The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, Section One, Page 7, Image 7

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$200,000 Loss Estimated to
Willamette Valley Plant.
Citizens of Towa Aid In Saving
Cars of Logs and Neighboring
Manufacturing Structures.
DALLAS. Or.. July 10. (Special.)
Fire originating from a hot box on a
slab conveyor broke out in the Wil
lamette Valley Lumber company's
sawmill here during the noon hour to
day and completely destroyed the en
gine room and main sawmill, entailing
a loss estimated at $200,000. The mill
was built 14 years ago and was con
sidered one of the largest in the state.
Its daily cut was 150,000 feet.
Citizens of Dallas responded for the
emergency and, combining with the
fire department and employes of the
mill, made nearly 1000 persons en
gaged in fighting the flames and sav
ing valuable cars of logs, the lumber
yard' and neighboring manufacturing
Trouble Had With Water.
Trouble was had at first with the
water, the supply of the city proving
Insufficient. But the pump of the
mill was got going and with the water
pumped from the mill pond 12 streams
were obtained.
It is believed this additional supply
of water was what saved Dallas' man
ufacturing district, as the Mountain
State Light . & Power company's
plant, the Southern Pacific round
house and railway shops and the Dal
las Iron & Locomotive works, besides
a small fruit-packing plant, were
threatened. At one time the slab con
veyor from the sawmill to the power
plant was on fire, but heavy wettings
given the buildings prevented the fly
ing embers from catching hold and
being fanned into flames by the east
The wind proved a factor In saving
the .planing mill and box factory
branches of the sawmill, as it swept
the flames away from the buildings.
Flames flare Suddenly. '
The fire started about 12:50 o'clock
and was first noticed by some work
men who were eating lunch. The
flames flared up suddenly as though
fed by tinder, and before the ob
servers could make any combating
efforts the heat was so intense they
were forced back. They then turned
in the alarm.
The only logs burned were' two on
the carriage left over from the morn
ing's sawing. Nearly 2.000,000 feet
on cars were saved by the volunteer
fire fighters.
There are about 200 men employed
at the mill. It is not expected they
will be thrown out of employment, as
it is the intention of the company to
rebuild at once and the men wii't be
employed in the construction work.
The mill is owped by the Gerlinger
and Pittock interests. George T. Ger
linger is president.
Governor Suggests That Congress
Body Visit Hawaii.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. July 10. A re
quest will be made by Governor W. D.
Stephens to the congressional immi
gration and naturalization committee,
which is In California to investigate
the Japanese problem, that the com
mittee visit Hawaii after completing
its investigation in the state to , get
first hand information as to the al
leged overrunning of the island by
the Japanese.
This announcement was made to
day by Governor Stephens, who de
clared he will make his request to
the congressional committee when it
holds its first public meeting in the
senate chamber at the capitol next
Tuesday morning.
In making the announcement the
governor said:
"The Hawaiian islands.. American
territory, are being conquered by tha
Japanese without opposition, I am in
formed, and it is California's plea to
the nation that this state shall not be
conquered as Hawaii is being con
quered by a foreign race."
Copyright 1920 Hart Schafiaer & Maxx
You can't beat this for value
Regular $60 and $65
AH-Wool Suits
Regular $45 and $50
All-Wool Suits
There are no two ways about it,
this is an unusually low price for
such good Hart Schaffner & Marx
suits. Late spring models in a wide
choice of patterns, fabrics and
The purpose of reducing prices
on suits at this time is the same as
every season we want you to buy
our suits now. You will appreciate
the values when you see the suits.
Cool Palm Beach Suits $22.50
When you can secure such excellent smartly-tailored suits at so moder
ate a price it would seem folly to deny yourself the pleasure of wearing
one. You will not only look cool you'll feel cool.' In dark or light shades.
Get one now if you wish to enjoy the summer.
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Home of Hart Schaffner '& Marx Clothes
Petroleum Expected When Greater
Depth Is Beached.
PROSSER, Wash., July 10. Drill
ing operations have been resumed on
well No. 3 of the Walla Walla Oil.
Gas & Pipeline company. The ut
most care i being taken and small
progress made, as the flow of gas
is so heavy there is fear of cirtting it
off by running the casing through it.
At the same time, however, the drill
is penetrating strata of oil sand' that
give promise of petroleum at a
sliphtly greater depth.
The gas flow from "well No. 3 gives
promise of being greater than well
No. 2. . It is said that it is more than
sufficient to supply the entire, needs
of a city as large as Seattle. The
company in charge of operations con
templates piping gas to Spokane.
Portland, Seattle, Walla Walla, Yaki
ma and Tacoma, as well as through
the Yakima valley.
Unofficial Returns From Xorth
Dakota Primary Complete. -
FARGO, N. D July 10. The com
plete unofficial returns or tne North
Dakota republican primary election
give Lynn Frazler, n6n-partisan, 59.
446 for governor, and William Lan
ger, independent. 64.172.
The returns on state treasurer, with
four precincts out. give John Steen,
independent, 55,010. and R. H. Walker,
non-partisan, 63.915.
For state railroad commission, N.
McDonnell and Frank Mllhollan, non
partisans, and J. Williams, independ
ent, have been nominated on the face
of almost complete unofficial returns.
Humane Society Charges Cruelty to
Animals at Show.
CHICAGO. July 10. Warrants were
issued today for "Tex" Austin, man
ager of the cowboy show conducted In
connection with the Elks' convention
and for jonn Doe, a cowboy.
The warrants, issued on complaint
of the Illinois Humane society,
charged that the cowboys mistreated
the steers and other animals in con
nection with their performances in
violation of the laws preventing cru
elty to animals.
Fire Causes Considerable Loss at
Washington Prison.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. July 10.
(Special.) Fire at-the penitentiary
early this morning did several thou
sand dollars' damage, burning about
40 tons of coal. .a shed 50x200 feet
the sidewalk along the shed, the up
per part of a gondola car and for
a time threatening the prison shoos.
Spontaneous combustion is believed
to Lave caused the fire. Coal was
being placed in bunkers and some f
tha slack was watered last night to
keep down the dust. There were 1200
tone of coal in the bunkers and hard
work was necessary to prevent its
burning. About 40 ions of coal was
consumed in the blaze.
Karl A. Jarnstrom, 9, Sinks in
Sight of Young Companions.
ASTORIA, Or.. July 10. .(Special.)
Karl Aron Jarnstrom. the 9-year-old
Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jarnstrom
of Chinook, Wash., was drowned at
that place yesterday.
With several young companions, the
lad went bathing from the beach ad
jacent to the Chinook cannery and
ventured into deep water. The alarm
was given by the other boys and a
search' was made, resulting in the
finding of .the body about an hour
SO Per Cent Increase In Freight
Rates Held Xecessary.
MONTREAL, July 10. The Cana
dian Railway association, represent
ing all lines in the Dominion, today
applied to the railway commission for
a 30 per cent increase in freight
The association announced that the
application was based entirely on the
present cost of railway operation in
cluding labor and materials. These
increased costs, according to the ap
plication, exceed by enormous sums
increased revenue obtained from the
rate advance granted In August, 1918.
Buy Diamonds From a House
of Known Reliability
NOW is a good . time to buy diamonds at
Friedlander's. We own some fine
stones which were bought by us months ago,
since which time importers' prices have ad
vanced. We are able to sell you a diamond
at a very favorable price.
We have sold diamonds in Portland con
tinuously for a half century. You are as-
SU-Iud? dealinS in every transaction
with this house.
Convenient Terms If Desired
310-312 Washington Street
Between Fifth and Sixth.
Kansas Financier, Short $180,000
in Accounts, Arrested.
TOPEKA. Kan.. July i0 August
Jaedicke. Jr. fno-m-u. ..
defunct Hanover (Kansas) State bank,
-rresi at ssnreveport. La., ac
cording to information received here
The capture of Jaedicke concludes a
nation-wide search of seven weeks.
Me left Hanover. hatless and coat
less, in his automobile upon being in
formed that his bank had been or-
s- )' EUGENE
L ;; ' X . O'BRIEN
!.& -l f . "A FOOL AND
ip"::'t;' A . HIS MONEY"
V fSJKr i : r BY George Barr McCutcheon
i;fr'V?S: rT'& ' Ever see a ghost? The hero did
XSN f:j$ or he thought he did and he mar-
I (J-Sl"jVfiJ3f" ried the ghost! You can't beat that !
SlMP for romance! i
bj?- $$)tfrrtj s
Until Tuesday Midnight M
i 5 '
dered closed on the morning of May
17, and drove to Beatrice, Neb., where
he left his car and took a train. Ex
amination of the bank's accounts re
vealed a shortage of $180,000, the
banking department reports.
Soon after his departure a letter
was received from Jaedicke by his
wife, purporting to describe his losses,
due. he claimed, to loans on which he
could not realise. It was revealed
within a few weeks he had sent large
sums to a Chicago bank, and there
were indications that Jaedicke had
been victimized by sharp dealers.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
.This question has been asked so many times that we give the
information here.
The Ampico is a mechanism , that gives back again the very
performance of the master pianist.
It plays human-like perfectly.
The Chickering Ampico has been called "the wonder piano."
Musicians are.quick to say:
"It surpasses- anything of its kind."
"It is beyond belief so perfectly does it play."
You are invited to hear this remarkable instrument at our store.
Exclusive Chickering Dealers
G. F. Johnson Piano Co.
147-149 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon
CTERL1NG Patented Vacuum Bar
Tread is a euaranteed non
skid, reliable in emergency. Not a
hit-and-miss design based on some
pretty pattern or the makers ini
T3UT a real honest to goodness
JJ device that re'ally holds. Ab
solutely prevents side-slipping or
skidding. Adapted to every day,
all-the-year-round service.
lb v 11 I
Dependable as old friends. Sterling Tires are hand made by skilled work
men with pride in their job. Free from all the earmarks and defects of
machine-made tires. Built for Service. Sterlings help cut the cost of
fhvving, no matter how heavy your car. When economy is your main
consideration, it's the cost per mile, not the price per tire, that figures in
the long run. You never bought a cheaper tire that costs so little per
mile. There's no higher-priced tire made that can be any better.
There's a wealth of satisfaction in store for you when you carry Sterling
Tircs and a host of care-free miles. Every trip's a real pleasure trip and
every road is velvet.
Join the Army of Sterling Users
Manufactured by the
Sterling Tire Corporation, Rutherford, N. J.
14th and Burnside, Portland, Ore.
Distributors for Oregon. Washington, Northern Idaho and Western Montani