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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1920)
12 THE SUNDAY OHEGOXIA See Page 15 and Bach Page, This Section Groceries 'A good time to lay in a supply of canned fruits and vegetables at last year's prices. Indications are that there will be much higher prices for this year's pack. 1 Extraordinary Sale D raperies, Curtains, Upholsteries, Etc. Thousands of dollars worth of staple wanted drapery merchandise to be hurried out this week from our regular stocks. The event of the season for owners of homes, home makers, refurnishers and for proprietors of hotels and apartment houses. The time when we scrutinize our stocks for everything in incomplete assortments. Materials which can not be duplicated have been reduced for quick selling. Curtainings of which we have sold quantities are to be sold regardless of their original prices. Couch covers, over-drapery mate rials and fascinating cretonnes are also going out quickly for the same reasons Read all these items and see if you can remember a sale to equal this. As you will quickly realize most of the mer chandise in this sale is offered at less than replacement costs and some of it at half price. Figured $10.50 Mohair $6.35 50-inch mohair furniture covering such as is used on the very finest furniture. Taupe, mulberry and blue. Enough only for ten daven ports. Striped $6.50 Mohair $3.95 28-inch taupe and mulberry mo hair with small self-toned stripes. Only 60 yards at the price enough to cover half a dozen comfortable easy chairs. Mercerized Damask $3.65 $4.50 grade now $3.65 $5.50 grade now S4.45 $6.50 grade now S5.25 Rose, blue, mulberry, brown, green and other wanted colors in this highly mercerized cotton damask which looks so much like satin dam ask that it is hard to tell the differ ence between them. Designs adapted for charming living rooms. $3.25 Diana Cloth $2.15 50 inches wide. Material ordina rily known as "sunfast," although not guaranteed against fading. Al most every desirable color, including rose, mulberry, brown, gold, helio trope, orange, pink, plum. $1.50 Figured Madras $1.15 Charming madras that is light enough for the sunshine to filter through as it hangs from the win dows. 36 inches wide. Rose, mul berry, blue. Cretonne Specials 39c 53c 77c Three large groups of cretonnes in many patterns and colors. Excellent weight suitable for slip covers, cur tains, cushions and other uses. 36 inches wide. Drapery Fabrics Half Price Were yard $4.50 to $7.50 Now $2.25 to $3.75 Silk-mixed poplin, velvet, damask and net materials in odd artistic colors. If you have been trying to find something different it is quite possible that the very shade for which you have been look ing is included in this assort ment. About 600 yards. Equally Good Values Are Not Advertised White Curtaining Materials Yard-wide marquisette was 50c, now 39. Yard-wide marquisette with taped borders was 60c, now 42. Yard-wide marquisette with lace edges was 75c, now 48. 40-inch marquisette was 70c, now 52 40-inch heavy marquisette was 95c, now 63. 48-inch marquisette was 85c, now 54tf. Couch Covers $4.45 $5.50 and $6 grades at S4.45 $8.30 and $9 grades at S6.75 $11.50 and $13 grades at S8.95 $14.50 and $16 grades at 10.75 Armures and tapestries. Green. brown, blue and rose combinations with stripes and interesting foliage ettects. Lrood heavy quality for au tumn and winter use. 800 Pairs of Curtains $1.49 to $3.95 At $3.95 ecru color bobbinet cur tains with linen-like edges. At $1.49 and $2.99 scrim and mar quisette curtains with various lace edges and insertions. These cur tains are durable as well as attrac tive. Sale starts 9:15 A. M. Monday and continues until merchandise is exhausted. Meier & Frank's: Drapery Store, Seventh Floor, Sale of 1200 Pieces Alumiimmware Housewives will be eager to secure at these prices cooking utensils of excellent quality aluminum ware that will not rust, chip or crack and may be easily kept clean. $1.89 Regular $2.75 panel aluminum rice or milk boilers in lV-quart size. $1.99 Regular $2.50 plain shape alumi num rice boilers in 2-quart size. $1.87 Regular $2.50 Windsor aluminum covered kettles in 5-quart size. $1.86 Regular $2.50 aluminum coffee percolators in 2 quart size. $1.85 Regular $2.50 straight aluminum covered sauce pans in 2-quart size. $6.84 Regular $8 heavy cast aluminum tea kettles in 5-quart size. ,$4.45 Regular $6 No. 8 aluminum tea kettles in 5-quart size. $1 Regular $1.50 aluminum lipped sauce pans in 3-quart size. -Meier & Frank's: Household Utilities Section. Basement. Tomatoes, Del Monte, 100 cases, No. 2 cans, $4 case; dozen cans.. Tomatoes, Preferred Stock, solid pack, 100 cases, No. 2 cans, $3.90 case; doz en cans lomatoes, btandard, ICO cases, No. 2 Mi cans, $2.85 case; dozen cans Sugar peas, Preferred Stock, ten der, melting; $5.50 case; doz. cans Sugar 'peas, Certified fancy early June, 100 cases, $5 case, dozen cans Sugar peas, Del Monte, 50 cases, $5.25 case, dozen cans Pork and beans, with tomato sauce, Del Monte, 100 dozen, No. 1 cans, dozen C?" A p? cans for 3.t Pork and beans, with tomato sauce, Del S2.15 $2.10 $1.50 $2.85 $2.65 S2.75 Monte, 100 dozen, No. 2 cans, dozen (J" rjr cans for DJ. I O 40c 35c 20c cans for Grated pineapple, Del Monte, 20 cases, No. 2Mt cans, doz. cans $4.50; can Grated pineapple, Del Monte, 20 cases, No. 2 cans, $4 dozen, can. ...... Grated pineapple, Del Monte, 20 cases, No. 1 cans, $2.25 dozen; can. . . . Table peaches, sliced or halves, 150 cases, less than wholesale, No. ZVi cans, OA CCft $8.75 case, dozen cans D'xt)vl Salmon, Columbia river, Preferred Stock, extra fancy, ovals, $4.75 dozen, pound fflf tins at Soda, Arm and Hammer, 1000 lbs., 1 C pound packages, 85c dozen, 2 packages J-ilU Corn, Standard, extra pack, 100 (1 rjfr cases, $3.25 case, dozen cans U-L.I J Meier & Frank's: Grocery. Ninth Floor. EXTRA SPECIAL 14 Bars of the Famous Crystal While Soap 1 dfr H Hiite Soap Flakes if Packages Crystal Whiti p riaKes We offer 20,000 bars of the famous Crystal White soap in combination with the soap flakes at this special price all week. The regular price of the combination is 1.35. 14 bars of soap and 2 packages of soap flakes now special at $1. Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor. THAT "It Pays to Shop at I every day to the people of has been demonstrated for ing the obvious to say it here, the thousands who have learned it now as axiomatic. To them v cial value-giving demonstrations is more than justified and to th which inevitably proves the tint home forcibly by featuring it as 1 ot demonstrations. C The Bedroom Furniture Specially Priced Dressing table, ivory enamel 2tzL Jfl was $57, now O.U Dressing table, three mirrors, mahogany QQ7 Kfi Four-post bed, mahogany finish, was $67, now Four-post bed, mahogany finish, was $70.50, now $44.50 $46.25 Four-post bed, mahogany finish, QzLQ was $74.50, now Dresser, mahogany finish, was $75.75, now Dressing table, three mirrors, walnut was $75, now $49.85 $49.85 Dressing table, three mirrors, mahogany CizLQ finish, was $74.50, now Dressing table, three mirrors, mahogany Q E? O 7 finish, was $88.50, now I Dressing table, triple mirrors, mahog- QET 4 O Et ! any finish, was $91, now J.& J Dressing table, three mirrors, walnut finish, was $91, now Four-post bed, mahogany finish, was $79.50, now Chiffonier with mirror, was $82, now Dressing table, three mirrors, walnut finish, was $96.75, now $54.25 $56.75 $57.50 $58.50 Dressing table, three mirrors, ivory QEfQ Oct enamel, was $75, now Bed, full size, ivory enamel and cane, QQ was $75, now VJ J Dressing table, three mirrors, walnut sQ finish, was $74, now Vanity dresser, ivory enamel, QAft ET O was $111.50, now VuoJU Chif f one tte, mahogany finish, QE?Q ot was $89.50, now vJOO Chest of drawers, walnut finish, K( was $99, now UG.OU 1 1 Three-Piece Bedroom Suite WAS $650 Now $365 A beautiful walnut suite with full-sized bow end bed, interesting chifforobe and . large, ca pacious dresser. Three pieces at $365. A' GAIN the yearly sale of furniture. Good furnitun Meier & Frank s selections from the best that thJ whole furniture world affords. This year the August Sale opens with a great stock clear 11 Wil V f oil rrr -ranao Tnn?inlan .m'4ni. 4-., ' J vyvnt AiivviiiltVC OUJtO, OillJJt: Ulillll L bles. separate davenports, great easy chairs, beds, dresser: chifforobes and many other pieces. Chest of drawers, walnut finish, QfO K( was $105.50, now ?UuJll Chest of drawers, mahogany finish, Q ff K( was $110, now Vuu,oll Dresser, walnut finish, QCQ OC was $95, now epU.O. Chiffonier without mirror, mahogany QAQ QE5 finish; was $94.50, now 3?U..Otl Chest of drawers, ivory enamel; was QV E?f SI 09. now Chiffonier with mirror, mahogany fin- Q77 K( ish; was $114, now V Dresser, large size, ivory enamel; was 070 K( $110, now V Dresser, good design, walnut finish ; was QQ9 7h SI 20. now ?00. i J Dresser, mahogany finish; was $131, Cjgg j( Pair of beds, mahogany finish; was $155, now : $110 Dresser, large size, mahogany finish; Q 1 Q E?( was $155, -now Dresser, mahogany finish, Berkey & Q" Q7 K( Gay; was $206, now vl Pair of beds, mahogany finish; was " rtA $206. now for QJL)OV The Dining Room Furniture Specially Priced Dining table, mahogany finish, 48-inch QQQ K( top, 6-foot extension; was $58, now. . Buffet, mahogany finish; was $61, $43.7 Buffet, with mirror, mahogany finish; was QAm Sfi2.50. now V"- vrvwvy ......... .... Est&blisrgl TMEr QjJAUtS Sole Agents Universal Stoves, Ranges, Pipeless Furnaces Sixth Floor