llliSI K SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 8 Dramatic, Photoplays, Music . and Women's' Clubs MURDER OF ELWELL, FAMOUS TURFMAN. Tl 9 . CONTINUES TO BE BAFFLING MYSTERY Body.Found in New York Home, Upright in Chair With Bullet Hole in Head Woman's Pink Kimona, Cap nd Slippers Are Found in Room After Slaying. lean We have reduced many pieces 10, 20 or 33Vz .i i . . - ii. i .. , i VOL. XXXIX. , PORTLAND, OREGO', SUNDAY MORXIXG, JULY 11, 192Q i .iii I I I I "" MM MMMBBBM III G c V V We have placed on sale over three hundred choice pieces of Furniture consisting of Dressers, Chiffoniers, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Dining-Room Furniture; also Room-Size Rugs. Now is your opportunity to BUY FOR LESS than at any other time of the year. SALE COMMENCES MONDAY AND CONTINUES UNTIL THESE SAMPLE PIECES ARE SOLD! YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. - LIBRARY TABLES ON SALE Solid mahogany. ' golden oak and Jacobean oak library tables are ciuaea in mis saie at uaasDys $7 3.75 Mahogany Tables, in- low price 964.75 $67.00 Mah. Tables. low- price ....... .953.75 J74.75 Mah. Tables, low price 950.75 $63.75 Mah. Tables, low price 949.75 $62.50 Mah. Tables. low price $44.50 $64.75 Mah. Tables, low price 951.25 $45.00 Solid Oak Co lonial. Tow price. .938.00 $35.00 Fumed Oak Library Tables, low price $28.25 $18.00 Solid Oak Ta bles, low price ...914.95 $17.50 Royal Oak Tables, low price 913.05 ROOM SIZE RUGS ON SALE GADSBYS' REGULAR CREDIT TERMS $50 Worth of Furniture, $5 Cash, $1 a Week $75 Worth of Furniture, $7.50 Cash, $1.50 a Week $100 Worth of Furniture, $10 Cash, $2 a Week $125 Worth of Furniture, $12.50 Cash, $2.25 a Week $150 Worth of Furniture, $15 Cash, $2.50 a Week Kitchen Cabinet $19.8S The top has a spacious cupboard, with shelf and two panel doors. Below are two drawers and round bottom sugar bin. The base has two removable cutting- or kneading boards, directly under the table top, which do not show clearly in the picture. The two drawers and two round-bottom bins have nicely finished Tnpfnl nulla Vansv tnm.rf legs. Upper cupboard has class doors. The cabinet Is dependably built for service and will prove a must welcome addition to anv up-to-date kitchen. Regular $27.00 vaiue. opecia at uaosDys u a. r f .u'l .$19.85 Breakfast Tables on Sale We have a number of these beau tiful Gate-Leg Breakfast Tables to close out this week. Some mahog any, walnut and Jacobean oak fin ish. . Regular 940 Valnen Special at Uadsbya' J20.50 $57.00 9x12 Axmiiisier Rug .' ..949.S5 $69.60 9x12 Axmlnster Rug ..... vv.v ....... .91.85 $79.50 9x12 Velvet Rug eo.03 $47.50 9x13 Tapestry Rug ..939.75 $44.50 9x12 Tapestry Rug ......... . i...' 936.03 $15.00 9x12 Grass Rug X 912.05 i b.uo ix Grass Rug ....9 7.75 Dining Room Furniture Reduced Tables, Buffets and China Closets Buy a Porch Swing, $13 Swing with phatna pnmnloto CDKrv.I V AT GADSBYS' FOR . . '. 90.OO MASSIVE OVERSTUFFED TAPESTRY DAVENPORTS ON SALE ODD DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS $93.50 Golden Oak Buffet... $74.75 Golden Oak Buffet..'. $67.75 Fumed Oak Buffet... $62.75 Golden Oak Buffet... $86.00 Jacobean Oak Buffet. $59.00 Jacobean Oak Buffet, $54.00 China Closet ... . $49.50 45- $44.60 China Closet 935.25 $37.50 China Closet 929.75 $47.00 China Closet .937.75 $99.00 54-in Extension Table. 979.73 $81.75 48-in. Extension Table 940.03 $35.50 45-in. Extension Table 9i'9.73 lii.bo 4Z-in. Extension Table 927.23 . 973.25 .950.50 .954.73 .949.93 .9e0.3O .944.75 ' . 930.75 in. Extension Table 941.75 t rT This Hhii O U W We are offering some wonderful values in overstuffed davenports. is your opportunity to buy one at a reduced price at Gadsbys". $129.50 Tapestry Davenport at , 9 89.50 $119.50 India Tapestry Davenport at 9 81.50 $239.00 Tapestry Davenport 9189.0O $258.75 Tapestry Davenport , 9190.O0 BED DAVENPORT SALE ilil! 101111 We have the largest and most complete line of Fine Davenports In the city, long or short sizes. Upholstered in genuine leather or best grade Imitation leather. These Bed Davenports are becoming more popular every day and there are hundreds being used by night and day. Why be without one when they're so reasonably priced? V Imitation Spanish Leather 939.no Genuine Spanish Leather. . . 970.30 i - EASY TERMS AT GADSBYS' $3o.00 Ivory Dresser 90.75 $35.00 Ivory Chiffonier 929.75 $35.00 Ivory Dressing Table. .920.73 $75.50 Ivory Dresser 964.23 $55.50 Ivory Dresser 946.75 $51.50 Ivory Chiffonier 942.50 $226 .Three-Piece Ivory Bed room Suite, Special 9108.50 DINING CHAIRS 1 13.7o Solid $12.25 Solid 9.00 Solid 8.75 Solid 8.00 Solid 6.25 Solid 5.75 Solid 4.50 Solid Oak, Oak, Oak, Oak, Oak, Oak, Oak, Oak, Leather Seat Leather Seat Leather Seat Leather Seat Leather Seat Wood Seat. . Wood Seat. Wood Seat. 911.05 910.05 9 7.05 9 7.75 9 7.10 9 5.45 9 4.05 9 3.00 Great Majestic Gas Combination Range This is the best Gas Combination Range built burns wood, coal or gas separately or together bakes perfectly. 3-Fuel Majestic Range Coal-Wood-Gas Any woman who owns a Majestic knows it to be a wonderful fuel and food saver. Designed and built for use on the Pacific coast. Separate parts always obtainable. Sold on Easy Terms. j aa Save from 10 to 25 by buying your gas stove or water heater froni Gadsbys'. Von may bake and broil Tilth one flame same time on the Wedse. wood Gas Range. The same set of burners heat the bake oven (above) and the broiler just beneath it; The Wedrewood Gas Range Is easy to clean; its smooth surface, white and black, can be cleaned with soap i and water like you would wash your dishes. Priced from $35.00 to $135. NOTICE: We will take your old cook stove or range in exchange on one of these new Wedgewood Ranges and allow you all it is worth. EASY CHAIRS 'RidifteBattoa-BackRedlnes" $51.75 Genuine Leather Chair 944.75 $46.25 Genuine Leather Chair 9:0.75 $99.60 Genuine Leather Chair 9.75 $35.75 Craft Leather Chair. .931.00 $43.75 Overstuffed Rocker. .933.75 $49.50 Overstuffed Rocker, Genuine Leather . ...930.03 $51.75 Overstuffed Rocker, Craft , ...930.93 Come and see how Inexpensive Summer Comfort really is. Just a piece or two of Wicker Furniture will make your Sun-Parlor or Porch a nleasant Dlace to while awav ,r.nv hn- H, , .. i.7" . 7 r ?r a P nt - j ' uo a baib mis -weeK or ttppn i;rac an v. i i in old ivory, frosted brown or fumed oak finishes. Furniture, $15.80 Chair at , 912.85 $23.10 Rocker at ; 917.83 $27.15 Rocker at 923.35 $30.40 Rocker at 9U3.0O $23.45 Chair or -Rocker 91SJ5 $16 60 Chair or Rocker $22.65 Chair $35.00 Kasy Chair ..... $32.50 Ivory Table . $25.90 Ivory Table . . .t45 . . .9185 . . .930.25 .. .9273 . . .921.00 GO-CARTS AND SULKIES Springtime is outdoor time and baby should have all the benefit of these wonderful days. Let Gadsby sell you a cart of sulky this week at a big reduction. $17.50 Go-Cart at 913.73 $12.75 Go-Cart at 910.25 $17.25 Sulky at 913.50 $ 9.75 Sulky at 9 7.75 Corner Second and Morrison Streets it J- Vi-'v. s 1 r -" v I -'ji : V-:m ' ..if., i;Trr- 1 1 " fT5 I t - jt ? "iwaBc. Maw K j' ' iinmwrrBnrr )r-. X& Sft Jill j."lW.J:'lil,u..lHill'liiMl I Hi r w. , : . l' Si - lit ;! 1 .'I 7" 1 A 1X J - - 4 J COUNTED among the mysterious crimes that, have baffled the skill of New York jiollce was the recent i, murder ' of Joseph Bowno Elwell. who was found sitting upright In a chair; In the living-room of his home at 241 West Seventieth street with a bullet hole through his head. The bullet had been fired from a .45-caliber revolver, struck the wall of the room and fell on a table beside the chair In which the victim sat. The murdered man was a noted turfman and whist expert. He was married, but had lived apart from his wife for several years and it is said they had in contemplation a divorce plan. 4 Elwell. having made no provi sion in his will for their .16-year-old son. it is probable that a contest will result. Investigation following the murder revealed that a woman had visited the apartment, but her Identity has not been learned. It also .was disclosed that Elwell had relations with a num I ber of women. Walter Elwell. a j brother, has taken an active part in j the effort to ascertain who committed the crime. William Barnes, secretary; Edwin Rhodes, chauffeur, and Mrs. Marie Larsen, .housekeeper in the house, all were subjected to exami nation. . The housekeeper . admitted hiding a pink kimono.' cap and slip pers found in Elwell's room, after he had been murdered, which formed the basis for the belief that a woman had been with Elwell some time the night before or at the time he was murdered. The question was raised as to whether' a woman could handle the .46-caliber army Colt automatic pis tol, such as must have been used to fire the fatal shot. Miss Marion Rice, 18. member of the Brooklyn branch of the motor corps of -America, demonstrated that a woman could have handled the pistol, by scoring three bull's-eyes with as many shots. Miss Viola Kraus. divorced wife of Victor von Schlegell, was twice ques tioned by the police, who believed that she might possess information honrinir upon the relationships of the turf- man that might have been con-j nected with his murder. The district! attorney admitted after, exhaustive investigation that no progress had been made in ferreting out the guilty person or persons. WASHOUGAL HAS BIG DAY Many Communities Unite in -Ccle-. brating Fourth.. WASHOUGAL. Wash., July 10 (Special.) What was declared to- be one of the best Fourth of July cele brations ever held in this part of Glarke county was pulled off here Monday. July 5. It Is estimated that about 5000 people participated- in the celebration. Camas, the papermakers' city on the west, was well represented, having several decorated autos and floats In the parade. The outlying dis districts were also well represented. Mount Norway made a creditable showing in the parade with its float representing a farm. The Washougal Woolen mills, which furnished the Goddess of Liberty for the occasion, had a beautiful dec orated .float which did honor to the industry. H. J. Secor was the orator of the day and delivered an interest ing address. The entire day was full of amusement, including the parade with 30 decorated autos and floats, a programme in the park, motorcycle races, horse races, ball game and fire works in the evening, followed by a big dance. Everything worked out according to schedule, with no accidents. . and on the whole the celebration was a grand success. The co-operative and friendly spirit of the surrounding communi ties is what made a good celebration and showed that this section is truly American. .......