The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 18, 1920, SECTION FOUR, Page 2, Image 52

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Seer? Jjras&LS'&j&4"J!,&rjrirrlcr Jj&lZtrtrxrr
: ;" fwl It , ii Jjl ilk'
Columbia William S. Hart,
Majestic Miriam Cooper. "The
Deep Purple."
Rivoli Corinno Griffith, "The
Garter Girl."
' Liberty Katherlne McDonald,
'Playthings of Passion."
Peoples Km ma Dunn. "Old :
Lady 31."
Star Tom Mix. "Desert Love." '
Circle William S. Hart, "T h e
Toll Gate."
Today' Mnsleal Features.
Liberty Organ concert at 12:30
o'clock noon, by Henri Keates. ;
Rivoli Orchestra concert at
. 12:30 o'clock noon, under, di
rection of Mischa Guterson.
Majestic Organ concert at 1:30
P. M. by Cecil Teague.
AMERICAN plan of open shop Is
now actually in effect in Port
land. Victory for exhibitors was spelled
lrhen pickets were recalled from in
.'. front of the Liberty, Columbia,
Majestic, Peoples and Star . theateft
on Thursday evening as the result of
a temporary injunction gotten out by
Jensen & Von Herberg. The peftion
for the injunction contended picketing
is Illegal when it was not a case of
employe against his employer, as In
; the case of a sympathetic strike. The
suit was based on the fact that only
25 per cent of the stock is owned by
the firm of Jensen & v on Herberg,
When organists of the Jensen &
Von Herberg houses defied the local
theatrical association of Portland
and vicinity by returning, some of
them on the very day on which the
.- strike was supposed to have com
' menced, the tide turned in favor of
the exhibitors. Love Devis, less than
-- 20 years of age and now playing first
relief at the Liberty, was the one who
' . first broke the ice and returned to
work. By Monday all the regular
places were filled. When the injunc
tion was put into effect ' Thursday
'., each house had its usual quota of
operators, electricians, stage hands
and other employes. In addition a list
' of 25 applicants for positions as oper-
S atora was on file.
Orders for a. three manual Wur-
'.'litzer organ to cost $25,000 or more
'-and to be installed in the Columbia
-, theater within the next 60 days was
"'also, another effect of the injunction.
The policy of installing expensive or-
I. .hestral organs in their houses and
Z'ot employing the finest musicians ob-
tainable was inaugurated by the firm
- of Jensen & Von Herberg and is a
. strictly western cinema character
istic When the unions forced or'
jz chestras of stipulated eizes in the
larger houses it made it impossible
tor money also to be invested in in
etruments as expensive as a- huge
- organ. Six months' experience of
operating orchestras has not proved
T successful for the reason that nan-
- agers declare enough really trained
and skilled artists cannot be found. at
this time in the northwest.
Therefore the orders for a new
organ at the Columbia and for re
: modeling the Peoples organ have been
given and search has already com
menced for men who will command
high salaries but who will be able to
furnish real music.
The Columbia organ will be three
manuals, as the size of the house
will not allow a "giant"- four-manual
.. instrument, as that ' of the Liberty
TZ It will resemble in many ways the
- Majestic orchestral organ, which is
also as large as can possibly be in
m stalled In a house of that size.
Interesting side - lights of the
- strike were brought out during the
picketing. Mrs. Bruce, wife of the
Peoples manager, crossed the etree
- as if to enter the theater, then ap
parently for the first time noticed the
union girl and her huge banner.
; "Why are you picketing thia the
. ater? asked Mrs. Bruce.
"wen, it s there s a strike, was
t the uncertain answer.
"What's the strike about?" Queried
Mrs. Bruce.
"I don't know," the girl replied. "All
I know is that I - am making som
extra money.," .questioning
1 4
brought out the fact that the girl was
in the employ of a local laundry in
which she worked eight hours. To
eke out her pay ehe was putting in
from four to six hours in addition to
her regular day's work, earning more
money but putting in days of from
12 to 14 hours.
Several of the employes called out
did not know why their own unions
were acting against the theater.
Members of the Peoples and Colum
bia orchestras volunteered to come
back, but were told that the unions
had put the orchestras in against the
firm's will, had ordered them out in
defiance of the theater owners, and
now the unions could put them in
again. So far the unions have failed
to do this.
The strike had its funny features.
A. C. Raleigh, manager , of the Co
lumbia theater, furnished amusement
to several newsboys late one night
while he pasted up his huge posters
in the lobby. When he had finished,
so he alleges, there was enough paste
In that vicinity to have attached
posters on any of the surrounding
buildings. ;
During "the early hours of' the
Saturday morning when the strike
was called no musician had appiared
for the Columbia theater. Mr. Ra
leigh began to be worried and about
IS minutes before the house was
scheduled he went down to the
organ and tried out his own skill.
Just at that moment a negro opened
the door.
"I see your ad for musicians," he
volunteered. He was received with
open arms and before heknew just
what had happened he was sitting
at the console.
""Ah, don' know nothing about or
gans ah plays the piano," he ob
jected as Mr. Raleigh proceeded to
explain intricate stops, pedals and
keys. "Ah don' know that ah wants
this Job."
xou ve already got this job, was
the answer as Mr. Raleigh literally
forced, him back onto the bench and
again began explaining the xnechan
ism of the organ.
At. 11 o clock the Columbia doors
were opened and simultaneously the
programme flashed on the screen ac
companied by organ mtosic At S
o'clock that afternoon an experienced
organjst-j appeared- at the Columbia
ready for duty. "Say, don you folks
have a regl'ar musician?" demanded
the first substitute.
vvhy.'yes, ordinarily, but the boys
worn out on a little strike todav
Mr. Raleigh explained.
btrike! Ma goodnees, why didn't
you say so?" and shaking his woolly
head the man dived into his pocket
ana orougnt out his union card.
Negotiations for purchase of the
Rivoli theater caused considerable at
tentlon on -film row last week. Sev
eral parties representing- Portland,
Seattle and eastern interests are bid
ding on the theater. It was errone
ously reported at one time that Jen
sen & Von Herberg had bought if
xnis was denied both by J. C. Stille.
manager of the Rivoli, in whose hands
the sale rests, and by C. S. Jensen.
resident member of the firm of Jensen
& Von Herberg. The Rivoli was pur-
cnasea jasi jecemDer Dy Seattle men,
among whom was Mischa Guterson,
who because of his $25,000 worth of
stock was made managing director.
He was employed at a salary of $500
ween.iv as airector or the Rivoli or
chestra. Management of the Rivoli
declares that with three - exception
tne tneater Has made money each
week, but that difficulty in getting
pictures is the hardest factor that
has been coped with. Northwest
film men know that the real trouble
started when Goldwyn sold to com
petitors VThe Silver Horde," a pic
ture which the Rivoli had already
puoucaiiy announced as purchased
ami which the Rivoli . considered
breach of faith and therefore brok
Its contract for exclusive showing of
leaiures maae oy that company.
.'., -.
Frank Lacey found an excited man
in his audience last Thursday evenin
when John C. . Rorison saw in the
news -picture then showing on - th
Majestic screen a picture of his
brother -in Poland. Mr.. Rorison ar
rived in Portland Thursday evening
at fi o'clock and bis .train to an
Francisco leaving several hours later,
he found time hanging heavily on his
hands. Accordingly he visited the
Majestic theater. In the news reel
was a picture of the Poruzuick Polish
air service at Kosciuszko Escadra
and in this picture he recognized as
one of the aviator's his brother. Cap
tain' Harmon C. Rorison. Until a
month ago his famiry had been six
months without word from Captain
Rorison. Mr. Lacey cut from the film
three-minute pictures of the Captain.
These were given to the captain's
brother and one of them will go back
to a worried little mother in Wil-1
mlngton. N. C. i
- j
W. E. Keefe, manager of the Amer
ican Lifeograph company, will leave
next week for New York where he
hopes to coneummate a deal with the
First National Exhibitors' circuit for
ne releasing of a series of six sa
tirical comedies produced in Port-
and during the . last six months.
These pictures have all had pre-
iewings. most of them at the Colum-
la theater. Their showings were
nannounced. Chuckles, rinoles of
laughter - and wide grins gave Mr.
Keefe and other members of the or
ganization who scattered themselves
through the audiences, indications of
tne strength and success of the pic
tures. Portland Is famous for its conser-ra.
tlveness. It is a city which gives
approval only with deliberateness and
incerity and therefore the cordial.
warm manner in which these satirical
comedies have been received lead
local exhibitors to believe thev will
also be successful in houses scat
tered throughout the country.
New andileasing photograDhic ef
fects have been employed by the
American LIfeogTaph-as the result of
devices invented by Lewis Moomaw,
one of the company officials. Close-
ups are wonderfully effective because
of hazy backgrounds which serve as
neutral element and so bring into
6trong relief the features on the
screen. Marvelous scenic views are
shown throughout each comedv and
tne pnotography here, also, attracts
attention by remarkable perspectives
wnica give an unusual appearance
oi -neptn.
"The Golden Trail." a drama made
by the American Lifeograph and
shown In Portland last winter, has
been sold to the Arrow Film company,
which will sell it with state rights.
Another drama is now in the cutting
process anT will be taken east to
be placed on the market by Mr. Keefe
when he leaves next week. The
American Lifeograph company has
received a three months' vacation.
It will reassemble next autumn and
if Mr. Keefe's plans are successful
work will be started on another series
of six satires which will again be
dedicated to the weaker sex the
Every dog has Its day. Not so with
motion picture houses. Should four
more religious sects enter the field
the third biggest industry of this
country will be doomed, it is feared.
A campaign launched by the Ortho
dox Protestants of Dallas to close
amusement places on Sunday was
recently defeated, it is said, by - the
action of Seventh Day Adventists,
who demanded Saturday as the one
day on which business places should
be closed. The situation became more
Involved when in evident satire, mem
bers of the faith suggested that if
motion picture bouses were to close
at any time during each week, the
period should-commence at Bundown
on Friday evening when their. Sab
bath started. .
C. W. Koerner, Universal branch
manager, spent last week visiting
a score of Oregon's more prominent
exhibitors living in the Willamette
and Rogue river valleys and on the
coast. While he was gone George
Bourke, district manager, held down
the office. Mr. and Mrs. Bourke plan,
to leave for Seattle and Butte during
this week following Mr. Koerner's
return. Those who were on Mr. Koer
ner's calling list were George Bligh
of the Liberty and Bligh theaters of
Salem; C. F. Hill of the Globe theaters
of Albany and Roseburg; F. .White
side . of the Crystal theater of Cor
vallisj; A F. McDonald of the Rex and
:-"rf' 111
'A &&J ill
Ite h ' 1 1111 "
- y t j III I
Oregon theaters. Eugene; George A. '
Hunt, operator of the Medford Rialto;
O. K. Bergner of the Vlning in- Ash
land; Robert M. Marsden of the Noble
theater, Marshfleld; D. M. Hull of the
Liberty in North Bend; and" C. A. Gage
of the Liberty in Coquille. Although
Mr. Koerner has been in Portland
several months, it is his first oppor
tunity to go on the road and actually
study the cinemas in Oregon. His
trip was made possible by Mr. Bourke,
who ha inaugurated the policy in
all northwest Universal exchanges of
the local managers knowing per
sonally the territory in which they
place films. In addition to Mr. Koer-
ner's visits the regular universal
salesmen are on the road.
The Oregon Film exchange of Port
land, Or., has sold all Its propertyf
holdings, contracts and accounts, to
the new Interstate Film exchange.
Inc., of Portland, Or., with branch
offices in S-iattle and Spokane, Wash.
The new exchange is incorporated in
Orepon for $5J.O00, fully subscribed
by H. G. Mapes. president; L. A. Todd,
vice-president and general manager;
G. C. Mapes, secretary-treasurer.
They are now operating by buying
franchises for the states of Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Montana,
Franchises on other territory eventu
ally will be contracted for.
The prpers of incorporation call
for, in part, the buying, selling, leas
ing and rentals of films, slides and
accessories, to transact a general do
mestic import and export business.
Mr. Mapes and Mr. Todd, formerly
branch manager for General Film
company, Portland, have been con
nected with the film business for a
great many years.
"High and Dizzy" Is the next two
reel Lloyd comedy to be released. J. J.
Parker, of the Majestic theater, want
ed this picture for a showing begin
ning yesterdny. On Tuesday he noti
fied Melvln G. WInstock. local Pathe
manager, and seeing difficulties In
the yay for lack of time, Mr. Win
stcck put in a long distance call for
the New York Pathe office. New York
was willing to accommodate Mr. Par
ker, but saw difficulties in the way
of landing a print In Portland in time
for the Saturday showing. Permis
sion was asked to telephone the labo
ratories at Hollywood. This was
granted and Los Angeles was request
ed to furnish an immediate pTir.t of
"High and Dizzy," which was done,
and yesterday, in the forenoon at the
opening of the show at the Majestic
theater, "High and Dizzy" was on ex
hibition and people were laughing at
the antics of goggle-eyed Harold
Lloyd. "For speed in the matter of
service." said J. J. Parker of the Ma
jestic, "I believe this achievement
holds the record for the United
A. B. Cleland, formerly Portland
representative of Hodkinson corpo
ration, has been appointed as man
ager of Seattle, the position formerly
held by P. G. Lynch, now Seattle
Pathe manager, and Frank H. Cassil
has been appointed Portland repre
sentative of Hodkinson and will
l-ortly make a tour of his. territory.
getting acquainted with the trade.
Mr. Cassil was particularly pleased
with the way "Riders of the Dawn"
went over at the Majestic theater.
"The Girl in the Web," Blanche
Sweet's latest production, has been
sold to the Rivoli. As Miss Sweet
will make her personal appearance
in Portland at an early date, th
Rivoli expects to put this picture on
wnue she is in the city.
W. M. Chambers, for two years past
connected as a short subject sales
man with Pathe, will shortly leave
for a similar position out of the Dal
las, Tex., office. Walter Wessllng.
Pathe western division manager, re
turned to Seattle Thursday and will
leave almost immediately for Los An
geles. W, G. Carruthers, special fea
ture salesman for Pathe, left yester
day for a complete tour of central
Oregon points. Will Hudson, camera
man' for Pathe Weekly, has been in
the city all vek and is picturizing a
big sensation from an aeroplane, de
tails of which will be published next
ween, -i can't tell what I am after
said Hudson, "because I want it to be
the best scoop that has ever beifc at
tained in America." Pathe has signed
a new lease for larger quarters and
as soon as the dates of possession are
fixed will announce the location. "We
will have," said Manager Winstock.
"the best equipped exchange west of
Chicc-tfo when we get in our new
Jazz is slowly but surely losing its
place in Sunday concerts. A year ago
the concerts had one, and never more
than two, classical numbers. Today,
however, one noon concert will be
played with absolutely no jazz on its
programme, and another will have
but one group, which is of the popular
ballad type rather than Jazz.
The Rivoli programme to be given
this noon at 12:30 o'clock will be as
Robespierre H. Lltelf
realise Macabre Salnt-Saens
Am Sprlngbrunnen A. Zabel
Harp Solo Hubert Graf
Elegle Massenet
Uanco of the Hours A. Fenchlelll
The weekday concert pieces will be:
Rebesplerre H. Litelfr
Am Sprlngbrunnen... A. Zabel
Harp Solo Hubert Graf
Henri Keates, who presides at the
Liberty consule, has arranged the
following programme for 12:30 o clock
Strains of Klllarney R. Becker
Lovely Night Offenbach
Traumarei Schumann
Estudlantlna 'Waldteufel
A Perfect Day Carrie-Jacobs-Bond
Chloa Lyons
Dear Old Girl (by request)
Haydtn, Hall and anyaer
Aids Verdi
Cecil Teague. Majestic . organist.
will play the following numbers at
1:30 o clock this afternoon:
The Diplomats Sousa
Peppy Tune of Yesterday ana TMay.
Kammenoi Ostrow Rubenstein
la Sweet September ....Monaco
Passion's Playground" Is Picture
of Monte Carlo and Gambling.
Out of the sanctity of a Scottish
convent. Mary Grant, through whose
veins flowed the blood of her gam
bler-father. Is thrown Into tne glamor
of Monte Carlo's famous society. This
is the central thought of Katherine
MacDonald's latest production, "Pas
sion's Playground," adapted from the
world-famous story. "The Guests of
Hercules," by C. N. and A. M. Wil
liamson. This picture will be shown
on the screen of the Liberty this
Never in Miss MacDonald s career
has she been afforded a role with the
romantic and dramatic possibilities
that come to her as the convent girl
warned aforehand to beware of the
memory of a chum who had three
years before fled from the convent to
become lost in tne maze or. gamoier
It Is in the strange meeting witn
the mysterious runaway girl that the
Messrs. Williamson have provided, a
Climax ror tneir great pioi. rirageu
to secrecy, Mary Grant takes upon
herself the disgrace that accompanied
the strange fate of the "missing- girl.
The famous gambling hall or Monte
Carlo, where men ajid women from
the ends of the earth, memoers or tne
nobility and royalty, adventurers and
the idle rich, assemDie at tne snrine
of chance, is faithfully reproduced In
"Passion's Playground."
Some typical scenes of the sort of
crowds that frequent the notorious
gaming resort, where great fortunes
are won and lost in a single evening,
have been Introduced. ,
'The Garter Girl" la ' Something
- Different in Film Drama.
A breath of pure country air and
a touch of theatrical color blended
Into a human-Interest story charac
terlzes ' "The Garter Grl," adopted
from the O. Henry story and shown
this week at the Rivoli theater. It
is entirely different from the average
feature, and this in itself makes the
film an achievement in motion picture
art.' To get something different in
I this day, when there are hundreds oX
ns ! If iv ? viv v..
f &llr x ,w? , - V II
' ' Ik 11 7; ' irf'w , -j
(- L 1 .1- - 4"-' ' ... . 1 TS-
in iJI& .: -
hjc rot 1,- - - - yf -.PSv.; v .
pictures on the market, is worthy of
special mention.
Surprises, suspense, humor and love
are cleverly blended in a background
of artistic beauty set off by thrills
and spectacular feats. It is not a
story of the impossible. , Neither Is it
a tale of weird, fantastic imaginings,
but rather a story of life as It ex
ists It is the beautiful simplicity, the
closeness to human nature and events
that come within the range of the
average mortal, that make "The Gar
ter Girl" something more than a mere
film feature. It becomes a living,
pulsating reality, telling life's story
with all of its queer little twists and
The story deals with Rosalie Rav,
a vaudeville actress, who every after
noon and evening swings over the au
dience and kicks a garter from her
shapely leg. It disgusts her to see
the young men and old fight for pos
session of this memento. The ad
vances made by men In the profes
sion and especially those made bv
Brad Mortimer, her manager, force
her to the decision of abandoning
the life.
Rosalie seeks seclusion In a small
hamlet and becomes a eoloist in the
church choir. She becomes the
sweetheart of the minister and final
ly tneir engagement Is announced.
Rosalie feels that at last she has dis
covered a man who is different from
the rest.
One day In the minls-ter" tnrtv
Rosalie opens a treasure - box. and
what she sees' there convinces her
that all men are alike. She returns
to her old life and Brad Mortimer.
iierpert Kawlnison. In "Th wr-iri
and His Woman," will come to the
itivoll next week.
Today's concert at 12:30 o'elor-k
noon, under the direction of Misrha
Guterson, will be as follows: "Robes
pierre- (jri. L,ttolff), "Danse Ma-
caDre- (baint-Saens). "Am SDring-
brunnen" A Zabel). harp olo, Hu-
Dert urar; "Klegle" (Massenet):
Dance of the Hours" (A. Penchielli).
on week days the two selection
win De played each afternoon and
evening; "Robespierre" (H. Litolff).
Am Sprlngbrunnen" (A Zabel) ha
Women's Home Admits One Slore;
Smiles and Tears in This Film.
Kachel Croners' celebrated stage
play, "Old Lidy SI," as adapted to
the screen with Emma Dunn as the
star, will be the feature at the Peo
pies theater until Tuesday midnight.
On Wednesday "The Shadow of Rosa
lie Byrnes," starring Elaine Ham
merstein, will be the attraction.
Emma Dunn created the leading
role of Angie In the New York stage
production of 'lie play by Lee Kugel
and was specially engaged for star
dom on the screen In the same char
acter. Angie is a personality of rare
sweetness, and Just the sort of
"mother" role that brought fame to
Miss Dunn in the theater.
In a story of qualntness and infinite
charm. Angle end Abe, her life's part
ner for 60 years, are reduced to pov
erty. Ate is planning to go to the
poor farm, while Angie, with the few
dollars they have saved from the
wreck of their lives, is headed for the
old womsa's home. The thought of
porting Is anguish to the lifelong
At the doorstep of the old women's
home. Angle lalters. The inmates
take pity on the -couple, and. although
it is against the rules, admit Abe as
"old lady 31" he being the only
male In the louse. But he Is happy
to be near Angie and everything goes
well until the 30 spinsters and "wid
der women"- in the institution get
their dander up when Abe is too at
tentive to one of them.
The ensuing incidents are of the
sort that bring many smiles and an
occasional tear. The play is in the
very best vein of Rachel Crothers. one
of America's leading women play
wrights. Henry Harmon, who played
Abe on the stage, re-creates that role
in the screen version. Others in the
cast are Winifred Westover. Antrim
Short, Graham Pettle, Lawrence Un
derwood, Clara Knott. Carrie Clark
Ward, Sadie Gordon, Martha, ilatto.
-' r! ' . - 1 '" ''",'.'''''11
Xs L v
May Wells and Ruby Lafayette. John
E. Ince directed the production from
the scenario by June Mathis, and
Maxwell Karger, director-general,
personally supervised it.
Sew Hart Picture Opens for Week
at Columbia.
In these days of extravagant titles
for motion pictures, it Is pleasing to
record that the William S. Hart pic
ture which opened for a week's run
at the Columbia theater last night,
bears the expressive name of "Sand!"
It presents the popular delineator of
western types in a characteristic role
and Is thoroughly entertaining.
band! has a double meaning.
refers to the locale of the picture
the broad expanses of the southwest
ern "bad lands" and to that desirable
ingredient in a man's makeup that
helps him over difficulties and en
ables him to dare much. Bill Hart is
that kind of hero. Part of it is con
summately good acting, but there is
something in that homely face of his
and sureness of movement that makes
you believe he could really do in real
life all that he accomplishes on the
screen. Bill Hart has rationalized the
Western." He has kept all the ex
citement of gunfights, clashes with
"bad men. holdups and the like.
There are cowboys in "Sand!"
There's the local "bad egg" and the
fight-breeding saloons. But it has all
the true-to-lifeness of your own home
town and the folks next door. Mr.
Hart's own characterization , of the
cowpuncher hero is as clear as a
cameo. He is a sort of D'Artagnan of
the plains a straight shot, a stout
heart, but inclined to wander where
his whim rfireets.
Few people realize the amount of
care taken In. the selection of loca
tions for modern screen comedies.
"Solid Concrete," which will be shown,
at the Columbia theater on the same
bill with "Sand!"
Larry Semon, Vitagraph comedian.
is director as well as scenario writer
of all his comedies and with each new
production he has three functions to
fulfil. In "Solid Concrete" the action
takes place in a huge stone quarry
and stone-crushing machines, gigantic
cranes and a fully equipped- black
smith's shop were a few of the prop
erties needed.
Larry Semon, the director, located
all these and then made "Solid Con
crete" a real comedy of the quarry
yard. He works in the blacksmith s
shop, takes a ride on the big cranes,
falls off a trestle and generally plays
the kind of a boob always getting into
trouble. But the owner's daughter
loves him despite It all and he comes
Into full honors at the end. But the
real triumph of the comedy is the
trim to life color which Mr. Semon
has put into the story through the
legitimate background of the stone
crushing Industry.
Majestic Is Showing Miriam Cooper
In 'The Deep Purple."
That the goodness and beauty of a
woman's bouI is something environ
ment and circumstance cannot destroy
is shown in "The Deep Purple," at
the Majestic theater this week on the
double star bill also featuring "High
and Dizzy" and Harold Lloyd.
The heroine of 'The Deep Purple,"
which is adapted from the sensational
stage success by Paul Armstrong and
Wilson Mizner, is a sweet, unsophisti
cated country girL Fresh from her
rustic home, she is precipitated Into a
seething vortex of crime and intrigue
in the underworld and made the tool
of a scoundrel blackmailer.
Unwittingly she becomes the pivot
of a blackmail scheme involving a
prosperous young mining engineer.
The conspiracy is exposed. In the
eyes of the law the girl is an accom.
plice of the blackmailers, but tne min
ing engineer feels instinctively that
the girl is a victim of circumstances
and that her sweet, wholesome nature
Is not a sham. How the girl justifies
his faith and wins his love is revealed
with telling effect by Walsh in this
drama of love and faith.
Miriam Cooper, whose superb act
ing in "The Deep Purple" will win
lavish praise from the thousands who
will see the production at the Majes
tic theater, is a protege of D. W. Grif
fith. Under the master director's
tutelage, the actress first learned the
rudiments of her art and has since
developed into one of the screen's
most finished and skillful Interpre
ters of emotional roler
Previous to her debut In pictures.
Miss Cooper was an art student. A
chance meeting with Mr. Griffith re
sulted in her decision to abandon the
palette and brush in favor of a career
fConcluded on Pare 6.)
Sunday and Monday
"The Toll Gate"
'Squeaks and Squawks'
f I'M 9
Open From 9 o'clock In the Morn-
Ins; TntU 4 o'Clock the Following