Io THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, . PORTLAND, JULY 18, .1920 WiM(grfri Pay If See Also Page 13 and Back Page This Section The- Quality Store- of Portland I 3 i 1 H i "HIS helpful section of Meier & Frank Company always extends to its I patrons the same courtesies as to credit, deliveries and goods return able as rendered by any part of the Upstairs Store. 1 he Lower-Price 'Store is ardently engaged every day in helping to battle down the high costs of satisfactory merchandise. Its lower prices are linked with the qual ities which pay to buy because they give the proper amount of service. The recent drop in the New York market enabled our representatives to secure merchandise which has not been approached in value this season. 477 Yard of Astonishim oo M arvelous Sample Blouses The Maker Designed Them to Sell at $8.50 to $20 and More Monday, All $5.85 i A dozen models are pictured. Styles taken hap hazardly from the entire purchase. If you could see the whole 200 blouses you would be as im mensely enthusiastic as we are. It isn't often that blouses like these can be sold in the Lower Price Store. Usually they are away ; above its price level. But Monday is going to be a Wonder Day. And : these blouses are Wonder blouses. '". Imagine a white georgette peplum blouse with ' silk loop fringe a gray georgette long blouse T-with black rope girdle and soft black silk loop -fringe a cross-tucked blouse of good flesh crepe de chine a dark blue georgette with red embroid ery and slashed peplum a white novelty silk with tinsel embroidery a dark blue georgette with ac cordion pleated beige georgette chemisette . and dark scroll embroidery a pink georgette with black embroidery several dark georgette blouses heavily wrought with steel beads a tricolette peplum blouse with circles of steel beads and' many, many others usually only one, two and three blouses of a kind. A number show marks of handling, but the great majority are perfectly fresh. Practically all sizes from 36 to 44 in the lot. Sale starts 9:15. None sent on approval or C. O. D. No telephone orders. Meier & Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. Silk Dresses Regularly $29.75 Monday $18.75 Brand new and, if you like, "grand new" arrivals from New York. Full of all sorts of interesting style notes. Fresh and summery or dark in color and suitable for early Fall. Peplum dresses, Eton dresses, coat dresses, beaded afternoon dresses, smart accordion pleated dresses, overskirt dresses and many others. Some are on silk foundations or silk mountings. - Sport models have printed georgette tops and accordion pleated white crepe de chine skirts. Georgette Crepe de chine Taffeta combinations Tricolette Printed silks Silk I Petticoats i 5.49 are the silks represented in the collection. Colors include white, tan, red, green, canary, flesh and contrasting shades. They come in sizes 16 to 44 for misses as well as women. Will you have one or two or three? None on approval, none sent C. O. D., no telephone orders. Meier &. Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. Brilliant purple and orange, blue and red, sober gray, rich brown with Roman striped edges and many other colors. Extra heavy silks. . Some are two-toned. Trimmed with accordion pleated ruffles with Van Dyke points or tucked flounces edged with narrow ruffles and many other gay, attractive styles. Extra spe cial at $5.49, as any woman will see for herself. , Meier & Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. are the result of the recent silk flurry in New York Three BIG Lots See the Fifth and Alder Street Windows 98c, SI. 19, $1.89 ASILKjcapture which far surpasses anything that the Down Stairs Silk Store has been able to do for its patrons until now. At the exact moment of the beginning of the price slump of silks in New York some weeks ago the Down Stairs Store's buyers were in the market. A large silk dealer had a big surplus on hand and was anxious to turn it into ready money. Nearly 25,000 yards of this season's good silks are here now as a result. Prices a quarter, a third, a half, and more than a half under the market. We are sure women will be delighted at the wide range of colors and patterns. Plain and fancy silks. Dress silks, shirting silks, lining silks, negligee silks. Entire Down Stairs Silk Store and much additional space will be given over to the sale. Come as early as you can and see the wonderful things offered. Lot No. 1-6300 Yards Silks 98c Regular $1.25 to $1.75 Grades. Japanese Habutai 98c 350 yards of 36-inch habutai in white, pink, navy, rose and 'black. Good weight. Shirting Silks 9Sc 1500 yards of wonderful shirtings which will wash and wear splendidly. Excellent weight. Brown and lavender, rose and brown and tan with fancy stripes. Both men and women will like them for sports shirts. Black Bengaline 98c Luxurious heavy black silk with satin finish. Mixed with cotton to make the weight. Useful for hats, wraps and other purposes. 150 yards only. 36 inches wide. Lot No. 2-8000 Yards Silks $1.49 Regular $2.00 to $3.00 Grades. 3300 Yds. Figured Radium $1.49 New shipment of yard-wide .soft finished silks in foulard designs. Medium and dark colors with , small, large and in-between sizes of patterns. Wonderfully pretty for dresses, blouses, negligees. Silks that wear well. Printed Georgette Crepe $1.49 2500 yards of all silk georgette in floral and conventional patterns. 38 to 40 inches wide. Many colors for afternoon and even ing dresses and particularly suitable for new combination frocks and smocks. Lot No. 3-14,177 Yds. Plain Silks $1.89 ' Regular $2.50 to $4.00 Grades. Yard-wide chiffon taffeta. Yard-wide peerless satin. Yard-wide satin messaline. Yard-wide satin duchesse. Yard-wide plain moire Yard-wide crepe de chine. . Yard-wide brocaded linings. Yard-wide rajah in purple and green. Extraordinary assortment of colors, in cluding plenty of black, navy, China blue, delft, brown, taupe, gray. Silks in this lot worth as much as $4 and none worth less than $2.50. Just the kinds of good plain silks needed for early autumn sewing. Meier & Frank s: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. Natural Pongee 98c 1250 yards of Japanese pongee. 1500 yards of Shantung pongee. Both all silk. Both in natural tan. Un usual qualities. 32 inches wide. For smocks, shirt waists, children's dresses, curtains. Silk -Mixed Poplin 98 c 600 yards of yard-wide poplin mixed with cotton to give the little raised cord. Plain colors and attractive designs. For dresses, smocks and blouses. Silk Remnants 98c Nearly a thousand yards of all sorts of silks in short lengths accumulated from regular stocks. All of much higher values. Plain Silk Remnants $1.49 Short lengths of taffeta, messaline, satin. 35 and 36 inches wide. Regular $2 to $3 grades. Usually enough in each piece for a dress, petticoat or blouse. Marvelous Silks $1.49 There are not adjectives enough to de scribe these splendid fancy silks. Different from anything we have seen this season. Like Mardi Gras, they are vivid dreams of an artist's imagination. Many are startling reproductions of latest batik work. They will make triumphantly interesting negligee. Wonderful green, orange and other com binations. Flowers with birds and butter flies. Medallions with flowers and queerly colored fruits. Strange and queer and done on beautiful all silk crepe. . 27 inches wide. See the Fifth Street Window.