The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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Benham Falls Reservoir Site
Indorsed at Inspection.
Members of Appropriations Com
mittee and Reclamation Serv
ice Give Verdict.
Ilwaco, Seavlew. Lons Beach and
Ocean Park. Washington summer re
sorts alone the north beach in Wash
ington, held a meeting- last night at
Seaview. to formulate plans and raised
funds, to establish a ferry service. be
tween Astoria, on the Oregon side
of the Columbia river, and Mctiowan.
a point of launching on the Washing
ton siae.
The object of this ferry service is
to benefit the automobile owners and
aid them in getting their cars across
tne river.
The ferry company, proposes to
charge only a nominal sum for this
service. It ' is planned to put on a
barge large' enough to take care of
15 or 20 automobiles at one time
and to give a regular and efficient
service throughout the summer season.
BEND, Or., July 1 0. (Special.)
T)efinite approval of the Benham
Falls storage reservoir site, the key
to the Deschutes Irrigation project,
which was visited by members of the
congressional appropriations com
mittee and Arthur P. Davis, director
of the reclamation servics, now tour
ing the state, was announced here to
day In a telegram received from Rep
resentative N. J. Sinnott in Washing
ton. The telegram, copies of which
were sent to Bend and Tumalo Irr'ga
tion advocates, stated that the re
port, of Professor W. O. Crosby, who
examined the reservoir site last sum
mer for the reclamation service, is
now in the hands of the acting direc
tor at Washington, and quoted the
report as stating that the reservoir
would be practically proof against
lei.kage, even under full head, and the dam site would prove satis
factory for an earth dam.
Tanneln Project V lulled. -According
to the 1914 co-operative
state and federal survey of the Des
chutes project, the Benham Falls dam
would raise the water of the river
1 1.5 feet, and back up the Deschutes
IS miles, flooding 1,000 acres of land
and storing 440,000 acre feet.
The visiting representative and of
ficials left Bend this morning and to
dt y went over the Tumalo and central
OiiTon irrigation projects, stopping
at Prineville for luncheon, and going
on from there to Madras, where their
special car waited to take them to
Sincere interest in the chief prob
lem of the central Oregon country
the problem of bringing water to the
land and adding to the nation's food
supply by making productive many
thousand acres of now arid soil was
shown last night by the members of
the official party in addresses at a
banquet given in their honor here at
the Pilot' Butte inn. Representative
Sinnott as toastmaster was intro
duced by T. A. McCann, general man
ager of the Shevlin-Hixon company.
.Mr. Sinnott Explains Visit.
Mr. Sinnott assured the gathering
of business men and agriculturists
that a desire to learn first hand of
the conditions and needs of Oregon
had prompted the visit. to this section
of the state.
"It has been no junket, no path of
roses," he said.
The Deschutes project, he declared
further, has been a matter of especial
interest to Director Davis.
After referring to Representative
Sinnott, as "the bgigest man in con-
gress," James W. Good of Iowa, com
mittee chairman, bespoke the interest
of the committee in the needs of the
west, among which he listed Irriga
tion as the greatest.
"We eaw, on our trip to Bend, land
with -scarcely a blade of grass, but
: capable of producing 70- bushels of
grain to. the acre if the water were
brought to It," he said. "I consider
. It decidedly worth while to make
these waste places produce the food
necessary to sustain the constantly-
growing population of America and of
the world."
Orrgon Called Progressive.
Only the fact that private develop
mcnt started 17 years ago shut out
the reclamation service at that time
prevented the Deschutes project from
being one of the first to be under
taken by the government, Mr. Davis
said. Oregon has been particularly
progressive In irrigation matters.
ne remarked, "and there are now
several projects which we would like
to take up in this state if funds were
available. I hope that as' other pro
Jects in the west near completion.
and as our Income is increased by oil
? land leases, that the day will not be
: far distant when we can come to the
; assistance -of such- projects as" that
in the Deschutes valley."
Burton L. French of Idaho, pointed
out that the west is at a disadvantage
in the house because of its small
number of representatives, and C. L.
"Farmer" Smith. Union Pacific vet
- eran agriculturist, fortified his stand
for irrigation by asserting that an
increased food supply is needed if
America is to continue as an orderly,
law-abiding country.
"The largest production to the acre
and the. least cost, of cultivation to
the- acre le on the small farm," he
said, "and that means the Irrigated
farm. Putting water on arid lands
is the best investment the govern
roent can make. Every dollar put
into Irrigation will return a hundred
fold in the increased wealth and wel
fare of the country.
Ex-Foreman of The .Telegram
Composing Room Survived by ...
' Widow and Sister.
Arid Lands and Fine Farms
All Seen in Two Days.
Only Water Is Xeeded to Restore
Cunningham, Now Deserted,
on Washington Railroad.
Henry C. Lohmann, foreman of the
Telegram composing ' room for many
years, and member of the typo
graphical union for nearly 40 years,
died at his residence, 474 Hall street,
at midnight Friday. Mr. -Lohmann
t ,-w Lrm ,a.M.ia.
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tMsplay at Vancouver Will Be Held
During KIks Convention.
VANCOUVER, "Wash.. July 10.
(Special.) While the Elks state con
vontion Is being held here August 19-,
20 and 21,' an automobile show .and
industrial exhibit will be held at the
Clarke county fairgrounds In connec
tion with the racing programme be
lng arranged by Walter Moriarity.
J. E. Morgan is promoting these
features and hopes to have on ex
hlbitlon every make of machine sold
in Clarke county. The admission will
te free.
The pavilion, formerly used for the
farm exhibits, will be divided into
two sections one for automobiles,
the other for industrial exhibits.
Henry C Lohmann, member
of Multnomah Typographical
union for nearly 40 years, who
died Friday.
suffered a stroke of paralysis about
four years ago., from . which he only
partially- recovered. Heart disease
was the immediate-cause of his death.
Mr. Lohmann was born in Peoria,
111., December 5, 1854. His - father,
Christian Lohmann, was a newspaper
man and printer, starting 37 different
papers in seven states. Henry learned
the printing craft from his father,
who died in the east In 1880. His
mother, Kleanora Lohmann, died in
Portland in 1917. . " .
Mr. Lohmann in 1901 married Miss
Hetty Opdycke, who, with his sister,
Mrs. H. L Tori-ence, survives him.
The funeral will be from Kricson's
undertaking parlors. Twelfth - and
Morrison streets, tomorrow at : 3:45
P. M. -Final services will be held at
the Portland crematorium. ' , . .
O'd .friends and members of the
Multnomah Typographical union. will
be the pallbearers.
YAKIMA, Wash.. July 10. (Spe
cial.) From the wilderness into the
land of plenty briefly describes the
two-day Journey of the party of edi
tors, correspondents and representa
tives of commercial organisations.
which ended at Yakima tonight. . ,
Yesterday, deserted homesteads and
sagebrush plains with only- here and
there some more favorably located
tract of grain land spread out on ev
ery hand. Today, but a few miles
distant from the scenes of yesterday.
the expanse was of green alfalfa
fields, tall corn, spreading orchard
trees, tracts of sugar beets, attractive
homes and prosperous towns.
There was no difference in soil in
favor of today's view, the land was
no higher, no more level, and the
same hot sun was glowing overhead.
All the one lacked to make it as beau
tiful a garden spot as the other, and
a much larger one, was water water
that tumbles away off to the north
east only -to waste itself in the al
ready brimming Columbia.
Contrast Declared Great.
No greater contrast can be imag
ined than - that between last night's
point of " departure and tonight's
stopping place. The party's final
view of the dry lands yesterday was
of a once prosperous village, now
virtually deserted by man to the
monotonous wind and drifting sand.
Cunningham, on the Northern Pa
cific, is no longer a town. The houses,
churches, stores and warehouses still
stand, but they are tenantless and
windowless." and In the dusk of the
party's arrival to board the train pre
sented in the dismal, ghostly aspect
one of the 'most impressive, though
depressing, sights of this educa
tional Journey.
Water alone will revive this town.
Thence by train to Pasco. Pasco,
set down by railroad development, is
as dry and sandy a place as Cunning
ham. While Pasco need not depend
wholly on agriculture, it is reclaim
ing the waste that surrounds it and
is building- a substantial future.
Vision of Future Presented.
There today fields refreshed with
waters pumped from the Columbia
were disclosed standing . lush with
corn or alfalfa. The area thus re
claimed on the Pasco side of the river
Is not yet large as compared with the
Yakima valley, but what there is of it
presents aision of the certain future:
an Irrigation district has been formed
which plans to reclaim much more by
constructing works at Five-Mile, rap
ids near the town.
From Pasco the trip was by train
to Prosser. where lunch was served
by the. Commercial club. Prosstr citi
zens provided automobiles for the re
mainder of the journey to this, the
capital of an irrigated empire.
Through the Sunnyside and Toppen
ish districts the route ran. Here the
floor of a once sage-covered, valley is
on this hot, dry day as green and as
pleasing to look upon as the Willam
ette valley in spring. It Is no wont
der that they of the Columbia basin
country after seeing the Yakima val
ley cry out for water. A dinner
given by the Yakima Chamber of
Commerce was the closing incident of
the tour.
Campaign Investigation to Be Com
pleted Later.
- ST. LOUIS, July 10. Further in
vestigation into the pre-convention
campaign expenditures of Attorney
General A. Mitchell Palmer probably
will not be conducted by the senate
investigating committee for at least
three weeks. Senator Reed said to
night after the committee had fin
ished its two-day session here and
adjourned subject to the call of Chair
man Kenyon.
The committee' expects to meet here
again at some future date to question
Edward Goltra, democratic national
committeeman from Missouri, charged
with having distributed ,150 checks
tp St. Louis delegates to the state con
vention, to find out whether it was
money raised by him or was supplied
by some candidate.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070. Automatic fjfiO-95.
Spaniard, Who Is Said to Have
Been First to Draw, Found
With 3 Bullets In Body.
BOISE, Idaho, July 10. Manley
Morrow, shee$ herder, weak with loss
of blood and recovering from an op
eration which removed a bullet from
his head, has given his fist account
of a running fight in the hills of Owy
hee county in which Joe Sinsis, a
Spaniard, was killed and Jim Steven
son, a camp tender, wounded.
In an altercation over the right to
a range. Morrow says, the Spaniard
drew a revolver and fired at Morrow,
striking his arm. Morrow, armed with
a rifle, tried to bring it into play but
before he pulled the trigger, was shot
again. He then fjred at Sinsis.
wounding him. and went down with a
bullet in his head.
Stevenson, the camp tender, peized
Morrow's gun and turned upor Sinsis,
firing. He, too, was wounded by the
other, but Sinsis -was picked up dead
and was said to have three bullets in
his body.
f;rHi:iH:jsiiniLL shutdown feared
try. today was displaying with glee, -
a photograph of his grave in France j
and a letter or condolence receivea ti-"KI. MUi.fti
by his sister from the bureau of I
graves registration of the war de
partment. The grave is marked with
a large white cross upon which is
shown the name of Markowits.
Markowits was wounded at Kpieds,
about 30 miles north of Chateau
Thierry, but that was about as close
as he came to death. He spent 16
weeks in the hospital.
War Veteran Shown Photo Sent to
Sister From France.
SPOKANE, "Wash.. July 10 Sam
Markowltx. county treasurer's office
Seattle Man's Bond Released on
Lack of Evidence.
SEATTLE, Wash.. July 10. Upon
the ground that' the state has been
unable to find sufficient evidence
upon which to base a conviction of
Daniel It. Bishop. 63. charged with
mixing poison with the food of his
wife on June 9, Prosecuting Attorney
Fred C. Brown today released the
bond upon which the defendant has
been, at liberty.
Mrs. Bishop complained of finding
powdered lead arsenic in her oatmeal,
while Bishop denied having any poi
son in or near the house and de
clared he had no reason to wish harm
to his wife.
mittees Mr. Willard thought it would
not be necessary to prevent all move
ment of building material and that
materials could be moved for highway
repairs, maintenance and construction)
of essential connecting road links.
Baker to Hear Bryan.-
BAKER, Or., July 10. (Special.)
William Jennings Bryan will deliver
an address-on pending problems to
morrow morning orv, the lawn of the
Central school. A reception is planned
for him. Bryan spoke at LaGrande
this afternoon, and will speak at
Weiser.- Idaho, tomorrow.
Interstate Commerce Commission
Hears Statements Railroad
Executive Is Hopeful.
WASHINGTON. July 19. A shut
down of steel mills is threatened be
cause of car shortage, representatives
of more than a score of steel manu
facturers today informed the inter
state commerce commission. Daniel
Williard. chairman of the advisory
committee of the association of rail
way executives, who also spoke, was
equally insistent, however, that any
general suspension of industry would
be-averted and that improvement was
possible in the steel trade.
"I believe there will not be any
general shutdown of industry." de
clared Mr. Willard. "The situation. I
believe, will not get any worse, and
I believe we can make it better."
"A half-score witnesses appeared at
the closing session of the commis
sion's hearing on possible modification
of its order requiring preference to
be given coal mines east of the Mis
sissippi in the assignment of open top
cars. No indication of the commis
sion's probable action was given.
Chairman Clark declared the com
mission realized the "utter impossi
bility" of pleasing all of them, but he
urged that they follow the suggestion
of Mr. Willard to attempt solution of
car service through co-operation be
tween them and the railroad officials.
By the. shippers and the railroads
acting through locnl enr rvire com-
Palestine Council lo Be Created by
British Commissioner.
JERUSALEM. July 7. Delivering a
message from King George to an as
semblage of notables from southern
Palestine. Sir Herbert Samuel. British
high commissioner for Palestine, an
nounced the government's policy In
cluded the creation of an advisory
council under his presidency, con
sisting mainly of government offi
cials, but having 10 non-official mem
bers irom various sections or tne pop
ulace. This council would advise on
all important matters, including the
annual budget.
Sir Herbert declared that amnesty
for all political prisoners would be
Place of Session Will Be Named by
j President Wilson.
. WASHINGTON. July 10. The first
meeting of the assembly of the league
of nations will be held on November
15, under the call which is soon to be
issued by President Wilson.
While the place for the session has
not been selected. It was said at the
State department today that this
i would be announced by the allied
I governments. The president is un
derstood to have favored Geneva, but
most of the allies prefer Brussels.-
...UIH ' IIS,-
.,fr. .,ttUW" .vVS
Enterprise Parly at Lewiston.
LEWISTON, Idaho, July 10. (Spe
cial.) A delegation of Enterprise, Or.,
business men have arrived in Oiarks
ton and Lewiston tr hear the report
of C. C. 'Van Arsdol on a recon
naissance survey of the proposed
highway Irom Lewiston to the Oregon
line, via Cloverland. Wash. The dele
gation is 'headed by W.- F. Savage,
secretary, of the Enterprise chamber
of; C. M. Lockwood and
S L. - Burnaugh, ..all members of the
executive committee of the Blue
Mountain highway association. '
We wish to express our annreeis-
tlon and sincere thanks for each and
every expression of. kindness during
me Bicitnes ana aeatn oi our Deioveu
wife and mother.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their kindness and the beautiful
flowers received during our' late be
reavement. O. I. CONNER
The disorder which causes its vic
tims to worry whether they have any
thing to worry about or not is neurasthenia.
Neurasthenia Is entirely distinct
from hysteria, although the patient
may have both diseases at the same
time. - i - '
Neurasthenia often "results from
some nervous shock, such, as the loss
of a near relative, business reverses.
or some severe overstrain on the
nervous system. The patient is usually
pale, showing that the blood is thin.
and the first thing to do is to build
up the blood, because anything that
builds up the general health helps to
correct- the neurasthenic condition.
Rest and a good tonic are the very
best treatment In most cases.
Dr. Williams" Pink Pills are an ideal
tonic for this condition because they
are non-alcoholic and. neurasthenic
patients should avoid alcoholic stimu
The Dr. Wllliarhs -Medicine - Co.,
Schenectady, N. Y., has published a
little book on nervous disorders that
contains a chapter on neurasthenia, in
which the symptoms are fully des
cribed and the correct treatment giv
en. The booklet is free on request.
Dr. Williams' Fink Pills are sold by
all druggists or sent by mall, post
paid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per
box. Adv.
B163WTwo eye
let Dixie tie in
fine black kid.
Made with welt
sole; leather LXV
Automobile-Carrying floats to Cross
Mouth ot Columbia River.
ASTORIA. Or., July 10 (Special.)
Representative citizens of Chinook,
Cadillac Bug
We'll say this bird can
ramble some.
Pay $275 Down
Easy terms on the balance
you'll be delighted.
Price Only $850
See Mr. Fernqulst at
W. H. Wallingf ord Co.
The Summer Days
Are Here!
Summer Books, Kodaks, Films, Picnic
Supplies, Leather Travelers' Conveniences
Photo Phil
Our Kodak expert will be glad to
load, your kodak for you. before
you start your vacation.
Paper' Plates, Napkins. Cups',
Luncheon Sets. Airto Sets. - Vaca
tion Stationery, Fountain Pens,
Flash Lights, fresh batteries;
Traveling Bags. Tour Books, Ad
dress Books, Toilet" Sets. Drink
ing Cups. Game Sets, Toy- Books
and Cut-Out Dolls ,and other
games tc- keep the. children
amused, etc.
New Novels
Summer Reading
Take a ; good summer story
along" on your- vacation
good books invariably add:
to the pleasure of an outing,-
The'Portygee ' I $2.00
Joseph C. Lincoln.
The Great Im- !
personation ' 1.90
E. Phillip Oppenheim. .
The Voice of the Pack 1.90
. ..-Edison Marshall.
The Toll of the Sands 1.73
Paul DeLaney. -
Invincible Minnie 1.75
K. S. Holding. -
The Hills of Han 2.00
. Samtrel Merwin.
A1612 Stylish
street oxford in
fine brown kid,
also black kid,
welt sole, leather
French heel.
Here, clearly and concisely, is given
valuable information concerning
extraordinary shoe values. The
shoes included are of that high
quality which gives emphasis to
the low pricing proving anew that
now, as always, "your money goes
farther at C. H. Baker's.
Dixie Ties
Black kid, black mat kid, brown kid and patent
leather. One and two eyelets.
Instep Ties.
Black kid, brown kid, white kid, patent leather,
black suede and brown suede.
Tan calfskin, black calfskin, black kid and brown
kid. French or military heels.
1220 Attractive
buckle pump in
fine black kid;
light turn sole;
covered LXV heel.
1212 Instep tie
in fine black kid,
also brown suede
and black suede
turn sole, covered
French heel.
Tongue Pumps
P1205 Dainty
instep tie in fine
black kid, brown
kid, turn sole, cov
ered French heeL
Black kid, patent leather, brown suede, black
suede and" black kid trimmed with suede.
Opera Pumps
Plain and with buckle attached in black kid,
white kid, black calfskin and patent leather.
$4,85, $S.8S, $6,85, $785 1605 sturdy 31
" walking oxford in i '
$8.85, $9.85, $10.85, $12.85 .Si!
. military heeL
Commencing JULY-12 Store Hours Will Be 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.
Booksellers Stationers,
. Outfitters
Third and Alder Streets
380 Washington Street
308 Washington Street
270 Morrison Street
270 Washington Street
The Largest Retailer of Shoes West of Chicago