The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 18, 1920, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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The- Q.UALrnr' Store or Portland
avenp orts and E asy Chairs
Made in Our Own Factory-
Neier & Frank uroholstered furniture built in' our own 'workrooms in Portland is too
ivell inown to need explanation. Pretty- nearly every housewife knows that it is won
derfuly comfortable and that it is expertly built to last. .
Ai a part of the special . furniture doings which have been going on recently j this
weeklve shall feature the
Livmg Room Suite Pictured-Special $269.75
The davenport was $175, now $137.50
The easy chair was $92.50, now $72.50'
The easy rocker was $92.50; now $72.50
Notce the davenport seat of three loose comfy cushions, the gracefully sloping
arms, fhe charming line of the whole davenport. The spring back, the spring seat,
the goring cushions make the davenport exquisitely restful. Just sit down in it and
see fir yourself. The chairs match it in comfort. Choice of three different coverings
incluUng corduroy, figured" velour or printed tapestry.
Upholstered Chairs
and Rockers
Were $64.75, now $52.50
Covered v with embossed velour in
taupe, mulberry or blue. These are
made in our own factory, and are
exceptionally satisfactory.
The Cane Back Chair Pictured
Was $37.50, now $29.75
Solil mahogany arm chair or rocker with cane back and upholstered seat in blue
or mullerry velour. Good chairs for living rooms, offices and men's rooms.
Solid Mahogany Rockers or Chairs
Were $32.00, now $24.75
MadeKvith cane seat and back and particularly interesting in style.
Odd Pieces
jieces which we are sending from
Galleries m quick order.
Upholstered Chairs
covered, was $71, now $57.
Denim covered, was $72.50, now $58.50.
Denim covered, was $119.50, now $78.50.
Velour covered, was $87.75, now $72.50.
Velouttcovered, was $125, now $94.50.
Tapesy-covered; was $125, now $94.50.
Sateeijj-covered, was $130.50, now $104.
Sateeii-covered, was $140, now $112.50.
Velouji-covered, was $149.75, now $110.
Denim-covered, was $144.75, now $116.50.
Sateeij-covered, was $156, now $120.
Upholstered Rockers
Denim-covered, was $74, now $59.50.
Velour-covered, was $87.75, now $72.50.
Tapestry-covered, was $125, now $94.50.
Velour covered, was $125, now $94.50.
Upholstered Davenports
Velour covered, was $136.25, now $109.
Denim covered, was $285.75, now $196.50.
Tapestry covered, was $270, now $199.50.
Velour covered; was $270, now $199.50.
Tapestry covered, was $275, now $222.50.
Sateen covered, was $280, now $224.
Velour covered, was $395, now $322.50.
Meier & Frank's:
Furniture Galleries. Eighth Floor.
Universal Combination Ranges
Make Beautiful Kitchens
Summer Plated Silver
Which Many Will Want
Special showings and sale in the Silver Section and on the
Main Aisle this week of wapted midsummer plated silver. At
tractive vases, bread trays, tea strainers, candlesticks, marma
lade jars, hot corn holders and so on. All are very good at the
Large Vases $5.95
11 inches high. Round base. Engraved shield.
Flaring top. ' Butler or bright finish. Good size
for roses, carnations and any other flowers.
Bought in large quantities so the price is spe
cial. Corn on the Coh Holders
Illustrated is a decorative pair of sterling silver-headed
corn holders with nolished steel blades
with which to hold the ear of corn. 79c.
Plated silver holders 15c.
Much pleasanter to hold hot corn this way.
Meier & Frank's: Silverware Store. Main Floor.
Center Aisle Bargain Square
Bread Trays
Silver plate, satin finish, pierced
designs at end, medium size.
Silver Plated Novelties
Salt and pepper sets, small vases,
marmalade jars, napkin rings,
mustard pots and two-bottle cas
tor sets.
Tea Strainers
Silver-plated tea or coffee
strainers in good looking designs. '
Table Ware
Regular $1.25 to $1.75 silver
plated marmalade jars, candle
sticks, two bottle castor sets, con
diment sets, horseradish jars, mus
tard pots, oil or vinegar cruets,
children's cups and small vases.
All prices subject to 5 war tax.
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor.
Vacation Victrolas $35
Enjoy them during your vaca
tion and pay for them on any
terms in reason.
Vacation Victrolas have a mighty
fine tone and they are handy to
carry around for boat rides, barn
dances and other occasions.
Splendid showing in the Victrola Section.
These are the original Victrolas.
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Part Wool Blankets $7.65
Save more than a dollar on blankets in all gray or fancy
colored plaids. These have some wool in them and come in
sizes for double beds. Included are fine white blankets with
blue or pink borders and bqurid edges. Pair $7.65.
Meier & Frank's: Bedding Store. Second Floor.
Lamp Shade Painting Class
Painting lamp shades is .fascinating business. Not hard
to do, -either. Ask Mrs. Thomas, the instructor of the lamp
shade painting class in the Art Needlework Store. Then
look at all the lamp shades which have been started and are
progressing quickly. Lessons are free.
Meier & Frank's:, Needlework Shop. Second Floor.
Their pale blue or gray porcelain finish is very
different from old-fashioned shiny black stoves
which have to be blackened, to the hardship of the
housewife's hands and complexion. All you need
to do to the Universal Combination sange is simply
to wipe' it off with a damp cloth. That simple
process every morning keeps it fresh and new.
In Cooking Convenience
there is no range so desirable. The Universal
Combination burns wood, coal, gas. Yet one never
needs to think about shutting off one part from
the other, because the mere turning on of the gas
locks any possible intermingling of the other fire.
These "three fuel ranges" enable a household to
economize in any special fuel and to have always
the fire wanted for any specific purpose. House
wives like the Universal's roomy oven, top.
Universal Combination ranges can be had in Portland only at Meier & Frank's. Your
own terms in reason.
Meier & Frank's: Stove Shop. Sixth Floor.
Solid Copper Wash Boilers
Exactly 100 heavy copper
wash boilers in No. 8 size.
These copper boilers can be
used for a number of purposes
and they are far cheaper in
the long run than the ordinary
tin boilers. They wear almost
Meier & Frank's: Housef urnishings Section. Basement.
Stop Winding Bobbins
Sew with one of the fa
mous Eldredge Two -Spool
Rotary sewing machines
and enjoy the pleasures of
sewing direct from two
spools without any bobbins
to wind. .
Come in ' tomorrow and have
our experts point out to you the
many other advantages of the
Eldredge two-spool sewing machines.
A4 , . . . - Showlnfc method of removing and
Pay $1 a week. o interest. replacing pooi ease.
Model Dress Forms
Model dress forms are self -locking and self-adjusting;
They may be adjusted to any size desired. Pay for yours
while you use it.
$1 down and 50c weekly.
Meier & Frank's: Sewing Machine Section. Second Floor.
Room-Size Wilton, Tapestry
Brussels, Velvet
Axminster and Grass Rugs
Specially Priced
Perhaps you had not planned to buy a rug in July, but consider what sharing in this
July clearaway will mean to your household budget.
Savings of as much as $25 on a single 9xl2-foot rug, as well as savings on rag and
grass rugs and good linoleum.
Usually only one or two rugs of a kind. Included are certain discontinued patterns
which the mills cannot duplicate.- Majority are in .oriental patterns modified from old
Irans, Saruks and Royal Ispahans. Excellent backgrounds of old rose, blue, taupe
and tan.
9xl2-Ft. Seamless Tapestry
Brussels Rugs
Were $40.00, now S3 2. 75
Were $45.00, now. S34.S5
9xl2-Ft. Seamless Velvet Rugs
Were $50.00, now S41.50
Were $60.00, now S49.35
Were $67.50, now S54.50
Were $75.00, now S62.35
. Were $82.50, now S69.75
Cool Grass Rugs
Sale of these
extend another
mer homes and
. 3x 6-ft. rugs
4x 7-ft. rugs
6x 9-ft. rugs
8xl0-ft. rugs
9xl2-ft. rugs
wonderful grass rugs will
week. Excellent for sum
porches. specially priced SI. 39
specially priced S2.85
specially priced $4.95
specially priced S7.85
specially priced S8.95
9xl2-Ft. Fine Wilton Rugs
Were $117.50, now S 93.75
Were $130.00, now S107.50
Were $132.50, now S112.50
Were $145.00, now S119.75
9xl2-Ft. Axminster Rugs
Were $65.00, now S53.25
Were $67.50, now S54.09
Were $82.50, now 69.75
Were $92.50, now 76.50
Rag Rugs
Plain and mixed colors in these rag rugs
which are so easy to launder and always
give a touch of sunshiny color to the home.
24x48 in., were $2.50, now 1.63
27x54 in., were $2.75, now 1.89
36x72 in., were $3.00, now 1.95
in., were $3.50, now 2.43
.Milium iMmmuiiiMmii mm nuuaif ,
More Patterns
Added to the
at reduced prices. Please bring meas
urements. Felt base linoleum, regularly $1.10,
now square yard 79.
Printed linoleum, best quality, many patterns including blue and white tile de
signs, regularly $1.50, now square yard 1.19.
Inlaid linoleum, good patterns in wood colors and blue and gray effects, regularly
$2.25, now square yard 1.85.
, Meier & Frank's: Carpet Shop. Seventh Floor.
New Lace-Trimmed Curtains
in July Drapery Sale
$1.49, $1.95, $2.65, $2.99, $3.85
Small prices for durable curtains of marquisette, scrim and voile with tatting-like
edges or insertions of imitation filet, Point de Venise and linen-finished lace. These
curtains are heavy enough to wear very well and they wash satisfactorily. White,
cream and ecru. Just 1400 pairs at these abnormally low rates because they were
bought at concessions and the price advantages we obtained are passed on to you.
Meier & Frank's: Curtain Store. Seventh Floor.
Sold Here Exclusively in Portland the
The refrigerator that keeps food best at a minimum cost
The "Bohn Syphon" system insures constant and
rapid air circulation, which is the fundamental, un
derlying principle of perfect refrigeration. It keeps
food delightfully fresh and wholesome and over
comes the intermingling of food odors.
The eleven thicknesses of wall construction used
in the "Bohn system" keep the heat out and the
cold in, reducing ice consumption to a minimum.
Because it preserves food "best, is easily taken
care of. and costs so little for icing the "Bohn"
has become recognized as the most efficient of all
Make your own Terms in Reason.
... A '
Meier & Frank's:Stxth Floor. Fifth Street.
102.0V i '