor. WANTED Experienced . pressers on la' d ies' work ; stead y work and good pay. The wararooe. nawy. irft. WANTED Girl for general housework as one of family, one wno desires a gooa home. Tabor 1309. MAID for general housework, plain cook ing, 2 children in the family. Apply 534 litn st. in. iaKe x. j. car. EXPERIENCED power-machine operators, overalls, pants, macklna ws. shirts; 44- hour weeK. s ij, oregonian. WANTED Experienced waitress, box restaurant, 10S Fifth st. Pepper- GOOD COOK, no washing or work, for 3 adults. Main 320O. LADY presser wanted. Wilson Dye Works, Astoria. Or. GIRL for general housework and plain cooking. East 6433. EXPERIENCED elevator operator. Appiy 705 Davis st. EXPERIENCED lady wanted to work in grocery store. Call 109 Russell st. EXPERIENCED woman for lroner. Do mestic French Laundry, 1736 11th st. GOOD girl to care for small bov and help with housework. Sellwood 3781. GIRL wanted to care for 2 children. 915 a mo. and board. Call Col. 775. BANK clerk, mach'ne posting, ary. V 918, Oregonian. St; al- EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, must be fast and accurate. $125. 1015 Wilcox bldg. GOOD stenographer for one week. 529 Ar tisan bldg., cor. Broadway and Oak. WANTED Experienced chamber maid. Mallory hotel, 171 Lownsdale street. MUSIC course- exchanged for a few hours housework and laundry. Main 3018. WANTED Typist. Call Sunday 10 to 11 only. Marshall 3662, WANTED typisrt, half a day. Oregonian. WANTED Neat work girl to Ptay nights, room free. Call Sellwood 1876. WANTED Lady to make man's silk shirt, state price. AB 833, Oregonian. OFFICE girl wanted, larson. 269 12th, near Jel- HELP WANTKD FEMALK. GIRLS WANTED, FOR BAG MANUFACTURING. TEN" POWER MACHINE OP ERATORS. SOME INEXPERI ENCED ACCEPTED. THIS IS PIECE WORK AND OUR GIRLS AVERAGE $1 TO $25 PER WEEK. " 4 S12 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS WHILE LEARNING. GIRLS MUST NOT BE OVER " 25 OR UNDER 16 TEARS OB AGE. MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE FACTORY WITH SATURDAT AFTERNOON OFF. APPLY AMKS-HARRIS-NEVILLE BAG COMPANY. 15TH AND HO YT STS. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED. STEADY WORK WITH GOOD PAY; NO EX PERIENCE NECESSARY. APPLY IN PERSON. TAKE ROSE CITY CAR OR MONT A VILLA CAR TO E. 10TH ST.. WALK TWO BLOCKS SOUTH. ' TROY LAUNDRY CO., E. 10TH AND PINE STS. PIANIST WANTED TO DEMONSTRATE SHEET MUSIC. Steady work, good pay; preference given to young lady who aiso singa Metropolitan o-50c Stores, Inc., cor. Broadway and Washington sts. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR. First-class multigraph operator want ed by established firm. Pleasant place to work, with good surroundings. Must be reliable and competent. State ex perience and give telephone number. BC. 79. Oregonian. $40 PER WEEK for 3 girls not over 25 years of age and must be neat and will ing to wora in business district of Port- lanu. iaii, u a. M.. to 3 P. M., Oil Henry btdg. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room owa rouc Headquarters, 2a ana Oak sta. will furnish Information, give protection and assistance free to woxnea and girls. Interviews confidential. MRS. L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of employment xor women with the federal government, will secure employment for women In all lines. Office 321 Henry bldg. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Bdwy. 4537. APPLICATIONS will be received from young women aged 20 to 35 for wood working factory at St. Johns; good pay and steady employment. AB 31 J, Ore gonian. WANTED Names of women, girls over 16 wisning to oecome government postal clerks; commence $1400; answer imme diately. AV 931, Oregonian. ANY girl in need ot a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander sts. Phone Main 3450. DM car. MILLINERY MAKERS, permanent POsi tlons for 5 experienced makers; good sa.aries. tie inmmea uat Co., Arti sans bldg. WE ARE shooting pictures every day. If you reany want 10 get into pictures, cai Sunbeam Film Co., 10-U Chamoer of commerce oicg. b 11 unnuAKU operator, permanent po sition with established wnolesaie house for girl with ability; please answer fully, BJ 440, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED telephone exchanse oper ator ; one wno can o perate typewriter preierrea. Appiy at or nee, 00 ront st. I'eiween v anu 11 a. at. EXPERIENCED hosiery saleswomen, also experience! giove gin ior responsible position. Lennon a oa Morrison st. TRIMMERS and experienced makers wanted for city and out-of-town posi tions. Apply Lowengart & Co.. Broad way and hJurnaide. STENOGRAPHER wanted who. after tak ing dictation can read her notes and write a neat letter; state salary wanted. J yi'i, oregonian. PRIVATE-EXCHANGE phone operator. young iady anxious to become a good of fice worker preferred. AG to;i, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER, between 20 and 25 years, neat in appearance, accurate in work, for large automobile house; good saiary to start, am 4., oregonian. EXPERIENCED clerk wanted for bakery ana careteria; good wages for right party; evening wont. i itumngswortb avenue. WANTED Six women of executive ability not atram ot nara worK ana study. Call 404 Spacing blUg., u:3u. ask for M Hall. WANTED Office girl for branch office. Portland iaunary 10, ; steaay position. cau portiana xaunary co., union a and East Mill. ' GIRL wanted for light housework, thre,e 7713. DICTATING machine stenographer, good positiona The E dip hone, Oregon biag. WA NTED First-class experienced wait ress ; room and board furnished. Alex andra Court, a.lia st. WE have several fine positions to offer experienced makers and trimmers. Miller A Raas Co., Royal bldg. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, three months work; state age. experience and salary expected. BD b2t Oregonian. MILLINERY makers, top wages, yearly positions. Appiy Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., Artisans bidg. MILLINERY makers wanted, steady posi tions, good wages. Eisie Trimmed Bat Co.. Artisans bldg. THE Florence Crlttenton Home Is ready to help any girl in' distress. 955 East Gllsan. "MV car. East 316. WANTED Teacher for smail district school. Mrs. E. Potter, clerk. Water man. Or. WANTED Housekeeper, family of three adults, good home references. 920 East Main st WANTED Woman to do pastry, one who can make good cakes and piesu 241 Si. 10th st. YOUNG girl to take care of baby and help a little with housework. Good home and wages. 540 3d st. . GIRL wanted to wait table in boarding house; good wages for right girL, Wood lawn 85. WOMAN for housework, must be good cook, sleep home nights. three in family. 345 E. 13th St. N. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house, titate experience, phone and reierences. K feS, Oregonian. ' WANTED Experienced woman presser. Apply Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co.. 85 Fifth street, between 9 and 10 A. M. WANT E D-C1 ty saleslady for stationery line, no experience needed. Call Broad way 4D42 Sunday. WANTED Wrappers and packers. Vogan Candy Co., E. 1 1th and Flanders. WOMEN to do sanding in finishing room- Apply a st. EXPERIENCED MAID No phone calla Nortonia hotel, 11th and Stark st. WAITRESS wanted for Marathon restau rant. 52 Third st. WANTED A housekeeper for gentleman and 3 children. 710 E. Taylor st. COMPETENT girl for beauty shop; salary. Call 451 Morgan bldg. good EXPERIENCED hand Ironer wanted. p ! y T roy Laundry Co. TEACHERS, register free. Many calls. West more Agency, Spokane. Wash. TEACHERS, register free. Many calls. Wesrmore Agency. Spokane. Wash. WANTED Experienced canay girL Rebe's confectionery, 305 Alder. WANTED Girl to wait on office and as sist in shipping. Enke, 16 East 3d st. WANTED Lunch waitress in the club. 329 Siark st. ; good wages. WANTED 5 girls for p'.easa nt outside work. 409 Columbia bldg.. 3--5 Wash, st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, restaurant, 26 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call 11 A. M-, 345 Washington st. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, housekeeper, Benson hoteL FOCR waitresses wanted. San Francisco Restaurant. o4 6in C H. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG WOMEN EARN $ft0.OO FIRST MONTH $KK00 FIRST YEAR REGULAR INCREASES RAPID ADVANCEMENT LUNCH ROOMS WITH MEALS AT COST APPLY AT ROOM V1. SIXTH" FLOOR. TELEPHONE BLDG.. PARK A OAK STS. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY DID YOU EVER HEAR OF ANYTHING LIKE ITT CLEAN. EFFICIENT. SMOKE LESS. ODORLESS. ECONOMICAL, GAS BURNING. PIPELESS FUR NACE We have It and are offer ing $50 reward for the best name suggested. - Winner to Ve announced as soon after September 1st as possible. . when name is to be decided on. Phone, write or call for pamph let giving suggestions as to the kind of a name desired. EDWARDS CO., Fifth and Oak Sta, EXPERIENCED girl for permanent po1- tlon. life insurance office ; knowledge shorthand, bookkeeping, correspondence, some executive ability. Neatness, accu racy, integrity, more important than speed. Reply In own handwriting: state age. experience and give references; state salary wanted to start; Increase by end -f year it satisfactory. J 931, Ore gonian. Experienced saleswoman for HOSIERY. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Applv employment bureau before 10:30. LIPMAN, WOLFE A COMPANY. WANT lady with considerable executive ability who can siana on own ieet ana ersumo responsibility ; must be a good bookkeeper, thoroughly familiar with business, and a manager; exceptionally good proposition for party who is a worker and can fill the position. AG S07. Oregonlan. THE UNIVERSITY Society of New York. , In Its child study department, wants capable women, bet wen 2S and 45. to travel In desirable territory. Splendid opportunity for those who would like to be identified with a permanent child welfare movement. Position pays $2."00 per year to " those qualified. For paV tlculars call st 309 Corbett bldg EXPERIENCED operators on shirts, coats. overalls and play-suits. Half day Saturday. MT. HOOD FACTORY. 253 Couch St.. Cor. Second. WANTED A stenographer-secretary: one capable of meeting pumic ana lining duties as secretary to manager. Must have general knowledge of office sys tems and good vocabulary. Give phone number, ae. approximate salary ex pect ed. C 66. Oregonian. WANTED An ambitious woman possess in ir tact ana resourcefulness to oe trainea for a business position with well-established business house; must have good education, one with teaching experience preferred: rapid aavancement. 004 -ii tock block. WANTED Lad v for general work in lum ber office; must be experiencea. aoie to take dictation at lair speed ana De quicK and accurate in handling figures; send full particulars in first letter. Including references and salary expected. Address Oregon Lumber Co., Baker, Or. nvFtPR AKsistant for reneral office work, filing, etc; experience unnecessary, out prefer one with knowledge of stenogra phy and typewriting ; state salary ex pected, particulars and phone ; perma nent position. o wai. oregonian. YOUNG LADY of good appearance tc model hats and sreneral salesman assist ant; no experience necessary, but mil- lir ery or typewriting experience pre ferred temuonirv or steady position. Apply at once. Hotel Benson, room 1206. WANTED Everv woman looking for position or who is not satisfied- with her present position or ner present income, t writ for "LOOKING AHEAD." Ad dress THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and yamnill. pornana. Or. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND SUIT SALESLADY ; SPLENDID POSITION AND GOOD SALARY. AP . PLY AT BARNERT'S. MORRISON STREET. YOUNG lady for stenographic and office work: 7 -hour day; baturaay nan-nou day. Answer m own handwriting; state age, experience, references. Salary $05 to start. All 804. Oregonlan. FINE cDoortunitv for public stenographer no other in building. Call- Monday, 8 A. M. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 5o5 Couch Blag. EXPERIENCED girl to take orders on nhnne. check wagon, serve retail trade steady work ami advancement. ' None but experienced need apply. L 966. Ore gonian. WANTED Elderly lady to keep house for young bachelor on small oairy tarm . good home; everything convenient and close in; state wagea aipeticu. a i oh. Oregonian. WANTED Refined young woman a mother's helper and housekeeper, to b treated as member of family; must have good health and pleasing person ality. BF SUP. Oregonian. vnr:; wman. bookkeeoer-cashler. with slight knowledge of stenography, desires permanent position with chance for ad vancement; salary to start $1-5. Main 5630. PRIVATE secretary. $150; lumber stenog ranhor. XV'.V. bookkeeper and stenogra pher, $Kmk125; bookkeeper and cashier, WANTED Young lady office assistant, . must be aulck and accurate at figures. capable of using typewriter. Ideal Tea Co.. 711 Union ave. N. WANTED Mangle girls, experience not - nressa.rv. Good wages, pleasant work ine condltiona Yale Laundry Co., 5U0 E. Morrison. AfTIVE saleswoman, capable of comman ing quick audience in office. A live proposition being offered for the first time. W 240, Oregonian. ONE girl for Btarch room, one hand ironer, one garment press girl, one experienced marker and sorter. Apply Oregon Laun dry. TWO STEADY reliable women not under 30 for interesting work. Advancement certain if deserved. Not office. T 933, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for starching, one for shirt Ironing. 2 girls in flat dept. Experience not necessary. Crystal Laundry, E. 21st and Sandy. Rose City car. WE HAVE A PERMANENT POSITION OPEN FOR ANOTHER CLOAK AND P-UIT SALESLADY. APPLY AT ONCE BXRNERT S. 355 MORRISON ST. WANTED Experienced marker, also ex perienced shirt girl; good wages; steady employment. Yale Laundry Co.. 500 E. Morrison. DRAMATIC road show has opening for ex prienced or amateur woman; musician preferr.d. Harlin Talbert, room 502, 207 2d st. Main 6886 Monday WANTED A middle-aged housekeeper. 2 children. 9-10, have my own home be sides little income; one with love for children preferred. BC 807. Oregonlan. EMBROIDERER wanted, one who hai good taste and understands copying de signs. S. Aronson. 312 Central bldg. WANTED Reliable, strong, middle-aged woman for chamber work. Apply Y. M. C. A. Monday morning, b:.i A. m. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, wages $.0. Apply 3J . 41st St. N. between 6 and 7 P. 5L WILL give room utd board in nice home to high school girl in exchange for light services. trail Taoor 7M20. WANTED Middle-aged respectable Irish Catholic woman ior nouseaeeper, widow lady. BF 862, Oregonian. HELP wanted. Star Fruit Products 321 E. Yamhill. JANITRESS for office bldg.; permanent 4ositon, $45 to begin. 207 Stock Exch, HEIJ WANTED FEMALE. THREE IMPORTANT TRAVELING POSITIONS MUST BE FILLED WITtllN THIRTY DAYS. Reliable, nationally-known Chlcage corporation wants three intelligent wom en to act as traveling representatives at . once. Position permanent, offers good opportunity for advancement. Applicants over 27, with high school education or equivalent. No investment or previous experience necessary. To successful ap plicant will pay railroad fare and salary from start. Position worth $00 week ly. Give age. education, brief personal description in firat letter. W. L. Mc Gowen. 1516 Garland bldg.. Chicago. I1L THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORIB requires the services of experienced saleswoman, for ribbon dept. Apply superintendent's office. 8:15 to lOuiO A. M. Wanted Domestic. WANTED by respectable widower in coun try, 0 children, 2-15 years; woman aged 2u-40 years as housekeeper,, one or two small children accepted. Take Willam ette Valley Southern car, Oregon City, to Glen Oak station, bungalow on hill, 40 rods south of station. Write W. F. Newlin. R. 3, box 32. Oregon City. Or. WANTED Elderly woman, young girl or woman with child to assist mother with housework and three children. 5 -room flat, no heavy work, no washing, some one who wants home more than bis wagea Phone Tabor 39. WANTED At onc. experienced woman between 25 and 15 to do cooking and housework on farm; permanent position to right party. Address Mrs. Lw W. Walker. The Dalles. Or.. R. F. D. No. 3. Box 3S. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no washing, second maid kept: best wages. Call Marshall 1S67 at 2-a Cornell road. WANTED Toung girl with some knowl edge f cooking, for light housework; 5 rcoms; 2 In family. 1110 Wasco, near E. 37th. Rose City car. WANTED First and second girl for gen eral housework; both must be experi enced and competent; good wages. Phone East 57i4. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and housework to go to Gearhart for re mainder of summer. Address P. Ow Box 5o3. Gearhart. Or. WANTED Competent girl for upstairs work and to assist with children; best wagea Call Marshall 1867 at 220 Cornell road. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by elderly gentle man In small town ; one with child under 3 years preferred. Wages $5. Call at 250 11th St.. near Main. $65 COOK who will assist with house work. Main oaou. 43 Cornell st, aeaa, Marshall. WANT good cook; no washing or upstair work; aauits; gooa wages, room wita bath. Phone E&st 4355 or 441 E. 21st N. WANTED Girl to assist with light house- Monday morning. East -2t9. WOMAN for general housework in small family; out or town; gooa wagesi pnone Marshall i!9, Sunday before 1 o'clock. WOMAN living near Brooklyn school to do tnree nours cleaning eacn oaiuraay. am. Sell. 24W5. WANTED Cook and second maid to go to beach Xor remainder 01 summer, iiawy. ft 1 j. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, good wages, gooa room, modern conveniences. 40S N. 32d St.. Main 7S59. WANTED Middle-aged woman to help with housework. Three in family. AV 1:30, Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper, one that wants Address AV 23, a home out o town. Oregonian. WANTED At once, first-class cook for cafeteria. Address l. W. C A., Astoria, Oregon. WANTED A housekeeper for man on farm; has a boy 10 years 01a. a v Oregonlan. WANTED Competent woman for general housework, plain cook ing, no wasning; wages SjO. Main 3754. MAID WANTED General housework and cooking. lamny ot two. uj .q su MAN AND WIFE for cooking and gen eral houseworK. f lanaera. aur. Ding. GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework. every convenience, gooa wages, aeit. a.ua. A GOOD GIRL for second work. Main 6084. ijI r ianaers. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking. -Mam .-.m. j.u .t-a. GIRL wanted to assist with general house work. Phone Tabor t-:ti. GIRL for general houaework. Apply 69S Northrup st. WANTED Experienced girl, cooking and down stairs worn. Jtain oiu. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework, zutjy ri. &tarK st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. HOPPICKERS WANTED. I will be at the St Charles hotel In Portland, Or., on August 9 and 10 to register 125 people to pick hops. No better hops in the state and will take about 1 to 20 days to pick them. Ground clean, no weeds, all clod mashed and in fine shape. One of the very finest camping grounds in the country, the best of water right in the center of the camp, plenty of sawed wood on the grounds for cooking. Tents already stretched with plenty of new straw in them when you arrive on the ground. A few shacks left. Tables and benches furnished. Will haul pickers to and from station free of charge. Good store on ground and will sell at city prices. I will pay at least $1.45 per 100 lba and more f it is customary. Come and see me at the St. Charles or write me at 417 N. COMMERCIAL ST., SALEM, OR. T. B. Jones. HOPPICKERS, ATTENTION! Want about 300 hoppickers, wagea $1.50 per 100 lba. green hops. Usual ac commodations, choice of yards, shady camp grounds, on Willamette river if you prefer. For further particular write, phone or wire HENRY U BENTS. AURORA. OREGON. WANTED lOOO hop picker. We again have the largest hop ranch In Oregon. Five hundred - acres- in hops; all old niantlnr except 70 acres: high trellis. no wet US, DeauiUMi camps, - eiuiw wuu pure water. Dance hall 50x100 feu Write and register at once for hop plcaing. Our old pickers especially v n ted. E. CLEMENS HORST CO.. Indept ndence. Or. I CAN use the following workers, either experienced or those willing to learn: 1 man, 23-35 years old. S ladies, 18-30 years old. 1 experienced bookkeeper a" effloo girL Dr. C H. Scbaak. DeiE aiig, fialen. Or. ONE experienced bathroom man; two ex perienced bathroom maids ; one experi enced office girl and bookkeeper. Good, wages to right parties. Seventh Day Ad vent ists preferred. Dr. C L Schenk Derby Bldg., Salem, Or. LADY or gentleman to handle apartment and rooming houses exclusively Irom our office, no loafers nor trillers need apply. we want some one wuung to worn. An. 872. Oregonian. MAN and wife on big ranch. $110, room and boara, seperate nouse. completely furnished, steady year round. Apply to day, Portland Labor Agency, 11 North Second street. MISS MATTINGLYS PRIVATE SCHOOL. Shorthana. typewriting, inaiviuuai in struction; day. evening. 209 14th St., near Jefferson. Main 3893. WANT parties to pick prunes and pears. have gooa camping piace, or fan iur niah rooms with stoves. Write East Hood River Fruit Co.. Mosler, Or. MEN WOMEN, GIRLS. $135 montn, gov ernment jobs, thousands vacancies. Write for list positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 373 G. Rochester, N. Y. PROPERLY presented photoplay plots pay. this pleasant, paying profession taught by Pad uc Productions, 231 Beck bldg., Broadway 1677. EXPERIENCED bookaeeper wanted; one familiar with printing business preferred. Apply Monday A- M.. 2ttt Washington st. EXPERIENCED agents wanted. Western Casualty Co. Exceptionally good propo sition. 303 Selling bldg; EXPERIENCED marker, male or female.' Apply Troy Laundry, Astoria, Or. 50 PEOPLE to pick raspberries on snares. Marshall 2681. Tabor 820. WANTED Some one to train a Llewellyn setter pup. Sellwood 1961. WHAT have you to exchange for a rausio course of value? Main 3Q18. WANTED Man and wife fur f irst-cla apartment house. D Oregonian. EDUCA TIONAL. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 265 Oak st. OREGON Law School. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec. Main 977. YATES-FISHER Teachers7 Aency Fres registration. Main 0274. Broadway bids. A