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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 DOCTOR OF LAWS DEGREE GIVEN TO SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKER ,- . - - - - y 7 -. - , 1 : , - - - . i - . . . - , - . Frank L. Brown of World Association Is Honored by Albany College of Oregon Importance of Work Is Recognized. 2. FRANK L. BROWN of the World s Sunday School association has Just received the honorary de cree of doctor of laws from Albany college, Albany. Or. The conferring of this degree is a special recognition of the all-important place that the Sunday-school holds In the work of the Christian church. President Will iams in announcing the degree said: "Albany college conferred the de gree of doctor of laws on Frank L. Brown in recognition of his states manship in affairs ot the kingdom of Ood and his leadership in interna tional friendship between the United States and Japan." Dr. Brown is Joint general secre tary of the World's Sunday School association. In the interest of Sun day school work he has been to the orient three times, has traveled round the world on Sunday 6chool missions both by way of India and through Russia. He was the leader of tbe Sunday school party that visit ed South America in 1915. On one of his trips to Japan he was instrumen tal In organizing the National Sun day School association of Japan. He also organized the Corean and Philip pine islands Sunday school associ ations. On July 29 Dr. Brown will sail on the Empress of Russia from Vancou ver to prepare for and participate in the eighth convention of the world's association, which will convene in Tokio October 5. While in Japan pre ceding the convention he will com plete the plans for the one and two day conventions which will be con ducted by the Sunday school delegates in at least 30 cities of the far and near east. In November Dr. Brown will, with 40 others, sail from Shang ha', China, on another around-the-world tour solely in the interest of Sunday-school work. The party will spend a month in India, holding meetings in many cities, and then continue to Egypt. Palestine and Eu rope. Ky telegrams, letters and in per son, applications for reservations are being made at the office of the World's Sunday School association, 216 Metropolitan Tower, New York, by those who are eager to go to the Tokio convention. Special interest Is shown in the around-the-world tours. Flans have been completed for a de tour of four weeks in India. The visits to the, mission stations of the different denominations will be ex periences never to be forgotten. In spirational and educational meetings will be conducted at each stopping place. Berths can still be had on most of the tours. Immediate application for reservations is of great impor tance. Each registered delegate, in talking over the plans for the trip, makes others want to go. The first steamer sails July 30 and the last -one on September 23. Those who take a later tour can see Japan. Corea and China after the convention concludes on October 14. Each of the ten outward-bound tour parties will hold meetings in the orient and it is interesting to note the combined talent in each group. Trained workers and speakers of marked ability will be ready to con duct profitable Sunday school gather ings whenever the opportunity offers. Leaders in the different centers abroad are now arranging locally for the coming of the Sunday school pil grims. A number of the delegates have al ready announced that they will write books on their experiences while in the orient. One writer will have his photographer along, that suitable il lustrations may be obtained. Many others will become personal corre spondents for various papers in the home land. The World's association will mail its "World-Wide Sunday School News" for November from To kio at the conclusion of the conven tion. It will be a brief report of the great meetings in Japan and mailed to-about 600 papers in many parts of the world. Arrangements are being made with the Associated Press to flash convention news daily around the world. The exhibit of Sunday-school books and material used by up-to-date Sun day-school workers will be a feature of the Tokyo convention. Under the direction of Allan Sutherland of Phil adelphia, chairman of the exhibit committee, assisted by Miss Alice B. Hamlin, the best in books, maps, charts, pictures, and so forth, has been assembled and are now on their way to Japan. One thousand books in 20 boxes were sent in May. Other boxes left in June. Many Sunday schools have sent special demonstra tions of their hand work, while photo graphs of large organized classes have been sought. Any Sunday school that has a photograph of a class or of any special activities in connec tion with the work of the Sunday school is requested to forward the same by mall to Horace E. Coleman, care of T. M. C. A., 3 Sanchome, Mlto- shlro-cho. Kanda-Nu. Tokio. Mr. Coleman is the educational secretary for Japan of the World's Sunday School association. Following the convention in Tokio this exhibit wili remain intact in that city. Efforts are being made to raise a fund for the erection of a permanent Sunday- school building in, Tokio. This edi fice, in addition to . meeting many needs, would become the home of the exhibit. The China Sunday School union, with headquarters at Shanghai, has asked permission to print a special edition of each book written by Miss Margaret Slattery and which has been translated into Chinese. Both Miss Slattery and her publisher granted this request. These books will have an extensive circulation among the thousands of teachers in China and special interest attaches to the fact that Miss Slattery will sail on July 29, on the Empress of Russia, that she may take part in the Tokio con vention. First she will-attend some of the late summer conferences in Chin,a. Following the convention Miss Slattery will be one of the Sunday- echool -specialists who will make the return tour through Corea, China. Singapore, India, Egypt and Pales tine. The Sunday School, a publication by the National Sunday School associa tion of Japan, dated May 25. has just reached the office of the World's Sun day School association in New York. The English page tells of the exten sive preparations on the part of the Japanese who are looking for the ar rival of their Christian brethren from overseas. The ninth conference of the Federation of the Japanese Churches passed the following resolution: "The church federation expresses its hearty approval of the world's Sunday school convention to be held in Tokio next October and prays God's blessing upon it and also expresses the desire to help as much as they can to make it a great success." Receptions are being planned not only In Tokio at the residence of Mar quis Okuma and in the imperial gar dens, but in Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. Japan as a whole will have Intimate knowledge of the work and worth of the Sunday school. ' Two groups are now touring west -and north Japan to promote Sunday school work and to create added interest in the coming convention. Horace E. Coleman, educational secretary for Ja pan, has Just returned from a trip as far as Sapporo in Hokkaido and re ports that interest is keen even that far north. Morning services at Arbor Lodge Presbyterian church. The sacraments of Baptism and the Lords supper will be observed after which all who wksh to identify themselves with the church will be received. The even ing theme is "Finding Ourselves. Service hours, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. A. R. Evans, pastor. Reception of new members, baptism of infants and the Lord's supper will be observed at the morning service at the ! orbes Presbyterian c'.uirch Rev. H. H. Pratt, a former pastor of the church, will be received a3 pastor emeritus by the congregation in the morning service. He will assist the celebration of the Lord's sunner, Evening topic S P. M., "The Passing snow.- Minister, ward W illis Long. jr; v:;1:'" v; Yu f' -vr;; "11'-- '' ' -V - r V-: W. t" -S - '7 II Rev. H. H x. - s1 Vs v.jr s 1 1 8 P. M-, room "Pussyfoot" Johnson Speaks at Central Church Today. Prohibitionist Will Tell, What He Sees Through Hia Glass Eye. AT the Central Presbyterian church, East Thirteenth and Pine, Dr. Nugent, the pastor, will preach In the morning on "A Spiritual Para dox." J. William Belcher will sing "Gloria" Peccia) and a quartet will sing "Earth and Heaven" (Merca-dantle). "Pussy foot" Johnson will speak in the evening. His topic will be "What I See Through My Glass Eye." Mr. Johnson has gained international fame in the fight he has waged against the liquor traffic and Is recognized as one of the leading lecturers of the day. There will be special music for this service. Fourth Presbyterian church. First and Gibba streets. At 10. Bible school; 11 A. M., worship, the Gideons will speak; 7:30 P. M.. graduation exercises- of the daily vacation Bible echool. Next Sunday morning the Gideons will have charge of the serv ice at the Fourth Presbyterian church. Two members of the organization will speak. In the evening the graduation exercises of the daily vacation Bible school will be held. Recognition will be given for the splendid work done, prizes will be awarded and the hand work of the pupils will be on display. There will be no evening service after next Sun day until the first Sunday in Septem ber. Dr. Edward H. pence, paistor of the Westminster. Presbyterian church. and A. F. Bittner, educational direc tor, will attend the meeting of the synod of Oregon at Eugene this week, July 33 to 21. The Bible school 'at Westminster Presbyterian church will study with the aid of lantern slides for several Sundays, Instead of studying in classes. This Sunday they will study, with the aid of pictures, the life of Moses, next Sunday the live of Daniel and Esther. The church service today will be a communion service and new mem bers will be received at this time. Dr. E. H. Pence will preach on "When God Becomes Visible." - The First Presbyterian church corner Twelfth and Alder streets, will have in ite pulpit today, both morn ing and evening, the new pastor. Rev. Harold L. Bowman of Chicago. Dr Bowman comes from the Woodlawn Park Presbyterian church in Chicago where he has been pastor for many years. Before that time he was as sistant pastor with Dr. John Timothy Mone at the fourth Presbyterian church in Chicago. Dr. Bowman is I a graduate of Coe college. Cedar Prominent clergymen of north and middle writ receive Portland appoint ments! I Rev. Donald W. M. McCluer, nho haa been called to the pas torate of the Rom City Presbyterian church. He cornea from St. Loula, l o to here he assistant pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, Delmar and Clara avenues. Rev. Mr. McClurr will preach in his new pulpit today. 3 Dr. Harold W. Bowman, who today will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church, which has been without a pastor for more than a year. He comes to Portland from a Chicago chareb. 3 Dr. O. C. Wright, who la In the east attending tbe national convention of the Northern Baptists. He will visit his father In Orleans, Ind., before returulilg t Portland some time during this week. Dr. Wright haa been reappointed director of the Northern Baptist board 'of promotion in Oregon, a position he haa held since the board was put into effect la 1012. Griff is to Preach 'Dynamite of God." Women of Missionary Society e-f First Christian Church to Hold Social Session Tuesday. Rapids, la., and spent some time after his graduation from college in Beirut. Syria,1, as a member of the faculty of the Syrian Protestant col lege there. The congregation of the 1' irst Presbyterian church have been eagerly rooking forward to the ar rival of their new pastor and doubt less the phurch will be crowded both morning and evening. Dr. and Mrs. Bowman arrived on Friday and are living at the hotel Portland until they can find a permanent residence. Kenll worth Presbyterian -Neighbor hood church. Thirty-fourth and Glad stone. At 11. "Jesus and Common Folk.s"; 8 P. M.. "The Company You Keep": 9:45. Sunday school; 7. Chris tian Endeavor. Good music, short services. Welcome. L. K. Grimes, pastor. The sermon-lecture this evening will be for young people though all are urged to attend. The subject will be "The Company You Keep." Some who have settled the question of knowledge for them selves and decided they know it all might yet learn a little by attending these services. Neighborliness is our aim. s Rev. A. R.. Evans, new pastor at the Arbor Lodge Presbyterian church, was born in Renfreneshire. Scotland, took a four-year course at Queen's university. Kingston, Ontario. Canada, taught school three years, then entered theological seminary at Louisville. Ky. He preached in the mission fields of Canada and Indiana during his school course and on graduating was called to Linton. Ind.. a city in the center of the coal fields. Then he was called to Westminster church in the heart of Fort Wayne, Ind., where he spent three years. Thence he went to Ellendale, N. D., where he labored in coaching stu dents who were behind in their grades. He persuaded hts church to buy the county courthouse and used It u community building to house students and soldiers. When war was declared he became religious work director for the Y. M. C A. The people of Dickey county. North Dakota, requested the war board to permit him to go to France with their troops and furnished the money. AfteT the armistice he was appointed troop train secretary traveling to all camps. Now he comes to take charge of Arbor Lodge Presbyterian church at the invitation of the board of church extension. At the Piedmont Community Pres byterian church, Cleveland avenue at Jarrett street, morning worship will be at 11 o'clock; evening. 8 o'clock. The morning topic is "The Great Companion:" evening. "Christian He roism." Sunday school at 9:45. After today the evening service will be omitted until September. Dr. A. O. Alexander of Denver. Colo., will spesk this morning at 11 O'clock at the Pilgrim Congregational church on "The Mission of Healing In the Church." Astrid Roal will sing. There will be no evening serv ices. Sunday school will be at 9:45 o'clock. Pilgrim Congregational church li located on the corner of Missouri ave nue and Shaver street. Rev. Frank L- Moore will preach tit the Tualatin Methodist Episcopal church this morning at 11 o'clock, and at the Wllsonville cnurch at 8 P. M. Rev. Alfred Bates, pastor of Loth churches, and Mrs. Bates are spending a few days at Warrenton and Clatsop Plains, Or., and Seaview. Wash., where Mr. Bates whs formerly pastor. THE Rev. Harold H. Griffia will occupy his pulpit today at the. First Christian church, corner of Park and Columbia, in the morning at 11 and in the evening at 7:45. The theme of the morning worship will be based on religion aa a form of power, the speaker taking for his topic "Ths Dynamite of God." Full musical pro grammes will be provided at both services by the church quartet. The pastor's subject at the evening hour will be "The Supremacy of Man Under the Reign of Law. Tuesday afternoon the women of the Missionary society will gather in social session at the home of the president. Mrs. A. E. Meserve, 1014 East Stark street. Wednesday after noon and evening the young matrons' Bible class, of which Mrs. C. A. Pen gra is teacher and leader, will meet Ith their husbands in a picnic at Laurelhurst park. The four United Brethren churches of the city will hold services as fol lows today: First church. Fifteenth and East Morrison streets Dr. B. J. Clark, the pastor, is away and the Rev. Charles T. McPherson will. hold the services both morning and evening. Second church. Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets Rev. Ira Hawley, the pastor, will conduct the services. Third church. Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-eecortd avenue Southeast Rev. E. O. Shepherd, the pastor, will preach in the morning on ",The Life That Suffereth Long." .the fourth of the series on the "Fruits of the "Spirit." The evening service will be evangelistic. Fourth church, Tremont station Rev. C. P. Blanchard, the pastor. Is sick In the hospital, and Miss Lela M. Luckey, a returned missionary from Mexico, will conduct the serv ices both morning and evening. The Sunday school of the Clay- street Evangelical church. Tenth and Clay streets, west side, will meet at 9:30 and will be in charge of Super intendent K. J. Keller. Morning ervlce will begin at 10:45 At the close of the service the holy communion will be celebrated. The Young People's alliance meets at o'clock, followed by the evening serv ice at 8 o'clock. The pastor. Rev. Jacob Stocker, will preach at both services, morning and evening. Rev. T. M. Minard. pastor of the First Divine Science church, will hoH service In the Portland hotel, blue room, at 11 A. M. Subject, "There Are Always Stones in the Road Study class Thursday, 301 Tilford building. Our Savior's, Lutheran. East Grant and Tenth streets Rev. M. A. Chris tensen. pastor. The morning sermon. 11 o'clock, will be In English, on "The Disciple and tha Master." Church of Modern Spiritualism. Pa cific States building. 409 Alder street, will conduct open forum today at 3 P. M. At the evening service at 7:45 Dr. C. F. Clefton. president, will in troduce Rev. W. W. Aber, who will lecture and give individual spirit mes sages to the public Stanley Hicks, tenor, will be the soloist. The Church of the Truth has serv ices in room 412, Central building. every Sunday at 11 A. M. Members of the Portland Theosoph- Ical society will hold their devotional meeting this evening at 8 o'clock at the Theosophlcal ball, located in the Central building. Tenth and Alder streets. The Comforter" center holds its Sunday services in the assembly room of the Portland hotel at 11 A. M. and S P. M. Speaker, Ethelind Lord Cam pion. Today at Grace Baptist church. East Seventy-sixth and Ash streets. the pulpit will be occupied by Rev F. W. Starring. The sermon subject at 11 o'clock this morning will be, "The Challenger." Tonight's service at 8 o'clock will be made especially interesting by the singing of a chil dren's "Sunshine Chorus." The workers of Grace Bible echool will conduct a daily vacation Bible school for one month, beginning to morrow. From Monday to Friday of each week there will be a daily pro gramme of music, drills, calisthenics. hand work, Bible stories, and so forth from 9 to 12 A. M. Everything will be furnished free to the boys and glrla who attend. Children from all Montavllla homes are welcome, re gardless of church or Sunday school connection. Those in charge will be Miss Lillian Wright and Louise Hunderup, graduates of Los Anireles Bible Institute, and Miss Lillian Tren grove. student at McMinnville college this morning at 11 o'clock on "The Problem of Getting People Saved." Tonight at S o'clock the Orangemen of the city will hold their annual memorial service in the church. The pastor has been invied to deliver the address. Several lodces will attend. The Sunday .school will meet at 9:45 and the Kpworth le.-igue at T. The church is at East Fifteenth and Tacoma avenue. At the first Methodist church the Scotch evangelist. Wallace Scott, will sing and speak. Mr. Scott is a pic turesque evangelist. His sonis are fine and his message is wholesome and helpful. Dr. Stanstield at the morning serv ice will speak on "According to God." There will be good music. Christian Science Subject Today Is "Sacrament." All Churches to Hold Services T!lx Morning, but Only Mtth Tonight. "Children of Royalty," Dr. Flint's Subject. "Paasyfoot Johnson Will Speak at First Congregational Church. TKINSON Memorial Congrega L tional church will hold services today as usual at East Everett and Twenty-ninth street North. Rev. Elbert E. Flint will preach this morn ing on "The Children of Royalty." The Sunday school meets at 9:45 A. M. The evening servica will be at 7:45 and the pastor will speak on "The Temp tation of the Great." The music will be in charge of Miss Kathryn Keim. Dr. J. J. Staub of the Sunr.yside Congregational church, , will speak this morning on The Living Stones of God's Eternal Temple." His topic tonight will be "Spectators of a Mar velous Race." Mr. Ntel Gulovson will render an appropriate solo selection. Miss Amy Warren will sing at the morning service. "Pussyfoot" Johnson will speak this morning at the First Congregational church. "Pussyfoot Johnson declares the less of-an eye has made him all the more determined to gain world prohibition. Robert Murray Pratt, formerly of the Pilgrim Memorial church of this city will occupy the pulpit of the First Congregational church tonight. Hia topic will be "All Men Are Ghosts." Dr. McElveen, pastor of the First Congregational church, writes that he- is enjoying the hospitality of friends, and parishioners in Boston. Mass., where he is attending the in ternational council. Rev. W. S. Gordon, pastor of the Sellwood Methodist church, will speak THE subject of the lesson tcrraoa in the Christian Science churches today will be "Sacrament." Services will be held- as usual In all the Christian Science churches this morning at 11 o'clock. Night cervices will be held in Sixth church only dur ing July and August. Mid-week meetings will be held in all the churches on Wednesday nisrht at S o'clock. Testimonials of Chris tian Science healing arc given at these meetings. Sunday schools for children undrr the ase of 20 are maintained in all the churches. The session for the older children In all the churches ex cept Third and Fifth assembles at 9:43 nd for the younger classes at 11. In Third and Fifth churches the tessions are at 9:30 and 11. Free public readinsr rooms are maintained in the Northwestern Bank buildintr. 2fi Furnside street, and t 14S Killincsworth avenue. At these reading rooms the Bible and author ized Christian Science literature mai oe reaa. oorrowea or purcnasea. Christian Science churches are cated as follows: First church, l!th and Everett. Second church. East 6th and Holla day avenue. Third church. East 12th and Sal mon streets. Fourth church. Emerson street and Vancouver avenue. Fifth church. 2d street and 42d avenue southeast. Sixth church, Fythian building. 3SS Yamhill street. Seventh church, 4"3 Smith avenue. St. Johns. l- Dean Hicks Preaches Today at St. Stephen's. 3Iuic n Pro-'aliedrnl to Re Charae of ( nrl Denton. DEAN HI mornin 1CKS will preach at both St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral. Carl Denton will have charge of the music. The Young People's society will meet at 6:30 P. M. in the parish house and will present an interesting pro gramme. All are welcbme. There will be an Inter-Parnchial picnic Wednesday, July 14. at Penin sula park. Take the special car at Second and Washinsrton streets at 9:30 A. M., or take Mississippi avenue car on Broadway any time. There will be a number of games for the youngsters. "God's Friends" is the subject F.ev. Levi Johnson will have at the. Men'"; Resort meeting today at 4 P. M. Uev. Air. Jonnson will also lead in sinping some of the old familiar songs, with Miss Alice Johnson at the piano. The male quartet and evangelist of ( om-.1n1d nn Pa? ..) DR. HINSON SEES GOD COMING ON CLOUDS THAT ARE SHAPING NOW Mosses in Sky Are Creator's Footstool and They Form in Great Rolling Banks Above State of Oregon, Says Pastor of East Side Baptist Church. BY DR. W. B. HINSON. Text: "The God. for me." Acts 1:11. This ?am JestiR whom we have seen go ing up into henven shall so come in like manner from heaven. THIS same Jesus! The Jesus who said to Nicodemus, "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The same Jesus who, to a poor publican in ill repute, and up in a tree, said, "Zaccheus, make baste and come down, for today I must abide at thy house." The same Jesus who said to Simon Peter after the man had made his great confes sion. "Blessed art thou Simon; for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee, but my father who is heaven." The same Jesus who said 10 the dying thief, penitent, yet with the death rattle in his throat. "Today thou shalt be with me in paradise." The same Jesus who said to Thomas, "Reach hither thy finger and put it into the print of the nail and be not faithless, but believing." The same Jesus who said to Saul on the Damas cus road, "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" This same Jesus is the Jesus I want! The- same Jesus who said to the Samaritan woman, "If thou knowest the gift of God and who it is that speakeTh unto thee, thou would'st have saked of him and he would have given thee living water." The same Jesus who said to the cowering wom an taken in sin, "Woman where are thine accusers?": and she said, "They are gone. Lord": and he said, "I do not condemn thee. Go and sir no more." The same Jesus who said to another trembling woman who crept tip and touched the hem of his long flowing garment. "Daughter, thy faith bath made thee whole." The same Jesus who said. "Why should I not heal this woman of her infirmity by which eatan has bound her for 18 years?" The same Jesus who said "Weep for yourselves, daughters of Jerusalem; rather than for me. The same Jesus who, out Of his dying eyes looked at Mary and said, "Behold in John your son." This same Jesus is me jesus x want: LlUea Are God's Work The Jesus who looked at the little lilies on the hillside and said nothing about natural law. but declared the finger of Almighty God painted them in their regal beauty. The Jesus who looked out and said, "Cirds of the air have nests, but I have nowhere to lay my head." The Jesus who went through the market place and said, "Two sparrows are sold for one farth ing and to make a better bargain five tparrows can be bought ror two farth incs and not one sparrow falls with out your father's notice." The Jesus who said to the boisterous wind. "Go back whence you came": who said to at a tree that represented hypocrisy f pies, when they knew by the old as well as it could and said, "No more beautiful mannerism that it was Jesus irun on you rorever ; wno laid him- I sitting there; the hands that still self down at last on a tree that bears wonderful fruit for the world's heal ing. This same Jesus is the Jesus I want. I want the Jesus who said. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of- heaven: blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the rth: blessed are -they that mourn. for they shall he comforted; blessed are they that hunger after righteous ness, for they shall be filled; blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy: blessed are the pure in heart. for they shall see God; blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God: blessed are the persecuted for my sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven: blessed are ye when men shall revile you and say all manner of evil against you for my sake, for great is your reward in heaven." This same Jesus Is the Jesus I want! Hla House Founded on Rock. And good would it be to have the same Jesus who one day said and sometimes I think I would give all I have got to hear him say just that one little parable "Whosoever, hear- etn these sayings of mine and doeth them. I will liken him unto a wise man who built his house upon the rock: and the rains descended, and the beat upon that house, and it fell not. lor it was founded on the rock." The Jesus who said to the bronzed, bearded disciples. "Do not send the children away, but let their mothers bring them right up to me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven," and the Jesus who one day said. "No man can ever find God without me. but no man need fail of finding God through me." because, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and floods came, and the winds blew and I will give you rest"; who saw a poor sinner trembling on the verge of the crowd and said, "Him that Cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out"; who said. "In my father's house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you: I go to prepare a place for you. and I will come again and receive you unto -myself, that where I am there ye may be also." Ah, I would not like to go to hell, and so miss hearing the musical voice of that same Jesus. This same Jesus is the Jesus I want. Lepers Are Cleansed. The same Jesus whose hand was stretched out to touch the befouled leprous man as he said, "Be clean"; whose hand lifted up Peter when un belief made the water capable of drowning the disciple: whose fingers touched the fevered brow of Peter's wife's mother, and her fever left her; whose hands were placed on the brows of the children, the children whe never forgot in after life that the fingers of Christ touched them: the coming back. Why bless you, when I Mark. Luke and John and Paul un this Jesus walked this earth, little children went up to him. for thev were not afraid. And lost women knelt at his feet and bathed them with their hair; they were not afraid. And the publicans and harlots gath ered about him because they knew they did well to fear Pharisee. Sad ducee, Herodius. and Scribe, but they need not be afraid of Jesus Christ. Oh.- woman, if you are here, throw your fearfulness away when you think about the return of the lord, because jt is the same Jesus who Is coming back. He Cornea on Clouds. And he is coming as he went away, on the clouds. Oh, I want to preach to you people some time on the min istry of the cloud. He is always on the clouds to me. One reason why I love to live in Oregon is that it is state of the clouds. . My. those the uplifted wave. "Lie down and be I fingers that broke the bread in the itin as a marble floor, who looked 1 presence - of. the. two Emrnaus disci-. bear the mark of the nails. This same Jesus is the Jesus I want. For. you see or if you do not. I do I am Bartimeus, and 1 cannot see. And I look where they tell me God is, and fail to find him because I am blind: so I want Jesus, who said to Bartimeus. "You can see now." Yes. I want him to say just that to me. And I am the man at the pool of Bethesda; I see the right path, but I cannot tread it. for I am lame; and I have Li-iea umer neaiers ana they were no good, so J. too, want the Jesus who said to that man, "You are all right, and can walk home." I want the Jesus who pictured a young fellow who went into the far-off country and played the fool, and at last turned to his father because there was not any other corner in God's world where he could go, and his father ran to meet the boy, and laughed over him. and joyed over him. and put shoes bulking air navies of the upper seas on his poor, blistered feet, and uood how erand thev nret v l ... . ' "uiins uver nis snouiuers tnat were, sagging with misery, and gave him a good meal, and then actually orna mented him with a ring on his finger. O. I would like to say to all those people who are not very well satisfied with Jesus Christ that this same Jesus Is the Jesus I want. Peter Escapes Hell. I want the one who looked across the judgment hail one morning and, as he looked into the eyes of a man who had actually taken an oath that he did not know Jesus Christ, he won Simon Peter out of the hands of the devil when Simon was so near to hell his very hair scorched. O, I want that Jesus. I want the Jesus of Bethlehem, who laid aside all the glory of heaven and eternity that he might save me; the Jesus of Nazareth who stood among the curled fragrant shavings in his carpenter shop; the Jesus of Jor dan who so associated himself with the people that he said. "Thus it be cometh us to fulfill all righteous ness"; the Jesus walking on the sea to the frightened disciples in the storm-driven boat; the Jesus who prayed in Gethsemane garden when the pale moonlight revealed the bloody sweat on his brow; the Jesus who marched into the judgment hall; the Jesus who hung on Calvary's cross; the Jesus who went up to heav en in his own right from the Mount of Olivet. And I am glad every time I read Acts 1:11 and find it is this Jesus, and not another, this same Jesus who went up. who will come down, who went away, who will re turn: the same Jesus. Now I did not intend to say this thing, but it comes to my mind, how there was a woman in this church once, and she remarked how dreadful a thing it would be to be alive if the Lord came back. Ah. you have mis understood the thing. You thought it was another kind of Jesus who was times I look at them all sun-kissed and light begirdled. and I half expect enemy of God has been slain. And I Christian Jews, and say they did not know what they were writing about. And they cannot see in Jesus Christ anything more than "a mild-eyed Galileean peasant" speaking in old Judea. The clouds are bulking now! And if he is coming on the clouds, I think I may dare to humbly say it, there are clouds enough now to war rant this same Jesus coming back. But I like it for another reason. Ho is coming seated on the clouds. The clouds are frightful things to the un informed. And there are millions on the earth when they see these clouds, go scurrying to the storm cellar the way they do in Oklahoma when the sky gets black. And sometimes when these clouds are getting about us, we put out the hand and try to steady the ark of God. for fear it will tip over. And a while back a cloud arose when they told us that Christ had fallen down in Flanderb. But some day he Is coming seated on the clouds, mak- ing tne ciouas ine oust 01 nis leet as he moves on in his regal way con quering and to conquer, until the last to see Jesus seated on those great and glorious clouds of Oregon. But not alone on those clouds does he come. I have known cloudy weather. I told you once 1 had had every trouble I know anything about in all my read ing, "except one. And sometimes in these later years when poor little pigmies have made their threats. I have laughed exultingly and tumult ously as I realized I have weathered worse hurricanes than those little gnats can ever produce, and I tell you at such times I see him on the clouds. I saw them dig the grave and throw the dirt over it; but I heard him say. "I am the reseurrection and the life," and I listen to him rathei than to anyone else. I have gone into the darkness, and felt the pres sure of his hand when he said. "Child, you are not afraid, of the dark -when you are with me:" and my wild heart has exultingly said. "Not a bit; the darkness can last forever, I do not care, so long as I am sure of thy presence." I am glad he is coming in the clouds. Clouds Are Gathering. And by the way the clouds are gathering in the sky now", I think he must be coming pretty soon. I read only this morning that in a certain pulpit a preacher said, "I do not be lieve I am saved by the blood of any body. I do not want any butcher shop salvation." A big cloud that! And another preacher said he had given up preaching hell and heaven and the Bible, for it was not worth while preaching such things longer. A big cloud that! And they cannot stand Jonah, and some day they will find Jonah cannot stand them either! And they are unsure of David, but they are no more unsure of David than they will find David is unsure of them! And they call Peter, Matthew, am trying to so associate his coming with the clouds in your thinking that this afternoon if you chance to look up at the clouds you will think about the Christ who is coming seated on the clouds; and when you are riding along the road and see the clouds you will think of the Christ who will make those same clouds as the dust rising up behind his chariot wheels. "Lo! He comes with clouds descend ing. Once for favored sinners slain! Thousand thousand saints attending. Swell the triumph of his train! Hallelujah! Jeeus Christ will come to reign." Sleeping Bodies Will Rear. But not only so. When he stood before Caiphus, and Caiphus put Jesus on his oath and said. "Are you the Son of God?" Jesus said, "I am; and henceforth you shall see me seated on the right hand of power, coming in the clouds." He is coming in power. Some one asked me a while ago how those sleeping bodies were ever going to hear the voice of Jesus Christ. I have no difficulty there. There was nothing but haos in the place of the universe. once: and he stood and with the same voice that will startle the sleeping dead, said, "Let "here be light." and the light shone; and he said, "Lef there be . sun. moon, and stars." and -they appeared; and he said. "Let the dry land appear In the water." and the earth appeared; and he said. "Let the wild waters gather themselves into seas, and be confined by sand grains; and let everything that is. come forth;" so I am unafraid that the ears of my old father will be unable to hear the voice of the one who created all things. ' And look at the power In the provi dential realm. You know I like to hold the Bible in my hand and think how much it has eurvived. Poor old Bible! It has been burned, and drowned, and imprisoned, and de stroyed, I do not know how many times. But here It is. And the amus ing as well as gratifying thing is this. If they issued an edition of the Bible tomorrow, and from the shortest verse of the Bible, "Jesus wept," the one word "wept" were left out. they would suppress that whole edition of the Bible and call it in. Why? Be cause they had omitted one word. Christ IVe-ver Perlshea. Sennacherib thought he could with stand this God, and said, "I will Bound the bugle blast and call the army;" but vainly he sounded the bugle in a graveyard, for his army had died in the night. And Herod said. "I will fix this King of the Jews business." Se he sent out and bad all the male children killed, and said. "I guess that disposes of Jesus," but the Christ was not there, and he never is when you seek to destroy him. An Emperor of Rome said. "I will build a coffin for Christ," Anyone could! That is no trick. But who will get Christ Into the coffin after it is made? There is the rub. if you please! But anyone can make a coffin for him. He is coming in power. I am surprised at these preaching men who cannot un derstand .how God could keep a man alive under the sea three days. Why you know my problem would be a God who could not do that. What a poor little God he would be If he could not keep a man alive under the sea three days. For a German submarine could do that! And these poor little trick ster playing their fantastic tricks in the pulpit say "It could not be done." and they say he haa made natural laws, and those natural laws move. on and he cannot affect them. My. I should think the maker would be big ger than the thing he has made; and the creator bigger than the creation. Have they not read "With God all things are possible?" , He is coming with power. And he is going to demonstrate his power on the dead and living. There shall be the trumpet of God sounding, and then this brown and green earth shall be split, and as up from the ground he arose, so up from the grave they will arise. And I will see my father and you will see your mother, and the little child. and the strong brother, and the sis ter you have mourned so long. It cannot be! But It will be, because he is coming in hia power. He Will Lift Deaa Bodies. And then he Is going to work lust as big a miracle on you and me if we happen to be alive. As big a miracle as lifting up dead bodies? Yes. sir! He is going to change us so that we shall be no whit behind those who have been for hundreds of years with Christ in the unseen, and have had performed on their bodies the marvelous miracle of the resurrection. For we shall be changed. Well, it will take a long time for him to do it. "In a mo ment?" Oh, no! "In the twinkling oi an eye." He Is coming in power. "Yes." you say. "that h? magnifi cent, that revelation of the Bible, yet there is a little cowering in my heart about it." Ah, I found a word one day, and you do not know how glad I was to find it. Do you know who wrote the Acts of the Apostles? Luke. Well, he wrote the third gos pel. And Cuk said. "He led them out as far as Bethany, and he blessed them. And while he was blessing them, ha ascended." I went years without knowing that it Is written In the Bible. "While he was blessing them, he ascended." Now listen to the angels. "This same Jesus shall so come in like manner." "While he was blessing them." "In like man ner." And he shall come blessing his people. Cannot you say now, "Come. Lord Jesus, come quickly?" He shall come blessing his people. - Laat Enemy la Death. I do wish he would come. Some of you have shed lots of tears, but there is a day coming when you will be glad you have got a tear left, for God will wipe away all tears. Ah. he will never do that to me! "From 11 tys." A minister In this city preached a - sermon on "Beautiful Death." But the Apostle Paul, who knew as much as any Presbyterian preacher, said. "The last enemy is death," and you will get rid of it when Jesus comes. No death then! And I have not come to the best yet. There will he no sin! And it shall be the usherintr in of a day. and sometime during tnat day which is lOOy years with God there shall come a moment, and I am glad I am going to see that moment, and I am going to have my little humble part in it: there shall come a moment n-hpn the majestic Jesus Christ will hand over tne kincdom of the redeemeHj universe to od. and in that who! kingdom there shall not be an allei eye, or an alien tongue, or an alien neart. But God shall he all in all. I want to be there. 1 want to have part in the first resurrection. I want to be aiTiong those who. are received by Jesus when he comes in the air. "This same Jesus shall so come bless ing his people." Take this thought home with you. It will help you if your business is poor; and it will help you if your health is poor; and it will help you when vour mood is bad: and it will help you if you are a stranger hero and feel so lonely you wish you were dead; and it will help you when your sins rise up; and it will help you all the time, everywhere, anywhere; that you have the same Jesus with you ever, and at the last you will ever he with the Lord. ( Take Tablets without Fear if you see the "Bayer Cross ' For Headache Pain, Colds Neuralgia Toothache Earache Lumbago Rheumatism wmm Insist upon a Bayer package which contains safe, proper Directions. Proved safe by millions. "Bayer" introduced Aspirin to physicians 20 years ago TT -a . .... 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