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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1920)
8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 MSWB M MT, i ....... - 7 J : " , a ..V V-i....- ...v-"" HIS .i3 " I . wr4 - " ...... - ... -V I I 3 ... . - ...... "i: ,V. -fx-. . I i.x T . y y s ., -v ,4, ( . S-,-S- -V. II r ..-tilt plkmK$ " ' ' fjitK . - sirr f?-H - y ' v ' 4Z?':Lik ) ill . mSS ' 1 ROCK AW AT, Or.. July 17. (Spe cial.) Rockaway beach was the scene of two delightful family reunions. Over the week-end. Drift wood cottage and the three cottages of the Brownie camp were taken by the members of the Hutchcroft fam ily, who gathered together from vari ous parts of Oregon and California. Members of the party were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutchcroft of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. George Thrasel and daughter Elsie of Santa Monica, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchcroft of McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cain and daughter Florence and Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchcroft and son Ken neth, all of Yamhill, and Arthur Mor gan of Portland. The second reunion was that of two sisters, Mrs. Caroline C. Ward of Ta coma and Mrs. Peter Schrants of Rockaway, who met for the first time In 18 years, at Fuchsia cottage, the Schrantz home. Mrs. Ward was ac companied by her daughter, Miss Caroline C. Ward. Mrs. A. R. Tiffany of Eugene and Mrs. Mignon Sheppard of Kansas City are guests for the month of Mrs. C. F. Neth at her cottage, Neth-erlands, at Saltair. For the remainder of the season Marr's Planet will shelter its owner, Mrs. George Marr, and her children. Mary Louise, George, and Miss Lorena Marr of Portland. Occupying Rockaway cottage for the season are Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hart of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Orton McLeod of Beav erton are among vacationists at thie beach. At Cosey Corner camp for the week Is Miss Dorothy Reynolds of Forest Grove. At their cottage. Saltair, as guests for the season of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Myers, are Mrs. W. P. Griswold. Mrs. C. M. Griswold and daughter Nadina, all of Pendleton The party had a pleasant outing Tuesday when they made an all-day excursion to Man lanita and Neah-Kah-Nie beaches. At Ocean View camp for the com ing week are Mr. and Mrs W. M. Cranford and family of Portland. Domiciled in Oregon cottage for the week ending July 17 are Mr. and Mrs. James McCarren of Portland, Mrs. J. B. Hollenbeck of Lincoln, Neb., and Mrs. Samuel Williams of York. Neb. At this resort are Mrs. Theodore Fett, Mrs. Delbert Fett and Betty Ann Fett, all of Portland, and Miss Mabel Fett of the Cornish School of Music, Seattle. Miss Gertrude Geer of Hillsboro is spending a pleasant vacation at Rus eell camp. Housed In Waverly cottage are Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Helmer and family of Gladstone. Rockaway visitors during the last week were Mrs. C. U. Harrison and eon and Mrs. Esther Armstrong. Recent registrants at Newcomb cot tages were Mrs. C. G. Burke and Miss Winnie Mae Burke of Waco, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Tinnerstet and chil- 1 dren. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Each, j Mr. and Mrs. Rea Craven and Ersel Newbill, all of Tillamook, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hanger of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Michols of Tacoma. John Lowry of Oregon City joined his family at Kloshe Illahee Mitlite for a short vacation last week. Miss Margaret Bloom of Pendleton is the guest of Mrs. Lawry for the coming fortnight. Washington State cottage shelters Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bruce of Port land. Mrs. Alfred Sandblast and children of Portland are domiciled in their own cottage for an extended vacation. Colonel and Mrs. J. M. Poorman of Woodburn, with their gandchilden. Miss Eleanor and John Poorman, are here at their cottage for the rest of the summer. At the Saltair hotel last week were Samuel Johnson of Astoria and Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Sickles of Enright. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Heilborn have taken the Caufield cottage, Midway, for the coming week. Mr. Heilborn is with the Edwards Furniture com , pany, Portland. Registered at the Ocean . Crest apartments during the last week were Mr. and Mrs. B. F. David. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Trask, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Ran- ber. Florence Ovelman. h-lla lirown. Lucille Fuller, Dare Fuller, Joseph Murnane. Edward Humane, Nellie . Schaefer. John Flynn. Mr and Mrs. Tom A. Reynolds and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bahlman and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Phillips, Mrs. Charles J. Woodman. Norma and Ray Woodman and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stafford, all of Portland: M. A. Brewer of Seattle, F. M. Pearce of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bischoll of Mayger, Or., Mr. and Mrs. Nels Eck of Timber, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Johnson and Marjorie Jean Johnson of Walla Walla. Occupying Bide-a-Wee cottage for the season is Mrs. N. L. Cook of Portland. During the last week California cot tage has sheltered Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley and daughter n.llan ana Mrs. v. j ' Coffins n. Mr. Stanley is traffic man ager for the Portland Railway. Light & Power company of Portland Hotel Elmore registrants for the last week were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clemens. Paul Schmidt, O. L. Hansen Dr. and Mrs C. E. Stafrin, Mrs. K. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Siegman H. D. Olsei. Mr. and Mrs. a. J. Hoi land. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hackett, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Lucas, R. C. Leibhart, L. A. Means. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. C. Gor- rie. H. R. Frey. Mr. and Mrs. S. D Penney Mr. and Mrs. William Hilgen J. Martyn. Mrs. C. W. Martyn. J. A Ormandy. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hinshaw and daughter, B. F. Hinshaw, George H. Hansen, J. R. Farrington. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Levey. Mrs. Charles Kahn T. C. Savage, Mrs. Dora Shreve. Dr. Thomas H. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffery and family, H. Werschkul and Mr. and Mrs. J. Altman, ail of Portland; Dr. and Mrs. the hostelry are Mrs. Edna C. Witt. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. William Hervey. N. G. Pike and family also passed several days there. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Purceli and James Purcell accompa nied Mrs. C. F. Summy of Chicago to the Warren. Other Portlanders on the list are Mr and Mrs. L. L. Jepsen. K. K. Hoyt, Dr. Alex. Robb and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Moor. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rosenfeld, Ausby K. Bishop, Elizabeth French and Mrs. H. M. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Vance Ferguson (Anna Munly) are passing their hon eymoon at Cannon beach and aj-e to be found at the Warren hotel. Mabel Sackett of Portland has had Miss Cora Sackett of Appleton, Wis., visiting with her at the Warren. Mrs. J. C. Gripper and her daugh have kept the Pfunder house a lively turn to Albany shortly, but the fam- A place, and their mother. Mrs. W. E. I ily will remain for the summer. Mitchell, is even now chaperoning a j Father J. L. Carrico has returned house party. Harold "Overmire and 1 to his home in Lebanon. Harry Cofoid. Marguerite Wheeler i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer arrived and Harriet Breyman have been their I Monday from Corvallis and are the guests. A bonfire given by the Mitch-I guests of relatives. ells last week was attended by Misses Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mapel arrived Dorothy Metschan. Marguerite Wheel- I Monday from Walla Walla, Wash., er. .Margaret Uook, Lillian and Uoro- : and will remain indefinitely. thy Mitchell, Fred Martin. Kenneth Condon. Charles Cook. Bill Fenton, Don McLellan, Charles Schnabel. Harry Cofoid and Harold Overmire. Jane Talbot and her grandmother. Mrs. Wallace, came down last week and are at the Guy Talbot cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Galiand of Se attle motored down last week and have taken the Schmidt house on Ocean avenue for the season. Mrs. tors, Frances and Helen, are passing Galiand was formerly of Portland. wo weeks In a cottage on the coast. They have a cousin from Australia, E. V. Baylis. with them. Mrs. N. F. Johnson and daughter, Joy, also have passed the week-end with Mrs. Harry teen guests during the vast week. iang. Mrs. Emily Cornell entertained at I Dean incent and his family last dinner last Monday night in honor I Saturday moved in a house near the of the birthday of Mrs. J. H. Dakin. goil links. They have recently pur- Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. chased the dwelling. Dakin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Whiteman and 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Furnish have Der&cfzn&si Ir Point Jtfr&i-.LoT2 ?2?c&f2 7221 777223 Tie Se-S'fXee' jnT'Js". Pendleton, Eugene E. Bernstein and macher, Freida. Lillian and George Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kahn and Harry Lewis of Salem; E. C. Schovell and E. E. Larson of Nehalem, Mrs. C. D. Gudgel and daughters of Denver, Col.; Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Schafer of Dallas; Bruce Benton of Seattle; Mrs. Tilman of Los Angeles. Marion Spencer of La Grande, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Buchanan Jr., Leo Gore and F. G. Mitchell, all of Hills boro; C. Kinaman, Elmer Baker, Mrs. H. R. Ermunds and daughter, Arline Burge, Ethelyn Crawford and M. Leach, all of Tillamook: J. H. Strand and W. B. Foster of Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Janes and daugh ter Miss Frances Janes of Portland motored in for a ten days' outing with Mr. and Mrs. Hirshner at Ocean Crest apartments. At Oceana cottage for the coming fortnight is Miss Alene Kade of Port land. Among recent Camp Comfy regis trants were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickner and son Charles Jr., and Mrs. P. H. Jarisch, all of Oswego; W. D. Lovett of Roseburg. E. L. Tibbets of McMinnville, G. Frand and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Brown, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Carson of Knap pa, Or. Over the week end at Colorado State cottage were Mr. and Mrs. White and daughter of Nampa, Idaho. W. J. Schumacher of Gladstone is at Russell camp for the week. Mrs. E. W. Shutte and son of Port land are among recent visitors here. Spending the present week at Mary Ethel cottage, Lake Lytle, are Mr. and Mrs. George H. Prideaux and son Har ry of Portland. Domiciled in Tumbledown shack, Saltair, for the coming week are Mr. and Mrs. Dallas M. Mark. Miss Ethel Dickinson and Harry Rider, all of Portland. Independence day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart, at Hart's Content, Lake Lytle, were Miss Erlma Kidout, Al Swanson and Kay swanson, an oi Portland. Mrs. C. J. Woodman and children. Morma and Ray Woodman, are taking a short vacation at Elmore Park. Mrs. Robert A. Hirsh of Portland is Knendiner the season at Schrantz camp. Guests for the last weeK ai mis resort were J. H. Breiter. daughter Carrie, and grand-daughter of Seattle. Mrs. E. J. Mead of Orchard, wash. established for a short stay at Knott Inn cottage. Mrs. W. A. Wrenn and grand daughter of Portland spent the last wfk here. Miss Beatrice Quackenbush Joined her brother. Roy. and sister, Marion for the remainder of the season at Cottage May - Bea - Mar. 'ineociore Langton of Newberg was tne guesi for the week end at their cottage. Stopping over fo ra few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Cahlgren of Forest Grove at Newcomb cottages. is Miss Ann Anderson of Dilley. At Irwin cottage are Mrs. Urmma Taylor and daughter. Miss Irene, and Mrs. Sadie Tinman, all or roruana. Until September, Miss Enright s cot tage. Harmony, at Lake Lytle, will shelter Mrs. J. H. Karpenstein, her son, Henry, and daughter, Katherine, of Portland. Durine the last week the following nersons were registered at the Ander son house: Joseph Burns. O. M. Ramos, Grace Wade and Hattie Buckles or Portland: Oly Womer and Mr. and Mrs. Woner of Oakland: G. H. ad- dach, Bert Ross, J. B. Kelly and Dewet Legault of Wheeler: H. M. Maylee, F. M. Gooch, W. Martin, Harriet de Ford. Madge de Ford. T. H. Danley, Cecil McCubbin and LeRoy S. Johnson of Tillamook; Mrs. George Marshall and Mrs. C. E. Stevens of Seattle: Daniel Trayer of Hubbard. H. H. Bryant and H. C. McKiddy of Ne halem: R. R. Andrews of Detroit, Mich.; Viola C. Newman and Earl A. Newman of Chino, L. Mayhew. R. L. Mayhew and Louise Mayhew of Yam hill: Lester Kerns and George Fowler of Hemlock. The excursion of the Suothern Pa cific shop employes, which is so keen ly anticipated by Rockaway citizens, has been postponed until aSturday. July 24. A. E. Blackmar of Portland is oc cupying the John Johnson cottage for the coming week. Nebraska cottage shelters Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pelleth, all of Portland. Among recent visitors at this beach was William Dougherty of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dimick of Dundee are spending their vacation at the Johnson camp. E. M. Baker and A. M. Young of Portland registered at Rockaway during the last week. Spending a week's outing Jn Com- AUen of Mill City; H." L. Hexter of fort cottage are Mr. and Mrs. L. Schu- Schumacher. Mrs. H. Namitz and daughter Jane Lorraine, all of Port land. Ontario, Or., residents who are es tablished for the week in Kansas State cottage are Leo Clayton and Mrs. Jessie Lemon and son, Verge Lemon. Domiciled in Hillside cottage for the coming fortnight are Emily Ber gen, Mrs. James Taylor and Miss Bertha Taylor, all of Portland. Louise Herman of Hillsboro, is among the season's campers at this resort. Until July 17, Mother's cottage will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Schoppe, Margarete and Clarence Schoppe, and Dena Mosca, all of Port land. Lester Kern of Portland, is spending the season at Hemlock Inn. Miss Charlotte Hoglund of Port land, is registered for the season at Schrantz. Recent guests at the Fireside were Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Donnelly, M. B. Newell and A. Kolek of Portland; Hubert Livengood of Aloha, Or.; Vera B. Blinn of Dayton: James F. Page, D. Goodrich. John Gilham, James F. Page and Charles Simons of Yamhill; Mrs. McDonald of Buxton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Everley of Manning, Or. Portlanders who are taking an ex tended outing at Advance cottage are Mr. and Mrs. Herbil t Breeder, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brot ler, Mrs. E. H. Broeder and Miss Bessie Cooper, all of Portland. The new Johnson cottage has been engaged for the res-t of the season by Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Huemer and two sons of Portland. Mr. Huemer has returned to Portland, after seeing his family established. Portland persons who have tsken The Cabin are Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allgur and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wil liams. For the remainder of July, Rest-Awhile cottage will be the home of Rev. and Mrs. Jacob Kratt, Clara and Willie Kratt, of Portland. Mrs. Ernest Clinton spent last week at Rockaway. Recent summer visitors at Johnson Park were the Misses Frieda and Katherine Hafer of Portland. Taking a few days' outing in the Perkins cottage are Mrs. Emma Perkins of Tillamook. and Miss Frances Kerremans of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kirsch of Port land are at this beach for a ten days' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Williams of Bav City were guests at this beach over July 4. Mr. Williams is lire war den for that district. At Seldum Inn are Mrs. Catherine Morrison and Mrs. Nancy A. Erick of Portland. Domiciled in Skookum cottage are Ella H. Litzer of Portland and Faye Vanderwall of Timber. In the Bennett cottage is Mrs. Cath erine Osborn of Portland. A Jolly party of Portland people who are occupying the Briggs cottage are Myra Jones, Dena Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall. The Perkins cottage has been en gaged for the remainder of the sea son for Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Oliver and children, Mildred and Billy of Port land. Montana cottage houses Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ireland and Miss Bertha Melchoir. all of Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler of Hood River will occupy Ewelweis cottage for the rest of the season. WEATHER COOL AT SEASIDE Surf Bathing and Dips In Salt Wa ter Becoming Popular. SEASIDE. Or., July 17. (Special.) While Portlanuers weltered in the midsummer heat last week the many folk who flocked to Seaside to open their cottages were enjoying de lightfully cool weather. Both surf bathing and dips in the salt water tank have been popular. Numerous prominent swimmers are to be found disporting around the natatorium. The 25th wedding anniversary o Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Solomon was cele brated last Wednesday at their house in Seaside with a dinner for the en tire family, most of whom are pass ing a portion of the summer at the beach. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. S. Solomon, Mrs. S. Wolfe, Si Wolfe, M. Solomon, D. Solomon, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Solomon and Mr. and Mrs. Je rome Solomon. After he had driven to Seaside to pass a few days with friends, C. C. Overmire found himself devoting a large portion of his time hunting gasoline. He parked his car near a hotel and shortly after found that all the gasoline in it had been stolen. Mrs. Overmler and son, Harold, made the trip with him and were at the Seaside hotel. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Farrell are oc cupying a cottage on Tenth avenue. Cicero Frank Hogan was a week end guest at Locke-Haven. This is his first beach visit since returning from France last winter. Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong came a week ago last Wednesday to open "Ala Bama" on the board walk. Her hus band came down the following Satur day. The house will be kept open the remainder of the season. Mrs. E. G. Clark and Dorris Clark motored down with George Bates over last week-end, returning Sun day to Portland. Mrs. R. Everding and Caroline Ev erding have been at Necanicum inn. Among those at Locksley hall in the past week are Mrs. W. B. Ward, Willy and Wallace Ward. W. H. Bon ham and family and Mies A. S. Greene. Mrs. W. H. Patterson and her son. William, arrived a week ago Thurs day and will pass the remainder of the summer in Patterson's cottage. M. F. Brady has installed his fam ily in the house he has just built on Eleventh avenue. Percy Allen spent a few days with his family at Seaside before taking them home with him lafit Saturday. Mrs. Charles Yarbro and little son, who had been visiting from Tennes see, returned to Portland with the Aliens. Mrs. Harry Roe has been the house guest of Mrs. John B. Cleland. Mrs. Sam Allen is passing part of the summer at the coast. With her are her daughter, Mrs. John Vassie, and the latter's little girl. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Van Ness have opened up "Kinikinick Lodg." United States Commissioner Fred erick H. Drake and his family mo tored down from Portland and were here a few days before leaving for Camp Lewis to Join the encampment. They plan to return to Seaside and spend the summer with Mrs. M. S. Drake at "Virginia" cottage. Mrs. Allen Welch Smith and Allen Jr. have opened up their attractive summer home, "Indian Place." A recent beach supper was that given by Mrs. L. H. Hume, who had invited to the festivities U. S. Com missioner and Mrs. F. H. Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Carter. Miss Clare Oilman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bradshaw, Mrs. M. S. Drake, L. L. Paget, Miss Paget, Mr. and Mrs. James Lpham, Betty Lou Drake. Dorothy Drake and France Drake. Miss Juanita Hart passed a week at the Seaside hotel, returning to Port- and last Saturday. Mrs. D. R. Cheney of Forest Grove has a cottage on Ocean way. Donald Cheney, her son. is also at the beach. The Eichenlaub cottage on Third avenue has been opened and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eichenlaub of Vancouver are established there for the summer Dr. J. F. Fredericks of Astoria has installed his family in the Freder icks house on Third avenue. Their house guests are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Busch of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Kincaid have brought their children to the coast for a month. The family formerly lived in Eugene, but are now making Portland tneir home. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Heitkemper mo tored in from Portland a week ago Friday to spend several days with Mr. and Mns. A. R. Wascher. H. F. Latourette and Earl C. Lat- ourette passed Saturday and Sunday with their families at the Kerr cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garrison and their daughters, Mildred and Mar garet Garrison, are in "Lorelei." on Second street. They plan to remain at the coast all summer. Alva Jeldness, Fanny Russell and Mae Bureau passed the week end with friends at the beach. They made tne seaside notel their headquarters. James Brady was here from Port land last week- end. Maurice C. Inman and Clarence Ber 3a 1 passed Saturday and Sunday with tne latter s sister at Seaside. Eugne Kelty was a week-end visi tor at Seaside. Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves and Miss Muriel Steeves. all of Salem, have opened their house for the sum mer. Misses Elizabeth Hicks. Susan Hicks and Helen Hicks paid a visit to the beach last week end. Mrs. M. A. Nelms motored down with her son and daughter to spend the summer at Seaside. They have as their guest Allen Croup. The entire party are from Walla Walla. Harry Pendleton and Allen Smith camped at Seaside last week end after spending several days on the road. They drove in from Portland by way or tne xuiamooK beaches. Miss Josephine Harradon of Seattle is visiting at the Ferguson house on the Necanicum. Her mother is also with her. The William Reidt family are in "The Rocks" on the board walk. The Morrison cottage has been oc cupied the past week by a group of young Portland folk, making up a family party. They include: Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Torrey. Agatha Ostervold. Anna Ostervold and Evelyn Ostervold. Laurie Burnett of Astoria is also with them. Before coming to the beach the Ostervolds spent a week at Puget island. Hazel Bradburyi Barbara Steinburg -.- Samuel Jr. and Theodore are with their parents. Mrs. J. D. Kline of Norfolk. Va., Miss Ruth Dakin. The new bungalow which Z. T. Banks is erecting on Madison avenue, opposite the Norway house, is soon to be ready for occupancy and the fam- had as their guests the former's mother, Mrs. S. J. Moore, of Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riggs are in their house on the ridge and have ly expect to move in within a few with them Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon days. Among those registered at the Ho tel Ecola In the past week, were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Johnson and Mrs. A. H. Cantril and family, all of Portland. Mrs. J. M. Short of Walla Walla has taken a house for the summer and s with her daughters. Katherine and Dorothea at the beach. Mrs. James Richards is also at their bungalow. and two children. Miss Stella Riggs motored down last week to Join them. Mrs. Andrew J. Browning and her four children are with Dr. Browning at the Charles Gage home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hirsch and family are enjoying the summer at their beach home. Mrs. John Casper of Walla Walla and her family are in Mrs. Caswell's and Ruth Bissell have taken a cot tage here for two weeks. Lewis Coulter, one of the track men from Jefferson high school, was here over last Sunday. Dr. Allen P. Noyes and family mo tored to the coast last Saturday and returned the following afternoon. Mrs. F. A. Cook has taken a house in Hermosa park. Emil C. Gunther and his family have joined the summer colony at Seaside and are in "Seagull," on the boardwalk. Mrs. C. H. Tisdale has taken house for the season. J. B. Bridges and family have moved Into a cottage on Eighth avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. O'Neill and son Edward are with Mrs. C. E. Smith in the Smith summer home. Mr. and Mrs Charles J. Schnabel and Charles Jr. are also guests. Mrs. George McMillan and Miss Con. suelo McMillan are in their cottage for the summer. As a house guest for the week they have with them Miss Katherine Kerr. Miss Mayo Methot has been a guest f the Pelz family. Ben Gadsby has joined his family it "Mandalay." Mrs. Fred Kelly and her mother are occupying the Nelson cottage on Fourth avenue. Mrs. M. A. Stratton and her two children are in the Rugby house on Fourth avenue. Dr. Stratton is plan ning to pass his week ends with them. George Brasley of Gresham has leased the Mclntire place in Hermosa park. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bates are in the Raffety' cottage for the season. Mrs. J. Lauterstein is in Edgewood cottage this summer. Her children accompanied her to the coast, driving down in the Lauterstein car. Mrs. E. Stevens has taken a house on Third avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taylor are now occupying "Patee Lodge" and will be here through the season. Mrs. W. E. McCord and John Sher man O'Gorman of Portland accompa nied Mrs. Lyman T. Powell and Lyman Powell Jr. of Superior, Wis., to the beach. The party stayed at the Sea side hotel. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Buck and Ron ald Buck were at the Seaside over Sunday. Mrs. R. R. Giltner. Helen Darling and Vera E. Goethals registered at the Seaside last week. Others at the hotel were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Little, Mr. and Mrs. John Little. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Prouty, Mrs. J. M. Bell. F. H. Ransom. R. W. Ransom. Mrs. Hamilton Johnston and Mrs. J. B. Shipp of Prineville. Leslie Bingham nd family are es tablished in their cottage at the beach. Frederick Greer and family are summering in their attractive cot tage. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hollenbeck and three children of Rupert. Idaho, mo tored to the coast with Mrs. Hollen beck's brother, Harold Kern, who lives in Burley, Idaho. Dr. and Mrs. George Inglis and Miss Mabel Inglis of Gresham are at the coast for a week. Driving down with tne were Mr. and Mrs. Ward Inglis of Estacada. Frank Robertson and Miss Frances Ewing of Portland, with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Robertson and Miss Robert son of Beatrice, Neb., passed several days at the Seaside hotel. They mo tored to the beach. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lewthwait. Cor nelia and Harriett Lewthwait and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gault passed the week end at the Seaside hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott and daugh ter Josephine of Walla Walla are in their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Watte are sum mering in the Tauscher cottage at Cannon Beach, but motor over daily to seaside. Clarence Brazell of Portland spent tne week end in Seaside. Another attraction was added to the list last Sunday, when the Elli son-White Chautauqua opened here. Mrs. Amy Dobson and grandson John Logan, are in the Dobson cot tage. John Logan Sr. arrived in Port land Sunday night from California, where he left Mrs. Logan and her daughter. Dorothy, who has been in poor health. New homes In Hermosa park have recently been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. A. Bradshaw of Portland, Mr. and jsars. .ferry carter or Montana. Cap tain and Mrs. Pearn Hosford of Port land and L. L. Paget of Seaside. air. ana Mrs. Aioert terrera are passing a week at the Rollins hotel Mr. Ferrera is Italian consul in Port land. While sojourning at the beach Ken neth P. Morrison and B. L. Metzger are staying at the Rollins. Mrs. J. Swarts has been a guest at tne itoinns lor a week. Mrs. Earl Edwards. Miss Hester Musgrave and Miss Esther McKinney are spending a week at Seaside. They are registered at the Del Mar. COTTAGES ARE ALL OCCUPIED Bonfires at Cannon Beach Prove Frequent Occurrence. ECOLA. Or., July 17. (Special.) Cannon beich is a populous commu nity these days, as practically all of the cottages are occupied. Bonfires on the beach are now a frequent oc currence. Guests at the Warren hotel last week enjoyed a progressive card party on Thursday night. Among those who ' have been registered at Scenes at C.innon teach are rapidly I smaller house for the season. being transferred to canvas by Mrs. and Mrs. J. F. Daly drove down F. J. Wrightman of Chicago, who is a week ago Friday, bringing with passing the summer with her daugh- them their children. They will re- ter. Mrs. Chris Scott. Mrs. Wrightman main through the summer. Mrs. M. W. Is an artist of no mean ability and has uaiy is also to be with them. recently come from the east. Mrs. Miss Mary Betty Cook is to have Scott has 'established her family at as her guests for a week at the Wal the Norway house. ter M. Cook summer home Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner of Port- ana rtuin i-anerson. land and Dr. A. C. Wagner and son alr- ana Mrs. Raymond Wilcox and from Vancouver were week-end children are in the house they have guests at Ecola. They drove through -)ust purchased on the ridge. by iutura bile Sunday. I -ai aunaay nignc airs. n.t,. jincn- C. O. Pick ha established his fam- e" ws " a lea tor anss Jiar- Ily in a cottage for the season. His guerite Wheeler. Those invited were daughters, Grace. Ruth and Florence. Harry Cofoid. Harold Overmire, Rob are all here, also Mr. and Mrs. Myers. ert Dodson. Bill Patterson. Marguer- their guests. uccier, ia.rmu laiuicbon, nuru- Mrs. R. J. Staehli and her son, ln na Llula Jmcnen ano tnzaoetn Ralnh Jr. are In the R ?C Parks rot. Hicks. tags. Mi Su-ehli's mother is also Mrs- Frank Warren and family are summering with them. now in tne warren cottaee. .miss Mrs. Walter Durham ar.rt two small r ranees arren also passea a weeK mere. S. Wolfe drove in Saturday Bar- sons are in Mis. Eakln's camp. bara Pierce Is with them - "Honeysuckle lodge" is beins oc cupied this summer by the Wilfred Jones family. Mrs. J. Wirner has taken a cottage tor two weeks and arrived here Mon with Mrs. Edward Blumenthal and Mr. and Mrs. S. Kapstein. who will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Solomon. The Kapsteins will later take the Ladd cottage. Edwin Blumenthal and day. bringing hr son Robert' ar-d ' Roth of New York are passing ten her sister. Miss Erma Brown. Mrs. Clyde Raab and son and Mrs. Carl Johnson are at the McWaters cottage. "Sunset lodge." for a month. Miss Paulina Rummelin has opened her bungalow for the summer. Her guests are Miss Juiia Chemin and Mrs. J. S. Birrell and Jean Birrell. Mrs. A Wbeelhouse of Arlington and her sister-in-law are in a house for the season. Mrs. J A. Marlitt. accompanied by her son Richard, arrived at the beach last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dednun are passing their vacation at Norway camp. Mrs. M. Wright and Bessie Walsh are in Mrs. M.J. Walsh's house this year. Mrs. Charlea Urfer and daughter I.ucile are spending July in the Urfer cottage on Rooseveit avenue. days with the Solomons, as are also Master Howard Solomon and .Alfred Wolfe, who arrived this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McBride and three daughters are in their summer home on Ocean avenue. The W. B. Crane family arrived at Gearhart last week. L. G. Low and family are In the Cas well house for the remainder of the season. Stanley Lang came down Saturday to join his parents for the remainder of the season. He is a student ai Hitchcock military academy in California. Mrs. Max Woods and her sister. Mrs. Ewer, are spending their vacation in the Murphy cottage. W. F. Paris snd family returned to Portland last Saturday. Their house is to be occupied by the Sherman Lov- ells of Astoria. Mrs. Josephine Andrews has been P- E. Pi3f-r and familv are in the vioirino- k g(g.a irs u-i war- Banks house. I ren 1.11C1US Alien uewls nas opened his Mr. and Mrs. SinforH T.owensrart nr. n.-use on tne point ana nis iamny are rived at Gearhart last week, passing the summer here. Mrs. Walter M. Cook and Miss Mar Mrs. k. E. uondurant and daughter I era ret Cook are nassinsr this week-end are visiting friends at the coast. I in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lovett of Oregon I Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Farrell returned t.ity were week-end guests at the I to Portland a week ago Friday nuntiey co'.ia?. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gratke and son Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Powell and Charles are in the Robinson Adams daughter, Mr3. Ferris, and the latter's apartments. Miss Lois Gratke will son, Bobby, are passing their vaca- Join them as soon as she is back from tion here. the east. W. C. Clark and family spent sev-I Mrs. Spencer Biddle has been the eral days camping before moving into I house guest of Mrs. Holt Cookingham. their cottage. They will be here two 1 G. B. Shafer was here from Eugene weeks. lover last Sunday to play in the golf Mrs. R. Taucner, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. tournament. Waite and Robert and Melba Waite I Mrs. Henry Bristol. Miss Oljra Von are spending their summer at Ecola. Destinon, Marian Farrell. -Elise Bris No Rest" cottage is housing Its tol and Frances Cornell have departed owner, Mrs. J. B. Grimes, and her chil- from Gearhart after passing a week dren. Floren-e and John, for the re- I here witn Mrs. ri. s. f arrell. The last mainoer of the season. I three will spend the remainder of the George W. Bates. Miss Dorris CI irk summer at Camp Willapa on North and her mother motored over last beach. Sunday to visit at the M. M. MicKiv Mrs. Charles Cook and her sister cottage. Mr. MacKay will be here I Mrs. Ola Cooper, were visitors over this week-end. last week-end. E. Dodson Is camping at Cannon Jack Dougherty has come down to beach this summer and has f.r a com- open the Kinney cottage. panion his pet dog. Mrs- 'A. T. Smith is visiting her Rodney Keating visited at the E. A. aaugnier. airs, .cuion orDen. at tne Sommer cottage before Mrs. Sommer beach. closed it and depirted for Portland a I Irs- A- R- Zelier and family are week asro Wednesrlnv now in uirir nuuae nv uciiriisri Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Your.- and Harry Klosterman joined his fam hahv are nrf .mvinr Kjnrwov v.V, ily here over last Sunday low. Thir quests r r t. T-..A,.. Felix Friedlander was a week-end Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker of Forest Grove have arrived for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Parrish of Yakima. Wash., are the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Minor arrived Tuesday from Corvallis. and will oc cupy their cottage for the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lee motored over from Salem on a honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall have departed for their home in Portland after a brief stay. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Baker have as their guests their daughter, Mrs. Sherman Hayes, and child. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Fortmiller have returned to Albany after a few dijs' visit. Judge and Mrs. G. W. Parman and children of Condon. Or., motored over this week for their annual out.ins. Miss Corrie Waterbury has re turned to her home at Woodburn after a visit with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Nida and children of Hart, Kan., are sojourning at Nye beach. Mrs. Ida Sykes and the Misses Clara and Lottie, of Corvallis, are occupying a Nye beach cottage. Mrs. L. W. Riley and children of McMinnville are located at the "Pines" for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Heisler are on a motoring trip through Oregon. Mrs. Blanche Bouse and children of Sioux City. Ia.. who have been the guests of relatives, departed for home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hughlen and family of Eugene have opened their cottage for the season. Mrs. S. E. Frumm and granddaugh ter. Miss Ruth Frumm, guests of relatives, departed for home this week. Mrs. Ludwig Otting and Miss De lona Harwood arrived Monday from Eugene and are guests of Miss Har wood's brother, Charles Harwood, and family. Miss Lizzie Bay ley arrived Wednes day from Salem for an extended vaca Mr. and Mrs. Gumelin and famil of Newberg have taken the Pre cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiger and Miss Martha Kiger of Corvallis are located at Nye beach. Professor and Mrs. Mcintosh and son, Harlan, arrived this week irom Corvallis and will remain indefinite ly. Rev. J. L. Carrico has returned to his home in Lebanon. Mrs. M. E. Heath and daughter. Miss Heath, arrived from Corvallis Friday and will remain for a month. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Glann have motored to their home in Albany after a vacation spent at Nye beach. Mrs. Kellogg and family of Glad stone are located on Beach street for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Stole Dawson have re turned to Albany after a brief busi ness and pleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter have returned to their home in Albany after a brief vacation. Mrs. J. O. Keane and family arrived from Portland Saturday. Mrs. Lee Kurber arrived from Albany Monday for a few days' visit. The Misses Marjorie Shelly. Ruth Middlekauff and Rhoda Taylor have departed for their homes in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Hendengren ar rived Saturday from Portland and will make their home at Yaquina. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hurt and two daughters of Corvallis are tenting at Nye beach. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis arrived Tues day from Medford and will remain for a fortnight's vacation. Mrs. Janet Smith of Corvallis is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Vance Taylor. Mrs. George C. Burton of Portland is a Nye beach visitor. Mrs. D. Skiff arrived from Salem Saturday and is the guest of rela tives and friends. Mrs. William Matthews has re turned from a two weeks' visit in Portland and Albany. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Young have gone to their summer home in Elk City. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pittman of Corvallis are spending their vac; tion at Nye beach. Mrs. S. P. West and family arrived Tuesday from Forest Grove for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Roak and family arrived Saturday from Oregon City for a fortnight's vacation. Telt Burnett. E. F. Holland and J. P. Walthall arrived this week from Portland and are at a local hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Faye and family arrived Monday from Portland for their summer outing. and Miss Davis. Mrs. S. E. Gamm has opened "Fern Basket" for the summer. She will soon be Joined by other members of the family. The M. O. Co'lins family arrived last Monday and moved into the Collins house on Ocean avenue with Mrs. Albert Beini and young son. Mrs. Chester Kellogg, who was here last week, returned home Sunday. visitor at the Friedlander cottage. Miss Millie Schloth is here for the summer to handle swimming classes at the natatorium. With her is a tiny traveling companion, little Ber tha Grover. Miss Gretchen Taylor arrived at Gearhart last week, expecting to be joined shortly after by her mother. Mrs. O. W. Taylor. Mrs. A. B. Wastell is chaperoning a group of girls at the camp opened by K V TL- f A tn Wr nor,' GOLFERS PLAY AT GEARHART Katherine' Wastell, Florence Davies. Marcella Tramberg, Mai Pope, Ruth Avenues at Beach to Be Paved With Asplialtum in Few Days. GEARHART, Or.. July 17. (Spe cial.) Owners of cottages on ridge, who rented their houses this season chiefly because of the poor condition of the avenues here, are now sighing regretfully as they learn that within a few days these self same boulevards are to be coated with the long-promised asphaltum. This will provide easy access to the col ony of large summer dwellings there. A plank road had previously been torn out and the streets strewn with large rocks Salem and Astoria golfers held sway over the links last week-end, and a tournament was put on. Among those who came from Salem were C. -H Vorse. Dr. L. F. Griffith, George G Brown. Homer N. Smith. Sam Kozer, Dr. W. D. McNary, Chester M. Cox Hollis, Myrtle Caswell, Elvida Bow man, Isabella r lemming. Abbie Massie and Elizabeth M. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. John Waterhouse had as week-end guests at their Lake- the 1 view home Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Breyman and son of Tualatin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank I. WTaterhouse and daugh ter of Portland and Mrs. and Miss Swartzbaugh of Suattle. The Gates cottage at Gearhart housed a group over the week-end. including Sally Eckstrom, Henrietta Hendrickson, Emma Bergstrom, Emma Peterson. John Peterson, Carl Peter son and Oscar Peterson. NEWPORT SEASOX CX'DEB WAY Vacation Crowds Thronging Beach and Cottages by Sea. NEWPORT. Or., July 17. (Special.) Each day brings more tourists, and William Burghardt and Fred Thielsen. already the beach is thronged. The tney piajea against tne following season !s much in advance of former years. Many automobiles are in evi dence in spite of the gasoline short age. Mrs. Frank Coovert arrived Tues day for her usual outing. Mrs. D. C. Fuller and children of Alabama, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hobbs and family of Corvallis, are enjoy ing a vacation at this resort. Dr. and Mrs. Roy O. Hendry enter tained the St. Stephen's guild with a picnic on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Black have ar rived from Portland and will remain for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groshong ar rived Tuesday from Corvallis, and are tenting at Nye beach. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Taylor and child have arrives rrora Corvallis for a brief vacation. Miss Elizabeth Lawrenson has re turned to her home in Albany, after a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Westbrook have returned to Albany after several days' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. George Sanders and sons of Albany are occupying a Nye beach cottage. Mr. Sanders will re- Astorians: G. C. Fulton, F. L. Parker, James Cellars. F. R. Haldeman. J. L. Hope, J. Romon, C. W. Hardeman, G W. Sanborn and L. C. McLeod. Thiel sen, Burghardt and Mr. and Mrs. Cox motored down from the capital city a few days before the match and re mained guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eldridge. who arrived Monday to open their house. An enjoyable house party last week was that of which Miss Margaret Cook was hostess. Her mother. Mrs. Wal ter M. Cook, came down two weeks ago and opened her house facing the beach. Both Miss Margaret and Miss Betty and their small brother accom panied her. Miss Dorothy Blair, daughter of Dr. Blair, of Bozeman. Mont., and schoolmate of Margaret's at Castilleja. was their guest the first week. Later Mrs. Franklin Griffith chaperoned a group of other young folk who are at the Cooks', and in cludes Misses Harriett and Janet Grif fith. Muriel Duncan. Ransom Cook, Harold Mann, Dudley Avery and Zina Wise. Miss Duncan is from Miami, Hawaii, and has been visiting at the Griffith home in Portland. Misses Lillian and Dorothy Mitchell FERRY AT ASTORIA RESUMES Lone Beach Expecting Influx of Motorists Rest of Summer. LONG BEACH. Wash.. July 17. ( Special.) An increase In beac travel, especially by automobile, is being looked forward to since com mencement of operation of the new ferry from Astoria to McGowan on July 15. To attract motorists, nu merous Long Beach merchants have guaranteed sufficient funds to oper ate the ferry throughout the season Mrs. S. Patton and her family are established in "The Willows" cot tage. The H. Hassenmeyer house has been opened by the family for the remainder of the season. Carl Groger and family are sum mering at Long Beach. C. G. Applegath has taken a cot tace for his family at Long Beach Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDuf fy are in their house at Beach Center and have with them for a week Miss Frances Wood and Byron Thomas. Mrs. Fred Jacobson is passing her vacation at the coast. Mrs. V. E. Keil and children are in the Keil cottage. Miss Rhoda Rummelin is the gues of Miss Katherine Hart at the beauti ful J. D. Hart summer home at Ocean side. Miss Eileen Sealy and Miss Jo- Sealy are occupying the Shindler cot tage this summer. Mrs. Frank Mattern and childrei are in the Sealy house. Mr. Sam Michael returned to Port land Sunday after passing severa days at the beach. A. Wilier has taken a cottage fo his family at Long Beach. Among those from Portland regis tered at the Long Beach hotel re cently were Miss Edna Box. Mis Annette Box, Mr. and Mrs. S. Harris Florence and Margaret Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Roth and so will be at the Driftwood hote throughout the season. Mrs. George Lietch and childre are in the Lietch summer home. M. Leopold has the Doyle cottag this year. Mrs. A. E. Mitterri and children ar passing the summer on the coast. Mrs. J. W. Dalton and daughtel uorotny arrivea at ous eai:u a day. Miss Esther Clintick is a guest a the F. W. Font cottage. Another group here from Wall Walla is made up of Mr. and Mrs. 1 A. Paul, Elizabeth Paine and Georg Paul. i Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Stone of Wall