THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLASD, JULY 11, 1920 ffllS TUBE SIMPLY ON ALASKA-MORTON ROUTE TO MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL ( PAPIt' TD 4 TTTJCrO TJTT 4 I TT1 17 TTT - l?nDITCTtrn rOTTVTDV ! IT E It rrriTr 4- 'Double Cable Sase c7TiTOS It Ko "Tire Filler," Either, but It Eats Up Nails. ITS PRINCIPLE NEW ONE .4 6 . - --aw W LLNl mm P:jiEiiaEMAir JlonneT Tube, Just Brought Here, So Constructed That Rubber Compression Seals Holes. How -would you like. Mr. MotoriBt, to have your car equipped with tubes that you can drive a. nail through, or 20 nails through, -without puncturing? A tube that comes with a hard-and-tast. iron-clad, triple-plated guaran tee that it will not deflate for the period of one full year from any punc tore? A tube. In short, that is war ranted not to give you any more bother from punctures than if your That sounds far-fetched, but all this That sounds far-fetched, but all this Is claimed. and enthusiastically claimed, for the Bonner tube, which has Just arrived In Portland. Be it aid that the Bonner tube, moreover, does not obtain its puncture-proof ?uallties from any kind or degree of -tire, filler" whatsoever, but solely from Its construction, which is some thing new in tire engineering. Agents Here Well Known. The agency for this tube has been Ttained for Portland and Oregon and noothern Idaho by Meyer Abraham n.nd W. C. Cooper, for many years with Mason, Ehrman 4; Co. They have organized the Columbia Rubber cor poration to handle it. They have just opened quarters at 606 Washington street, adjoining fire station No. 3. The Bonner tube is of laminated construction, vulcanized with a piece of non-elastic fabric on the inside K.nd a heavy layer of pure rubber over it on the tread side. Following vul canization the tube is turned inside out. the fabric then being: on the out ride. This makes the outside stretch ings. When the tube is Inflated the thick ened rubber tread la held by the fabric strip, and is so compressed that if a -nail does pierce it, the compressed elasticity of the rubber automatically seals the hole. One nail or 20 nails ran be driven into it and the com pressed rubber will press each hole so tightly shut that the tire remains In flated at full pressure. In fact, the (creater the air pressure from the In filde the greater the compression and the tighter the holes remain sealed. Bis Corporations Vmts It. Rome idea of the place the Bonner tribe already has achieved in the tire world may be gained from the fact that euch large corporations as the fishell Oil company, the California Packing corporation. Pacific Gas & Electric company, Sperry Flour com pany, Zellerbach Paper company, CJreat Western Power company and others have already contracted to use these tubes as standard equipment on froth trucks and salesmen's cars. Some of these companies have taken Its many aa 800 of these tubes. To date replacements on the guarantee have been none. Some of the tubes, It is claimed, have given three years' service without deflation. B. W. Rubin of the Rubin Motor Car rimpany, which handles the King eight here, is one Portland man who uses these tubes and is enthusiastic about them. Mr. Rubin saw the Bon ner tube at the New York show last winter and was so impressed that he bought a set In San Francisco. Nail Didn't Stop Rarer. Mr. Cooper has a letter from 'Hap AJaina. motorcycle racer, telling how in a motorcycle race recently he drove a nail clear through his tire to the rim. He got off his cycle, pulled out the nail and went right aneaa, win ning the race. That tube hasn't de flated yet. Mr. Abraham and Mr. Cooper ob tained the opportunity almost by acci dent to handle this tube for Oregon and snapped it up immediately. Since then their territory has been enlarged by the addition of southern Idaho. They have only a partial stock at present, but several bis orders are en route to them. h v t? "-,4, SHORT TRIP TARES AUTOIST TO AATIVE ROMANCES. 1 "399" MAKES LUST SHOW ayciEvr lord takes ftxal VHIKIi OX SAUCER. STlrfrt Car to Make. Mile a Minute Was Basis of Barney Oldfield's Hopes, Here's a typical vtevr alonr (be cut-off road to Mount Rainier national park;.' -vrhflch aaves many ml tea of travel. Hot ever. It In mountain road and no route for the amateur driver, thounh aafe eaonsb for ' the experienced pilot and exceptionally Rood for mountain mad. It leavea the Pacific tilKlirray at the Mien, "To OnalaKka,' nine miles Booth, of Chehall, and , joins the main Tapora-ouni Halnler hijehway at Kibe, a run of M.5 miles via the lumbering towns of Onalaska and Morton. Taking; this " route a week -co, a party In a Chevrolet FB touring car easily- made the park from Portland in 11 hours. This picture shows the road about ten miles In from Onalaka. LORE AT The famous old Ford "sSS" racing fear, which was the first car in the Vorld to travel faster than a' mile kninute. upon whose performances in he days of 1902-3-4 were based the I'urure hopes of Henry Ford and Bar aiey Oldfield, made its last appearance upon any race track when on the Los tAniteles speedway it made its final Ivhlrl around the bordered saucer. This car will be sent to Henry lord where it will undoubtedly be placed in a conspicuous spot and form fart of a collection that will depict Ithe origin of this vast concern. The car Is the property of William t-i- Hughsoiv head of the large coast Wise automobile concern bearing his kiame, who a few months ago resur rected it from a junk heap in Los Angeles. For many years this car eluded the searching parties of the two well known men who are en tleavoring to locate it. At the conclusion of the semi-an-tual branch managers' meeting of the William L. Hughson company the car was taken to the Los Angeles speed way for its final bow to the racing public being guided around the fa mous race course by Mr. Hughson ajd his branch managers. Its performance after these many rears of absence from the track, was a surprise to the privileged specta tors who looked with awe upon the red demon, its motor belching out flames gaining momentum that car ried it beyond the mile-a-minute nark. This- famous old car Tecently was n exhibition at the Portland branch f the William L. Kutrhson Co. Carbon Removers. The market at present is flooded with auxiliary air and moisture injectinsr devices, some of which are pood anl som bad. The moisture injtctins devices will In most cases prvent the formation of" carbon on te ejrjlnder walls, but they are not l'kely to remove carbon already formfd. although ttis claim -4-made for them. The air devices are prac tlaiy ussls unless the owner is absolutely certain that the air range mt tia carburetor is insufficient. If th. adjustment already cn the car - turetcr Is capable of supplying more tr an auxiUaxy air deviie is a waste tJ nMHr '- . Historical Spots of Northwest. Teem ' With Eore of Early Tribal Days. SEATTLE, Wash.. July 10. From the bustle and hurry of Seattle to the native home qf Julia, queen of the Pilchucks, the last monarch of the once formidable tribe of Pil chucks, is one of the interesting au tomobile trips out of this city. Historical spots such as this abound in western Washington and these scenes, rich in Indian lore and remi niscent of the days when Ezra Meeker was in the bloom of youth, are passed up by the tourist simply because he doesn't know of their existence. The motorist travels along the Fa. cific highway from Seattle to Everett over paved roads. The traveler is soon skirting the shores of Silver lake and entering the environs of Everett. Then follows the scenic ride from Everett to Snohomish. This historical town is one of the oldest in western Washington. Mrs. Mary L. Sinclair, daughter of J. N. Low, who was. a member of the party making up the band of first white settlers to set fooi on what is now Seattle, is one of the residents of Snohomish. The home of Tilchuck Julia is a two-mile spin north of Sno homish at a beautiful spot on the banks of the Pilchuck river. One who took the trip describes the meeting with the famous Indian woman as fol lows: Less than 50 feet from the highway. complacently sitting on the steps of tumble-down cabin, was a bent old woman, short of stature and wrinkled of countenance. It was - Julia, the only living member of her tribe, the remnant of the once mighty race of Pilchucks. For years Julia in her crumbling home has watched the while man's auto whis by on the rib bon pavement that flanks the banks of the Pilchuck river. Few of the motorists that passed the Pilchuck cabin knew of its significance or re alized that within it was Julia, the last of her tribe. , Klahiam: beamed Julia, arising to greet the party. In the last 1 years Julia has lived with her grand children in the Pilchuck cabin, and frequently during that time she has come into prominence as a weather prognosticator. Like most Indians Julia does not know her accurate age but it is estimated at about 80 years. Although bent with age. she is very energetic, cultivates her garden fishes in the FUchucK river and reg ularly walks to Snohomish, a distance of nearly two miles. "She displayed considerable interest when invited to sit In the driver's seat and clasp the. steering wheel. .'Heap good grease buggy,' commented Julia, greatly impressed." PCZZLrX THE AUTO THIEF Here's a Device That Keeps Them All Guessing. A good device for puzzling the auto mobile thief was made as follows: Remove the regular terminal from the end of the ignition wire and an extra one was procured. One of these was clamped arcund a piece of brass tubing and the other around a similar piece of tubing of hard rubber. The inside of each tubo was threaded with small tap. The end of the wirs was placed inside a yet smaller piece of brass tubing and a little solder was poured in to make a good con nection. - This piece of brass tubing was very slightly larger than the holes in the hard rubber and brass tubes inside the two terminals, and was threaded on the outside so as to screw into the holes in the two terminals. "In ordi nary use the terminal with the brass lining is screwed en to the end of the wire and used in the regular manner. When the car is to be locked, how ever, the hood is raised, the brass- lined terminal Is removed and a rubber-lined one is screwed into its place. The hard rubber is an insulator and the ignition system will not function, and friend thief will puzzle for a long, long time before he dopes out what is the trouble. CYCLIST OX A LOXG TOUR t Harley-Davldsoa and Side Car Is Piloted Across Continent. A tour across the United States over tne longest direct route possible is being made ly two southern motor cyclists, D. E. McDonald and E. R. Plummer, who are attempting to cover the 3500-mile distance from Miami, Fla.. to Seattle, Wash., on a summer vacation trip. A Harley-Da vidson ma chine with sidecar has carried them as far west as Minneapolis, where they have set out for the Pacific coast via the Yellowstone trail. En route the two travelers visited the Goodyear Tire & Rubber company plant at Ak ron, O., where they watched the actual production of the type of Goodyear tires with which they are making their long 'jaunt. To Grade McKenzie Road. EUGENE. Or., July 10. (Special.) The road between McKenzie bridge and Foley Springs will be graded this summer, according to Smith L. Taylor, forest ranger in charge of the Paradise ranger station at the bridge. He says that traffic to the springs resorts will not be stopped during the progress of the work as easy detours through the timber can be provided. NEW $20,000,000 PLANT OF GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AT LOS ANGELES BEGINS OPERATIONS. - i Si Ptdmvl Block Km-Skii "Cert' Tw Tire Slips Are Fatal SLIPPING tires permit rims to cheat you out of many miles of good road service. ' Yet this is unnecessary, for the Federal Double -Cable -Base holds tire securely set on the rim and gives you back the miles it saves for use on the road. They also prevent blow outs just above the rim, side-wall chafing, tube pinching, etc. The Federal Rubber Company of Illinois Factorlea, Cudahy, Wisconsin t T r t r t t T DEALERS Write for nrlnnlTf proposition not represented In your town. If we are WEAVER TIRE COMPANY Oregon Vulcanizing: Co. 33,1 33S Bl'RNSIIJE AT BROADWAY. Telephone Broadway 37l. IN FLEET turning an exhibition mile in 64 sec onds a speed of 67 miles an hour which racing men consider very cred itable for a dirt track. Lewis depend ed on Oooyear cord tires for victory, STANDARD OIL HAS HUGE MO- GUARD .. 1 LS FOR WHEELS TOR EQUIPMENT. .ft " 3 TV s-WCrnOTpoC?ar" 0tr. A y.-.'Xt. Taking All, Al, (Irat complete tlrr turned out at new California Goodyear Plant, trom tne moid on Jii-d Great Market Open to American Trucks Revealed by Check of Export Shipments. One Mack truck fleet now numbers over 1000 machines of models from a ton and a half to seven and a half tons. The Standard Oil company,to be exact, operated 1022 Mack trucks on June 1. In May 25 additional Macks were sold to the Standard Oil and the fleet was thus raised in numbers above the thousand mark. In the same month the Kroger Grocery company of Cincinnati bought 11 additional Macks, increasing . its fleet .to 58. and the Ward Baking company of New York City added nine Macks to its fleet, bringing the total up to 153. The great market open to American trucks is again revealed by the Mack export business during May, the latest month for which the figures are available. Three Macks were shipped to Aden. Africa, and six were dispatched to Batavia. the capital of Lutch Java. It took 14 Macks to meet the month's requirements of Bombay. India, while Calcutta, in the same British posses sion, bought two. The Spanish speaking nations were among the purcnasers, ana tnree Macks were sent to Pernambuco, Brazil; two to Valencia, Spain; 13 to Havana, Cuba, and' one to Callao, Peru. Honolulu bought one Mack, four were Bent to Ivilindinl, Africa, and Medan. Java, took a banner shipment of 16 ton-and-a-half machines. Shang hai, China, showed a preference for heavy duty Macks and purchased four 7Vi-ton models and one two-tonner. The export business of the Mack is reported to be steadily increasing. FAST TIME OX DIRT TRACK Joe Lewis Drives Packard Racer at 6 7 Miles Per Hour. In recent automobile races at Han ford. Cal.. Joe Lewis, driving a Pack ard car, won all three events of the special holiday programme. He first defeated a field of ten cars in exciting 15-mile race on the one-mile dirt track in the fast time of 17 min utes, &0 seconds, and repeated in the next event, which was confined to Kings county cars. In the last event he set up a new mark for the track, Good Idea Tor Man AVho Bangs Up Fenders in Garage. Very often you can tell the fellow who keeps his car in his own private garage by the condition of the fend ers of his automobile, says the Motor Life. They are bent down somewhat, or dented and otherwise disfigured, because, in driving in or backing out of his-garage, he has a habit of mis judging the distance between the fender and the door jamb. And be fore he can stop moving, the fender has been made to suffer. Where the doorway in none too wide a natural condition with the city man's garage, since he usually cannot make it any larger than nec essary to barely squeeze the car in It 's a good idea to install guard rails in the corners of the door opening, or little concrete or wooden guidinc blocks. If a piece of husky piping is attached into each corner, it will serve if the car is run too close to the doorway. This will either have the effect of pushing the car over away irom the s'de of the door or it will offer enough obstruction to the for ward movement of the warn the driver in time to change the car's position. Obviously, these diagonal pipes would only be of advantage when entering the garage, being of no Service when backing out. The concrete or wooden blocks, however, are intended as backing-out protection. serving to guide the Closing Out Sale Trailers 2 and 4-Wheel Models 750 to 1500 capacity Camping and Commercial Trailers : - Write for prices NOW Our stock will not last long uuitmjl'6tj HALF PRICE 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Unlimited Mileage Guarantee SPECIAL WEEK JULY 6-lQ We have purchased SIX CARLOADS (6492 tiresV of "CLINGSTONE" brand, made by. the LANCASTER TIRE &, RUBBER CO. of Lancaster, Ohio, at a price that will permit us to sell them at JUST HALF of the PRESENT RETAIL PRICE. These tires are strictly HIGH-GRADE. FRESH STOCK, made of 17V4-ounce long-fibre cotton fabric, with pure gum friction and a tough white oxide of zinc tread of effective non-skid design. These tires are GUARANTEED by the MANUFACTUR ERS, and adjustments will be made by us at any of our eight stores on an UNLIMITED MILEAGE BASIS. If a tire proves to be defective in either material or workmanship, adjustment will be made regardless of how far the tire has been run. Our S (Subject to withdrawal without notice.) SIZE List Price SALE PRICESAVING 28x3 $19.50 $ 9.75 $ 9.75 30x3 21.25 10.63 10.62 30x3i2 27.75 13.88 13.87 31x4 42.05 21.03 21.02 32x4 42.80 21.40 21.40 33x4, 44.50 22.25 22.25 34x4 45.75 22.88 22.87 These tires are not "seconds," "retreads," "made-overs," "half -soles" or cheap tires made of inferior material. This sale includes thousands of tires of other makes all sizes both cord and fabric at startling reductions. Call and look over these tire bargains. X . ,:iW "''J'.., "X I I i ft Portland Seattle Tacoma Spokane Autoparts Supply Company 80-82 Sixth Street Phone Broadway 5308 Yakima Bellingham Boise Walla Walla wheels in the path they should follow in order to clear the doorway suffi ciently. 'They are of no special ad vantage when entering the garage, being opposite in their function to the diagonal pipe fenders mentioned above. XEff CAR SEEDS MCCH OIL Owner Iay Have to Grind Valves Ortcn at First. Because most motor car manufac turers advise using- a generous amount of oil in the new engine for the first 500 miles or until the new power plant has a chance to set well "run in," the chances are that the owner will need to grind the valves of his new engine oftener than he will after the engine gets down t a a steady operating basis. Don't think that berause the, valves pet pretty dirty at first ar.d require attention that the motor is goins to always be so fussy. (Jive it a chance to get accustomed to it life work before criticising it. Everybody knows that a car which has been run about 1500 miles is a better car than one which i brand new and has never been off the salesroom floor. Rear Axle Rear axle noises may .Noises. be brous about by any one of the following causes: Worn or broken gears; worn differential or pinion bearings; warped gears; maladjustment of the differential unit or pinion; inac curately cut gear teeth; misalignment of the differential unit and pinion; lack of lubrication; dirt or other for eign matter on the gear teeth; sprung ax.le housinqr. MoToU. Pon't bump the traffic con. Motor Trucks You recognize Garf ords by their appearance, but you value them for their ability to give the Low Cost Ton-Mile. "USERS KNOW" Sellwood Drayage & Storage Co. have Bought Another Carford . Garford Oregon Motor Sale Company NORTH EIGHTH AND DAVIS Wm. Cornfoot, President T. M. Genatara-an, E. N. Wheeler, Vlee-Prea. and Oe. Mgrr. Secretary-Trea.urer J. A. Haley, Sales M(r. Have proven their Efficiency Eight Years of Success Used in U. S. Mail Service Electric lights, windshields, bumpers, impulse starter, spotlight, power tire pump.. Completeness 1, 1 Yz -ton chassis, solid tires. 1, l-ton chassis, cord tires. 1 ' 2 , 2-ton chassis, cord tires. McCraken Motor Co. Distributors 475 Morrison St. Broadway 93 "We Carry the Parts" i1 B