THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND,'- AUGUST 8, 1920 fqb I y0a8AI. I W. AmaOBgm I FOB SAU.-ArTOMOmim I FOR BAl-AgTOMOIM,K. I TOK MI-ArTOMOB I rOK BAT-K ArTOMOBn.F.S. I FOR SAI.K-ArTOMOmi.KS. ' 1 Miscellaneous. 1 v I I I I I FOH SALE. 1 Ti4Fai iertri aim 2-faced. - right, blue enamel. 15-Inch whit let- I ters reading "Meyers," complete with I hanging 'ig. 2 10-fu rolling ceiling I add era, com- with trav ami hnnzers. 4 lo-ft. -jewelry cases, mahogany finish, heavy plate giass, top, noes mm stock, drawers below showcase bot tom. 1 12-ft. counter showcase. 1 8-ft. double-deck showcase. 1 11-ft. double-deck showcase. 3 10-ft, glass umbrella, floor case. Sr 9-ft. floor cases. 3 10-ft. floor case. 1 b-ft. wall umbrella case, 4 ft. -in. V,;V, r.!la irlosa fpnnt Hidf'S Rnd tOD. I .f"t ' counter case, extra wide, wood! 1 6-ft. notion case filled with notion drawers. 4 Upright garment display cases. 5 ft- I lo in. high. 6 eteei computing yard sticks. Several other items In store fixtures. MILLER MERCANTILE CO., Salem, Oregon. THE NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 187 Front st.. bet. Yamhill ana Taylor Sts. We were fortunate to secure a lot of plumbing outfits from the government and we place them on sale for all the week at a great caving to the home outfit ters and we invite the public to call as early as possible and get your wants, as our stock is now large and complete, so you can take advantage of our great bar gains. Estimates given free. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO- ' J87 Front St., bet. Yamhill and Taylor sts. ATTENTION", BUILDERS. NAILS CHEAP. We hare purchased a good, clean stock of GALVANIZED CUT NAILS and will sell at less than mill cost. All sizes from 2d to Sd in finishing at $3,75 per keg; 4d, 6d and 10d common at $4 per keg. Come early and get a( least a year's supply. Stock limited. ZIDELL & BERENSON CO.. Marshall 1332. 208 Front St. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar scales, elm perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging fillings, irritating gums, all con iatnPoyf0rBrus. entnl oi-Ueth tribute to pyorrnea. pus ot gums, i- and finally loss of teeth? 1 specialize in first-class dentistry. X-ray examinations. DR. A. W. KEENE, Majestfc Theater Bldg., 851 V& Wash. St. VXTFt CHOKERS from $11 up; every article reduced this month; remodeling. THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland Bldg., Fifth and Wash. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash, or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, 855 Wash, st., next Majestic theater. MTTKT SELL Cash register, show cases, scales, elec- I trio coffee mill, steam table, many other fixtures, cash or terms. 113 faecond st. 25-20 WINCHESTER, $10; 25 ft. -inch (Jumbo) rubber hose, $2.50; plumbing tools; for sale cheap. Tabor 3S99, morn lng and evenings. FOR SALE Cut flowers at half price; gladiolas, asters, sweet peas and others. 1555 Burrage St., St. Johns car line. Cor ner Greeley and Lombard. Wdln. 1061. WINCHESTER carbine 30-30, in fine con dition, $20. Call before 10 A. M. Sun day, or anytime during the week. 898 East Couch st. T-FOOT steel range, as good as new, with 40-gal Ion hot-water tank, wash sink with fittings and waste pipe. 1751 Derby st. Phone Wood lawn 2015. BOOKS, universal cyclopedia, Dickens, ! tinauespeare, .foe. Stevenson, Longfel low. Green and various other books. Phone East 2805. , FOR SALE One dark worsted suit, size 39 or 40; one baby crib and mattress; one gas ironing iron. Phone Columbia 850. FOR SALE One Iron Age potato planter, Hist potato digger, good condition, half price. Grlner & Wright, Hermiston, Or. PRACTICALLY new New Home sewing machine, with all attachments, $35. Ta bor 885. WANTED One very small-size steam ta ble, must be cheap; state price. V 890. Oregonian. TWO used overcoats cheap ; also extra coats and vests, size 40. Inquire at 2 E. 30th Bt. I DO watch repairing and do It right. MILLER, 855 WASH. ST. Next to Majestic theater. FOR RENT An" A. B. Chase concert grand piano, very reasonable to respon slble party. AR 806, Oregonlan. WILL exchange phonograph for printing, ruling preferred. Hyatt Talking Ma chlne Co.. 350 Alder. BEAUTIFUL pink silk negligee and cross fox fur cheap; also auto robe, never been useo, -u. .cast ail J. AUTO camping outfit, including tent, bed, table, stove, chairs, etc.; used one week; cost $65, sell for $50. 392 Failing st. 15 DOZEN fruit jars, $10; F. 7.7 anastigmat, $12.50. 979. vest pocVet Piper, East FOR SALE New folding auto tent and bed at a big discount if sold today. 10-31 Killlngsworth ave. HAVE new patented Invention for sale or trade. What have you? Box 10. The Dulles. Or. V: PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUNS, KTC BKX. S. BACK MAN. HO 3D ST. FOR SALE One Peninsular heater, one six-hole cook stove, cheap. 474 East Pine st. FOR SALE For less than wholesale price, 20.000 sanitary paper cups in unbroken packages. Call East 5i:u0. OAK WOOD for sale, 4 ft. lengths. D. II Oowans Jr., 200 Tilford bldg. Bdwy. 432. WILL exchange new phonograph for car penter and cement work. Hyatt Talk- lng Machine Co.. 350 Alder. AT NEARLY half price, safe, computing scale, cash register, eight-It. showcase. UAhULl.N K woodsaw for sale; 7-horse-power saw engine, good traction. Call j.Huor iwo eun. or eve. OAK BEDROOM set. 1 mahogany music cabinet. No. 774 Multnomah st. Auto. YOUR diamonds aoid on commission b Belding. the Jeweler, 245 bs Alder st Main lti92. JUDPATH'S History of the World, com- plete eet. 8 vol., never used, $25. 609 1 -m in Kri st. anve, KOD A KS We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko- caKs. franny s. a.t w asnington et. WILL exchange new phonocrraph for small A. C. motor, about one-sixth H. P. Hy att Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. TUITION Walker. TO TRANSFER at Behnke Call Broadway 1564 after 10. EARLY TRANSPARENT apples at 6c per pound. 1526 E. Burnslde at. Tabor BAKK oven, Roberts 3-shelf 12-sheet, in good shape. Will sell very cheap. Tabor Mt.M). liUIDGE-BEACH Superior wood ranee. good as new. $50. Tabor 56$ 1. 665 East i list St. iN, Ail Li LI A K L and pocket billiard tables. piiov tuses. wan cases, nxtures; terms. W. J. stuigley. 369 Hawthorne. East 123. 500 CORDS wood. $4; or hire hauled 240 rods, at $1. 141 East 09th N. Evenings, Tabor "055. OFFICE furniture, used by government, now on e-ate at Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., 107 Second St. FRENCH prunes. 25-lb. boxes. $3: 100-lb.. $11.50; cheaper 300-Ib. lots. Cowley's grocery, ica muu u 1 HOlSE phone s stem, consisting of six phones and cable. Bdwy. 964, ir. Shaw. fcOSCH high-tension magneto, type Z-E2; s c U or trade. $15. Col. 1151. GENT'S diamond ring, $22, cost $40. 313 X. 23d. 12 to 5. RANGE, in good condition; bargain. Wood lawn .I'm, BABY buggy and crib, willow, $30. 303 Cherry st., near Williams ave. DIAMOND About -k., Tiffany setting. fine color: a bargain. 211 Central bldg. U-UAL'OE Winchester pump 25-35 Remington automatic. gun. alse 110 4th st. FOR your camping. 10-oz. tent, s"ll cheap. $35. Tabor S51L 12x14, TWO congenial sportsmen to join gun club on Sauvies Island. J 928. Oregonian. 25 CORDS wood, fir and maple mixed, $9.25 a cord. .Woodlawn 25S9. ADDING MACHINE, fine condition; bar gain. 8S4 Stark st. Broadway 1198. NEW all-wool 3piece suit, size 3S. Main 10K2. FOR SALE A beautiful, large potted cen tury plants Alain 19U3. " 1 DELTVERIES AND EXPRESS. We have several evpress and panel deliveries at exceptionally low price. Qnma a rm rahnlll a nrt hVfl RA 1 f -St alters. with guaranteed batteries; $100 to $200 pown wui get you a goo a, eervittnuw delivery. Call and see. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COM PANY. Broadway at Davis at. Broadway 3335. rr rPTDlPil. RARP, ATN'S. New massage vibrator f 8 00 New sewing machine motor. ... . . o.l)0 New cream and egg whipper 8.00 TtTaw l. w t V r C! motor. -. -. 35.00 Kpw 2fi b. C. fan 20.0O t-h ir-Iti TV C fan 20.00 Used 8-ln. D. C. fan 8-00 Used Hotpoint iron 4 00 Used Hotpoint heater 9.00 Used soda mixer 15.00 Used vacuum cleaner 6.00 Kvery article guaranteed. HYNSON ELECTRIC CO. 802 Pine St. Broadway 4298- LUMBER! LUMBER! 2,000,000 feet of all dimensions. PLUMBING! PLUMBING! All kinds of plumbing material. -Doors, Windows and Cable. , DOLAN WRECKING & CONST. CO., Office. 171 Front st. Lumber Yard, 10th and Wash. -515-77. HONEY FONES' MOUNTAIN VIEW. Ahfrnlnterv nnr. In 5-srallon cans. 60 lbs. each. 2 cans to the case, or In 1 V9 linn f rirrtf na-t.nn na ils. A to the case, 22c per lb. f. o. b. Portland. Check or ' money order must accompany order. L. C. FONES. Grand View. Idaho. FOR SALE: 1 bicycle, 1 air brush; new mangle, gauge ior soda iountain or air tank, 46-inch Simplex clothes mangle, al most new; automatic clothes sprinkler; all bargains. Call or phone Monday. Wdln. 4609. 1177 Alblna ave. FOR SALE 1000 cords wood, 700 now cut, balance being cut; 8 miles from center of Portland; would let contract hauling out on bank with teams. Phone Tigardville 35, or address Sherwood, Route 1, Box 136. TWO rugs, large; 3 small ; ivory bed, dresser and chair; mahogany dressing table and chair; umb. stand, peaestai, 2 rockers, .chairs, etc.; Presto tank, auto, camp stove. 910 Jhurman st. Home Sunday. DYERS AND CLEANERS ATTENTION One 50-allon brand-new, over-shaped benzine still with goose neck, copper condensing coil and separator; condens ing tank, automatic vacuum valve. Tri umph Machine Co., East 10. ELEGANT carved burr walnut cabinet, suitable for books or gentleman's ward robe. Very fine hand-painted breakfast set of 50 pieces and Victrola. Attrac tive prices. East 8706. A BANNER sanitary gas range ; almost new: S'20. Conner coil eas water neater, new, $20; nice oak bed, springs and mattress, .$15. East 4852. 769 E. Broad way. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN 25 feet green house steel frame, perfect condition; 100 feet best six-loot wire fencing, posts ana stringers; 7 rabbits and hutches; two brass bird cages. Phone 331-13 i ONE Hobard meat grinder, electric, y. H. v., $ luu cash for quick sale. Inquire Monday, SUPT. ARMY RETAIL STORE FIFTH AND PINE STS. HAVE your diamonds reset into modern. up-to-ciate wnite gom mountings. A wonderful selection to pick from. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, 355 Wash, st., next Majestic theater. EDISON Amberola. diamond point, sold ior ;uu; taKen in on larger Hidison; price with 50 indestructible records only $115. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE 28-foot floor cases; number different sizes; cigar cases, lift-up top; complete candy outfit; scales, electric coffee mill, wall case, cash registers, oreaa sneer. -i- salmon. POTATOES, string beans, blackberries and loganoerries are ripe, pick them your self and save, or we will pick. 89th and Stark, Mt. Tabor car to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east. PRACTICALLY new Wade drae sW. ft. foot blade, perfect condition, sawed ten cords. $125 crated. Address J. O. Con- vui, westport, Or. I FOR SALE Gould's History of Freemas onry, live volumes, full Morocco, ex cellent condition. R. S. Searle. Broad way 5819. UNIVERSAL 6-hole range with warming oven and water colls; has had .good care and the price is reasonable. East A WINCHESTER or Remington rifle for aeer; must De moaern and in good con dition. What have you for sale? M 980, Oregonlan. ACTRESS visiting city will sell hand- some evening coat, cost $200, for $50 slightly worn; call after 1 o'clock. 148 IN. 2J.SC -St. 1 PR. LADIES' white canvas Oxfords, a! most new. size 4H-A; 1 electric portable lamp; 1 kerosene "banquet lamp. Call cast 0401. FOR SALE A postcard size Anco camera with carrying case, in first-class condi tion and a bargain at $15. 1028 Bel mont. Tabor 4 si. BEAUTIFUL mahoeranv Grafonola xhnnod ime a liDrary tame; cost new $25: Drice $150; terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. MUST sell my French coney fur cape at a uargain oeiore leaving ior the south. Broadway 21S2 from 8 A. M. to 3 P. M., room 201. FOR SALE $50 top suit for $20, never worn, size 38. Call Broadway 7722 or 469 Flint st. BLUE SILK DRESS Size 38"! $5! sTIk dress, $1S; sport skirt, $3.50; tailored suit, $10; Monday. East 2269. DESKS. typewriters, adding machines, ruga, time clocks from shipyards. D. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th st. Broadway 2739. RESTAURANT Fixtures, steam table, gas range, coffee urn. dishes, silver, tables; cheap. East 8048. 565 E. Taylor st. SUITS to order on easy payments Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Staik. I FOR SALE 60 feet new awning for sale. MuiLiiaocu iur turner store a montns ago; with iron frame. 94 3d st. MAUSER rifle, 7-mm. pistol grip. Al con dition: $35. G. Laurent, bm A 77 rnm 2. Mllwaukie. 3 YARDS new duchess satin, pale green, suitable for evening dress, $18. Call f5 E. 16th st. ONE DOUBLE COPPER coil wire water nearer, lion. i;;u mast 14tn st. Phone East 6705. GAS PLATE, 3 burner; pictures, dishes, books, mandolin, fruit Jars, etc 63 E. 47th, cor. Star 3-A KODAK, with 6.3 Zeiss Tessar lens ana complete equipment. Phone Main 4ni. 4x5 CAMERA, long extension, case, plate holders, adapter, fine condition. $15. Wood lawn 1057. IF YOU could keep your battery charged ior c wouia mis interest you 7 see and talk to Greenberg. S3 Park st. FOR SALE Floor cases, counter cases, cash registers, safes, wait cases, ice box. candy outfit: terms. 242 Salmon. ONE Crown silk 3-piece taupe broadcloth, fine white stripe serge. All 3S. Hats. 095 Flanders. Mar. 817. PIGS, 8 weeks, 25 to 30 pounds $8; will ueiiver. juain uu. riuisaaie. n. 1. box 49. FOR SALE One large and- small safe. National penny register, corner floor case, other fixtures; hurry. 242 Salmon. FIN IE TONE Arion piano, dark case, price only $175. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking MachinCo.. 350 Alder. BIG load of boxwood, $5.50 per load. V oodiawn 5904. or 1133 Montana ave. FOR PALE AtTOMOBILES. 1917 CHEVROLET touring, all new tires and good in every way; only $475; terms to suit. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St. KING 8, mechanically perfect, five cord tires: $1330. Phone East 831. Call 444 K. Asn st. TRADE for property, excellent 1917 7- passenger Overland 6, value $900. East 25SI. CHEVROLET TOURING In the best of condi tion : good tires, $350. W oodiawn 6205. 52 Junior St. FORD SEDAN. 18 model fine condition. seir-s tarter, extra tire and equipment. can wooaiawn -to.'. 1915 HUDSON Super 6 roadster, special patty; periect conau ion ; i uu ; terms snap. Brocdway 32S1. Mr. Argo. 1918 FORD chassis with 1920 eneine: mountaoie rims. casn or traae ior larger car. r.ast lu. 1916 MAXWELL, 6 tires, battery, spot light, motometer and -toois; must sell $ MM). Wooaiawn 255S. FORD touring, mechanically perfect; looks liHe new: oargain at $uuu. rnone sell- wooa xica. CUT PRICES. SUMMER PRICES THAT ARB MAKING US SALES. We do not have a used-car depart ment these bargains axe on our galea room floor: 1917 Maxwell, fin running, small modern automobile $ 425 1918 Maxwell, great bargain. ... 645 1919 Maxwell, "like new" 745 1918 Charmers light six, fine con dition, first-class shape 1150 1919 Essex going through our shop, will be like new and earn e se rvlce an d same re placemente of parts as a factor j gives you on a new car .,; 1423 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson super six, always In private hands; has been all gone over in our shop, then repainted. We give you the same service and factory re placement of parts as on a new automobile 1250 "1918 Hudson super six, always was in private hands; has been through our shop and is like new. We give you the same service and factory replacement of parts a on a new automobile 1800 1919 Hudson speedster, always In. private hands; has been tnrougn our snop ana. at gone over, then repainted. We give yoa the same serv ice and factory replacement of parts as on a new auto- mobile 1825 TRUCKS. 1918 Maxwell truck, good used truck 950 New 1918 old-style one-ton truck, bargain on a new truck. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington St. Portland. FORD OWNERS. rTTFVRClI .V. T OWNERS. Motors overhauled ?20 1 Rear axle overhauled Vulva ffrniind parhan removed..... Maeneto recha'reed 5 I Wo hand.lnn niRtnnn ccraDs bearings. etc.. which inspires a perfect-running I motor. Genuine Ford parts only usea. All work guaranteed. THK RRA SON the Ford engine starts . hard and the! lie-hts a dim In because the MAb- NETO is weak. Hav it RECHARGED 1 by EXfEKia. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. 7-PASS. NASH, wire wheels, six cord tires; this car is positively in iirst-ciass mechanical condition. $1000 and take fenmA the hieepRt valnA ever offered in Oregon. Phone Wood lawn 5551, or 818 I Patton ave-i owner. THERE'S a deep satisfaction In driving an Eiarin Six. Let us take you lor a ride In this most new one. You'll be pleased both witn the car ana price. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. 1918 BUICK FOUR TOURING. Here Is the high grade four of the world; a Buick four; you hardly ever see one ot these popular cars tor sale. and this one is refinished and looks I and runs as new: you will be nroud to own this car when you see it: has some extras and low price, and take $325 down. bal. easy. Come-and try it. Open Sundays. 505 Alder st. Red Front Lsea car Co. NEW CHEVROLETS. Prompt delivery, easy terms; liberal allowance for your Ford or Chevrolet. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO Corner Mllwaukie and Bybee Aves. Phone Sell wood 1393. FRANKLIN touring car, series 9B model; this car has just been thoroughly over hauled in our own shop and is in first class mechanical condition; has good tires and good paint; can be had at the very low price of $2200; cash or terms. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. 601 Washington St. Main 4880. STOP and look; used cars going at sacri fice; don't mias it; cheap while they I last. Two Ford tourings. Ford bug. 1 Chevrolets, ' Maxwells, 1917 Buick, 5-1 passenger 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet, Overland, Keo &-passenger. D. E. Lar kin. 86 10th. Broadway 3231. 1919 BUICK touring car. looks like new, car has been in storage for 5 months; cord tires, part new, fine mechanicaMy ; owner leaving city, must sell, $1500; would make some terms to responsible I party. No trade. Phone Tabor 4459. FOR SALE Reo 6, 7-passenger. This car has only been driven about 14,000 miles and has just been thoroughly over- I hauled. . Guaranteed to be in first-class condition. Phone Broadway 53(3 or Ta bor 7357. CADILLAC 7-PASSENGER CAR, type 37. in perfect condition, used only by the president of Reed college; may be seen'' at Reed college. Phone Sellwood 2436. Price, with 6 cord tires and all extras. BUICK LIGHT SIX $900. This car an exceptional buy; in very I good shape, good tires; want quick ac- I tion. TaDor wuoi. 1918 FORD touring, by private owner. tires ana unisn in urst-ciase conaition: fine running order; a snap for $450. Call at 214 iztn st. rnone Main iVJa. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell in fine condi tion. $525; will consider trading on a Ford. By owner, 352 San Rafael flC Phone 32494. REO 1917 touring, thoroughly overhauled, new top, paint and good tires. own er arter b Al.. or ail day buaday, Sell wood 3071. FOR SALE or trade. Ford and Chevrolet for a larger car, one or both with some cash; private owner. Call evenings after 6. 80 37th st. S. E. OAKLAND touring, 1920. used privately; very best of condition; will sacrifice at $1100. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. BY OWNER Almost new coupe, 2700 miles. Overland. 6-cy Under, 3-passenger and chair; all extras; leaving city. $1500. Can be seen 471 Morrison. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles. We wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at b&lf price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105-7 N. 11th st. MODEL 79 Overland, engine completely overhauled, good mechanical condition; $250 with terms. Union Depot garage, cor. Broadway andHoyt st 1919 LIGHT 6 PAIGE: looks like new. runs the same; new price is $2175; grab this at $1525. Terms. Mr. Argo. Broad way 3281. 1919 GRANT "SIX," mechanically perfect. 2 new tires, lots or extras, $8o0 for quick sale. Terms. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. FOR SALE 9-B Franklin. by owner. $22o0. Park Rose, corner Clarnie and Sandy. FORD BUG Submarine type, some class; small payment down; easy terms on balance. Terminal Garage, 5th and Hoyt. CHEVROLET. 1918. S-pass., good condi tion; lots ox extras; oar sain, Alain 6383. East 6U14. 192U CHEVROLET roadster, run 3000 miles, $ oO. Call r rohman Monday. Broadway 3 21. , OVERLAND 75 for sale by owner, $525. in good condition ; see mis. a snap. Main 4570. Mrs. Morris. STEPHENS Salient Six, Just new; could use a r ora or jjoage as part payment, terms on balance. Broadway 3606. BUICK BARGAIN. 1917 4-cyllnder touring car. good tires and paint. Call East 8310. IF you are looking for a first-class Ford del. car, can laoor .m any time. Very cheap. OVERLAND touring, model 73. In good condition ; real bargain at $450. terms. 3o Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 19 MAXWELL at a great bargain. 1641 Stark st. Tabor 5856. Mar. 2766. Main 402S. 1920 MAXWELL, like new. for sale by owner. $400 will handle it. 1641 East Stark st. Phone Tabor 5856. MAXWELL touring. 1918; good tires; will sacrifice at $500 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LVTE model Ford. Al condition; will sell st sacrifice. Car can be seen at 325 5th st. tjuG $180;. wire wheels, small tires. East Grant, evenings. REMOVAL SALES. EVERT CAR MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICE IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. We are told that we have the best assortment of used cars In the city of Portland, and we still have the nerve to' give you a written guarantee with every car we selL They are overhauled or rebuilt, newly painted if needed, good tires. If you are In the market for a car, do not overlook this big sale. That firm with, money cannot buy. a reputation Our Tout Price. Price. FORD ROADSTER. 18 mo tor $ 400 850 FORD ROADSTER, 19 motor 450 400 FORD TOURING, 18 motor.. 400 350 FORD TOURING, 17 mo tor, rebuilt. 425 875 FORD TOURING, 16 motor.. 875 325 FORD BUG, 18 motor 450 400 FORD DELIVERY, 14 motor 250 200 FORD DELIVERY. 19 motor 450 400 CHEVROLET TOURING, 10 motor 650 60S CHEVROLET TOURING, 18 motor 600 CHEVROLET TOURING, 18 motor 600 CHEVROLET TOURING, 18 motor 600 550 HUPMOBILE, model N 900 850 SCRIPPS-BQOTH touring.., 1000 950 PIERCE ARROW 6-36 1500 HIGH-GRADE BUG 800 250 We have leased the large build ing located at 84-86 Tenth st., 20O feet S. W. of Plttock block, and will take possession August 25. Owing to the large stock of cars we will have to take over with the building. WE MUST DISPOSE OF THE ONES WE HAVE HERE. COME EARLT AND GET THE BEST ONES. CONLErS USED CAR CENTER, 511 Burn side st., bet. 14th and 15th sts. Phone Broadway 1424. CONLET & ARBUCKLE, Props. ROADSTERS, Etudebaker Six Just ready for you. Chevrolet Roadster Full of pep. Ford Roadster 1917 and 1918. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. CADILLAC TOURING 191tf. A "real" automobile at the price you would tav for Junk. This model 57-R- 429, with six almost new cord tires, lots ot extras, driven ll.OOO miles, mechani cally perfect, new rings, timing chain, etc.. must positively be sold this week as I am leaving for the east. Some party with ready cash is going to buy this car, have it repainted and resell- at a $1000 profit. Make me an offer. BARTON. Room 417, Ramapo Hotel. 1918 DODGE, run 7800 miles $950 Car in exceptionally good condition and appearance. 1917 MITCHELL, at a big cut $300 Car needs about $100 worth of re pair work to put in good shape. 1919 PREMIER, new paint, in A-l shape $2400 1917 CHANDLER, good running or der $800 WASHINGTON PARK AUTO CO.. Washington at 23d. Main 7305. FORD OWNERS. FORD overhauled .........$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson, USED RADIATORS for all makes of cans All radiators tre carefully gone ovr and made tight before sold, BUR EbS & MARTIN. . 15th and Alder Sts. 1918 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. This light roadster runs and looks fine; will do 20 miles on gal. gas and use the same tires as Ford; low upkeep and lots of service. A car you can sell over night when you get ready and we have low price on this one and only $250 down. bal. easy. Come and try it. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. Open Sunday. . FRANKLIN four-passenger, series 9-B model ; this car is in good mechanical condition, good tires and has Just been repainted; this is a real bargain at $1800; terms to responsible parties. BRALY AUTO COMPANY, 601 Washington St. Main 4880. FOR SA LE New Ford coupe, equuipped with Zenith carburetor. Moore service brakes, spotlight and dash light clock, extra tire, seiz starter ana tools, rnone woo a lawn or can at noom zu, Washington bldg., week days. 1920 490 CHEVROLET, run Just enough to break in ana anven oy an experi enced driver; extras; terms. This car Oractically new. Owner buying baby rana Chevrolet, uana, itn ana Aider. Bdwy. 40. 1920 CHEVROLET, perfect condition, run only oOuu miles ; equipped with shock absorbers; $800 cash or terms. Phone owner. Oak Grove 124-M, for demon' stration. BRAND-NEW HUDSON. Am to take delivery in the next few days; will be able to save you some money If you are looking for this type of car; casn or terms. om, uregoniao. BUGS All kinds of them. Ford bugs, both early ana late mooeisj iuason Dug, Cadillac bug. Overland bug, Stoddard bug; in fact, this is the buggiest house you ever saw. 523 Alder St. Bdwy. 341L 1920 CHEVROLET, 5-passenger. only run 1000 miles, with all extras. Including license and Insurance; $800 for quick sale. See Mr. Howard at No. 35 N. 14th st. ESSEX touring. 1919, in best of condition; a real bargain at $1500; will consider trade on ord. 3U brand ave. North, near Burnside. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. AN AUTO for sale, can make dandy bug. out ox it. ine iirsi one mat comes gets It lor s.uu and taae it away, jlcl quickly. 353 N. 23d st I SELL any kind of car; let me sell yours, or I will trade. See me. Open Sunday, Russell St. Auto Exchange, 289 Rus sell st FORD touring. $300, terms. Phone Dunn, Sellwood 1393. OVERLAND 1920 model 4. $895. Phone Dunn, Sell wood uiYU'ir.LL tourin? 1919. very best of con riitton: owner must sell; real bargain at ' 9S75. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. FORD sedan. $750; terms. Phone Dunn, Sellwood FOR SALE 1920 Ford sedan, splendid condition and appearance oua .ttroaa way. r.nnn BUICK 4 for sale at a bargain. Automatic 216-2S. 5511 Foster road. E venings Sellwood gJii. MUST sell Ford bug. In good condition, leaving town. East 7619. FOR SALE Ford car. 1915, $300, 847 East Sixth, and. Shaver sts. C. G. BLEASDALE. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. All standard makes. Call and look I them over and get our proposition. Make j your own (arms. FORD, worm-drive, 1-ton truck. FORD delivery $ STS FORD touring. 1918. rood tlre. soot light, tool box, ref inlshed . . . 475 I FORD coupe. In fins condition.... 7001 CHEVROLET, 1919, good tires, spot light, this car is practically new 1 PAIGE, 6-CTcle, 7-passenger, good tires, refinished, for cash.... 1 MAXWELL tourlnr. In fine me chanical condition 500 1 MAXWELL roadster, 1918, new top, spot light. 5 good tires I MAXWELL. 1918. tour inc. can not bo told from new.... 7501 OVERLAND, model 90, moto th oroii ehlY overhauled, new ton. refinished 700 1 OERLAND 85-4. refinished. 5 tires, for OVERLAND 7-passenger, looks Ilka new, just the car for rental. . CHALMERS light 6. 1919, prac tically new, sacrificed for quick, sale. MITCHELL chummy roadster, 5 rnnd tirea. In nerfent mechanical condition v 1250 I CHALMERS light 6, thoroughly overhauled, new special speed- . ster-tvoe bod v. new ton. with plate glass, 5 tires 13-50 WTLLTS - KNIGHT. mechanically perfect 5 good tires 1450 1 MANT OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. C. G. BLEASDALE, 530 Alder Street. Broadway 1852. - GIVE 'EM GAS! TAKE 'EM AW ATI They're good cars, but WE DON'T WANT EM! What we want is the ROOM for new T,lhriv nnrt Krinrno rnn cnminE in: WC I will not pay storage when we have the room in our own big Duuoung. USED CARS And weH say they are going fast. This is all we have left, and if your choice i I among them, come ana taKe it sw. We'll make the price RIGHT. Briscoe Delivery. Ford bug. Liberty sedan. Chevrolet bug. Liberty touring. Hudson sedan, luin f!hvrn1et tourlns. Also one good 3-ton Denby truck a, big bargain for someone. Terms to suit YOU. Open Sundays. W. H. WALLINGFORD CO., Under New Management, loth and Washington. Phone Broadway 2626. 1918 BUICK SIX ROADSTER. Here Is the class of the row. and thli one is like new and will surprise you when you look at it; has cords and one hmnd nft-y extra, all mounted, and the car runs as fine as you could want one to; low price, and we will take $450 down. bal. easy. Come and look it nvnr Tnrtce car In trade. Ooen Sun days. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. wk f!ARHT a full line of auto accessories. tli-K tuhea.' Ford narts. light globes. etc.; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A. SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. CURTISS AIRPLANE ENGINE, Wtr.WT-rTI.TNDER. COMPLETE WITH MAG.. CARB.. READY TO INSTALL I IN SHIP. JUST $480 TAKES IT. R. E. I GORE. 217 MAIN ST.. VANCOUVER. I WASH. PHONE 480. lO'n STEPHEN'S ROADSTER. v.nninnpd with & wire wheels and 5 good cord tires, Alemite system, seat covers, spotlight, bumper, weed cnams, winH fiofioctnr. wind shield cleaner. rear sight mirror; I will save you $1100 and throw in tne extras Decause ceu the money. Sellwood 1:923. n.ASST FORD BUG BARGAIN. Lots of power, underslung body. Just nainted maroon, high-tension magneto. speedometer, clock, 100-amp. storage battery, electric lights, tire rack, top. windshield, fenders, cutout, spotlight, foot throttle; low price of $475, term a Owner, Tabor 4573. CLASSY Ford bug; underslung body, mas ter vibrator, nonaaay snocK aosoruers, new Gordon radiator. 20-gallon tank, four new tires, one spare, spotlight, in tensiner for lights. Klaxon, good set tools, with pump and jack; good condi tion; $425, terms. Tabor 4447. 251 East 48th st. I HAVE 47 automobiles, bugs, roadsters. 5 and passengers, ngni ana neavy. all in fine condition; will take trade as part or full payment on any of these; prefer diamonds, but will consider any thing you have except real estate. Kelly, 623 Alder et. Broadway 3411. FRANKLIN touring car. in first-class me chanical condition, practically new tires. Just recently repainted, a real bargain for $1500, cash or terms. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. 601 Washington St Main 4880. DODGE CAR FOR $625. Need money and will sell my 5 -Pass, Dodge, good tires, fine finish, self starter, disk clutch, Delco Ignition. This certainly is a snap for any one wanting to get a uouge cneap. x nunc xanor eio W 1 VWKT.T. R A RliAIV Someone who wants a new 1920 Max well at a big discount. This car has 6 -tires, guarantee of 90 days, the same as a pew one. xou can l leu lum irum ue w Tabor 7817. LIBERTY 6 touring, late model. 6 wire wheels, 5 tires, bumper, spotlight, other extras; first-class mechanical condition, runs rood and looks good; must sell, no trades, will sacrifice for $1100. Phone owner. Marshall 18 18. in ft HHANDLER. -7-Dassenger. new. Just nicely broken in ; equipped with 5 cord tires and best steel disk whee.s made; will sell for $400 less than cost; will call ana demonstrate. J3j 034, urego nlan. MAXWELL roadster. 1917. very best of i-nndltinn nwner must sell: real bar gain at $500. 30 Grand ave. North. near Burnside 1919 OAKLAND SIX. Tire and car good as new; price 1000 for quick sale. Tabor 5681. 065 E. 41st street iNorxn. 1017 7-PASSENGER Marmon 34. excellen condition ; price reasonable, with terms to responsible party, can owner, juain 650. week days. CHANDLER chummy roadster by owner in A -1 r-n n iimuu : win leu ii Lacu .i once for $1100. 344 E. 49th st. Phone Tabor 5003. RTTYS Maxwell roadster, fine run ning oruer. guou e -v tunes per gallon ot gas; guaranteed U. Jx. 213 Weldler et. Room 10. 1919 CHEVROLET.panel top. delivery, like new. wortn stuu sacnuce ior casn, or exchange for touring car and pay cash difference. East 6228. owner. DANDY 1919 Sedan, cost $1850. for $1450; a line all-year car. icrnu. uwner, Tabor 3428. 1918 STUDE BAKER touring car. in good condition, real oargain ior saie. .Broad way 4200. 289 Burnside st. MAXWELL touring. 1917; will sell at $300.75. 3o urana ave. i oriu. near Burnside. ONE Overland 7-passenger .... $950 $480 781 1st. One Chevrolet touring car. ... . Storage for autos, $4 and up. A SNAP 1920 Haines, good condition, 5 cord tires. Pacific Garage, 288 11th st. Main 1092. 8-CYL. CADILLAC, 1915, 7-passenger, mo tor splendid condition; $900 cash. BJ 810, Oregonlan . CHEVROLET $350; must be sold at once. Phone Sellwood 1885 or call 466 Sher re'tt avenue; will not be home Sun. P. M. KING ROADSTER All new tires, in per fect condition, $4.mi; very easy terms. Terminal Garage, Fifth and Hoyt sts. FORD touring. 1916. used privately; a bar gain at $400. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1920 DODGE touring, never been run, immediate delivery. Call 737 E. 42d N. or phone Tabor 211. FINE 1919 Chevrolet, good tires, come take a look, make offer. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OFFER 1917 Ford touring, swell special built bodv, perfect condition. See this car. 451 Hall st. Marshall 1312. OVERLAND 90, touring, good condition, 575. Tabor 7932. $150 DOWN? balance to suit, buys a Dodge touring car. Broadway 3606. QUALITY COUNTS. In nsed cars as rn other things. I quality counts. We have used ears oi i quality, many of them overhauled and I sands of miles of satisfactory service! etill In them. Compare our cars and our prices with others and you will see I tne wisdom ox iraoiDi wu - OVERLAND, model 90. club ma ster, wttn wire w nccio, w deflectors, 2 bumpers, spot light, tA aii pp.riv for the road; a pickup $700 1917 HUPMOBILE, S-pass., 4-cyl. 1916 MITCHELL, 7 -pas.. 6-cyi. 1917 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-cyL 1918 MITCHELL, 5-pass 6-cyl. 1918 MITCHELL, 7-pass.. 6-cyL 1919 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 6-cyL 1919 MITCHELL, 7-pass., 6-cyL 1918 WILLYS -KNIGHT. 7-pass., 6-cyL JORDAN sport marine, 4 -pass., 6-cyL I JORDAN suburban, 7-pass., 6-cyl. v.. nir beth larre and small; prices $500 and up. No brokerage I cnarges. e carry MITCHELL. LEWIS ft STATER CO PHONE, BROADWAY 4675. ALL GOOD BUTS. mon Winn miTPK WIRE WHEEbo oov I 1917 ,FORD TOURING 475 I 1919 MITCH ELI LIKE NEW 1300 1916 BUICK TOURING 900 1919 MAXWELL TOURING 8501 1918 ELGIN TOURING 10001 1913 BRISCOE touring 675 I 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING.... 7001 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING...... 750 OLDffMOBIL'E CO., BROADWAY AT COUCH. BROADWAY 2270. 1918 CADILLAC roadster, in A-I condition. for sale to settle an estate, has six cord tires, bumper, spot light and other equipment; any reasonable offer will be accepted. Call Main 2346 Sunday be tween 10 and 12 A. M.; weekdays call Sellwood 131. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE. WK rUK.MSH TtiK MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., DIXIE FLYER This bird Just flies over tne grouna. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. PREMIER CHUMMY ROADSTER AT SACRIFICE. Husband left me, so am obliged to work; have no use and cannot afford to own any car, so will sacrifice this beau tiful 4-passenger Chummy roadster, with electric gear shift, fine paint, absolutely perfect. What will you pay 7 See me at 134 rsorth Broadway, opposite new poMOiiice. SAXON SIX TOURING. 18. This car is refinished dark bine with gold stripe and is a very beautiful car: runs as good as new and the low Drice of $650 with $250 down, balance easy, will let you enjoy this car while you ride. Open Sundays at 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. 1918 OLDS 8 TOURING. 1918 LIBERTY SIX TOURING. I own both of these cars and only have use for one. I will sell either at a sacrifice and give terms to responsible party. Both cars are In first-class me chanical condition. Phone Main 4803. FOR SALE NEW 1920 5-PASSENGER CAR. RUN ONLY 6000 MILES; NEW SET 8000-MILE GUARANTEE TIRES fl T U.N - W EEKS AGO: ALSO 1 SPARE TIRE: ABOUT ONE-THIRD CASH, BALANCE ON TIME. WDLN. 1544. ESSEX roadster, good mechanical con dition, good paint and cord tires, in cluding spare tire. Can be bad at i substantial reduction; cash or terms. BRALY AUTO COMPANY, 601 Washington St? Main 4880. HERE'S a dandy bvry. 1918 Overland roadster, 4-passenger; 5 wire wheels, 3 tires almost new. motor Just overhauled. Will demonstrate if you want a bargain and mean business. Price $600. AV 226, uregonian. RARE bargain. 2 36x5 quick detachable tires, line new. su takes tne lot: also 1 6-volt starting bat., excellent condi tion, $18.50. Call evenings at 58 East i:n st. s. 1919 CADILLAC. 7-PASSENGER TOUR JNG, r ULLI KyUlffKU, rKKl KCT MECHANICAL CONDITION. $3000 cash. A-tt euo, oregonlan. FOR SALE Oakland sedan In good shape 4 new tires, j. extra, omer extras; cneap for cash. Call Tabor 2412 Sunday or ween, gays, evening. 1919-1920 3-PASSENGER roomy roadster cord tires al 1 around : at a bargain. Phone owner. Tabor 2171, after 8 o'clock Monday morning. 1917 MAXWELL, good mechanical condi tion, new top, good tires, a real buy at $400 cash. Car at 325 Salmon at, or phone evenings nast o. 1919 BUICK roadster, cord tires, looks like new. good mechanical condition. Phone D. M. Smith, Broadway 1130, af ter Sunday. OVERLAND touring. 1915. in good run ning condition; will sacrifice at $150. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE Nash 5-pass. automobile good condition; cheap for cash. Phone Bast 2394 Monday morning. 1915 STUDE BAKER In good shape. $350 cash. Phone 212-uts evenings, excep Sunday. 1H17 BTUDEBAKER touring. In good con dltion, with all new tires, cheap. Phone Main 702, talk to Kavanaugn. FAMILY car In fine shape, late model leaving town; must sell. Make offer. Will demonstrate. Phone Marshall SO: Vf)H rale Cadillac: new paint, median IcaJly good; new cord tires; cneap. can pun, or aion. muniiiiSi - - j. gw DODGE 5-passenger. new top. spotlight. extra tire, just overnauiea, n o ; snap. 1347 Hood st. lei. aiarsnau zoeo. ESSEX. 1919. bv owner: driven 6500 miles cora tires; i-w, some ieiillB- diomwhj CHANDLER, $7O0; 1915. fine condition, 7720 58th ave. new tires ; snap, terms. Southeast. HUPMOBILE BARGAIN. Leaving, will sell my Hup dirt cheap. Good car. Terms. Sellwood 651. FRANKLIN 5-pass., 6-cyl.. new top; fine shape; at a sacrifice; going east. 207 E. 37th st. S STUTZ bulldog a bargain ; terms. Broadway 3too. FORD roadster, good shape, bargain. Own er leaving town. Tabor 3604. COLE roadster, perfect mechanical condi it ion. By owner. AH, 899, Oregonian. CADILLAC BUG. new tires, call evening. East 7219. Mr. all round; Schmeer LIGHT trailer, new tires, run 500 miles. 1615 Brandon st. FOR SALE 1918 Buick touring car. East 1393. Mr. Slpe. $150 CASH buys first-class Ford bug. In qulre evenings. G. Scott. 242 Broadway. 1920 FORD SEDAN, white wire wheels, all extras. 701 Patton road. CHALMERS bug for sale. Call 244 Cook ave. between 10 and 2 Sunday. PACKARD 6-38 by owner; good condition. 444 Carter Lan Min 8046. KEO for sale cheap; terms. 1S8 E. 44th st. Call Tabor 6416. BOMB BUYS, Reo 4 v-v 400 Overland 450 Hudson -w.-..-.-.v.-.. $450 Maxwell ..................... .....$ 500 I Maxwell $ 550 Reo 4 v...v $.750 Reo 6 . . . iVm SlOOol Bulck big six . $1100 Colo 8 $1400 Paige $1200 TRUCKS. Federal 14 -ton Lip pert -Stewart, panel body , . .$300 ...$300 ...Y350 Ford delivery ................. Republic -ton ............... Denby ...$450 I ...$600 NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Alder At 18th. ASK ABOUT OUR PREH TRIAL ON TBUCKS. We have one of the largest stocks of used trucks In the state of Oregon.' They are all overhauled and n..t in finest possible condition. It will pay you I u u v coufcttio uur line. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 2-ton G. M. C tioon -ton Republic 750 1-ton Moreland SoO x-ion r oru, worm drive, pneumat ics all around 675 2-ton Beo 00 I MANT OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. EAST TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. GRANNINO A TRRRrm 642 Alder St., cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. AUTO STORAGES IDLE CARS. 14TH AND COUCH fN. W. COR,. WEST SIDEV SAFE, CLEAN, DRY STORAGE. LOW INSURANCE, REASONABLE RENT CALL AUTO PAINTING & ENAMEL ING CO., BROADWAY 4408 OR MAIN 1136. SPECIAL NOTICE WE ARE SPE CIALLY EQUIPPED FOR mr.H.r-T ice AUTO PAINTING, ENAMELING. ETC. oiAowanau muajk TEN YEARS). TRAILERS, 2- ton, 4-wheel, nearly new, 1 Lee, 1 Highway; will sell at any reasonable figure. Just the thing for wheat, cord wood, etc WENT WORTH & IRWIN, INC. 200 Second St., Corner Taylor. I MAXWELL TOURING It's In fine condi- THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 15th and Washington. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. This is the late model and has cord tires and other extras; will pass for new and we will do anything you want done witn a car uw price and long terms and we will take right kind of car in trade. oui Alder st- Red Front Used MUST DISPOSE OF MY NATinvii. r- a t ni.iuiiai ii-t,yiiiiuer, (-passenger tour. in peneci mecnanicai condi tion; Just recently repainted, good tires must dispose of it, as I lost my position and need the money. J 11 take $600 cash and balance In eight months. 134 jj B road way. . opposite new postofflce. 1916 MAXWELL roadster, and dandy little "i a. iiiiie money, dui it s worth a whole lot more; mechanical condition good; only $250 for quick sale. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St. 2 SPECIAL made dell-ery bodies for Ford ruausiers, suitaoie for traveling sales man. 530 Alder st. - Broadway 1S52. 1920 4-0O CHEVROLET, like new: spare tire, dash light, weather strip, in splen did condition: Just broken In; owner leaving city, must sell. Broadway 240. Ask for McCord or Stetson. FRANKLIN BARGAIN. 1920 Franklin touring car. run less than 2000 miles; In finest condition; for onto m. . a. stcai Bttuiiute. r or a em o nitra tion write ffOR SALE 7-passenger 1920 Buick; been driven six weeas; reason lor selling, am Waving town; car may be seen at Ford oarage. ores nam, or. Cail phone Gresham 44. DETROIT electric, looks and runs like new ; a iso cnarging plant; can be had ior si ou. BRALT AUTO COMPANT, 601 Washington St. Main 4880. 1918 FORD touring in first-class condition. spotlight. Dumper, tire carrier, good 30x 3 tires an around, runs like new, bargain, $450 cash. 504 Marguerite ave. nicnmona car. BUY FROM OWNER. 1918 STUDEBAKER IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION, WITH GOOD TIRES, U.Ntl . O ( 3. 1 AUUK i oott. $400 CASH takes best running Ford In city ; lots of accessories ; must have money to make first payment on house. East 3535. Porter. 1918 OLDS 8 at a bargain. Is in fine shape, just overhauled. 2 new tires and some extras. Will take smaller car as part payment. 1746 Portsmouth ave. CHEVROLET baby grand, must be sold by Monday, going away; car Is in good con dition, new battery, vacuum feed, new paint. Phone Main 3113. CADILLAC bug, newly painted, speedy, in best condition; $5u0; will consider 2-3 down, balance monthly. 742 E. 13th. Rhone, or phone Sell. 1525. Hoeck. CHANDLER. 1919 Dispatch, with wire wheels and A-l condition; will sell for $15u0. good terms. 344 E. 49th st. Ta bor 5003. 1918 BUICK. Car in fine condition, has been given the best of care, new battery. 6 tires. Tabor 4219. $700 COLE TOURING $700. Beautiful car, 7-passenger, fine con dition, good tires, genuine bargain. Sell wood 651. ONE GOOD 7-pass. 1918 touring car to trade fcr a one-ton truck; must be in extra good condition; pneumatic tires. ' V. Knauf. Rainier. Or. Box 714. FOR SALE 1920 Essex touring in A-l condition; driven 5000 miles; price $1700. W. A. Nelson, Castle Rock, ftasa. OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER, MODEL 43. $725, first-class condition, good rubber. Talcott. 51 North 6th. 1919 DODGE that looks and runs like new; $1050 cash. Owner, 392 Failing su, Sunday or evenings. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, $5O0; en gine best condition. Evenings East 7S8u. Want offer. CHEVROLET delivery, just thoroughly overhauled and runs nne; o& is Broadway. CHEVROLET roadster. 191 S; owner must sell: oargam at 30 Grand ave. North. near Burnside. 1 REO touring. $350; 1 Oldsmobiie bug. t-nto- Ford bugs. $450 and $550: 1 Chalmers coupe. $325. Apply 125 16th st. s TT TO K BAKER. 4 model. 4-cyiinder. 5 passenger, for sale at a bargain, $500. Sellwood 2713, 1ft 1 7 FORD touring car. In fine shape, with easy terms. Terminal Garage, 5th and Hoyt sts. GOING south, must sell O'dsmoblle, 1918. 6-cyl., 7-pass.; $1000; 3 spare tire. East 7619. ioi rnRn- new tOD. new tires, soeed ometer. Yale lock, at $350; easy terms. 9Su East 2id st. . wooaiawn oa. 1919 FORD for sale; first-class condition, wail eqtuppco. uiv at. MANXET AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. Open Today. 1919 Seven-pass, National, cord Urea. 1919 Hupmobile. 1918 Hupmobile. 1917 Hupmobile, 1918 Dodge. 1917 Dodge. 1919 Dort. 1919 Overland light four. 1919 Overland model 90. 1917 Buick six roadster. 1920 Foard roadster. 1913 Maxwell S-pass. roadster. 1913 Saxon six. Republic ltt-ton truck. Overland light delivery. 11th and Bornslde. Broadway 217. DELIVERIES AND EXPRESS. We have several express and panel de liveries at exceptionally low prices. Soma are rebuilt and have self-starters, with guaranteed batteries; $iuo to $200 down will get you a good serviceable delivery. Call and see. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC COl, Broadway at Davis St. Broadway 8535. AUTO PAINTING. "HIGH-CLASS SERVICE." S. W. COR. 14TH AND COUCH STS. ENAMELING, REFINTSHING. RE BUILDING, ETC. THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED FOR FIRST-CLASS WORK. ESTABLISHED NEARLY TEN YEARS. REASONABLE PRICES. CALL "AUTO PAINTING & ENAMELING CO. PLANT, BROADWAY 4408; OFFICE. MAIN 1136. STORAGE (LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE , WEST SIDE, SAFE. DRY STORAGE (IDLE CARS). LOW INSURANCE RATES. STUDEBAKER-FLANDERS $250. This machine in be in g over hauled In our own shop, has good upholstering, paint and tires. There is no self-starter: if there were H would easily sell for $700 or $800. WE NT WORTH & IRWIN, INC 200 Second St., Corner Taylor. CADILLAC "8." Strictly first-class Cadillac 8. splendid mechanical condition, six fine tires, seat covers. $100 leather top. divided front seats. Stewart vacuum feed, bumper, etc. A car of smoothness, speed, power and flexibility. Will demonstrate under any conditions you may select. Price includ ing coupon book good for ltM) gallons gasoline is $2350. $750 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WHY NOT GET THE MOST for your money r fan-American six at $i3oO; its some bug. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. GETZ & GROUT, Corvallls. Oregon. 1919 BUICK ROADSTER. This car is in perfect mechanical con dition, having been run less than 9900 miles; the tires are in excellent shape, there being 3 new ones; seat cover, bumper, fire extinguisher, tire cover, spare tire, etc., go with car; owner going east, so must sell immediately; price $1450. Phone Main 6St9. 1917 DODGE TOURING. $725. This car is like new and is really an IS but we sell them all cheap and this one will surprise you and we will take $300 down, balance easy; take car in trade. Come and try it; we charge no brokerage and we are open Sundavs. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. FOR SALE 1920 model Liberty six, 5- paseenger. driven 92d miles, which cost me $2225; will take $1825. as I am leav ing for New York at once. Can be seen at White garage. 3S6 Couch U Phono room 603 Benson hotel. BUICK ROADSTER. 1917. Good tires, good condition; spare new tire, lots of extras; must sell at once. Lester Heym Co., 249 6th st. CADILLAC. By owner, model C 57 7-passenger .11k new. completely equipped, cord tires; $2700. Telephone Monday, Main 715. 1916 STUDEBAKER 5-passenger 6-cyllnder in the nicest kind of condition, practi cally all new tires, $550; easy terms. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. 525 Alder St. BUICK, 4-cy Under, 5-pass.. good looking, with good tires, excellent mechanical condition, a bargain at a surprisingly low cash price ; must sell immediately. Call No.' 5 Union ave. Phone E. 44fi7. BARGAIN IN A CHEVROLET. 5-passenger, 191 8 model, for sale by owner. Cash or terms. First-class con dition, thoroughly overhauled. Ask for "Doc's" car at East 6th and Belmont sts. HALF ACRE. City water, gas, to exchange for good auto, $S00, which is good value, and car must be worth the money. AG 821, Ore gonian. WANTED Modern home in high-cless residence section ; west side prererreo. Wiii pay for all or part with one of fin est nearly-new 7-passenger motor cars at $3500. Address J 674. Oregonlan. ONE Studebaker light six, 1919 model. Xrailer, tent loxitt, two xoiuing cots, gasoline stove, complete touring outfit; will trade for house. 914 S. Syracuse sC, St. Johns. FORD. 19W, In good shape; all A W-in. tires, speedometer, toot ieeo. i extra tire; must sell-, leaving city; make offer. 3U5 H Burnside fcU, room 15. Call be tween 4-6 P. M. FOR SALE 1917 490 Chevrolet in good condition, $4 u, or win arrange ior tsrma Owner. 2149 Willamette blvd.. St. Johns. MITCHELL, 1918 model, 5-passenger, new tires, good paint, ai conuiuon; mum sell at sacrifice. By owner. Call at 60S E. Ankeny or call East 5191. 1919 CHEVROLET touring. Has had beet of care; .tnven only on pavea sis. and in private use. Will sell cheap. Wdln. 243 or Wdln. 1237. STUDEBAKER 1918 model, 7-passenger, fine condition, swuu casn. rnone ra;i 5949 to arrange for Inspection. No deal ers. CHALMERS six. JuM the thing for a bug. can be had ior BRALY AUTO COMPANY, 601 Washington St. Main 4880. FOR SALE 1920 Chevrolet roadster, good as new; only run 3uuu miies: gooa reason for selling; bargain at $75u. Phone Main 729. CHANDLER four-passenger roadster, 1918, newly painted, exceueiii meuuauiuai wu dition; tires good. Call Automatic 317-35 or 710 East 22d North. Sunday. MITCHELL. SIX FOR SALE. Looks lika new and runs like new; H new tires, 118 model. Call Mar shall 3175 for Information. FOR SALE 1918 Chevrolet by owner; shock absorbers and other extras, $60O. J. A. Knight, 260 East 23d, cor. of Kast Madison. East 3451. CHALMERS light 6. first-class condition,' cord tires, ail extras. Make offer. Own er leaving. Address Dr. Schroeder, Tu alatin, Or. FOR SALE Ford underslung bug; has all good tires and In good running order. A J. Walters. 5S7 Washington. Phone Marshall 1331. LATE 1916 Dodge touring, Al mechan ically; 3 practically new Urea Insur ance. $700. 286 23d at. North. CHEVROLET touring. 1918; a real bargain at $500. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. A N