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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 5 COMING YEAR PROMISES TO BE RECORD ONE AT OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Building Construction Pushed to Relieve Congestion on Campus and Faculty Is Being Strengthened to Meet Increasing Demands Largest Attendance in History of School Expected. 2? lzjzs-z-z rj wT'awn i . iv- yw, w, -a ,y wiTT inr nr i iiinninii m i u r THE biggest year in th hlstorr of Oregon Agricultural college is predicted not only from the standpoint of attendance, but also j from that of standard of work. Build ing operations are being' pushed with a view to relieving the congestion ex perienced last year. The faculty staff Is being strengthened to meet the In creased demands. The vote of confidence given the schools and higher educational Insti tutions of the state through tax measures passed last May is expected to work wonders in the educational system of the state. The voters have provided something like $2,000,000 a year for the improvement of element ary schools which will pour a stream of the brightest young people through the high schools and into the state in stitutions. Now that the college Is assured an adequate sum for mainte nance, plans are being made to care for the influx of students by giving them practical training under the most competent instructors obtain able. Engrlnecrlngr to Draw. Engineering, in all Its branches, which came first in popularity at the college last school year, is expected to draw fully as many or even more students in 1920-21- Engineers are in heavy demand in the northwest, particularly because of conditions arising-through the war. Graduates In the 1920 class found no difficulty in obtaining responsible and remun erative poeitions the supply. In fact, did not meet the demand. Work is offered in civil, electrical, experimental, irrigation, mechanical and chemical engineering. Industrial arts fits graduates for mechanical trades, and for instructional work in the schools. War conditions brought about an Increased interest In scientific farm ing. The school of agriculture of the college offers courses in animal hus bandry, dairying, farm crops, farm mechanics, farm management, horti culture, poultry husbandry, soils, vet erinary medicine and other branches. Forestry Occupations Varied. Ko profession is said to offer more varied occupation and more satisfac tory rewards than forestry. The school of forestry offers work in for est administration, forest mapping, log scaling, lumber economics, log ging methods and forest finance. Mining is another field which is cred ited with offering great opportunities. The school of mines expects to train the men who will bring to light the state's extensive mineral resources. The school of commerce trains stu dents for business life. This depart ment is growing rapidly, ranking third among the divisions of the col lege in point of total enrollment. The school of pharmacy meets the re quirements of scores of students. The stamp of approval was placed on the college military department when for the third time the title of "distin guished insiltution" was given. More than a million -dollars worth of equip ment is used. Home economics Interested 557 stu dents last school year and it is predicted that the 600 mark will be reached in 1920-21. Many. other young women find the work they desire in the school of commerce, the school of pharmacy, the school of music, and even In some branches of agriculture- Many service courses are offered. HJXL REGISTRATION HEAVY Cadets Enter Portland School From Many States. Hin Military Academy's fan term will open September 15. Heavy regis tration already promises a large at tendance. Cadets will be there from all parts of Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana and some from Call fornia. The school has government equipment and cadets are drilled by experienced army officers. Credits for the academic courses en'.itle them to college or university entrance. Nearly all the cadets graduated In June will enter college in the fall. The younger boys have a separate residence hall at 175 North Twenty fourth street. Portland. The officers have quarters near the main barracks. In speaking of the academy, a Cham ber of Commerce member said: "It is an asset to Portland, as it brings substantial sum of money to the city. It is an advantage for the boys to be able to get the training In military, scholastic and the social side of life. The government Inspectors have praised the school. The manliness of the cadets attests to the success of the training. STUDENTS IiEARX QTJICKXT Gillespie School of Expression Teaches Vs of Inherent Powers, To teach students to use both In herent and acquired Dowers efficient ly is the aim of the Gillespie School of Expression. Through its years of existence, tnis school has enabled stu dents to acquire all knowledge quick ly and easily. The school has been passed upon as an "institution of learning" by the state superintendent of publio in struction and is indorsed as such by men and women engaged in various professional and Industrial lines. Ex cervice men who are entitled, to state educational financial aid are privi leged to use this state aid in this In stitution. After attending the course of In struction offered, cne should be able to converse more readily, to read a book more intelligently, to listen to a concert more understanding, to In terpret from the platform or the stage more convincingly, to teach, preach or argue a case at law more effectively, to transact business more successfully and to live the common, every-day life with more artistry. Few applicants for admission to the school are regarded as undesir able, for most of them have a laud able ambition and a capacity for work. A limited amount of summer work is being carried on during July and August. The full semester opens on September 14. A series of studio re citals are given each year, to which anyone Interested may gain admis sion. The principal of the school is Emma Wilson Gillespie. AVIATORS TO BE TRAINED bodied In the curriculum and the fac ulty of the college is composed of men and women who have received raining which eminently qualifies them for their task. Centrally located. he school is attended by students of Washington and California, as well as Oregon. A number of students from eastern and central western states also attend. Li. Xi. Adcox Plans Most Complete School In West. One of the most complete aviation schools in the west will be opened in Portland soon by L. L. Adcox, presi dent of the Adcox Auto and Gas En gine school. The new institution will be the first school of its kind in the Pacific northwest. Mr. Adcox has Just purchased 11 airplane motors from the government and will leave soon for the east to buy two new, modern airplanes. Accord ing to Mr. Adcox, he will offer an aviation course in which the student will receive training in overhauling and repairing all kinds of airplane engines as well as flying. "To teach the student to fly with out teaching him all about airplane engines and construction would be like teaching one to drive an auto mobile without showing him every thing about the engine," said Mr. Ad cox yesterday. "Such a course would have no commercial value to the stu dent. On my trip I will hire two overseas aces and as soon as I can ocate a good landing field, we will open the most complete aviation school in the west. Our auto school has grown to such an extent that we are having a three story building constructed that covers 100 by 100 feet, giving us 30.000 square feet of floor space. The build ng will be located at East Hancock and Flint streets. We had more than 500 students in one class last season and more than 200 of them were Or egon ex-service men, while about SO disabled soldiers were placed in train- rig by the government and seven students were placed with us by the state industrial accident commission. NORTH PACIFIC IS GROWING College Draws 7 0 Per Cent of Its Students From Oregon. North Pacific college Is one of ths largest of its kind In the world and its departments of dentistry have for the past few years graduated a num ber of professional men who have served the community well. Approxi mately 80 per cent of its students are drawn from Oregon, while the re maining 70 per cent come from every state In the Union as well as foreign countries and provinces. The United States government. after careful investigation of the col lege s equipment, buildings and courses of study, classified it as a class A school, while the Canadian government, after investigation, de cided to send many of its returned soldiers there for professional edu cation. The dentist class of 1919 was the last to graduate under the three-year term. All classes In pharmacy are now required to complete a full four-year course and the requirements for ad mission, which are high school grad- tlon or equivalent, will soon be raised to one year at college prepara tion. BOOKKEEPERS IX BIG DEMAND trlnk's Business College Is Known as "Success School." The demand upon Link's Business college for trained bookkeepers and stenographers is far in excess of the supply at the present time and is still on the increase. For this reason the school has the reputation of being the success school of Portland. Many former students are now in the civil service, some In Washington and oth ers In this city and at various points u over the united states. Special Training Given. Pacific college at Newberg, Or., is directed with the realization that the need of the present day is for spe cially trained men who will assume a commanding position in state and na tional affairs. A liberal education is offered by the college under the best Christian Influence. All studies of Importance are em nouncement of the Pacific university, located at Forest Grove. About 100 r.ew students have already enrolled for the next semester's work and the school is looking forward to the en trance of numerous others. New fac ulty members of the university are: Don M. Dailey, history and econom ics; Harold S. Tuttle, education: Dr. Henry F. Price, mathematics and phy sics; Miss Lottie, S. Peters, librarian and registrar, and Mrs. W. C Hervey, secretary to the president. Several other new teachers are yet to be se cured. COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 7 Christian Brothers Offer Complete Educational Training. The Christian Brothers college has been situated In its present building. Grand avenue North and Clackamas street, since 1908, the school being successor to St. Michael's college. which was one of the oldest educa tional Institutions In the northwest. Christian Brothers college offers a complete educational programme for the coming year. School opens on- September 7. but fall registration win take place September 1. CouT?se Embraces) Four fears. After completing the course of In struction to be secured at the Allen Preparatory school the student Is equipped to enter any college or tech nical school in the United States. Courses of study have been arranged to prescribe with requirements of col lege entrance examination boards. The full curriculum embraces a four year period, but by an intensive and individual system of Instruction ma ture and capable students may com plete their wcrk in less than the usual time required. Emphasis Is placed on the mental development of the pupil and upon his power to think clearly. St. Mary's Has 6 1st Anniversary. St. Mary's academy and college for girls recently celebrated Its 61st an niversary. Resident as well as day students may study at the academy In an atmosphere which is at once refined. moral and Intellectual. Courses offered are the grade, aca demic and collegiate, while depart ments have been established under competent teachers for music, elocu tion, commercial and domestic sci ence. The school term opens Septem ber 2. Willamette Standard High. The highest standards of scholar ship and religious influence are ob tained at the Willamette university. situated in the heart of the Willam ette valley at Salem. Or. Carl G. Doney, president of the college, is known in the northwest as a most efficient educator. Strong pre-pro-fessional courses are given. Other important departments of the univer sity are the college of law, the col lege of liberal arts and the depart ment of music NIGHT CLASSES BEING HELD X. W. C. A. Provides Instructions in Business Courses Offering an opportunity to business girls In particular to study while they work, the Toung Women's Christian association conducts both day and r.ight classes at Its building on West Broadway. Shorthand, type writing. bookkeeping and related subjects are taught. Instruction is also given on adding and computing machines, so tnat a thorough knowl edge of modern office equipment may De acquired. Anniversary Is Celebrated. St. Helen's hall celebrated Its 51st anniversary commencement in June It has had a wonderful record for constructive educational work for the past half century and stands out not only in the northwest, but on .lie en tire Pacific coast, as the oldest girls' school. Its various departments in clude academic and elementary courses ana tne scnool is on the ac credited lists of the universities and colleges because of its high standard of scholastic training. It maintains a model kindergarten and in addition to its regular courses specializes in art and music The school is a home of unusual refine ment and culture as well as an educa tional institution. Piedmont Academy Success. One of the finest boarding and day schools on the Pacific coast is the Piedmont academy at Piedmont. CaL Young men at this academy pursue the usual classical courses and be sides have the benefit of the experi ence of the academy teachers, some of whom have national reputations. AUTO DEALERS TO MEET " . i Grays Harbor to Be Host to Wash ington Organization. HOQUIAM, Wash., July 17. (Spe cial.) Auto dealers of the state, mem bers of the Washington automobile chamber of commerce, will have three busy days on Grays Harbor when they come here for their annual conven tion to be held Friday and Saturday, July 30-31. Sunday will be devoted to trips to Lake Qulnault and beach resorts. Plans for the convention were made at a meeting of the Grays Harbor Automobile association at the Wash ington hotel last evening, the asso ciation being host for the visitors. The business sessions will be held Friday morning in the Elks' lodge. Aberdeen, and close Saturday at noon. Friday afternoon a recption will be held for women visitors at the Amer ican Legion building. A banquet will be given Friday evening at the Gray port, Hoqulam, followed by a dance. Mow Ore its ex- is striving to men incite The fellows who dug trenches In France have not come back to dig ditches In the United States not If Oregon can help It for she is taking definite steps to make her returned heroes In dependent. She is preparing them to make good in a substantial way by training them for busi ness ABSOLUTELY FREE. Ths Oregon chaps who wore olive drab and blue are keenly sensing the really big opportuni ties. That Is why so many of them are getting Into the auto mobile game the third largest industry In the United States. Men of normal ability and common sense are getting train ing that enables them to make $150 to $500 a month in this great Industry. Those who are getting into the business now stand a wonderful chance to forge far ahead during the next couple of years. For statisti cians estimate that by the end of 19S1 TWO AND TWO THIRDS MILLIONS MORE MEN WELL BE NEEDED. This on top of the fact that over 4,000,000 are now employed In the manufac turing, selling and repairing ends! Opportunity is fairly seeking the man because the auto in dustry Is growing so amazingly fast. The first man opportunity seeks is the man who KNOWS . the TRAINED man. Ex-service men realize this. They are going after the training especially when their home state pays their tuition. When an ambitious chap gets a broad fundamental ground-work In auto and tractor engineering. swaiiMi;si-w!rsi'iiLiiisiitfy,':'swpi ii ,'"w.jjmjMnii,w ggwsrast-ytMPTTCsar,- silvan, mi juijUiLni m i i - ex I "- -N-vr 1 t 'J hNji jsit to- i-ii s - v;--- he is . equipped to command dollar-getting positions in many Adcox . This Is the bis; dollar catalog Mr. Adcox 1m willing to send free to any ambitions fellow who wanta to make aia marlc la tne world. r ; : What Uregon Wants to Do for ex-soldiers, Sailors and Marines If yon are an ex-soldier, sailor or marine, the State of Oregon will help you in this big way. You can come to the Adcox School enjoy the advantages of a complete course without paying a single cent. The State of Oregon will pay us it's the apprecia tion of Oregon for loyalty of her sons. You Must Act' NOW Of course, the State Educational fund is limited the oppor tunity it holds out to you cannot last indefinitely. The thing to do if you are an ex-service man, sailor or marine. Is to act now. Get your training before the State fimd is exhausted. Call or write for further particulars and our big free catalog today. Gas Shortage Temporary Some fellows who want to get into the auto game have hesitated because of the gasoline shortage a purely temporary condition for there is enough oil in this country alone to supply all motor propelled craft for twenty-seven years. special lines. For Instance, In the repairing game one of the best paying branches of the in- -dustry a fellow with the right training can specialize can be come a Ford mechanic, a trouble shooter, a magneto specialist, a carburetor expert or work at any other of a dozen or more big income-commanding special lines. Where to get this training Is a question vitally Important. The wrong training might make a failure of a potential $500 a month man. The right kind of training can make successes of a larger percentage of average students. Therefore, to know whether or not a school has the right methods and system, one simply has to note the success or failure of its graduates after they leave school. Of all the auto schools In the entire country, the one that holds the record for graduating the LARGEST PERCENTAGE OP GRADUATES WHO MAKE GOOD IN A BIG WAY is the ADCOX AUTO AN1J OAS ENCilK SCHOOL OP" PORTLAXD, ORE. COS. Sfo successful are the methods employed by Mr. Adcox so successful are the students who graduate from the Adcox School and apply what Is taught them, that Mr. Adcox is able to make the most sensational offer any auto school, or any other school for that matter, ever made. He says to a man: "Do not pay one cent of tuition, but come to my school four weeks. If at the end of that time you are not thoroughly satisfied that Adcox training is everything claimed for It In the big Adcox catalog If you find any false statement in my big book I will not only waive your tuition fee, but will pay you 60 cents an hour for every hour you have attended class at my school." At61utely no offer could be fairer to you nothing could put Mr. Adcox out of business quicker than such an offer were he not positively sure of his position as the most successful instructor In the Pacific Northwest. The details of this unusual offer and full particulars of the remark able Adcox course are contained. In a large impressive book, just lately off the press. Those who have seen It pronounce it ths most finished work of its kind ever published. It tells why automobile schools differ why Adcox graduates are successful tells you how to judge an auto mobile school what counts and what Is sham. The book costs Mr. Adcox one dollar, but he will gladly send a copy free to any fellow who really wants to get on In this world who really wants to get Into the automobile game and be a success. Your copy will come through by return mail if you will fill and mail the coupon NOW. TODAY Clip and mafl this coupon NOW I- 1 ADCOX. President " . . ADCOX AfTO GAS EN- 1 CINE SCHOOL I I Portland, Orcffon I 1 1 I I If you will send me a free opy of that big dollar book I t yours, Ao. 7. 1 promise you will read it through. Name... . Address....... . . ... . College Opens September 7. The fall semester of the College of fuget bound or Tacoroa will open September 15. A complete business, liberal arts and scientific course is of fered. Athletics are given a promi nent part in school activities. Ed ward H. Todd is president of ths col lege. , Tuition to Be Given Free). Free tuition will be given ex-service men, according to a recent an- PALO ALTO MILITARY " ACADEMY A School for Young Boys No h!g-h school. No boy over 15. In session 12 months in the year in one of th finest climates in the United State. Non-sectarian. Home-lik, but with thorough mili tary training-. Boy placed on through steamer met In Saa Fran cisco. Fall Term Begins September 14. COL. K. T. KEI.tT, Pnpt. P. O. Box 1S8-1', Falo Alto, CaL Pacific College Newberg, Oregon The greatest need of tho world in the present day is Trained Leadership. Pacific College is doing its share to supply this need. A liberal education under the best Christian influence. Prepare for larger tasks. Go on with your education. . Write for catalogue and full information to The President, Pacific College, Newberg, Oregon. MISS HAEKER'S SCHOOL FOB GIRLS. PALO ALTO. CAL. Resident and day school. Favorable climate and large grounds permit of outdoor lifs all the year. Prln. Catherine Harker. A. B. Vaasar. vr SUV h 4 m k t ? A j I & 4 r& ...--- .- -V- -v- -f - ' - " - Hm m Jjj MT. ANGEL COLLEGE ST. BENEDICT, OREGON CONDUCTED BY THE BENEDICTINE FATHERS OFFERS COMMERCIAL, ACADEMIC, COLLEGIATE, PRE-MEDICAL AND PRE-LAW COURSES Ideal Location, Modern Buildings Splendidly Equipped Throughout. Fall Term Opens September 8, 1920. RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE 434 Railway Exchange Building Corner Third and Stark Sts. We are conducting an exclusive Telegraph School which can qual ify you within a few months for railway telegraphy. NOW IS THE TIME TO START TRAINING The Northwestern College of Law Portland, Oregon Seventh Floor, Courthouse EVENING CLASSES WEEK DAYS FROM 7:00 TO 9:00 P. M. Fall Term Opens Sept. 15 For further information and catalogue, apply to J. Hunt Hendrickson, A. B LL.B., Dean 610 Spalding Bldg, Portland Telephone: Main 421 Miss Catlin's School FOB BOARDING AND DAY FOPIM Now occupies Its nsw fculldln oa WESTOVER TERRACES Aa Idoal Location BaskstJgaU ami . Tsa nis Courts. Prepares girls for eastern as well as western co' leges and schools, under a fac ulty of abl eastern teachers. Number of students in each class limited. Primary. Intermediate ami High School Xepartments Boys Accepted In Primary Grades. Special and College Preparatory Courses. Music, Art. Physical Train ing a-nd Science. French Taught Througlut the School. Boarding Department Special Feature. Catalogue Sent -Upon Request to weetover Terrace- 7 tortland, Oregon. Phone Marshall 8120. TWELFTH VEAB School of Portland Art Association i Art Museum Fifth and Taylor Sts, SEPTEMBER TERM WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 1 Enrollment may be made now to begin courses the first of September. Our present low tuition rates will be discontinued after July 31st. ENROLL NOW A. T. Link, Principal Tenth and Morrison Sta Portland Oregon - Telephone Broadway 5083 V':. r-j, i) .-jr. mm mm OREGON'S SCHOOL FOR OREGON'S TEACHERS OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOUTH, OREGON PURPOSE The training of teachers for professional work, FACULTY Every member professionally trained. COURSES Primary, Advanced, Rural, Music, Drawing, House hold Economy, Physical Training. NEW COURSE COMMERCIAL COURSE. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Completion of fonr years high school work. GRADUATION Completion of courses leads to State Certificate without examinations. TERMS BEGIN Fall term . .Sept 20, 1920 Winter term Jan. -Spring term Mar. Summer school June 3, 1921 29, 1921 27, 1921 INFORMATION For further information write to the Registrar. St. Helens Hall CEPISCOPAL) PORTLAND, OR. One of the oldest and best known girls' schools in the northwest. Fifty-sixth c o n s e e utive year. Now in enlarged buildings. C o m p 1 e te Academic and Ele mentary courses. Music, Art, etc. For catalogue, rates for resident or day pupils, address the Sister Superior. St. Helens Hall. Thirteenth and Montgom ery. Streets, Portland. Oregon. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY Portland, Oregon Primary Intermediate and Academic Departments CONSERVATORY A NNO UN CEMENT The Oregron Conservatory of Muslo Is thoroughly equipped with Te&chera, Instruments and material for Impart ing Musical Knowledge. In the thprt est time possible coni-tent with ap Intelligent understanding of theory, technique and performance for Be ginners, Intermediate, Advanced and Diploma Graduates, on either Voice. Violin, Harp. Mandolin, Guitar, Etc. Parents or Students seeking cor rect methods of Instruction, inspiring musical training, artiBtic mannerism of expression and withal cultured asso ciations, are Invited to call and confer. Hummer Term Now Open. ORKOON CO'SfciRVATORY OF MCSIC lAVti tb bt.e Kettr Morrison. Fortiaad. ALBANY COLLEGE DOUBLED its student body and its income last year. It should double again. That means the beginning of buildings on the new 4S-acre campus and increased endowment. Write President A. M. Williams, Albany, Or Gillespie School of Expression A course In natural, scientific vocal and bodilv expression, with lt underlying basis of observation, information, thought and reason, ia indorsed by teachers, public speakers and professional entertainers It is an aid to self -discovery and to the hifrhest self-expression in any line of endeavor. For information regarding- the Gillespie School, find printed matter at The Oregonian office or address Mrs. Emma Wilson Gillespie, Principal 534 Morrison Street, Portlaad Oregon.