10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 8, 1920 REAL E STATU. For bale Farm. ATTRACTIVE ESTACADA FARM. 40 acres. 3 miles from Estacada In the Springwater district at an elevation of 1100 feet, 3tf4 acres in a high state of cultivation. acre timber. This land lies ideal for farming; dark chocolate loam soil. Large 6-room house with hot end cold water. Full set of farm build ings, ail painted; on splendid road. mii to church, school and store. 2 miles to high school, 2S miles to Portland; it. F. D. mall at door; family orchard of fruit, berries and walnuts. With this farm goes 3 fine horses. 2 cows, 2 hogs, 1 wagon. 1 hack, 1 plow, 1 disc plow. 1 spike tooth harrow, 1 disc harrow, 2 sfets of harness, H interest in mower, rake and tedder, 1 gasoline engine, 150 gal. pressure tank, 1 grindstone, washing machine, wringer and pump, all run by engine; water piped to barn; telephone and stock in telephone company. In surance on buildings paid for two years, 5tn) cedar pouts, small tools galore. Price for everything. $10,000 if taken before threshing; after threshing. without grain, a000. There Is about 10 tons of new oat hay goes with the place; also kale for winter feeding, potatoes, gar Gen, etc. S. E. Wooster,. Estacada, Or. Al-fr' IFA RANCH. ' One hundred and sixty acres on Vriu-OXtoo, Oregon. California highway- railroad; one-half mile to tout fifty acres of the richest genuine bottom land on Willow creek Free water from state to irrigate. Owner says alfalfa grows from eight to ten tons per acre. Fine for raising corn on account of very low altitude. This bottom land will raise a big crop of any thing you can raise in Oregon. Six-room house, cheap but comfort able. Very good barn; very good fences; excellent drinking water. Completely equipped with horses, cows, pigs and machinery goes with place. Owner of place has bten ill for the last four months. That is the reason for selling. Price $11,000. Must be at least half cahh. balance 6 per cent. We have per sonally Inspected this place and will be glad to give all the information to any one who is interested. MrCLURB & SCHMAUCH CO.. 80(1 Railway Exchange Bldg. SMALL FARMS CLOSE IN. 20 acres, 8 miles out, on hard-surfaced road: all in hlfch state oT culti vation ; good 6-room houae with bath and gooa water system ; fireplace, etc. ; barn, chicken houses atime fruit, team, chickens nd f :u m Implements. This Is a very attractive close-In place; price gft'jOtJ, easy terms. 43 acres, 10 miles out, near Besverton; all In crop except 4 acres' timber; all finest soil and one of prettiest tracts In that district; on hard-surfaced road; very lair house, Larn and other build ings; fine fc.mf orchard ; wilt Include fine tt-am, 4 cows, chickens, some hogs and all equipnif-i.L Price $15,500, $6000 cash will handle; Ideal for dairying. LUEDUEMANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WASTED To Bell a large dairy ranch near Reedsport. Or., $20,000. The very best of land that can never wear out; running stream the whols length of place; good road to town, 3 to 4 miles. Over 30 hend of cows and heifers, 2 horses, chickens, 45 tons hay, hogs and piKS. All farm Implements, milking ma chine and separator, and furniture in t he house. Two houses on the place. Pplendid barn and other outbuildings. Can give immediate possession. Present owner cannot handle as too much work. Will take a smaller farm towards pay ment. Can be handled by the right party so that It will pay for Itself. Come, see and be convinced. Chapln-Staples Investment Co.. Reedsport, Or. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH. R0 acres, 1 V miles from good town, S3 miles from Portland, on a rocked road that will be paved; 25 acres can be cultivated : 12 acres under cultivation; 3 sere bearing orchard; over an acre of berries set out last spring; 4-room house, barn 20x40, 3 large poultry houses, one brooder house, garage and other buildings. With the place goes 1400 chickens (White Leghorns), cow, horse, complete line of machinery, furniture, poultry equipment and crops. Price 7500 for everything. Large cash pay ment. Photos at office, inspected by Alarsters, with JUH.N FKHOUSOy, Gerlinger Bldg. IDKAL DAIRY FARM. 240 acres, 9 miles north of Newberg. 10 miles south of Hlllsboro; 40 acres in crop. 75 acres slashed and seeded, rest in timber, lots of cedar; 8 creeks run ning through place, ill fenced ; 8-room plastered house, barn 44x70, equipped for 0 cows; hophouse, all buildings nearly pew; horses, cows, calves, sheep and implements go with place; will sell at $n2 per acre, give Immgliate possession; terms If desired. Inquire of bam. Otto. Laurel, Or. liEAVBRTON DISTRICT RANCH. acres, 27 In a high state of culti vation ; b-room house, a fine big red barn, 2 wells, large bearing orchard. 2 of the finest horses in the state, 8 cows. 3 hogs, 50 chit kens, farming im- ;' r.u'Ttls and furniture, all go in for $13,000. $5000 cah. This ranch has a cum ma nil in view of the surround inii cour-try and Is in an Ideal loca tion, ou a good inacadam road, clone to .a u.iectnr M. hi. BeJOICr? COMPANY, 2-2 Henry Jhlug. Broadway 1631. 1148 ACRES. FOLK COUNTY. 2.i0 acres level, under plow, 000 A, pasture. 200 0 to SO 00 acres outrange, about 400 A. red fir timber, about 1. oiH), 000 ft. saw timber, good road, 3i rnue to scnooi, i story a -room nouse, spring water In house; 3 barns, large; separator house, woodshed, etc.; 90 young ewe. 10 hoRs, 2.Ti0 acres crop, of which j goe with place. Price $40,000, with foi.uuu cagn. F. I EDDT, R1TTER. LOWE CO., 201-8-5-7 Hoard of Trade B 1 d g. MR. EASTERNER, if you are looking for an. attractive location near the moun tains and general ytock ranch, we have It. Mr. Western Man. If you are look ing for a general stock and wheat ranch, next to an immense stock range, well watered and timbered, 200 acres neariy ready to be put into wheat this fall, we have it; HS0 acres and 100 acres, one or both 1040 adjoining; schoolhouse on place, x or full information address K. . BAH.BV, Klgln, Orgon. WHEAT RANCH. Two sect inns in Gil Hum county, all plow land. 400 acres summer fallow ready for fall seeding: fair nuildiners: 5 mi lea to markft: complete line of farm ma chinery for working place, including cat- rrpiiinr tractor. rrice iu Pr acre. $.10,000 cash on or before November, balance o years at 6 per cent. Crop now being harvested is going 3o bus. per acre. This is a snap and must be sold oerore r-epieinoer l. J. 8. SULLIVAN. 40 Henry Btdr. aeo ACRES 10 bottom. In crop, balance bruh and timber: enourh saw timber to pay for place and logging mile to mill; 5-Toom house, large barn and out buildings, fruit, berries and outrange; i w . pvj uipjiit-in nu ri . n gooas. On main highway L4 miles from town, -i8 miles from coast, 32 miles from Cor vsllls. 7 miles of good fence, all for $10,000, terms to suit. Phone Marshall H. L. Sterting, Portland. FOR SALE Small dairy, truck and berry ranch. Improved and stocked. In western ln county, on water, county road, mail, phone, school on place; no place Jn Oregon beats on strawberries and cream; some terms; might consldertrade for a small piaoe near high schooJ or mail store In country town or barber hop with difference. Charles Pember, owner, Ada, Or., Lane Co. DAIRY ranch; 12 cows. 1 bull, team, wag on, harness, implements, chickens, bees, etc. about 200 fruit trees, 6 years old, mostly prunes; 25 acres land well fenced; small new house and barn etc.; "0 mile from Portland, between 2 good towns; also 400 aires of pasture, fenced, under hise; small Investment, good Income ; $',:.00. half down. J. J. Finn. Buel!, Or. TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE ON COAST. 130 acres. 75 acres tide land; would keep 25 and the bt-st location on coast for camp ground; so many oppor tunities to make money; would have to SM-e to Know ua value; oiu age reason for selling. JOHN WHALEN. Sand Lake, Or. -hOOM house, 3 acres at Orenco. all In crop, some fruit and berries, barn, 2 poultry houses, good well, pump on porcn. city water, gas and electricity avHiiaDK1, i" minutes to glutton. S22U0. $iJ5 cash, ttrms on bal. Consider The I aile property. L. R. Day, 50 B. 3d St.. rne I'aiRs, or. FOR SALE Farm. 95 acrea. well lot-ai.l ?2 miles south of Portland on main line . f. rty. ana r-acmc Highway, mile from good town and high school: this run oe Doij?nt on eay terms. For par tiv ulars address Q i0. Oregonlan. e VV - ACRE bearing apple orchard, level nd ft need, cah, bal. easy. Also w sr. level, fenred, a-rm, house well, $1jr.0, $150 cash. bal. easy. Both near WiUamhia. Jesse R. Sharp, $34 3d si. TO SETTLE a dispute, must be sold, Hills boro. nearly 4 5 acres. 22 cult., bal. in pasture and timber; stock. Implements, crop. This Is a bargain. att 4401. 8Q4 E. 1st st. Owner. 100. ACKhfi, McMinnviile district; 40 acres tn oats, good house and barn, chicken house, well and spring; excellent prune lund; T.5O0, $1000 down. Sea this. Ca.ll Main 1 o m. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre, eany terms, best soil; farms for wale, all sist-s. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. 172 ACRES. $100, 5 acres clesred-; 120 acres, 15 acrs cleared, $1500. B. F. Johnson, McMinnviile, Or., H. R. 4. EoViGED-OFF lanus, 110 acre up; running ater; coed sou. tillable; emp.ov ment: easy terms. J. R Sharps. 8$ Sfc Ad IOR SALE 2T7-acre farm in famous Umpqua valley near Drain For par ticular a aureus uoi , jjrain, or. Kf AL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. POWELL VALLEY FARM. NEAR CITY LIMITS. 78 acres and 'the crops, imple ments and stock now on farm foes with It, 20 acres of clover, acres potatoes. 2 acres corn, 33 acres oats and. vetch; baJance open pasture. Ideal house, cement base ment, fireplace, bullt-ins, private pressure water system; water piped to house and barn. Large barn with silo. Family orchard. This farm practically in Portland, can be purchased for $40O per acre. We can arrange the best possible terms, 6 per cent Interest. Imme diate possession. A distinctive farm and the price is right. OREGON CITY FARM. This farm of 110 acres 1s lo-. cated Just 9 miles from Oregon City. About 60 acres cultivated. A good producing soil; 2 acres or chard. Roomy house, large barn, close to school. This farm Is selling at a figure below that asked for other farms In this lo cality. The price is $14,000; $4000 will handle. A very comfortable Income can be made from this farm. If you are looking for a good farm at the right price, come In and talk it over with us. CORVALLIS. 452 acres 10 miles from Cor v al ias, yg mile from Wren. Or. An ideal dairy farm. 2CK) acres cul tivated, balance open pasture. Marys river southern boundary. Large house, 2 large barns, other necessary buildings. Spring water piped to house and barn. This farm mile from R. R. station and so close to Corvaills makes ft one of the best dairy proposltons you will find. This place to be sold for $25,000. We can give practically any terms you desire. OTTO A HARKSOX, 413 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK AT THIS BEFORE BUYING. B60 acrea 4 -miles from Toledo, county seat of Lincoln county, Oregon; 100 acres cleared in meadow and pasture, 60 of which can be plowed; 80 acres of fine creek bottom land. 260 acres of fine bench land, excellent soil and easy to clear. House, barn and two orchards, but Improvements are run down; 6 mil lion feet of good timber; S miles from tidewater, with water grade, can be put In with truck : 12 million more Joining tract. Unlimited outrange. For dairy ing, stock and goats this place is un excelled In county. Price $30 an acre, $4800 school mortgage, 6 per Cent In terest, 6 years to run, can be assumed; will accept $2000 cash and give good terms on balance. Owner is sick and cannot look after ranch. Mr. Land Buyer, investigate th(s before buying. IRA WADE, t Toledo, Or. 100-ACRE FARM IN THB FAMOUS COWLITZ VALLiCY. One mile from Pacific highway, 5 miles from. Winlock. Wash.; fine loam soil, level as a floor; 75 acres in grain, balance pasture: all tillable; two good wells, one at house and one tn barn ; Lacamas creek runs across one corner; B-room house and new barn 60x60, both built last year; Ideal dairy farm. Come end see this place while the cron is on. Price $10,0-' 0; $5000 will handle and easy Terms on paiaice. We have a bis; list of improved farms trora so cres up. win lock is the poul try center of the northwest and th cream of the berry and email fruit land Information on request. WINLOCK LAND COMPANY ) Winlock, Wash. 157H ACRES. CANBT. Here is as fine a farm as yofl could wtb. 1S7U. (ttpb with 120 arrfifl bottom land, 3 Its acre? under plow. 10 acres tim ber: 2-story, 10-room house, thoroughly modern; 2 barns, one 50x100; machine ehed. workshop, garage, house for help, other outbuildings; full set up-to-date farming equipment, including Nell eon tractor: 5 horses. 3 cows. 15 head other stock; $1000 worth of grain in barn, 120 acres of crop. This place must be seen to appreciate It. Price $50,000, good terms. F. L. EDDY, RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. i0 ACRES 30 MILES FROM PORTLAND FOR $SO0O, ON GOOD AUTO ROAD. 40 acres In high state of cultivation, balance in stump; pasture seeded to grass; 6 acres in prunes 16 years old, a bumper of a crop: also family or chard; fine 6-room plastered bouse, ce ment basement; dandy barn, holds 70 tons hay, 20 cows. 3 horses; all out buildings; good board and wire fences: close to school : all buildings in good condition, nearly new; water piped to at! buildings from a never falling spring. $4000 cash, hal. 5 years at 6 per cent. STEWART A BUCK, 31 S Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 20-acre ranch, modern bun galow, 6 rooms, - fireplace, bath, hot and cold water, all bullt-ln cupboards, 3 bed rooms, acres cleared and mostly In elover, 60 bearing fruit trees, strawber ries, good garden, barn full of hay, root house, 2 henhouses and parks, 1 set of work harness. 1 new single driving har ness, good young horse, 2 Jersey cows. AO chickens. 1 pig, 1 hack, all farm tools, 1 automobile (bug), all stock and equipment for $4450, half cash, terms on balance. This place Is 1 mile from Ka lama. Vi mile high school and church. Address owner, Mrs. Celia B. Scott, box 3 J ft, Kaiama. w ash. FINE 40-ACRE FARM NEAR GRESHAM CAR LINE. 30 acres under cultivation, 5 acres timber, all lies good, splendid soil ; 2 good wells, 5-room house, good barn. 75 fruit trees, half of crop with the place: near Swedish church; best buy In the county; $0000. KRIDER A ELKINOTON, GRESHAM, OREGON. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 345 acres, located lees than 2 miles from Rldgefleld, Wash., on the main line of railroad; over 50 acres under cultivation, the balance In grass pas- ture. Best of fences. Creek through place. over nair or in is Dot torn iana boat landing on the place. Only 20 miles from Portland. Good 10-room house, 2 large barns, SO-ton silo: stanchions bam for 40 cows: ' milk house and other buildings. Price I49.no per acre; $5000 cash. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. TILLAMOOK DAIRY FARM. 100 acres near Tillamook, on paved highway, practically all tillable: part in oats ana pare meaaow; tair duko Inrs. silo: 22 head dairy stock, good team, hogs, chickens, some furniture, all necessary farm tools ; price $24,750: will take $5000 down, balance 6 for long time, or will take small farm aa part puy. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WHEAT FARM 12S0 ACRES. WANT HOME TO $15,000. Located in rich wheat belt of eastern Wash, and on the state highway; 600 acres ready for fall grain. All under good fence, buildings average, drilled well of pure water. Only $30 per acre, very easy terms on balance. See It now while harvest is on. MacINNES A PRATT SO9-10 Oregon Bldg. 5th and Oak TWO HOUSES. ONE RANCH. Half mile from electric line. 3 miles from Oregon City, on good graveled road. 1 mile from school; 17 acres. 15 can be cultivated, 11 unaer cultivation, som fruit trees, wen and eprlrg. 6-room house and 4-room house, chicken housea and lots or other building; wire fenc ing: price 4loo. $16o cash. JOHN FER GUSOX. Gerlinger bldg. BARGAIN SO acres, about 27 miles from Portland. ak miles from Wood anH Wash. Good land, good 8-room house. Darn, cnicnen nouse. granary, orchard, 30 acres in crop, balance in ttastur: cows, heifer, bull, 40 chickens, cream , separator, all lor ro, fooo canh, balance terms. Apply to E. J. John son. route 2, LaCenter, vv ash., or to sot LtumDermene Plug., city. FOR SALE 3S5-aere river bottom ranch, about JfcO acres in cultivation, balanc timber ana pasture ; good house, new parns aua outnouse. xencea ana cross f.nced. This is one of the best Btncle v grain, dairy and berry ranches in Marion luuiuj , mil uanuioj D&itnce ion . time; possession October 1. AR 864, iregonian. 40 ACRES, f B750. 18 miles from Portland, 80 rods from . oiumma nignway, on tock road. lai house, barn, IS acres In cult., a'.l kind fruit and berries, fine sDrtnsr and nrook At soil, land lies fine: S2500 cash, hal ance to suit. 618 Chamber of Commerce. YAKIMA VALLEY, 20 acrea on highway, 1 mile from town: 8 acres orchard. 8 acres spuds and onions, balance alfalfa; fine 0-room bungalow, full cement base ment, good outbuildings; price $6O0. terms. Large and small farms on easy terms. Hover. 512 Selling blug. FOR SALE 000O. h acres on Durham road, 2 miles south of Tlgard, Newberg highway: six-room bungalow, garage, good well, young orchard. Write Mrs. Get trude Lien. Sherwood, Or., Route 1. FOR .SALE- 40 acres at Myrtle" PolntTa couple acrea cleared: 4-roora house, 2 wells and barn. Price $700 Owner, N.- V BialA, Woodland, Wash, REAL ESTATK. Tor Sale Farms. BENTON COUNTY FARMS RAISE BIG CROPS and are near the Oregon Agri cultural College, THE BEST FARM BUY II THB VALLEY. 10 acres located about 9 miles from Corvallis on good gravel road, within a mile of the Pacific highway: has daily mall, tele phone, etc Has large old house with electric lights, water system and other conveniences. Two large barns. 2 good henhouses for 1000 hens, large granary, garage, ma chine shed, blacksmith shop, pumphouse, water tank and good fences. About 150 acres under cul tivation and balance open pasture. This place. Is all choice bottom land and Is a cracker Jack pro d u c e r. The Improvements are worth nearly one-half the sale price. This will sell quick at $100 per acre. 80-ACRE HOME FARM. This is located S miles from O. A. C. In a fine locality; has fair improvements, good woven - wire fences in all fields; 60 acres in cultivation, 20 acres In grub oak pasture. You can't buy an aore around It less than $150 per acre. But we offer this for a short time for less than $90. 751-ACRE STOCK RANCH. This Is located about 15 miles from Corvallis, 3 miles from a R. . R. station; 150 acres of good cultl- vated land, some creek bottom, balance hill pasture and timber. Lots of grazing. Fair house and barn. We can sell this for $30 per acre and can use around $SOOO In trade of the right kind. SUBURBAN CHICKEN RANCH. This consists of 15 acres within 2 miles of Corvallis. Good house and other improvements. We can ell this on good terms at $6500. 6ACRE RANCH. This Is in the city limits, within half mile of O. A. C. : has a big house and barn, both just fair, but well built. Has city lights, water and sidewalk. Good soil and some fruit Can sell this on good terms at $5250. LOGANBERRY RANCH IN CORVALLIS. This .consists of two acres or loganberries, fine home with all conveniences, within half mile of O. A. C. very good house, garage, -barn, henhouse. some chickens, cow, etc., goes with the place. Haa sidewalk. You live In the country and have all the city advantage. Good terms. Price $6000. OTHER RANCHES. We have ranches of all sixes, both for stock and general farm ing besides small tracts for poul try, alfalfa, gardening and berry raising. Have 50 acres within a mile of the city of CorvalliB. of river bottom land that will raise alfalfa, berries or anything else. This can be sold at a very low price. Just the thing for cutting up into tracts. Write us if Interested, or bet ter come and -see for yourself. KINNEY & COMPANY, Corvallis, Or. The Home of the Oregon Agri cultural College. FOR SALE CELEBRATED BARROWS ORDWAY ORCHARDS at Ontario, Oregon; 240 acre of apples Winesap. Jonathan, Rome Beauty and White Winter Permaiu: 10 years old; 60 acres Italian prunes, 10 years old; 100 acres of alfalfa. Orchard produced 12, 000 boxes apples In 1010. Fine buildings, including modern dwelling with sanitary plumbing, bathroom, septio and pressure tanks; blacksmith - .shop, concrete and frame packing house with newest pack ing machinery; premises wired and sup plied with electricity for both light and power. Good wells and all necessary farm and orchard machinery, horses, wagons, etc. All Inclosed with heavy rabbit-proof wfre fencing. Irrigated by t Via nntarin.NviM Irrigation Co. Will sell as entire tract, including all build ings and personal property, or in 40-acre tracts. Prices are from $350 to $700 per acre with water stock. These orchards are on the upper bench, 100 feet above the Snake River valley and are, there fore. Immune from frosts which do great damage annually to orchards on . the lower levels. ou line oicanic For rurfhpr n&rticuiars. terms, etc.. ai - dress owner. Morton Barrows, Pioneer building. St. Paul, Minnesota. or in spection of orchards address or see K. B Sargent. Supt.. Ontario. Oregon. rR ' CITY LINE. 21 acres, located 3 miles northeast ol nrenn Citv. less thftn 14 milea from the center of Portland, only 30 minutes out. On a good graveled road. Close to the paved road and Oregon City car line. i acres unaer cultivation, in oats, 8 acres Dotstoea. corn and clover, bal ance, in pasture except small amount of timber. Creek through pasture that never goes dry. Good fences. New plas frrt nttmrtive bungalow with enameled bath. 6 rooms and separator room. Large barn, chicken house and lots of other buildings. Over an acre of bearing or chard in fine shape. -With the place goes 6 fine cows, heifer. 4 shoals, 75 chickens, young team of mares, harness and wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, disc, spring-tooth harrow, mower, reaper, hay raKe. etc. Macninery in good snape. Telephone, mail, cream route and gro ceries delivered. Price $RS00. $3500 cash. This is a fine piece of land. Personally inspected. pnotos at or rice. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Blflg. HIGH-CLASS FARM HOME. HALF MILE OF GREfHAM. WITH STOCK AN-D EQUIPMENT. 208 acres with fine Improvements and good Foil. located on good road, 3." min utes' drive from the center of Portland, within walking distance of the Gresham high school ; 75 acres under cultivation and In crot. some stanilin timber, creek and spring, family orchard. 6 acres of rasDberrles: beautiful 8-room modern bungalow, with full concrete basement. line pi um Ding, z nam rooms, eie-otric lights and other modern conveniences. r rivals water system, garage. 2 goo barns. 4-room cottage, good ' chicken houses. 600 chickens. 12 good milk cows, 4 good horse?, farm implements and ma chinery of all kinds go with the place; has a frne view of the mountains and surrounding country and Is one of the choice farm homes near Portland; price $45,000. KRTDER & ELKTNOTON. GRESHAM, OREOON. COLUMBIA RIVER DAIRY FARM. 2S0 acres. 9 miles below Vancouver, 1 mile frontage on Columbia; all river bottom and all cleared except 25 acres timber; fine Improvements consisting of modern house with bath, cement base ment. etc.. 2 big barns, will hold 100 tons hay each; other buildings. This is one of finest Improved and best dairy ranches on the river: will Include 29 caws, fine bull. 5 horses, all equipment and all necessary feed; price $45,000, $110, 0oo down, balance to suit. This la a enap at that price. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 157 ACRES. EAGLE CREEK. 60 A. level. 70 A. under plow, berries and family orchard, 6-room house, 2 barns, garage, hog house, chicken house and sheep shed, all farming implements, 3 horses, 5 cowa, 3 shoats, 43 sheep, 34 A. clover; fine road to place; Vfc mile to station. Price only $20,000 with $7000 cash, baL to suit. 5 per cent. F. L. EDDY. BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THIS FARM OWNED BY TWO SISTERS A IN U Tun.! AKK MCLLlPitJ IT AT A SACRIFICE. $50W) for 52 acres 17 miles from Portland on good road paved most all the way; has 7-room house, barn, out buildings, 12 acres in cultivation, 15 acres nearly cleared; good pasture; fine spring water. $1700 cash will handle it. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BAST OF GRESHAM. 120 acres, located on a main- road, t miles from railroad town: best' of solL 00 acres can be cultivated. 20 acres un der cultivation; some standing timber, 5 acres of orchard, majority prunes; good 6-room house, large barn, lots of other bttiMlnrs; mail and cream route; pries $3700., come terms, t ispected by Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Desirable mountain home, 60 acres. S1 acres cleared, new house, splendid soil, magnificent view, 1200 ft. elevation, a summer and health resort, tt miles from Columbia highway, west from Scappoose. Otis A. Miller, Scappoose, Or., or dw. Gundereon, Gerlinger bldg.. city. 97 ACRES IN VALLET $9000. Only 4 - mile from electric station, about 4 miles from Woodburn; all level, acd 90 acres in cultivation : buildings are old. This is a snap at $9000; $.1000 oasn win nanuie. LUEDDEMA.VN COMPANY. P13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MR. FARM BUYER. Just write and ask me about the fi3 acre farm that 1 have for sale on the Columbia river highway, one of the greatest Duys in uregon, and you will admit it when you learn about it- A. K. Stewart, envenon, ur. SIOCK RANCH FOR SALE 500 acres, good improvements. 2 miles from R. R.. price $15,000; will take clear resi . dence to $7000, some cash and mtg. for balance: one of the best In Lincoln Co. H 190. Oregonian. FOR SALE SO - acre dairy farm, good stock. Clark county. Washington ; mod ern buildings, orchard, m miles from station, good roads. For information ln nuire 8S3S 47th st. 8. E.. corner 3Sth a WRITE James D. Ogden. Orchards. Wash., for prices on 14 hk acres improved, on elcric line; 15 -A. near Proebstei; 40 A. miles east of Proebstei; 10 A. un improved 9 miles east of L& Center, REAL ESTATK. For 8a I e Farms. FARM BARGAINS. $37000 Clarke county. Wash., 120 acrea, improved farm hk mile to town, good district and roads: $3500 cash, long time on balance. . j $8500 Clarke eo.. Wash.. 1ST aore. i Improved farm, 14 mile to town and railroad; $400O cash, terms on the balance. $12,000 Tarn hi 11 eo.. Or.. 150 aere. Im proved, 6 miles from R. R. All ' stock and equipment, $6OO0 cah. . $13,000 Clackamas ' Co., Or., 8T acres. 84 miles from Oregon City, stocked and equipped, $6000 fesh. - 414,000 Clarke co., Wash., 200 acrea im proved. 4 miles to town, beat of olL $9000 cash. $19.590 TamhiH co.. Or.. 206 acres high ly Improved, west of McMinn viile. $0000 cash, long time on balanoe. $20,200 Lincoln eo.. Or. 404 acres. Ira proved and stocked and equipped. 6 miles to R. SL $12,000 cash. $23,000 Linn co.. Or., 290 acres, high ly improved, 7 miles to K, K $6500 cash, terms on baL $28.000 Multnomah co.. Or., 80 acres highly improved, east of Ores ham. $15,000 cash, baL. terms. $43,900 Polk co.. Or-, 439 acres high ly Improved, 24 acres prunea. Thickly settled district. $L. 900 cash. These places hare all been personally Inspected by ua We have photos and complete descriptions of them at our orfice. we have, autos at your dis posal, and will ahow these farms at any time. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. " VALLET FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 151 acres, 43 In cultivation, balance open pasture and timber; deep, rich aoil, no rock or gravel ; never-falling spring water to house and barn; bearing fam ily orchard, 125 young prune trees, other email fruit; good 7-room house with fire place, two good barns, hoghouse. chick en nouse, etc. The ioiiowing stocs: ana full set of farm tools and implements. good as new. go with place: 13 head of cows ana neiters, some mtiKing. some coming fresh soon, 1 reg. Holstein buil, 2 rood brood sows. 3 vounff work horses. 1 colt, about 50 chickens; only 10 miles from Portland, 5 rrflles Newberg. mile to main paved nigh way and k. k. eta tion. This is absolutely the bi greet bar gain In the countrv and will bear closest Investigation. Everything goes for $125 per acre; $9000 cash, balance long term at s per cent. R, M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 Fourth Street. FINE 80 ACRES. Loeated not far from Portland tn fine farming .district; extra good soil, complete set of good modern buildings. exceptionally well stocked and equipped. Includ ing nice herd of dairy cows. In order to wind up partnership business, this extra choice farm Is being offered at a very low price and upon terms to suit a respon sible prty. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. piTc-p: nnrHARn at bargain price 50 acres in White Salmon district, all In finest varitlea of anoles. 9 years old: orchard has had best of care and is In excellent condition ; very attractive buildinga and surroundings; place Is fully stocked and equipped for operating and will produce 5000 to 6000 packed boxes this season: non-resident owners have authorised us. to sell for $22,500. in eluding this years crop; will accept small Dtvment down and balance easy annual payments which tan be made out of crop. This- Is an exceptional oppor tunity to acquire a good Income orchard on easy terms. -r--LUEDDEMANN COMPANT, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FARM BUYERS TAKE NOTICE. 81 acres. 80 acres in cultivation. 60 acrea In wheat, oats and vetch, 12 acres In summer fallow, l acre potatoes, tine garden, large orchard; v-room nouse, lares barn, two - rood wells and creek good team 5 years old, weight about 3100. one cow, wagon, harness, plows, cultivators, harrows and other small farm tools; less than two blocks from rhnnl and church and store, on fin road; will be paved all the way from Portland soon: 3 milea from the electric line and 2 miles from Portland. Price $14,300, $6000 cash, balance 3 to 5 years .at h per cent. MORRIS & BUNDT. 01 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DEEP. RICH BOIL. Partly Improved farms can be bought Wltnin lfl miles or Aoeraeen ana n -quiam at $K0 to $100 an acre, easy terms. In some inntances stock and crops are InMurinri. The demand for farm nrod ucta is -unlimited on Grays Harbor. We are selling unimproved land at $20 to $40 per acre, on following terms: L-asn, $10 and $10 per month at 6 per cent. Here is your opportunity to buy level tract of land free frorft rocks, near schools and on good roads. Fur fur hnt- infnrmadnn writ at ntn WMh Ington State Colonization Co., Aberdeen, wash. . SO AflRRS. FOSTER ROAD. 90 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and timber; about 2000 cords of wood, berries, family orchard, 3 spring and creek; 2-room house, good barn, other buildings; ail tools. 10 head of cattle, I team. 3 hogs, chickens and ducks, 0 acres spuds, 5 seres clover; only 12 Vfc miles to center of Portland; price $7000, one-half cash. F. L. EDDY, R1TTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. 170 acres, 80 acres In high state of cultivation, very best of soil, 50 acres of Beaverdam land, 5 acrea of commer cial timber; small house, good barn, family orchard In full bearing, well and gasoline engine; county road runs through place, lies Ideal for cutting up; 4S miles from Vancouver, mile from pavement on hard surfaced road. Pries $105 per acre: will sHI all or part; one-half cash, balance 6 per cent. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO.. 407 Main st. Vancouver, Wash. FARM FOR SALE If you understand apples and stock and are willing to work, you can make a dandy home and aood money out of this one In a fine location. 100 mileu from Portland. For a very small cash payment from right party will give unueually long terms. It's an opportunity you seldom get. In answering give your age. farm experi ence and amount of cash you have to operate on. O 164. Oregonlan. RIVERSIDE FARM. 115 A.. 65 A. Jn cult., all can be cult., new house, good well, 6 hogs, 6 ewes, 6 lambs, 1 cow, 800 pullets, tractor, one-ton truck, all stock reg., 2 miles from good town on rock road. Will take city home up to $7000, some cash, terms on bal. $21,000 takes everything. Rock, 403 Couch bldg. Mar. 3352. 25 ACRES. 6 miles from Oregon City good graveled road, all can be cultivated; ffne soil. H mile to school ; good plastered bungalow, nearly ne w : 400 cords of wood on place; furniture, tools and 4 acres of crops Included at $3r00. $2500 cash. A real bargain. Inspected by Mars tere, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg CALIFORNIA. T am owner of 160-acre dairy or fruit farm in Tulare county, Cal. Ow ing to sickness will sell, rent or ex change this fine proposition. Would take small bungalow in Portland, first payment. Value, all stocked, $25,000. Phone aenwooa u. 110 ACRES. 13 miles Portland, all tillable, 35 cleared, old outbuildings, orchard, berries, good road, near Reedville, $00 per acre. Woodlawn 270L 409 Kill ings w orth. evenings. 20- A. FA RM. all clear, good land, good buildings, fenced, water: R. R. station 1 Vi m.. Salem 1 1 m, ; SJOOn. terms. 35 or 40 A. if desired. 741 East Pine st Portland. NON-RESIDENT owner bargain; 152 acre farm near paved highway, south Eugene 5 miles, fair Improvements, good coun try. WUUam Walker. Sierra Madre, jCaL FOR SALE 11 acres near McMInnvllie; 30 acres tn cultivation, aome beaverdam, timber, no buildings. Owner, M rs. T. j. Smith. Lents Sa.. R. 3. box 416. city. IF YOU want a bargain, call or address 912 Woodward ave. Will sell you 40 acres, 12 miles from Portland, very cheap. FOR SALE OR TRADE 174 acres tim ber. 13 miles from Portland. 240 East 84th st.. Montavlila, Or. FORCED to sell V section of good land at $5 per acre : aome improvements. Owner, box 453. Oregon City. WANTED Partner on large dairy farm; S refer man who would go In for pure red stock. A J Rl 1. Oregonian. FREE FARM LISTS. San Joaquin valley farms, Paul Roseler, Stockton. Cai. REAL ESTATK. For Sale Farms. COLTJ MBlA RIVER VIEW TTOMT3. lO acres, 5 acres In bearing Ital ian prunes, 100 English walnuts In bearing, berries and small fruits of all kinds. Good 5-room house with basement, good bam and ail necessary outbuildings; very best of rich loam soil, no rock or gravel. 2V miles from good town on good road, with all rural td vsnAges. Price $5500. Liberal terms. SMALL DA TRY", FTTLLT . STOCKED AXD EQUIPPED. 43 acres of the best loam soli, SO acres In high state of cultiva tion, balance in seeded-down, pas ture, timber for domestio use. -fenced and cross-fenced, excellent water, small stream across back side of place 1 acre of assorted orchard In best of condition, small fruits and berries of all kinds, good farm house, good bam fully equipped with hay fork, pulleys, etc., new machine shed, new chloken house and park, bog house and lot, dairy, cellar, wood Shed, fine span of black Perch eron mares weighing 1500 Ibex each. 4 dairy cows, registered Jersey bull, hors, full-blood chickens, new manure spreader, new dlso drill, new wagon, good set of harness, 3 plows, harrow, dlso, mower, rake, hack, and all necessary small tool. New DeLavL.1 separator. 25 tons of hay In bam. com, kale, carrots, potatoes, household furniture, on main huto road with all rural ad vantages, close to school, thickly Battled and highly Improved dis trict, 4V miles from good Paelflo ntghwwy town. Price $0200. Half cesh. MCpEKN COtTVTPT HOME, FULLY EQUIPPED. 40 acrea of the best loam soil, SO a rca in a high state of culti vation, 10 acrea more slashed, burned and seeded to pasture, very erey to clear. 6 acres In timber, all fenced, mastly woven wire : 140 bearing prune trees, good crop, prune dryer, assorted orchard In full bearing, good 5-room modem house, new modern bam, filled with hay, water plptd to all buildings, chicken house, dairy, fruit house, hog house and lot. 10 excellent dairy cowa team, chick ens, two wa Tons, h am ess. bu g fry. CrIII, disc, stump puller, barrow, woodsnw. mower. raKe, cream sep arator, milk cans, all small tools, end crops; one mile from good Pa cific highway town. Price $6500. Some tetma MODERN HOME. FULLY STOCKED. 05 acres, most all tillable. 40 acres 5n cultivation. bst loam soil, fine spring stream through place, 3 acres of sneorted orchard, good T room modem house, full set of white porcelain plumbing, concrete basement, good dairy bam, 32x70, concrete bnsement; chicken house with concrete basement, hoghouse. waron shed, water piped to all bulldlnrs; Including 3 dairy cows. S heifers, good team, wagon and harness, bugpy, 2 plows, disc. 2 harrows, cultivator, hand garden tools, feed chopper, cream sepa rator, brood sow. chickens, and ell small tools; fine lot of hay In the barn, on main county road, with all rural advantages, only 8 miles from small town. Improve ments on this farm are worth three-fourths of the price asked. Price $ftOOO; $3000 cash. slight consider house and lot. P-EATTTTFTTL CLARKE COUNTY FARM. 80 acrea of the very best loam atoll, 65 acres In a high state of cultivation, almost level, all fenced and cross-fenced, fine spring creek, family orchard of assorted fruits In full bearing, small fruits and berries of ,all kinds, good 8-room house, ne( dairy barn, with mod em eonvei fences, dairy, hoghouse and lot. chicken houm and park. In one nftfie best Improved farm ing districts near Vancouver, tone's thrtw from small town, in a beautiful1 little prairie, on good automobile road, etnge line, auto mobile tracks plrk up all products at the iloor. Ideal farm for the very llow. price' of $12,000. Term a FKTTV75jrAfTPY AND STOCK faaJTfatlly EQUIPPED. 1S5 acres of the very best loam roll, 150' acres tillable. ! acres ' under the plow, very best crops, 10 acres of Italian prunes, just coming Into bearing, large family orchard of assorted fruits, ber ries and small fruits of all kinds; 8-room plastered house, with bath ' and light system, water piped to e 14 butldln gs, 1 a rge da I ry ba rn, nw silo, garae, dairy, hoghouse, chicken house and park. 20 dairy cowa, 8 horses, 2 hogs, chickens, 3 wagons. 2 seta of harness, buggy, spring tooth harrow, spike toot h. mower, hay rake, gas engine, dlso plow, S wnl'-clng plows, 2 culti vators, disc ' harrow, manure eprrader. cream separator, milk cans, all small tools and all crops; only 3 miles from good Colum bia river town, on good suto road, ail rural advantages, auto truck picks up all products at door; cltse to school; adjoining- highly Improved farm. Price $20,000. Half cash. THOMPSON, A LEE, Sd and Main Rts. Vancouver, Wash. , CLARKE COUNTY BARGAINS. A-l dairy ranch. 130-A.. 90 under cul tivation, hay, wheat, etc. Very good 8-room house, barn, outbuildings, ex cellent eotl ; creek, tome beaver dam land ; place completely equipped ; about 14 cows. 2 tea us. ehegs. farm Im pie men ts. tools, all beat grade stock. Every thing goes except household furniture; m mile small town and railroad sta tion; good road. 20.000. Beautiful suburban home. Colonial style, strictly modern, all conveniences, heating system; lights tn all rooms and basenient; 8 rooms, huge sleeping Dorch. wash trays In basement; 2 blocks from street car; 5 A. best aoil, 2 A. prunes. ether fruit, garden, creek, etc. Income property as well as beautiful home. Misht consider Portland property trad a. $8500. 30 A. best Clarke county so!!, adjoin ing 33 acres school lnnd. which can be usfd; good house, barn, chicken housea etc. Fine crop; some valuable timber land. Flsre completely equipped and stocked, which Includes 10 good cows. fine assortment brood sows, team. All kinds Implements end tools. Place con- cnlcnt to car; 4 miles city. $9500. SWANK A COFP1ELD. 212 Main st. Vancouver, Wah. FINK HOP RANCH. 61 acres, on good rosd that will be paved, east of Newberg; 10 acres hop land. 10 acres clover; 40 acres under cultivation ; large orchard, good plas tered house with plumbing, water system for house and barn, good buildings. In cluding hop housea: some hay; oats and grain Included; also team, cow, chick ens and complete line of machinery and hop equipment. The 1010 hop crop on this place sold for $12,000. Offered st a bargain for short time. No trade con sidered. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger bldg. FINE BIG VALLEY FARM. 400 acres tn heart of Willamette val ley, all In cultivation: Oregon electric station and shipping spur on the place; all fine, level land, no rock 'or gravel or waste; two sets of good buildings. t plenty of water: will Include tractor, plows, dtsc. mower and other necessary tools. Price $4o.OOO; will give very easy terma or will consider exchange Lr in come property. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. 21 ACRES. " , STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 21 seres, about 15 In cult., bal. pasture and timber: good soil, running water, also good wel One family orchard, good 6-room plastered bouse, barn, chicken house, hoghouse. etc.. good team of mares, 6 cows. 60 chickens all stock, crop snd Implements go with place : on good rocked road. 15 miles from Port land. 2 miles R. R. ata. Price $6600. H cash. This is a real bargain. R. M. G AT g WOOD A CO.. 16o K 4th St. 40 ArRES NEAR RIDOEFIELD. WASH. 37 acres In high state of cultivation: paved road all the way from Portland: close to school and church; 6-room house, larks new barn, plenty of outbuildings This belongs to non -resident, who will be In town for a few days and 1s anxious to sell before going back. Price $So00, and worth everv doliar asked. STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 20 ACRES. IO cleaned, balance small tim ber, close to Sandy; good house, barn, wash-house, woodshed, ptghoube, chicken house; water piped to house, barn; $3(hj0. $.'K)U down; long time on balance at 6 per cent. 20 a.. 6 cleared : good house, small barn. chicken bouse, well, orchard ; $1600. $500 down. 0 I have lots of good stocked farms. If you want a good deal, see me at ones. Phone 67. Sandy, Or. Geo. Beers, $13.000 A BARGAIN. FARM FOR SALE BY OWNER. ' 40 seres excellent land under cultiva tion, 6-room dwelling, good bam. gran ary, chicken- house, 200 chickens, garage, family fruit. Jerseys and implements; hay. oat and root crop; on good rock road. 17 milea out: part cash and time. See L. Kearney from 9 to 12 A. M., uotei uregon. REAL ESTATE. DAIRY A2CT erTOCE: RAN"CH CHEAP. ISO acres of the richest ktnd of upland swale, fine etream through p. ace. furnishing good drainage fa cilities'; upwards of BO acrea under cultivation, chiefly in hay and grain, 2 or 8 acres old mixed or chard, apples, pears, prunes, cher ries, etc.; large 2-story farmhousa (somewhat out of repair), big, roomy barn, capacity for 150 tons hay. stanchions for 15 to 20 cowa, stall room for 6 or 8 horses, roomy machinery and wagon sheds, splendid wall of water at house, unlimited range for stock. Locat ed in well-set tied community on good road, 3 miles from railroad station, store and postofflee. 4 mile to school, 22 miles from Van couver, 1 miles paved. Owner cannot live on place and rather than continue renting It will sacri fice for $&00, $500 cash, balance) to suit. GOOD FORTY ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Best of clay-loam soil, free from rock and gravel ; about 25 acres under cultivation and in crop, bal ance, good, seeded woodland pas ture with living water for stock, all wel4 fenced and fronting on well-traveled gravel road, mile to railroad station and store. 1 mile to school, 8 miles from Van couver; good young family or chard, loads of berries of all kinds, good, new 5-room bungalow, not quite finished outside, full con crete basement, good -sized barn equipped with hay frk and car rier, stanchions for 8 cows, room for 40 to M tons hay; large welt equipped poultry house, toolhouse and shop with full kit of black smith tools, fine well with pump, good crop of grain, hay, potatoes, etc.; 5 good young cows, 2 Chester White pigs, 130 White Leghorn chickens, team of young horses, well matched; all kinds of farm Implements, including mower, new grain drill, rake, plows, harrows, cultivators, wagon, hack, harnese. cream separator and all growing crops; price $0750. $&000 cash, balance at ft per cent. BLWELL A WATTS, Washington St. at Eighth fit Vancouver. Waah. 40 ACRES, atl tn cultivation; good buildings, running water, gravel road, one mile from paved Pacifio highway, near school, church and store; in Clarke county, 5 miles from good town; $6000. terms. 187 ACRES, $5500, terma arranged to suit purchaser; 12 acres has been in cultivation; fair house and barn, all well fenced, gravel road, 3 miles from paved Pacific high way, less than 8 miles from good town. This is an opportunity to make some money: all good pas ture, aome hardwood timber. No property in this neighborhood for less than $75 per acre without Improvement!. The owner ia a non-resident and must aelL ATKINSON A PORTER, 112 W. 6th at.. Vancouver Wash. UP-TT.T. HTTT.T. 4n ACRES OR MORE. Ranch of 154 acres, 30 under cultiva tion. u slashed and burned. 10 about -artv fnr nlnw. bal. In rood saw tlm via- nn v.oru nrAAk t buildings are A No 1; large 8-room house in good hint- larce barn, mansard roof; has patent stanchions; harness room, gran ary, etc., workshop, poultry houses with parks, fenced, hog houses, etc., good orchard, including 800 young prune trees, also berries and fruits ; located In fins prune belt; good altitude, as suring healthy climate; open country, good air, drainage, eliminating- danger from frosts; good soil, two springs, good fishing and huntiag. rural con veniences; crops of wheat, oats, peas, buckwheat, carrots, potatoes and fruits Included. Pries of whole. $60 per acre. Will eell 80 acres, Including timber, for $4000, terms. Write or phone Jas. Bot kin. Estacada, Or. A DANDY, - good, little atock ranch of 102 acres, 28 In cult., balance hill land, pasture and timber; nice little creek runs through the place; good family orchard and small fruits, nearly new bungalow, 2 barns, chicken houses, on a Kood graveled road, mall route. 2 miles from town. Price $5000, some 10 acres one mile from town, nearly all In cultivation, bungalow bouse, mall barn, chicken houses, good well. If sold In the next two weks will take $ 1 SOO ; some terms. One of the best grain or dairy farms In Benton county. 100 acre. 120 in cult., the beat of land, good house and barns, chicken houses, orchard, creek on the place. One rolls from town Price $iro per acre, terms. For further particulars writs HENRY AMBLER, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. VERY HOMELIKE, 8 ACRES 5 MILES FROM THE CITY LIMITS. Pretty sure this is the best thing you will find in a well-improved, close-in hanP there are 8 acres, all In cultivation, perfect laying land, best of aoil, no rock; good 7-room plastered house, barn, outbuildings; very choice orchard of cherries; aome English wal nuts, assorted fruits and an abundance of prunes. Remember, it Is only five miles from the city limits, right at stores, school, churches, etc. Price only $4250. Will put In -2 cows, 2 hogs, calf, 50 chickens and crops. We personally inspect all our offerings and they are uniformly se represented HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. Broadway 4381. 246 ACRES. CLARK E CO., V AfW. 210 acres level, 36 acres rolling, 100 acres under plow. 10 aores timber. 1W0 acres pasture, unlimited outrange, ber ries, family orchard, soil has been ex amined by experts and pronounced of the best; school 20O fe-t.-R. F D.; 2 wells, 6-room house, barn 40x100. full set of farming implements, 3 cows. $ mules, 40 head choice breeding ewes, 4 O 1 C. ho e, 40 acres clover, balance oats, rye and spuds; price equipped, 0,000. good terms.. F. L. EDDY, RITTER. LOWE 4 CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg FOR SALE By owner. 208 acres m Lin coln county, near Tillamook county; beautifully situated on fresh-water lake, 1 miles from ocean; 12 acres cleared. 60 acres open land. 32 acres rih hnttnm land: 2 small houses, barn. outbuildings and some fencing; bearing orchard and loganberry patch; near school- and proposed Roosevelt highway. Good boating, fishing and hunting. Can be developed Into Ideal stock and dairy ranch. &6200. easy terms. Will sell 72 nrni of this tract; also bordering on lake, with house and orchard, $1400. 875 E. Biars. OS-. ruriiuu, njfrim. " REAL FARM BARGAIN. 60 seres, locsted 3 miles from Molalla, sll fine land. 27 acres in finest kind of crops; all can be cultivsted. County .road. H mile to school, rural conven lencea Good 7-room painted house, barn and other buildings. Orchard. With the place goes 5 cows, team, chickens, 7 acres potatoes and all the crops. Price $K600, small payment down. Nelson, with JOHN F ci rtti j pu."i . uerunyer oioi- FIFTY acres. 4H miles from town. 4 mile from boat landing; good road ; 43 a. clesred; 5-room house, barns and out buildings fairly good, extra good or chard; one-third crop goes with sale; team, harnesses, wagon, mower, harrow, plow, disc. . small tools, etc.; 3 wells on place; all for $7500, cash $2000, bal ance long terma THE GREELY CO., Ridgefield. Wash. CLOSE-IN FARM 83 acres perfect lying tract on good road, close to car line; only 10 miles from our office ; all in cultivation ex cept S acres wood lot; has nice spring creek : good order and good improve ments; part In clover. Far a real h)me place this if hard to beat ; it has the location and the aoil. $10,500 with im mediate possession. D. McChesney, 8o44 Oak sL Bdwy. 266. ANOTHER BARGAIN IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 66 acres, only 14 miles to Portland, all in cultivation. 8-room houte, good barn, orchard, berries. 6 cows; farm im plement ; on hard surface road on the banks of Clackamas river, only a Jew steps to store, near car line. Price, In cluding crop. $105 per acre. Be Bill Heales, with H W. GARLAND. 21 Third Street. LOGANBERRY LAND. 10 42 ACRES. $3000 CASH. Fourteen miles east of Portland at Ores ham. on highway. Land is level, soil very good, ideal location. Will deal direct with buyer only. Address C. K. FRAYER, owner. Bridge, Coos County, Oregon, SPECIALS 35 acres, ad Joining town Washington county; some cultivated: all kinds buildings. fruit, creek, spring. - timber: $1800: terma Ten acrea three- fourths mile highway, car. school, nuar Reedsviiie; 4 acres potatoes: ail kinds buildinga creek, timber; $2800, terma P. Dubois, 604 Spalding bldg. south of Tillamook paved highway. Call j Tabor 425L KKAXi E9TATK CLARKE COUNTY BUYS, 0 acres, all tillable land. 0 acres pasture and balance in bar and grain; good assorted famtiy orchard, good 7-room houe; per sonal property consists of 3 cows. 2 heifers, 1 mule. 3 pigs. 17 chick en, mower, wagon, plow, barrow, rake, separator, tesd and root cut ter; only 1 H miles to R. R. station and about 14 miles from Vancouver n paved road. Price $7800, terms, $4500 cash, balance easy. . 80 acres, all cleared.- 24 acrea tn evlt., 8 acres in pasture, good, young family orchard of assorted rult: good 4-room house, barn, chicke-n house and hoghouse; 30 tons hay. 3H acres potatoes, 3 acres corn; personal property con sists of 8 cows. 2 heifer calves. 1 team and harness, 4 hogs. SO chickens, wagon, .hack, mower, rake, disk harrow, separator, plow, silo, hay fork and all small tools; mile to good school and 4 miles to R. R. station and about 10 miles to Vancouver. This is locat ed In one of the finest farming districts la this part of the coun try and is a snap at the price wo are asking for It; price $7000; terms, $4000 cash, baU sasy. 12 acre, all tillable, inn acres trader cultivation, 83 acrea in clover, 25 acres oats, 18 acres wheat, S acres corn, 8 acres pota toes. 25 acres pasture; about 0 tons hay In barn. 2 acres prunes and fine family orchard; good 7 room house. 2 bams, fruit house, chicken and hrghouses-. personal property consists of 11 cows, 1 bull, 1 heavy team. 1 sow and 8 pigs, new Fordson tractor and all equipment. bindr. 2 cultivators. 8" walking plows, mower, rake. 2 wa gons, 2 separators. 60-gallon milk tank and cooler, gss tank and all small toola. This place is located about lO mPes from Vancouver in. one of the finest farming districts available and only Vt mile to school and 4 miles to R. R. sta tion; price $26,000. Terms, one half ca&h, balance easy. 82 acres, 85 acres under culti vation. 00 acres fenced. 85 acres of this farm Is the finest of beaver dam land and will grow anything, 1 acre onions. 1 acre beets, par nlps, carrots, 4 acres hay. 8 acres eats, good aworted family or chard; good 8-room house, barn and chicken house. This place is located about 24 miles from Van couver on good road and H m ile to school and 8 miles te R. R. sta tion; price $15.0O0; terms. $7000 cash, balance easy. R. S. THOMPSON CO., 410 Wash. 8t-, Vancouver, Wash, FOT'R MILES from Rldgefleld. Clarke county, Washington, 80 a. with 42 a. in cultivation, balance easily cleared; good wll also runnlns water: good fences. 7-room house, good barn, new potato house, garage, hog house, etc Crops in 12 a. wheat In shocks, 7 a potatoes. 7 a. oats, 25 tons hay tn barn. 7 a rtover. excellent stand, fine family or chard: 8 Jersey cowa 8 horses. 8 Bets hurnnii. 5 hogs. 8 dozen White Leghorn chickens, mower, rake, binder, potato planter, harrow disc, double and single cultivator, grain drill, fanning mill, elder press, wagon, hack, buggy, plows, cable ropes, all kinds of small tools, prAkm snnarator and all dairy utentlls. 20 cords wood cut. hundreds to be cut. large piling track; everything in line snape; must eeu ti n.-e, about half down, balance terms to suit. THE UKK e.1j x V AJ., Rldgefleld, Wash. BEST 20-ACRE BUT AROUND PORTLAND. Just 8 miles from the city limits of Portland, cornering on two rocked roads An nf which is to be uaved. right at school, stores, churches, etc. It is as mrfert lavinff 20 acres as VOU COUld Wl: to see, all in cultivation. Very choice, rich, mellow soil; splendid s-room plas trA house, outbuildings. Very fin hirinr Rina and Rov&l Anne cherry or chard. Certainly a good, homelike 20 seres, snd In one of our very best farm ing section. Price for quick sale, only $5000. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 1 22 N. Cth St. Broadway 4S8L THIS FARM MUST BE SOLD. 62 acres; 2 acres wheat, 5 acres cheat hay. 10 acres clover, 10 acres oats. 2 acres potatoes, 2 acrea orchard and berries. 1 acre rutabagas, balance fine pasture and timber; good 8-room house. 2 barns, wagon shed, other out buildings, spring and creek, team draft horses 4 milch cows, 2 heifers, t brood sow. 35 chickens. 20 tons hay In barn, wagons, hack, harrows, plows, mower, hay rake, root cutter, cultivator, spray pump, lots of small tools; one-half mile from Pacifio highway; all for $7000; good terma C. W. MUlership, Alder hotel. ' THE BEST FARM BUY IN OREGON. 3n acres of the best stock or agri cultural land tn Oregon; will sacrifice this prOpertv, Including crop, all stock and implementa, if taken at once for $65 pr acre. I will sell the land alone for $50 per acre, which Is about half its actual cash value. 250 acres of the farm can be cultivated, over 200 acres are now in cul tl vation. There is ab niitiv nn waste land In the entire place and the land will produce divi dends with any $150 valley land. If you want a gooa Duy ioo mm up m once. Particulars, G. A. Sarles, 733 Northwestern bank. . 103U-AORE FARM BARGAIN. About halt cleared: good 7-room Tini. lare-e barn and outbuildings about 30 large oak Trees around house and barn, live creek through the farm, with cross-ditches: dally mall and cream route; one-half mile to school and hiirch: located 6 miles east of fillvei ton: owner leaving Oregon, will take. $500. with terms, and accept good light car as part payment. W. A. IRVIN, 86 N. 17th St. 240 ACRE3 PRICED RTGHT. Fine location 1 mile from town, on hlghwav; electric power line passes place: good house. 2 barns snd silo. I will sell this first-class place for $165 an acre. Including crop. There Is about 2O0 acres in cultivation, some fine cord wood on balance. All lies well snd best of soil. Considerable In clover; or will take less and keep the crop if preferred. 80 miles to Portland and 20 North Salem. See me at once for full particular and photoa. D. McChesney. 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 26. FARM 14 ACRES, $23,000. 45 minutes by auto from Portland, 10 minutes by auto to center of manu facturing city of about noo, with over $1,000,000 payroll. Land lies extra well. Two-thirds cultivated. 1-3 woodland pas ture. 00 good for agricultural purposes; large old barn and some other buildings and orchard; close to public and high schoola See M. J. Edwards GEO. E. 'EN'GLEHART CO., Bdwy. 6173. 624 Henry Bldg. ON HIGH WAT. NEAR TIGARD. 85 acres. 22 cultivated, all can be cul tivated, black loam aoil; 10 acres tim ber, 6-room plastered bungalow, with plumbing, water system; electric lights being put In; woven wire fencing: barn, garage, chicken house; fine orchard, over $I00O worth of potatoes: all the other crops complete line of machinery and atock Included. $5000 cash, balance long time, 6 per cent. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 20 ACRES. NEAR MI LW A UK IE. 20 acres. 19 acres under plow. 1 acre cedar timber, good orchard, sandy loam soil; station on place, only 9 miles from Portland; 6-rocm house, barn and chick en house for 1000 chickens; 10 acres epude, 6 acres corn. This location is hard to beat: price $12,300, $0000 cash. F. L. EDDY. RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldt. FOR IMMEDIATE PALE I am offering my 1280-acre stock ranch with con siderable improvements, with adjoining grazing privileges in forest reserve; pientv of water and lots of fencing, at wonderfullv low price of $.((. Might consider some trade for Portland in come property. Located In central Ore ti Km Mr. Arnold, my representative st room 421 Imperial hotel, before 6 P. M. PIN FX" RE ST APPLE ORCHARD 120 rtf a.cres lare healthy fruit bear ing trees, excellent water, comfortable . ranch house, packing houe. burn, etc.. picturesque mile high summer resort site on "Rim of the World." scenic rnnt hour ride to Ban Bernardino postofflee hnlf mile, delightful climate among n mi kl(ub i' " - s-iokm. .j Hart, owner, 332 S. Broadway. Los An geles. , 20 ACRES BEAVERTON. 2H miles from Beaverton. best of land In state. IV acres cleared and under culti vation; 4-room house, 2 plastered; barn, chicken house, berries and young fruit trees. Sickness compels sale. $4500. $2000 cash, bal. long time. See Mr. Vail with A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. GREAT BARGAIN, ONLY $00 PER ACRE. 100 acres, only 17 miles to Portland, near Oregon City, good soil, 15 acres in cultivation, balance good past ture; small boue and barn, orchard, on fine road, good wafr. Other bargains. See BILL KEALES. with U. W. GARLAND, 201 8d, cor. Taylor. REAL ESTATE. for Sale 'Farm a. t ERY BEST FARM BUY. 65 ACRES IN ONE OF OUR BEST FARMING SECTIONS. FULLY STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. FOR ONLY $140 PER ACRE. Can't be duplicated for the price: 85 acres. 40 In crop, IS wheat, 6 oats. 5 clover, balance orchard and potatoes; 25 acrea nice woods, lot pasture, with xishlna; streajn on boundary and springs In pasture. It Is rich, very gently sloping land; 8-room house, good barn, numerous outbuildings, PERSONAL: 3 splendid horses, eolt. 2 cows, sow. ft shoats, chickens, 13 sheep cream separator, full set machinery. Price $(jTA0. Due south. Just 23 miles. In one of our very best farming sections, 1 H miles to steam and electric stations, rock road all the way. No one can duplicate our assortment of 40 to bO acre tracts of real farm lands. We do not handle inferior landa HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 X. 6th St. Broadway 43SL 69-ACRE RANCH WITH 55 HEAD OF GOOD SHORTHORN CaTTLB FOR $&30O. 45 acres In cultivation, balanes timber. 2H acres Bpuda, 40 acres clover, timothy and grain. 60 tons hay in barn, good 6-room house. watr piped in. big barn 60x5 with 57 stanchions. 2 fine chicken houses, 2 hog bouses, one regis tered bull, 6 or 7 steers worth $120 each. 25 cows, balance good cattle, 2 horses, all necessary farm Imple ments. 101S Ford auto., household furniture, 7000 acres of outrange, family orchard, lots of berries, fences are hog tight- Only $9000. 3 miles from Pacific highway. 63 miles from Portland. See SAM JKXVKT at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. Ground floor. DAIRY RANCH EQUIPPED ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. H mile from Woodland, Was'i T acres all fenced; 50 acrea level bottom land. SO in cultivation; 6-room houao bath and toilet; water piped to housew Barn 70x90 feet. Orchard, outbuildings, reentered Jersey bull, 12 milk cows, sow and pigs, chickens, horse, wagon, hack, mower, rake, plows, harness and separa tor, fork, cable. 30 tons of hay and other crops. Price $10,500; cash $430O balance 10 years 67. An exceptioualir good buy. A. W. ESTES, g03 Chamber of Commerce. LOGANBERRY LAND. S7 acres, 20 in cultivation, ideal logan berry land; 17 acres pasture and timber; fi acr&3 of potatoes, good buildings; price of $500 includes 2 cows, 2 horses, some hogs, chickens, machinery; on cream, mail and cannery route (Pacifio highway), south of Salem; good terms; Improved place up to $3000 In Portland, or some good tow n will be considered In exchange. See Mr. Marsters. John Fer guson. Gerlinger bldg. loO-ACRE FARM, ESTACADA. iO acres under plow, 90 acres pasture, unlimited outrange, 3 acres family or chard. Srto prune trees. Ho walnuts. 60 acres oats; full set farming Implements, IO head hogs, n goats. 1 cow. 3 mules. 8-room house, 2 barns, silo 10x32, all outbuildings, engine and pump, good gravel road and near electrio car: nrice $-14,000; half cash. F. L. EDDY. RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. gftl-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RICH IN 5 YEARS. . Here Is your chance! 16 seres of bear ing prunes, large crops this year, fair . house, good barn. Implements, on rocs; road, 21 miles to Portland, several hun dred cords of wood, 25 seres readv prac tically for plow. No better buv offered. Don't delay. Pries $11,500, $5000 cash, terma GEOROB JOHNSON. 526 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD BUY. 78-ACRK FARM. Only 1 mile from station on good road, 30 miles Portland; 70 acrea in cultiva tion, rest is wood lot and pasture; good new house, barn and outbuildings. If taken at once will Include considerable crop and hay. There is electric power line past plac3 and the land is good. Price $12,000. D. MoChesney, 304 Oak st. Broadway 266. W"ACRES, Lane county; 7 miles west of Creswe'.l ; good graveled road by place; red shot soil; 30 acres can be cultivated, 6 acres under cultivation; 10 acrea tim ber mils to school. 3 springs, small creek, 4-room cottage, barn, chicken house; price $1700, $900 cash, balance 6 years, 6 per cent. John Ferguson. Ger linger bldg. FOR BALE. BY OWNER. 26 acres vith good Improvements for $273 per acre: 12 miles from Portland, miles from Oregon Elect, station ; 8-room house, stone basement, large' barn, chicken house, good bearing or chard, creek through place, and plenty of wood. Address R, D. 1 Box 70, Beaverton, Or. ON GOOD road, 62 4 acrea 20 a. cleared, balance slashed in pasture; running water and well; 7-room almost new house, fine shape; new barn, 44x34. W recommend It as a cheap buy at $6500, half cash, balance to suit yourself, THE GREELY CO.. Rldgefleld, Wash. HOGS AND CLOVER WIN. 8S3 acres, choice soil; 200 cleared, 183 pasture and timber; 2 springs, or chard, fenced; good house. 2 barns, water piped to house and barn; on paved highway, one-half mile to staton; $5000 will handle, balance ten years; don't miss this. Crockett A Co., Mar. 426L $700 BUYS a good 5-r. house, with 8 acres, all in cultivation, orchard, barn, . lien house, garden, level; worth $3600, Main 3G72. McFarland. Failing bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOVE WANTED. I have 13000 cash and 30 acres of Al land at Hood River, in a very good location. This will stand investigation. What kind of a home have you? Morrln. Phone Marshall S'.80; evening and Sunday Auto, 21U-19. WE HAVE the best buyers. Waiting for your home, $3000 to $10,000. Just phone us. Sure to see it. R. T. STLEET. Good Homes Realtor. WE HAVE several clients who are snxious for us to find homes lor tnem two or three low-priced and easy pay ment; others better property with good pnvment. Call and tell us about yours that's for sale. E. S. Cook. Room 6ul Stock Ex. Shacks snd cheap houses on reason -sble terms; any part of city. Buyers waiting. A. W. ESTES, JK5 Chamber of Commerce. $J20rt STOCK In a going Portland con cern and two good city lota as payment on good house. Rose City or Alameda preferred; will assume up to $2000. SX 217. O rejff onlan. WANTED Good real estate or a house and lot, well located, in trade for a 5 ton G. M. C. truck. Call Dooly A Co.. Marshall 702. 812 Board of Trade bldg. 1 WANT a house In any fair district. 5 rooms or more; can pay $250 down, balance monthly. L 981. Oregonian. TWENTY acres, improved, fair buildings, $4m0 cash. La son, 419 Henry bldg.. Portland- ' 1 HaVE lt0 as first payment on a house; wi'.I pay balance In installments. C 2-0. Oregonian. , , I CAN PAT $r0 down on a 6 or 7-room house, balance monthly. T 871, Orego- WlLL give three lots at beach and cash. Tirst payment S to 4-room house. Mr. Bra n d. 4'-0 Henry bldg. I NEED a houfe of at least 5 rooma am looking for a snap: cn make lair pay ment down. L P2. Oregonlan. OWNERS! I want from 40 to 100 acrea close to Portlrnd. For quick action see . OEURGE JOHNSON. 520 Cham. Com. HAVE $600 cseh or automobile for. two lots Inside 6s:h, rear Sandy. Call Wdln. jo 2 1. Write S74 K. Sth N. WANT from 5 to 1 0 acres, partially im proved on any good hignwsy leading out of Portland. AG 803. Oregonian.- WIl L buy absolute pick-up In vacant lots, any fart of city; aubtnit your enaps. AG oi'4. WANT to rent or buy on easy terms 4 to 0-room house In good district, clcse to school and car. J &7S. Oregonlan. WANT to buy 4 or B-room house, pries $1M0 cash. Sellwood preferred. No agent. A 57, Oregonlan HAVE ready. sure-cash buyer for strictly modern 5-room bungalow. F. W. TAYLOR. 16 Sherlock Bldg. WANT from 5 to 20 seres unimproved on good road not over 13 mllt-s from city, li E N R Y W. OODDARP. 243 Stark St. 1 CAN PAY $2C0 down on a home In ar-y fair district; balance monthly. T 2GU, Oregonian. WANTED Lot In Terrsc Park, state lo cation and price. BC S'5. Oregonlan. WANT TO PUT 5-room cottage or bunga low, n t over $4000. Woodlawn BQ05. B r VC ALOW or h oue, f a I r di st rtct, for can, and S clear lota. East i V