THE SUNDAY OHEGOMAX, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 K 1 NEW TODAY. NOB HILL APARTMENT Modern, splendid condition, newly painted. Walking dis tance. Rents (old scale) $260. $7000 cash necessary, balance 6. Price $20,000 THIRD AND JEFFERSON 100x100 Corner. - Might ac cept little trade, some cash, balance 6. Sacrifice price $25,000 ... E. J. DALY 221 FAILING BLDG. xj ,S i xU& "9 FOR SALE 455 EAST THIRTIETH STREET NEAR SHERMAN ST. Built four years: In fine order. All improvements. PRICED VERY REASONABLE. Some Terms. CALL OR PHOXE SELLWOOD 3740. E Heavy constructed warehouse, with track age, centrally located on east side. Building contains 37,000 square feet floor area; large sample or display room, good offices. Price $65,000 J. F. STAVER Macleay Building. 200 ACRES 200 ACRES ON TUALATIN RIYER Some of the test land In Ore gon. Large portion of this property is a very fine grade of bottom land, all in crops, which will amount to at least $6000, together with ma- chinery and stock, the equip ment is worth at least $12,000. THIS PLACE IS A MONEY MAKER Don't take our word, but see it and ask the neighbors. PRICE $50,000 Including everything. Can give you very liberal terms and accept some in trade. A. W. Lambert & Son GRAND AVE. AND E. ALDER ST. . EAST 40. BROADWAY'S BEST BUY FIXE, SEVEN - ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Inside refinished. Fireplace. Full cement basement. Walking distance. Close to schools. On carlines. Now vacant, purchaser can move right in. Salesman on premises. 444 E. Broadway, be tween Seventh and Eighth sts., from 2 P. M. to 4 P. M. Sunday. PRICE J 6000 TERMS. GOOD FARM BUYS "We have a large list of farms and acreage. Good values. See Mr. O. A. Morse. STURM - REFER GO 214 Fifth St.. Opposite Courthouse. . Phone Main 6825. MUST BE SOLD EIOHT-ROOM BUNGALOW, IRVINGTON, 150x100 FEET. located No. S47 24th st Txl h.iw..n Thompson and Brazee sts. California type, with large patio: hot - water heat: sleeping porch; hardwood floors Kooms all on one floor. Price reduced a xii iiiuiieuiaie sale to $12,500.00 on reasonable terms. ODen for lnsreo tion today between 11 A. M. and 2 jr. ol., or dj appointment with F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Exclusive Agent, SIXTH FLOOR PLATT BUILDING. Telephone Marshall 8025. KEW TODAY. What Will You Pay? t-rrr . j a - 1 S 761 East Broadway This property is owned by a non-resident. The house has been vacant for four months. Contains a large front living room with den, dining room, hardwood floors, pass pantry and a large kitchen, four large bedrooms and sleeping porch, large basement. The prop erty is in need of some minor repairs. Am authorized to sell at a sacrifice. Inspect this property, make us an offer, and it will be submitted to the owner. Harvey Wells & Co. Main 4564. 602 Gasco Bldg. $5750 T TABOR SIX - ROOM BUNGALOW Remember, six-room bun galows are hard to find. Here is one with heat in every room; all rooms old ivory finished; hardwood floors, built-in effects, such as built-in writing desk, bookcase and buf fet: full cement basement, with furnace and laun dry trays. Very desirable location; natural s h r u b--bery surroundings; $1000 will handle it, balance at tractive monthly terms. 8 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. MAIN SOS. REAL FARM 100 ACRES, 28 MILES FROM PORTLAND About 60 acres prunes and cher ries. Fine soil, average build ings, excellent view, near high way. All in cultivation except 20 acres of timber. Enough wood to run prune drier many years. Crop and implements not included in price of $27,000. Crop this year will run $12,000 to $15,000. P. U. BOX 3174 $3500 $3500 ?&b CxWi XT -v- "- v. x, w vt. v- ? vr fc- . c- -x S. a. RT S VERY NIFTY Five-room bungalow with about $500 worth of furniture, located block from car, every imaginable built-in feature and fireplace. This is a splen did buy. Terms can be arranged. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber ' of Commerce. FOR SALE THE VERY ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE AT 767 MADISON STREET Containing nine rooms. Replete with every modern convenience. Shown by nifpuiuiiueiit only. . PRICE $31,500 WAKEFIELD, FRIES 8 CO. 85 FOURTH ST. I WANT A FARM up to $30,000, 50 to 100 acres, on good road, not over 20 miles from Portland. MUST BE GOOD LAND. Prefer some income, such as prunes, cherries, wal nuts. Prefer to apply brick business block worth $10,000, clear of liens, bringing in 7 per ; cent net. Will pay balance in cash. Address P 114, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE SNAP To close estate, eight-room house i Nob Hill district, now vacant. Full particulars, easy terms, F. W. TORGLER, 1041 Sherlock Building. NEW TODAY. FAR BARGAINS Large or Small A scrutinv of th r-rf nH on at the places below must convince you that we are in a position to supply any requirement in the farm and acre age line. We positively have hun dreds of select listings, the majority of which we have photographs of, and a call at our office will be ap preciated. This will not mean that if we do not happen to have what you want that ynur trail will bo capeH on for the rest of your life, as we positively do not do business in this manner. I . 1 S C -XST YAMHILL COUNTY $7500 This snlendid 21-acre tract. 18 acres of which are in apples 9 years old; splendid eight-room plastered house in first-class condition, large barn, on rural route, two miles from Yamhill. 39 miles from Portland. The ground is all tiled and the orchard has been well kept and is in splendid condi tion. The terms are one-half cash and as long a time as you want on the balance. Interest at 6 per cent. CLACKAMAS COUNTY $1600 40 acres, about two acres under cultivation: heavy stand of first and second-growth fir on the balance; all tillable; 12 miles southeast of Ore gon City and about six miles from Beaver Creek, 29 miles from Port land; $200 cash, $15 monthly. - LANE COUNTY $3000 79 acres. 60 acres tillable, 25 acres n cultivation: eood black soil: all fenced and cross-fenced; four-room house, barn 80x100, milk house, po tato house, other outbuildings; good creek through place, spring water piped to the house; four acres family orchard; rural route and telephone. Included in the price is complete set of farm implements: $1000 cash, $300 yearly, with interest at 6 per cent. Photos at office. CLACKAMAS COUNTY $3200 $1000 cash, five years at 6 Der cent on the balance, buys this splendid 40 acre tract, 10 acres of which are in cultivation, balance timber and brush: all fenced; shack buildings; good soring: five miles east of town, iust off the Abernethy road. A very de cided snap. YAMHILL COUNTY $12,000 150 acres, all stocked and eauipped. over 100 acres tillable. 50 acres in cultivation, 25 acres very easily cleared, 25 acres fir and oak timber. balance stump pasture; six - room house, barn 40x80, straw barn and goat barn; hog, chicken and wood house; family orchard: small creek. springs and good well; complete set of implements, wagon, etc.; three chunky mares, two colts, 3 years old; six cows, two yearlings, five calves, one bull, six pigs, 100 chickens; $6000 cash. This Is a good paying farm and first time offered for sale in the past 25 years: 44 miles from Portland and six miles from good town and railroad, i'liotos at otnee. LINN COUNTY $23,000 We have a splendid 290-acre dairy ranch, seven miles from Lebanon; 250 acres are tillable, 140 acres in culti vation, balance in second-growth fir and oak timber; good, rich loamy soil; splendid seven-room house with bath; barn 40x84, with 140-ton hay loft, good stanchions below; two silos, granary, milkhouse. wood- nouse ana straw shed; water piped to buildings from large srintr: $6500 cash, unlimited time on the balance. This is the place you, Mr. Stockman, have been looking for. 'Photos at office. POLK COUNTY $43,900 A 439 acres. 415 acres tillable. 200 acres in cultivation, 150 acres good oak timber, 24 acres of prunes 5 years old, good family orchard; eight room house in good condition; large barn, 36x70; two stock barns, new nognouse, cnicKen - nouse ana tool house; good well and two springs; place is fenced and cross-fenced; land slightly rolling; best of soil; located on county road 4V4 miles from Dallas; $18,900 cash, long time on the balance. Photos at office. FRED W GERMAN CO. 733 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Must Be Sold ti& 1 $6500 This fine eight-room house, with grounds 120x100, beautifully land scaped, nice fruit trees and shrubbery, garage. Mortgage about to be fore closed, which compels owner to sac- ruice. locaiea on west slope or Mt. Tabor. V, block from carline. Drive by. 171 East Fifty-fourth street. Don't aisturo tenants. This is the biggest buy we have had for a long time. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW, HOT-WATER HEAT Five excellent rooms and breakfast .nook, very large attic. This home is located on Twenty - seventh street, near Knott; lot 53x100 feet; pavea sireei ana sewer im- provements in and paid, cash wilr handle it. $1500 J.L. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. ... alala 208. M 5s KEW TODAY. EST UYS IN IRVINGTON t, Blocked Today No. T7! Knott street. N. W. corner of 24th. Center entrance; all ivo ry finish except solid mahog any dining room; beautifully papered: oak floors throughout, very large living room; three or four bedroom and si. porch on second; large billiard room, rja-'d s room and bath on 3d. HOT-WATER HEAT. $13,000. Kaott-tt. corners are scarce. Hot-water-heated homes cost money to build. if. 9 : j W -?ii Splendid modern corner home, costly hardwood finished first floor, with large living -room: pleasant bedrooms in white, one is very large: beautifully pa pered. Price $9500. Near 16th and Brazee. An inspection and comparison of values is solicit ed. TRVTNGTON, No. 534 Brazee. UNLOCKED TODAY. This most beautiful near-new, semi-English COLONIAL. On corner with 100 feet frontage, 50 feet deep. Ivory finish and hardwood firs, throughout. Plata-glass win dows and spruce siding. Eight rooms (four on each floor) in old ivory finish; artistically pa pered: costly lighting and plumbing fixtures. Most beau tiful bath and kitchen. Double garage. A HOME FOR TOUR FAMILY.. $10,500; all street liens paid. SEE THIS TODAY. SURE. Center of Irvington One-Year-Old New England Colonial of best construction, on large 6ightly corner. Every modern convenience; large living room in old ivory, beautifully pa pered, artistically lighted; French doors from same to sun parlor. Second floor has three or four fine bedrooms, all hard wood floored, tile bath, triple bevel-plate mirrors in two of the bedrooms; large plate-glass windows throughout; Gascofur nace; garage; between Irving ton school and club. Two-Year-Old Dutch Colonial As modern as could be built today and better; a home of great beauty. No. 774 Thompson St., the most costly medium-size home in Portland for sale now at less than cost when built, and at about half present value. A BIG BARGAIN! Large mahog any living room, oak library, breakfast room, 20x32 dancing hall, billiard room or library in Dasement. oak floored and fireplace. American radiator vapor heat, couple of all-tile baths and all-tile kitchen; one bedroom is double size, with fireplace: hardwood floors throughout, except si. porch. A home of rare beauty, charm . and value for you if you can buy the very best. By appoint ment only. Another One of Irvlnsrton's Many Costly and Beautiful Homes Southwest corner 23d and Thompson. A home of character fireproof, upkeep proof, hardwood finish. hot water heat, costly plumbing. These are samples of many Buys In Best Homes at 932.0OU, SU4.O00, $Z5,000, $2S,000, $27,500, 35,l00. 1 1,500 Large, modern cor ner home, hot-water heated, very large liviug room; also li brary extra; double garage, hot-water heated. N. W. Corner Hancock and 21st streets 100x150, and well built home thereon. 88300 lOOxlOO S. W. Corner 19th and Schuyler. Heavy ground value. lOOxlOO, S. E. Corner E. 17th and Broadway, $7500. Good old house. Will you fix the house up a little and live in it or rent it until the ground sells at $15, 000 or $20,000? Best Apartment House Site. S7500 Old ivory and enamel, beautifully papered, thoroughly modern, good billiard room, 60x100. These and Other Good Listings. R. T. STREET "GOOD HOMES REALTOR," E. 15th and Broadway. East 894 -ST. E ' 100x150 Feet S. W. CORNER TWENTY-FIFTH AND MCOMI STS. UNITED RAILWAY TRACKAGE. Price $7500 ' WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. S5 FOURTH ST. ' SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE. Axminster rugs at a bie- reduction regular price $75. now selling at $45. $42.50, $40. We handle all sizes of rugs. Manogany piano lamp, regular price $38, now selling for $22. Guar anteed electric irons from $5.50 up to $7. Special sale on ice refrigerators at a 10 discount. Dressers, table, writing desk and all household goods at a big reduction. OKI FURNITURE STORE, 209-11 Second Street, Between Taylor and Salmon. BOOKS ALL OUT - OF - PRINT BOOKS SUP PLIED. We can get any book published. Call and see our immense stock of old and new books. Hyland's Bookstore 204 FOURTH ST. Between Taylor ana Salmon, Sta. V j A i, X K 1 NEW TODAY. WEST SIDE DUPLEX HOME Choice location, splendid view, five minutes' walk to Broadway and Wash ington st. ; two flats, six rooms each; indi vidual furnaces and base ments; oak floors; newly decorated; income $120 per month. FOR PRICE AND TERMS SEE C.M.DERR S3 FOURTH ST. MAIN 4523 Available Location IN Financial District GROUND FLOOR 4700 SQUARE FEET ALSO SOME BASEMENT SPACE 5-year lease reasonable rental Available within next 60 days Portland's available business location can be secured through INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS TWELFTH. FLOOR TEON BLDG. 3 - .-.- -: THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME Doubl constructed. 7 rooms, modern, ele- g-ant fireplace, hardwood and highly pol ished floors throughout, even th closRts, French doors, massive built-in buffet, built in bookcases, imported liht fixtures, brass hardware, full cement basement with laun dry trays and gas plate. This was built for a home and all material was first class and thoroughly Inspected, workmanship the nest, on cnoice corner, I .mxiuo ; owner Is forced to sell. Price $5000; $1J50 cash, balance 7. Ouerht to sell for S7300. The owner's loss Is your rain. North I rvin pr ion : Duut a years ago and house alone cost $4750 at that time. This is the biettest snap in Portland. STEWART & BUCK 815 Northwestern Dank Bids. . IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW Six large rooms, living room clear across the front of house; hardwood floors; papered with best tapestry paper; finished ivory and white en amel; tile bath with expensive plumb ing, and garage. Price and terms are right. Open Monday. HERMAN NILSCN Owner and Tlnilder. 58. E. 2.1th St. N. Woodla-n-n 4K41. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS United States Hank Buildinn REAL ESTATE. TWINS COST HOME Profitable invest ment.' Can be used as six-room house or three rooms each sidei Two sets plumb ins. Can be rented for (25 each side. CHAS. E. PBAHCE, 420 South Idaho it, Butte. Mont. LANDLORDS, GOODBYE! Renting means poverty. Get rich in prosperous Chicago while family enjoys restful suburban comforts. $3500 down buys cozy home; $7000. V. G. Roclne. Conerese Park. 111. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. A SAFE INVESTMENT. FLAT BUILDING EARNING $03 PER MONTH. PRICE NOW ONLY $8000. This will pay better than 12 per cent on the money invested. This fiat is on cor. lOOxlll feet; all improvements hi and paid. This property is in hlsch cla.s district and in perfect condition. WHY PUT YOUR MONEY IN 4 per cent securities when you can make it earn more than 12 per cent in property like this? See Offering Todav. NEILAN A PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen bid.. 5th and Stark sts. IS. 15 PER CENT ENOUGH? This don't mean that the tenants are paying too much rent, but it does mean that you can beat the owner down enough on his price to make these Bight ly fiats on 10th St.. just above Montgom ery, return you 1.3 per cent on your in vestment. You can live in one of them rent free ani still get good returns on your investment. What more do you want ? : STRONG CO.. 634 Chamber of Commerce. 14 PER CENT NET INCOME. Beautiful apartment house, close in, 15 apartments: 100x100: cost 52.Oo0 to build few years aro: never offered be fore; (G0.0O0. $26,ono cash, balance at 6 per cent. AG 437, Oregonian. FLAT BUILDING FOUR 4-room apart ments, income better than 10 net; $6000; $20(10 cash will handle. E. E. CUMPSTON, SELLWOOD 1422 OR 8033. BUY a home and have an income at same time. 1 have two small apartment houses in lrvlngton for sale at $17,000 and $1S.O0: first-class in every respect. R. ' J. O'Nell. 717 Board of Trade bldg. SPECIAL This is a 6th st. property, cen tral and first-class, large, flat bldg.; fine investment; price (OOoo; will pay $150 per month and hpme for you; 5 blocks of city hall. Owner, 349 6th st. -FAMILY flat, comer lot. paved street: good income: Rose City Park. Price right, easy terms. AN 733. Oregonian. TWO 4-ROOM flats. 37 Sacramento, be tween Union and Williams ave.. $3S00. 3 FLATS; income $1100; Price (S500. 605 Stock Exchange, Main Will ii iii i REAL ESTATE. For aleFlat and Apartment PropertT. 8-FAMH.T FLAT, near 13th and Hall, four have S rooms each and one has 4 rooms; four are well fur nished, good income; lot 60x100. Price $l(.00i. 2-family flat, 5 rooms each, extra well located on corner lot. walking- distance; Income (70 per month. Price (7000. 4-famlly flat, near 16th and YamhilL, 80x100 lot; this is a very fine close-in modern bide. Price tl'U.000. -family flat. E. th and Burn side, corner lot. walking distance; each flat has 5 rooms, well ar ranged; price (20,000. 2-family flat on ltth St. west side, 5 rooms on 1 floor. 5 rooms on upper, with 2 nice finished rooms on 3d floor. Price JsiOO. 2-family flat on B. 10th st: each has 6 rooms; 1 block to car; handy to schools, etc. Price (50O0. This is only a few of the many flats and apartments which we have for sale. Call at our office for full details. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Vor gale Dusineas Property. TRACKAGE. 100x200 BUSINESS CENTER FRONTS. 100 FEET EAST FIRST STREET. 100 FEET EAST SECOND STREET.. iOO FEET EAST WASHINGTON. WITH 200-FOOT TRACKAGE. -W- S- POIXDEXTER. SOS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S0O. $1.0,000 CONTRACTORS $13,000. Full block. 220x200 feet, on Milwaukie street with house, store. 5 living rooms and bath, full basement, all improve ments paid; fine location for apartment house, garage, factury; the only block without building restrictions. Call Max shall 4340. 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. FOR SALE Building 28x64 feet, will make tine store or apartment house, cost (3000. will sacrifice for $1000, located h,. both and Pine. Call or phone Oscar Alderton, Tabor 5190. 1052 E. Yamhill st. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY. About -acre eaat of 47th Kt. N. and o.-w. R. R. tracks, with warehouse; must be Bold to close up estate. 217 Ad ington bldg. Marshall 439. FACTORY Bite. 105x500. west side water- 7. . . Jx lrcKage and paved street; flti. 000. Owner. 1421 N. W. bank bldg. AT THE RIGHT PRICE Store building yitn modern living room; A-l location. Phone 312-27. or P. 074. Oregonian. FOR SALE Good business corner on 6 E. Burnsiae t., ou good terms. Phone own er. East 2704. for Sale Beach Property. COLUMBIA BEACH. "BY THE SEA." Spend Your Vacation at Our Closest Ocean Beach. Our TENT CITY Is new open. Large box tents, complete ly furnished stove, cooking utensils, djshes. beis and bedding $10 per week. First-class restaurant on grounds; also grocery store, stocked to meet your every need. Dancing, jazz orchestra. Columbia Beach is a seaside and in land resort combined. Fresh and salt water bathing, clam digging, canoeing and fishhwe. For permanent .summer home, inland lakes, camping place see us about invest ments at Columbia Beach. - Buy a lot now at present low prices and easy terms. All successful beach resorts have returned big money to the investor. Call or write for particulars. COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. 248 Stark st.. Portland. Or. Phone 5420. WHY PAY RENT year after year when you go to the beach? Buy one of those dandy oceaa front lots at Highland Park, located on S. P. Tillamook lino, between Manhat tan Beach and Rockaway; on very easy terms; build you a modest little cottage; do as others are doing; buy your lumber from a house wrecking company at half price; then you will always have a sum mer home ail your own at the seashore. MacFALL & WELCH. Owners. Portland Offices, 401-2 Goodenough bldg. Phone Main 807. After July 15, address Manhattan Beach. FOR RENT. GEARHART COTTAGE. Five rooms, toilet, bath, fire .place; facing golf tinks. A very fine cottage, completely furnished, for rent balance of season. Call Tabor M04 Sunday. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanglng and furnish material. Lot located in Tillamook beach (Salt air), near station and ocean. AK 70O, Oregonian. BEACH HOTEL. For sale or trade, beautiful 16-room bungalow type, strictly modern; located on one of the finest beaches. Will ac cept city or suburban property on trade; might consider good automobile as part Layment. (For Information write D. E. arkin. 529 Hurnside St.. Portland, or call Bdwy. 1614 SIX-ROOM house, completely furnished, and two fine lots at Seaview, Wash., for SlbOO; will take $90O down and balance to suit purchaser; are forced to sell to Bettle an estate and this offer is a real bargain; inquire 330 Worcester bldg. Main 5t0. ' CHOICEST location on Salmon river, about half acre, near Welch's. Mt. Hood road; beautiful surroundings and view, new ly finished house 4 rooms, partially fur nished, and sleeping porch for sals rea sonable. East 4001. 32 ACRES at North 'Beach: fine ocean frontage, part cultivated, part in beau tiful shade trees: about 10 acres cran berry bog; $4500; Will consider Port land property priced right, owner, i10 Ch. of Com. Phone Mar. 1585. . CANNON BEACH. 2 'A A., SACRIFICE. 5 rooms, fireplace, water front, heart of beach, excellent location, consider any fair cash offer. T. O. Bird. 520 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1022. FOR SALE Or will rent or lease two choice lots. 50x140 feet at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. AL 767, Oregonian. SEAVIEW. WASH. For rent or for sale, a complete 6-room furnished cottage; running water, patent toilet, eiec. light. Call 6O0 Dekum bldg.. 11 to 1. 6-ROOM HOUSE and lot. 58x100; also 3 room house' on same. lot: all furniBhed. for sale. $1500 cash. 'Inquire or address P. O. Box 254. Long Beach. Wash. Owner. SEAVIEW Nice vacant lot on track, south of station: values beglnnnig to grow as road grading progresses. O 065. Oregonian. 250O. Seaside bungalow, near depot: modern, 6 rooms: garden. V acre: newly built- v.ln 5lrtT" MpFftrland. FaiUnir blriir GEARHART PARK Two lots, covered with trees, $30 each: cash, dry goods, gro ceries, etc. T 924, Oregonian. EIGHT beautiful lots. Bayocean. $SO0. one Neahkahnie, (200, or will trade for auto. V 977. Oregonian CANNON BEACH Five-room cottage, furnished: three lots: ocean front; $3000. F. R. Dreback, Ecola. Or. FOR SALE At Welches. 4 lots. 3 river front, 1 with furnished cottage. Call Main 1932 week days. FOR SALE $SO0 lot at Bayocean for $400. or wiil exchange for city lot. AG 730, Oregonian. FOR SALE A 6-room house and two lots. Mrs. Hattie Fitzgerald. Rockaway. Or. FOR SALE Desirable lot at Gearhart. Ta bor 6SS0. EXCHANGE fine Newport bluff lot for Bar View lot. P 2S5. Oregonian. LOT at Bayocean Park; lot 7. block 9L Mrs. R. Kaufman. 449 Broadway. For Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 lots in Tualatin View Park, with view of valley. Cost $G00 each; will sell one or both for half price. Owner. Marshall 4827. ABSOLUTE sacrifice. 214 lots in Laurel hurst, all or part: easy terms if de sired. Phone Marshall 2146 or AL 449, oregonian. N ICE 50x100 LOT near Killingsworth ave. car. City conveniences and resident. Will sacriftce at about half value. $300. Terms. Wdln. 3796 Sunday or evenings. NORTHWEST corner 6Bth and Sandy. 114 feet on Sandy, room for 2 houses, free and clear: $1050. Inquire Taylor Shop, 15 12th St.. west Bide. CORNER lot. Elmhurst, $400. C B. Smith, Worley. Idaho. FOR SALE at a bargain, well located Trvington lot. AP 407. Oregonian. FOUR fine lots. 50x100. .Improved streets, (2i0a AB 500. Oregoalao, Sill KSTATE. -Lots. SPECIAL LOT BARGAINS. READ CAREFULLY. We can recommend each and every parcel listed below as being way below true value. Now is the opportune time to buy that homesite: you can build later. We are averaging a lot sale a day because we only handle vacant property that w-111 sell. Let us assist in the location of your home: (30O N. W. cor. E. 5Sth and Broad way. 50x100. Ctoo E. 73d. In Jonesraore; no liens; 50x1 14. $300 Fine building lot. close to "W. R. car. on E. 36th. $500 Swlnton cor.. 1 blk. to car: make offer. (330 50x100. Webster St.. close to Jef ferson high school and Piedmont barns. (rtOO R. C. P.; fine corner, just south of Sandy; it's a dandy. (G30 Alberta St.. near Denver: 50x105. (730 One of the nicest corners in R. C. P.. 1 block north of Sandy; several nice trees: don't pass this up. (S30 IOOxIOO. cor. E. 14th and Ains worth: just think, no liens; some nice fruit trees. (900 Alameda park, beautiful south front lot on Mason, bet. 2 nice homes. (1200 Can you beat this? 50x100 on E. Gltsan. near E. 24th. 1 short blk. off fiandy: ripe for fiats or apartments. (1400 Cor. on Hawthorne, near E. 50th. 6 2-3x100. $2000 Albina. 100x100, near Missis sippi and Russell. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOT BARGAINS. $100 buys 2 small lots Portland Heights No. 2. (125 buys small lot, E. 60th and Tilla mook streets. $400 buys large lot near Union ave and Columbia boulevard. $330 buys 50x100 lot near 76th and Sandy blvd. (OiiO buys 50x100 lot on 51st st., near Mt. Scott car. (S00 buys 50x100 lot near Wood'.awn school. (2,50 buys 75x100 business lot on Union ave.; street improvements paid; easv terms. See Mr. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 504". 410 Henry bldsr. 130x200. BIG SNAP PARKP.OSB. $1350 On a graveled road and only 2 blocks to Sandy bl-d.: gas and water connections in front of property; this is (300 below other prices and terms: (430 cash, bal ance $25 a month. Parkrose branch office, at end of Parkrose car line. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. S Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 20S. INSIDE RESIDENCE LOTS AT BAR GAIN PRICES: 2 lots northeast corner 41st and Halsey ?Sn0 ISi lots between 42d and 43d 500 hi block northeast corner lith and Ash 3nO0 Sightly lot in I.add's addition 1750 A. W. LAMBERT & SON, Grand Ave. and E. Alder St. East 640. LOT BARGAINS. $3.-0 each. 4 Rose City Park lots. 200i HO feet. Sth st. JiiOfl Beaumont. 50x100. Imp. paid. (HOO each. Rose City Park. 59th st. $1300 lrvlngton: Imp. pd. (QOO S. E. cor. 31st-TIbbetts sts. $2:130 Portland Heights view lot. Chss. Rlngl-r & Co., 223 Henry Bldg. $1000.. 4 rooms. Neat kitchen, dining and living rooms. One bedroom: city water. electricity; 40x100 corner lot: 9 bearing fruit trees, flowers and Perries. cnicKen house, place for cow. A good place to get a start. Onlv (300 down. Let me show you. Ask for Mr. Sohlstrom. GEO. T. MOORE CO. YEON BLDG. RAVFl REXT Full east front lot. new shack 14x24 with upstairs: water: gas for cooking. lights and heat: furnished or not: splen did garden, fruit trees, shrubhery. etc chicken house. 62 hens. 2 roosters. Good location In west Piedmont, near carline One-half price. Party leaving. 1213 Borthwick. IRVINGTON. H BLOCK ON KNOTT FT. See this and vou will want it: beau tiful wooded 100x100 at verv low price. The finest corner in lrvlngton. Let us show you. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Blde TWO beautiful lots on Hnlgate street. 20 full bearing trees about 10 'years old and in fine condition; all kinds of berries; t block from car. Just the place to build a bungalow and beat the high rents. For outck sale, nrire (1000. See owner at of fice of John E. Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. MT. TABOR. (3000. 100x100 on S. W. cor. E. 54th and Bel mont: paved streets: all improvements In and puld. This is the biggest bar gain in Portland torfav. See it at once. .RITTER. I.OWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $20 IRVINGTON PARK LOT $200. Pement walks, curb, city water, elec tricity. 3 minutes' walk to car line. (30 down, (10 per month; big sacrifice; cost owner $600. M. E. De.IOICE COMPANY. 222 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 1R31. IRVINGTON. IRVINGTON. IOOxIOO. E. 21st st.. for (3000: all Im provements in and paid: 1 bik. toBtoad way car line. 80-ft. paved street; big bargain. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201 . 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BKAUTIFULLT WOODED LOTS 30x100. near the beautiful Peninsula park and Jefferson high school: 18 minutes to Broadwav and Washington by street car; 3 car lines. $30O (SO rash, (10 monthly joHNsox-nonsoN co.. 633 lxl. W. Bank Bldg. Main R77. ROSE CITY PARK. ONLY (50O. Nice 50x100. east front, on E. 52d St.: everything clear: good abstract; some pickup: act quick. RITTER. I.OWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HALF ACRE. City water, gas. (200 less than actual cost, and at (1.1 per month. PUT YOUR RENT MONEY BACK INTO TOUR POCKET. SOREN PETERSON. 1102 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 3731. WILL trade for liberty bonds dandy 50x 100 west facing iot on E. .10th st., in Rose City district; price (1000; all clear; good buv. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE LOT SACRIFICE. 50x100. west of 33d St.. 1 block to Hawthorne ave.. facing east: everything in and paid, fine surroundings: price (lOOO for auick sale. Owner. Tabor 7875. MONT A VILLA DISTRICT. 7 rooms, bath, basement, fireplace, trnys. gas. electric fixtures. 2 stories. V4 Mock south of Montavilla depot car. S3500 103 E. Mth St. X. Tabor 840L IRVINGTON. 50x100. 3 blocks to Broad way car line, only (10O0; a fine, level building lot. See us at once. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON. 100x100. X. W. corner ISth and Fre mont: price $2500 or will sell separately. Tabor 50O4. BEAUTIFUL lrvlngton lot 5Ox10O ft., on 17th facing east. 50 ft. south of Klicki tat St.: fine trees. Price (1300. half cash. A.T 748. Oregonian. LAURELHURST. 50x100. south face, on Hazelfern. all improvements naid. (1100. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $1200 S. W. cor., the Alameda, and E. 60th st. N.. 100x100. street assessments to be assumed. Call Bdwy. 271 before 10 A. M. or after 5 P. M. P.. C. P. DANDY corner, all improvements paid for. SOOO. Can vou beat it? FITTER. LOWE CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LAURELHURST LOT. Xear E. 37th. all improvements In and paid: price J1200. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark Pt. FOR SALE On 43d st.. between Knott and Brazee St.: east front, all improve ments in: clear: (1100. Owner. J. H. Riffle 839 Bowdoin St. FOR PALE Laurelhurst lot. 50x100. east Gllsan end 41st st. Beautiful site for fine residence: original cost (220O: price S1400. Including all improvements. Lot 40x120. sidewalk In and raid; right on the carline: a bargain at $350. Owner. 5632 Woodstock ave. ROSE CITY LOT 100x100. corner 64th and Klickitat st. Sure a bargatn. Call Main 6n32. Owner. R. Gens. 464 Jef ferson streeL FOR SALE A choice corner lot: E. Jarrett and 15th streets. Apply 840 E. Pine and 27th sts. THREE fine building lots In University Park, one block from car line: price ( 1 2Q0. Owner. L. E. Evens. Oswego. 2 LOTS. $400 each. 1 V. blocks from car line: 5 fruit treea 4303 43d ave. S. E., W. S. car FOR RALE by owner, beautiful comer lot In R. C. Park, facing Sandy. Main 4930. FOR SALE 2 lots. 48x130. 1st add. to Riverside Bend. Add. J. Olive. Leona. Or. ALAMEDA PARK S. W. corner 31st n? ( Prescott; street paved, paid. Tabor SilL REAL ESTATE. ATTENTION! SPECULATORS! BUILDERS! INVESTORS! Choice building lots are now at the LOWEST PRICE ever recorded in Port land, and are certain to advance to former prices or even higher. NOW Is THE TIME to pick over while the price is low. These and hundreds of others are listed with us at far below the ORIGINAL PRICE. SEE THEM, KOW1 ALBERTA DISTRICT. $1500 looxloo on E. 30th. facinc east. loo feet north of Jarrett; hard surfaced. EASY TERMS. (1000 125x100 on west s:de of E. 20th st.. 200 feet north of Killings worth. EASY TERMS. S25 Si'xloo on East 13th. facing west. 15o 'feet north of Shaver; hard surfaced. EASY TERMS. (650 ioxloo on East 31st. facing west. 133 feet north of Killingsworth. EASY TERMS. , 600 50x100 on E. 19th. facing east. 2oo feet north of bumuer. EASY TERMS. $450 50x100 on east side of Glean ave., 3 00 feet north of Jarrett. EASY TERMS. ALBINA DISTRICT. (1630 50x100 on Eugene street, facing north. 130 feet west of Union ave. HARD-SURFACED. .Easy terms. $1300 50x100, facing west on Rodney, 130 feet north of Going. TERMS. $900 50x0u on S. E. corner Shaver and Montana; four fruit trees: hard- , surfaced. EASY TERMS. SS50 uoxloo. Castle ave.. 200 feet north of Mason. facing east; hard surfaced. EASY TERMS. S.xW) ioxloo. facing east on Albina, ave.. 150 feet north of BEECH. Only (loo down. Easy terms on balance. . IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $2u00 IOOxIOU. beautiful lot. on X. W. corner E. 9th and Thompson. .,.. HARD-SURFACED. Easy terms. (1000 Soxloo. north aide of Schuyler. l.0 feet east of E. 33d. HARD SURFACED. Easy terms. .,ljAUREI-HURST DISTRICT. (1200 oOxloo. north side of Senate St.. 100 feet west of E. 37th st. Hard- .,. surfaced. EASY TERMS. $1-00 joxloo. south side of Sandy blvd.. 150 feet east of Imperial ave. ,o EASY TERMS. A snap! (900 oOxlOO on north side of LAUREL HURST AVE.. 130 feet west of L. 44th. EASY TERMS. GOOD V ALUE. . MT. SCOTT BARGAINS. $iK)0 jOxlOo on north side of 42d are, west of E. 72d St.; 8 fruit trees; -, CASH. Splendid value! ooxloo on 04th ave., loo feet west of 80th. lacing north. EASY T E R M S. EXCLUSIVE PIEDMONT. $1500 i,oxloo on west side of Mallory. 5o feet north of Jessup. Hard- surfated- Cash. (l-oO 00x100 on east side of Kerby. 200 feet north of Killingsworth. ..... Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $12x0 62x100. west of Vancouver ave . on north side of Ainsworth. EASY TERMS. .o ?OSE CITY DISTRICT. $1400 Beautiful looxloo. on west side of E. 51st. 100 feet north of Stan , HARD-SURFACED. EAST TtRMS. $1300 looxloo, on west side of E. 55th st., loo feet south of Siskiyou. , Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $1.50 t.t.xloo. northwest corner of E Utith and Sandy blvd. Hard-sur-,,,- faced. EASY TERMS. (l-oO ioxloO, southwest corner of E f"J Thompson. HARD .,.. M.RFACED. Cash. (1-00 50x100. S. V. corner E. 55th and cx,x Thompson. EASY TERMS. (S00 ..Oxloo. west side of E. 40th St.. J;'"(eet north of Alameda drive. EAS TERMS. $800 30x100. southeast corner of E "2d and Klickitat. EASY TERMS. ooxluo. northeast corner of E 1 2d and Beech. EASY TERMS! t,oon value $750 50x100. west side of E. 51st, 200 " Lx,norlh of Stanton. EASY i fc. K Al $550 Soxloo. west side of E. 55th. 1O0 .. I""1, south of Tillamook. CASH. (450 oOxlOo. on east side of E. 3d C'axjtr a norfht f Klickitat. . . rt t-ASH. A real bargain. 1400 .,0x100. on East 06th. 150 feet EASY TERMS.'11' " .,SELLWOOD-I-OT SNAPS $1600 Splendid IOOxIOO. E. 20th. facing wes, 50 feet south of Rex ave. snil- ,d,"?urface'1- EASY TERMS. -0 ..'.xUO. on east side of E. 21st. TERMS"0 f MiIler av EASY These are but a few of the remark- hundred,Va!U" W have I'-ted Wemhae Hundreds in every part of rh ri,v TCNITYy.EL Y BlOWok: '"heLoV ManVvftn'' FRANK L. McGUlRE. ... To Buy Your Lot lORii Evenings and Sundays. 106 Third St.. Bt. Wash, and stark. $1000 MT. TABOR. (30 DOWN, $13 A MO. from ft" ,id!" "nation: east front, the original price of this 'l ,r'as 15ou; street Improve (?'sn f" Pa'd. so as to leave oniv a bonded balance of about $100 J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Cora. bldg. Main 20S. IMPROVED LOT 60x100. IRVINGTON Full-bearing fruit and shade trees, all street improvements in and paid; cnoice location. 1 b;k. to Broadway car line- a bnap for quick action RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-O-" Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON LOTS. IS lots In beautiful Knott-st. Addi tion, between Knott and Brazee. Prices are right. New restrictions give long protection. J. C. CORRIN CO.. 305-6-7-S Lewis bldg. OR4Vr i l - x- r - Lot oOxflo. on Grand ave.. near East Bumside; some income, for sale cheap. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand ave.. near E. Ankeny. For Sale -House BRING YOUR BLANKETS AND SOME MONEY. Five-room bungalow, electric lights, bath, basement. water heater, living room, kitchen, dining room and one bed room completely furnished, except bed ding: new furniture; some wood and briquets; Immediate possession: price (3200; terms; Franklin high district Mt- Scott car. J. J. OEDER CO.. i Grand Ave., Near E. Ankeny. Phone East 61. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. I have a fine, modern, up-to-date home- of 6 rooms: reception, living and dining room in Ivory and mahogany Dutch kitchen in white, all hardwood floors. French doors bet. living and din ing room, built-in bookcases and buffet furnace, fireplace. 2 toilets, garage and full lot. facing east, and onlv (7500 and Vi-cash. All In the pink of condition. A bargain. Phone Marshall S29 F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. (2300. Six-room bungalow. electric lights, bath, full basement, wood hoist, corner lot. 45x100. street paved and sewer paid; near car line, school and stores: corner E. 42d st. and Francis ave.; one of the best buys on the market. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand Ave., Near E. Ankeny. Phone East 61. BY OWNER Four-room bungalow jn Piedmont 2 blocks from Mississippi car line: 2 blocks from St. Johns car line, three blocks from Jefferson high: 2 blocks from library, nicely enameled: lot 4SxlOO every room white enameled, built-in china closet, electric light.-), gas, wash trays, full basement: price (2S50, terma Call Woodlawn 4379. $4200 MANSION (4200 10-room residence, first floor of 6 rooms, finished in hardwood, has two toilets, bath, furnace, full basement large porches, corner. 100x120, some fruit, a cash. Phone Mar. 829. F. L- BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. 10-ROOM bouse, within one block of Rose City Park school. 75 feet frontage with beautiful lawn, trees, rose bushes and shrubbery, house heated with hot water radiators, fine sleeping porch, large porches, fine fireplace. 033 E. 59th 6t N. Telephone Tabor 3421. MY equity in lot 50x100 and 5-room shack, electric lights and gas: might consider trade. Call Sunday or evenings between 6 and 8 P. M. at 490 E. 82d st. N. Phone Tabor 5024. $53O0 9 ROOMS and a. porch, full base ment. 1. trays, furn . f. place. 1. tVOxloo. fruit and berries. This Is the best buy in town. Location splendid. Tabor 6493." 7-ROOM house, 50xln0 lot. some fruit good view; a snap at (2OO0; onlv (500 ca.-h. hal. $20 per mo., including inter est. Main 6127. SMALL house and lot for quick sale. 13iJ E. S2d sc. X.; Alberta car. s 102.0v U