TTTE STTXDAT OREGOyiAN, PORTLAyp, AUGUST 8, 1920 11 N V V WANTED REAL ESTATE. IRVIVOTON owners: We are bo nearly sold out we canont . get enough property to advertise or enow bona fide buyers constantly coming to our Irvington headquar ters. Phone us to see your house. R. T. STREET. Good Home Realtor. ivE ARE in touch with a party who has $4500 cash to pay for 80 or more acres not too far from Portland on gooa roaa must have fair Improvements and some personal property, or sell at a price that he can afford to buy same out of the 14.00. Write full particulars in ursi letter. STEWART ft BUCK. 815 Northwestern Banlt Bldg. LOOK HERE. FOLKS! WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS FOR YOUR PROPERTY. If yours is a salable property, whether Dungaiow, nouse or acreage, wo can sew It; we List no more property than we can coasisteniy serve. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 8093. Branch Office 60th and Sandy. WANTED FARMS.. We want to list medium-sized Wil lamette valley farms. 15 to SO acres. We have daily Inquiries from bona fide buyers for small farms, also have many inquiries for suburban homes, 1 to 5 acres; if you want to sell let us hear xrom you. R. M. GATE WOOD ft CO.. 185 4th St. WANT 5. 6 OR T-ROOM HOUSES. Hawthorne. Richmond or Waverly Heights. Will pay SiuOO cash. Real estate mortgage $1800 due in 192 A XougIas county ranch ; partially im proved ; cash value $2400. Must have possession by lo August. A. W. ESTES, 905 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE four different customers for west side homes; one south of Jefferson st. up to $0000 or $7000; one south of Mor rison st. up to $8500; one in Nob Hill A imt rlr tin t n tin ft HO n & In XT T4 11 Portland or Willamette Heights, $12,000 TO SZU.'JUU. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. Main 31. IP TOTJ will sell your Irvington, Alameda or Laurelhurst home, phone me to stop and see it. I can ell It sure at a top price. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor. HAVE party wants home of 5 rooms up to $2000 in some good district not far out $500 cash, balance like rent. Also tiave clients who want smaller places. Price and terms must be reasonable. Bee L. A Vail with A. w. ESTrrs. 005 Chamber of Commerce. HAVING sold many homes recently, we are desirous of having new ones to sell. If you care to sell, please see us at once. We will inspect the property immedi ately. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main S78T. 1 HAVE the cash to pay for a good mod ern bungalow In Rose City Park or Hawthorne; mut be well located and worth the money; please write, giving complete information as to price, loca tion, etc I want to deal direct with owner. When can possession be given? AP 803, Oregonlan. HAVE client for strictly modern residence; must have four bedrooms, prefers Irv ington, might consider eome other good district; will pay what the place is worth all cash. POIND EXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771. FLATS APARTMENTS. WANTED. Have several cash buyers for good buildings at fair prices. HITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT CHAP ACREAGE. Have clients for several tracts cheap land. $5 to $10 per acre, Washington or Oregon. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT a small bungalow of about 4 or A rooms; can pay about $500 cash and balance by the month; want to deal direct with owner; please write me, stating what car I should take) to got t n nrnnartv T f17 HAVE client for strictly modern 8-room residence, wants to buy this week; will pay up to $10,010, terms $1500 caMi, balance $75 per month. Poindexter, 208 Belling bldg. Main 1800. Residence, East 6771. SMALL TRACTS WANTED. WE SPECIALIZE on small tracts; if price and terms are reasonable will in spect at once. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE many buyers for west Bide houses south of Madison St.; handling west side property is my specially. For quick results call and see John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bidg. Main P478. IS OR 6-ROOM HOUSE. In Richmond or Hawthorne districts; have very desirable lot or commercial stuck bearing 8 per cent interest as first payment. Sell wood 65 1 . WANT to buy good lot in Irvington within the following streets: Broadway to Stan ton and Tenth to 24th. MuHt be bar gain, will pay cash. AR 803, Grego tuan. WANTED Modern home, in high-rless residence fraction; west side preferred. Will pay for all or part with one of fin eat nearly-new 7-passenger motor cars at $3500. Address J 6.4. Oregonlan. WANT REAL MODERN 2-FAM I LY FLAT In high -class i esidence district. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Idg. WILL PAY $2000 TO $8500 cash for 4 or 5-room home near car line and on paved street; if not a bargain do not bother; no agents. Mr. Cary. Apt. No. 28, No. 270 Lincoln st. Main 1377. WANTED to buy a four or five-room bun galow, good district, modern, prefer furnished or partly so: must be small V payment, rnono air. marie lid wy. ftt;06. Monday. VANT from 2 to 10 acres close to city with modern home and fully improved; on good road. mk.-nky . UDDDARD, 243 Stark St. I WILL pay up to $8000 for a 7 or 8-room house in Laurelhurst; must be thor oughly modern; give complete details. AB 79. Oregonlan. I WANT to buy at once from owner. 5 or 6-room bungalow, modern, In desirable location. Price not more than $3000 A. J. MeKee. 130ft B. stark st. BUNGALOW, Rose City Park or Haw thorne, have $1500 cash; strictly mod ern; new. with garage; from owner. I WR. Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room house, bungalow pre ferred. Slid to 36th near Hawthorne ave. ; must be priced right. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. MY business la selling easTVde'property' Liat your houses and lots with me. J. J. OEDER, 4 Grand ave. N near E. Ankeny. E. 61. SUBSTANTIAL amount cash and 160 acres Nelson. British Columbia, to exchange for desirable Portland home. AM 771. Oregonlan. WANTED From owner, the best four or five-room bungalow possible for $2500 Must be on paved street. J 178, Ore go plan. WANTED A building lot In good residen tial district ; must be cheap for cash Give description and price in first let ter. L Oregonian . IiT PRICED right, can get quick action on "st "ldfc house south of Jefferson HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. THE best 4 or 5-room bungalow in Alberta district that I can get for $2500 or les about $"100 cash, balance $50 month AG Mi2, Oregonian. WANT TO BUY from owner. 6 or 7-room house west of .Broadway and south of Morrison Main 5-'23 evenings. 6 OR 7-ROOM house worth the price- give number and street, cash price and terms BC S22. Oregonlan. WANT 20 acres, improved, for cash ; want bungalows ; have buyers. Ghas. Rineler & Co., 125 Hnry bidg. WANT s or ti rooms, Montavilla or Mt Scott, not over $20oo; prefer about $1500 AJ 7S3. Oregonian. OR 6-ROt.M modern bungalow, paved district; $4u00 or $:.000 cash. Give tele phone. J 177, Oregonian. WANTED A 5-room modern bungalow with 100x100: a vacant block ln Cor vallls part payment. AE SIS. Orenonian I WANT a 5 or rm. modern bungalow in i umimi. rnce not to exceed $.-00. Mr. Ackley. Main 7141 WANTED $1,100 to $20OO on modern ,UMia'"" vwvwreu uy insurance. Call LastjaOji WANTED to buy from owner, a "modern otuuui nouso on lermg; m ust be in a now "'3t;l-i. n. w in, iregonlan. WANTED To rent or buy-bungalow with acre or less on Oregon City carline. BF Si". Oregonian. COl'PLS thousand dollars and 30 acres Hood River, valued at fftOOO, exchange for Portland home. B.I SOP, Oregonian WANTED House or Bungalow ; have io"u as urui payment. K v' Orego- 1 WANT a 5 or 6 rm. modern home in a tnnd district. Pr-lo not .4 r,m Mrs. Lucius, Tabor 30 S9. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER $2,000,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD BY FRANK L. McGUIRB, Since January I, 1920. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC POAKT. Have you a home to sell? Try the jncruire system, winch Has won an in ternational reputation and established a national record for home selling, be cause it is the ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC. MODERN METHOD of nome veiling, our record: S9e Homes sold last year. 110 Homes sold ln May. 9 Homes sold July 13. 672 Homes sold to date this year. Your house 18 SOLD if listed with tin WK NEED IT TODAY! Within 24 hours arter listing, we PERSONALLY IN SPECT. APPRAISE AND PHOTO GRAPH YOUR HOME AND DISPLAY the photograph In our GREAT SHOW ROOM, which Is continually thronged with live, EARNEST HOME BUYERS. If you can't come, telenhon flui nnlv charges are the standard rate of 5 per cent In the event of a satisfactory sale. 18 experienced salesmen with autos to wr on me saie or your home. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 10ft H Third St., bet. Wash and Stark. FURNISHED HOMES WANTED. t have customers who want to buy homes furnished ready for housekeeping. See E W, HUGHES, 607 Journal bldg. Main 2S58. HOME WANTED. T have eome friends coming and some here from the east; they are In love with our country and want to locate; if you have a home , for sale, call and see me. The more fruit and flowers the bet ter. Morrln. 1451 Division at. Phone Auto. 218-ia. YOUR HOME FOR SALE T If eo, we can sell you out; while the market i good is the time to sell. Our methods are modern. List with us today and prepare to move next week. Phone Marshall 39S9. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 Swetland Bldg. HAVE FINE BUILDING LOT on East Broadway near 39th, south front; $1500; all street improvements paid. Will put this lot ln as part payment on good home in any part of city, as sume mortgage or pay cash difference and assume. METZGER -PARKER-FERGUSON CO., 209 Oak St. Broadway 5355. ACREAGE SUBDIVISION WANTED. We have successfully platted and sold many acreage sub-divisions near Port land and Vancouver in the last 15 years. It Is our specialty and we are in the market now for two or three choice large tracts near vicinity of Port land. Can give best of references as to past success. ERNEST WELLS CO, 505 Couch Bldg. WE HAVE THE CASH To Buy a first-class 6 or 7-room residence In good district. Our client has requested us to find something for him; Irvington or Laurelhurst preferred. Telephone us and we will inspect your property at once. Telephone Main 802. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IRVINGTON. ALAMDA. LAUREL HURST: If your home is for sale-, "top buyers apply to this Irving ton Headquarters. We need your property desperately. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor, at TM. SMALL HOUSES. We are selling a great many small houses to the wage earner and we are having calls every day for homes run ning from $1000 to $2000. Anyone hav ing a house for sale will find it to their advantage to telephone us or call at the office. Telephone Main 802. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bidg. WANT $5000 modern bungalow, 6 or 7 rooms, z oea rooms ana touet aownstairs, large lot; have $2000 cash and 2 Mi acres bearing cranberry land for same ; give fuil description and location or no at tention given, also phone number. AP 4.3. Oregonian. IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE ? Yes; otherwise you would not read this column; we are selling houses and need yours ; we work hard and advertise ex tensively, promising good service. GIVE US A CHANCE. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE PLENTY OF BUYERS NOW. what I need is more nouses, acreage, farms and business opportunities to seli; quick action certain If your price Is rea sonable. B. F. KELLY. 713 Swetland Bldg. Main 7776. WE WANT CLOSE-IN FARMS AND ACREAGE. If you want to sell it costs nothing to let us know. Personal inspection and Individual attention. J. C. CORBIN CO., 3 05-6-7 Lew : s Bldg. WANT a good little home of 3 to 5 rooms up to $ooo that can be handled with a small cash payment and good size monthly payments. Phone Main 36&8, or write. O. A, Pearce, 815 Chamber of Commerce. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 21 Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. WANTED AT ONCE. Suburban partially improved acreage. I have a number of clients for same, either trade or buy. See Mr. Vail with A. WESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. AM bringing my family to Portland to live: will arrive about August 15; want small home that I can handle for 2O0 cash, any district but Mt. Scott. V 931, rgonian. WANTED Lot or lota in Rose City Park. 50x100, east front, within 2 blocks or Sandy, with all improvements ln and paid. Will pay spot cash for bargains. J 930, Oregonian. I AM looking for a small suburban home of five to 10 acres; prefer a small prune orchard. Write full particulars to 1. E. Carlock. 1125 Gasco Building. $5000 to $10,000. I WANT A BUNGALOW In Rose City. Richmond or Hawthorne; can make fair payment down, balance, monthly. A 244, Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOME: Be quick. W want a modern house, from $3000 to $0.OO. with garage if possible; prefer to deal with owners. A 662, Oregonian. WANT to buy from 4 to 6-room bungalow, not over $2750; have $400 cash: prefer ably Mt. Scott district. AG S06 Orego nlan. WANT 6 or 7-room modern bungalow, garage, Gasco furnace, good district, near car. Give particulars, lowest cash price. AO S14, Oregonian. BRAND new 5-room house, Irvington or equal. Phone E 2417. SPLENDID large, clean front room with kitchenette, close in. 294 Jefferson. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. WE are turning CASH buyers for farms and acreage away from our office every day because we cannot supply their wants. WHY not let US sell YOUR farms and acreage for you? AVE are the oldest and one of the most reliable firms in Portland. See SAM KEWEY at I. L, HARTMAN & CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Ground Floor. PROMOTER Now in Portland on visit. wants to get in touch with owner or one wno can secure options on from 200 acres up of land suitable for subdivid ing, syndicating or developing by a rtock company. With a billion dollar crop In Kansas and a blue sky law which keeps out speculative enterprises, a good Oregon or Washington land propo sition will go big. I have an experienced sales force, an established office in Wichita and am an experienced organ izer. For an interview in Portland ad dress L 931, Oregonian. WANTED TO BUY about ten acres of land suitable for raising poultry, fruit ana general tarm proauce. within ten miles of Portland, on good road and within walking distance of electrio tA tion. Must have livable house and some outDunaings. ian oniy pay about $10f. but will make improvements so that security will increase in value. 1 981 Oregonian. WANT to rent a farm on shares or buy gonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANT to hear from owner of good ranch for sale; state cash price, full particu lars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn, WANTED RKAL ESTATE, Wanted to Rent Farms. FARM, 100-150-acre farm with privilege of purchase later; desire place Tualatin valley, between Beaverton and Hills boro, but will consider other localities close to Portland. Will buy some per sonal property and pay cash rent on long term lease. East 4233, or J 097, Oregonlan. HAVE client wanting to rent ranch of 400 or 500 acres, must be on good road within 1 hour's drive of Portland; want possession this fail. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT from 300 to 600 acres well im proved ; my man has best of references and help, machinery and stock. GEORGE JOHNSON, 526 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To rent farm from 40 to 60 acres in cultivation; will take possession about October 1. E. HUGUBN1N, Route 6. Box 44, Oregon City, Or. HAVE client with cash, wanting to rent small farm, or acreage, near Portland preferred, will buy the equipment- John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg. FOR NUMBER of yearn by experienced farmer, 40 to 60 acres: no run down land wanted; have good references. BJ 8S5. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 5 to 20 acres, near high school. 24u E. 64th mu, Montavilla, Oregon. WANTED By experienced farmer. a ranch where everything Is furnished. H. CARY, 2049 Multnomah street. TIMBER LANDS. ATTENTION. MILLMEN. An excellent mill site. 35 mi. from Portland, 5 mi. from railroad, with 20 million feet of extra good timber that can be bought for 75c per M up; con siderable cedar site included; 1,000,000 feet of good timber, 40 acres of land, good mlllpond. etc.; no better opportun ity in the state for a millman. Inquire C. Cranfield. 2u3& 1st st. Main 4203. TIMBER LAND. About 235 acres near Skamokawa. Wash., 40-acre frontage on Columbia river, 1,000.000 feet hemlock timber; between 500 M. and 600 M. feet cedar 8i ingle timber; land and timber $3500. $1500 down, balance 6 per cent on terms to suit purchaser. Inquire of Joseph Glrard, Cathlamet. Wash REMEMBER. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ANY KIND of a milling or logging operation, we have nearly everything that you might be looking for, large or small. Call and get acquainted with the way we treat our clients, 324 Yeon Bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. OVER 40.000,000 FEET, $21,000. About 85 fir, balance pine, some ce dar, etc. ; near Ashland, Or., and rail road; 69. 000,000 additional available at same setting: easy terms; splendid chance for right man. Timber Land Bu reau. Board of Trade bldg.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE limber, 150 acres on Netart oay, 7 miles from Tillamook. 7,000,000 feet cruise, chiefly spruce, some hemlock; uo fire risk; two donkey hauls will put logs in bay ; land level. $3000 buys land and timber. J. P. HARVEY, New Scott Hotel, Portland, Or. WILL sell sawmill, 25 M. capacity, planer, lath mill, three donkeys, very complete logging equipment, 80 million feet fir, pine, cedar, all within three miles of mill; wonderful money-maker. AO 858, Oregonian. SAWMILL (half interest), for sale cheap account sickness: now clearing $100 daiiy; millions of timber j. a. chance of your lifetime; management goes with purchase at big- salary. Owner, BD 785, Oregonian. 80,000,000 FEET good timber within 100 miles of Portland. To settle estate will sell very reasonable or will consider good Portland property to half its value. Re plies will be held ln confidence. O 959, Oregonian. A MONEY MAKER. One of the best sawmill propositions in the country; now operating; big or ders, profits a-plenty. J. H. KEATING, 618 BD. OF TRADE. SHINGLE MILL AND CEDAR. New mill. 40.000 capacity, with fine body red cedar, near Portland; will sell or lease. Timber Land Bureau, Board Trade bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres good tim ber, cedar poles and ties, on Columbia river and railroad. Phone Marshall 2675. evenings Tabor 8421, 120 ACRES YELLOW PINE. Wheeler coun ty, for sale or exchange for improved bungalow, Portland or suburbs, and as sume. Owner, Main 3t36. BY OWNER 4,OOOro60 feet fir on county road, near paved highway and electric station, 25 miles to Portland. Price right. Easy terms. AV 240, Oregonian. TIMBER lands, any siae tracts; saw mills or all sizes; correspondence solicited, HINKSON & WOOD. Eugene. Oregon. W E WANT to buy a saw mill ready to operate; must be well located. Western Lumber Agency. 624 Morgan Bldg. Automatic 514-44. HAVE you a small mill? Can offer you a line mining proposition; secona-growtn logs delivered at mill if desired. L. 985, Oregonian. HAVE log-hauling contract. 25 M. to 50 M. per day, lasting several years; short haul, well paying. A 663. Oregonian. HAVE OPPORTUNITY for man with lum ber experience, szoou investment needed. T 931. Oregonian. FOR SALE: Fully equipped 25-H. P. port- aoie sawmill, capacity i m ; some log- King equipment. yy . jeri, ocappoose. KJT. CANADIAN land! 4 section timber. 3 miles from railroad: $300 gets it; must sell. Y 603, Oregonian. CEDAR TIMBER. 10.000.000 feet; shingle proposition; bargain. Y 700, Oregonian. WANTED Horse - logging contract. AH p-a, jregoniHn. 12 MILLION on R. R. 50 miles of Port land, at $1.25. AB 807. Oregonlan. PILING WANTED ABOARD S P , O V GAMBLE Couch Bldr. Portland FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 67 acres, 35 acres in cultivation. 8 to 10 acres In fine wheat, 7 or 8 acres in corn, 1 acre in potatoes, balance pasture, with running wa ter all the year, good dairy barn with patent stanchions, new silo, lease to run 2H years yet. fair house, good dairy house with concrete floors, water piped to all buildings, personal property for sale: 19 head of high-grade Hol stein cows and heifers, of which 10 or 12 are milking at present, balance to freshen this fall and spring; good team of horses. 4 pigs, chickens, cream separator, about 30 tons of oat and clover hay, plow, mower, rake, harrow, gasoline engine and pump and all small tools; price. Including all, crops and personal property, rent paid up until November. $5250 ; $2500 cash, balance liberal terms. PAYING $tTK)0 A MONTH NET. 100 acres for lease, all under cultivation and fine alfalfa land, part in alfalfa at present time, which cuts about 100 tons ; fine 8-room modern house,- large mod ern dairy barn, 2 silos, patent stanchions, modern milk house; the following personal property for sale: 31 head of high-grade milk cows, 6 " registered, 1 registered bull. 6 head of registered calves and heifers (these are all young Holstein cattle and the finest in the state ), 2 head of good work horses, new tractor with plows and disc, new Oldemobile truck, 2 gas oline engines, 1O0 tons of alfalfa ' hay. corn enough for 300 tons of ensilage, mower, rake, disc, plows, harrows, cultivators, ensilage cut ter and blower, binder, hay tedder and all kinds of small tools, 500 pint milk bottles. 100 quarts, cases and crates, cream separator, milk cooler, milk vats and cans, steam boiler, steam bottie washer. an Itary washing vats and sterilizer, large ice boxes. 210 milk customers. This milk Is delivered in the city of Vancouver and brings in off of 28 cows that are now milking about $1600 per month, and the place is netting over $1000 per month at the present time. Price, including 3-year lease at $1000 per year ($500 is paid on the last half of the last year's rent), $22. 500; $14,500 cash, balance can run for $200 per month. PEE MR. BLAIR. WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main eta.. Vancouver, Wash. NEARLY 8 acres, good road, 1 14 miles from Durham, or west of Tlgard. Un der cultivation, bearing fruit, 2 acres clover, large amount of berries: small house, barn, chicken house; rent $300 cash ln advance. Cow, horse end some chickens to buy. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. DAIRY RANCH FOR RENT. Stock and equipment for sale; your money back and $300O each year; all you have to invest is f 8100. . RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. WANTED Responsible party to rent farm in southern Oregon, shares or cash, not stocked; some fruit. Main 7292. i0 NEAR Oregon City; considerable fea ture, fruit; rent November, 1921. $350 141 E, 63th N., evenings. Tabor 7055. FOR RENT FARMS. T ACRES PORTLAND. All in crop, 5-room bouse, 2 barns, all necessary farming Implements, new Ford delivery car, milk cooler, steam boiler, washing vat, milk route with $400 per mo. Income; 10 cows, 1 horse, hogs, geese, chickens, 4 A. ciover, Vfc A. corn, Vt A. wheat, X A. kale, berries, orchard. Lease for 3 years. Price only $4000, good terms. IDEAL 20-ACRE FARM. Located on fine road, close In. 17 acres in crop, team, harness, cows, chick ens, pigs and all farming tools: rent paid this year. Crop, lease and ail only $1200. $900 eash. 60 ACRES, INCOME $600 PER MO. 30 A. under plow, 30 A. pasture; good house, barn, silo, fuil set of farming implements, milking machine', cream sep arator, miik cans. 16 cows. 3 horses; income about $600 per mo; rent 1921 5uu0 11 croD- Price everything only 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND. PAVED ROAD. 120 acres, about 4o A, under cultiva tion. baU pasture ; 5-room house large bam, granary, -anion house, etc.; plow, harness, wagon, milk cans, small tools, etc.; & milch cowi, 4 horses, calves, pigs, chickens, 114 yearling lambs, 3H A spuds, bal. garden and grain; also all furniture and lease. Everything only $500, good terms. 140 ACRES. RENT $200 YEAR 30 A. under plow, 24 A. crop. 110 A. pasture, with about 4000 acres outrange; 4-room house, large barn holds 65 or i0 head of stock; tools on place; rent paid this year; 1 team, harness, crop ana lease only $1350, $300 cash. J50 ACRES. EQUIPPED. 70 A. under plow, 80 A, pasture; house. 2 barns, silo; full set farming imple ments; household furniture; 12 sows, 1 bull. 5 heifers. 3 horses, 18 hogs, 40 A. crop. Price $4500. 217 ACRES, DAIRY. laO A. under cultivation, orchard, ber ries. 2 houses, one 7-room, one 4-room, bath and toilet; barn with 40 stanchions, 2tt0-ton cilo, dairy house, hog house, chicken house; running water to all bldgs. ; mower, binder, rake, Fordson tractor with full set of farming equip ment, gas engines, milking machine, boiler, cooler, washing outfit, blacksmith . outfit, in fact everything needed on the ranch; 5 horses, 37 head A-l cows, bull and calves; 136 A. crop; 5-year lease. Price only $15,000, good terms. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. 3S5 acres, 10O A. bottom land. 150 A. white and red clover, rye and orchard grass A-l pasture; 2 good orchards; 7 room house, 4 barns, pig pn. etc; mow er, rake, wagon, harness, hack, milking ?a,chJina (two unit- 1 team horses, 20 A-l dairy cows; 5-year lease. Price for ail only $3115. $2000 cash. DAIRY, INCOME $2800 PER MO A Qtlly eauPPd dairy of 60 cows with m-ton delivery truck; retail milk route in Portland. This Is only 5 miles from city limits and if you are looking lor a real dairy proposition you will find out about this one. F. L. EDDY, RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 80 -ACRE FARM. MODERN BUILDINGS. ?l.J5"room Hingaiow, -btra and all outbuildjngs new and painted; 15 head k ca-tt-e- 5 cows, milking; 5 heifers, will be miiki-ng in the spring early; 5 other heifers; fine team mares and 2-month-oid colt: 1 big brood sow. will fArrow soon; 100 chicken. 3 acres In corn and potatoes, lots of kale and beets growing; family orchard; extra good garden; on z cream routes and mail route; close to school; rent is $250 a year; can all .W.rH'i, out if delred In Improve ments. This is an extra fine, well-kept home. Price for all personal property, including rent to March 1. 1921. Is $1700 See Johnson. S15 Northwestern Bank Bid g BIG EQUIPPED WHEAT FARM In eastern Oregon, over 1600 acres in summer fallow ready for fall seeding; rWeUl?nont Xor oPating; U neces sary buildings, plenty of water. Will sell summer fallow and equipment and iVi .farm .r wi1 eJ1 equipment and "?p2rVuni!? for some one able to handle a proposition of this size i'itBMPE!MANN COMPANY. . ' n.iuuKr m commerce. .Ai;REv,S7 mlJes frora Clt-y "mits. south east, half mile from car line; small hfiB;.lar! barn; 15 cree cultivated, balance pasture, some timber; all fenced i-OVetn Wire- 4-vr lease $30 per quarter. Some crops, 70 chickens, pota- s?oeS'$V50CkcaJharlen- lmmdlale an.-x FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg f,Sarm- 40 A"; 14 acr8 n cultiva tion, bal. -pasture and timber; 1U acres orchard, good house; rent $135 in ad ? lncluad if taken at once; msOregon City. Phone Tabor 6447! T EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. A3 .FFERlNO for 1ick sale or desir 5fJe d a -5-00 Keneral merchan fi2 ,tock;- new --story store building, fine locauon. excellent . business. in midst of the states greatest develop ?thl'n,erpri": witn main automobile ' r hway- and Irrigation systems estab lished in surrounding country. Must have cash or property interests that ,no require personal attention, as banking interests are growing too rap idly to permit attention to other mat- hnfu xm-F-cArnold' lmerial hotel until 6 P. M. Sun da v Rm -i We have client owning a downtown building paying 10, free of incum brance $37,500 value. Has other clear I0Tiny "J .tOWn' al1 or art ot which he will put In on s deal for an apart ment house, business block or office building and will pay cash difference or assume. ' Mr. Parker. 5LTGER-pARKEB-I"EKUSON CO . Ja9 Oa.k St. Broadway Basil! BEALTIFL L suburban home. 1 mile, west Portland limit,: large 2-alory modern bungalow, front, back and ieep ps porche,. tireplace. buiit-in features, bath, toilete. full baement. furnace, running water on both floors, water ln barn and chicken house, young- orchard, shrubbery. 5 acres rich soil; all ln vege itlo!lA e'ectrlc lines near, trade or sell. 4191. .iiaurai 41. iiay St. FOP T Ti' fll n. n . . 80 acres in Willamette valley, an Ideal V ... ' -room nouse, 2 barns mciim, caw,, aorses. machinery, under cultivation. Water piped to Ail 11 ' . " . tmii.u, .10.UVU complete, sell or trade for merchandise or Will Van 701 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash. w A.N i fc,u Home in Portland. Have 80 acres on railroad. 40 miles from Port land, station on place, small store and postoffice included, good well, small or chard, barn and outbuildings; an oppor tunity for the right man to make good from the start. See owner at 26514 Oak st. y. Christepsen. OO TO THE! BEACH. 4-room furnished cottage at Sunset . .5JaI..Gearnart- fireplace, goed water. 100x100 of ground, boating, fish ing, etc., price $1250. clear; will trade and mum, or pay cash. T 873. Orego- Clarke county, Washington, 70 culti vated, fine permanent stream, good or chard, fair buildings; take small acre age or house to 5000, balance mortgage. Jacob Haas. Main 6127. "fl,fAL?7,Wl11 ,M" or trade, timber claim in Tillamook county, right on bay close to Tillamook, 7.000.000 feet, chiefly spruce, some Hemlock; price $7000 l!0o0 cash, balance trade house or close ln acreage, c 980. Oregonlan. 80 ACRES Partly Improved, level land. In Saginaw valley, Mich.. 2 miles R R and county seat: pure water, good soil and markets; $40 per acre: exchange r Oregon equal value.' clear for clear MINNESOTA Ww p- AT T a vt-. " for sale, or will exchange for city prop erty, farm lands or timber In Oregon WOODCOCK. 200 Henry blag? TO EXCHANGE Equity m 20 acres. 17 in cultivation, fair .buildings, for 5 to 10 acres in cultivation with buildings. Route 3. Box 236. Vancouver. Wash. NEAR Jefferson high and grammar schools, house for sale or trade for Im proved acreage. Wdln. 5926. P 963 Oregonian. - WANTED to trade. S acres with 100 fruit trees, near Albany, for one or two va cant lots ln Portland. Phone evenings Columbia 780. 6 HAVE 6-acre apple orchard ln Lewi. ton -value $2000; want house ln Portland of equal value. V 90S. Oregonlan. WILL. TRADE Studebaker touring car 1918 as first payment on house and lot' balance terms. A 981. Oregonian. 5 ACRES, highly improved, city lots or store. 51 Chamber of Commerce. Main WILL, give 15-acre wheat farm, near Spo kane for first payment on home or va cant lot. Owner, box 435. Portland. $1)000 HOME IRVINGTON want close-in suburban; have good house. East 7504. LOS ANGELES home wanted for Portland home. Owner. 237 Cherry st. i-TTLL SIZE LOTS at a bargain. 82d st Phone East 7620. 7-PASS. STUDEBAKER. value $700 trade for city lots. Broadway 4909. DENVER property to trade for Portland! I 1914 K. Clajr at.. Portland. TO EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE. . . PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-520 Swetland Bids-. Marshall S989 or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT - HAS HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESORT. WANTS REAL ESTATE. FARM OR STOCK RANCH. 1-189 Resort with 16 acres of fine land, part cultivated, balance lovely camp ground and mineral springs: 2 story hotel with 58-foot sleeping porch: equipment Includes not oniy the furnl- . ture but also dishes, cooking utensils, etc; bath house 32x45. two stories, sev eral steam, shower and cooling -rooms; bottling plant with all machinery: dance ball, power plant and other buildings; owner, because of old age. wishes to re tire from business and makes price $23,000. In exchange wants property ' that has some Income value, but will not require much of his attention. Would consider good stock ranch, large farm or piece ot real estate HAS JOPLIN CMO.) RESIDENCE. WANTS HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH MENT OR ACREAGE.' 1-188 Owner has good 8-room house on paved street with Improvements ln and paid for, value $1400. mortgage $700. Wants to trade equity for good home stead relinquishment, or apply toward paying for smaller tract up to 40 acres. HAS LARGE STORE BUILDING AND BUSINESS WANTS PORTLAND RESIDENCE. BUSINESS LOT, SUBURBAN HOME OR ACREAGE. 1-187 Two-story building, has large grocery, confectionery and soda foun tain business: - besides grocery store there Is a real estate office and barber shop in the building: also good apart ment and dance hall; on road between Portland and Oregon City; for every thing complete. $S000. or for building, $5500. In exchange would take good 6-room home near Portland. Improved acreage, in fact almost any kind of a good business - proposition will be con sidered, and would assume If necessary. HAS 149-ACRE FARM WANTS SMALL HOUSE OH BUSINESS. 1-177 149 acres about a mile south of Reedville; buildings are old: place ' has 35 acres in cultivation, very good family orchard. 8500 cords of old-growth wood: all fenced, one-half new fencing: this place is worth $90. an acre. Will sell 40 acres or 110 acres, or all. In exchange wants small house. $3500, or good income business. HAS "ACREAGE WANTS CITY INCOME PROPERTT. 1-131 5.1 acres near Yamhill', on high way, with splendid orchard. 270 apple trees and 25 English walnuts, 11 years old. In exchange would take city in come property from $4000 to $5000. HAS 160 ACRES WANTS BUSINESS PROPERTY. 1-132 180 acres, all tillable, no waste: 4-room house, old barn: 4 miles from Jennie. Wash. Price $4800 with equip ment and stock. Will trade for busi ness properties. Washington or Oregon. HAS CITY RESIDENCE WANTS BUSINESS PROPERTY. 1-133 8-room house, modem, on paved street. In city of Bellingham. Wash.. $4000. Wants business prop erty. Oregon or Washington. HAS 31-ROOM HOTEL WANTS PORTLAND BUSINESS. 1-134 $6000 for hotel with equipment, doing good business ln a large town. Washington. Would exchange for any good business ln Portland. HAS TtELLTNGHASf RESIDENCE. WANTS BUSINESS PROPERTY. 1-135 Good 8-room house, close to business section. In paved district. $2800. to exchange for merchandise stock In Portland. J?7Jj: wl'rs of the above numbers. 132. 133, 134 and 135 would offer them ln a lump for large merchandise busi ness, apartment house, moving picture business ln Portland. HAS ROSEBTTRG TJOMW WANTS . ,.pO"TUN'D, PROPERTY. 1-139 Modern 6-room house, $4500. Wants good Portland property. HAS SO-ACRE FARM WANTS PORTLAND RESIDENCE. 1-142 All tillable, good orchard. 5 room modern house, other buildings, equipment. $11,500. Wants good Port land residence. Would consider other city on coast up to $4060 value. HAS SO-ACRE FARM WANTS VAN COUVER OR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 1-13-'early all tillable, good or chard, 5-room house, larre barn, some equipment and stock. $7500. Wants city or suburban property. Vancouver or Portland. HAS FARM WANTS INCOME PROPERTY. 1-1 1H acres, all tillable, large orchard, 6-room modern house $6000 In exchange would consider anv im proved place or Income property or mortgages. HAS FARM AND TIMBER WANTS GRESHAM FARM OR INCOME PROPERTY IN PORTLAND. 1-145476 acres near Amity. Or., small house, one million saw timber. 200 sheep, horses. stock and uju'nment worth $2000; price $36,000 foi place alone. In exchange wouli conii-ler farm near Gresham. or Portland Incou., property up to $35,000. HAS FARM WANTS PARTLY CLEARED PLACE. 1-16 -23 acres: 10 acres tillable. 6 acre orchard: 500.000 feet oak and fir timber: 10-room modern house: near Oakland, near school. Price $6000. In exchange would consider partlv cleared Place, about 320 acres, for stock and chickens. HAS GARAGE WANTS FARM .... PROPERTY. llinn Tk" on pc'flc highway. $14500 with equipment. Would ex change for a good farm property to half value or garage, and other property will be considered. HAS 186-ACRE FARM WANTS , ,,ofJ!2ALLER PLACE. screa: 4-acre orchard 10 SSoOO f1rr,a,nUU'.K45 -cr" " "mber. hl? """-.s-rowth timber: 10 - room house. Clackamas county on electric 'railway prce $28,000. WouUl ex change for Al farm. ex HAS 40-ACRE FARM WANTS CLEAR PROPERTY $10OO AND i SOME CASH. ni"rr?i?;Scre u'ar,m- -'oorn house. 14 miles from school, ln Clarke county Wash., price $4O00. In exchange wants el's" SK.-M.r;"' - 1 .Vfr-130 es tillable; timber over wllh iTt iV"T!?,!,r hot1- M rooms. $e60;'ean,fr'nlJJU" HAS LARGE STOCK RAWff WANTS SMALL PLACE wS?' OF - -.fAS.ADE MOUNTAINS. V15 320 acres. 170 acres tlll.hlM orchard. 200 acre, of timber, im" large timber, pop acres may be irrigated fenced with barbed wire- 4 r,.I . witn buildings, part rrounH in cultivation, might asaumef prffS? weat l7Vace.uiu7"mr o.esT .Hf " HAS ACEAHJo'lELOOMm0 V'-'":-10 cres. all cultivated- 1-acre orchard: on Southern Pacific railroad ln Jackson county: 4-room house other buildings: price V20OO "' Wou?d consider any good farm. Portland prop erty or place ln suburbs. P"P- HAS TIMBER LAND WANTS PORTLAND HOUSE. 1-157160 acres: 1.250.000 timber. 1 mile logging railway. Stevens county Wash., north of Spokane: price 5-"!nn Would exchange for 5 or 6-Pfoom Porti land house in good locality and pay $S5So. di"erenc " ""gain, not over HA8 TIMBER ACREAGE WANTS LOS ANGELES PROPERTY 1-160 Farm land and timber. 160 acres; 40 gcres tillable, several culti vated, small orchard and lots of berries fenced; timber, some elder and cedar furnished house; price $230O Wants good residence property in suburbs of Los Angeles or some place convenient for poultry. PACIFIC AGENCY, IXC. 514-520 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 39S9 or Marshall 1265. TO EXCHANGE BTBAt EgTAXR. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-520 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. HAS 179 ACRES WANTS 5-PASSEN-GER CAR. 1-161 179 acres, few miles from Chit wood, email log house and barn, creek and nice trout stream through place; H mile from school; price S1790, mort gage $700. Would consider in exchange g ood 5- passenger oar for eq uit y i n ranch, or would give terms for differ ence. Or would consider well located small house and lot anywhere. Will not assume HAS HOTEL WANTS GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE OR CLEAR FARM. 1-163 Three-story hotel building, fur nished and equipped completely ; ever S acres of land;. 35 bedroom, besides all other rooms: price C12.50O. Wants rrtral merchandise store or clear farm land. HAS TIMBER LAND WANTS WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND. 1-164 280 acres In Minnesota, on high way, price 14, OOO. In exchange wants rood farm in Willamette valley. HAS PORTLAND ACRE WANTS PORTLAND RESIDENCE. 1-1 66 One acre on grs nd boulevard : all fenced; 40 bearing fruit trees: near school ; all street assessments paid ; no buildings; price S3000. Would con sider ln exchange modern 5-room bun galow or good Portland house. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-520 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. 20 ACRES all In euit.. woven wire fences. S acres of grapes. 3 acres in pears. 1 acre of peaches, all in bearing: 4-room house, bsrn, chicken houses, etc., right a ity 1!m(t. Grants Pans. Or., only $3,100. easy terms, or take city resi dence, and might assume some. 10 acres. 6 in cult., 4 acres of oak timber. lots of fruit and berries, all woven wire fences; good 5-room house, bern 2-4 x 3ft with modern equipment, chicken house, al! in Al condition; 3 miles from Sheridan. Yamhill county, on good ill-year auto road, close to school ; f 2500, easy terms, or exchange for Portia nd residence property. 14H acres, all in crop, one mile from Clackamas station, on paved road, ex change for city and assume or pay cash difference- Large list of other acreage tracts, for ana exenanpe. TALLM DGE REALTY CO.. 619 Henry Bldg. 103 ACRES miles from Philomath; nearly new 5-room house and all neces sary OUtbuildlnsr-T- fanrar1- hmit 26 acres In cultivation; balance timber , ana pasture: creek through place; family orchard of about 60 trees. Will take property worth 31500. balanca pay- J. E SHEARS, 213-14 Henry Building, Portland. Oregon. Son. ACRE stock ranch. 4R0 acres deeded. 320 acres homestead relinquishment. In c-entral Oregon near Strahorn survey; 90 acres cleared, bala-nce srood pasture: nearly all f erced : plenty excellent wood, well, 2 sprln-s. fine water: 2 sets bulld Irues; some sub-lrria-ated laml: raises ex cellent potatoes and root crops: unlimit ed -outrange, school H mile, community hall on place, postofflce Tiear; $6000. terms, or will trade for strictlv modem f urn 1 sh ed bunga 1 nw, C. C. Lilly, 12&3 Borthwlcffc st. Wood lawn 3557. 40 ACRES of land near Kalama. Wash.; Will teke rood aUto In nrt $2000 160 acres of timber land near riooa Kiver. rsn 4noa. part cash, bal ance trade, S500O. will take Income prop erty for part; TO-room strictlv modern residence, two lots, ararae-e 17O00 m-m trade for small ranch and part cash or will take good land for all. Write to or can j. j. waiKer. Lafayette. Oregon. IMPROVED CANADIAN FARM. 320 acres In Saskatchewan Aimtrit ail level, tillable land: 125 acres n crop in-s y-nr; new ouiiaings: z good Wells; will Include 4 horses and all machinery. Price 30 an acre. Wants smaller nir around 20 acres near Portland in ex- caang-. or as part pav. I.TTEODEMANN COMPANY. fl13 Chamber of Commerce. IRRIGATED land: mv 2SrtO nutty, fine tract, located on ditch 1 miles from nice town. This district Is famous for berries, asnarsarus and fruit three weeks earlier than any district In X. W 4 room plapterd house and ourbulldlnrs: phone, electricity and school hs- H-t strawberry lar-d in valley: now in aJ- laira. ay eomty to exer-a-nare for Port- iann nome. fnone wooflnwn 1354. 480 ACRFS rood farm land Alw. r- ada. 13 ml 18 from town: IOO acres broke, full Ifne farm lmnlemtnts, 22 head cattle. 16 horses; will trade for B"n4 iuiiir vnr--rn cmse to Portland or sell for $12.000 or 7OO0 cash, bal ance terms. AJ 808. Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE ft lota m Kosebursr Or., for land In Alberta. Canada. Ad drees J. E. Harper, Eckvllle. Alberta. Canada. EXCHANGE for desirable vacant lot on paved street or close-in acreage 160 acres of land in Douglas county; some timber; 6 miles from railroad ; value 2600. 301 U. S. Bank bldg. Broadway FIRST-CLASS MORTGAGE of $9500 and a. modern 8-room house, clear, prloe $6500, for good farm not over 20 miles from Portland, south or wept. Would consider rood place close to Eugene. Or 618 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or will exchange 280 acres tim ber land near Oakland. In Douglas coun ty for a modem duplex In Portland. Minneapolis or SL Paul. Might consider improved farm In Minnesota or Dakota. A V 205. Oregonian. APARTMENT BUILDING, INCOME $1S.KOO V-''"IC'-V lurmsnea : win consider good property or business to $25 00 u balance 140.000 terms ' MUTUAL REALTY CO.. 1210 N. W. Bank Bldg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 7 acres Custer county. Neb., land improved 175 j acres cultivation. 50 acres alfalfa, good clay soli; prefer small Oregon farm, merchandise or d rug stock. H ij. Mlltonberger. Anselmo. Neb. I HAVE a COxl 20-foot residence lot. free of all incumbrance, in good district In Seattle which 1 desire to trade for Port land residence lot or apply as part pay ment on home. Tabor 240. FINE corner, lot 24 block 'J WArmnuinn add ition. Portland, for property in or od.ii xr mtn:in;o. uoKima or uos An gelea. Cal. Henry A. Wpodard. Hotel Ga rtiand. San Francisco, fa!. ONE large 6-room house and garage, close in, for sale. or exchange for small house ui sa--i aiou uue o-room Dungalow, close to car line. . Terms given. Call owner. Tabor 2499. TO EXCHANGE Painting, tinting and pa pering for vacant lots, run-down house and lot, automobile, lumber or what have youT. Phone East 638, Sell wood 15tt8. automatic 220-33. ROSE CITY DISTRICT, four-room bunga low, bath, Dutch kitchen, full lot, A u.v umo -w; iraae ror close- in acreage with house, about same value. 6S2 East 75th North. va.ue. 2 TO 4 ACRES, 4 to 6-room house, on car line, not too far out, in exchange for my $2500 equity in $5500 bungalow" Rose City Park; assume some. N 8b0 Ore- gonian. 20 ACRES NEAR WHITE flAI.Mnv Turn in on house ln Portland, district . . '5 ' w"' assume. PMlin-WAUUALH U.. StOCk EXCh STUDEBAKER 6, owned by private party guaranteed to be in first-class eondl M": 44S-,ILl r triLde tar reaJ estate. CHOICE Irvington 8-room hones to ex change for smaller modern home ii gooa aietrict. JJeai wit a owner. AB ONE lot. 50x100, restricted district, one v block from car and three from school. for late model standard car. AV 210, Oregonian. BELL cheap, or trade. 2H acres at Llnn ton: bargain for cash; unimproved. wacmey, n-oi. oanon note! IRVINGTON 75x100 corner; will sccept ether well-located lot to value $1600 as WILL exchange new phonograph for small A- C. motor, about one-sixth H. P. Hy- APARTMENT site with two 6-room houses near East 18th and Alder. Price $9000' TRADE 5-pass. Studebaker to trade as first payment on real estate. Phone 01sl vnln-B O ! EXCHANGE 10 acres finest apricot land tor aiuueru no me in roruua; Will a a- aume. O 909, Oregonian. WANTED Los Angeles for Improved well located property in Portland. AV 233. 40 ACRES, level, under plow and fenced, on Tillamook highway; no buildings: for suburban home- CI S47 Or- o- .. 40 ACRES Irrigated land for 4 or 5-room house. Main 6127. Mr. S pe ncer. 120 ACRES; vltl take house as part pay ment, gie time oo balance. East 6277. PATENTED manufacturing proposition for what have you? AR 80, Oregonian. 320 ACRES timber. 8,000,000 feet, for mod em home; will assume. Q 908. Oregonlan. 12,000,000 ft- Oregon timber for Portland or & F. Haynes. 764 gutter, San Francisco. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. - 40O-ACRE FARM. Located 8 miles northwest of Eugene on Oregon Electric rail road; station on place; all in cul tivation; heavy black loam soil, no rocks, gravel or stumps; good water; all fenced and cross fenced; 2 sets of buildings, good 6-room bungalow with fireplace, running water, good large barn, bunk house and numerous other outbuildings; crop consises of 150 acres of wheat. 150 acres of oats, 90 acres of hay one-third of which delivered to warehouse goes with place : all personal property in cluding almost new Moline tractor, tractor plow, disc harrow, mower, rakes, etc. This Is a going farm and la located where, with proper manaftment. this place can be made one of the best investments In the Willamette valley. Owner has other business which requires his attention. Price $100 per acre; will con si d er Port land in come property for $50,000. ties X. X. tarns worth, with H. A. DRYER, "THE ACREAGE MAN." 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 50SL 4; 8 ACRES OF LAND. 14 of which are in cultivation; orchard of all varieties of fruit, small and large. In full bearing. There is a good substantial, practically new 6 room house, barn, chicken house, etc. The house is of the bungalow type, modernly constructed. The land la of first-class soil, plenty of wood and fuel; the purest and best running water in the house. This place is located right at the sta tion In the center of town; school house only 2 blocks away. The lo cation is close to the Columbia river and only a short distance from Vancouver; good roads lead ing to the place. The value .of this place is very much more than V the owner asks. He is willing to exchange it for property, clear of encumbrances, as there Is no in debtedness on his place. A house and lot. or other buildings to the value of $7000 will be considered on an even trade. M. J. CLO HESai, Abington Bldg. COUNTRY HOMES On the Bay by the Ocean. ACREAGE iO tracts of 5. 6 and 7 acres each. LOCATION On Wlllapa Harbor. 10 minutes' walk from Ocean Park on North Beach peninsula, Washington; one mile serosa from bay to ocean. CONDITION Schools, stores, churches. 2 R. R, stations within 15 min utes' walk, good water, good roads, good soil, every tract covered with trees, beautiful view; excellent summer or per manent home. PARE From Portland same as to any Clatsop or Washington beaches. PRICE $10u per acre for tracts fac ing bay. $50 per acre for inland tracts TERMS One-third down, balance to suit at 6 per cent. ALSO 120 acrea genuine cranberry land, same vicinity in tracts to suit; price on application. NOTE Will take Ford car in trade on tracts. WALDEMAR SETON. TIP Chamber of Commerce. STOCK, CROP AND EQUIPPED 20-ACRE RANCH. 45 MINUTES OUT ON BEA VERTON AND READVILLE HIGH WAT AND ELECTRIC. All in cultivation, rich deep soil, 5-room house, barn, chicken house, pump house, woodshed, good water, gas engine, 5 cows milking, 2 other cattle. 15 tens of hay in barn. 7 acrea oats in shock. 7 acres wheat in field, H acre spuds. & dozen chickens, cream separator, small ools berries and apples; price Exchange for good clear Port land house, 6 to 8 rooms, up to ' $4000, time on balance, 6 per cent. See SAM HEU'EY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY. We are offering for exchange 100x100 close to the high-grade retail district; this quarter block is improved with a well constructed three-story brick build ing yielding an income of over JI'O.OOO a year, and is located in the path of the growth of the city, which Insures a steady Increase in value; in a short time the ground atone will be worth more than is asked for the ground and building; the Income, price and terms mill prove of Interest to prospective in vestors in Income property; as part pay ment, will accept a going farm or well located city property in line for im provement and a mortgage back for 10 years. R. F. BRYAN. 5uD Chamber o Commerce. Main 1163. 120 ACRES, best of soil, lies nearly level, just slightly sloping to a living creek of pure spring water; 12 acres ln cult.. 2U more slashed, burned and seeded, balance second growth fir and cedar; 80 acres could be irrigated from the creek; 4-room house. barn, chicken house, etc.. located in a valley, in Clackamas county. 35 miles from Port land, on good road, paved greater part of the way; $4oOO and easy terim, or exchange tor city residence. Large list of dairy and other farms, witn and without complete stock and equipment, both for sale and exchange. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 61 Hsnry Bidg. . EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE ! EXCHANGE ! EXCHANGE ! EXCHANGE: EXCHANGE! Diamond ring, $2o00, for real estate. Lot, Montavilla, $700, for &U Johns property. Reo auto, $475. for house and lot; cash difference. 80-A. stock ranch, Lincoln Co., $2000. for close-in suburban tract; will assume $4000. 8-room house, lot 75x100. on Thurman St.. near Montgomery Ward plant. $5500. These are just a few of the hundreds of exchanges on our list. See Mr. Stephens, FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 200 ACRE wheat farm, 150 now in crop and all can be; large spring and small creek, 4-room plastered house, barn, etc. on good auto road, 8 miles from town and R. R. ; bargain price. $o0. easy terms, or exchange for Portland or nearby small place. 100 acres, SO per cent cult., balance easily can be. ail good soil, adjoining Roseberg; sell at easy terms or ex change for city or improved acreage and give best of deal. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 619 Henry Bldg. 121 ACRES NEAR EST ACAD A. Want Portland house and lot for this place; 8 miles from Esta.cs.da; 3 miles from Co ul ton. Very little waste land; 4 room house, barn 2424 ft. : chicken house. 12 acres cleared; 20 acres slashed, burned and seeded ; balance second growth fir and cedar timber; fine trout stream. Excellent soil and will make a nice home. $40 per acre. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES on Corvallls fc Eastern rail road at Alder station, which is on the property; saw mill on the place; has three acres leased, paying $500. for 3 year lease. There are eight buildings on the place owned by the saw mill company that go with the property at expiration of lease. The company will buy Umber on the place. Price $55 per acre. Want city property. J. E. 8HEA&3. 213-14 Henry Building. Portland, Oregon. WE CAN AND WILL EXCHANGE 10 acres Langum station, Oregon Electric. $2000. 26 acres near Vancouver. $4500. 7 acres in Oregon City overlooking the river, $7500. Trade any or all for city or farm. Tabor 3428. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 505 Couch Bldg. GENTLEMAN'S HOME Adjoining golf links; 3 acres fine land, running water, artistic house: will exchange for city home. Photos at DARING & Mc REYNOLDS, 615 COUCH BLDG. Main 6054 or Main 8422. " EXCHANGE OFFICE. Free and clear lots a specialty. I possibly can arrange to better your position. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 504i. 410 Henry Bldg. WILL TRADE my home in the best resi dential district in Portland for a small place In the country near a good town Value $2300; owners only. 2149 Wil lamette Blvd.. St, Johns. TRADE ACREAGE FOR HOUSE. 10 acres under cultivation, 1 acre of timber, out New berg road, has 2 -room log house and barn. See Rock, 403 Ccuch bldg, or phone Mar. 3352. SELL OR TRADE Burlington acreage, timberland and river frontage for hotel or apartment house, or other income property; $28,000 to $100,000. PARKER, Main 4551. . TO EXCHANGE Some good vacant lota on paved street, clear of debt, for medi um sized farm or rood farm land within 30 miles of Portland. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. 5 ACRES, highly improved, modern 6-room house. Multnomah sta. $10. OOO. Want city; must be well located. E. 7504. WANT LAND FOR 7-room modern house. 2 lots; 59th ave. Tremont station. AO 801. Oregonian. WILL GIVE 7-room modern house, 2 lots. Tremont station, and cash for house in northwest part city. A 807. Oregonian. V TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, NEAR GOODING, IDAHO 60 acres under irrigation with 57 H shares Wa.t5r.fU pald: no buildings; price $750O. Will seli or trade "for small place near Portland. ACRES NEAR SILVERTON. 4-room house, large barn granary, good well, all fenced. Plenty of running water, on rock KTu'Ja a.Tres ,n cultivation; pnice $O 0; will take $504.0 in trade in rortiand or "Vancouver property. Tabor. 8 blocks from carltne; good S.?MSe.' mnd Krery stock which will Involc. about 3000 to trails tor larm. ATKINSON A PORTER. 112 W. 6th St... Vancouver, Wash. iARM.jiS MILES FROM FORT LAND. NEAR PACIFIC HIGHWAY. ST acres very rich dep soli ln cultivation, .balance pasture, with j'n b' "Pring. family orchard. ol newr red barn. 6-room house! granary, woadsued. chicken house. mile to school, on hard road, 1 mile to higha. Prlc. Ju5ou. fcxchan for good Portland home up to JouOO. terms on "l iUSV rare opportunity to get a good farm; photos at office it J- L. HARTMAN COMPANY. - See SAM HEWEY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4? xr"MSEo.TOCK RANCH K.if. M1LES FROM PORTLAND, i.S:2 cra- J""' i mu'es irom Port land ?mVf,"l."'0"2 "d boat- rouin, ranTrW Z "" Krs- unlimited out oath. flSrn hou'" electric light.. i , "replace, etc. good outbuilalnai! ft0'?;.."." s'oa rot", "ioi "of nutlh, f1 wy 'n culvlon for feed: can i nis is an Ideal stock proposition aood itSwnr ?L,4J'r; incumbranced 5.- TO K.VCMA.VUB MlSClLAXKOtS. WiSIED- Modern home ln hirh-clels est netll? ni1 "ir part w,t on of f m l?i?M?Jll?ZZ'SV,"'r ""tor car, v,, vregonian. Hv.iiou -ld Iurn-ture to tradTfor new OreCgh,na'n."d '& 1 .V beautiful diamond sunburst ??n.a anu peri earrings thaYl grioh a Th1r..a 8ooa piauo or phono s i .pn. i tie value of th - i - T . , AuJresa AL 760. OregonmL"' ' C""- W?J nave ou to trade for good auto? or Wh .rt traKd Iot freal1 Jersey heifeT rlnice il.w,10rn. nens a '"rge -ho?e BrazeB st reservoir. In fin. shape. 4lS C Aof" Tta-aS2ii.Sy t.a?i "d small stoca WILL trade equity in 191S Studebaker ln lt iCd5ff'er,rI.0r "sil.ter ' "d .f ?,'. paymen'e"Snelf: 2T-L" ' moaU"y 1 1 t . .TT . " " '. We.rIri-?iHChanse dentistry for modern rifle "ndfuon1"?,'' '"er VuS T'C!fr Ti'J1 waeaw "- for Ford detiv- sr.aH 4.3-i4: oi cia-'- lt . I 1 la t-m , . x . . . -'"Lee- G. Lacey. Well sTo T coln?y10w,i.attrlr'h'on Be""- Tillamook rXowh.V" 'r a-V- pia-?. Vic Ju .- ut 210-30. A V ,.rj n. n . w hat have you to exenanga to, . music courser Main Snn1 IOT Ar-CHITECTURAL Qraftaman win make a ZJ?"" hou'aVnt A DANDY Winton sixfor (cord tires). Main 3679. diamond fOB SALg. Hone. Vehicles, Livfitofk. torn pasture, leaseu. terms. iv Oregonlan. ' -a- a--c.Vnu ana j ei rerson. PITR R.r-iR r.'i, i ' , " o kj guts, 5-momhs-oid Bills." 3-mSnS: o d boars and gt.; brooo. sowst 6 weeks R , " r uh SALE, and iigoA haH horse- rnes wood or aaVb-S" ' ly -n-P-eie for 417S? arbage hu,...g. .Broadway l-resz. Camas. Wash. B"tAR"0'L 13i0-"- horse and figVt wagon for sale at a bargain: horse i. FrontCt.tand eOUe' M Frff'VLB e. harness and hand a5 bugsy; ?"y saddler: also Ehet- harneSIni-2SUVEn?' buss- "rt and riarneas. 1238 Lombard st-. atJohns car Wroidtr.anrf 160 fres of timberTtrTTod Portland.0' MurPr- Morgan bid,.. Flii SA1-E Span of work mule. wTth also as-ons. Boring Cd Co.. SOth .id Division? Tabo? Df.D toSk removed quicaiy; caan oa d B647 6oth S. a. Tabor 6887. nMp GOOD gentle family cows for sale rTch milk and reasonable. Ben. Spang TuLrt Or. Address 227 6th St.. Portland: Or. FOR SALE Team of horses, will aeii separate. Must sell this week. PhlI AutomatIc 315-87. week. Phone 2 GOOD aalry and family cows sivlni' 4 5?2E? 24thT j?.Ji5i WS ""onaole NINE head of cowa, all gentle and haav milkers; must aell today. cS atVul V ancouver ave. l ou "dllry ScSwsWr.k.t V6 aJiona. 'irst-clai. aairy cows, lake Vancouver car to f--lurnbla boulevard: go one block north! FOR SALE Ford sedan, good condlTw, t?SA' -etweenC08ndittei FIRST-CLASS fresh dairy and graded w.rukye.e-utefT. fa"' B.-fjSSg WHO WANTS to get my goatT MUch goat and month-old kid. fhon. ii,. aay. Tabor 4:i!s oun. SADDLE HORSES and work teanvs in FOR SALE! Fine family cow ci Jersey, gives 1J qu. a day; no dealer. BIG BARGAIN Family cow for sale gi 111-' E. 23th. Alberta gist. WOODSAW. big team, harness and waaa for sale cheap. Tabor aoa BIG TEAM and harness, good condition ,130. Phone Ranch. Main 7618. DEAD horses, animals hauled away frea. Portland Rendering Co.. Woodlawa ao. DEAD HORSES taken quickly; cash, for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Six head of horses. Fashaoa Stable, E- 11th and Fllndera VETERINARIAN. " DR. HOWES TABOR 6J68. 'IS MAXWELL, like new; private car: 6To cash. 13G6 Minnesota ave. FOR SALE Pirs. Route A. box S02. Base Line road. Tabor SSitf. WOULD like to swap family cow for p a inlin g. C all Tab or 2 7 3 6. FINE milch goat and buck. 874 Willis blvd. Columbia 54$. FuK SALE Cow. will come fresh al-out October 1. cheap. Tabor b 151. FOR SALE Two good Jersey aid Hoi- ' stein cows. Call Vancouver 23 F 34, FRESH milk goat for sale cheap. s! Careghlno, 6G2 , 13th at.