THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. POltTLAXD, AUGUST 8, 1920 V K V BEAL ESTATE. Suburban Honif. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. On Oregon Electric Railway. 1 -story, double constructed, 6 large, airy rooms, also den, large bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, fireplace, gas, electricity, city water, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays; located on a beautiful 1-acre tract, overlooking the surrounding country, close to Ryan Place station, only 4 blocks to school. There is also a first-class garage and large chicken house and run, bearing fruit trees. This property was built by the present owner 6 years ago; has never been on the market and probably never would be but for the fact that owners are obliged to move east. "We can rec ommend this as an exceptionally fine buy. Ail the comforts of a home in the best residence district of the city, plus pure fresh country surroundings; $7oOO full price; $3000 cash will handle and the balance at 7 without monthly payments. Shown by appointment only. Alain bU2. Sundays Main 7616. We have others. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $2100 HL'BER STATION, almost 2 acres of good soil, a neat 4-room bunga low with Dutch kitchen, gas, good brick well with plenty of water, large screened chicken house, wood shed, 24 full bearing fruit trees, strawberry patch, fine view; a short walk to station and near a good stone road ; cash $800, balance term. SPLENDID VALUE. $2500 ST .MARY STATION 250O. 4 acres in a high state of cultivation; si 3-room house, chicken house, many varieties of berries and some email fruit trees; city water piped into the house, gas; $51)0 cash, balance $25 per month; only & minutes' waik to station. Do you want a suburban home? Bee s, we have many to select from. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY, 2T:2 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. QUARTER ACRE. FURNISHED modern 6 -room bunga low; cement basement, garage, chicken house, fruit, roses, vines, paved road, just outside city limits, 3 minutes' walk to the car; this place has city water, gas and electricity; price $3250, which is leas than it would cost to duplicate the fcouse today; terms can be arranged to suit. SOREN PETERSON, 1102 N. W. Bank. Bids. MAIN 3731. BEAUTIFUL country home with all city conveniences, 1 acre, all cleared, all kinds of fruit, on first -class auto road, y mile of electric station, good service. This home has 6 living rooms, reception room, hall, bathroom and buffet kitch en; it also has garage, place all fenced with nice woven wire. Now listen, this borne is furnished with good furniture, rugs in each room, new gas stove (mod el worth today $90, 2 dozen extra nice R. R, young chickens; can give pos session almost any tmie. Call In person and see owner, as I mean business, and if you are looking for a real snap, here It Is. Price for all only $4500. Haven't got time for phone conference. G. S. temlth, 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OVER 18 ACRES in fine bearing orchard. 1 0 acres of apples of best commercial varieties, some peaches and cherries; all 12 years old, in finest kind of shape. Graveled road; good 6-room house, grav ity water system, packing house, ga rage, toolhouse; some water for irriga tion ; barn and chicken house. This ranch on a good paying basis, over $2500 income per year; clear. Price $7o00, twill consider Portland home to full val ue. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSOX, OERL1NGER BLDG. HALF ACRE. Good two-room house, chicken house, sill fenced, city water, gas, 10 minutes from car line ; widow owner must sell ; $b00 and your own terms, within reason, SOKEN PETERSON, X102 N. W. BA.SK BLUG. MAIN 3 7 31. PARK ROSE BARGAIN. One acre on good graveled street, 4 Is lock from Sa-nay boulevard; everything in ia way oi iruit, a oi mem, peer ing; good 6-room bungalow with sleep ing porch, fireplace, best of plumbing, city water, gas, electric lights, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, furnace; a very complete home with garage, chicken house and lots of berries; offered at a bargain for a short time. JO JAN E KGLo" UN , GERLI NOB R BLDG. X ACHE and splendid house, private wa- stera, electric lights, variety of Irult; near station. Inter urban line; best buy near city. 6 acres, near city, - V mile to electric line station; nearly all cultivated, fine orchard, private water system, fine ber ry land; great view of city and vicinity; bargain price. 1. G. DAVIDSON. 810 Chamber of Commerce. i2K BUYS a modern 5-room bungalow on Buckingham heights near Multno mah station with 2 choice city lots fac ing east on Improved street; a wonder ful view ot Mt. Hood and the surround ing country. Owner desires quick results, hence the low figure. For particulars call on the owner, Mr. Monk, on the property, or see BEN RlfSLAND. his agent, at Multnomah on Sunday or at 404 Piatt bldg, 127 Park St., weekdays. CHOICE BARGAINS. 7-room bungalow, all modern except furnace, 1 acres in high state of cul tivation, $5750, near His ley station. 6-room house. Bull Run water, 1-3 acre, near Evergreen station. $5500; also other beautiful suburban homes from $1500 up to $15,000. Inquire third house north of Risiey station, Oregon City carline, Mrs. F. M. Youngs. LN M1LWAUKIH, OREGON CITY LINE. Nearly 3 lots in Milwaukee, 8 kinds of bearing fruit trees, berries, grapes, rose hedge and shrubbery; 7-room house, city water, gas, electric lights, garage, chicken house; graveled street. This place Is in, fine condition, with good in come from the fruit; price $2500, $1000 cash. Photos at office. JoiN FEK OL'SON, GERLINGER BLDG. SUBURBAN. S-room bunviilow. 1U nrrtvn Innrt all in fruit and berries, miie from Dents Junction; very nice little nlace: Durchas- er can have employment on joining tracts ii ttiuai; price t.uo, dw casn; or will exchange equity of $1300 for small house, property, and assume mortgage. O. A. 1'earce. S15 Cham. Com. v rite or call. IN TIGARD. li acres, located 1 block from hirh way, 3 blocks from station ; all under cultivation, the best of soil; nice 4-room cottage. This Is close to high or grade vhoul and the finest kind ot soil; price $20O0, $iimO cash. Inspected by Neison. v ith JOlLN ERG USON, GERLINGER 4 ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern, completely furnished, on S. P, Red Elec tric, 2 blocks from station, on 7c fare. cly water, gas and electricity; owner leaving at once for San Francisco; will sacrifice home and furniture for a 2250: must have $1200 cash, balance terms. i-ee J. 1. ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. FIVE-ACRE BARGAIN. 9-room, doubie-constructed, two-story fcouee wtlh furnace, fireplace, hot and cold water; beautiful view. A. bargain at $0000; abundance of fruit and. ber ries. East of the city limits. Ideal oit. Marsters, with JOHN KBROL'tiON, 5 ACRES AT CITY LIMITS. House, barn and other improvements all cultivated; city water and lights can be had; 2 miles closer in than Lents; do gravel ; muu, terms. MUTUAL REALTY CO., 1210 N. W. Bank Bldg. IDEAL suburban home. 5 acres, 3 cleared. l acres oerries; modern 5-room bun ga.ow, large chicken houses; near Powell v a. ley roaa ; iumhi, terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO., Main 5429. 248 Stark St. -. ALr. tty owner. 1919 Ford 1-ton irucK, iirst-ciass mechanical condition good tirey; driven less than 40o0 miles body built expressly for hauling apples mutky a. i uw. Aj)j),y -u .iienry oiug. Main 7115. i-nisu.n nouse on lot aoxlO; gas, water, electricity, rruit iroM- minuiot from heart of city, 2 blocks from car nne; !" casu, balance like rent. Owner, CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES from $1S00 up. Inquire id house north of Klbley station, on Oregon City car 1 W ACKES at Garden Home on Oregon nwt.-i.riu, inue irora aepot. scnool and Fiore; a-room nouse, gas and electricity itouu pieaij i iruii. uwner goin, i l B iiiu-t-t c.i. rnone case i.MJ. 6-ROOM bungalow, gas, water, electricity, modern, steeping porch. acre fruit. terries, garden in, garage; 25 minutes i mm cn, pave a. si reel. j jto, Orego- 6-ROOM modern house, H acre. 3 block north of Ardenwald station. buMfi view of Portland; very good buy; only L'SOO; easy terms. Sellwood 1441. 1.38 ACRES with new house on it. 5 min utea' walk to statioa, good water, $200 $500 cash, balance easy terms. W. Kru. per, 'rigard, or. WELL-IMPROVED two to five-acre horn with good house, all conveniences, close io cr. ai-casn proposition. j Vol, Ore gonian. 10 ACRES, Gresham district. $6000; good house, barn, orchard, hen hnnPH Main - - - u'ui. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home DON'T FAIL TO 6EE THIS PTIOPERTY. Go today and see RiveT Villa Acres, river frontage, as well as paved-street front. This is a new tract Just placed on the market and the large homesiti are ceing onereo lor sale lor at least nan of the price of land on either side or across the street can be bought for. for , the reason that all of this tract must- be closed out at the quickest possible date. The water-front sites are the best on the Willamette river, close in to the business center of this city. The paved highway frontage is only 2 blocks from the station and car line at Courtney on the Oregon City car line. It is the only vacant tract between this city and it. Now is the time to make your selections. These homeeites consist of half acres and more and the prices range from $600 and up. It is the best investment of fered today for speculation, outside of a beautiful homes! to for suburban resi dence. If you did not care to build right away, Ihe thing to do is to secure one of these homesites now at the low price they are being offered for, as the loca tion is the best to be found on the Ore gon City car line and river. Call at the office and let us show you this prop erty. M. J. Cichesey, Abington bldg. ONLY $2650 BUYS AND PAYS FOR In f uli a new 6-room bungalow with basement of concrete walls. This bun galow la located on Capitol hill, close to the car line and station; has city water In the house, bath, toilet, fireplace; a very substantially built bungalow, every room plastered, newly tinted, painted Inside and outside; a very pretty place with a view unexcelled; close to Capital highway. This is a great bargain Terms, $GoO cash, balance $23 per month; 6c car fare. M J. Clohessy, Ablngton bldg. ONLY $750O BUYS TEN BIO ACRES of land, all in grove, in the center of the progressive high-class Multnomah district on the Capital highway. This land has the advantages of city water (Bull Run), and all other city con veniences. There is big money in sub dividing this into small tract. One half of the land can be sold for the price now asked for all of It. Another feature Is for any person desiring a close-in suburban home with lots of land, close to the car line and station, with 8c car fare, close to the city school, and on the Capital highway. This Is an op portunity) a rare one, as there are no large tracts left but this one. The view on all sides from this tract of land eclipses anything to be found so close In to the business center; only 20 min utes' ride. Half cash will handle it. M. J. Clohessy, Ablngton bldg. ONLY $2500 BUYS AND PAYS In fun or this: A very substantial 8-room house, every troom plastered, newly tint ed, house painted inside and outside, and has the appearance of being a new house. The house certainly cannot be replaced today for a lees sum than $4000. It has all the city conveniences, including city water, car line and. station 5 blocks away, city school about the same dis tance; 6c car fare. With thie you get a half acre of land, rich soil, barn, chicken house; 15 minutes' ride from the business center; $1300 will handle it. M. J. Clo hessy, Abington bldg. A RIVER-FRONT HOME en the west side out Rlverdale way. Remember, there is only just so much of thie river front property to be had and no more to be made, hence the value will be con stantly on the increase every year from now on. Here are four big acres of land, all In park and lawn, on the red. car line, right at the station, with the best car service in and out of Portland. On this land is a very classy, modern, up-to-date. 7-room bungalow facing the river, very attractive fireplace. This bungalow is plastered, tinted, beam ceil ings, large living room, every city con venience to be found in this bungalow. There is also another bungalow which goes with the property. We are now of fering this valuable place' for half of Its real value; $9000 takes the whole thing, about $5000 will handle it. 2a. J Clohessy, Abington bldg. ONLY 6500 FOR THIS RIVER FRONT HOME. Two big acre of land, a beautfiul Dla.ce on the car line and right at the station, in the Rlverdale district on the west side. With this land you get a very attractive, substantial 6-room bungalow, a stone fireplace which will charm you, full basement, cement floor. The house has all of the city conveniences lacks nothing, and if you want a river-front home, this should please you; $3500 cash Is all you need. M. J. ciouessy, ADington Diag. ONLY $5250 BUYS THIS very charm Ing suburban home. The location is in Capitol hill and the view is simply un surpassed, ine no use contains i jarge. light, airy rooms, well planned and laid out, with full concrete and cement base ment. This is practically a new nouse, modern and very substantially construct ed; fireplace, large front porch, close to the boulevard wmcn ieaas to tne uapitai highway. With the house you get a large plot of ground. To build thi house new today would cost at least $7500. The grounds are well improved with fruit, flowers and snruDoery. it is a snap, and It requires all cash to han- iie It. JU J. Jionessy, ADingioa Diag. ONLfY 13600 BUYS AND PAYS FOR in full a half acre of land, practically on the boulevard which leads to th Capital highway. With the land you get a brand-new 5-room bungalow just fin ished never having been occupied. This bungalow- has such conveniences as city water, bath, toilet, full basement with garage; $oo casn win nancLio it. JUL. j. Clohessy, Abington bldg. IN CITY LIMITS of Gresham, 6 acres under nign state ox cultivation; xruits ot different varities. about one acre in raspberries; best kind of soil; three chicken houses, one hundred chickens and good cow; good barn, garage; a good seven-room modern home ; Bull Run water, eras connected up and elec trie lights ; might trade for a good farm, stocked. Price, direct from owner. S10.O00. Address R. D. Cruik shank, route 4, box 7, South Roberts ave., on jjaxnascua roaa. jrnone u , Gresham. 10 ACRES at Jennings Lodge, 1 acres ciearea ana unaer cultivation, Daiance easy to clear, sub-Irrigated. This is one of the most beautiful homesites in this district, the best of soil, some small oaks and second -growth fir. Party has other business and cannot devote time to this place, so will sell at this figure which Is very much under value. $000, uo casn, balance long time. Bee Mr. Vail, with. A. W. ESTES, 905 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONTAGE. SO acres fronting on the Willamette river, 22 miles south of Portland; the grounds are ideal. 13 acres under cultl vation, small bungalow. Immense spring and. fine trout stream of swift, living water; beautiful trees, on main highway, close to electric station. This la one the most beautiful places along the river . Owner is moving, away and this property Is being sold for only $8000. JOHN E. HOWARD, 818 Cham, of Com J6250 SEE THIS ONE S6250. Country home In the city, grounds 330 feet by 100 feet; 7-room bouse, gas and electricity, full cement basement, wash trays, house painted inelde and outside has beautiful creek 40 feet by 10O feet running through center of property, with trout pond and 3 artificial Islands; fruit, berries and a good garden; mut be seen to be appreciated ; $l2r0 will handle. Phone owner, faeiiwood 8S. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 5 acres, near Garden Home, on good graveled roaa, close to tne Highway plastered bungalow with best of whiti enamel plumbing, full cement basement furnace; convenient to the station; price 5ou. s-'imu cash, iso apologies to or fer on this place. Photo at office. In snected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGU SON. GERLINGER BLDG. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. Beautiful new modern 4-room banrt- low and acre of ground near Capitol nil I ana j-f msaaie; garage, run base ment, city gas and water, close to elec tric station; price $3&0 and, $300 will handle, with monthly payments of $2i and Interest on the balance. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. SMALL SUBURBAN HOME. 3-room house, new, acre of ground. outside or city limits. fc miie to car: nice garden; $1300. $300 rash, balance $15 per month. Including Interest. See Mr, van, witn A. W. ESTES, 005 Chamber of Commerce. AN ELEGANT HOME. 2 acres In cultivation, lots of fruit. wainuts, berries, garden. 6-room mod em house. H. w. floors, gas. E. liicht flnishd in old ivorv. near R. Eta. Ore gon City line and river. Price $8000, terms. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 163 4th $2S00 EQUITY in $-4000 home of 4 seres at Tigara, ur.; young- orcnara. ome fruit, house, barn, chicken house, etc. will consider trade on farm, 40 to 60 acres. Improved, suitable for dairy; some stock preferred, it possioie. Aaa ress s. w. spang, 1 Din si., rornauu, vr. ONE ACRE, mostly In cultivation, located at Evergreen on the Oregon City car line, with five-room plastered house, full basement, city gas and chicke: house All build insrs In fine condition. Only $2650 and $500 will handle. John E. Howara, 3is inam. or jom. NIFTY 6-room modern buntralow. Caoltol hill, 11 minutes by Oregon electric. 8c fa r: house in excellent condition, bat den. attractive fireplace : wonderf view. Owner, Marsha tl 18.4. $1650 NEW 2 -room house with acre of eround. near Multnomah station, eas terms. For particulars call 40-4 Piatt bldg.. i-i frarn st ) t- c. t c unn. Tax vvaaa. uwwrt x vou, wregoiuaji. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. v OREGON CITY CARLINE. StrietlT modern 7-room bungalow. basement, furnace, fireplace, bath, fac ing on highway, 2 blocks to station; choice acre, abundant fruit; $7000, terms. Three-acre home; fine location; good 7-room house and outbuilding; plenty fruit, good soil; near car. Price $6250; acre and house, $4500. 2-acre home; 4-room house, large hen house, good well, crop. Price $3000, Including 100 chickens. 1 2-3 acres im proved, $2400, $5U0 cash. 1 H -acre home, facing on highway; good 6-room house, semi -modern ; plenty fruit, good soil, near station; only $3500, $650 cash, easy terms. Highly Improved 5 -acre home; good 6-room house and outbuildings; plenty fruit, large spring piped; near station; $4250, reasonable terms. 1-acre home, facing on c&rllne; good plastered house, outbuildings; plenty fruit, good soil, running water; fine location ; $3500, reasonabl e terms. PHONE 113 W. C E. APPLE, OAK GROVE, OR. SUBURBAN HOMES. ONLY $5500 BUYS AND PAYS In full for this, on the Oregon City car line, at Lake wood station ; is a modern 7-room bungalow style, new house of a very substantial and classy appearance. The house is vacant, ready to move in to, will not be rented, and Its construction is such as to meet tho approval of peo ple of taste. It has a full concrete basement with fine furnace, very at tractive fireplace, the most expensive plum bin jr to be obtained, newly tinted on the inside and newly painted on the- outside. witn tne nouse you gee more than a half acre of land, of which part of It is in orchard of all varieties of fruit coming into full bearing, and the balance left with native trees and sh rut very. This Is such a bargain as you will not find soon again. It would cost more than $1000 to replace this new bungalow, to say nothing of its loca tion on the streetcar line and right at the station, and in the high-class Lake wood suburban district. The house has every convenience, city water (Bull Run), electric lights and gass. Half cash will handle it. M J. Clohessy, Abing ton bldg. SUBURBAN IDEAD HOME SUBURBAN. The most wonderful close-in, high- class suburban property tributary to Portland ; 12 acres practically all In cultivation, all kinds of fruit and flow ers; fully modern 7-room new bungalow with every city convenience, . Bull Run water, gas, electricity. 7-mlnute car service; just beyond the city limits. This tract has wonderful native grove with stream iiowing tnrougn. same. If you want a real high-class proposition for half Its actual value look this up at once. bee pictures of property at of' flee of G. A. Sarles, 733 is orth western panic BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 22 acres. Just off the Portland-New -berg highway, this side of Tieard. with fine new home, all beautifully finished jusiuo ana out; wonaeriui zirepiace, sleeping porch, bath, new earaea and fine water system; 16 acres In high state of cultivation, balance in beautiful grove of old-growth timber. This place must be 6en to be appreciated. Price only $13,000. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. One mile from city limits, consisting of 23 acres, all improved, large artistic bungalow, on the edge of a beautiful creek, electric light system, shower bath, garage, sleeping porches, rustic driveway and gardens laid out with artistic shrubbery. Jl sacrifice, own terms; no agents. GEO. E. GANDY. 403 Custom-House bldg. ON CAPITAL. HIGHWAY. One acre, with store building and 6 living rooms; at station, 2 blocks to school, this side of Newberg; under cul tivation, water piped to house; chicken house, etc. A fine place for filling sta tion and general merchandise business; price $l&5u, half cash. Personally in spected by Nelson, with JOHN FER GUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. IRVINGTON HOME. (IORNER 52x100. $7000 CLEAR. 6 large rooms, hardwood floors, 8 bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch cement basement, fireplaces, garage. See Mr. Mast, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE-IN ACRE. Nearly an acre on Mt. Tabor car at 2d. street, with fruit trees; modern 6 room bouse with sleeping porch, lull ce ment basement, all city conveniences; email barn, chicken house. 50 chickens with the place; will consider small 3 or 4-room house as part payment. JOHN FERGUSON', GERLINGER BLDG. YOU WANT SOMETHING NICE from owner to purchaser see this. One or two acres, 7-rqom house, modern, city con veniences, highly Improved, flowers, shrubs, garden, feed, cow, fruit and apples. Oregon City car; 30 minutes ride, about 3 blocks east of Courtney. Second door north of Courtney road on Courtney avenue. Off lea phone. Main 874. ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY. At Aloha station, 2.65 acres, under cultivation, some strawberries, loganber ries and blackberries, small cherry trees; new small house 20x24, garage, city wa ter, gas main t-y the place' price $2100, $l30) cash. JOHN FERGUSON, GER LINGER BLDG. HAVE 5 acres on Powell Valley road, close In, all cleared and fenced ; city water and gas eoon available; ideal home site; $3000; $300 cash, $15 per month. Main 1852. LAKE GROVE, classy bungalow, 5 r.. modern, $3500; 2 blks. elec. depot. Main 3672. McFarland, 208 Falling bldg. For feale Business Property. FOR SALE One of the best farms In Linn county, 263 acres, ail under culti vation, good house and barn, located at edge of prosperous little town; $135 per acre. w in sea an or part. 286 acres, 3 miles from town, 100 acres under cultivation; make fine dairy ranch ; good barn and orchard, fair house, $50 per acre. For partlcu lars see R. E. Bateman. 1856 East Yamhill st, Sunday before 6 f. an. week days, arter 5 f. M. HALF block of ground, bet. 1st and 2d sts., ciose-in property, wmch we are compel bed to sell for $22,500. There are several owners concerned who wish an Immediate liquidation, consequently the sacruice. rne property is assessed. $28,000. even this is 25 per cent below the market, making an exceptional buy, either for bidders or speculators. For particulars call on BEN R I ES LAND, 404 fiatt Diag., izi fa.TK st. WAY BELOW REAL VALUE. WAREHOUSE, AUTOMOBILE, BUSI NESS SITE. 90x100 feet, northeast corner 16th and Northrup sts., three frame buildings. more man pay expense or carrying $12,500. Terms to suit. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. HOTEL FOR SALE. 32 bedrooms, 4 separate baths, new range cost nu; au nicety iurnished; clears $450 a month. Cash price $7500. &ee Air. roxiora. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Bdwy. 5043. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE; 100-ft. business corner on Alberta street, with building good condition; will trade for small ranch, about $3000. Sunday 1031 KJU- ingswortn. Wooalawn 2046. QUARTER block. East Water street, near Morrison Dnage, close in. tracKage, sac riflce, easy terms, Owner. AF 776, Ore gontan. GROCERY store and bungalow combined, Alberta district. $3&U, 329 Salmon. Main 4789. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES, located close to Scappoose; 23 miles from center of Portland; best of solL All under cultivation. Good county road; 400 bearing fruit trees all varieties ; 4-room house, eel led ; chicken nouse. Darn, z springs. trice $isou, $600 cash; mile to station; 4 mile xo scnooi. JOHN FERGUSON". Gerllnger bldg. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. YOUR OWN TERMS. New, modern, near car, at the city limits; gas, electricity, nun tun water acre au cieareo: goo a view, immeai ate possession. Responsible party can Duy liKe rent. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 "Lewis Bldg. 7 ACRES FOR $1750. 8 miles from city hall: hard-surface road, near car: Rood sou. level land. This Is great bargain, half cash. Gib son. 26s Stark. Marshall 2 BEAUTIFUL, sightly half acre, garden soil, with bearing family orchard, at Multnoman : corner: bargain ; 10 per cent casn. x per cent per montn; owner. Main 1 i ALKLa ear Peninsula school ; no brush or gravel ; cement sidewalk, gas, electricity and city water: at a bar gain price and good terms. Call owner after 5 a. m. weeKaays. roaaway 12. FRUIT LAND DIVISION Near Stan ford university. Approximately 500 acres. Sell all or part; appraisal $400 acre. FRANK HOGE, Attorney, Palo Alto. L'aL FOR SALE or trade for city home, 261 acre wneat rancn, uarneia uo JHon tana. Call at 63 E. 11th at- N. or teie- phone e-ast 4-rj. ONE acre on roweii vaiiy road, near Jenne station. trice Sd"n. Adloln n. Ian d s sold as high as $ 600 per acre. GItJSO, -oa teiarK. Marshall 12. 80 ACRES, near Llnnton, well watered, lot cordwood; $70 acre. Bast 6233. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acrestge. HERB 13 TOUR CHANCE. 48 ACRES, 8 MILES FROM WOOD- I LAND. ON GOOD MAIN COUNTY I ROAD. NEAR SCHOOL. DAILY MAIL, NEAR COUNTRY STORE, ; LARGE NEIGHBORHOOD HALL ON PLACE: FAIR 5-ROOM HOUSE. ABOUT FIVE ! ACRES CLEARED. FINE LOT PILING ON PLACE: PLACE LOCATED ON LEWIS RIVER; PILING EASY TO GET INTO RIVER. THIS IS A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR SOMEONE WITH SMALL I AMOUNT OF MONEY. PRICE OF THE PLACE ONLY $2l!00; TERMS, $700 CASH, BALANCE 3 YEARS V.. LEWIS RIVER LAND CO, WOODLAND. WASH, 8-ACRE IMPROVED RANCH ON BEAVERTON HIGHWAY AND RED ELECTRIC. 0 40 minutes from courthouse, six room house, barn, big new chicken house, new brooder house, incu bator, garage, woodshed, land alt In cultivation, 1 acre family or chard, i acre spuds, garden, chickens, tools, etc., go with deal; good water; price $32u0. b-e SAM HEWEY at J. I. HARTMAN CO., Ho. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. 11-ACRE HOME. Here tm a tract of 11 acres, located I In the best district around Portland, about 2 acres raaoberrtes. 2 A. loaran- berries, A. gooseberries, 1 A. orchard, 1 full bearing; 5-room bungalow, full base-I ment; barn, chicken house lor auu cnicx. ens. full set farmtnr tools. 1 Ford de livery car, team, 2 cows and about 200 I chickens. You step Into this place and I make money from start. Price $10,500, I i-s cash. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE Sc. CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50 ACRES In Polk Co.. 3 miles Indepen dence, mile electric station. mile I school: 20 acres nrunea 6 acres full bear ing, 2 acres family; lots of small fruits; 6 acres in strawberries; 6-room house, new barn, large chlcKen houses and narks: R- F O telenhone. 2 Percheron mares, 2 cows, 600 chickens, hogs and all necessary farm Implements; hay In barn and about $3000 of prunes on trees; would consider a residence In Portland or Salem as part payment, some casn. W. C. Roberts. Independence, Or., R. 2. ptir k k. t .v r"n nV np trm i AO acres in I Columbia county, Oregon, north half of I southeast quarter and soutneasL quariei i of southeast Quarter, section 6. and northeast quarter of northeast quarter, Aftlnn 7 tnwnshln !t rnncre 5 west. Wil- lumsir. tnurlHU n a 1 un hrA lots in Sa lem. Oregon, lots 3, 4 and 5, block 2, Burlington addition to city of Salem, may consider an exchange for Michigan m.-tu na Ka tri n w - If Interested make me an offer. F. C. 6tavely, 1412 Fitzhugh st., Saginaw, Micn 1ft Ar-RTP.S ROIL UNEXCELLED $2000, Located SO miles from Portland, near station and postefflce; about acres' creek-bottom land, silt and black loam. balance fine sandy loam; 4 acres cleared, balance logged-off land; livable shack. - If you are looking for soil In stead of buildings, we cannot recommend this too highly. Price $2000; terms $400 cash, balance reasonaDie. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 613 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AT SAI.F.M. OREGON. 10 acres, located 3 miles from fialem. i mile from electric depot; ? raveled read; 9 acres under cultivation, acre In timber: rood well; V mile to school; 1 acres strawberries, some loganberries and evergreen berries: 6- rnom house, barn 30x20. chicken house; I orice $2300. $1500 cash; barn full of bay Included. John Ferguson, Gerllnger I bldg. , PflR RAI.E BY OWNER. 800 acres best onion. Jbelery and mint 1 land on the coast: clear, level, suo-irn- rated- rMdv to nlnw : iOriiration- can rnntrn11fH Ia suit orons' cloas to rail road and schools: S75 per acre, one-third down, balance on terms, . This Is I tm hMt htiv nn the Pacific coast: must be seen to be appreciated. L. Jacobs, Klamath Falls. Or. , . ' NEARLY 4 acres, lociatij; on graveled road. 2 miles nortneast oi Oregon tuy, 1 mile from Oregon City car at Green Point ; 3 acres under cultivation ; fruit trees ; nice 3-room house, barn, chicken hous and brooder house; 4 Incubators furniture and tools; price for everything. $2000; $500 cash. Inspected by Brook?; photo at office. John r erguson, oer- linger bldg. - H ACRES, 1 miie from Clackamas, $550 per acre. - 9ft npri SftOOO 5 acres riverfront, level, cleared, good road, $i500. 6-room house, 1 acre, chicken houses. bath, etc.. windmill. $3ouu. C. F. MILLER, Clackamas, Or. P. O. Box 53. i Aft ACRES on Bear Creek bottom, on county roaa, x mil irom scnooi; u acres creek bottom. V mile through bottom, balance bench land, fine for grass; 1.000,000 feet saw timber, balance hnmh no bulldines: 2 tons grass hay. 4 tons oat hay; cattle stock market price: price for land $3000. Address Frank Minsky, Rose Lodge. Or. inn LOfiATES YOU ON 2 ACRES. Right at electric station, east side, near Base Line road; lies fine; nice grove timber. Your chance to get a piece of acreage right. Price $900; terms $S0 cash, $10 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 813 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EQUIPPED CHICKEN FARM. K nrs. with stock, cron and eaulo- ment, close to Powell Valley road: good soil, all in cron: 500 chickens, chicken buildings and equipment of all kinds; 4- I room honse. gooa barn, 40 bearing fruit trees, berries; price $4350; very easy terms. KRIDER & ELKTGTON, Gresham. Or. OREGON CITY LINE. Nearlv 3 acres, located mile from Courtney station ; under cultivation ; 30 fruit trees; 4-room cottage witn oatn. fruit cellar, garage, good Darn; iin road; price $3000 with 50 chickens, good Jersey cow, farming tools; $1000 cash. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. TWENTY ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. 9 acres in cultivation. The - land ail lies fine, splendid soli: on good road, close to school; 5-room house, bam, family orchard, good well, small creek, some Umber, trice $;jsik. KRIDER & EL KING TON, GRESHAM. OREGON. FOR SALE 100 acres. Van Buren county. Arkansas, ao minutes irom ii rt. sta tion; timber worth $500; running water and good spriv; acres ciearea; a d stract clear: first $1000 cash buys it; cost me more money; ex-sailor and needs the money. Lawrence Douglas, x. JH. C A. FOR SALE LOGGED-OFF LAND. Write for map of western Washington showing location, price and terms. Over 10.000 acres sold last year at our low price. Easy payments offered to actual settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO Tacoma. Wash. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts. 5 acres up, located within 80 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil. nn, pork, nlentv of water : work nearbv: buy on your own terms. Price $20 to $65 per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO.. J13 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES at Rock wood, 12 minutes' car ride from Montavma, o minutes irom station in long stretch on both sides of macadam road ; fine for acre tracts, good black soil, 6 acres clear. This week only $400 per acre, easy terms. Sell- wood 771, owner. lla. ACRES under cultivation, one mile from Bull nun ; gooa son ; email prune orchard and some other fruit on the filace; over $80 worth of prunes sold ast year; 5-room house. Price $2000; $1000 cash. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bidg. 20 ACRES good farm land, 17 In cultiva tion,, good six-room house with attic, garage, hoghouse. good large bam, fine water; 2V miles from Beaverton. 7 miles from courthouse, .fortiana. trice ttuou, terms. S. A. FREDRICKSEN, owner. Beaverton, Or., box route . OPENING STOKES FARM. 42d and Simpson sts.: fruit, city water. . no gravel or city as&esrments; Alberta car; half acres to acres; $10 peyments. 41LTUAL KJKJ 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. 5 ACRES with beautiful modern .6-room bungalow, gas, electricity, and water; all kinds of shrubbery and fine little stream; near carl ine; price only $4500, terms. Turner & Kimball, 514 Henry bldg. ACREAGE on Red Electric line as low as $35 down and $10 per month ; city water, gas and electricity available; 7c fare. You can't beat this proposition anywnere arouna r-ortiana. bee J. tL. A TC H I SON. 204 Henry bldg. $4000 BUYS 10-ACRE farm 30 miles south of Portland. 1H miles from Canby. All Improved. House, barn, chicken house. Third of crop goes to buyer. Write to O. M. VARNSON, Fargo. N. I). FOR SALE 40 acres. 7 .cleared, 20 miles from Fortiana. near toiumoia nignway, $2500. For particulars address Gilbert Bates. Troutaaie. jr. FOR SALE 5-acre tract on hiirhwav. one- fourth mile from Rockwood station, suit sble for agricultural purposes. Address BF 816. Cregonian. 40 ACRES, 23 cleared, house.- large barn ana ormara, $.uu. 1 uv can ay Diva. it REAL ESTATE. Aereskge. GET TOUR ACREAGE NOW. 1 Acre All level, close to elect, sta., S miles from city limits. No I bidgs. Price $400. $00 cash. aiu per monta. 6 Acres All level and cultivated. On county road near Orenco: no I Md--s- Black loam solL $1000, iuu casn. Vs. acres In cult., balance I ready; no bidgs.: 4 miles lrom I city limits. $1600. $600 cash. aiu per month. Black loam soil, mostly level. I smau creeK. no improvements; miles from HlUaboro. $lS0O; $300 cash... 0 20 Acres Black loam soil, 19 acres In 1 curt., on county road, no bidgs.; j 3 miles from Hillsboro. $4000. borne terms. 83 Acres On Molalla river bottom, one mile to station ; no Improve ments; some easy clearing. uu. ioo casn. 40 Acres Practically all tillable, S acres I in cult-, bal. brush and timber: no bldgs. $1600; $200 cash, $lo I per monuL 44 Acres Near Wilsonvllle, on county 1 road, o A in cult.: no blags good spring; easy cleared. I s;740; $1000 cash. THE 2TRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. 45 MTNTJTES OUT ON" NEW BERG HIGHWA Y TO THIS 7-ACRE COUNTRY HOME AND CHICKEN RA NCH. v Good 5-room house, 8 new chicken houses, new Incubator, nev; brooder, holds 500 chicks, poultry yards, woodshed, barn, plenty of water, 50 White Leghorn pullets, good Jersey cow, some oats, vetch and potatoes, family orchard, fine soil, good berry land, fences woven wire, hi mile from good town, school, electric station. Price $4500. Fee S A M HEWEY at J. I HARTMAN CO.. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce. Ground floor. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Owlnjr to poor health, owner will sell his well-kept stock farm of 880 acres. located m Willamette valley. I'lace nasi four creeks, five springs and plenty of I outrange; 4 acres In all kinds of fruit I ana berries; o-room nouse, z large Darns and a number oi o trier outbuildings, un en (yd auto road 5 miles from town. With the place to go 3 fine horses, 10 head of cattle, registered sow and 8 plge, 142 Cotswold sheep, many registered; 2O0 high-grade goats, iM chicken ana long line of up-to-date machinery, including threshing outfit. Crops go with the t aoe: S 25.0)0 takes all. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chant, of Com. I SPLENDID 6 -ACRE IMPROVED RANCH. A FEW BLOCKS FROM RED ELECTRIC STATION, NEAR BEAVERTON., New 4-room bungalow, garage, big chicken house, gas and water, most all in bearing orchard and small fruits. Price only $4500; very rich, deep soil. See SAM HEWEY AT J. I. HARTMAN CO.. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce 10 ACRES 5-ROOM HOUSE $1500. All food Dlow land. 4 acres In culti vation, balance easily cleared; fenced and cross-fenced; dandy 5-room celled house, well at back door; good barn; j nice family orchard: 1 mile Irom s tlon, 28 miles from Portland. You can't beat this place anywhere for the money: price $1500; terms $000 cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. in ACRES AT STATION. MOUNT HOOD ELECTRIC, DON'T TAKE ANYBODY'S WORD FOR IT. " TAKE A LOOK t. FOR YOURELF. ALL IN CULTIVATION. SOME IN BERRIES. PRICE CUT Vt. TAKE A LOOK. NEILAN & PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark: 20 ACRES best of soil, near Cot t re 11 sta.. on Bull Run line, east or city; all in I crop: (rood buildings: family orchard: . crop, stock. Implements ko with place. f rice reasonaaie. uwner wants a larger i farm. 28 acres nuar Oswego. 22 cult.. 8-room he use, fine land. Worth while looking inis up at .iuu n soia soon. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $500 CASH. 10 acres, located half mile from elec tric station, 11 miles from center of for t la n a oy auto; ell unaer cultivation: good plastered house, small orchard, chicken house, barn, good well; city con- I veniences can be had; $500 cash and large monthly payments; good auto road all the way. John Ferguson, Ger- unger Diag. VIEW PROPERTY. 7 acres located on brow of Clacka mas Heights, a short distance from the Oregon City car line and 13 miles from Portland. Wonderful location for a suburban home. Has spring and many beautiful (logwood, fir and maple trees. can do purcnasea ror $uuu on reason- ftbln trms JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. HALF acre of ground with new modern e-room Dungaiow lacing improved coun ty highway, has a number of bearing fruit trees and a very fertile tract of ground: possession can- be (riven at any time; property is near Multnomah sta tion. For particudars see BEN RIES- LAND at Multnomah on Sundays, or 404 tiatt Plug., Jr'arK st., weeKaays. YAMHILL COUNTT RAVfH. R0 aoies not far from Sheridan: spring, county toad. K. K. D., all very near level land, no waste land, fine lot of 1 cordwood, piling and tie timbers: rich soil, macadam road close; $5000: $5oo I down, bal. as you sell the wood. 226 I Chamber or Commerce bldg. SEACHREST BROS. $2700 27 ACRES. Skillne boulevard. 12 miles i'ortiana; small nouse, barn, sprincrs, creek. $2500 10 acres. Reedvllle. cultivated. $2000 Base line road, near car line. ! foweu vaney roaa, close In. Laree listings acreage and farms. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. SNAP IN BEARING WALNUTS. 5 acres in bearing walnuts with Lam bert and Royal Anne cherry fillers, also In bearing. Lies high and sternly, with wonderful view and Is entirely out of tne rrost Deitt. una mile rrom station. Orchard Is well kept. Price only $2500. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. 30-ACRE RANCH. Clora to Willamlna; house and other bull din its. fenced spring: about y In cult.; some timber, close to school, ber ries and rruit: irooa piece or land: szsno: $600 down, bal. 6 per cent. 226 Chamber or commerce mag. BEACH REST BRQ8. OWNER from out of town wishes to make sacrifice sale of a -acre tract at Fargo station, on Oregon electric, especially good for berries. Call W. R. Grelck, Cor nelius notei, Dei. ween v ana 11 a. al. sun- day and Monday. OREGON ELECTRIC, commutation dis tance, eood 10-acre tract, well timbered. for $12r0. Another 20-acre tract, right at station, Oregon Electric, for $175 per Call Tab-r 3428. or ERNEST WELLS CO, 505 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 5-aere tract of 1 cranberry land. Including fall crop es- 1 timated over 800 boxes. Parties now I waiting to contract for crop. Reason for I eliinE. owner leavinir city for definite period. For further lnforma- I tlon. Dr. Nellie Erickson, 211 N. 19th st. 10 ACRES BEAVERTON. Very best of soil, unimproved: about 250 cords wood. Log cabin. $150 peri acre, bail casn. see nir. vaii, witn A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Commerce. 124 ACRES. 18 miles out Columbia high- m a v nan nioruveu, uv wobio mriu : idoq road to towi (-very day In the year; s2500: no naymem aown ir you win im prove. SMITH, 165tt 4th St., room 31, cor. Morrison. NEAR Beaverton. on fine road, nicely 1m- I proved ao-acre traci at soouu. oome puy. 1 tjaal xanor ur ERNEST WELLS CO., 505 Couch Bldg. rn r rile One acre level land, small house, well water, fruit and flowers; bar pain, cash $900. Mrs. C. Smith, 352 56th st. rane - car. ' 5 ACRES BARGAIN. About E. 76th st.. near Country club. ton rxr acre. Terms. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. t? a Rr.AIN Excellent 15. near Vancouver. ldal location, good buildings. Sacrifice, $3500. 141 E. 69th N., evenings. Tabor 7055. SACRIFICE Choice 20. near electric; bui:dtnx. best soil, crop Included. $:i250. 141 E 69 th N.. evenings. Tabor 7055. fct ACRES on ashousral river; summer resort; good fishing; $1000. Tabor BEAL ESTATE Acreage. BERRIES AND CHICKENS. - Five acres, all In cultivation, best shot soil, well drained, high and sightly, about two acres In bear ing strawberries, about one acre In orchard, small 2-room livable house, good barn, 2 chicken houses, brooder house. Incubator, about 30O chickens, good Jersey cow, necessary farming tools and. equipment. Located on good road. In fine close In district, and is offered for $oOOO; will accept about one-half cash and easy mortgage for bal ance. Owner says he has taken over $10,000 off this five acres during past two" years, and that It is capable of doing much more. Here is a good place, with steady job, big Income and good future. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5 ACRES, lees than mfle from . Standifer shipyard, all In high state of cultivation; lots of fruit, extra fine ' home site; $5500 on terms. IS ACRES, 16 acres In high state of cultivation: rood new bungalow. . fair barn; plenty of good water. lots oi rruit; fc mue irom pavea Pacific highway; extra fine view of Columbia river; $4500, terms can be arranged. ATKINSON V PORTER, 112 W. 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. 40 ACRES, 16 acres under plow, good land; only $ 7 IKK), win consia.f r automooue or other good, property up to uuu. ISO acres, about 50 acres In cultiva tion, f irst-cless farm land; old buildlmcs and orchard; only $135 per acre. $!XXM) will handle. Adjoining land on each side so wi for $200 per acre witn m a year. An estate ana must do sola, a n is is a snap. 84 meres: 23 In cultivation: some bot tom land: st station: stock, tools, crop. orchard, chickens, ducks, all go with the place; only 5W: s:i.w win Danaia Gresham. Phone P81. IMPROVED 5-ACRE RANCH" AT TIGARD, TEN MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. All in cultivation, rich soil, fenced with woven wire, house, barn, chicken house, plenty of good water; price only $2750, for Quick sale. S-e 6 AM HEWEY at J. W HARTMAN CO.. No. 8 Chamber of Coromerce. Ground floor. STOCK AND SHEEP RANCH. 8244 acres, located in Willamette val ley. out of the white land district, and only 5 miles from the railroad, on main county roaa: i u acres unaer cultivation, many acres In fine pasture, no rock nor gravei ; larw nes sngntiy rotiing ana ail tillable: family orchard. 5-room house. barn 4Ox0O. other outbuildings. Fine creek and many springs. This Is your chance to get in right, as owner is old man in poor health and must selL Price $ mkw, $4uuu wm handle and easy terms on tne Daiance. JOHN E. HOWARD. 818 Cham, of Com. PARKR08E BARGAIN $3750. MODERN BUNGALOW. 1 acre. 2 blocks to highway and car. 5 rooms, hardwood floors In living and dining room, fireplace, ell city conveniences. This is in Parkrose, very low taxes, $1500 cash, balance arranged. J. I. HARTMAN CO., No. 8 Chamber of Co. Bldg. Main 203. OENUINE RIVER BOTTOM LAND, IM PROVED. 102 acres of the best land out ot doors, nearly all under cultivation, fine larire modern house, bam, garage, woven wire Tences, xaroiiy orcnara, water system, located 3 mliea out. Price $2L420 term a WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. 203 1st National Bank Bldg., Albany. Oregon. NEAR TUALATIN. 10 acres, half mile from flag station, rear Tualatin: all can be cultivated: 8 acres under cultivation; 50 fruit trees, in line snape, an bearing; hk mill from a: rave led road: SOOO bear-inn straw. berry plants land not under cultl va lion is in umocr; mile to school small house ; fine garden ; price $3000 about $600 cam,. Inspected by Ander- son, with John Ferguson. Gerllnger bid g, CLOSE TO AMITY 53 acres, running water, country road, ery near all level, about luO cords of wooa to tne acre ; sen the wood on the ground; $4000; $500 down, baL as you sell the wood. 23 acres close to Amity. In curL, fet.ced, county road, few oak trees, fine view: $1750: $3O0 down, baL 0 per cent. zb tnamtifr or uommerce bldg. SEACHREST BROS. 160 ACRES BETWEEN ALBANY AND LEBANON. All In crop, but a few acres that 1m l timber, good 8-room house, large barn, sheds, well at house and nn at ham located mile of R. R. station. Price, i - j p?r acre. . 1 erms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO, 203 1st National Bank Bldg., Albany. Oregon. 30 ACRES Oh Columbia blvd, as sightly wl9 wrown t-oint, witn 10 acres or more of nearly level land. The last table of sightly ground overlooking the Columbia gorge up and down, accessible by the highway, and for sale at a low fipure. For particulars call 404 Plstt bldg.. 127 Park St. FOR SALE: IMPROVED ACREAGE. 184 choice acres. 1 mile from center of Newburg; 8 acres In Italian prunes, 9 years old; balance In grain. Sold $4000 worth of prunes last two crops; on main road: well watered; no buildings; price $$000. $4000 cash, balance 6 per cent. See Mr. Croxford. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 6043. 410 Henry Bldg. PRUNE RANCH. 10 acres, located one-fourth mile from Red Electric station, Yamhill county, at Cove Orchard; all set to prunes, 3 years old; In a good prune district; this orchard has been given t he best of attention; price $2000; $1500 cash. Or will exchange for Portland house. John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. 5 ACRES, ft ne sol I. near Beaverton, fine view, ntfwiy mrnwnea i-room bungalow, bath and fireplace, sleeping porch, all modem conveniences Price includes fur niture, garden, fruit and 60 fine Irving hens; $7000. hslf cash, good terms. Write E. Hecox, Beaierton. Or., owner. HERE you can get something for noth ing, inusx sacruice my 63-acre ranch near Hillsboro; all under cultivation and In crop. 8 A. Beaverdam ; buildings, land, stock, crop, possession given at once. Inquire 804 N. Jersey su, Port land. 80 ACRES with fair bid., few acres cleared, balance good piling timber, at ridiculously .low price of $35 an acre. Near Estacada. Call Tabor 3428, or ERNEST "WELLS CO., 605 Couch Bldg. SMALL ACREAGE. H acres, the finest of beaverdam. rn crop com. onions, squash, etc. ; 1-room house: only $4000: worth $6000. BROWST &. CLEVELAND. Gresham. Phone 9S1. I "WANTED To buy between 5 to 15 acres. not over 15 miles from Portland, mostly in cultivation, level ground, near car ime, wiui lair ou 11 rungs. Jan pay cash. rnonB mar? nan eunaay or Monday C. A. K.. 869 Corbett st, Portland. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. We have over 500 small places, close to Portland: some on paved roads close to electric line; all have been inspected; photos at office. John Ferguson, Ger- iiugcr uiug. I FOR SALE 1148 acres, about 250 scr8 creek bottom, balance rolling hills, fruit kiiu imaiurr iniiu, Idir DUllQingS; rural rouie, iciepnon?, near town; fn per ONE-HALF acre with modern 5-room bungalow, gas and running water; close to carline and only 6 miies out: $2000 terms. Turner & Kimball, 514 Henry 7 ACRES. Half eTeared. good road, near Van eon ver, $1400, easy terms ; would trade ss pan on nouse in fori mna. F. W. TORGLER, 106 BhfertocK Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER 0 acres with or without stock; 3 miles southeast of uresnam or 1 miles irom Hogan sta,, on Estacada line. See P. M. Johnson, HOMESEEKERS OPPORTUNITY. One to 5 seres, easily cleared, close In $50 down. $5 month. 334 College St. Call 12 to a J. ONE ACRE. 0-room house, ell feint's fruit, berries, fine garaen, garage, close in, pear Tremont; one acre ciearea at Uar den Home. Tabor 82. s;;. PER. Av. Kb, jou acres, siock ana crop nurni conHiacr ktoltij. ei linorovfa screaee. close to Portland, or city In come. Particulars, phono ;WUn. 5300. REAL ESTATE. For feale Acreage. 5 ACRES TIGARTVV-TLLE. 6 1-3 ACRES REEDV1LLE. 5 acres, all under cultivation : best strawberry land in the state; 2 acres In strawberries. Produced in 1010 1042 crates, sold for $51t0.15. 11120 crop was 116 crates, realized $4636.35. Be sides has 60 fruit trees, 300 chicken, 1 cow, incubator. 2500 capacity, and farm tools. Including H. H. furniture; small house, barn 22x34; located two miles from Tisardville. Just off the highway, 11 miles out. Price J5WO, terms. ALSO 6 1-3 acres, all under cultivation and crop oats, potatoes, kale and corn; nice 4-room modern bung-alow, as for lights, heat and cookingr. New barn. new chicken house and brooder house, 1 cow, 500 chickens, all tools, H. H. fur niture. Price $6500, terms. Located 12 miles out. H mile from S. P. elec and paved highway, near Aloha and Reed ville. Albert Kara la. 793 h Mississippi avenue. 80 ACRES STOCKED, CROP AND EQUIPMENT. All under cultivation, family orchard, rood 6-room house, silo, dairy barn, ga rage and machine shed, windmill, water pi pea to an buildings, 9 neaa or cattle, fine span of mares, hogs, chickens, etc., alt equipment necessary to osyrate farm; located l mue rrom small town on ure- gon Electric R. R.. close to Albany. Price $13,000; terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO, 2u3 lsi National Bank Bldg. Albany. Oregon. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. 2 ideal acres, finest shrubbery, all kinds of fruit, vlnyard. etc. : 6-room house. Everything is kept right up be tne minute on tms place. is an ex cellent investment for someone. Cher ries alone pay taxeu. Splendid sur roundings. Will sell 1 or 2 acres to gether. Get busy. Liberal terms, $6300, HAWTH.OK.iE REALTY CU. Corner 36th anu Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. ".1 ACRES CLOSE IN. IMPROVED. & acres of prunes, 5 acres apples. 1$ acres under cultivation, gooa nouse, oars and all necessary outbuildings, team. cow, hogs and chickens wagon, disc. mower, harrow, plows, in fact all equip ment necessary, three miles out, price uot) ror everything. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 203 1st National Bank Bldg.. Albany. Oregon. $2O00 300 ACRES, 45 min. on high way irom center or f. : row acrei plowable, balance all level, good land, free of stones or crave! : some valuable timber. It Is an unusual buy, with such Duitutnirs tnat win ana. all nur noses witn little repair. Front on main road, near school; In level district and level road to it. Terms. Main 953. Room 601 Stock Ex. FOR SALE 14 acre. Mt. Scott, city water, gas, nice rruit trees; $50 down, balance reasonable. rl 202. Oregonlan. Homesteads, Relinquishments FREE HOMESTEADS Am leaving to mcat for central Oresron with a nextv of homesteaders to locate on highly desirable 160-acre homesteads In one of the state s most rapidly growing sec tions; irrigation available for home steaders; plenty of good water, lota of wood, some merchantable timber; on main central uregon nignway; no rock. all level, mellow soil; total cost, in cluding surveying, filing fees, location fees, automobile transportation, etc., amount to $350 for each 160-acre farm. Mr. Arnold, at room 421 Imperial hotel, before 6 P. M. tonight. If you want to go. 800.000.000 ACRES government land Uulted States. Send for free descrlo- tlve circular of our -100-page book, "The Homejeeker": tells where rood farm- timber, grazing land Is: or send $2.00 for book direct. The Homeseeker. dept. 8, is Angeles. uaL. 70-ACRE RELINQUISHMENT. Tillamook county. 3 miles from the ocean, 2 miles from the highway; 2 acres in cuiu. 20 acres renced with 7 wires. spring, creek, small bam; price $300. tis ttiamfier or commerce. 160-ACRK RELINQUISHMENT. 82 miles from Portland. Al soil, fine springs, lots of cedar timber, handy to eningie mm; price f2ou. i (jnamber of Commerce. "WAN TEED Good homestead relluqulshment with some improvements. Olve full par ticulars when answering. BC 806. Ore gonlan. WILL relinquish 120-A. homestead, 10m Improved, buildings., orchard. 10 heat cattle, $1500 cash. Mrs. Paul Spear, Cam as v aney. ur. 160 ON main line of S. P spur on land. covered with cordwood timber, pasture, farming, orchard land; small house; 11 taken quick, $30u. 3U Corbett bldg. FOR SALE at a bargain 320-acre home stead relinquishment, eastern Oregon. Adaress t5U r . 2utn St.. isaiem. ur. I HAVE a few good relinquishments for sale. Anderson, &31 Railway Exch. bldg. ii lag. Fruit and Nut Lands. FOR SALE By owner. 24-acre fru ranch on the Tieton in the Yakima val ley. Washington. "Winesaps, Jonathan Korae .Beauty ana uencious. 12 ana 13 year-old trees; about 7 ; peach and pear trees: alfalfa between, no wast land or stone; a splendid crop; will sell with or without crop: one 4-room nou and one 3-room house; 600-bbl. cistern, good chicken nouse, barn, snea ana ton hay barn: the land has a eentl slope making Irrigation easy; new flume this year; on main highway, mil from R. R. station, star route phone; no Incumbrance; will conside small suburban home. R. J. Tuttle, jn acnes, w asn. FOR SALE Hood River apple orchard of 0 acres, o miles irom town; gooa roaa connecting with Columbia river highway a fine 6-room dwelling with all modern conveniences, an UD-to-date. fullv eauio pea 4Uiw pacKing nouse, inciuain storage vault, capacity 8000 boxes: good-sized barn, garage and other build lng3 and all kinds of orchard Imple ments; would make an Ideal summer home or for commercial use; will sell very cheap on account of health. Thomas E. Avery, Hood River, Or., Route 4. FOR SALE -Choice 5-acre tracts of the very nest loganorrry iana, near rairroaa and cannery; $200 per acre and terms will be given. Crittenden & Courand, Hubbard. Or. FOR SALE 5-acre apple orchard, be tween H.ugene ana (jorvauis; xine condi tion, 11 yr. old; will trade for Oak.. Cal., res. prop. J. S. Boise, 29 So. La, Salle, Chicago. WANTED A good orchardist to Join me in developing tract ot prune ana walnut land. Have 40 acres set at present time. One of the best locations In Oregon. AP 810, Oregonlan. For Kale Farms. FINE 40 ACRES FULLY EQUIPPED. HILLSBORO DISTRICT. Yon can't beat this for a good farm! 88 acres in cultivation; all the crop gons. I am too badly crippled to handle the place and must get out at once. Will include 3 horses, 8 cows, 2 heifers, chick ens, all farm machinery to run place and a fine crop for $11,000; $5000 ca-sh. The crop and personal inventory $3500, and are first-class stuff. Good house, large barn, silo, on rock road, 4 mile from school. D McChesney. 304 Vi Oak st. Bdwy. 266. 16 ACRES of fine onion land, west of Port land ; o miles irom court nouse ; naix under cultivation : over 1000 cords of ash and oak wood on the balance; all can be cultivated; county road ; price $200 per acre, some terms. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Ger llnger bldg. 220 ACRES, good buildings, wire fence, Dressure water system, beautiful stream through place. 14 cows, a bunch of heifers, team, all tools, new silo, fine fruit, barn full of hay, good roads. Only $15,000. DATING 8t McREYNOLDS, 615 Couch Bldg. STOCK RANCH FOR $1250. 101 acres 3 miles from McKenrie hlgh wav. in Lane Co.. mile from P. O. : 20 acres in cult., 40 acres open pasture, balance timber, spring water, all tillable land; small house, barn, unlimited out range. S. P. Osburn. 610 McKay bldg. 40 ACRES CLARKE CO.. WASH. 10 miles to Vancouver; good large buildings and running stream. There is no waste land or rocks here. Ail im plements, stock, etc.. included at at tractive price. Terms given. Mar. 5S33. 45 ACRES level and good soil, 3 a. cleared, no buildings, on good road, close to town: a fine start for ripht party; $1600, cash $800, balance terms. THE GREELT CO., Ridgefleld, Wash. 27 ACRES fine black land, plenty water, I liOOO : oak wood, 16 acres In crop, good barn, small house. Will trade for Port land house and large lot. Price $4500. See owner, ft Buchtel ave. N., Portland, Or. COOS COUNTY, OREGON, the land of op portunity; best for health, climate and productiveness; write for free descriptive DOOKiet ana iarm pnew, .o oc urry Land Co., Myrtle roint, Oregon. 12 ACRES, house, bam, orchard. Capital highway, Tualatin valley: $"'500. fine view, bejt soil. near Electric depot. Main SuTZ. Mcrari&na Realty co., Failing bldg. WILL SELL YOU 19 ACRES on west side, 8. P. electric, close to sta, on main co. road, price $1000, $75 down. 6 years' time on balance. Draper, 401 Board of Trade. EAST TO OWN Forty-acre prune or chard, fine soil, abundant crop; sub TJtntial buildings: charming view. . sthool. climate unsurpassed. Owner, Box 302, Santa Rosa, CaX I BEALE5TATR. Fer Sale 5 ACRES. VERY BBST RIVER LOAM. This is considered better than Klger island soil. By con servative estimste there Is suffi cient hardwood timber on place to more than pay for clear inc. EasiW logged, there beins an abundance of Willamette frontage; 6 miles from Corvallts; mile off stute road; 2H miles to shipping station. Price, $30,000; part cash and good terms. PRTTNK ORCHARD Best In Linn county. 47 acres ot land with Ul acres of full bearing prune or chard. Proceeds from the crop of prunes last year about $S0OO; esti mate this year's crop at. about $10,000. Modern house and nearly new modern prune drier. Also an other set of buildings ood house and barn on this place. Price, $23,500. CV0 ACRES OF STOCK. TAIRT or grain farm. All tillable; BOO acres native s;rass; 800 acres under cultivation; running water; no brush or timber except about 4 acres along creek: 6 miles from Corvallis: mile from state high way; 1 mile from shipping station. Price, $50 per acre and terms at 6 per cent. HTTGHSON AND TAYLOR. 132 S. Second si . Corral Us, Or. HIGH CLASS, WET.L-LOCATED FARM. 65 acres, black loam soil, at red elec trie station, on good road, haif mile from. Pacific highway. H mile from church, school, store and elevator; woven wire fencing; all under cultivation, wheat, clover, oata. corn, potatoes. Modern 9 room attractive bungalow, full cement basement, laundry trays, best white enamel plumbing, fireplace, den. Dutch kitchen, lighting system. ast facing. Large modern bam with water and, lights. Modern chicken houses, with, runways, one over 100x16 ft. Hog bouas and other buildings; small creek through, one corner of place. With the ranch, goes 4 fine horses, cows, heifer, 3 Chester white brood sows, 18 shoats, 140 hens. 300 chickens, harness, wagon, mower, rake, feed grinder, harrows, discs, wood saw, 2 gas engines, etc The buildings on the place are worth over $10,000, all in fine shape. Offered at a bargain, $5000 cash, balance for IO years at 5 per cent. Inspected by Brooks. Photos of buildings and stock at office JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. DAIRY RANCH. Approximately 135 acres near Cath lamet. Wash., 50 acres under cultiva tion; large home dwelling and four other dwellings; good barn, hold 100) tons hay; bam and home dwelling elec trically lighted and running water piped In: 40 acres slashed and partly cleared, good pasture; about 20 acres, unim proved, under dike; 7 town lots go with, place, also 35 tons hay and about SS tons roots in crop: good school nearby, high school; this is an exceptional bar gain at $15,000, $6000 down, balance at 6 per cent, plenty of time; no trade. In quire of Joseph, Girard. Cat h la met. Wash. IN WARREN. Columbia Co-, Waah the saraen or ue uoiumoia river valley. 87 3-5 acres, nearly all clear, house and barn. This Is in the center ot the moat progressive farming district In Oregon. Every farmer is a member of the co operative society, which saves them over 10 on all purchases and sales; 27 miles from Portland on hard road. H mile to Columbia River highway and railroad; served by five truck lines; msy take modern house in Portland, in first payment, $200 per acre, terms. PHILLIP & O'CONNOR, Real Estate Dealers. St. Helena, Or. CLOSE-IN FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres on Tualatin river, 13 miles Portland; extra choice level land, all In. cultivation; buildings worth $6000; 7- room house, has modern plumbing, good barn, granary, garage, modern chicken house, cost $1100; on Improved road ; growing crop and 4 cows, 2 heifers. Jer seys, 1 horse and about 250 chickens and all farm equipment go with place at $13,000. half cash, good terms on bal ance. This Is an exceptions! bargain and will bear Investigation. R. M. GATE WOOD St CO.. 165H 4th st. DMRY FARM. 160-acre dairy farm near Corvallis. Or. 125 acres under cultivation, 15 acres la timber, balance In pasture; live creek, new bam and silo. 7-room house, hoic pen, chicken coop and other outbuild ings; on good graveled road, telephone In house; one mile from high school; price $18,000. on terms; will accept srnaZl farm or suburban homo as part pay ment; dealing with owner direct. JOHN J. CRAMER, Harrisburg, Or. RIVER BOTTOM DAIRY RANCH for sale by owner, 27 miles south of Bend, on California highway; 4 miles to P. O. snd high school; SO acres In hay: crop goes with place; all gt-od soil; can be easily Irrigated ; good tiout stream on place ; fair five-room house, garage and wood house, good dairy barn and chicken house: owners have prior rights to ad joining government range: price $50 per acre. Address O. H. Demlng, La Pine, Oregon. 40 ACRES, 1 hit miles from station and good school ; 20 acres in high state of cultivation; 10 acres seeded; good house, barn and outbuildings; young bearing orchard. Five head cattle, 2 of which. . are A-l milch cows. Team, harness, mower, rake, harrow, everything needed on a ranch. There is also some clear cedar timber lnciuaea. r-nce towi $3000 cash, terms on balance at 6 per cent. Come or writs to T. B. Henderson Carrolls, Wash, 20O-ACRE ranch fruit, stock, chickens; 30 acres in crops. u acres uuiwm 6 acres commercial apples, all sorts ot other fruit; on Pacific highway, 1 mile from town; S. P. passes through farm, with sidetrack for wood, poles, etc. . 2000 cords of wood standing within H mile from switch, near big sawmill. X will sell equipped, with stock, crops, ma chinery and all for $7000. Think of it. Write to M. C. Johnson. Drain, Or., box 149. FOR BALE $6500 equippea JcniCKfJ ranch or e l-a acre 1JVH , ' '"Xa worth of new modem buildings, 50O White Leghorns, 4 tons hay In barn. Holsteln cow, furniture, crop of pota toes, com, kale and oats, fruit, berries, on county road, hk mile north of Tobias station on red electric and state high way. Owner. J. R. Peterson, Beaverton, Route 4. n INCOME-PRODUCING FARMS AT GRESHAM. THE BEST FARMING SECTION" IN OREGON. On the paved highway, close to Port land ; some good bargains in stocked and equipped farms, suburban homes, chicken ranches and berry lands. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. Telephone 17-3L "40 ACRES, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 40 cres, near station; all fine, no rock or gravel; good buildings; R. F. D. and milk route; will include 5 cows, 2 heifers, big team. 20 tons hay la barn, all farm tools. Price $7500; a fine little dairy farm. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE by Bronwa hirs. i adjoining farms. 160 acres each. Polk Co., on good road. 10 miles S. W. Dallas; fine for dairy, grain, prures or berries: running water; one with buildings. $13,000; one without, $10,000. Half down. Geo. H. Bronson, adm., or Sidley & Eakin, Dal las. Or. . FOR SALE Three choice farms, one of 25 acres, with everything crops, stock, machinery, good buildings. $750O. An ex cellent chicken and garden farm of 13 acres, $41100. A fine 2-acre general pur pose farm. These are near the electrio line Crittenden & Courand, Hubbard, Or. 3"0 ACRES black bottom land, 240 irri tate!; o upkeep for ditch land; lies perfect; one mile along county road. 4 mile deep; high school and stores near; place located Silver Lake. Lake Co Sell cheap or exchange for city Improved or valley farm. BP W73, Oregonlan $1700 OWNER $1700. Two acres at Aloha. Or.; m blocks) from paved highway; 3 blocks from S. P red electric station; 4 - room house, 2 modern chicken houses: fine well on ba -k porch; garden and potatoes up; no dealers. L. P. Hayes. Aloha. Or. FOR SALE By wner. 360 acres in Wil lamette valley, 6 miles south of Inde pendence, on Southern Pacific Ry. ; 25 acres in timber, balance In cultivation; price right and terms. Call Tabor 2235 or write 1331 Alameda drive, Portland, Oregon. IDEAL SHEEP RANCH, 8500 ACRES Eight hundred acres in grain, balanca very fine range; plenty of good water; hou?e and barns. For Information write A. E. Epler. care Carolina court. 6e- attle. Wash- WHEAT LAND In Jefferson county, Ore gon., all under the north unit Irrigation project, now running the final survey. Prices $25 to $rtf per acre. J. W. M E RRIFIELD, Culver. Or. DELICIOUS apple orchard In bearing, near Portland, cheap: frost proof ; bsg permanent Income assured. BD 784, Oregonlan. 20 ACRES cleared land. 16 miles frora Portland; a fiae orchard. Wdln. 6S3, I