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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
TIIE SUND'AT OltEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 tWa.Ha. tra in hniiKH Vpta Thi htvi with them Ben Jr., Frank P. Stone and Lillian Brickey. Henry Donnerberg has opened hit cottage at Newton Station. SEAVXEW SEASON IS OPENED Cottagers Beginning to Arrive and Beach Becomes Lively. clal.) Many ot those who each year open up their cottages at Seaview have moved In for the season and the beach is begnning to take on a much livelier appearance. LaFt week a group of summer visit ors at the Seaview hotel made merry at a bonfire given by Miss Oritae Mutzig in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Frost of Portland, who passed their honeymoon .here. Those present were Mrs. S. B. Barker, Kenneth and Simon Barker, Frances Fife, Curtis Hoare, Julia Hoare, Katherine end Dorothy Mutxlg and W. S. Murdock. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheen have taken the Bartholomew house for the sura mer. Miss Lucile McClung of Portland and Miss Lucile Brady of Los Ange les were at the Gables this week with Mrs. W. C. McBride. at school in Santa Barbara, has joined her family at the Wheeler cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Keller are In stalled in the Win terbot ham house for the remainder of the season. Mr. Keller plans to do a number of oils and sketches while here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seufert have cSme with their two children from The Dalles to pass the summer at their house. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Mathews of The Dalles are in the O'Neal cottage on the boulevard and have guests with l n r v. . . rri.. - : i . . incm iui ma puiuuici. lug i.uiiijr motored down. Mrs. H. W. Corbett opened' the big Corbett house at Seaview Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. French and son. ' Ward, are among the vacationists here from The Dalles. .- Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pilchard are occupying Idle Hour this season, The Nook has been taken for the summer by Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Mc Duffee. The J. Wesley Ladd house was opened last Thursday. bourne hotel in the past week are .Mrs. Charles Huggins, Miss Eloise Hncpinii Arthur PrrMp-n P1b1a .W. B. Roberts and John iJitchburn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bernard and daughter, Gertrude, are in their cot tage. Black Haven, near Shelbourne station. Mrs. D. A. Shindler passed the week nd at the Sunset hotel. Mrs. Jerome Friedman and sister. Miss Hattle Baum, are established In the Baum cottage, where they plan to remain for the summer. Camp Hungry, the F. C. Wasserman ..cottage on the railroad track, Is housing a family from Idaho, includ . lng Mrs. J. H. Gipson and children . from Caldwell and her sister, Mrs. McGee of Boise. Miss Margeret Stuby and Mrs. R. S. .33. Ktuby from Helena, Mont., are .spending their vacation at Seaview. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw of Van couver are here with their little eon for a visit with Dr. Edna Blake. Mr. Shaw, who is postmaster at Vancou ver, is Dr. Blake's son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Haeadorn and children are among the recent ar rivals at Seaview. Mrs. L. G. Acton and daughter are In a cottage at Holman station. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Albee are pass ing a few weeks at Seaview. The Albee cottage on the ridge has been opened by Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gliburt. Mrs. G. N. Hansen has brought her family to the coast for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Lewis are now Occupying Hull house. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McRobble of Nampa. Idaho, are spending a month at Seaview In one of Mof fatt's houses. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Nickerson and sons are in the Bartholomew cottage ' for the season. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sims of The Dalles are summering at Seaview. In the past week the register at the Seaview hotel has borne the names of the following: Mrs. Elizabeth Tay lor of Portland and 'Miss Helen Tay lor, who has recently come from New England; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd riliilivr, iui . snu jiid. aiiiiui i . ijjic. After spending eeveral days at the Seaview hotel Mrs. S. B. Barker moved her children Into the large Moffatt house. With her were Ken neth and Simon. Later her other two - eons, Carroll and Charles, joined her at the cottage. H. Glenn and daughter are here from The Dalles. Mrs. R. R. Moffatt, with her daugh-1 ter and granddaughter, has been ' visiting Arthur Moffatt at the beach. Miss Elsie Bernard is a guest at the W. E. Van Horn house. ' Mrs. Walter Gray's mother, Mrs. Chrisman, who has been here visit ing, returned home to Boise. Mrs. J. Walter Johnson has as her house guests for ten days Mrs. M. J. B. Tennant and daughter, Marllynn. Mrs. P. C. Johnson has Just returned home after visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. Walter Johnson. The ' former's son. Herald, was with her. MANY MOVE TO OCEAN PARK Vacationists Plan Bathing .Parties and Picnics at North Head. rw-TTAM TATtTf WassK .Tnl IT -' (Special.) With the sunny weather a surprisingly large number of clams "'and crabs are being brought in from the beach here. Bathing in both the surf and Willapa bay Is proving popular, as well as picnics at North Head. One of last week's parties to " the lighthouse on Monday was made up of Miss Abby Lambertson, Miss Rust, Mrs. Boudinot Seeley and eon, Tyler, Mildred Smith, Helen Watt and Mrs. McDaniel and three children. .. Miss Anne Shogren has opened up the large Shogren house at Klipsaa : beach, south of the coast guard sta tion, and has with her Mr. and Mrs. . George Hug and three children of McMinnville. Mr. Hug is city super--'lntendent of schools there. Mrs. R. W. Haygood has her chii ' Iflren here In a cottage. Mrs. W. B. DuBois and children are - here for the summer. With them is - Frances Carpenter. ,r Mrs. A. Clancy and two children are in the Hoadley cottage this season. r- Miss Ada Wolford and Mrs. Vanney have just moved into a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wall arrived here last Saturday and will remain through the season. - Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hopkins are passing 10 days at Ocean Park. Mr nnri fr T. T".f flrn va nnn M. D. Bruckman came down by train -i Jast week to secure a house. They - were later joined by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bruckman of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. N. Flint of Denver, who motored to the beach. . . Judge L. B. Stearns and family moved into their .summer home last Saturday. The Albert Brlx family from Port land are passing a part of the sum mer here and are soon to be joined by Mr. Brix' brother and family from , Knappton. . Mrs. Miles Smith and three daughters are in the Hendrickson - cottage. Mrs. H. G. Higgins and son of Se attle have joined the summer resi dents here. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Clair and daughter, Helen, moved into the Clair cottage this week. Miss Helen Roeber and Mrs. Oester, both of Beaverton, are passing their vacation in one of Mrs. Brown's tents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mitchell are among the newcomers during the past week. ' Mrs. Donald McMasters and three children are here for the summer. Beryl Storey is their gueBt. Miss Elsie Schmeer has moved Into a cottage for the rest of the summer, and has as her guest Miss Grace McKenzie. Mrs. M. H. Schmeer will also be here shortly. SUNSETS ARE WONDERFUL Evening Most Attractive Part of Day at Neah-Kah-Nie. NEAH-KAH-NIE, Or., July . 17 (Special.) At no time of day is the beach more Interesting and attrac tive than at evening. There are the wonderful sunsets when the sinking sun, partly shrouded in the fog bank offshore, takes on grotesque and al most unbelievable forms. As the dusk deepens bonfires cast their cheery glow upon the faces of care free vacationists. Every footfall upon the moist sand near the water, when the night Is dark, is momen tarily outlined in phosphorescence, and every breaker is luminous with the eerie light of countless micro scop io forms. Evening beach parties have been unusually popular at this resort dur ing the past week. There have been TIIIS STREAM, SOUTH OF NEWPORT, IS ONE OF MOST BEAUTI FUL IN OREGON. Hi far ' r i, i mi TfACHATS RIVER, WHERE many bonfires and numerous parties have made the delightful hike down the beach to the Nehalem jetty and back. Motorists from Medford on Wednes day were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler and Miss Arlene Butler with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bellinger. Mrs. George S. Young, wife of the late Colonel Young, is a house guest for the coming week of Mrs. W. A. M. Breck of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Wheeler mo tored to Neah-Kah-Nie on Sunday from Portland and Tillamook. Among visitors at this resort dur ing the past week were Thomas E. Armitstead and Miss Mary Armlt stead. Domiciled In the Isom cottage over the week end of the Fourth were two members of the Portland library staff. Miss Hilda Lunceford and Miss Elea nor Ewing. A third member of the party was Miss Elizabeth Davit - of Houston, Tex. Portland people who were recently registered at Kane's farm house were John Gamble Jr., Martin W, Parelius and Rex B. Parelius. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Ellottt King and son David L. King of Portland spent a recent brief vacation at this beach. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Hartwell, with Mr. Hartwell's mother, Mrs. Thomas D. Anderson of Boston, Mass., were here last week to look over their cottage for Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rockey, who will arrive July 1$. At the Neah-Kah-Nie tavern over the Fourth were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Plimpton of Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Abbott and Miss Alice Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Martin and son of Portland made a recent inspection of this beach. George Dekum of Portland spent the Fourth at Neah-Kah-Nie tavern. Motoring from Portland by way of Tillamook during the holidays were Mrs. Horace S. Butterfield, Mrs. G. H. Martin, Miss Genevieve Butterfield and T. W, Young. Dr. and Mrs. Howland and Miss H. R. Crawford motored in from Port land and were at Neah-Kah-Nie dur lng the past week. At the Sargent cottage for the rest of July are Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams of Portland. Miss Gaylord of Tillamook and Miss K. Lambert of Portland were at this beach over the Fourth. Guests of S. G. Reed for a part of last week were F. G. Sykes of New York and Mr. MacArthur of Portland. Among Independence day visitors at Neah-Kah-Nie were Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Cherry, Mrs. P. L. Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Higgins and Miss Betty Higgins, all of Astoria. Mrs. A. H. Finch of Astoria and Miss Susan Erwin of Seattle, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tyler of As toria, motored in by the Seaside road for the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Day ef Portland arrived here on Saturday to join their daughter, Mrs. L. H. Howland, for a week's visit. They were accom panied by Mrs. Howland's children! the Misses Hope and Margaret How land and Master Frank Howland. Autoists from Tillamook who are spending the present week at Neah-Kah-Nie are Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Cranston. A party of Portland people who recently arrived for a week's vaca tion at this beach are Mrs. H. Jacob' sen. Miss Alice Jacopsen, Miss Mar garet Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Johnson. Salt Lake City visitors at this resort are Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jennings and Miss Deborah Jennings. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Haskins of Port.? land were among the recent regis trants at Kane a farm house. Portlanders who are spending pleasant vacation at the Locke cot tage are Mr. and Mrs. K I Lane, Catherine and Lionel Lane. Housed in the Ison cottage for the coming fortnight are Mrs. E. R. Durst and nephew, Franklyn Patterson, both of Portland. ' Mrs. Sargent A. Patter son, Mrs. Durst's sister, spent last week end as guest. Sea Crest cottage has been taken foF the remainder of July and all ef August by Mr. and Mrs. Adolph H. Rene and son Gilbert of Portland. H. C. Tallman of Portland was a recent Neah-Kah-Nie visitor. E. R. Durst of Portland joined Mrs V. E. Cook of Portland arrived last week for a brief vacation. Durst for a short vacation at the Ison cottage. Miss Pearl Durst accom- panied her father and wiS remain for a more extended outing. Mrs. 8. F. Nash and the Baum chil dren are at the Tavern for a two weeks' stay. The Misses Min Berggren, Ida. Carl son and Margaret Intschler are spend ing their vacations at Gearheart. SHIPS INTEREST BEACH FOLK Carriers Passing Up and Down Are Closely Watched. BAYOCEAN, Or., July 17 (Special.) An unfailing source of pleasurable speculation for people of the beaches are the boats which pass to and fro along the coast. The barely discernible trail of smoke on the distant horizon, the sturdy tug towing a disabled ves sel many times her size, the sailing ship tacking back and forth for hours outside Tillamook bar, fluttering from her masthead strings of signal pen ants eloquent in a language unknown to the landsman all carry the charm of mystery and romance which be longs to the sea alone. Of all the ocean craft which have been sighted from this beach this sea son, most unusual was the huge gray war vessel which crept silently out of the fog bank offshore one day last week and for a. short while skirted the horizon before entering the fog again, yielding no clew to her iden tity, nationality or destination. Mr. and Mrs. CIsrence A. Steele and n Kf - .';-; 1 THE BIG FSH GROW. daughters Lois and Elaine of Sacra mento have joined Mr. Steele's father, R. R. Steele of Portland for an ex tended vacation. Several pleasant informal 'dancing parties were held in the parlors of the iotel .fclayocean the past week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Petit of Portland are expected in shortly to occupy Mount Angel cottage in Bungalow City. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Welty and fam ily of Portland have reserved Break era cottage for the latter part of July. Portlanders registered at Hotel Bayocean the past week were Mrs. John S. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Willett. Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Con nor, Rose Goodmen, Angela Wanger, Roscoe G. Bigs, Mrs. A. H. Wether Jr., and family, Mrs. William T. Hoffmlre, C. W. Gregory, Joseph Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerns, Herbert R. De wart, W.- S. Werschkul, W, I. Braum- lein, L. J. Sendelbach and George C Early. J. E. Bonbright, bead of the depart ment of physics, Washington High school, Portland, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Van Tine at their cottage Lorelei. Mr. Van Tine is principal of the central school, Portland H. R. Inman of Portland has been spending a short vacation with Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Swank at Swank cot tage. Vancouver, Wash., people who were among recent Bayocean vacationists were Norwood G. Stokes, Miss Lorna Merrick and A. L. Bowers. C. Fred Knight of Terre Haute, Ind., was nere a part or last week. Miss Caroline Redding of Portland is spending the present week as the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. William Tor rance of La Crosse, Wis. Mrs. M. E. Frost of Globe, Aria., was a recent registrant at Hotel Bayocean, Tillamook business men who spent last week end at this resort are E. D, Erskine and A. E. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller and family of Portland are expected in during the week to occupy Fleur-de-lis cottage. At the Hughson cottage for the coming fortnight are its owners, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hughson and family and their guest. Miss Marjorie Ben nett, all of Portland. Helen B. Snow of Vancouver, Wash. Is spending a pleasant vacation at Hyacinth cottage as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd D. Rauch, Mrs. W. C. Aylsworth and- children of Portland will spend the coming week at this beach. Petrel cottage will shortly house Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bonn of Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Bridgers of Mist, Or., were here last week A bonfire party in honor of Mis Lyle Turner and Grover Turner was given on the beach Thursday even ing by Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus W, Veness of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bennett of Port land are established in Juanita cot tage. Bungalow City, Madame Lucie Valair of Portland will spend the latter part of July at Bayocean Albatross cottagre has been taken by xt. Mieedy or Portland. Mr. and Mh-s. J. Randall of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Eason of Salem and R. Carlson of Garibaldi were at Hotel Bayocean over the Fourth. Domiciled in Wallowa cottage for the coming week are Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Duffy and family of Portland R. R. Steele, manager of Bayocean beach, made a brief business trip to Portland last week. Mrs. bteele re cently Joined her husband for the summer here. BAR VIEW HAS FESTIVITIES Big Muskmelon Frolic Given by Camp Managers to Guests. BAR VIEW, Or., July 17. (Special. A delightful evening was enjoyed by vacationists at Villa camp last Wednesday evening, when Mr. an Mrs. Smith, managers of the eamp held a muskmelon frolic on the beac in their honor. Singing around th 'nuge bonfire and rollicking games oc cupied the time pleasantly until a lat hour. The electric dredge, which is to begin' work at once on the channel i -Tillamook bay between Garibaldi an Hobsonville, was towed in Thursday afternoon. . R. L. Wilson of Portland Is estab. uuci in aim ior me weeK. F. B. Clemenaon of Portland will spend a week. Watt Lyrtrup of View, Or., a fortnight, and Rudolph Weis, also of View, a month in Elder Wilde cottage. Spending a week at the Wise way are Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Boles and two sons and Mrs. May Smith and Mrs. Myrtle Randall, all of Portland. Miss Ruth Smith has as her guest at Villa camp headquarters Miss Mary Hibbar. Miss Burdette Angell, who is spend ing the summer at Sea Shell cottage, Manhattan, was a .visitor at this beach last week. Domiciled in Star Fish cottage for a short vacation are Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Neidham and family of Salem. Occupying their cottage for a brief outing are Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mor den of Portland. A joliy party who - spent the - last ten days in Dr. Hewitt's cottage were Henry Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Combs, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Combs, Mrs. May McFarland and Mrs. L. S. Biddle, all of Portland. For the coming fortnight Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Farrell, Jack and; Flor ence L. Farrell will be established in the White cottage. In Just Right cottage, Villa camp, for the week are J. A. Sauna and L. L. Bingham, both of Portland. At the Minar cottage over the week end of the Fourth were Leon I. Jack son, William E. Wheeler ana i. m. Schmidt, all of Portland. Miss Mabel Markell of Portland has with her as her guest-at the Markell cottage. Miss Laura Prosser of Boise, Idaho. L. W. Laupaugh of Portland has oined his family for a vacation at Dandora cottage, Villa camp. George L. Pascall and E. H. Angus of Portland passed through Bar View last week on their hiking trip from Seaside to Netarts and back. Luk Stewart of Portland is at the Wise cottage as guest of his sister. Mrs. W. A. Wise. Mrs. Mary A Mun son, sister of Dr. Wise, also a guest t the Wise cottage, left for her home I n Ohio last week. " Ronald Brown of Carlton is ocou-! pying Always Happy cottage for a fortnight's vacation. Daisy cottage. Villa camp, houses Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Peters of Port land for the coming week. McMinnville people who are estab lished In Cut Up cottage are Edward Bauine, Wilbur Denny and L. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rr Kelly of Dahlia, Wash., Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. R. L. Wilson, Miss Dorothea La France nd C. Martenson, all of Portland, are domiciled in the Brownie cottage. Registered at Wise way are Mr. nd Mrs. Al Thomas of Independence: Mrs. Mary Smith and her sister, Mrs. Randall of Pprtland and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Howe of Tillamook. Sheltered In See More cottage. Villa camp, is P. Luthi of Tillamook. In C cottage for the present week are D. Munger of Irwin, S. Dak., and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Noyes of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. B. Clarke of Portland are spending a pleasant week's outing In Just Once cottage. Villa camp. Miss Genevieve T allu and Miss May Rands, both of Portland, spent the week-end of the Fourth in Abo cot tage. Mrs. C. Campbell and Miss Ruth McDonald were recent Bar View vis itors. Spending the Independence day hol idays at this beach were Mrs. G. H. Frobase, Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Hautin and son and Miss Bessie Cooper, all f Portland, and Catherine L. Ben netts of Oakland, Cal. At this resort for the coming week are Mrs. H. Broader. Carl E. Broeder and Miss Dorothy Broeder of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mlnar and two children of Portland are established for the remainder of the season at their cottage. John C. Cottrell of Grand Junction, Colo., spent the week-end at camp Carter. Mrs. Gall Buel of San Francisco Is at this beach as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoa klns. Miss Rowena Hanson of Pittsburg was here last week. TWIN ROCKS IS CITY'S MECCA Scores Open Cottages as Summer Season Advances. TWIN ROCKS, Or., July 17. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. WaUh and son Clark of Portland made a week-end stopover at this beach as part of a leisurely motoring: tour through Oregon and Washington. Mr. Walsh, who is director of music at Franklin high school, Portland, gave an address before the recent congress of music teachers at Seattle, from which city the party drove to Rainier national park. From here the Walshes will go to Nejvport by way of Salem and later to Crater lake. An enjoyable bonfire party was held on the beach one evening1 last week, Portland people who shared in the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. A. E. Hwart, Miss Erma G. Ewart, Mr. and Mrs. J. F, McNary and Oeorge and Verna Lawrence. The Misses Helen, Gertrude and Genevieve James of Portland are attending a delightful summer with their grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Milsap of Bay City, at the James cottage. Miss Emma Rueck and Mrs. Thomas Anderson of Portland are spending a fortnight at Rock View villa. Until the first week in September Alden cottage will shelter Mrs. L. B Shaw, Mildred, Louis and Charles Shaw, Mrs. Ida Albright and Miss Charlotte Albright, all of Portland. Mrs. Lena Jasper of Portland Is the guest for the rest of the season pf Mrs. J. W. Dalrymple at Hadley camp. Mrs. Jasper Is the wife of H v. Mr. Jasper, assistant pastor of the Wilbur Methodist church. Port land. Amonsr recent Portland visitors at Twin Rocks are Mrs. Ida Schulmelster and Mrs. Lon Bain, who are estab lished at Rock View villa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman at their new cottage on the ridge. John Hoffman recently built an attractive garage on his premises. Mr. and Mrs. P. Baracco, Mrs. M. Baracco , and Miss Annie Llsignoll motored in from Portland over the Sheridan road for a week at Hadley bunsralette. Taking an extended outing at the Ahrv cottage are Mr. and Mrs. George McLelland and daughters, the Misses Jessie. Ann and! Bella, and Mrs. James Robertson, all of Portland. The party motored by way of Tlllamok an will return hv the Seaside road. Mrs. J. P. Lottrldge and son Ken dall of Portland are spending the month of July at this resort as guests of Mrs. A. A. Smith at the bnaeK. A Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. .T. Ronlv Stam at their summer home, tho Koott Bozorth cottage, was the fnrm pr n father. Andrew Stam of Dp o-V, tnn The Segann cottage h'as been taken for the rest of the season by Mrs. A. Witt Mrs. M. G. Walther and Carl and Dorothea Witt, all of Portland. Portland people who have recently registered at Rock View villa are Miss Marlon Danley and Mies Marion fiilbert- rir and Mrs. Harry RIesland of Missoula, Mont., are guests of Mrs. Kmllv O. RIesland at ner couage Midway. Carl Riesland recently left for American lake to join the en campment of the Oregon national piiaril. Mrs. Fred Wilson of Walla Walla Is again -established for the season in her cottage on me nuse. ,lu her as her guests are Mrs. H. S. Erode, whose husband holds the chair I of biology at Whitman college, and I Malcomb Brode. The latter made the I niKe in iasu ween. 1 win I Mrs, Robert Gardner; cf Portland fr -fej--E13sreiir Travel Mountain, River, BEACH RESORTS. HOTEL SEASIDE, INC. SEASIDE. ICLATSOP BEACH), OREGON. A NEW AND MODERN OCEAN BEACH RESORT HOTEL "OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND" 160 rooms with or without bath. Steam Heat. Electric Lights. Hot and Cold Running Water in every room. Telephone on each floor. ALL Ol'T SIDB ROOMS. Large beautiful dining room seating 300. One of the best equipped kitchens on the Pacific coast. Large lobby, sun parlor, loung. ing room with large fireplace. Beds with 65-povmd mattresses, woolen blankets, new linen. We are having many compliments on' the meals served. RATES FOR ROOM AND MEALS INCLUDED Single ....$5.50 and up per day Double ...$10.00 and up per day SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK. AMERICAN PLAN RATE. Oregon's Finest Beach Resort HOTELS BUNGALOWS HOTEL BAYOCEAN. sightly location, pean plan. 11.50 and up per day. TENTS and BUNGALOWS in beautiful grove of trees, well protected- from wind, close to ocean and bay, ready for housekeeping, f 9.50 to $14.00 per week. Including wood, water, lights, bedding, bed linen, towels, etc., accommodate 4 people. Mr. C. C Nepple, mgr., Bay ocean, Oregon. Splendid beach,, easy to get clams, crabs, rock oysters and fish; water sports in natatorium. For 5405, receivers T. B. Potter Realty Company, 325 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, HOTEL SEAVIEW FORMERLY HACKNEY COTTAGE Located on NORTH BEACH, universally conceded to be the finest beach in the Pacific Northwest splendid eurf bathing: near the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms. For rates, write Hotel Otter Rock ; Ten miles north of Newport Famous for Its sccnlo charm, sea fishing, trout fishing, muscles, clams, crabs. Oregon's comini summer resort. Own your own hems by ths seashore. Free camp grounds, free water and free wood. For prices of de si ra tile lots and other Information writs B. F. JONES, Newport, Oregon, VILLA CAMP "ALL AMERICAN." On Bar View Beach on the Tillamook Shore. One, tw and three-room cottages, completely furnished for light housekeep ing. Pure mountain water, electric light, sanitary toilets. Protected from sea breeze, close to beach. Clams, crabs, trout fish ing: overlooks Ttllamoek bar. Ideal sum mer vacation spot. For reservations and rates, address L. J. Tolls. Bar View, Or. Hotel Taylor Oeeaa Park. Wash, Best family resort on North Beach. Rates, $14 per week. Meals: Week days 50c, Sunday 750. Home Cooking;. HOTEL MANHATTAN MANHATTAN BEACH, OREGON. Th. piaco you will .like. riKht on tn. ocean. Finest Bathing &enn on m. coast. The best of horn, cooking. Com fortabla, homelike place for famlllea. Spe cial attention given lo ween-ana iann:. r'or rates ana reaervations can oeuwooq IMtiS. or writ a MR8. K. El.nKB. Manhattan Beach, Or. JillamooM. county. Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain FOR RENT FTRMSHEU COTTAGE, NEAR OCEAN. Four bedrooms, hot and cold water and bath. Lease given for balance of July or for season. Address HIS, . ti. HEH'.U, Nrnh-Knh-Mr Tavern, Nraalera, Or. MOUNTAIN fin nU'l U w IMULJ Leave rtOUTLEDGH EEED FLORA I. CO., 145 SECOND ST.. phones Mala 173. A-3811. (or Arrah Wannah. Welches. Taw neys. Government Camp and Rhododendron. Owned and operated by lrrinjrlon Garage It Auto Co., Ine, J. L. S. So. ad. Frea. Msr Fhona E. 135. E. 14th and Broadway. "Make reservations In advance. NOTICE TO CAMPERS Dally truck service from Portland to Arra Wauna, Welches and Rhodo dendron. Leave all trunks or goods of any kind at Front and Morrison. Portland Fruit Co., 153 Front street. ARRAH WANNA HOTEL IK THS MT. HOOD DISTRICT Fine mountain hotel In tha heart of the Mt. Hood footnote on the Salmon river. Beautiful trees and foliage. Splendid ac commodation In hotel or bungalow. Rates: S4 per day. 425 per week: 2 people. $45. Send for folder. Daily auto stages for Arrah wanna leave Irving ton Oarage, is 15th and Broad-way. Phon East 135, or go by private auto. Geo. S. Spencar, Arrah Wanna, via Cherryville poetof fice. HOTEL GULER In the Beautiful Trout Lake valley Washing ton. Good trout fishiiuc on the lake. In Trout enek or Whit Baimon river, iiy auto or horseback, visit the lava and Ice caves, Goos. lake, Indian racetrack. Steamboat lake, etc. Automobile road to Mt. Adams from hotel. 12 miles. Tennis, croquet, twimmini nool. Amusement hall with dan. clns; and billiards, near hotel. $S per day. 910 pep weelc. we nave enougn gasotma tn siinnlv all tnurista. J. K. Reynolds, Proprietor, Guler, Wash. RHODODENDRON INN, MT. HOOD Oregon's most beautiful mountain resort on Zigzag river, in evergreen forest, near ba?e of Mt Hood. Real meals, well cooked and well served, large swimming pool, dancing hall, saddle horses, croquet, fish ing. Rates $4 per day. $21 to $25 ner week. Per auto stage call East ISA or Jdain 172. ftlKS. EM 1 1 FRANZETTI. Prop, Rhododendron. Oregon. was hostess Thursday at a charming afternon tea In honor of Mrs. John Reed Hulbert of Portland and her guests, Mrs. G. A. Johnson of Port land and Mrs. Isaac De Toung of Sault Saint Marie, Mich. Other guests of the occasion were Mrs. C. A. Kreesraan, Mrs. Frank J. MeGettigan, Mrs. Francis D. Curtis and Miss Ruble Goulet, all of Portland; Mrs. Fred Wilson and Mrs. H. S. Brode of Walia Walla, and Mrs. E. C. Comstock of Twin Rocks. . J. F. McNary of Portland made I the trip la Ip spend last week-end NATATORIUM overlooking bay and ocean. Euro reservations or circulars call Main Oregon. SEAVIEW WASHINGTON Seaview. Seaview, Wash. Select Year Seaside Home Now at Cartwright Park Seaside, Ores on. Nearly 200 lota te ehoosa from. Lota en Boardwalk, facing ocean. Lot. In Sprue. urov. ana iota lacing isecanlcum river. Pricr, S75 to S 700. Whltmer Kelly Co.. 414 Plttork Block, or . fll. Cola. Acent. Seaside. Or. Manzanita Beach A special opportunity to secure a Beach Home. The LAN EDA CO., Inc., Man zanita. Or., is offerine for cash for a period of THRBB MONTHS ONLY 100 lots at $100 each 100 lots at t 75 each For further detailed Information and plats address Mltg. E. 11. LANK. Mmn zunlta, Oregon. ELMORE HOTEL ROCK A WAV, OREGON The best hotel on Tillamook Beaches. "The place that pleases." Also all kinds of beach cottages for rent. For reservations address J. J. KREDS, Rockw7, Oregon. The SHELBURNE (ELEVENTH SEASON) Lonfr-distanee telephone In hotel. Two blocks from- ocean. Buy your ticket to Shelburne station. Write for res ervations. American plan. T. J. HOARE, Sea View. Was. Necanlenm Inn. Seaaide, Ore iron. The only family hotel overiooklnr ocean. Beautiful rreundi, sun par lore and roof garden. Dining room tn charge ot trained dietitian and staff of especially selected kj. jl. i-.. iiuasnn. Miaa Emily Daman n. Prop., eeaatde. Oregon. PACIFIC VIEW HOTEL Furnished rooms and tents for house keeping:. Facing: the ocean. Address I P. HARRKSCHOU, Prep.. Seaside. Or. RESORTS. For Reservation and Tickets Rainier National Park Call on or write our Special Representative, Dorsey B, Smith, Mar. fournal Travel Bureau, 180 Br'dway Phone Mar. 1979. Portland, Or. Loiiducled alons lines most Invit ing to men and women of refined last... Send lor illustrated booklet MKa. C. IV. J. KKCKElUi. White S.lmon. tVa.h. t'ltnne 7KYI Cool nights and balmy day at elevation of 6000 feet TALL1 CnTAHOE CALIFORNIA ml&i8Lm rained few troat fiahinrr, motor boatinc. otomobllinrr aad mountain hiking:. Air plane lilghta. . . NuVKts. Maatpr. The New St. Martins . Mineral Springs Hotel Columbia Hirer's . Best Resort Hot Mineral Baths Very beneficial for rheumatism and blood disorders. Auto meets all trains at Carson. Washington. Bozanta Tavern Elevation 2240 Feet. Hayden Lake, Idaho. 87 M ilea at of Spokane. Most beautiful resort In Idaho. Sit uated on the banks of Hayden Lake. Golf, tennis, boating, fishing. Beau tiful drives and walks. Address Dan J. Moore. Prop. Beautiful Battle Ground, Lake Wash. Take Yacolt road out of Vancouver. Come to the mountains. Admission 10c. with his family, who are spending the season at the Hewitt cottage. " Kegistererl at the Twin Rocks hotel for the week was Mrs. Opal Hiatt of Portland. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. L, Sappington at their cottage were their son Horace and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Towers of Brighton. Horace Sap pington is engaged in civil, engineer. ine at Tillamook. A delightful informal afternoon was given Friday afternon by Mrs. E. C, Comstock at her cottage. Guests were Miss Mary Ellen Bailejr of Eugene, ESO Lake and Beach Resorts TRAVELERS' '3 Around the World Six tour Iravina September. December to the orincmal limited to 12. Accommodations the bst - available. The Orient Tours from September on, visiting Japan, Korea. China. Manchuria, the Philippines and Java. Also, a cruise to the South Sea Islands. Alaska A tour nailing from Seattle July 2tt. National Parks Special tours leaving every week. Fall Tours to Europe. South America. California Wherever you travel carry American Express Karl 1. Walker, L. p. A. T -L -jfya Wfr. f,tli 4i Oak. -ort land . . g, a-w - a-7 X a sx v m Columbia Pacific Shipping Company NORTH CHINA LINK." Direr t aervlca without transhipment. PORTLAND to Kube. Yokohama, Snang hal, Ttnngrau. Taku Bar and Dalren. 5. S. "Went KeetB" Late July Loadfnr 6. t. "Wwt Xivttria" Earl. A rig. Loatlinjc tt. 8 ."West NomentUB" ltta Aug;. Lot din a; The above-named v ess? la ara now neing Looked. For further Information regarding pact, raies, etc, apply Traffic Department Board of Trade Building Portland. Orecoa Astoria Route S. S. "ASTORIAN" 1:10 P. M DAILY (Except Thura) F ARE fl.ta. including tax. Taylor St. Dock. Phones Main IOCS. .ll-4t. Astoria and Way Points . STR. GEORGIANA Round trio dally (excent Friday, Imw. Portland - 7:10 A. M., Alder-street doeU; Leaves Atoria 2 P. M.t iTlavel dock, Kara $1.65 each way. Special a la carte dining service. Direct connection for south beaches. ISicht boat daily, 8 P. 51.. daily except Sunday. The Hark in . Transporta tion Co. Main A41-22. AUSTRALIA Honolulu. 8nva. New Zealand. The Palatial Passenger btramera M. 6. 'MAGAIU" U. M. S. M.MAKCJU" t.000 Tons 13.000 Ton Bail from Vancouver, tft. C. For fares tnd Ha. Unite apply Can. !'. Rail way. 4 Third tot.. Portland, or Canadian-AiaUia-mJaia n UovmI Mail Line, 4-10 oeywuu bc. vaneouver. r- HOTELS. Everyone Goes to tBES"razGlaood CJ VcoNFEcnoNEiar & restaurant The best of every thing to eat, pre pared in the way you like best. The Hazelwood will welcome y o u . in Portland. 388 Washington 127 Broadway The SEWARD Is a new, modern and elegantly appointed hotel, possessing one of the most beautiful corner lob bies in the northwest- Located at 10th and Aider eta., opposite Olds, Wortman & Klnas big department score, in heart of retail and theater district. RAtes 11-50 and up. Ex cellent dining-room service. Popu lar prices. Bus meets ail trains. "VV" car also runs from Union De pot direct to Hotel SEWARD. W, C. CulberUon, Prop. Miss Ruby Goulet, Mrs. Francis D. Curtis, Mrs. C. A. Kressman, Mrs. E. S. Payne, Mrs. Frank J. MeGettigan, Mrs. Robert Gardner, Mrs. G. A. John son, Mrs. John R. Hulburt and Mrs. Isaac De Young, all of Portland. Mrs. G. A. Johnson of the James John high school faculty, Portland, is spending a week at the Hadley, cot tages. I). J. Van Scyoe has as his guests at Twin Rocks hotel Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lear and, daughter, Ethel May, of Portland. J, B, Stam has. resigned bis posi CODE, October. November and citie of the World Parties those spendable everywhere Travelers Cheques n 11 S. S. "CITY OF TOPEKA" Sails from Portland 9 P. M.. July 26 for Marshfield, Eureka and San Francisco, connecting with steam ers to Los Anareles and San Diego. SPECIAL, KXCl'RSION IIOU.NO TKIP HATES San Francisco to Los Angeles, 25 San Francisco to San Diego... 30 Un sale to August 31. Ticket Office 101 Third St. Freight Office Municipal Dock No. 2. Phone Main 2al. PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY DEPARTS IO A. M. Wednesday, July 21 FROM AINSWOnTU DOCK. Fare Includes Berth and Meala. CITY TICKET OFFIC15 SI AND WASH. I'HCMJ MAIN 3S30. . FREKSHT OFFICE, AIXSWOHTH duck, i'hom: nuwY. ssm. TUK SAN FIIAKCI8CO A PORT L.tD 8. 8. COMPANY. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main 7070, Automatic BS0-9R. Portland and the North west's finest hostelry. Rates $2.50 and Up Splendid grill and fa cilities for entertaining private parties. Portland, Oregon Spendyour vacation in SAN FRANCISCO HOTEL WART On Geary St., Jnt off Union Square, close to everything worth while. Good accommodations at moderate rates. Breakfast, 60c, 0c, 75c, Lunch 70c (Sundays 75c), Dinner $1.25 (Sunday, SI. 50). Municipal ear passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and steamers. It is advisable to make reserTations in advance ot arrival. BaT: Kccax Fnws Developed free Phone Tfour Want Ads to The Oregonian Main 7070 A. 6093 tion with the Watseco shingle mills to accept an Important place with, the Brighton Mills company. Mr. Slam's new headquarters will be at Mohler, but his family will not join, him there until September. George II. Sampson returned to Twin Rocks sfter a short business trip to Portland last week. Mrs. M"ary U. Sampson ia expected to Join her sons at their cottage. Cedareides, some time during the week. J. W. Dalrymple of Portland has accepted a position with the Twin ICouciuded oa. Page. lu.i. ADMIRAL LINtf STE