The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 08, 1920, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Reds Disarming Poles but
Taking No Prisoners.
Polish Line Northeast of Warsaw
Withdrawn Hard .Fighting
on Bus River Reported.
Aug. S. (By the Associated Preee.)
Tne right wing of the Russian army,
which swept by near the frontier
here yesterady, today had disappeared
to the south, and the only Information
of its movements came from confused
reports of Polish and Russian -retu-gees
who agreed that iUb advance wat
not hindered. ,
German newspaper men declare that
the reds have forbidden alcohol and
they assert that the bolsheviki are
taking no prisoners but are disarm
ing and freeing captured Poles. Ad
vices say the soviet armies are ad
vancing in full strength, with cavalry
Increased vigilance is being shown
by the security police, despite infor
mation that the Russians do not in
tend to violate German neutrality.
No person is allowed to cross the
frontier without permission of the
inter-allied commission. -
Reports from German agents In Po
land ay Polish soldiers have been
plundering towns they evacuated, but
that the Russians are taking steps to
Stop looting. The death .penalty is
aid' to attach to violation of any bol
shevik order.
WARSAW, Aug. 6. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Military attaches were
told at Polish army headquarters to
day that the Polish line northeast of
Warsaw had been withdrawn to about
60 miles from the canitaL Owlnsr to
this withdrawal, which was below
Ostrow, the Poles were out of contact
with the bolsheviki at various points.
Hard fighting was reported along
the Bug river, where Polish resist
ance was said to be stiffening.
PARIS. Aug. : 7. Ostrolenka, 0
miles northeast of Warsaw, is still
being attacked by bolshevik forces,
says an official communique from
Warsaw today. These attacks, as
well as others, have been repulsed,
with the capture of prisoners and
machine guns. Partial evacuation of
Terespol, four miles west of Brest
Litovsk, is recorded.
ference. which Is expected to be an
nounced formally by the premier-in;
the house of commons Monday. The !
newspapers generally are striking a :
note of optimism, although not dis-1
regarding the gravity of tha crisis I
Paris V isions Teuton Designs in I
- Polish Situation. j
PARIS, Aug. 7. Dr. Goeppert, head'
of the German peace commission, de
livered to the French foreign office
yesterday a note relative to the organ
isation of a special German military
force in Bast Prussia. The Berlin I
government, according to this morn-1
iner's newsnaners. announced " that '
armed groups will be formed in that'
province out of fear of the bolshe
viki and that "in the interests of
public order" the government is
obliged to take a hand in the organ
ization of this militia. .
The note delivered by I)r. Goeppert
further recalls the request recently
made to the council, of ambassadors
for permission to send German troops
into the plebescite territory at Ma
rl en werder and Allenatein.
Editorial expressions profess to see
in this an attempt by Germany to
Ktake advantage of the situation to
violate the Versailles treaty.
"Everything," says the Petit P.
risien. "shows that an imposing force
will be ready at the German-Polish
frontier to held up the hands of, the
bolshevik advance guards."
WARSAW, Aug-. -6. (By the Asso
elated Press.) Removal of the se
cret files and other records of the
American legation began today. The
first shipment, in charge of J. C.
White of the legation) was guarded
by eight soldiers of the American
typhus expedition. J. P. Moffatt.
secretary of the legation, is remain
ing and will accompany the Polish
government if it leaves.
The exodus of the population is
continuing. All women Jted Cross
workers will depart soon. Nearly all
Y. M. C. A. workers have left.
The American Relief association
.continues in operation.
BERLIN, Aug. 7. The alleged move
ment .of French troops through upper
bilesia, reported in a Breslau tele
gram published in the Zwoeifuhrblatt,
is denied in a, semi-official statement
received today.
It said that the inter-allled commis
sion in upper Silesia has issued no or
der to the railway authorities at Kat
towitz that additional troops would be
moved through, that station.
The only allied troops which have
entered upper Silesia, it continued,
were Bent to relieve occupation troops.
The report that excitement prevails
in this Uistrlct Is denied.
LONDON. Aug. S.--A wireless dis
patch from Moscow announced that
Foreign Minister Tchitcherin of the
Russian soviet government has sent
a note to the Roumanian government,
saying Ku9Kia Is prepared to resume
peace negotiations with that country.
The minister ascribes the break in the
previous negotiations to a misunder
WARSAW, Aug. 7. (By the Associ
ated Press.) .n official statement is
sued by the minister of foreign af
fairs declares that the note which
Poland addressed to the soviet accept-
ing the proposal to send delegates to
Minsk for negotiations for an armis
tice and peace has not been dis
patched, the Moscow wireless having
refused to accept it, fixing other hours
tharv the customary ones for reception
of messages.
Government Sets Forth Terms Es
eentiai for Negotiations.
WARSAW. Aug. 6. (By the Asso-
.ii:u x ress.j essentials of the
terms of peace Poland would agree to
were set forth in the note sent by
wireless to Moscow Thursday nlijht,
accepting the soviet proposal to senj
uoegmeii 10 -inns to negotiate
armistice and peace.
iuio ueciarea mat Poland was
compelled, however, to demand formal
guarantees that the Polish ilelcKalef
would be permitted free and .lirct
communication with the Polish gov-
ui-uk uj n irejesa ana couriers.
The government also said :hat !
cause of the fact that the soviet has
previously reiused to negotiate an
. iiwftinuiea snouiM now
cease on ootn sides from the
of the beginning of the negotltii ns
Tiro note stated that Poland could
noi uccepi any terms that would be
an attack on her sovereign rights or
interfere with her internet affairs,
and she asked an answer that wculd
ue me oasis tor Uture peace term
The note added thai; the fact that
the first armstice negotiations were
urunen on Decause tne Polish rcie
gates were empowered to negotiate
only an armistice and not peace com.
peneu me government to conclude
mi me. soviet wouia mako an ?r
fort to continue military oni-rarl
and that therefore the Russians nvist
iuk an responsionity ior the contin
uance of hostilities. The Polish gov
ernment was maKing every effort to
w in ine war, ine note asserted.
Decision Regarding JSusso-Polish
Situation Expected Soon.
LONDON. Aug. 7. Premier Lloyd
George. iari turzon, secretary
Ktate for- foreign affairs, and Field
Marshal Sir Henry W ilson. left Lon
don. this evening for Hythe. where
tomprrow they will hold a confer
ence wKh Premier Millerand of
France, Marsha) Foch and other
French officials' with regard to the
HusHo-Pollsh situation.
All England is awaiting with tense
Demonstrations Planned to-Obtain
Aid for Native Land.
NEW YORK, Aug. 7. American cit
izens of Polish birth or descent as
sembled today from eight , states,
planned demonstrations in nearly 100
American cities August 15 to obtain
American aid for Poland.
The delegation planned appoint
ment of committees to call on Presi
dent Wilson. Senator Harding and
Governor Cox to urge upon them the
need for this country intervening for
CHICAGO, Aug. 7.- Representatives
of Americans of Polish descent In
seven middle western states today
laid plans to raise money and recruit
men to help Poland.
Polish Refugees Pray for Deliv
erance of Country.
CZESTOCHOWA, Poland. Aug. 5.
Religious fervor has been aroused
against the bolshevik advance into
Streams of refugees have reached
this city and purpose to climb the
high hill outside the city limits to
worship at the ancient shrine of
Yasno Gora, Poland's patron saint,
and pray for the country's deliverance.
Poles Appeal to League.
WARSAW, Aug. . (By the Associ
ated Press.) The Polish foreign of
fice has sent to the league of nations
a note presenting the Polish side of
the peace and armistice controversy
with the soviet government of Rus
sia. A proclamation calculated to
quiet the Polish people, asking them
to remain calm and to support the
government, will be issued by govern
ment officials.
Reds Advance on Wrangel,
LONDON, Aug. 7. Bolsheviki have
begun an' offensive against General
Wrangel, anti-bolshevik leader in
southern Russia, who has advanced
some distance northward from his
base in' the Crimea. In Friday's of
ficial statement from Moscow the
capture of Aiexandrov Is claimed, with
further advance by the soviet troops.
Portland Boy Leaves to Take
Studies at Annapolis.
Paul H. Risks, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ira xj. Kiggs, . left for Annapolis last
Wednesday to take up his work at
the United States Naval academy, to
which he has been appointed by Con
err ess man C. N. McArthur, following:
examinations conducted here and at
From childhood the youngr man has
been Intensely Interested in the life
of the sea and In miltary and nava
affairs. He enlisted as a member of
the junior militia during the war and
in the summer of 1918 took a course
of 30 days in the junior student off
icers OTure -at the university or
When examinations were held in
Portland recently he passed with the
highest grade of the four successful
applicants in the class of 20 who took
the tests. He was 18 last January,
was born in Omaha, and has been a
resident of Portland for :;evcral years.
All Wool 100 Per Cent
and. No Compromise
You will find in Kirschbaum
Clothes only the best of all-wool
fabrics. Woven from high-grade
woolen yarns. Produced by the
leading looms of America and
Europe. Shrunk by the cold-water
method. Possessing a beauty and
a wearing strength which is truly
remarkable. Come in see the new
suit models. ; ,
$40 to $65
i- . -. . v
ir 3zi -
Phegley & Gavender
Corner Fourth and Alder Streets
Do Your Shopping: at This Store
Before 1 P. M. Wednesday, as j
2 Jantsen's Bathing- Salts in all
women's and children's. All prices "
. . va . , all fen
Fletcher Says Treaty of Versailles,
Signed by Wilson, Destroys
Chart of Peace.
SHADB GAP. Pa., Aug. 7. Article
21 of the league of nations covenant
was attacked as a betrayal rather
than a safeguard of the Monroe doc
trine by Henry P. Fletcher, former
ambassador to Mexico, in an address
today at a county reunion. He de
clared . that the democratic party,
through its indorsement of the league
covenant, was seeking to set up "a
vain, visionary and vanishing scheme
of world regulation and interference
based on an arbitrary disposition of
the lands and peoples of the earth.
"The treaty of Versailles, as signed
by the president, submitted to the
senate1 and indorsed by the demo
cratic national convention," the for
mer ambassador asserted, "absolutely
and completely destroys the great
chart and charter of peace with
freedonvwhich we venerate under the
name of the Monroe doctrine.
"The, Monroe doctrine forbids Amer
ican participation in the political af
fairs of Europe, The treaty re
quires it.
"The Monroe doctrine forbids out-
aide interference In American affairs.
The covenant provides for it.
"Article 21 of the treaty of Ver
sailles," Mr. Fletcher continued, "is
the famous article of the covenant
which we were told would safeguard
and protect the Monroe doctrine.
"There are two versions or the
treaty; one in French and the other
in English. Both are authentic Ap
parently the French text of this arti
cle was prepared for European and
the English text for home consump
tion. - "The English 'text of article 21
'Nothing in this covenant shall be
deemed to affect the validity of in
ternational engagements, such as
treaties of arbitration or regional un
derstandings like the Monroe doctrine.
for securing the maintenance of
peace.' r
"A literal translation of the French
text of the same article, however,
" International engagements, ' such
as arbitration treaties and regional
ententes like the Monroe doctrine,
which assure the maintenance of
peace, are not considered as Incom
patible with any of the dispositions
of the present pact.'
"But bvth of these explanations or
reservations of the Monroe doctrine
are only medicated make-believe or
sugar-coated dope. They do not safe
guard or preserve the doctrine at all.
They betray it."
Political Stand on Liquor Question
CHICAGO. Aug. 1. Governor Cox'
failure to take a definite stand con
cerning possible repeal of the Vol
stead act and the 18th amendment la
looked upon with disfavor and dis
appointment by the prohibition, party.
Virgil G. Hinshaw, chairman of the
party's national committee, said to
night. He previously had Character
ized Senator Harding's stand as "un
"Neither candidate has taken the
stand it was hoped he would tak
firm opposition to any change in the
present laws affecting prohibition,
he said.
Used Pianos Player
Pianos . Phonographs
1 1 Pass Engineer Examination.
Nine mining engineers and two
civil engineers successfully passed
examinations conducted by the state
board of engineer examiners at Baker
Friday, according to City Engineer
Laurgaard, chairman 'of the ooara,
who returned to Portland yesterday.
One mining engineer failed to pass.
The next examination will be held
on August 27 at Medford. The board
is composed of Olof Laurgaard, F. D.
Weber, Frank S. Baillie and W. B.
We offer at greatly reduced prices
our slightly used pianos. They are
all in good condition and every one
fully guaranteed. Every used piano
sold by us carries with It our guar
antee of satisfaction and exchange
We have some pianos that have
been rented a few months they are
just like new. This clearance of used
instruments offers you the choice you
have waited for.
" Prices $185. $250. $350 and up.
147-140 Sixth Street. Portland. .
111 ill It I ' ' 4a ' -, ""'4" !1
1 1 J Jl - .'-v '-JC, i -s" :; " , 1 m i
' jJ- r,?iTrr 4S&3&?, ' (nil
1 1 . , 11 Ml Mini foil f)1j.--'-'--- hwv v iftMiit iiifiiii illiiil
of rare
direct from the Ori
ental Masters offer
unlimited assortment of
makes, sizes, designs
and colorings to harmo
nize with prevailing dee.
orative motifs. v '
Alder at Tenth
For Sale Cheap
Lamson basket carriers
complete with fixtures for
store use. A-l condition.
Can be seen at Meier &
Frank's Delivery Depart
ment, Second and Jefferson.
Don't Have Your Vacation
Turned To Aggravation
J Our Ophthalmometer is one of the most scientific
eye-testinR instruments in the rorld. With it ne can
detect error of vision instantly.
f Guard against having your holiday spoiled by
an accident that often happens, especially on
vacations breaking your only pair of glasses.
Be prepared; don't let such a mischance mar
your pleasure and rob you of your recreation.
A little forethought will make you safe and
put your mind at ease.
Take a Duplicate Pair .With You
J If we made your glasses we will make dupli
cates from our record. If not, we will quickly
ascertain the focus of the glasses you are now
wearing and then make you perfect duplicates.
Let us make them this time. You will be glad
you did.
Thompson Optical Institute
' Eyesight Specialists
Via in
Portland's Largest. Most Modem. Best Equipped,
Exclusive Optical Establishment
jfiQ in 11 r,.-t.w r,,:i ,1:,. crriu i I
A W- A WW WCtfc k.WAAUAiat II 111 BUU 1T1UJ 1 MUU lj
Oince IVUO
Come early and bring
your lunch
tausrht in S three-hour lea
sons. Ladies S3, gentlemen
$5, at De Honey's beautiful
academy. 23d and Washing
ton Beginners' classes start
Tuesday and Thursday eves.
8 to 11 :30. Plenty of de
sirable partners and prac
tice. No embarrassment.
Separate hall and extra
teachers for backward pu
pils. A printed description
of all dances free. The so
cial feature alone Is worth
double the price. Ton can
never become a dancer in irora inienor
teachers. Ton must have practice. Join a
real school with professional instructors
(not a public dance hall). This is the last
week of our low summer rate. Secure tick
ets this week. ITse them when you desire.
1'houe Main 765ft. Private lesson, all hours.
"The Store Thai
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash"
We Close at This Hour During
the Months of July and August
iiiiiiimiiiiimiiuiiimiiiHimmimiiiuiMH i-
printer's Cotton nl Worsted 5
Bathinar Suits In all styles, col- "
ors, sixes to SO.BO suit.
Both women's and children's.
Some People
go through life not saving a cent others watch every
penny they oare at erery opportunity generally they
buy for cash. Ours is the largest CASH store in Port
land. We have no bad accounts, no charge accounts, no collectors, no charge account bookkeep
ers, thusour splendid and extensive stock of goods is sold at prices far more reasonable than
any other store here could offer to you "Make This .Helpful Store Your Store."
Now! We Have Arranged An Unmatchable
Showing and Sale of
sev - M B V S -v 5 i f M M F m m S- a m m
7 I
A SHOWING of beautiful Silks in this timely sale all the fashionable textures. '
patterns and colorings and, both staple and new plain colors and, what is jnore
important, the price is so reasonable so far below regular that we doubt if
we will be able to quote so low a figure for such high-grade silks again for many a
month. -
Here's the List Check Your Choice
I $2.95
a Yard
40-inch Dress Satins
40-inch Willow Satins
40-inch Peau De Cygnes
40-inch Satin Radiant
40-in. Satin Charmeuse
40-inch Satin Duchess
36 to 40-inch All-Silk Moires
36-inch All-Silk La Jerz in Flesh and White
32-inch Silk Broadcloths in Pretty Stripes
40-inch Satin Block Plaid Poplins
Every Yard
of Perfect
Weave and
Every Yard
U nderpriced!
Don't Fail to Profit By Our
Sale of
Novelty Laces
. fortunate, indeed, are the women who can arrange to
attend this great half-price sale of Laces and Embroideries.
It is an annual event that thousands of prudent home sewers
never fail to profit by. A time when you can save extraor
dinarily in securing needed trimmings and materials for both
women's and children's garments.
Included are . both imported and domestic Embroideries,
such as 40 and 45-inch Organdie and Voile Flouncings, also
wide Bands and Galloons in white and colored effects. 1 6
inch Embroidered Georgette Edges--22-inch Baby Allovers
medium and narrow Insertions 4-inch Organdie edge colored
- embroideries till on sale at Half Price.
The Laces are cotton Margot Flouncings, Demi Flouncings
and Bands black and white Chantilly Flouncings Metal
and Colored Silk Net Flouncings, also Metal Nets, Allovers,
Silk and Cotton Bands, etc., etc. all at Half Price.
Parents! Here We Are
Again With Another
Sale Children's
Play Suits $1.29
A great overstock of recognized
best brands to close out at less
than today's wholesale price gar
ments for vacation and playtime.
Sizes 1 to 8 years.
Materials are the best standard
240 Denims Hickory stripes
Fancy Galatea and Cord Linenes
Heavy Khaki Stipels. Any of
these cloths stand as guarantee of
superior quality to all the -trade.
Each and every garment bears our
personal guarantee. All are
trimmed in fast color turkey-red
galatea, with high or Dutch neck,
long or short sleeves and every
seam is double sewed and rein
forced besides. Sizes 1 to 8 years.
., The girls' full peg top Play Suits
are especially attractive and the
boys' garments are , well tailored
and cut extra full. When you buy
our Play Suits your troubles are at
an end, we take all responsibility.
Our thousands of pleased custom
ers are "boosters" for the policy
displayed and the super-fine qual
ity of the lines carried Boss of
the Road, Jim Dandy and Armor
Plate. Special This Sale (PI OQ
Only at DX.7
Great Mid-Season Sale of
Women's Wool and Fiber Silk
. - . v.
ular : Styles at $6.90
lere is your opportunity to secure a popular Sweater Coat at con
siderably less than real worth right at a time when such garments
are a positive necessity for beach, outing and sport wear. We pur
chased too generously and are overstocked. We make this sacrifice
to induce immediate disposal.
At $6.90 you have choice from the most popular Coat, Tuxedo
and Slip-over styles, with plain or ruffled bottom, regulation or bell
sleeves, plain or novelty weaves and all the best colors. They come
in fine wool or fiber silk and are most wonderful values at this
sale price. . -.
Children's Socks at 50c Pair
A complete showing in white and Colors
also white with colored, fancy stripe top. All
sixes in a fine mercerized lisle at 50 pair.
Women's Lisle Hose at 65c
Fine mercerized Lisle Hose with seamless
foot and back. All sizes in black, white, cor
dovan and colors on sale at 6o pair.
Women's Cotton Union Suits In Correct Styles
Priced This Sale at 75c Suit
((THE Laurel Hill ' Cemetery. -
J. .
whldi J am superintendent.
writes J. H. Brummetle. of Spring
field. Or, "is full of poison oak. I
take It very easily. When I sent to
you for a bottle of Santiseptie Lotion.
I bad had poison oak for five months.
I commenced using: Santiseptie as
soon as 1 got it and kept working in
the poison oak. I am now entirely
cured, and, believe me. it certainly
takes something: to even help me. I
had and have tried everything I or
(.anybody else ever heard of. Includ
ing U KUiua 5uaiuvccu I CIUCU ItB.
Just simply time and money wasted.
Can Us ep tic certainly did the work."
Colored Dress Voiles
at 98c Yard
' At this lowered price we
include regular lines in beau
tiful patterns, mostly in dark
Fancy Colored Voiles
at $1.48 Yard
Strictly high-class Dress
Voiles the very best pretty
fancy colored silk stripe pat
New Dress Ginghams
at 45c Yard
Unlimited choice from
pretty plaid styles brand
new goods that will wash
and wear satisfactorily.
- r
With particular attention given to quality, style, workmanship and low
pricing we invite you to see the new. Serge and Tricotine Dresses now
showing at $2295 to $65.00. The new Tricotine, Yalama, Serge and
Velour Suits at $35 DO to $150 J00.
f u a uTJuirc'i Broken Lines Children's Gingham fHAT T7 tt?Tit?ai
j HALF PRICE j Dresses-Sizes 6 to 16 Years- I HALF PRICE J
Anybody who has ever experienced
the torture of poison oak or Ivy -will
be grateful for the information that
this extreme Irritating: annoyance is
no longer to be feared. The pain.
Itching, fever and irritation disappear
almost like magic with a few appli
cations of Santiseptie. Santiseptie
t a I inn . itii-h Riinhurn wlnHhn,. '
chafing, fever and cold sores and In
sect bites. It is a remarkable sooth
ing and healing lotion. Men use it
after shaving and the women for the
complexion and for baby's skin.
Santiseptie is easily procured at
most drugstores and toilet goods
counters and costa but SO cents. Adv.
Our Store
Now Opens
at 9 A. Mi .
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
' Saturdays
- at 6 P. M.