The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, Section One, Page 5, Image 5

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Radicals Making Attempt to
Capture Mining State.
Loyalty League Forms With Com
mitteeman la Every Precinct to
' Fight Against Invasion.
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HELENA, Mont.. July 10. (Spe
cial.) With the fight in North Da
kota over for the present, interest in
the Non-Partisan league's efforts for
the time being centers in Montana.
Hero the struggle presents a dif
ferent angle than that shown in the
native state of the league. Mining
and stock raising, not wheat farming
and socialism, are the principal in
dustries of Montana. This being
irue, me league is xorcea 10 mane. a
different appeal, and to capture, not
the republican party as was the case
in North Dakota, but the democratic
party, which is at present in the
ascendancy in Montana.
Here, too, is found a situation that
naturally complicates matters for an
agrarian - organization, such as the
league represents itself to be to its
North Dakota followers. Montana is
the home of the Butte miners' union,
one of the strongest and most radical
of labor organizations. It has. too.
the Montana Federation of Labor, as
a strong factor in the politics of the
btate. and it is making its principal
appeal, not to the farmers of the
state, but to the organized miners and
Radical Law Proposed.
This appeal has taken form in an
attempt to repeal the present work
men's compensation law and substi
tute therefor a law which for social
istic scope is not equaled in America.
This law, while it has many; of the
basic features of both the Oregon and
Washington laws, so far outstrips
them in awards and drastic provisions
as to make them .seem almost re
actionary. During the last week 3500 ranchers
whose names were secured to the in
itiative petition for this measure,
have withdrawn their signatures and
it is believed that the. measure can
thus be blocked.
While the business men of Mon
tana, like those of Oregon and Wash
ington, have been asleep to the dan
ger . which confronts them through
the advent of the Non-Partisan
league, they are thoroughly aroused
now. They have a real organization,
not a hit or miss association, such as
carried on the fight against the
league in Minnesota
- League Opponent Organize.
Here in Montana they have done
what the people of every northwest
ern state must do If it does not want
the Non-Partlsan league brand of so
cialism fastened upon it. They have
organized. In 70 per cent of the pre
cincts of the state the Montana
Loyalty league has a precinct com
mitteeman. They have members of
the league In every precinct getting
before the voters the result of the
league's programme in -North Dakota
They are printing a weekly news
paper that gets into the hands of the
voters with the arguments of the
league's opponents.
That is a most important factor.
The lack cf such a paper is the prin
cipal cause of the league's continued
dominance in North Dakota. ,
Panera Are Stifled. '
So successful has been the league in
stifling the opposition papers in North
Dakota, so persistently have the
league papers branded all the oppo
sition papers as "liars" that the truth
cannot be told them, or if told to
league members has no force or effect.
On the other hand, no matter , what
appears in the columns of the Non
partisan league papers it is accepted
as the truth.
While the Non-Partisan league
plans have not been fully revealed in
Montana, the opposition will be ready
to meet them. If necessary, plans are
being prepared now to consolidate the
republican and democratic party sup
port upon one ticket -for state offices
and on county and legislative offices,
This, with 'the deflection of the
Montana farmers from the Butte rad
ical labor programme, is counted upon
as certain to win in Montana this
"Front Cell" Campaign Is Proposed
for Socialist Candidate.
DETROIT, July 10. Plans for the
"front cell" campaign of Eugene V.
Debs, presidential candidate of the
socialist party and who is now serv
ing a sentence at the Atlanta federal
prison on a charge of violating the
espionage law, were drafted here to
day at a meeting of the national ex
ecutive committee of the socialist
George Roewer of Massachusetts,
member of the committee, charged
that the United States department of
justice officials in Portland, Me., had
notified socialist party leaders that
the party would not be permitted to
organize or carry on a campaign in
Maine this year.
The committee meeting, presided
ever by Otto Branstetter of Chicago,
national secretary of the party, will
continue through Monday.
Barber and Wife to Walk From Eu
gene to Stockton, Cal.
EUGENE. Or.. July 10. (Special.)
John Watts, and his wife are
planning to start Tuesday on a long
hike' to Stockton. CaL They ex
pect to go by way of Grants Pass,
Crescent City, Eureka and Fort Bragg,
crossing the valley from there to
Sacramento, and thence to Stockton,
After a visit there they will return
to Eugene by train.
Mr. Watts said yesterday that
.he-and his wife expect to make an
average of from 20 to 25 miles a day,
but will stop and camp whenever they
become tired. Prom Fort Bragg to
Stockton he will endeavor to break
the walking record with a full pack
cf 60 pounds, attempting to cover 85
miles a day with this load.
Florida Official Visits.
SALEM, Or., July 10. (Special.)
i-rnest Amos, controller and mem
ber of the board of pardons of the
fctate of Florida, was in Salem toda
inspecting the various state institu
tions and conferring with Governor
Olcott and other officials. Mr. AmOi
had been at Seattle attending a meet
ing of the banking interests of the
United States and stopped off here
en route to his home.. - j-
Positively, men, you'll find no shirts in this town so good as these
shirts at the prices! Choose these for real worth for summer
comfort for proper style for attractive colors !
Silk-Stripe Woven-Color Madrases,
Fiber Silks, Russian Cords
Regular $5, $6 and $7.50 Shirts
Three for $11
On the
b.vrox fisher of rilver
stoxe:, father of fleet.
Kind's Nary loses One of Its Most
Picturesque Figures In
Recent History. .
f. LONDON, July 10 The British navy
today lost one Of its most picturesque
figures with the death .. of Baron
Fisher of Kllverstone,- admiral of the
fleet. John Arbuthnot Fisher, who
was a typical representative of the
bulldog breed. His motto on his coat
of arms. "Fear God and dread nought,"
was lived up to in his long career
In the British navy. He was often
called the father of the fleetf and was
responsible for the building of dread
nought battleships.
After a period of retirement. Lord
Fisher was called in to help with his
advice during the recent war. and his
activities in a pressing controversy, in
which he advocated a clean sweep of
old officials as we'll as obsolete ships,
earned him the name of "Scrap-the-Lot"
Admiral Fisher had been ill for
some time. He underwent a surgical
operation Friday evening, which was
the direct cause of death. He re
ceived no anesthetic and was con
scious to the end.
A memorial service will be held in
Westminster abbey Tuesday.
Elmer Dover Designated for Coast
by Chairman Hays.
CHICAGO. July 10. (Special.)
Elmer E. Dover, who has been desig
nated by Chairman Hays as regional
campaign director on the coast, with
headquarters at San Francisco, will
reach Spokane Sunday, and after a
day's stop will proceed to Seattle,
Tacoma and Portland, en route to his
post of duty. Raymond Benjamin
continues as regional assistant to the
chairman, and he and Mr. Dover will
work in close co-operation.
They were in joint conference here
during the week with Chairman
Hays, Treasurer Upham, Senator
New. chairman of the speakers' bu
reau, and Scott C. Bone, publicity di
rector. The designation of Mr. Dover means
that the closest possible attention is
to be given the coast and inter-mountain
states. Mr. Dover has helped
direct three national campaigns, in
cluding the Roosevelt campaign in
1904. His re-entrance into political
life is pleasing to all republicans.
Aviators Say Useless to Attempt
Machine's Recovery.
ROSEBURG. Or.. July 10. (Special.)
According to information received
here today the location of the forest
patrol plane, forced to land in - the
Umpqua national forest Wednesday,
is one-fourth mile north of the old
Bradley trail, and about one mils
south of Dread and Terror mountain.
Forest Supervisor Ramsdell. accom
panied by Cadet Ileyer and Observer
Davis returned to the scene of the
landing yesterday. After striking
Come -out -to
for a swim this
jta . ... . i
a Real
Beautiful Woven-Color Madrases
Regular $3.50 and $4 Shirts
Main Floor Just Inside the
the ground the rr -.lne ran for about
16 yards, then turned over.
The aviators maintain that it will
be useless to attempt to get the plane
out. and advise that the Instruments
and other valuable parts be removed
and packed out of the mountains..
It is- estimated that the plane cost
$7000. and forestry officials probably
will arrange to salvage It. The avia
tors have started on their way for
Roseburg and will reach this city
Albert L-illie Tells How He and
Brother Almost Turned Back.
MARSHFIELD, Or., July 10. (Spe
cial.) A peculiar coincidence came to
light at the inquest over the body of
Clyde Llllie. killed accidentally yes
terday, by his brother, Albert Lillie,
while hunting in the vicinity of
- Albert related that as they were
starting out in the morning Clyde
Lillie was inclined to turn back and
abandon the trip and explained he had
dreamed the night before he had
killed a man. This was a surprising
statement to Albert, who said he had
dreamed the same thing. Thereupon
iney discussed the seeming warning
and concluded to return home, but
later reconsidered, as they did not
wish to be swayed by superstition.
The fatal shooting followed within
an hour.
City to Take Role of Contractor In
Construction of Xatatorium.
BAKER, Or.. July 10. (Special.)
Mayor Gardner. Commissioners Mahan
and Henry and City Advisers Foster
and Shockley have decided that the
construction of the proposed natato
rlum should be started immediately,
with the city taking the role of con
Bids from contractors were called
for several weeks ago and when
opened it was found that the con
struction would amount to 626.000
moro than was available by the city.
As a result it is believed that under
the new plan the building will b
erected-at a cost of about 160.000.
Columbia School Head Xamed.
ST. HELENS. Or., July 10. (Sne
cial.) Professor J. B.. Wilkerson,
princlpal of the St. Helens schools.
has been named by the Columbia
county court as county school super
intendent to succeed J. W. Allen, who
resigned after serving as superintend
ent for the last six years. Professor
Wilkerson has been connected with
school affairs in the county for sev
eral years, having been principal of
the Clatskanie, Rainier, Vernonia and
St. Helens schools. He served for
several years as county superintend
.. ... .M-tSC
V two
. QjJO
Shirt Sale
Three for $7
- Leading Clothier
Morrison at Fourth
City Physician Expresses Opinion
That Infected Milk Was Not
Investigation by the city health
bureau into the deaths of George and
Marie Keller, infant son and daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Keller. 316 East
Seventy-sixth street north, was yes
terday continued until tomorrow aft
ernoon, owing to the departure of
Mr. and Mrs. Keller from the city
Immediately following the double fu
neral Friday afternoon. The official
death certificates gave acidosis as the
cause of death.
It is the intention of Dr. George
Parish of the health bureau to ascer
tain the symptoms exhibited by the
children and thus arrive at the prob
able cause of their death.
. "I do not believe," said Dr. Parrlsh
yesterday, "that the death of either
of the children was 'due to infected
milk, as the milk supply of the city
is tested several times weekly and
thus far has always been as nearly
pure as possible. The city health of
flee, however, can do nothing more
than make a thorough investigation
of the matter and thus establish the
cause of death. Acidosis is usually
merely a condition which attends
death and is rarely the actual cause
of -death." '
The Keller children died within six
days of each other, the little girl.
Marie, dying on the day first set for
her infant brother's funeral.
Ammonia Prevents Ice Famine.
ROSEBURG. Or., July 10. (Spe
cial.) By the arrival of a tank of
ammonia in this city today the
threatened ice famine was checked
and for tbe first time within a week
local ice plants were able to take
care of their customers and over 5000
pounds of ice was sold during the
Damages Asked in Suit.
When the schooner Ecola was
launched the craft ran amuck into
log rafts owned by the North Port
land Box company, doing damage to
the extent of 618.020, according to
the contention of the company in a
libel suit for this sum in the federal
court yesterday against the vessel.
Robbery Suspects Held.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., July 10. The
police today communicated with the
authorities in San Francisco. San Die.
go, Portland and Seattle. Wash., re
garding John Adonisia, Vern V. John-
I - i -J w ,.,.n i
You'll Meet Friends
when you dine at the Portland Hotel,
for it has well-deserved popularity,
Summer and Winter. But the menu
is especially good in these days of fresh
vegetables and fruits, while the big dining
rooms are so breezy . and cool. Why not
try it ?
Sunday Table d'Hote Dinner, $1.50
- Weekday Noon Lunch, 75c
III,. I " I
de Luxe
Liberty's News
Liberty Educational
Cartoon Comedy
Wm. Farnum in
The Orpan"
Atmospheric Setting
Featuring the
"1000 Lbs. of Har
mony" usciTialiig
we rugged Ms j'n tie
days wAez coivpurich?i;s
resorec "ytcA "auS
-k of
Frank Pemonelli, Albert J
ex and the latter's wife, Maudt
-'II lllll Hlllll lililll III llllllllllllilllll Dili
Jewelry the Gift That Lives!
X70U would like to own a diamond, ' wouldn't you ?
It's not at all difficult at Aronson's! We purchase
many a fine stone below importers' price this ad
vantage is amply manifested in our price to you.
We invite you to look over our stock of gems; it is
so varied that you can be easily satisfied, whether your
tastes are modest or luxurious.
Ill - . -
7 . - ' n
I Chavez, in custody here on suspicion
I of robbery.
Oizsungton Street at Broad by
r 5-
Transcontinental Tour of the Famous
Faulist Choir
of New York City.
70 V O I G E S 70
FATHER FIX'. Conductor.
' Assisted by
N. T. City, and other eminent soloists.
MATINEE. 3:30; EVEM.XO, 8-.30 P.M.
Price-1 Evening, 2.00 to 7."c Matinee,
1.50 to 50c (Plus 10 war tax).
Tickets on sale Sherman, Clay & Co.
July 15, 19, 17.
Mail orders received now at Western
Musical Bureau. 603 Eilers Bids.
Distinguished critics acclaim this
choir as
Local auspices Knights of Columbus.
Management northwestern XJ. s. and
Janaaa, western musical Bureau. Inc.
Laurence A. Lambert, en Mar.,
Kile r a Music Eldg., Portland, Or,
5-Passenser Touring Car
good tires
Pay $100 Down
and drive it away. Balance
terms to suit.
Price Only $300
See Mr. FcrnqnUt at
W. H. Wallingf ord Co.'
is now easily overcome by usinc
an antiseptic oil spray, which ab
sorbs and dislodges the hard web
like, mucous membrane of throat
and nose. Quick relief is alwaya
obtained by using the McKenzie
Catarrh Spray. The price com
plete, with special atomiser. Is only
J2.50. We pay the postage on this
and all otner drug orders.
Trnas Expert. Dept. 3,
Portland, Orcfoa,