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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OllEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 25, 1920 66 Pays t JHE-Q.uAi.rnr StJjs or- Portland See Also Big Double Center Spread and Back Page This Section Always Shop o in . I & ir ran The Ribbon Shop Offers a Multitude of Lovely RIBBONS HALF PRICE Two Values That Prove the 'Advantages of Shopping in This Section Metal Embroidered and Jacquard Ribbons 32 Our entire stock of heavy metal and Jacquard embroidered ribbons now reduced to half the regular prices. A wonderful opportunity to purchase for holiday require ments besides supplying one's more immediate needs. Now 1.88 to $17.50 Words cannot do justice to the beauty and diversity of this collection which embraces a myriad of designs and colors. For bags, sashes, hat trimmings, vest ees, camisoles and novelties. Brocaded Wash Rib bons and Less Ribbons needed all year long. Especially good for running through underclothes and for chil dren's narrow sashes. Majority are beautiful double-faced reversi ble satin ribbons with brocaded patterns in pink, blue, lavender and white. Widths from 14 to 3 inches. Broken color assortments. No. 1, regularly I2V2C, now yard 5c. No. regularly 17J6c, now yard 8c. No. 2, regularly 20c, now yard 10c. . No. S, regularly 30c, now yard 15c. No. 5, regularly 40c, now yard 18c. No. 7, regularly 45c, now yard 20c. No. 9, regularly 55c, now ,yard 25c. No. 16, regularly $1, now yard 35c Bag Frames 69c, $1.39 The 69c frames are $1.19 values and $1.39 frames are $1.75 to $2 values. Heavy bone and celluloid bag frames that make the nucleus of individual bags. Some have metal reinforcements, extra strong clasps, with pierced frames so it is a simple task to complete the bag. And tomorrow prices are special. Meier & Frank's: Ribbon Shop. Main Floor. Women's $5.00 "Sealpax" Athletic Union Suits -.-$2.95..v-. Between a third and half of the regular price for these nationally known Sealpax union suits. Of extra fine quality light weight silk and lisle mixed fabric in pink and white with dainty pin dot pat terns. Sizes 36 to 44. ' 2 Suits Sealpax Underwear $3.50 Women's Sealpax athletic un - derwear of soft light-weight washable materials in white and pink, plain and fancy patterns. Sizes 36 to 44. 2 suits $3.50 or suit $2. -Meier & Frank's: Underwear Shop, Main Floor. Regular $1.25 to $2.50 Laces 98c . Dress laces comprising net top edges, bands and flouncings in white and ecru, Margot flouncing . and metal novelty laces in gold, , silvar, also silver and antique on black. $2.39 Embroidery Yard $1.29 36-inch voile dress embroid eries in white embroidered with heavy silk floss in rose, copen and maize, also copen and rose embroidered in white. All have scalloped edges. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Boys' "Tom Savyer" iWash Suits Sale $3.85 You've heard a lot about Tom Sawyer Wash Wear, but you haven't seen or heard of it at such a price as this $3.85. Regularly $4.50 to $6 Oliver Twist, Mi'ddy Twist, Junior Norfolk and Regula tion Middy styles. Plain blue, tan and white with contrast ing collar and cuffs, also striped tans and blues. Sizes 3 to 10 years. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Boys, Third Floor. Daisy Outing Flannel 39c The "old" 50c best quality white Daisy outing flannel at less than today's wholesale cost. Excellent heavy weight and twilled in the weave. For all night wear and diaper s 10 yards will make a dozen diapers which we will hem for 25c additional. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. Trimmings 12 Price Odds and ends of trimmings, including motifs, fringes, tas sels, pendants and braids at half the regular prices. Sale of Buttons 10 Card All kinds of remainders, in cluding pearl, ivory, crochet and metal buttons. 1, 2 and 12 on card. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Hosiery Specials Women and children alike will benefit I Special 59c A wonderful lot of women's fine mercerized lisle hose in gray and navy, also fiber silk hose in black and pink. All good values at 59c pair. v Special 49c Children's fine mercerized three-quarter length roll-top sox in heather mixtures of green and black, navy and black, etc. U I Slightly imperfect sox of the regular $1 grade. Sizes 7 to Shis. Meier & Frank's: Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. New Importation French Stationery Interesting new stationery with fancy linings and col ored borders direct from France. Special 75c stationery with attrac tive gold initial, 24 sheets paper a ji d 24 envelopes, box 57. To fl.00 fancy stationery in white and all tints also with colored border, box 40 60c gilt edge playing cards, package 49. $1.50 poker chips, box 98. "500" score cards, dozen 8. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. White and Colored Wash Goods Women who realize that our regular prices in this section are invariably the lowest will appreciate the special prices quoted for this sale. Aeroplane Linen $1 Limited quantity of this 36-inch natural colored aeroplane linen, suitable for women's and children's beach dresses and a multitude of other practical purposes. Rip, tear and practically wear-proof. 36-Inch Percale 39c Regular 50c quality but with slight imperfections in the print which are not noticeable. Pretty Stripes and small figures. 27-Inch Gingham 25c Limited quantity of this good quality 27-inoh gingham in plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors light and dark shades. WHITE GOODS Four excellent values. While Tricot 50c Regular 75c plain white cotton tricot, 36 inches wide. Wbite Voile 50c Regular 75c plain white cotton voile, 38 inches -wide. White Batiste 60c Regular $1 plain white mercer ized batiste, 45 inches wide. White Batiste 39c Regular 60c plain white mer cerized batiste, 27 inches wide. Meier & Frank's: Wash Goods Section, Second Floor. I Sale of Dresses $2.39, $3.95, $6.95 Regularly $4.98, $6.95 and $8.50, respectively. Some are now less than half price. Dresses for morning and afternoon wear in a fine assortment of styles and materials. Models for the miss, the little woman, average and stout figures. Voiles, lawns, ginghams and percales. Pretty combinations of white with rose, blue and red, also plain shades. Belted models, some have white collars and cuffs. Not all sizes in every kind. A remarkable assortment at $2.39, $3.95 and $6.95. White Aprons 93c Save a third on white band aprons of serviceable Indianhead while the quantity lasts. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. Final Reductions on Hair Goods All Switches, Transformations, Pumps and Curls Reduced Off Dependable qualities. Good shades, including gray and white. We have an assortment of cut hair on display from which you may select your shade and have made up into switches and curly "Janes" at moderate prices. Our staff of expert operators assures de luxe service in Shampooing Marcel Waving Facial Treatments Permanent Waving Phone for appointments. Hair Dressing Manicuring Scalp Treatments Children's Hair Cutting -Meier & Frank's: Salon de Coiffure, Fifth Floor. Final Clearaway of Silk Bags FINAL Prices will insure that. Our regu lar stocks newly reduced as follows: $ 7.50 to $15.00 Bags .... $3.98 $16.50 to $25.00 Bags. . . .$8.89 $27.50 to $32.50 Bags. . . $13.50 Many are less than half price. Covered, beaded and a few shell frames, with or without tassels. Blue, brown and taupe are the colors. Moire Hand Ba;s miimmm$ $1 Were $2.25, $2.45 and $3.98. Various styles of frames. Blue, black and taupe. One dollar while the quantity lasts. Moire Hand Bags 79c Were $1.95. Blue, black and taupe. One attractive style. 140 only. Meier & Frank's: Hand-Bag Sho, Main Floor, Our Entire Stock of Pearl Beads 1-3 Off Imitation One of the most brilliant demonstrations that "It Always Pays to Shop at Meier & Frank's" will be given in this sale, for which our entire fine stocks of imitation pearl beads are reduced one third. This includes indestructible and wax filled pearls. Graduated nd uniform beads. 16-inch or neck length and all intermediate lengths up to 54 inches. Regularly $2.50 to $100 now a third less. Meier & Frank's: Jewelry Store, Main Floor. Fleisher's Yarn at Less Than Present Wholesale Cost On Sale Monday 41c Wonderful Value A fortunate purchase of the famous FLEISHER'S four-fold Germantown yarn enables us to offer a large assortment at this remarkable price 5f 41c ball. Women will anticipate their holiday gift requirements (we give free lessons.) All the leading sports shades, including Peacock Old Rose Blue Gray American Beauty Pink in fact, a complete range of colors from which to choose yarn for sweaters, etc. Centers and Scarfs 79c Were $1.39. White centers and scarfs stamped for embroidery on good quality white art cloth, centers 36x36, scarfs 18x45 and 18x54. Children's Dresses v 89c Some were priced $1.50. Sizes for in fants up to girls of 8 years in these white and colored dresses stamped for embroidery. Meier & Frank's: Xeedlework Shop, Second Floor. 2 BIG GLOVE SPECIALS Should crowd this section tomorrow. $2.50 lo $4.25 Gloves $1.59 A marvelous group at this price, which is in some cases less than half. Real French kid, one clasp pi que suede, two clasp washable cape, one clasp P. X. M. gray mochas. Pearl, silver gray, ivory and brown in the lot. All perfect. All expertly fitted. Sizes bV to 7. Silks and Cliamoisettes 39c Final clearaway of hundreds of pairs of famous makes of gloves including Fownes, Dent's, Kayser, Mohawk. Two-clasp silk and slip-on cham oisette gloves, some of which are slightly soiled; some subject to trivial imperfections. Black, white, chamois, mastic, pongee, mode, gray and brown in the lot. Sizes 5V- to 71,4, but broken lines. None of these gloves sent C O. D. or on approval no exchanges. Meier & Frank's: Glove Shop. Main Floor. 9 .A