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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
G TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, TORTLAXD, JULY 11, 1920 TRADE OF EUROPE N BhiTAIH SbRIP Gigantic Commercial Net Being Welded. Is PORTS ARE CONTROLLED Politically and Financially, Prefer erably Doth, England Seeks to Fasten Its Hold. BT ARNO DOSCH-FLEUROT. (COpyrleM by th New Tork World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) DANZIO. July 10. (Special Cable.) This is the British port of Danzle It used to bo a German port, and the peace conference decided It should be a Polish port; but, as a matter of fact. It has somehow come to be an outpost of the British empire. It is a link in the chain of ports whereby the British empire is drawing its "red line" about Europe. For the British Empire has set about the commercial conquest of Eu rope, and is proceeding with usual British assurance. It Is treating Eu rope commercially just as in earlier periods it treated Asia and Africa. It is a." new great stretch of. territory to be brought under the British corn morclal flag. British business, diplomacy and arms are working steadily together toward this common end to increase the power and importance of the Brit ish Empire. While Americana are running about the face of Europe on every concelrable variety of charita ble and humanitarian errand, the British are sticking to business, and they are getting what they want. Britain is, in fact, throwing so wide a net over Europe that . the origin of the meshes and their im portance one to another are not always apparent, but there are points, such as Danzig, where -any one can see what is going on. Only the boldness and assurance of the im perial move, - and the imagination with which it is being carried ont. make it difficult to believe that the plan Is as big as it really is. British One Idea Is Trade. The plan Is real enough, and If it is ucceedfrig it is because the British formed a policy, backed it with their money, and went to work on it as a nation. Kor the British have always realised what other nations are now being compelled to see, that the way to get big results in interna tional trade is to make the foreign office work for the extension of the trade empire. Here in Danzig it cannot be doubted that the British Foreign Office, as represented in the league of nations, has lust one idea British trade. It is dollar diplo macy, and they make no bones about it. The first and most important con sideration is the "red line." All' the porta of Europe must be under Brit ish control, either politically or fi nancially, preferably both. The Baltic has become a British sea. AS far as the British policy Is con cerned all the smaller states that have been formed along the edge of the old Rupslan Empire are merely free ports for a future reconstructed Russia, and, as "free ports," they are, like Danzig, each to be a British port. Take Revel. Tt is the capital of Esthonia, a small farming country of no great Importance. But its port Is an Important Russian port. In the general straightening outeof things it is again going to be the shipping point for a great stretch of Russia. When the Danes first built Reval It a trsdlpg point with Russia, and ::-.Me-.Jl 1 ! j the British are going to use it to the same end in the future. British commercial interests at nailing down everything of value in Esthonia, and the Esthonians are grateful to them for aoing it.. When I was in Reval, a few weeks ago, something happened to show how things were going. At that time Reval was full of flax buyers of all nations, but most of them were only able to get small lots smuggled over from the Pskoff region of Russia. Esthonia itself had no flax for sale. One British firm had 'bought it all, and next year's crop as well. I asked how the Britieh succeeded in getting such a monopoly, and was pointed out a cargo steamer which had Just come into the almost deserted port. The ship, I was told, was full of fertilizer necessary to the Esthonian flax grower. Neither the growers nor the government could afford to buy fertilizer from abroad, but one British firm. Malcomb & Co., had agreed to supply all the fertilizer and take payment next year or the year after in flax. No ordinary buyer could compete against such broad gauge business methods. As flax is about the most important product of Esthonia, this one deal, mad by one inconspicuous British firm, gave the British government a hold over Esthonia which will prove very use ful in getting special harbor priv ileges, etc., when the time comes for making Reval a Russian port again. Riga is in the same position. It Us an important port, with a fairly small country behind it. Riga can exist as a great port only by creating a free harbor for Russian trade and the Letts are preparing to do this. The same thing is true of Libau. In both ports a number of British firms, par ticularly the British Baltic corpora tion, are getting ready for the recom mencement of trade with Russia. Danzig lis the next important, and perhaps the most important, of the chain. It is a story In Itself and in a separate article I shall show how this "free" port Is going to play its part in the British "red line." Scheme exalte Apparent. On the other side of Europe the general scheme is even more appar ent. With the British at Gibraltar, Suez and, by their own recent ini tiative at Constantinople, the Medi terranean is a British pond, and so of course, is the Black Sea, which gives Odessa and Batoum and all the rich Black- Sea littoral to British control. It Is grandiose, but not too much so for the general plan Not content with having a hand on an encircling line of ports, British firms have also bought up all the im portant steamer and freight lines on the Danube. No more effective means could have been found for preventing any future Mitteleuropa ideas. If the British foreign office works for Brit ish trade, British trade returns the favor. Months ago a high British naval officer said something to me at Buda pest which I am just beginning to appreciate. He said: "Tou know even France is getting to be something of a British protec torate." It struck me at the time as British swank, but it is becoming apparent now that the whole of Europe is be ginning to have somewhat that as pect. It is certainly true commer cially. Here is a case: ' American cotton manufacturing in terests, representing all the money that might be needed, recently sent a committee to Central Europe to look over the possibility of pooling all the cotton manufacturing interests that lie in a great district that stretches thrbugh Germany, Csecho-eiovakia rand Poand. It is a matter, etill under way, which may run into many mil lions of dollars. American Capital D-nlred, The committee knew what was going on commercially on . the con tlnent of Europe and did not head ie .inn. in T.ondon nn th wv anri nald a little visit to the British for - olo- nrfii-a It .ni in knnw hnw. Whitehall might feel about its ven ture. It found that the courteous gentlemen in the foreign office were charmed with the visit and they had the frankness to say that the British foreign office would not only view the combine benignly but, if neces sary, would aid. This seemed .too nice. The Ameri cans wanted to know why so much t. , as flfc 'JL I V- ; Pathe Weekly Always I v; y P : : 1 n ' At; M " - Now Playing- ' Ik . (f " i f cordiality. They were then told in so many words that the British govern ment looked with extreme favor On the investment of American capital in Europe. If America has a stake In Europe." they were told, "it would have some thing more than an altruistlo interest in keeping Europe at peace. It would wake up and have a real interest in the league of nations. As it Is, Great Britain is carrying along the league of nations all by itself. We certainly want America in it, and there is no way of interesting a country better than through its trade. And then besides, -said the foreign office man, "why should we have any objection to American capital or any capital developing inland interests as long as we control the ports, and the bottoms are English?" As part of this general scheme the British are establishing new and close commercial relations with Germany. They intend to work with the Ger mans in the east of Europe, and one needs only to go to Germany and hear how pleasantly the British are now spoken of to realize that the plan is under way. In some ways their trade diplomacy in Germany is one of the most inten esting things they are doing. I was prepared to find that BrltlBh banking interests were digging into all the big international German combines, but apparently they are not. Their way of going at the control of Germany Is otherwise. Their attitude toward Germany seems to be about this: Britain defeated Germany, and now Germany has to work for her, as de feated nations have throughout his tory had to work for conquering nations. Britain has decided that Germania makes a good, hard-working servant, one of the numerous ser vants of the empire. I have talked to Englishmen about this attitude and suggested that the Germans, once they got strong enough again, would play their own game once more. ' "Little danger." said one . t 6f my Interlocutors, "as long as we make it more profitable for them to I The more trade the Germans create 1 the better, as long as the bottoms in which it Is moved are British New Brunswick Indorses Dry Ijaw, ST. JOHNS. N. B., July 10. The province of New Brunswick in a referendum today voted to empowef the government to retain the present "bone dry" - prohibition law passed during the war, and against intro ducing wine and beer licenses. v - v 1 ' ; :: V v , j " : : - , ,, i. - ? " - ; - 3w 1 , i IST i ; ; - , , ' - f A i ;; f r? v ' - It I - W , ' - , - 1 i ' I r" " t H l V V ' v It J " , 'mJ;v t Jl t , ' J " j i T T Major Clarence R. IIo4chKIa, f Portland -veteran of two wars, t I heads Spanish War Vets. I A. powerful drama, set in our own great Oregon country, pulsating with heart interest and realism. Filled with tense and thrilling incidents and an exquisitely beautiful romance. WAR SERVICE REWARDED MAJOR HOTCHKISS XEW HEAD OF SPAXISH WAR VETERA?? S . Election, t Encampment at 3Iarsh fleld -Programmoor Tear to Be Announced Soon. Major Clarence F. Hotehkise. vet eran of the world war, who was elected department commander of the United States-Amerioan War' Vet erans at the annual encampment at Marshfield last week, has returned to Portland and soon will announce the year's programme. His election comes as recognition of his years of service" to tbe organization which, he now heads. Ha was senior . vice commander of Scout Young camp wlwn he answered the call for serv ice in 1917. Major Hotchklss served in the Pennsylvania volunteer infantry dur ing the Spanish war and later as a non-comnlasioned officer with the list Infantry in tbe Philippine in surrection. He was a captain on the Mexican border duty and adjutant of the 3d Oregon infantry. During the World war ho served 20 months overseas and was discharged as a major of infantry. ROAD CONTRACT IS LET Four Miles of St. Helens-Pittsbarg Stretch to Be Improved. ST. HELENS, Or.. July 10. ( Spe cial. )-At their session Friday the county court let a contract to J. Kilby of Rainier tor the clearing and grad ing of four miles on the St. Helens Pittsburg road. The contract price was $58,000 and work is to begin at once. The highway extends from St I Helens to the fertile Nehalem valley. Eleven miles of the road are now com pleted and macadamized. The four miles contracted eliminate several of the steepest grades and will make the road passable at all I times of the year. An additional four I miles to be built In 1821 will finish the21-mlle stretch between Bt. Helens and the valley and shorten the dig tance some 30 miles, as at present I the traffic from. St. Helens goes vial Portland and Timber or via Clatskanie j and Mist. -. FLIERS TO USE NEW PLANE Remodeled d 11a vi land Type Air ship to Be Used by Aviators. WASHINGTON, July 10. Army fliers in their trip frorn New York City to Nome, Alaska, will use the new type De Havlland 4-B plane, it is announced by the war department. These ships, it was stated, should not be confused with the old De Havl land 4. used by American filers on the western front during the war, and in the transcontinental reliability race last fall. The new remodeled type has been I greatly strengthened throughout, and many important changes made, look ing to greater protection for the pilot. TEARS REPLACE FEUD Court's Lecture Brings Brothers I Together and End Trouble. As Joseph H. Jones, judge of the district court, gave fatherly counsel to Harvey O. Drath and Harry H. Drath, brothers, a feud of long stand ing Was dissipated into thin air, its! place taken by clasped hands and tears, yesterday. Shotgun threats, a nat-irOn as sault and a broken arm marked pre vious relations between the brothers,, and both came Into court on the com- I plaint of Harvey, aged 27, who said I that Harry, aged 37. and father of I DAW five children, had threatened his life with a shot gun on July 5. The case was continued indefinitely when, after the judge pointed out the inevitable consequences of bad blood between kinsmen, the brothers em braced each other and wept. COLUMBIA IS RECEDING RiTer at Crest or Season Reaches Only 16-Foot Stage, VANCOUVER. Wash, July 10. (Special.) The Columbia river, which reached the crest of the season at the 16-foot mark, is slowly receding "and has dropped about a foot during the week. For the first time in seven years, Andrew Johnson, river steamer Cerent here, was not compelled to move the offices of the company from the lower to the upper decks on ac count of high watar. The farmers living on the lowlands next to the -Columbia river below the city will have bumper crops. SCOTLAND BANK CLOSES Disappearance of President and Week's Run Shuts Doors. SCOTLAND, S. D.. July 10. The Bonhomme County Bank of Scotland has closed its doors following the dis- apeparance of its president. H. Henry Wenzlarf and- a week s run, during which time more than $100,000 in de posits were withdrawn. State bank examiners are in charge. The bank was one of the oldest in the state with deposits of $600,000. - S. & H. Kreen Fuel Co. tamps tor cash Main 353. 680-11. Holman Adv "JL .OUTER Washington Street Corner West Park YOU I A li Iff J -'..V i i iiiiiiiiiin iuiwiljii.imiiiM.)i,imnj,i'i ii isi mn iiina W . v wit ' O" GASOLINE SHORTAGE ACUTE VAXCOCTER PLEASURE CARS PUT AWAY IX GARAGES. Various Excuses Offered by Motor ists Met With Deaf Ear at Filling Stations. VANCOUVER, Wash., July 10. (Special.) More and more cars ' are being put away in garages as a result of the gasoline shortage which has reached the acute stage here. For several days no gasoline has been fur nished for pleasure cars, while trucks and cars used for commercial purposes are having a hard time getting enough to operate On. There is little hope in' sight for at least a month or five weeks, according to reports from the oil companies. Many and varied are the tales told by automobile owners to get gasoline. They appear at the stations with gal lon cans to get gasoline to clean clothes, their cars are stalled on the road miles from home, some one is seriously ill and needs their help; a man's father died and he must go 100 miles or more, and no trains for 10 hours; they have steep hills to climb and must have a full tank to make the grade, and similar excuses. To all of these dealers turn a deaf ear. ' It is reported by the National parks highway association secretary, of Spokane, that there is ample gasoline on the highways leading east from Spokane, and all along the highway east of Washington. It is understood that the supply in Portland is some HAVE BEEN POSITIVELY THE BIGGEST COMEDY PICTURE EVER PRESENTED IN PORTLAND RIVOLI CONCERT ORCHESTRA "Outlaws of 'the Deep" William J. FItib Detective Story SPECIAL SUNDAY CONCERT 12:30 NOon Today Danee Macabre Song Of the Soul .'.... Prelude S. The Swan Paramount Trio Paramount Trio Popular Bongs what more liberal than in Vancouver, and that tourists can get enough gasoline to travel. In some Washington cities, dealers have clubbed together and bought high grade gasoline, which they sell for 40 cents a gallon. JITNEY MEN LOSE POINT Seattle Injnnction Is Continued Only to July 19. SEATTLE. Wash., July 10. Seattle jitney driyers. who obtained a tem porary injunction restraining the city from enforcing the jitney regulations, lost a point today when Judge Boyd Tallman refused to sign an order making the injunction effective until next fall. Judge Tallman ordered the tem porary Injunction, which was return able yesterday, continued until July 19, and gave the city until that -date to answer the complaint of the jitney djrivers. STORAGE PLANTS BEGUN Warehouses at Hood River ind Odell to Cost $40,0 00. HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 10. .Soe- 1 cial.) Parker Sc Banfield, Portland I builders, have begun construction of , two new apple warehouses for Dan Wuille fend company. One of the new structures is located adjoining the present quarters of the concern i here. It will be operated as an addi tional storage unit. The new struc- ture will be three stories high. The Odell house will be about 100 feet long. The men are also engaged in corn- WAITING for THIS w iff -i TV M : PidLJ : - -. under MISCHA GUTERSON Elf . U u-y J I . i . . . Saint-Saens ft .... J. Bfeil Rachmaninoff . . .Saint-Saens Popular Songs . . Saint-Saens pleting a warehouse for the appi shippers at Parkdale. The Jitter wai U begun last season. The cost or tn- t Hood River and Odell warehouses will reach about $40,000. NEW SCHEDULE DISLIKED Passenaer and Mall Service, at Hood River Is Changed. HOOD RIVER. Or., July 10. (Spe. cial.) Hood River residents are noi pleased with the O.-W. R. & N. sched ule of passenger trains, announced ta be effective tomorrow. No provisior is made for a west-bound passengei train from 6:35 A. M., the time of de parture of the Spokane-rortlant train, until 12:50 P. M., when the Denver, Kansas City & St. Louis pas senger train will arrive. No provision is made for carrying west-bound mail between 5:45 A. M., . the scheduled time of arrival of the west-bound fast mall, and 3:20, when the Pendleton express, west bound, passes here. PLANE FALLS; 3 KILLED Forest Patrol Craft Collapses Near Red Bluff, Cal. . RED BLUFF. Cal.. July 10. Three persons were killed near here today I when an airplane piloted oy vay- . man Haney collapsed and fell 400 I feet, according to Captain W. J. I Hoover. commander of the aviation field here, late today. According to the report the plane, which was used in the forest patrol service, was occupied by Haney, An tonio Salcido and Harold Robie, civi lian observers, all of whom were killed. THIS WEEK Afternoons 25c Evenings 35c (Incl. War Tax) 1V Z W D mmmjt - df .-.V, m Mi - "V ' " n -' International Weekly Tbe Visual Nrm of All the World WEEK-DAY CONCERTS Danse Macabre.., Paramount Trio. LfflillllllltliiililllM