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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
n i ft THE SUNDAY OTfEG ONIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 25, 1920 Ask Mr. Foster for the straight solution of all your railroad or other" vacation trave perplexities. Hie yourself to this nationally-known travel serv ice on our Sixth Floor, where courteous, well informed attendants will help you with your itinerary. No charge for this service. Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. ! YOU BRING IN YOUR OVER-SUNDAY FILMS WE'LL BRING OUT THEIR FINE POINTS KODAK SHOP, MAIN FLOOR! Yes! In response to inquiries, we desire to state that we are still receiving furs for storage, but the time is not far distant when the ca pacity of our vaults will be taxed severely. To safeguard your furs have us relieve you of the responsibility now. Phone or write. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. roE ''"''(1 itlE- tiUALITY 5TOfE OP- PORTLAND Expert Marcel Waving AND HAIR DRESSING Phone for appointments. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. See Our Other Ads in this paper big double center spread and page 15. TTifs Is One of Four Pages in This Paper That Proclaim As With One Voice: ur Tomorrow We Launch a Silk Clearaway of the Surpassing Order Clearing stocks. Silks bought for and sold all season in the Meier & Frank Store now to be dispersed quickly at new low prices. Plain and fancy silks for dresses, blouses, petticoats, linings, pleated skirts and all the other purposes for which silks ire used. Group One: SILKS Were $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4, ' f Some remaining from an earlier sale and to be closed out at this decidedly lowered price ; otherhave just come from our regular finer stocks. Every one of them. 35 or 36 inches wide. Quantities of colors and designs. Plain taffeta, plain messaline, striped taffeta, plaid taffeta, flowered taffeta, effective foulards. $1.29 Suggestion: autumn. They will make pretty frocks for school girls next Group Two: SILKS Our Standard $3.50 to $6 Grades Just taken from regular stocks. Gorgeous plaids and stripes. Mostly taffeta. Every imaginable color combina tion in dark and medium shades. Yard wide. They will make beautiful accordion-pleated frocks. Rarely can such unusual designs be had below regular rates Meier & Frank's: Silk Store, Second Floor. $2.59 Clearaway Girls' Party Dresses $25 ..Exactly thirty -four exclusive one-of-a-kind fancy dresses for girls' party or dinner -wear at average HALF PRICE and less. Taffetas, nets, georgettes and combinations. Styled with pretty drapes, ruffles, folds. White, pink, rose and blue. Sizes 10 to 19 years. None sent C. O. D. or on approval. Girls' Summer Dresses Regularly $6.50 to $12.50 for $4.95. Regularly $13.50 to $27.50 for $9.95. Many of these 6 to 12-year dresses are less than half price because of broken assortment.' Organdies, voiles, lawns, nets, batistes and dimities. Trimmed with tucks, laces, stitching, embroidery, smocking, some with sashes. White and colors checks, flowers, stripes and figures. None sent C. O. D. or on approval. Regulation Dresses $3.95 Were $5.00 to $7.50. Broken assortment of 6 to 14 year dresses of white galatea or jean, some with colored collars and cuffs. 2-Piece Linen Suits $10.95 Were $25.00 on sale at less than half price. Pink, yellow and navy. Sizes 16, 18, 20. Twelve only. ' Meier & Frank's: Girls' Store. Second Floor. J Crepe de Chine Gowns $3.95 , Many pretty tailored models at this special price. Square and V-neck styles. Such gowns at $3.95 will quickly find delighted owners. Nainsook and Seco Silk Gowns These are specially priced from $1.95 to $4.27. They are of good materials and are trimmed with fine Val lace and medallions. Sleeveless, models are in this group. 'ii:' . .ji Envelope Chemise Special prices range from $1.95 to $3.95. Many differ ent styles. Strap and arm hole effects. Several pretty models trimmed with laces combined with medallions, also tailored effects. White Batiste Bloomers 79 A special low price for white batiste bloomers with elastic at waist and knee. Some have hemstitched hems, some lace .edges. Crepe de Chine Bloomers $2.95 Flesh colored crepe de chine bloomers with elastic at waist and knee. Other Specials in This Section Meter & Frank's: Third Floor. All Wool Plaids and Checks Our Standard $5.00 to $6.50 Grades $3.59 All freshly reduced. Beauties! Plenty of medium dark plaids and smart solid block checks. Good weight for all autumn wear. Suit able for women's and misses' dresses and plain and pleated skirts. All are all wool. 48 to 54 inches wide. ' Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Neckwear Half Price ' Regular $3.50 to $25.00 kinds, now $1.75 to $12.50. A distin guished collection comprising, flat and roll models of net, batiste and organdy, hand - embroidered and trimmed with hand-made Venise and Filet, also hand-made and machine-made Val laces. Hand embroidered Madeira collars in eyelet designs. Organdie models embroidered in colors. Meier & Frank's: Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. MILLINERY No doubt about the earnest way in which we have set about reducing prices on these four remarkable groups. All Hiffh-Grade Tailored Hats from $15 to $25 ilored 1 The woman who wants a BETTER hat is morally certain to find it in this assemblage at half price. $4 to $8 Hats $1.95 Way below half price for a good assortment of "body" hats in dark colors and bright shades to match sports and vacation sweaters. $4.50 to $3.50 Hats $3.95 Quite exceptional are the values in this lot of ready-to-wear hats in black and popular colors. $3.95 is surely remarkably low. Clearaway of Trimmed Hats (tfo Regularly $10 to' $18.50 The fourth and last of the remarkable groups which make up this millinery sale. Limited number. ; " Meier & Frank's: Millinery Salons.Fourth Floor. A Distinguished Lot of Real Silk9 Sweaters $35 Were $42.50 to $50.00. Not fiber silk but ALL SILK spun by the industrious silk "worm and dyed in beautiful shades of French blue, henna, turquoise, tan and rose, also navy, purple, brown and green with contrasting trim ming'. Tuxedo models knit in plain and fancy stitches with braided belts or sashes. Made for women who like some thing that is unusually fine and beautiful. Meier & Frank's: Sweater ShoprThird Floor. 500 Japanese Cotton Crepe Negligees $3.95 Were $4.95 and $6.50. Of all negligees these durable Japanese crepes offer probably as big value as others at considerably larger costs. Japanese cotton crepe really never seems to know when to wear out. It keeps its good looks until the very last day one wears it. Rose, Copenhagen, pink, light blue, Meier yellow, green, wistaria and lav ender. Some of these negligees have wide borders of white. Nearly all are embroidered with white butterflies, cherry blossoms, wis taria blossoms and stork designs. Some have colored embroideries. Made in typical Japanese fashion with loose, floating sleeves and gay obi sashes. All at $3.95. & Frank's: Negligee Shop, Third Floor. SHOE SALE Two extra special offerings of summer shoes selected from our regular stocks. Special at $5.35 The sort of shoes that women will want for vacation wear and priced to a new low level. Fine white reigncloth and nubuck shoes for street and dress. Covered French and white leather military heels, white welts and leather soles. Pumps, Oxfords $8.75 15 different styles in this assortment. Styles for all summer time occasions. Wonderful values! Oxfords in tan and black leathers with walking and French heels. Baby Louis patent and black kid pumps. Brown and black' kid tongue pumps with Cuban heels. Maple and gray kid pumps and oxfords with French heels. Black kid, patent and brown kid one eyelet ties with French or Baby Louis heels. v. . Meier & Frank's: Shoe- Store, Third Floor. Sweeping Reductions! Women's Summer Suits in 3 Great Groups Quick absolute clearaway of several hun dred suits from our regular stocks. Plain, 3mart man-tailored affairs which will be con tinual joys to their f uture.owners. Such suits as these fluctuate less in value than any other clothes because the styles rarely change. A woman can wear a suit from one season to another with the greatest equanimity be cause it is always closely related to the styles of the moment. Three Big Groups of special suits offer remarkably good ma terials and plenty of variety. Navy blue and other good shades. It is a sale for all women of conservative tastes who like the pleasure of saving on fine quality clothes. $29.50 to $45 Suits The suits formerly $29.50 are a special pur chase and unusually good at the price, ma jority being $35 and $45 suits from our regu lar collections. Mostly of wool jersey and rainbow twills in dark blue, purple, tan, or ange, gray, turquoise and green. Many in English sports styles with plenty of pockets and all belted. Sizes 16 to 44. $87.50 to $125 Suits $65 Beautiful materials of such soft wool that they are like silk to the touch. Nearly all in navy blue, some covert cloths and twills in tan and gray shades. Exquis itely tailored in every detail. Regular and extra sizes for women and misses. $65 to $85 Suits $45 Serge, tricotine and poiret twill suits in navy blue together with a number of interesting velour checks in different colors. Silk-lined coats. Splendidly tail ored. Regular and extra sizes for wom en and misses. Kindly Note that these are mostly one-of-a-kind models and that there are not all sizes in any one style. . Meier & Frank's: Fashion Kalons, Fourth Floor. Odd Silk Dresses $25 Remainder of our huge early-season collections. Ruffled frocks, tucked frocks, hemstitched frocks, beaded frocks, straight-line frocks. Dozens and dozens. Pongee, georgette, crepe de chine, taffeta, foulard, tricolette and some of wool jersey. Colors for street, house and afternoon wear. Sizes for misses and women, although the assortments are very much broken and usually there is only one dress of a style. This group will offer a promising field of investigation for any woman who wants something new, something pretty, something inexpensive. Sale starts 9:15 Monday morning. Aleler & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. Georgette Crepe Blouses Specially Priced . The georgette is of excellent heavy quality, the styles thoroughly desirable, the work manship in these blouses of a distinctly higher standard. In the light of which these reductions are all the more noteworthy : Were $12.50 to $22.00 Now $8.50 to $15.00 White, flesh, maize, rose, dark blue and black. Lace-trimmed and embroidered models are especially distinguished. Round and V necks. A number of higher-priced peplum blouses in the sale. Some are soiled from handling. , Meier & Frank's: Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. 1