THE SUNDAY" OREGOXIAX, PORTLAyP, AUGUST S, 1020 g NCff TODAY. 1 NEW TODAT. T W TODAT. ' I TOO UTE TO CLASSIFY. I I II - I I 1 1 t I BOXING SCANDAL LOOMS COAST PROTESTS ARE T7XHEED .. JvD IX 'EV YORK. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Pacts Regarding Transgression or 'Amateur Rules rJ- Men Sent to Antwerp Are Giwen. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. ' 7. (Special.) Fully Informed on the pro fessional status of two boxers now at Antwerp and with their eyes wide open, the Athletic Union officials of this country in New York are courting the same unpleasant international scandal that happened after the Stock holm Olympiad when Jim Thorpe was branded as a professionaL. The 1912 Thorpe case and the pres ent case of Ted Schneider and Bob Grant are different only in the fact that this country knew nothing of Thorpe's transgression of the amateur laws until the games were over. In the present case, however, the gov- Acnino. hnorfl in NftW Vnrll VlflA hPPTl fully apprised of the professional rec- I ords of the twq boxers in question. In face of this notification Gustavus Kirby, the president of the American Olympiad committee, has said: "The records of the men are absolutely clean and I do not attach any import ance to the report from the Pacific coast." - Anyone who knows anything of the professional boxing game knows that Jim Barry and Hugh Walker are rec ognized professional ring men. Schneider boxed Walker at Oakland. Cal., in Slay or June of this year and Grant boxed Barry at San Francisco November 20, 1919. The registration committee also has other records of the activities of the two so-called am ateur boxers. The San Francisco am ateur body also bases its charges against Schne.ider and Grant on the fact that they boxed in these matches in halls where admission was charged. that the bouts were not sanctioned by the A. A. U-, and that they boxed against recognized professionals, all of which constitutes transgression of the amateur laws. COURTS AGAIX SEEK DEMPSEY Purilist and Manager fanted to Settle $20,000 Xote. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Aug. 7. "Jack" Dempsey. world's champion heavyweight, and his manager, Jack Kearns, were cited today to appear in the superior court August 27 and show cause whv they should not be punished for contempt. They were charged with having failed to answer a summons to appear before a notary June 30 and give their depositions in a suit by J. H. Jones to recover 20, 000 on promissory notes given by Kearns in 1913, in payment for half interest in a local cafe. Kearns deferftie, it was stated, was . that the statute of limitations had run. Poloists Xot to Go to Honolulu. HONOLULU. T. H., Aug. 8. (Spe cial.) The Burlingame polo team. headed by Hugh Drury, will not take part in the inter-island polo series this fall. This decision was reached because the tourney was suddenly moved from September into August. The advance of the dates was nece sary because many of the local polo ists are going to the mainland in September. Jay Gould is expected to arrive here shortly and will play fo the Kauai team in the August tourna ment. . SALEM, OREGON. A CITY OF FINE HOiiBd, SCHOOLS AND UNEXCELLED MARKETS. FINE FRUIT FARM. 28-acre farm, nearly all in fin bear ing Italian prunes, cherries and soma otner fruits, soma logacs. Oood house with bath, toilet, etc. Uood barn, pruns dryer and chicken houses. Located about one mile from street car. An excellent income farm and fine home. Write lor particulars. 108 ACRES. n.bout 100 acres cultivated, on good road and close to pavement, about k mile to school; 7-room house, barn and chicken houses. A good buy at 9150 per acre; about half cash. Bprlnss go place. 23S ACRES, GRAIN AND DAIRY. A really good farm on fine roads and close to school. 130 acres cultivated and 105 acres In crops of mostly wheat and oats. About 50 acres fir -timber and balance is pasture, with fine spring. Oood large house with hot and cold wa ter, bath, toilet, etc Spring; water piped into house, garden and barnyard. Lots of barns, sheds, chicken houses, eta. This is the biggest bargain you have heard of. Price S6S oer acre, and you get 1-3 of the crops. Finest kind of terms. write for comnlete description. Write for folder of listings. We have many other fine farms and smaller home tracts and city residences. KINNEY & SMITH. P. O. 3ox 2H, Salem, Oregon. WANTED YOUNG MAN BY GROCERY CORPORATION; GROCERY EXPERI ENCE PREFERRED: EXCELLENT OF PORTUNITY FOR RIGHT MAN. AN SWER, STATING AGE, EXPERIENCE, REFERENCES EDUCATION AND SALARY EXPECTED. C 079. OREGO- NIAN. FOR SALE, $3550 7-room modern bun galow, on paved street, music, living and dining room, kitchen down; 3 bedrooms and large bathroom up; built-lns, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays. ooxioo lot; 5 cash. TaDor atiz. Ill ArRRS of hntlhnrn lanti. running Wa ter, y miles to Portland, an cieareo. and In cultivation: Drlce S6750: will ex change for good house in Portland or will sell on easy terms. Call Mr. Fisch er, -4B stark st. Main &4a. nnp..q vni:R roof leak? We repair and paint all kinds shin gle, gravel, metal or composition. Ask us for an estimate on your roof. A three year guarantee given with all -work ac cepted. We have four authorized agents in city using WEBFOOT PAINT which we manufacture. ROOF SECURITY CO., 226 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Main 571. Res. Main 5644. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. I HAVE excellent ooenins for three high grade slock salesmen. teai producer can make from $500 to $lo0u per month. None but $5000 men need apply. John P. Sharlacy, 704 Bd. of T. Bid. FOR RENT 7-room house, 6S2 Rodney ave., near Monroe st.. $35 per month ; house open Sunday. Apply Monday. McClure & Schmauch Co., 306 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7-room house. nice yard with fruit trees, 3 blocks from school, full plumbing, garage and base ment; hardwood floors; $4750, terms. Ta bor 2107. EXPERIENCED woman bookkeeper and typist desires position; experienced in general office management; city refer ences. Telephone Bdwy. 5120. West side preferred. WILL, trade 385-acre stock, grain dairy. Derry rancn tor stocK or mase iciearj up to $20,000; balance readily adjusted. AO 808, Oregonian. TWO salesladies for city, sell auto acces sories; direct $o commission order. V A. M. to 1 P. M. today. Couchman's Garage. - SALESMAN for city, sell- auto accessories; commission only, une county salesman. See Mr. Watts, 0 A, M. to 1 P. M. today. Couchman's Garage, 19th and Couch. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD, NO. 42. "BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YOEME.V. m4tR wd vf Ans- 11 Mt 409 Alder st. Class adoption. Team report promptly at a . M. WK INVITE Y IJU to go with us on the boat Bluebird Sun day. Aug. IS. 1920. and enjoy an all-day excursion. Picnic dinner in the woods. Bathing and other sports. .Bring your family and friends. Music by Bliss Har mony orchestra. For further information call Main 63"fl. X ETTA HA1.NES, Correspondent, 203 Alisky bids. BASKET PTCNTC! GtTL REAZEE GROTTO, No. 65, invites all Master Masons and their families to be their guests at a basket picnic to be held in Crystal Lake park on Saturday, Aueust 14 the fun startine ing at 2 P. M., with all sorts of games and sports and continuing with free danc ing at 7 to 10:30 P. M. Bring your own lunch, or can buy it on. the grounds. All other attractions free. By order of the Monarch. J. H. BUTLER, Secy. A STATED CONCLAVE OF WASHINGTON COM MANDERY, No. 15, K. T., will be held Tuesday eve nine. August 10, at 7:30 P. M. All sojourning Sir Knights are cor dially invited. G. P. EISMAN. Recorder. KIRKPATRICK COUN CIL. NO- 2227. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION will give another of their usual "300" card party and anrf rH nre on Frldav even inK at the Swiss hall. Third and Jefferson streets. Cards commencing at 8:30 aham. Evervbody wel come for a good time. Good union music Admission 15c Get acquainted with our four policies. You need protection. BIG CALICO DANCE given by Anchor Council. No. 746, S. B. A., W. O. V. temple. 128 Eleventh street, I Tuesdav. A u trust 10. Come for a good time; large floor committee will see that you have a good time. Win -ne of the prizes offered for the best and most rigm- and originally dressed. EUREKA COUNCIL. No. 1 204. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Members are requested to attend fu neral of our late brother, James Dow Hatfield. Mon day, August 0. at 10:30 A. M., at Finley's chapel. Montgomery st. at uin. M. L. JOHNSON. Sec JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant. Auditor,- income tax service. Concord Bldg., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443- ALTERATIONS. LADIES tailoring. Perfect fitting; work guar. X. Reubin, 408 Bush & Lane bldg ASSAYER3 AND ANALYSTS. " MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. AUTOS FOR HIRE. AUTOS FOR HIRB7. 1918 Pierce-Arrow by hour, day or month; long trips a specialty. Jock Houston. Broadway 334. Main 7359. BATHS. FOR SALE or exchange, Franklin in per- iect repair, casn or win take equity in improved Portland property and assume mortgage. Wdln. 630. TO BUY 2-fIat house or 7-room house in first-class condition, close in. Substan tial cash payment down. T 967, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Century dictionary encyclo pedia, 10 vols.; O. Henry, 9 vols.; flower vases, art pottery, pictures, floor mop. Wdln. 630. DR. McilAHON'S sanitary baths. Always ready. Steam showers, plunges, tubs. massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. cor. -sta and Wash. Tell your friends. DOG A"D CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 415 East 7th. cor. Grant. East 18-47 and 219-62. Dogs and horses clipped. HEMSTITCHING. T. & E. HEMSTITCHING shop: superior work, prompt service. Room 618 Oregon Ellers bldg., 2s7i4 Washington st. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fice and works, Hawthorne ave. and East Third St. . MXSIC OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music. 2d floor Russell bldg. (over the "Lion- ). entrance ll5 th St.. cor, of Morrisun. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, lotn rioor roaaway diur shall 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag rugs all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, J1.50. FLUFF RUG CO.. 54-56 Union N. B. 6515, E. 7655. B 1475. CARPET CLEAXDiG. PAiNTl-NO, paperhanging. John C. Coo- iistt. lttd luth st. A. uroaaaay CARPET CLEANING. FLUFF OR RAG RUGS. WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. DEPENDABLE house painting. paper hanging. Tabor oii. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS PADDCJl'TCD GENERAL. CONTRACT- unns U1I L.11 in ig-. Jobbing. Tabor 9049 PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. 5 oo it let iree. Highest references, beat results; prompt fees., assured. Warren E. Coleman, Pat eni Lawyer. 624 b" St.. Washington, V. C. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWTN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254 CHIROPODIST CCCT UIIDT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot I LI. I IIUUI sDeclalist: corns, bunions. foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland building. 5th and Washington. Main 1081, DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles scientifically corrected l-aay assistant. 512 Morgan hiag. Mam 8ii DR B. LOUISE COX. chiropodist. 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. 438 Morgan bldg. Main 44y. CHIROPODISTS ARCH SPECIALISTS WTTXTAM. Eptell and Florello De Veny. the onlv scientific chiropodists ana area specialists In the city. Parlors J102 Ger- linp-er mdg.. s. w. cor. za ana Aiaer, Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. chestra. REFINED girl wants young lady to share small modern aot.. close in. on east aide ; Catholic preferred ; references ex changed. AK S06. Oregonian. WANTED At once. 3 or 5-ton truck r B order W" M' with trailer or log haul; Vz mile; steady work.; ?2 per M. Heiser Mill, Newberg. Or. MOOSE BAND AND DE GREE TEAM PICNIC at Crystal Lake Park on Sun day. August lo. There wui be races, games, swimming. bowling, boating, concert by the Mooss band, and danc- insr afternoon and evening. Professor Prasp's Moose or- Something doing every minute. Everybody inviteo COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Spe- cial communication tomorrow (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of con ducting the funeral of Brother J. D. Hatfield, late a member of Rainier lodge. No. 24, A. P. and A. or rtainier, , Secretary. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 ehiroprac- tor. Throngs pronounce treatment nest CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Furnace smokes through registers, needs repairing or cieaningT Taoor bB3. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17T6 No collections, no charges. Estab. iuo CONTRACTORS. W F. ODELL. cement contractor, all kinda of cement work. Phone Main 73H. DENTISTRY. TR. A. W. KEENE, 3511 g-ton Rt. Withou Latest nerve-blocking' method DENTISTRY pain. DANCING. 1019 MAXWELL, in A No. 1 condition, to exchange for close-In acreage or lot in Irvington or Laurelhurst. Phone Tabor 2442. WANTED 2 good core makers; union shop. See Mr. Walker at American Ma- Tine Iron Works, ft. Richmond St., St. jonns. FURNISHED room, two beds, with kitchen COLUMBUS LODGE. NO. 1 REGULAR meetinw Of Industry Lodge No. . - n it. W-.Sd floor. FTthlaB bldg. (formerly Masonic Temple). West Para and Yamhill. Monday night. S o clock. Jsur tet luntu. W. J. ALLUN, Recorder. BERKELEY dancing academy: private les sons, day-evening; latest steps, jazz steps taught by best professional teachers. M and Mrs. Hummers, izw in. main sm MRS. BATH, 208 Dekum bldg Private lessons day and evening. Main 1343 ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. DEGREE .privilege; everything furnished; nicely OF HONOR Will hold regular meeting at located at popular Washington- beach Price reasonable. Bdwy. 2125 Monday, WILL share my cottage on ridge at Ocean Park ; everything furnished; 2 bens. Phone Bdwy. 211 Monday. Fishing Reported Excellent. ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug. 7. (Spe cial.) Fishermen who have been scouting the county report excellent runs of trout at the mouth of the Satsop river. . On the Wynooche, Humptulips and Quinault rivers blue backs are reported plentiful. Many fishing parties for Hoods Canal are being formed by harbor fishermen. ' following receipt of word that the canal is having an unprecedented run of salmon and salmon trout. p Aberdeen to Play Chehalis. ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug. 7. (Spe cial.) A visit to Chehalis has been slated lor the Aberdeen team tomor row. Parker will catch for the Har borites and Isenberg, a new man, will pitch. The Aberdeen club will go to Vancouver August 20 for a game with a Bremerton navy team. The game will be one of the features of the Washington Elks convention. Kobins Purchase Bill Lamar. B ROOK LY N, N. Y., Aug. 7. Th Brooklyn National league club today announced purchase from Louisville of Outfielder Bill T.amar. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. KENTON BARGAIN. To settle estate, new 5-room buniia low. nearly completed: 5 lots, corner 12 1 50, terms; 3 block west of Kenton hotel. iianecK. uwner on grounu. WANTED An experienced apartmen house .ianltor. East Oo&S. 245 East Broadway. FOR SALE At a bargain, shooting gal lt?ry and root beer stand ; good location am leaving town, n . Din. UNKURNLSiED apartments, modern, close iii. 1 tJE. th,corner i am hill. 1118 INDIAN motorccle, sidecar and tan uem lor sale, 3UU. Broadway 3114. "MOKLY furnished room, walking distance. au.i litn. .M-ain ia:u. hall. East Side Business Men's club. Grand avenue at Aiaer street,, j i m j AU gust 9. Initiation. Visitors welcome. wi:T,TvnMAH riRCLB. No. 744. will t.M nn mBtinr )n AufFUKt. Regular week- lv mee tines commence Friday, Sept. 3. I LARGE well-furnished H. K. rooms, suit-1 EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pin. able lor ; all conveniences; close in. ntw assigns, jwk" xm.. o- t : . I fniRni.AXDER'S for lodsre emblems. uua i uiu rose Dag : leave at oregonian I cAastm Dins and medals. iilO w aiamgton sc. ii'ive, icluik t'Mvcia auu oomh. uoua a nil teceive reward. J winding; and .dl rxf ing a specia H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. Portland. Or. Re- electrical repaii lty. New or use motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046 S-ROOM house, nice home, lot 100x100. all set out in fruit, full bearing:: $HuOO, part casn. jy owner. Manor rvrnno nrufOHUn and WUIUrtO r.LFfUUUU Repaired Bought and Sold. TrwOT.S ELF7CTR1C WORKS, Phone 527-27. 248 ft 1st st. M. 871. GLASSES AT A SAVINO. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of sat it. tied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles . Uood man, optometrist, liOtf Morrison. M. -14. EORI5K rkrfa'STEIX. the veteran op tician, is an expert eye utter, anu ai charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. a jo Aiorrison Bt., near EVES SCIEXTIFICALLI TEST ED with modern instrumvnta. i.injxjc-fi til-ted i' ."ill li D. A. E. HUKW'ITZ, Optometrist. 225 1st at. PAINTING AND FAl'KBHANGLNU. PATENTS ESTABLISHED ISO 2. ON TUESDAY NEXT Imiu,w:i vv ivn naK Kl RMTIBE, KlHXISHEn PRIVATE HOME. WE H4.VB MOVED THESE r ROSE CITK PARK FOR CO.Ti IE.tK OF AltTlUS SAJUti AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE Comprising upright pianos in walnut case (Ludwig), rattan and willow rockers and chairs. Jacobean na waxed oak library tables, library rockers and chairs, electric table lamp. Columbia Grafonola and records in mahogany case, Wilton and Ax minster rues, rockers suitable lor thA 1 J i r., ,n nnrlV TIPW bedrOOhl suite in brown 'mahogany, vix., bed stead, dresser, high boy and dressing toitlo n-itt, thr.p rvlata n.irrors. lull size brass bed," iron beo in three quarter size (all beds are complete with De Luxe and other good spi ings. silk floss and lelt mattresses, piu wool blankets, quilts and bedding), dressers in birdseye maple and quarter-sawed oak, large oak chiifonier, i ml; hall tree. davenport, quarter-sawed oak. pedestal fining table, set of good leather-seat chairs. but'et in William and Alary aesign, Tnhin finished: silverware, crock ery and glassware, portieres. range. Opal refrigerator, aluminum utensils and many other good and useful lots. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice ha. extended over a period or 4U year, communi cations strictly conticiential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handboiyt free on request. 11UNN oc CO., patent attorneys, ban Francisco office, Hobart bldg., os2 Market St.; ClucaBO office, room 811 Tower bias.; Wasnington of fice, room 103, 62 j if riL.; ivew York oince, wooiwortn diqs. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years" experience TJ. S. and foreign patents. 6Q1 oeaum mm. PUVSIC1AKS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway Bias.. rhpiimahtLTn. stonucn. Dowei. lunx. uvi. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, Dlooa prei&uro, emarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE IDEAL COUNTRY HOWIE AT A PRICE MUCH LESS THAN ITS ACTUAL YALUE Seventeen acres, 14 acres young commercial orchard apples and pears. Estimated crop 500 boxes each and now contracted for fall delivery at a cash price netting a profit able return. Small fruits ana berries, all in highest state of cultivation. House has all the style and conveniences of a city home, including electricity: large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, office or den, bath: four large, airy bedrooms with large clothes closets and bath upstairs; full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, etc.: caretaker's house and good barn, beautiful lawn, trees and shrubbery; abundance of fine spring water piped through house, lawn and gar den. . Fine view of mountains. Only two hours and twenty-five minutes from Portland via . North Bank railroad, three miles from town'of White Sal mon on main traveled road. Short distance from White Salmon river and good fishing. This property has always had the best of care, and orchard and buildings are in the best condition. Kxcellent reasons for selling. Closest inspection Invited. Price, including fruit crop, good team, harness, surrey, wagons and orchard tools, ONLY $17,000 Kindly call tomorrow and look over the above goods at your leisure, you will find them well worthy of your attention. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT lO A. M. PIA0 TUNERS, LET me tune your piano once or twice a year; every good one needs it. Norby. 442 E. 12th st. N. .East 70So. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. RANGE boilers. 30. 40, 120 gal. price. lt8 Jvlng. Main im. PLUMB1NO SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE price, atark-iavis -o., laa m. i. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. A. L. Howard, -ou ia bl. ON THURSDAY NEXT WE SHALL SELL ANOTHER LOT OF HOUSEHOLD iiOODS. SALE AT 10 A. M. AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND t" HEIGHTS This low, ramblinar bungalow, built of noiiow tue. enormous living- room with extra larce fireplace. Dutch k it chen, two larpe porches, one- of which is larere enough for two or tnree oeas. The house has bath ana toilet, concrete basement and splen did furnace. The ground consists of 3 acre fronting on both upper and lower drives. Koth the ground and the house are in a very poor condition. out tne possibilities lor improvement are unlimited and the price, $4200, certainly should make this an at tractive proposition, and we thin K that the house alone cotrld not be duplicated for this price, 91650 casiu balance zu monthly. Fruit should net better than $2000. You will not have to be told this is a BARGAIN. Write IRA E. HYDE WHITE SALMON, WASHINGTON. PRINTING. and sell used printing ma chinery and equipment. j. i Caldwell Inc., 201 -a at. WE BUY 2o" DD!llTIIf P- W. BALTES & COMPANY, r nin I IllJ First and Oak. Main 15; 511-65 SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 2i r ft. l 01. We buy and sell everything: in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main !)072. TKADiMAK KS, OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANS FEB AND STO RAG E. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. GENERAL. HAULING. Motor and horse equipment: any pacity. Moving, packing, storage. PHONE BDWY. 3309 ON WEDNESDAY AUG. 18 WE SHALL SELL UNCLAIMEIJ BAG GAGE, ETC., KOR THE OW. R. A N. CO. AT THE AINSWORTH 1JOCK.. S ILK ON WEDNESOAY, AUGUST IS, AT 11) A M. NOTE TP.S. WE BUY HOUSEHOLD OOOIJH FOK CASH. CALL US, OUR PHONE NUMBER IS MAIN 3332. W. C. BAKER & W. H. DEAN AUCTIONEERS, PVTHI N BUILDING. YAMHILL ANU WEST PARK STS. tt'ORMERLY JIASUS1U PLE BULIU.VOI. HOSPITAL IFOR SALE OR TRADE FOR FARM . HOSPITAL AND SURGERY YELL EQUIPPED WITH TWENTY FIYE BEDS CLOSE IN, HANDY WILL GIVE LEASE fOR TWO YEARS OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan 8t., corner 13th. Pbon Broadway Ihl or 1160. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. Auction Sales BIG MONEY MR FOR atwiiw5 THE RIGHT PARTY PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 105 PARK ST. Main 5135. A 1051. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS $25 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in my moaern DUiiaing. azl Eugene su ENGINEERS AND MILL S.UFFT.IKS. FOR SALE Good wreckage wood. Call joawy. uo or li-ast oss. tinipyara Wood DIED. rrwwG-Tj t thi. oitv. Aueust 6. BOY 1 THE M. L. J.. I-' 1 rr. ar 'rn n f t yearB. sua Ul 11 1 a. James Conner of Wapella, 111. ; brother I 84-86-S7-8U Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. of Alfred and Frank Conner, Mr. Ooldie I PXOlFlC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. Arthinston, Mrs. He) ma Seats and Ina f Air 1V- EXPERIENCED man diahwasher wants steady job with good wages. Phone I .Marsnau jiuz, room 4. Conner of Wapell Johnson and R, O. 111.: Mrs. Josephine Conner of Portland. HATS AND CAPS. Johnson and K O. Conner oi roruana. i - ttu-r vtaT fO 53-55 Front st. The remains are at Finley-s, Montgomery THA.NHAUSER HAT CO.. oa-oO x roax. ax. at Fifth. oNtice of funeral hereafter. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, one attic leenlnB-LnT,iTn t t.i. -tt T Unrv rnnm miltahln fnp .nan ti - - I nmnAAU yl f' . r' j -.1 T.J n .tt c t f ( Vrnni onri MniTidon. ' " "T-H i:th --.v., i Hibbara:, ajea s years, oniwru w I w' L,i'JL'i ' Wi'T nntlrlnn a. flni.,.. i, J Harvvn gonian. i notice later. Arrauscmcuto au j. Miller & Tracey. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hibbard; brother y,.cV11cSEv & CO.. Second and Taylor of Garvyn Hibbard. Remains are at -AS'"tJ HIDES. "WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY EACfl DAY AT 10 A. 31. FOR MONDAY'S SALE we have a good assortment or House iurni.snirmj, in-j eluding some splendid pieces fur then I.IVIXi ROOM, 1IM1. Kou.n ana BEDKOOn, CARPETS, RHiS, 1,1 -OI.KI M. iS and 6TKEL RAXKES. bedding, dtshes, utensils, etc; in f act on bard surface boulevard or improved everything to completely outfit the ide roads. some of the inost siirhtiy Home. come ana Day at your uwn L ricc K AH N BROTHERS. 1U5 Front St. PLUMBING SVPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-S6-87-S9 Front. OTHER GOOD LOTS FOR WEDNES DAY A.-D t'UlUAt PKODCCK COMMISSION M K R CHANTS, EVERDINQ & FARRELL. 140 Front St. SASH. HOOKS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. KOl'K AND BINDKR TWINE. Portland Cordaue Co.. 14th and Northrup. REFINED young lady nouseaeepinK room side. AL S06. Oregon ian. . a iimuem . ; (... A Hfn..n vonwv Tn thl. ftitv. AUO. Close m on east ''73 yea." Remains are "'aT Brown, ased 60 years beloved mother the funeral parlors 01 A. v. Miiwonnj ot airs, jinn .u..v.., Co.. 580J-04 82d it. S. E.. In Lents. No- A. and Hobart A. Brown of Portland, - , 1 1 . -sin, u a -ti of Seattle. Wash. BOOtlE-In this city. Augst 7 Edith ptrtiand "crematorlunTh "BU. inscu ' , I and Bvbee ts., at - f. m. toaay iouu- Court hotel. The remains are at Fin- i?v Au 8 1920. Remains at Hol ley'a. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of I f'.' ftl,ra.l tarlora. Third and Salmon NICELY furnished living room and kitch- funeral hereafter. I streels. ?h S--i eHepJnS rooms fer MKSSING At the family residence. B3-S ; 1 HENZEL The funeral services of the 1at month. ool Second st. 41at st., Aug. 7. CI a us A. Junior, son of H Barbae Henzel will be held Monday. August 9. at 10 A. M.. at tne roruana FUN ERAL NOTICES. 6. 1920. Edith WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished house. oy responsiDie party. Fhone Aut. noom oil. FLORISTS. i'OR RENT 0-room moderate house, rpa- eonabe. Call ho4 Thurman st., or Ta oor iBU, 1 HAVE a good wood range for tale at vju. e-js lm vision. sen wood 7T'j. COMPETENT young lady wishes Qay work oy tne nour. rnone jaain na. FRATERNITY will pay $100 for a piano vvnat nave you to oner.' Aiain ziisi. Crematorium. Fourteenth ana liyoee streets. Friends invited. Interment. Portland crematorium, vauiu o. k. mau ley & Son, directors. Tllr and Mrs. Claus A. Messing. e mains at the parlors of Breeze 6c Snook. Belmont at 35th. HARTFORD In this city. August 7, Mary Hartford, aged 1 years, late oi zau L,in nin utrpct The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at Filtn. ..Notice or iunerai Fi:RlSHED rooms for tPntlpmn nri. I berealter. vate tamuy. Marshall 3665. I EVANS Elton Court, fortiana, ur., Aug. i mOUSINES for luneral services. jjx.a 7, oertruae r. cvans, asc ywo. i AUTO LlVriitl. UAAonALiu soay is at a. jj. ur b iichui fu neral arrangements. Funeral notice la ter, 32A MORRISON MAR. 753 a MORRISON MAR 13 7 POKVLANP HOTEL BROADWAY & PARK.. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist. We special ize in luneral designs. Ill V lxtn, op posite Aieier & rranu s. Alain 710. FOERAL CARS. NEAT young woman and good sewer to assist in tailor shop. 209 Third. WANTED Millinery maker for exclusive I shop; good salary. AK S24, Oregonian. fQCHER In this city, Rudolph L. Focher. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JAPANESE wants position to do cooking. I al ou oregonian. 2 GOOD second-hand furnaces, cheap. Mam I 7 1 oH. LOST One dark striped coat. Phone Brooklyn Cleaning. Sell wood 4S. QUANTITY of house paint at wholesale if taKen at once. v at, oregonian. WANT man to deliver and work in meat l'inrkot. KsiM NT TO. FO R S A L.E 1 t pew ri ter. Southeast 5212 87th et. aged 19 years, late of Ballantine, Mont. v r JCr AT o t f The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery UUIining CC 1V1 C LJj H IC C at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. rCXEHAL UIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison at 12th, west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-oti. X he .Funeral Ho me of Ke f inement M.nri liKtinctive Service. w kiitve no branches nor any con nections w hatever with any other CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral do signs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington st. bet. 4th ana otn. Main oiuu. a iiol FtJNERAI NOTICES. mm t7 i?m Jtrisl May I ry ' ' " rBrFa L 1h - Homes of Character For Discriminating Persons View spots of the East Side, overlooking the river. Nestled in the hills of the west side. On the terraces overlooking the city. In lovely Irvington. Convenient to the links at Waverley. Just a step from the park in Laurelhuret. Suburban homes close to the city and on the Columbia highway. Unusual homes in all exclusive districts. Information gladly given and appointment arranged. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer , EAST 7976. v HATFIELD At the residence. 220 East Dow Hatfield, aged 38 years. Husband Not of Lilliam A. Hatfield, son of Hannan C- Hatfield, brother or Mrs. waiter v Vnrrixnn nf 'Portland and Mrs. Ralph W. Roberts of San Francisco. Cal.. uncle of Jack Hatfield Murton oi fortiana ana R, Waldo Roberts of San Francisco. Cal. The funeral services win ne neia.jwon Ha v A ii trust 9. at 10:30 A. M.. at Fin lev's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment. Mt Scott cemetery RTCKFY in this city. Aug. 6. Henry T. ntkov. iurd 41 vears. brother of Mrs. B. F. Stengl, Margaret F.. Nelki B. and xritoh.ii J. Hickev. all of this city. Funeral services will be held from the family residence. ii ifiiieenin aireei north, Monday morning. August 9. at 8:45. thence to the Pro -Cathedral. Fif tAnth and Davis streets, where reauiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. In terment Mount Calvary cemetery. Mc En tee & Ellers. directors. DVFFET In this city, August 6. Edward F. Duffey, aged 57 years 10 months 22 days, husband of Margaret Duffey of this city. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, August 11. at 10 A. M., from the conservatory chapel of East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder st. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery COX At the residence. 677 E. Ash st., Aug. 6. 1020, Charles M. Cox. beloved husband of Minnie Cox. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at Hol nan's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts.. at 11 A x. tomorrow (Monday). Aug. 9, 120. Interment Mount Scott park cemetery. SMALLET August "7. at 7504 COth S. E.. Jennt M. Smalley, aged $2 years. beloved wife of S. D. Smallev. The funeral services will be conducted Mon day. Aug. 0, at 3 P. M-. in mortuary chapel of A. D. Ken worthy & Co., 5802- u-i if -a. si. o. b in i-ents. f nenas in vited. Interment Mount Scott park ceraeiery. ALEXANDER In this city. Helena Tt Alexander, aged 57 years, late of 708 Mason street. Aiotner oi tay Alexander. The funeral service will be held Mondav. August 0 at 3:30 P. M.. at Finley's. .Montgomery at r inn. r n en as invited. 'interment ax oston. Aiass, BROWN In this city, Aug. 5. 1!20. George Brown, aged 40 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Holman's funers.1 parlors. nira baimon sts.. (Liu A M tomorrow ( Monday). Aug. 9. lu'ermenl Multnomah cemetery. HANNAH The funeral services of the late William Hannah will be held Mon day. August 9. at 9:30 A. M.. at Fintey's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment, Rom City cemetery. EPWARD HOLMAN &SOIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' Third, and Salmon Streets. Main -507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TEACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Street. Between 20th and. 31st Streets, West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 269L Auto. 578-83. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home. 16th and Everett Sts. Phone Brondway 2133. Automatic 021-33. J. P. F1NLEY & SOJN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. DOWNING & McNEMAR Th. Rmideotial Funrrml liomo. 441 Multnomah SU IrvlngLon-DlBt. iiast C4. F. S. DUNNING. INC. iu tt. Alder. Phone East 62. -o.rft: service, personal direction, free oi rioral cnapel and auto equipment. T T TT1 T T E. Eleventh and Clay. IT. Lu XjjS.-iO. Kaat 781. Tabor l&M J D. KEN WORTHY sc CO, 6802-4 9-d St.. Lenta. Tabor B267. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Sts. Broaaway j4. 592 Williams ave. East 1088. C lOeS. A. R. ZELLER CO. BREEZE & SNOOK i041 9KEWE3 UNDERTAKING COMPANT. 8d and Clay. M- 4152. A. 2231. Lady 'Assistant 1 MOMMEXTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 866 Fourth St., Opp. City HalL Hen ttrnm. T B LAPSING GRANITE CO. I J THIRD r lXPwnT g i WCRT MARTIN & FOREES CO. Florists. 854 Washington. Main 239. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. ADDRESS BD 814, OREGONIAN MULTNOMAH Is the very best suburban residence section on the west aide. I have evervthimr rn building sites to suit your fancy, either I "32 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON , BUNGALOW EIGHT ROOMS Living room 16x30, srtn I room, quaint dining. ; room, large Dutch m kitchen, one bedroom I and bath first floor, three rooms s e co n d floor, garage, splen did location. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer ' East 7976 FINE HOE f 15,000 Square Feet of Lawn and Shrubbery : Doirble parage. A splenllj artistic house, neariy ne . commodious and up date. . , If you are !n the market for a, high-class home, be sure to - iooit taia one up. t IT IS A BARGAIN $25,000 : W. H. ROSS llOO NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDlh MARSH1I.L 1808. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST $2500 DOWN AT PRIVATE SALE We have an extensive assortment ofl w(tn aI1 the property offered a-nd for that fine used furniture in oak, mahogany,! reason can give you the very best service. Diraseye mapie, wainui, ivory enamei, etc.. for all Darts of the home, and at prices equal to about one-half that ofl new lurimure. points surrounding the citv of Portland are here at your command. There is Sonth MnUnnmah Half ArrM. I.nnalilo. Denlry Height). Allen Quartern. Primrose l'lace. uuckinghara Heights. Queensland. I finest of building sites, with nit mrMim N'o. 72 Partial descriotlon: 'Beatittfal Improvements in streeis and paid for. The I eight rooms with a frood attic, f our -terms are exceedingly low at 10 ppr big airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, & month with 6 per cent Interest on deferred I very large living room, dining room, jjttjmeuiB. i hardwood floors, ivory enamel rinisn. , . . uutcn Kitcnen, very prety Dunt-ins, I al?o nave a number of -m-ettv hnmM ...nn& It, rTr vr t ZkZJu "k S" to Mt 50x100. Remember, this Is in the ;S r 6n .TmLi'S! decidin heart of Lanr.lh.unt. near a park, car- line ana school. trice only ssuoo: I have platted most of the additions In 2500 cash, terms on the balance cao 0.1. x aubu. CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUM We also have some good COFFEE I TUNS ana a lew items in store nx tures. Birch as SCALES, MEAT SLIC BRS and fOFFKE MILLS. SliK LS BEFORE BllUU. BEN RIESLAND 404 natt Bid. 127 Park St. At Multnomah on Sundavs. Office on the Boulevard. Shows by Appointment Only. . J I LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO 285 Stark Street, Near Fourth. ! aiarahaU ISO 8. WE WANT YOUR TTSEI VX R MTFRE. I PUOXE MAIN 166 WHKN 1UU WISH TO SELL R IYER A HOE BUILDING PICTI HESai E Bl'ILDINO 'sfTES, WATEH-FROST PROPERTIES. HOrSES S450O TO S1R.OOO AND T P I VUWl DllLUIXG SITES SSOOO AND IP. I In the finest residential section of the 70 ROOMSLOBBY AND STORES OH 1 1 a l x . i 41 r n tt rW n ii'i.nnii OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of allesred cruelty to animals. Offices, room li0 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its Dome, oo Lommoia dou ievard. Phone anv time. W o o d 1 awn 764. Dog's for sale. Horse ambulance tor bick or uisaniea norsea. amau animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses. etc. picked up free of charge. AUCTION HOUSE . 171 SECOND STREET, NEAR JlOHKiSUA. J, T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. HEW TODAT. 20 INCOME FOUR MODERN FLATS BY NON-RESIDENT OWNER. FINE NOB HILL DISTRICT. Only $13,500, Half Gash PHONE EAST 2S7S. city, opposite the Waverly golf links, twenty minutes out; good train serv ice; paved roads; gas, Hull Run water, electricity. A 43,0OO SCHOOL BOLDING under construction Is to be the model country school of the Northwest. It is tne nnest section that can be found to establish a home. Hiver sports at your aoor. RIVERA. DUNTHORPE, RITERDALE lUtEHWOOD AND PALATLXE HILL PROPERTIES a specialty by a resident who knows ow LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts. iivestuciii. ooies, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, ot Com. Kids. Maim SOS. Close-in Bargain Six-room good house, only 10 blocks from east end or il. ft bridge; only $5000; easy terms, 6 per cent. F. W. TORGLER. 10 Sherlock Bide Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Carted States Baalt Bntldlaa Send Us Your Old Carpets ?hrd5 tbhyoraourhi,dventGJaat,toka W Call and .Deliver.) 1 1 property and give information. MR? UCICH TIIBWCD T-MT -W- TT-M" TTTn II IllllVI IlkLUI VI I Ulilll.ll Boom-SIz. Fluff Ran Woven. SUM Bu Ron Wovea All Slut. Clothes Cleaoinr and Dyelna Deota, Uail uraent sena lor nowun, Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning xl2 Ban. Steam Cleaned. SLS4L WESTERN FLUFF KT'Ci CO- 64 Cnioa Ave. N. Phone. East 6S16 and East 7655. JOOa SPALDING BLDG. Office, Mala tia Bu, Mala 7171. FOR LEASE OR FOR SALE 8-R00M BUNGALOW, 487 E. 24TH ST. N., NEAR THOMPSON ST. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. GROLAD FLOOR The balldlng Is 100x100, S- story brick construction, in transient location. This is s. ' real sacrifice sale and worth, your time to investigate. RIM LOWES CO, 201-3-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. FOR RENT SEPTEMBER FIRST : DESIRABLE 2D FLOOR SPACE FOR STORES OR OFFICES ; WILL i ARRANGE TO SUIT TENANTS. APPLY F. H. V. ANDREWS, MGR, , ROOM 604, Piatt Building Park and Washington Streets. Telephone Marshall 0025. Absolute VPRMIM NoRJddaace, roach do o M. A NT doom. 604 Piatt Bldg, Telephone Mar. 6025 mice: pills. bedbug doom, rat doom, moth doom. FLT DOOM. EDGAR A. MURRAY CO. .t P1LLMAN & CO, AnU 45 Union Ave, Portland. Phone Eaat 7407. Tabor 7899. Mortgage Loans Lowest Interest rateal Installment if parmenta it dealred. Bnildlas loaaa made. Ma delar la elaalna;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 NortbweNtera Bank BnUdlao Marshall 4114. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS Rea Oregon Investment & MortgaKtCo. EXECUTORY AND ADMINIS TRATORS Will Fiad One Thrlee-Seenrea FARM MORTGAGES Exceptional Inveatmenta for traat fanoa. Jkot a forecloaura la twen ty yeara. FEAR at GHAT, pkau Halm SS. 103 Foilrt. St. WEST SIDE T CLOSE IN E Built four years: could not be dupli cated for 1100.000: high-class tenants; also lot and two flats. Price for both properties $90,000. 243 STARK ST. Up - to - Date Home Six-room house, like new, all modern conveniences, white enamel kitcnen, bath, pantry, hardwood floors, corner lot: good residence district; $6000; terms V. W. TUBULES. J.M Sherlock Bias. WANT TO BUY HOME $25,000 to $40,000 Portland Heights or similar. : P. O. Box 3174 TWO THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCE! HOTEL MEN R-OCID CONSIDER LEASE OX FULLY EQUIPPED HOTEL Please Dealsnate Place In Tmt Aaswex A 775. ORSCOailAX. ,