- THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 18, 1920 SPEAKER HEARING LEAD SISLER'S .4 0 4 MARK LI KELT TO BE PASSED. Mornsby Tet Holds National Palm While Ruth Drops In Amer ican Standings. " CHICAGO. July 17. As a result of a sensational batting drive, Tris Speaker, manager of the Cleveland li.dians, Joday threatens to oust George Sisler, star first baseman with fet. Louis. Jrom the batting leadership in the American league. Speaker whaled his way from fourth plc-e to second within a weeK, driv ing cut 18 hits in eight games and bcofcting his average from .385 to .4i'3. Sisler's average is .404. Joe Jackfeon, the Chicago slugger, is trail tnjr Speaker with an average of .318, while "Babe" Kuth, the home-run king, dropped from second to fourth pli.ee with a mark of .382. Kuth was Riming .386 a week ago. . .Kuth, in addition to his remark able home-run drive, is leading the league in scoring, having crossed the plate 82 times. Hice of Washington tailed to steal any bases during the week, but his-35 thefts remain high. Other leading batters: Kice, Wash ington, .366; Weaver, Chicago, .351; K. Collins, Chicago, .349; Milan. Washington, .342; Meusel, New York, .34, Hendryx, Boston, .337; Erickson, "Washington, .333; Jacobson, St. Louis, .39; Felsch, Chicago, .3-8; Johnston, Clueland, .326; Chapman, Cleveland, .3-5; Elmer Smith. Cleveland, .324; Mclnnis, Boston, .322; Cobb, .Detroit. .SIS. Although Eayers of Boston is on top in the National league with an average of .403, Roger Hornsby, the Kt. Louis star, continues to be the real leader with an average of .360. Hornsby has played in 81 games as compared with 51 for the Bostonian. Cy Williams of Philadelphia, the leading home-run hitter, boosted his total above the nine mark. In base dealing Max Carey of Pittsburg, continues to show the way with a total of 32 an advance of four with in a week. Other leading batters: Smith, New York, .338; Konetchy, lirooklyn, .329; Rousch, Cincinnati, .328; Twombley, Chicago, .327; Groh, Cir.cinnati, .322; Nicholson, Pittsburg, -.322; Hollocher, Chicago. .319; Smith, St. Louis, .319; Myers, Brooklyn, .313. Trout Are Tourists. OREGON CITY, Or., July 17. (Spe cial.) Harold Ledman of Clackamas left Friday evening for North Bend with ten cans of brook trout to be turned loose in the rivers of that section. These fish were brought from the, Bonneville hatchery by Mr. Dedman and were fed at the Clack amas hatchery Friday. TOO MTU TO CLASSIFY. Uri I'L.N HERt;, are only a tew of real uya? 1 11. K. rooms close in. white Temple district, IllHM); rent $10; will . fcjear $18$ mo. 17 11. K. rooms. flH) to handle; rent Jo; will clear $uo mo. -2 Tran&ient rooms, brick hotel, rent $Ko, clears J:;tW mo.; $ 1 0;MJ will handle. 10 rooms, II. K., rent $30; $!hh); terms. 20 H. K. rooms, $-O011; will han dle, close in, west side." See .Miss Mover or Miss Butler. With Slinms. 42fl Cham. Com. Main 4277. Foil SALE Davenports: the biggest bar grains in Portland; we have too many and must move some of them ; bis cut in . prices; $40 to $70 for genuine eastern oak - davenports; they are easily worth o0 per cent more money. i'earlman Bros. Furniture Co., The Yellow Front Store, FUH SA l.B Sanitary floor covprings in Linoleum, Pabcolin. ltax and Lyno; the good kinds at greatly reduced uncos, fiom ."Sit cents to 2.10; worth in a regu lar way from S."t cents to $H a yard. - - I'eitriman Bros.' Furniture Co., The Yotiow Front Store, 84-M Grand Ave. THE OI.PS. WORTMAN & KING STORE inquires the Fervirt-s of experienced hos i : y saleswomen. Apply superintendent's ' oltice, U:15 to 10:oU A. M. - 4i'OH SALE Eisrtt-piece mahogany dining room Mine; regular reta.it price jotto; we have no room lor it and have cut the price in two; $i:7."0 for the entirts tuite, this is the best buy in Portland. i'earlman Bros Furniture Co.. Yellow Front Store, M Grand Ave. WANTED. Traveling man to sell our well estab lished lin of g.oves in Oregon and part of Washington on commission; relerencvs required. Beaver Glove Mfg. Co., 31 North 6th St. p SPLENDID little brick apartment house on larse corner, paying very nicely; can have a life-lung home and income; price ..,r.00it; owner will take one-half in good property in or out of the city. J E. Milit r, 410 Chanvber of Com. blug. 'OK SALE Pabcolln ruga, sanitary, dura ble and artistic, feet bv u feet, at the bargain price of $4.5U, $.1.40 and $0. 1 earlnian Bros. Furniture Co., The Yellow Front Store, 84-S0 Grand Ave. COMPETENT office man to act as shio ping. receiving and stock clerk for can Ping corporation; must furnish refer ences and state salary desired in first i"tiT. av i-io, oregonian. 1 WANT to meet party who wishes to in vest $300 in the manufacture of a line of goods of merit; must have some ability; - investigation invited. AK. &, Orego- ii mil. IWAiWivO A reliable young man for porter worn; must give reterences. Ap ply between 10 and 12 o'clock. A. & C. r eioenneuuers, ' Park. city. cor, Washington and ,.ok sALh, Pan-American touring car, A xso. j. conauion; win sen at about v price; owner leaving city. Call Monday u i aw cast, saiiuon si. ALL OR PART. Tire repair shop, good, live town: other Business. Jviees" Sweet Shop, 2vl .Mor rison St., Sunday, alter 4 o'clock. 1ji9 DODGE delivery, perfect condition moou ruuoer, ou casn, worm luvu; as . good a Dodge car as there is in the city; i nveu me money, tail tabor 2123. oko panel delivery, dou-bie oiling sys- tern, gooa ruooer, line looKing car, per ... feet condition, $375 cash, worth $000; t- private party. ,an ojo tti. Mark. PIANO teacher will irive lessons In ex change for few hours' practice on good piano iu mouerii uume. au orego nian. ON E TEAM of horses and "harness, weigh about 3200 lbs.; 2 wagons; all chejp. Can ne seen hc ouua -iist et. S. E. Call Seil w ood 3460. 8 LIGHT 'housekeeping rooms and garage ;i2l E. Sth st. N. ; also a sleeping room. casi i.'tii!i. WANTED Allies yarn, peacock blue snaue. only sma.l amount needed to fin in sweater. Call Mar. 5tl. WANTED. Girls for 49 show. Mrs. Kennedy, Pal ace notei. LA KG E rooms, suite, front, light, well furnished, close in; single room. 366 6th st. .Mar. o. , iiCiN i i-h.ii a. s light-weight ult. worn but 3 times;, about half of original price. i.aii .m on nay. lapor til KHRIES for sale. 7c per pound: Hindis, Lamberts, Royal Annes. 11 K. f.Oth st. North. WANTED. Trap dnrmmer for traveling girl show. Mrs. Kennt-dy, Palace hotel. LATH 1017 model Ford touring car: cheap i. for eah. Phone Maine ttsTtf. or B U1J. . Orezonian. LAKtiE front bedroo droom ror 2 gentlemen, all walMig distance. 5yi E. conveniences; . Oak. RV GOODS STORE, doing fine business, for caie on account of sickness. AB 881, Oretxonian. LARGE furnished room, gentleman pre ferred : breakfast if desired. 14 Bast Itith t. Kast 7822. W HITK enameled dresser for on d-hand dealer's. 431 K. sale : 87th no sec- st. . FOR SALE Holtein and Guernsey cow; ; fresh last spring. Call Tabor 60i8. s-MALL CHILD to board; sleeping room for parent. mother's E. 2U(Vv f ROOMS, furnished house. Sea View; Wash.; view ol ocean, labor TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. THE OLDS. WORTMAN KING STORE requires the services of an experienced hair weaver for beauty shop, mcond fioor. Apply superintendent's oltice. 0.10 to lo.ol A. M. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KINO STORE requires the services of an experienced window shade maker. Apply superintend ent's office. 11:16 to 10;30 A. M. $475 CASH or bonds. 1918 Maxwell tour ing car, 'mechanically like new; 5 tires, good for Dooo miles; newly painted, new battery and equipped with shock ab sorbers; leaving city reason for sale, really worth $Uu0. Call room 6, 434 Mor rison St. J405 CASH buys my late 1917 Ford road ster, mechanically like new; equipped vith 5 30x3i demountable tires and tire rack: has new top and newly paint ed; must be sold today; call room tt, 434 Morrison. OWNER going east, must saenrice o-room house; bath, laundry trays, full cement basement. 50x100 lot, 8 fruit trees, chicken yard; all improvements in and paid; $2uou. your own terms. 927 Grand ave. N. THE ELMOND. Strictly first-class. completely fur. 3-rm. apts. Two disappearing beds, dressing room, tiled bath, etc, $70 up; also a-rm, apts, $43 up; adults; refer ences. 415 10th st. Main 660O. WOULD like SO to l."0 acres near Wil lamina or Grand .Ronde Indian reser vation; buildings not necessary; part clear; must have running water; state price and terms. M 903. Oregonlan. INFORMATION Ask about anything you wish to know that will be of value to you. Write to Western Information Bureau, 404 Washington St., Portland, Or. 1920 FORD SEDAN. Owned and driven about city by one, only short time; sacrifice; call 1. 4388 Sun, or Rdwy. 321 Monday. THE LAURETTE. Completely furn. 3-rm. apts., living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath; 5 min. walk; references. 229 11th. Main 8307. WANTED Partner for paying business, California; must have a few hundred dollars. Sunday call Oak Grove 2t'.X. Monday Bdwy. 2S32. ask for Mr. Allen. WAN'TBl) Small woodyard or location for . woodyard on S. P. track, west side, north portion of city preferred. Phone Main 2834. FIVE teachers wanted for educational work during the summer season; apply at 3S5 Wash. St., room 037. O 902, Ore gonlan FIVE acres, all cleared, within 6 miles of Portland: no buildings. $250 will handle. See Mr. Fisher, 248 Stark. Main 5429. WANTED To rent by reliable party. or 7 room furnished or unfurnished house, near 37th and Hawthorne. Phone morn ing Main b$2M2 or evenings Tabor 8756. FO H RENT Seaside furnished cottage on Broadway near new Seaside hotel. Call Main ft 30 between 4 and 6. FOii, SA ImK Hobart meat chopper with bone grinder, first-class condition. Irv Inpton market, f0H E. Broadway. LOST On Vista ave., black horse hair hat, lined with preen satin. Reward. Phone Marshall R2G. HAVE 2 fine building lots near Laurel wood school, will trade for auto and pay some cash. BD 478. Oregon ian. A REAL I rvinirton home, loner lease if furniture is bought, flowers, garden and fruit Call mornings after 9. East 2002. FoK SAKE 20 White hona; going away; sell ) Seliwood 1614. Leghorn laying t a bargain. Call BED box L68 SPRINGS and mattress, $5; chairs, lounge, sewing machine, reasonable. 4th. FOR SALE Dodpe touring car, good con dition, new tires, new top,- extras; snap at $m5. Automatic 210-37, owner. CLEARANCE sale on barber supplies, fur niture and fixtures, razors, etc. Port land Cutlery Co., 80 6th ft., near Stark. IUT7 MAXWELL. A-l condition, run only 1 100 miles by a merhanic, $405. Phone Anto. 210-22; res. 5403. 38 ave. 8. E. FO Ft RKNT 3 furnished rooms, suitable for gentleman: bath. etc. Private en trance. !:! Williams ave. WOULD like to trad lot as first payment on UU 7 or 18 iodge and pay balance $50 per month. Tabor 9306. FOUR college students wanted for the summer sen son. American Educational Assn., 037 Pittock blk. FIVE-ROOM house for rent furnished, S: adults; Wdln. 5210. 15; WANTED Shoemaker or helper, 406 Mor rison "St. FOR p.i!nttng and kalsomining phone Ta nor nsr.6. re POOM plastered house, ner- park. MtFfflssipni, easy erms. East 6753. CADILLAC bug for sate, in rood condt- ion. cheap ; terms. 333 1st st. WANTED CJeneral kitchen help, no Sun- dpy work. Lunch Box. 167 3d. WA NT ED A middle-aged woman to care r-.r invalid. Sll. 1251. HAWTHORNE car line Is 2 blocks Owner East 3SB0. lot for $2.10. FOR SAI.R S0-30 Suvne rifle like call mornings, Wdln. 3219. CAN save man or woman erolng to Chi cago some money. Main 6819. WANTED Dining room girl. Call Wdln. i. CHERRIES for sale, 5 and lO cents. 1841) Peninsula ave.. Woodlawn 5364. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at 8-83 E. 2th t. S. FOR RENT 3-room flat furnished; call Bdwy. 3272. MEETING NOTICES. LINCOLN-GARFITCLD popt. No. 3. i. A. R. Comrade Thos. Supple bus passed on. Funeral l,entz Undertaking chapel, Monday at 3 o'clock. Com radfu will meet at courthouse at 2 o'clock, Monday. Mount Tabor cemetery. KEGTJLAR neetlott oT Industry Lodr It. 8. A. O. U. W.,8d floor. Pythlao bide i formerly Masonic Temple), West Par it too Yamhill, Monday night, ft o'clock. Buffet lunch. W. J. ALL.fc.-M. Recorder. KIRK PATRICK COUN CIL NO. 2227, SECURITY BUNK FIT ASSOCIATION, will give another of their usual 500 card parties and dances at the Swiss hall, 3d and Jefferson sts., on Friday evening next. Cards commencing at 8:30 sharp. Good prizes and gooa union music for dancing. Admission free. Every body welcome to join us for a good time. ANCHOR COUNCfL NO. 746. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Members, have your candidates for Initiation Tuesday night, 12S 11th st. Business ot importance relative to Port land council wnose commit tee are In favor of consoli dating with Anchor Council, Members of all councils invited. Refresh ments and entertainment. EUREKA COUNCIL NO. 204. SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Free card party and dance Monday evening. July 10. Kast Side Woodman. E. 6th and East Alder. Come and bring your friends and have a good time. M. R. JOHNSON, sec. EAST GATE LODGE. NO. 155. A. K. and A. M. Meet to night at East $uth and GUsan streets. Work in M. M. de gree. Visitors welcome. By order V. M. CHARLES P. NELSON, Sec PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42, BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEO MEN, meet Wednesday night, July 21, at 4tnt Alder st. Business and special team work. visitors welcome. letta Haines, correspondent, 200 Alisky bldg. Main tkj6. MULTNOMAH CIRCLE. 744. Members or wooacrart win noid no meetings in July. Next meeting August 6. Members please pay dues at clerks office. Wood craft hall, 10th and Taylor st MARY GEIL, correspondent. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 1. DEGREE OF humjk, tteguiar meeting every Monday night at their hall. Grand ave. ana Aider st.. at s o ciock. MARGARET E. BECKER, sec. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 20I. FRATER NAL BROTHERHOOD, will meet Monday night at W. O. W. temple, -128 lu st. AU members urgpa 10 ue present. MARGARET S WORD, treasurer. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new design, jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th st. FRIEDLAXDER'6 for lodge emblems, cUe pins and medals. 810 Washington st. PIED. MINK At the residence. 8fr7 Ert Burn side street, July 17. Catherine Mink, aged 84 years, mother of Mrs. Amelia Deckert of Portland, Mrs. Carrie Ely of Los Angeles. Cal. : Elmer Mink of Eu gene. Or., and Henry Mink of Lancas ter. Wis. The remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. WHITE In this city, July 17. Mrs. Mary E. White, age 58 years, beloved mother of Mrs. Clyde H. Reade and sister of Mrs. J. C. Elder, Mrs. Effa Morman, Mrs. J. Reising of Portland and Mrs. M. Schoil and Anna Hill of Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. M. Gbolson of Seattle, Wash. Funeral notice later. . t FORSYTH At Mllwaukle, Or.. July 16. Margaret W. Forsyth, aged 75 years, beloved mother of John T. Forsyth of Seattle. Wash.; Mrs. Flora F. Smith of Mllwaukle, Or. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. CLOG In this city, July 17, Bertha H. Clog, aged 42 years 1 month days, of 679 Haig street. The, remains are at the residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy. 1532-1534 East Thirteenth street, Sellwood. Funeral notice later. OLSON In this city. July 17. John Olson. ae 41 years. Remains are at the fu neral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co, 5802-04 Ninety-second street southeast, in Lents. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL yOTICC HALLETT In this city. July 12, 110. at his residence 062 Center st. Clarence W. Hallett, aged 5S years, C. months and 23 days. Deceased is 'survived by a widow, Mrs. Nellie Hailett, of this city, a daughter. Mrs. Mabel Jones, Ports mouth, Vft.; three sisters. Mrs. Flora Durham. Mrs, Florence Hunter and Mrs. Elnora Destrebe, all of Waverly. New York; , also two brothers, John and Cakey Hallett. of Waveriy. New York. Funeral services will be held tomorrow, Monday, July 19, at 2 P. M. in the chapel of the Portland Crematorium. Friends Invited to attend. At the con clusion of the services the body will be placed In a vault. Remains will be at the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner 3d and Clay, until 1 P. M. Monday. SUPPLE At the family residence. 8623 Fifty-sixth avenge, July 17. Colonel Thomas Henry Supple, age 72 years, be loved brother of Mrs, John Green and Miss Jennie A. Supple of Buffalo. N Y. ; Mrs. Arthur C. Phillips of Chicago, Jo seph and John R. "Suale of this citv. The deceased vas a .member of LincoJn Garfield post i'o. 3. O. A. R. The fu neral services will be h"Id Monday. July 10. at 3 P. M.. from the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 502-04 Ninety-second street southeast. In ' Lents. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. GRIESEL At the family residence. 439 East Forty-second street north. July 17, Minna Griesel. aged 67 years 1 month and 28 days, beloved wife of Otto Grtese!. mother of William F.. Henry C. Arnold A.. Re.nhoid J.. Walter C. Fred E.. Eisa and Helen Griesel of this city, and Paul F. Griesel of Seattle. Wash. Funeral nrvfcH will h held from the conser vatory chapel of the East Side funeral directors. 414 East Alder street, Monday, July 19. at 2:30 P. M. Interment Rose City Park cemetery. Friends Invited. VFSEY In this city, July 17, Clara Kve- leen Veey, aed o2 years, late of WalU Walla, Wash., wife of F. W. Vesey, mother ot Flora Evelyn Vesey of Portland. The funeral sei vices will be held Monday, -July at 2 .30 o'clock P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment Riverview cemetery. CURTIS The funeral services of Donald Arthur Curtis, aged o montns, neioved son of Mr. "and Mrs, George S. Curtis of 603" Thirty-eighth avenue S. E., will be held Monday. July 19, at 2 P. M. from the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy company, 5802-04 Ninety-second street S. E. in Lents. Interment in MuKnomah cemetery. DUNCAN In this city, July 15, Arthur Duncan, aged 19 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dupcnn. Funeral services will be held Sunday, J uly 18, at 1 P. M-, at .he Mount SSion church, ne.-.r Estaida, Or. Arrangements in care of Miller. & Tracey. SCHILDAN The funeral services of the late William Schildan of 0210 97th: . st. S. E., will be held Monday. July 19. at 10:30 A. M., from the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. r02-04 9Jd st- 6. E , in Lenta. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. BILIj In this -city, July 16. George K. Hill, aged 55 ye-irs, late of Fairview, Or. Remains ar at the new residential fu if ra I parlors of Dunning & McEntee. Morrison at Twelfth at Funtral notice later. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOnsINES for funeral services. JOJCES AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FLORISTS. 328 Morrison St. Portland Hotel Mar755 348 Morrison St. STones- Bet.BrdwjtPark MarZ57 Charge Accounts soiicuea. Smith's Flower Shop Port'and's progressive florist. We special ize in funeral designs. 141 Sixth, op posite Meier &. Frank's. Main 7-15. MARTIN & FORBES CO. " Florists, Flowers 3.r4 for Washington, ill occasions arranged. Main 260. artistically CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison st. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAJL CO.. 287 Washington t.. bet 4tb and Sth. Main 5102. A 1101. Fl'NERAL DIRECTORS. Dunning & McEntee Fl'NERAL DIRECTORS. Now located in their new residential fu neral home, Morrison .t 12th.- west side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatic 545-08. The Funeral Home of Refinement svnd Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any con nections whatever with any other undertaking firm. EDWARD HOLM AN &SON FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Third and balmon Streets. Main SOT. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington Strevt, Between i0th and 21st Streets, West Side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. Auto. 678-85. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with the privacy of . home. Itith and Everett Sts. Phone Broadway 'J 133. Automatic 021-33. J. P. FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 8. Montgomery at Fifth. i, F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 62. Perfect Bervice, personal direction, free use of floral cnapei arm mo equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Succensora to Wilson & Ross. MuUnomsh at East 7lh. East 54. Irvington district. P.-L. LERCH E. Eleventh and Clay. East 781. Tabor 1833. A. I. KENWORTHY & CO.. 92d St.. Lents. Tabor 5267. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Bt Broadway 2u34. A. R. ZELLER CO. 592 Williams ave. East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK tfhfg'tSb. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, Sd and Clay. M. 4152. A 2231. Lady assistant. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS MB Fonrth Bt.. Opp City HalL Sen Bme. j BLAESING GRANITE: CO. j rXr THIHO A.T MADISON STREET I yhone your want ads to The Orego nian, Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. KEW TODAY. EXECUTORS AM) ADMINIS TRATORS Will Find Oar Thrlce-Serarcd FARM MORTGAGES Exceptional Investment!! for trnxt funds. ot a foreclosure in twen ty years. FEAR A GRAY. " Phone Main 35. 10a Fonrth St. M-tW MM Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas-v sified for ready reference. ' For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Alain 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOCNTA'TS. JULIUS K. BLACK, public accountant, au ditor, accounting systems opened, main tained ; Income tax service; reference. Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Malnv74-k3. ALTERATION'S, LADIES' tailoring. Perfect Titting; work uar. I. Keubin, 408 Bush & Lane bldg ASS A VERS AD ANALYSTS. iiONTAMA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ALTO TOPS. AUTO TOPS. Work guaranteed, reasonable charges. East Side Auto Top. Kast 7784. 255 Grand ave., corner East Madison Bt. DON' T HESITATE. Auto upholstering, top, curtains gen eral repair, painting. MONARCH MOTOR CO., 343 Vancouver ave., near East Broadway.' Phone East 4136. ALTOS FOR HIRE. AUTOS FOR HIRE. 1918 Pierce-Arrow by hour, day or month; .long trips a specialty. Jock Houston, Broadway 334, Main 7359. BATHS. DR. McMAHON S tanltary baths. Always ready. Steam, snowers, plunges, tubs. Necessaries furnibhed. Rubdowns and massage when desired. Service and prices cannot be beat. S. W. cor. 4th and Wash. Tell your friends. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, loth floor Broadway bldg. M&r shall 3LS7. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CAKl'KMLRS AND CONTRACTORS. CARPMER GENERAL. CONTRACT- g. Jobbing. Tabor 9049. CARPET WEAVING. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ragr rugs all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. xl2 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO., 54-56.Unlori ave. N.. Kast B516. B. 1475. CABPKT CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. FLL'Kf OR RAG RUGS. WOVEN ALL, SIZES. WRITE UK CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 37 Washington. Ltroadway 434. A 1254. CEMENT WORK. SEWER connections, septic tanks, cess pools, houses raided, cement work, ex csvatins. Tabor SOUS. CIHKOI'OIMST. FEET HURT Come to Dr. Gartner, foot specialist corns, bunions. loot arches made to order, ail Swetland building, 5th and Washington, ilaln losl. DR. O. O. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropo dist, graduate nure atsittant; all mal formations of the loot scientifically cor- rected. JSuHe 512 Morgan bldg. Main 87H2. CHIROPODIST AKCH SPECLLISTS. VviLJUlA.M, Eelelle and Florello De Venev, the only scientific ciilropodists and arch specialist in the city. Farlors 3U2 Ger- nngcr Didg., s. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Mam 1801. CHIROPRACTOR. 3OO.0O0 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment best. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP. CHIMNKV SW1.-P-I Furnace Kmokes through registers, needs i tpbii ma .n cleaning I laDor COLLECTIONS. I.fc. rH CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. inu collections, no charge. Estab. IIMiO. IEN"TIMTRY. ni-MrlvTDV 1R. A. W. KEENE, 3511A UL..UIOIIII Washington Ft. 'Without ram, Late nerve-blocking method. DANC'l I N, BERKELEY danefng academy: private ie?- Bunt. uay-evening; iatet steps, janx steps lu.uk ii i f y oei proiessionai teachers. iwr. v airs. MJtnmrs, 4tn. Main 3318 MRS. BAYH. 208 Dekum bide. Private issons aay ani evening. Main 134, KLKCTRICAL RKPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO 84 N. First. Portland, Or. Re- g and electrical repair specialty. New or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 104 MOTORS REWOUND paired Bought and Bold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 627-27. iMSVi 1st St. M. 871. DOU AND CAT llOtil'ITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL 415 East 7th. cor. Grunt. East 147 nd 219-6. Dogs and horses clipped. ' FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land if you want big- crops: read about u. M. wonaer in our 1920 catalogue. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 140 2d St.. Portland, Or. WHOLESALERS AND TexcixERRa' and mill supplies. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-86-S7-S9 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. 1HANHAUSKR HAT CO.. 53-55 Front t. PAINTS.OIL3ANILASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. R AS MUSS EN & CO.. Second and Tavlor NEW TODAT. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 18S7. Frank K. 'Watklna, Maianr. Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. lOS Second St. Pknei Mmtm 164V4. Light Manufacturing A splendid building, rooms in connection, power G. E. motor, : mills. 2 sets ot rollers, 18x70, living one 10-rrorse-: French Burr belts, shifters. etc.; located in feouth Portland. This i romnletelv eauiDoed for serial mil work. Will take out machinery, leav ing motor, and sell for $2000. or will sell plant complette, ground, building, and machinery, for $2500, and ar range terms. FRED W. GERMAN CO, 732 Chsfcmber of Commerce WE CALL KOll YOUR OLD CARPKTS. Rnss and Woolen Clothinsr. FLUFF RUGS AU Work Turned Out Promptly Raz Kuga Woven All ttiaes Mali Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO, IMS Ent 8th St. Phone East 350. Mortgage Loans Lowest interest ratesi Installment re payments If desired. Bnlldlns; loans made. No delay In closing. A. H. BIRRELL CO. ! 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building, . AlarahaU 4114. HARDWOOD FLOORING. SEE Heckley for hardwood floors and re finishing. Tabor 4UU4. HEMSTITCHING. T. D. work ; Eilers HEMSTITCHING shop; superior prompt ervice. K. ttl 8 Oregon bldg., 2s7H Washington st. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. x Engineers, founders, mechanics, boIIr- makers, bailer and blacksmith ahop. Of fice and works, Hawthortie ave. and East Third st. MUSIC. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music ad floor Russell bldg. (over the "Lion "), entrance 1& 4ih st., cor. of Morri&on. OPTOMETRISTS'Ay P OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on th, basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. '- A will convince you. Charles W. Liood optometrist, 2oa' Morrison. M. 2124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST- trlaj man. ed with moaern ins I rumen ts. Glasses fitted. 2.50 ud. A. E. HURVv 1TZ. Optometrist, 225 1st st. GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran op tician. Is an expert eye fitter, and h.s charges are very reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. 22ti Morrison St., near 2d. PAINTING. PAINTING. DECORATING. 1GXK,' CAL- ClMI.Ni.NG; BESTVOKK. TABOR 261. fAi.M i.u, Kalsomining and pap Ing. Very reasonable. East lis. PAINTING AND PAPERING. PAINTING, papering and tinting good work. Call Johnson, Main &iil. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. PAINTING, paperhanging. John C. Con- usj&, 133 lbtn st. N. Broadway 24. PAINTING, PAPERING AND TINTING. PAINTING, papering and tin ting ; 5410. good work, reasonable. East PATENTS PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. tooaiet tree, ll.ghest references, best results; prompt itesf assured. Warren E. Coleman, Pat en. Lawyer, 024 F st., Washington, D. C. PATENT ATTOKVEYS. PATENTS Our ' practice had -extended over a period of 4U years. All communi cations strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN dc CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldg., Market st. ; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bids.; Washington of fice, room 3ua. G2i F st.; 2s'ew York office. Woolworth bldg. " R. C. VRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. tul lJekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DH. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway blflg.. rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affections, biood preure, enlarged tonsils, molts, birth marks. 1LIMBI.NG feiri'LlES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 1S8 4lh. 41. 797. rOLXTRY SirrLlES. EVERTTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalogue free. Koutieoge sated it t loral Co., 2d bt., Portland. PRLM'ING. W. BALTES & COMPANY PRINTING?; rtt and Oatc. Main 105; 01 L-". WE BUY and ell used printing machinery 9.nd equipment. J. I. Caluweil, Inc., H07 2d t. bTAUK DANCING. BALLROOM and piftge dancing taught by a professional darner. U10 Kilers Music b ! d g- MIO RTHAND. INDIVIDUAL Instruction given in short hand and type-riling Dy reporter ; sum mer terras reasonable. i'or appointment M Uregoman. . SKCOND-HAM) STORKS. LUV1N HAKDWAKE & FLHMTUKE CO, 2JI FRONT iST. We buy and stl everything In tbe - hardware and furniiur line. ir'hone Main wi i T It A I KM ARKS. OltEtSuX TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 Iekuni bldg. U. a., foreign trademark. TRANSFER AM STORAGE. OREGON AUTJO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney. liKNKKAL H A t'Ll N'i. Motor and horse equipment; any pacity. Moving, parking, storage. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 GUsan corner i:tth. Phone Broadway liisl 1 W e own and operate two large oass a warenoubes on terminal tracka. iowest insurance rates in the city. E. L. WIl,SON, HAULING CONTRACTOR furniture, piano moving, wood. hauling of any kind or anywhere. Prices reasonable. fnone Tabor wl'J. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY, STORAGE & TRANSFER GO.. JUo fAKK ST. Main A 100J MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. K AH N BROTHERS. 195 Front st rUMBIXU K L' PPL1 Kti A N DPIPE. THE M. L. W LINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. PKODl'CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I EVERDINQ SASH." & FARRELL. DOORS AND H0 Front tiLASS. St. P. FULLER & CO.. front and Morrison. ROPK AND BI.MIKK TWINE. . Portland Cordate Co.. 14th and Northruo NEW TODAT. 3 P?T!iT?3 .Yfl?B Houses uvd Garages Erected la Portland Shipped Anywhere In built 4 -toot sec tion r a d y and Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Rugs and Woslen Clothlnnr. We Alakq Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Fluff Kujrn Woven. $17.50 Rag Rug-a Woven All Size. Clothes Cleaning; and Dyeing Depts. Mail Orders bend for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 8xJ Rugs.' Steam Cleaned. 91.60. WESTERN FLUFF BIG CO.. 54 Union Ave. K. Phone East 6510 INVESTIGATE THIS If you're "from Missouri, " no matter, we welcome you. If you have $1000 or more to Invest. I have a clean-cut business proposition for you with great possibilities. ' No triilers. gee D. L. McLEOD 204 PORTIiRSTREETj Phone your want ads. to The Orego nlan, Main 7070, Automatic 560-96. ' 1 V.1 '-.lir.-V sa" easy to out to- A flrt-class hoae or garage dl- 1 rect frora the factory at a GREAT I I 6AVINU. You pay no mfddlemeu'a n L profit. Write for catalog. Kedimade Building Co. I I VMt Klevrnth and Market. 1 II 2 Blocks south ot Hawthorns. H rhono Kant 114. I-ortlanu. Or. I NKTV TODAY. eo ocrver a vol ESTABLISHED 1S92. WE WAVE RECEIVED THE FIR5T CI.ASS I I RSITIRK, R V 9. ETC. FROM THE SUBlRBASi HUME Of A I.EVTLKMA I V HO IS Qt'ITTING HOISKKKEPIXU, WITH IXSTRIC TIOXS TO SELL. THE SAME AT A I'CTIOX AT THE BAKER ALCTIO.V HOLSE ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising upright piano In mahog any case, large pier glass with gold frame, beautiful living-room suite in brown mahogany finish, vix., large sofa, rocker and chair with loose cushions; mahogany and oak library tables, genuine leather couch, library rockers, sectional bookcases, secretary bookcase in golden oak, Morris chair, mahogany davenport in green prush, set of encyclopedia In leather, oak desk table, several yards of velvet carpet in tan colors, oak and maple parlor desk, three first-class velvet rugs, Brussels stair carpets, small rugs, 54-inch top. dining table and set of chairs with leather mnrx. fanrv china plates, dinnerware. glassware. table cloths, silver salver, water set, pictures, genuine" Navajo rugs. In bedroom furniture we shall sell beds ivory. aLrarter-sawed oak. bratis and iron, all complete with best steel springs, silk floss and felt mattresses, several good pillows, sheets, slips. Bureau scans, comforts ana other bedding, dressers and chiffoniers and dressing tables in ivory, oak and maple, nearly new automatic refrig erator. ii.cllDse Bras ranere and manv other useful household items. Kindly call tomorrow and look over the list of goods for this auction. You will find them well worthy of your attention and will find them as advertised, if not better. ALCTIOXf ON ItESDAY AEXT AT 10 A. !tl AT THE HAKER A V C T I O IS" HOlE. kA.UliILL AND WEST PARK. VfS. ON THURSDAY NEXT shall have another lot of house furnishings to ofter you. Don't over look our sales. This is a real auction house, where we sell all kinds of goods. Including high - grade furni ture. We keep nothing, ua we sell it an tne tune nuff sea). AlCTlox llUUSDAl INKX'l' AT 1U A. 31. NOTICE SOMEONK HAS riHrr. LA I KU 'I 11 K It K I II 1 TH A I' AVK O ! L V SKLL ON COM l 1 S S I O . WHICH IS v DRV WHOM;. v k Ul. V HOI SKHOl-U A.OODS KUH CASH. OK WILL SELL FOR OL UN Co JIM I s SIO.V. OKI' UIH AUVICU HUKOlti; W.C. BAKER &W.H. DEAN Furniture Dealers anU Auctioneers Pythian BuUdlnn-.Yamhlll and Wet streeu (formerly Masonic 'letup le UuildinO. Auction Sales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 160-171 S1XOSD STREET, .VKAK MORRISON. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRI DAY AT 10 A.M. FOR ALL KINDS OF HOUSE ; FURNISHINGS MONDAY'S SALE includes an KXrFPTIol,l,y nonn A S S II H T K 'V OK LI VIMi-RflOM P1RMTIHK, irood IIMi SI 1TKS, COSTLY BLACK WALM'T AND OAK B K IJ R O O M Sl lTKS, IROV RKOS sprlnsrs and mattresses, DRKS!KRS COM MODES, CARPKTS, HI ;S. I.l'. OLEI MS, DIS11KS. ; L A S S W A R K iikil and otner effects. WKDNKSDAY and F- R I D A Y wtl find our salesrooms full of Rood, use ful furniture, etc. ATTKJfll Ol R Mf.ES AMD BUY AT YOLR OWN I'RICIi. OUR PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT CROWDED WITH. HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE OK AIX DKSPRII'TIONS. WILTON AND OTHER CHOICE RUGS 1000 YARDS WILTON CARPET I!' KIN 13 COXDITIO.V. LINOLEUM, ETC. LARr.E LIF. OP STEEL AND GAS RANGES ALL GOODS OF MERIT AND EQUAL TO NEW YOUR INSPECTION SOLICITED j. t. w.sox, proprietor. We Par Cash for Furniture. Call Mala IS26. : MONEY To Loan on riTLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building NOB KILL PRICE $15,000 Vz CASH VERY KIE 12-ROOM HOUSE, ONE BLOCK FROM 23D-ST. CARLINE. Has 6 bedrooms, S baths, 4 toilets and 2 fireplaces, also sleeping- porch. This la an excellent home and must be seen to be appreciated. Located In the very choicest part or the best district on the west side and surrounded by fine homes. Fine car service and only 10 minutes to business center of the city. Immediate possession griven if i desired. For appointment to see this call uroaaway LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first aud second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg;. Main 302. , FOR MORTGAGE LOANS tee Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co 222 Chamber of Cuomerct. Real Estate SEW TODAT. Business Property $10,oOO Garage; on Hawthorne avenue; fireproof, corner GA RAGE; full 50x100 lot. Terms. Splendid value. $14,000 On E. Glisan; 3 store rooms below, and apartments above; full cement basement; furnace; steam heat; four two- room, two three-room, one-f our room.'and one five-room apart ment. Pays $200 net per month above all expenses. Apartments IRVINGTON APARTMENTS 23,000 Four apartments, 5 rooms each, together with sun porch; HARDWOOD FLOORS, tiled bathrooms with shower bath, Dutch kitchen and gas ranges. Rents for $85 each. EXCEP . TI0NAL INVESTMENT. Irvington Flats $23,000 Three modern houses of two five-room apartments each; hardwood floors, built-in buf- fets; Dutch kitchens; all mod ern conveniences; vacant lot adjoining; 150 x 100 splendid corner. Building could not be d u p 1 i c a ted today for price asked. THIS IS AN A-l IN VESTMENT with a SPLEN DID SPECULATIVE VALUE See it TODAY. . For the above and other busi ness and apartment buildings in all parts of the city, see J,4K.MIJ:iU!Pi-!.L-'.!' i.f LEASES Are You Interested in MORE SPACE, DIFFER- ENT LOCATION, LIGHT r MODERN QUARTERS O- Many available locations heart of retail, or close-in warehouse district. Several Clients Willing: To Build to your requirements, with or without trackage, east or west side. Lease Specialist Wilcox Building Main 5638 HOMES I have 35 lota In building sites of- various sizes which I am holding for home builders. Most sisrntly views on west slope of Mount Tabor., eut of Sixtieth street, adjacent to Park, free f r o rii east winds. Also four level lots and a hillside build ing site of three lots on Port land Heights. Any reasonable offer for building homes will be care fully considered. Will sell also a TEN-ROOM HOUSE on East Sixtieth street, which is in need of some re pairs. I will sell any or all of these to anyone looking for an in vestment In high-grade prop- . erty. . APPLY 810 COfiBETT BLDG. Investor FLATS FOR SALE 10 Kast Twenty-fourth St. Nestr ! Burnside. North, FOl'R FLATS. FIVE ROOMS EACH. Fireplace, furnace, bath and separate cement basement for each flat. Reception rooms; cove ceilings; large, airy, light rooms. A good invest ment. PRICE 12,000. WAKEFIELD, FRIES S CO. 85 FOURTH ST. TRACKAGE 100x200 Facing 100 Feet on East First 100 Feet on East Second 200 Feet on East Washington 50x100 -W. Corner 15th and Irving. W. S. POINDEXTER 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1S00 CLASS IN SNAP Six-room modern house within easy walking distance center of city, near east end of railroad bridge. A great bargain at $500. Easy terms. 6. F. V. TOROLER, 106 Sherlock Bid. 0 KEW TODAY. 50X100-FT. CORNER N.W. CORNER OF .BURN- SIDE AND W.PARK FIKE LOCATTOX FOR HOTEL FOR THE AUTO MOBILE TRADE OR AM A U T OMOBIL.E WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL K S T A BLISHMEXT. TERMS. ONE-FOURTH CASH. BALANCE LONG TIME. J.E. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 111ILUI.U. MAIN SOS. mm. u ii i -r"- it n 5 i-i ONE ACRE AND SIX-ROOM - AND AHIC BUNGALOW Excellent condition. Abundance and variety of fruit. Surrounded by nice homes. About, eight blocks from car. 6SOO. ABOCT JI1SOO CASH. E. PiERSON 415 Chamber of Commerce Bnlldtner. Marahnll 3718. Reaidenee, AVoodlana 60S3. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME OF SEYEN ACRES MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE located on hard-surfnc road and Oregon City rarline at Courtney tation. Kruits of every variety. Home of six rooms beautifully lo cated. About one acr In grapes; imported Fhrubbery, fine hedges. Pa rt is beaver dam land. Has pprinir and own water system. PRICE $15,000 Iaqolre on Tremfliea 1SH Broadway. RIVERA HOISF.S IX F.I.F.CT Ol STRICT. WITH WnXDKHKl t. MKWS. DUNTHORPE HOMF. SITF.S IN A DISTRICT TH1T IS HKSTRICTF.D AMI I. WW'S WILL DK, IIM: At'RF. M IP, VERY REASONABLY PRItKIJ. RIVER FRONT SOME CHOICE LOCATIONS. A FEW HOI SES WITH AMPLE iROI US, Hll.llT ON THE R1VEIC RIVERDALE SEVERAL BEAl'TIFIL HOMES. All this property has gas, electricity. Bull Kim water, daily deliveries and is 20 minuter from Washington street. on a paved road, near to a new $43,000 school ana opposite averiey uon club. Information given gladly. MRS. HELEN S.TURNER 100a spai,i)i(; Ri iLuixu. MAIN Mio. MULTNOMAH ON THE OREflON ELECTRIC OR OVER THE TEHWM.LIt.EK nl.VU. ONLY FIVE MILES FROM THE CENTER OF PORTLA.NU. ' You know where it is if you don't find out. This is Portland's most promising suburb. See for yourself, if you- want a permanent home, inves tigate Multnomah. 1 am owner and agent for most of the property in this locality. 1 have a number of homes which I can sell jou at prices rang ing from J2O00 to to000. Will be giad to take you out in my machine. Take the trouble to look over this terri tory while yet you are able to pick a choice homesite. BEN RIESLAND 404 I'LATr Bl 1 1.1)1 .. 127 PARK ST. MAIN fefeO. Slake Appointments to Re Shown the Property. On Sundays Call Main 1-07. SOLVE THE'HIGH RENT PROBLEM ' OWN A BUSINESS OF " YOUR OWN Confectionery with billiard room and barber shop ad joining for sale at invoice. Four living rooms and ga rag Hot and cold running water. Gas lights. Rent $2j a month, or will. sell. Newly papered and painted through out. On main road. Profit last summer J13ri a week. Business will show good profit the year round. Heal opportunity for barber and family. Terms If desired. j.' C. THORPE & SONS IIMALO, Oak INVESTIGATE THIS! It is all wool and a yard wide, and an opportunity to earn dollars with cents and sense. We want one or two per sons to join irs who can invest a minimum of $2000. Quick action necessary.' Address D. L McLeod, MM Porter Street.