The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 47

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City Editor Main TOTO, A 65
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 60HS
Advertising Department. . Main 7070. A 60."i
Superintendent of Bids . . Main 7070. A 6005
HE1LIG (Broadway at Taylor) Yiddish
play, "Adam and Eve." Tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth and Stark) Musical corn
ed v, "Splash." Three shows daily at
-', 7 and 6.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to S,
6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays
and holidays continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M.
PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows dally, 2:30, 7 and 9:05.
COUNCIL, CREST Free amusement park.
Take "CC" cars, Morrison or Washing
ton streets.
THE OAKS Amusement park. Free ad
mission until 5 P. M.. except Sundays
and holidays. Take cars at First and
COLUMBIA BEACH Amusements and
klmminc. Taka Vancouver cars on
Washington, between Fifth and Broad
Buhscribe with the following agents, at
your aummer resort, to secure the most
prompt delivery of The Oregonian. City
rates. Subscription by mall are payable
in advance:
Harview, Or W. A. Bipprell
Bav City, Or O. B. Shelley
Bavocean, Or F. D. Mitchell
BrlKhton. Or A. W. Rowe
Carson, Wash C. B. Smith
Kcota. Or. ..Cannon Beach Merchandise Co.
(larlbafdl. Or....D. C. Ellis J. L. Kidder
Oearhart. Or,
Long Beach, "Wash...
Manzanita. Or
Nahcotta. Wash
Neahkahnie Beach, C
Nehalem, Or
Newport, Or
Ocean Lake, Or
Ocean Tark, Wash...
Pacific Bench, Wash
Pacific City. Or
Rockaway. Or.......
Seaside. Or...
W. S. Robinson
W. E. Strauhal
E. Kardell
H. J. Brown
r. .i.A. C. Anderson
D. C. Perejay
O. F. Herron
Nettie Tomprett
.Emma S. Campbell
, Burl Christie
D. F. Edmunds
Frank Miller
. .C. W. Alward
ShlDherd'a Hot Serines. Wash.
Mrs. N. St. Martin
Peavlew. Wash George N. Putnam
Tillamook. Or J. S. Lamar
"Wheeler. Or....R, H. Cody and Leo Sohler
Grotto Plans CaIipaion. Gul
Tteazee Grotto No. 65 is inaugurating
a campaign to enroll 1000 new mem
bers in Portland by September 11.
Clyde E. Lewis of Bendemeer Grotto,
Little Rock, Ark., who is acting as
membership campaign manager, is
urging each prophet to get as many
new members as possible. Head
quarters have been established on
the ground floor of the Pythian build
ing, formerly the Masonic tempie.
Prophet Frank Lucas is reorganizing
the band and the grotto guards will
also be reorganized. The ceremonial
will be held in the auditorium Satur
day evening, September 11, at the
close of the campaign.
Lodge Installs Officers. The fol
lowing officers of Thalanx Lodge, No.
14, KniRhts of rythias, were installed
by Deputy Grand Chancellor E. R.
Steen at their Caetle hall at East
Alder and Sixth streets last Friday
evening. Bert Montgomery, past
chancellor; R. J. Pickard, chancellor
commander; James KJibbie, vice-chancellor:
Joseph F. Wendling, prelate; H.
W. Ager, master of work; Frank
Zeigler. master at arms; Thomas
Laird, inner guard. This lodge shows
a gain of more than 25 per cent for
the past term and more than 100 per
Benefit for Poor Announced. The
annual open-air vaudeville entertain
ment given for the benefit of the
Home for the Aged. East Thirtieth
and Stark streets, will be held on the
grounds of the institution Tuesday
evening. July 20. Tickets are now
being sold and it ia hoped tha former
successes of this benefit will be con
tinued with even a larger sum real
ized for the care of the aged poor
who for care and sympathy during
their last years turn to the Sisters of
Mercy. The following are the com
mittee on arrangements: Michael
Drlseoll. John McEntee. H. Gilbaugh,
J. Callaghan. Fred Eilers and Frank
Harter. The committee will meet
next Thursday evening.
Dental Faculty to Go Easts. Sev
eral members of the faculty of the
North Pacific college plan to make
extensive eastern trips, visiting east
ern colleges of dentistry and attend
ing national meetings. President
Miller will attend the annual meeting
of the National Dental association in
Boston and the annual meeting of the
National Association of Dental Faculr
ties. Dr. C. H. Walrath will attend
these meetings an,d will -also include
tho national meeting of the Delta
Sigma Delta fraternity in his trip.
Dr. Louis J. Fltzpatrick, superintend
ent of the Infirmary, is attending Dr.
Smith's course in exodontia at St.
Louis and will return the latter part
of July. .
K. C. Programmes Arranged. The
Knights of Columbus Service clift),
organized primarily to aid ex-serv
ice men, has planned a number of
interesting summer lectures, to be
given at the clubrooms, located at
243 Couch street. Joseph Little, sec
retary of the local organization,
stated yesterday that the talks are
open to any person who cares to at
tend. The first lecture will be given
at 8:45 o'clock this evening at the
clubrooms when Judge Robert G.
Morrow delivers an address upon the
mistakes and impossibilities ofa gov- dummy In his cell and, while guards
eminent without a head. A musical I nlived he was. asleeD. he was getting
programme will also DO given mis I n wn V
evening. I About 6 A. M. guards found that a
Builders to Picnic. A Builder's I window on the penitentiary kitchen
day picnic will be held Saturday. I had been tampered with and imme-
July 17. at Bonneville, according toldlately made an Investigation to see
You Can Depend
Upon the Quality
and Value of the
You Buy at
Jaeger Bros.
The money you invest in a diamond at this establishment
is at least equally matched by the quality and value of that
For instance, if your selection is a ?100 diamond, you can
depend upon it beintr worth that amount.
Our years of diamond experience qualifies us to give
you expert information and advice in making: a selection.
Our ability to buy diamonds in large quantities enables us
to offer the maximum in diamond value.
Full Cut Diamonds From
$15 to $2500
for value.
'The Hallmark Store"
131-133 SIXTH ST.
'oregonian building
O. G. Hughson, manager of the Build
ers' Exchange, 201 Worcester build
if any of the prisoners were missing.
They found in Smith's bed a dummy
ing. Games and "stunts". for prizes I made of bed clothing. An alarm was
and dancing will be on the pro-1 sounded and a thorough investigation I
gramme. Free tickets can be obtained I started.
It is believed that about midnight.
while one of the guards was -in the
at 210 Worcester building, according
to Mr. Hughson. Everybody should
bring their own lunch, but free coffee I dining room eating his lunch and the
B. Rector's Motor Car Wins
First Prize in Automobile Parade
at Rockaway on Fourth.
will be- obtainable on the grounds, he
BOT8 enter Stork. Following a
report that the store of F. G. Bean
at 537 Williams avenue, had been
entered on a number of occasions and
candy, soda and melons taken. In
other was at the end of the corridor.
Smith unlocked his cell with a key
made from a tin can, or in some other j
Ingenious way, and sneaked out into
the kitchen.
He obtained a meat saw there, and
sawed off the bars of a window.
an Investigation. The inspectors re-
ported as a result of the investiga
tion that Charles Rogers. 12. Carl
Thompson, 11. and Georare Bickmore.
three boys living in the vicinity, had
coniessed to having entered the place.
Room Thefts Reported. Georsre
Hansen, 193 Second street, reported
to the police yesterday that his room
had been entered and a suit of clothes
and a pair of shoes taken. This was
one of several thefta reported to the
ponce yesterday. The theft of
watch, a gold knife and a kodak was
reported to the police by William
Leichnen 937 Minnesota, n vrnna Mr.
cent in tne past two years ana is on John Heglie, 329 Sacramento, reported
spectors Schulplus and Moloney made climbed out and reached the roof of
the main building. From there he
slid down a water pipe and to the
Guards were on the high stone wall.
but the architecture of the prison
building makes it impossible for them
to see Its full length. While they
were In a place where they could not
see him he jumped to the wall and
then to freedom.
an excellent financial footing, accord
ing to report made.
School Is Givino Tests. The TJni
versity of Oregon summer school
class in educational tests and rneas
urements is giving a complete educa
tional test as well as the Binet
Simon intelligence test to a group of
the loss of three rings.
Lamb Chops. 20c.
At Frank L. Smith's. 228 Alder st:
.tsest cuts of round steak, onlv 20c.
Tenderloin and porterhouse stkg., 15c.
very rine oven roast beef. lBc.
Liver and shoulder roast lamb, 15c.
Pot roasts, 12 c. Boiling beef, 10c.
boys and girls between the ages of Frank U Smith's Is .228 Alder St. Adv,
Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, Thisbe
Cited as Examples of Depths
to Which Race Sinks.
6afett Boxes,
10 and 14. Parents Interested in
having their children tested should
report to Mr. Reynolds at the Lin
coln high school after July 12 on
weekday afternoons between the
hours of 2:30 and 4:30. The work is
being done under the direction of
Dr. S. C. Kohs of the court of do
mestic relations.
Canoeists Are warned. Complaint k-vcvix-r'
.T.1 Uff..lU
lc daily. 284 Oak.
Portland Musicians Will Make Ini
tial Appearance Tonight and
Continue AH Season.
TOLEDO. O. The so-called "modern
woman," with advanced ideas, was
scored by Mgr. T. J. O'Connell, when
he addressed the graduating class of
St. Ursula s academy,
"Woman was poser, when ehe was
Eve," he said, "and she is a poser
when she is Fannie Hurst, more con
cerned about what she wants Uian
what she is; ready to run in the wake
of her traditional betrayers.
'We have but to scan, shamefaced
ly, woman's amusements, her ven
tures and her associations to know
what frivolity, vanity and unworthy
trust have made her, not a being to
be revered, but an object of contempt
uous dread. "
'Poor Mary Plckford, who delight
ed young and old, and told beautiful
stories of honesty and purity In a
thousand places at the same' time, ex
changed fame for notoriety, sacrificed
blow to honor
:y that the world shall not
ROCK AW AT, Or.; July 10. (Spe
cial. ) The first Independence day
celebration on any Tillamook beach
in years was held at Rockaway. An
elaborate programme, beginning at
10 o'clock, kept the huge crowd
amused until a rate hour at night, and
many visitors remained over for a
more extended outing.
The car of R. B. Rector of Portland.
decorated in -patriotic streamers and
bunting, with little Marcia Rector ar
rayed as a diminutive goddess of lib
erty in red, white and blue, won first
prize in the parade which began the
programme. C W. Ross of Saltair
as second prize winner. The color
scheme of his car was yellow, hun
drtds of pond lilies being used for
floral decoration. Louise Klrebs, as goddess of
liberty, from a car decorated in white.
made gracious acknowledgment of
the ovation extended by the throngs
lining the streets. Miss Krebo was
attended by Miss Faye Nortwick of
Rockaway and Miss Elsie Holmes of
W heeler.
S. S. Johnson of Tillamook deliv
ered the oration of the day, and the
Tillamook band gave a concert.
Honors were divided in the bathing
girl parade between Miss Margaret
Romacly and Miss Dorothy Painter,
totn of Portland.
Tlie afternoon was 'devoted to ath-
hais been made by the Northwest
Bridge & Iron company at the foot
of Sheridan street that canoeists
have been in the habit of drifting in
under the dock and inside the boom
during the past few days. Special
Agent Keller of the steel company
and Chief of Police Jenkins have
issued a warning that this will not
be tolerated in the future, as the
volume of traffic around the wharf
makes it dangerous for canoeists and ' Campbell's American Concert band
constitutes trespass on the company's I Percy A. Campbell, director, made. its
property. 1 initial appearance last night at the
Part of Hiohway to Close. A j Oaks amusement park before music- reurion and gave a b
portion of the lower Columbia high- loverS. who gathered at the popular and decency that the w
to 5-3 P M lili li i ,,7ih Willamette park to hear one of the soon forget, by entering into a mean
l...!;30 w?l.M;.fa ,'"Ith5 k.,t free cnn,.rt r ln i ingless and unnamable contract..
nuiiLc, urgiiiiiiiifi .luesaay, July xo, - o - --
according to plans announced by the city. Mr. Campbell has just signed a
state highway engineer. It will be contract with John F. Cordray of the
necessary for motorists to detour at park for the season. Mr. Campbell's
Clatskanie. going via Mist, to reach musical organization made a most
Astoria. Men will be posted at each
end of the detour point to give neces
sary information.
Milk and Rest Cure. The tired
and worn out individual who is
wholly lacking In strength and pep
finds a real "come back" In the Milk
and Rest Cure at the Moore Sani
tarium, East 47, office 908 Selling
building. Main 6101. Adv.
Delat and Pain Avoided. Teeth
extracted and replaced by sanitary
bridge work the same day, all with
out pain by aid of Nerve Blocking.
Drs. Hartley, Kiesendahl & Marshall,
S07 Journal bldg. Adv.
Modern office systems devised and
installed. Our system experts at your
service, no obligation. Over 400 stock
forms to select from, at a saving.
Phone Main 1971. Pacific Staty. fc ptg.
Co.. 107 Second street. Adv.
StJNDAT Cruise Up the Columbia.
Olympian leaves Taylor-street dock.
I A. pausing all scenic points
below Cascade rapids, returning
P. M- Fare 2. Phone Main 8065.
What has spiritism to Offer?
Read Dean C. S. Quainton'a masterly
treatment. Price 50 cents from the
diocesan oriices, episcopal church.
Aintsworth bldg, 3d and Oak. Adv.
Beautiful Teeth and Gums. We D . . . parent, umi i
show you how to bring them back director of Camp- grounds. The hydro-go-round, the
"We cannot but look with alarm on
the systematic publicity that would
install woman on the rostrum while
roSbing the home and destroying chil
dren, who are the hope of a coming
age; that would belittle marriage as
if it were slavery and degradation to
wives, and its bonds . a fetter to be
broken whenever whim or self-indul
gence could be made to mask as in
dependence or assertion of woman's
Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, Caesar's
wife and Thisbe only show the depths
to which woman had sunk in history.
without a suggestion of the high place
she might attain. Mgr. O'Connell said.
Hydro-Go-Round, Miniature Rail-
war. Sea-Sled and Other Amuse
ments Provide Gay Time.
This is children's day at Columbia
wA est la vfv Ath.i Aav All
l ICitfiiJ I children, when accompanied by their
parents, are admitted free to the
, "
ls-,J . i f 'V - - 1
f ' .-into. - .
Wf$ ' aft" I5 '-J
irw As, ? !
i V
' I v J
" f - V ' - '
" r
Mtaa Looise Krebs e( Portland,
Goddess of Liberty la Tilla
mook beach celebrarlosi.
. .": ;Prf
H V I If
Vacation Time Is Here
Don't forget your office supplies
when . you go away. ,We. carry
Office Furniture and Appliance
Printing Engraving Bookbladin
Seals and Rubber Stamps
Modern Files
letic -contests on the beach. Kerr
Gifford of Portland defeated the Til
lamook baseball team in a fast game;
Tillamook, with 1156 pounds concen
trated in five stalwarts, won the tug-cf-war.
Foot races, obstacle races
and other novelty contests furnished
tun and excitement.
See Jay's nobby woolens, both
lmr!cfln n n it imnnrterl. Let Jov take
down your measure for a, suit on the I
easiest sort of paymentfS. Joy, tne
tailor, 104 Fourth at., bet. Washing
ton and Stark. Adv.
Woman Sues Dentist for Extracting
OAKLAND. Suit for damages in
the sum of $10,117 was filed in the su
perior court by Mrs. Annie Ropeke
against Dr. J. O. Wilder, dentist, who
is alleged to have pulled four of Mrs.
Ropcke's teeth without her consent
and against tier will and to have put
In dental work that impaired her
The complaint states the dental
work was done May 16, 1920, and
that Dr. Wilder got Mrs. Ropeke into
the chair by saying he was going to
examine her teeth and proceeded to
of high quality ,
in lower grades
at low prices
Complete Office
107 2d St., Bet.
Wash, and Stark
while we do your other dentistry.
Dr. C. (See) Smith Long, 310 Bush . , , - .
& Lane bldg. Adv favorable impression. The fact that
Elegant new tapestry Davennort.
9 chair mntrh (nn .-,.-,. I
- " " 1 ,,, "" " bands,
t uviuo, tcaouii f. fj t atriung; oargain
price, uau 3S7 . JS. 12th. East
wading in the river and the playtime
on the sands are eagerly anticipated
by the youngsters. The hydro-go-round
is the boat that is driven into
gyrations by an air propeller and
which swings around at a merry rate
in the water. The amusement diver-
the recent Shrine convention gathered
here in Portland no less than 87
the best in the country, has
given to Portland a new and en
thusiastic Insight into the qualities sion is unusual for both old and young,
of hand music. nrt thn 9nnnnnf. The "Donna." the SDeedv seasled.
Take Sunday dinner at the Colleara I Mr- nnrArav tho ho k.lnow is carrying passengers on trips
inn. Special chicken dinner. Full a la landed the famous Portland munici- I around the island and probably will
carte dui ot iare li ju. to 7 P. M.. nl hand to rjlav at the Oaks was be used for surfboard riding exhibi
East Sixth and Pacific streets. Adv. received with gladness by thousands tions in the near future. The water
A Devotional meeting will be held who love good music I sports at the beach this year will be
tonight at 8 o'clock, in Theosophical Mr. Campbell has requested that one of the main drawing; cards. The
hall, 301 Central bldg.. corner 10th the public make requests for favorite sands are thronged daily with bathers
and Alder. All are welcome. Adv. programmes and they will be ren-
Excelleot results are obtained bv I dered. It will be "Portland's band
the newer methods In artificial teeth. ln every sense. "Name the piece and
Dr. Rossman. plate specialist. Journal I !t will be played." is the slogan which
ciug. Adv. Mr. uampDeu has announcea will pre
Passengers carried dailv Phone vail iuri"S the season at the Oaks.
Bdwy. 609. Municipal Field Sellwood The band w111 be heard in concert
Sellwood car.
22d and Bybee sts.
Plaster Board, beaver board. Cor- f the season-
neil board tor walls and ceilings.
jmins, ress ac. jo., 184 second et,
bwiMMiNo every afternoon, dancing Convict
Willamette." Adv.
for Kent. uearhart. modern 8
room nouse, garage. Marshall 4754.
Oriental Rugs repaired, wash-clean
ed, Dlnihanlan, 46o Wash, st Br. 2870,
Amslei Printing Co. for quick serv
ice. 252 Wash. St. Main 4671. Adv.
Kihheheb Coiu Carbon Coal Co
mine agents. it,aat HS8, Adv,
seeking a cool dip as relief from the
beat of a July day.
In the way of amusements there ia
something doing at the park every
minute. Among the entertainments
are the miniature railway and the
merry-go-round. On every night of
the week and on Sunday afternoon
night and Sunday afternoon the res't Z'"?! ZZXZ, !
pearance ln Portland and is attract
ing more than the usual amount of
attention along the board walk.
On every evening of the week and
all day Sundays the hydroplane op
erates at the beach and this year is
carrying more passengers than ever
before in its history.
Saws Bars
and Escapes
CHEYENNE. Wyo. William Smith
sentenced from Laramie county to
from seven to eight years in the pen
itentiary for grand larceny, made good
his escape from the Wyoming state
penitentiary at -Kawlins.
Smith has made two previous at
tempts to get free, and both times
has been captured. This time he I
worked the old game of putting a
Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults.
91 Third street. Both phones. Adv.
S. & H. green S'amps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co. Main tax. 60-21.
Head The Oregonian classified ads.
Wide-awake business man to identify himself with a big
proposition recently perfected and now in successful opera
tion on a proven paying basis. Article is patented, sells
for $1500 to Department Stores, Restaurants, wholesale
and retail Bakeries, etc; also being used in connection
with Jarvis Specialty Eat Shops, which are very profitable.
Contract will-cover rights to Pacific Coast territory with
no limit as to possibilities this dependent on the amount
of capital and energy put into the proposition.
From 110,000 to $25,000 required according to the extent
of territory handled.
We can show you Jarvis Specialty Shops in operation that
show a profit in excess of $1500 a month on an investment
of less than $5000.
In reply state qualifications fully, or. better still, come to
Chicago and make complete investigation.
212 W. Austin Avenue, Chicago
II Jl I El
mm 1 i3 L
rail I- "1
T : ' (h im f ' J -
r . v - - 'A
r -r ". P v ' ' 1
Fifth Btad Oak Sts., Portland, Or,
ill- w
extract tour, which she assents were
When she asked what the extrac
tions had been done for. it is al
leged Dr. Wilder said: "Well, you
don't want to look like a pup, do
Every Office Need
is to be found in our
large and varied stock of
Wood and Steel
Filing Equipment
Filing Systems
Commercial Stationers
3&7 Washington St. Pittock Block
'Pussyfoot" Johnson
11 A. M. First Congregational
3 P. M. City Auditorium.
8 P. M. Central Presbyterian
"What I Can See Through My
Glass Eye:"
Miss Catlin's School
Now oceuple !t new bulldlnc on
An Ideal location Basketball and Ten
nis Court.
Prepares triris lor eastern as well as
western co'lege and schools, under a fac
ulty of able eastern teachers. Mumbiv of
students in each class limited.
Primary, Intermediate and Hlrh 8ohool
Departments Boys Accepted la
Primary Grades.
Special and College Preparatory Course,
music Art. fnysicai xrain
lnc and Science.
French Taught Throuchout the Sett eel.
Boardins- Department Special Feature.
Catalogue Sent Cpon Reooest to
fort tana.
Wetover Terrace.
Phono Marshall 8129.
The Seale Academy
Fifteen-acra Campus etitht-aere wooded
park, seven clear for drill and all soorta.
Both Grammar and Hiich School Couraea.
Not to learn one's lessons Is a breach of
trust. CataloKue. Climate perfection. Sum
mer seMon. June 21. Fall term. Sept. 14.
ORtVH I.E V. KMEKY. Headmaatar.
Palo Alto. California.
Resident and day achooL . Favorable
Climate and large grounds permit of
outdoor life all the year.
Prin. Catherine Harker. A. B. Vassar.
Oils, Roof Paints and
Shingle Stains
per gal.
Red, black or brown. Stain or
Paint, In 5-gaL cans $1.00
Green or gray. Stain or Paint,
in 6-ga.r cane ....$1.50
Wax Oil, the best cleaner on
the market for furniture,
house paint, hardwd. floors,
nickel plate and metals, not
greasy, used the same as
other wax preparations,
wholesale ..$1.25
Victory Oil & Paint Co.
Derby St., Portland.
Phone Woodlawn 3180.
Established 20 Years in Portland
C. GEEV0 Chinese Medicine Co.
No operations. Jfo poison used in otrr won
derful remedies, composed of the choicest
Oriental roots, herbs, bads and bark, many
of which are unknown to the medical science
of this country. Our remedies are harmless
and have made many sufferers from ca
tarrh, asthma, lung and throat, rheumatism,
nervousness, stomach, liver and kidney trou
ble, female disorders, etc, happy. Many
testimonials given unsolicited by persons,
male and female, who have used my root
and herb remedies.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162 Vz First Street Portland, Oregon
One of the Many
fmwuTAT One of the many combli-
ijes mentary letters which we
receive from our patients.
Salem, Oregon,
June 12, 1920.
Dr. Wheeler,
Wheeler Optical Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Dear Sir:
I had the misfortune to break my glasses and am
sending them to you by registered mail .to have it re
placed. As I am very dependent on them, will you please
send them to me at the earliest date together with the
amount due, and I will send check by return mail.
I am thankful to tell you that I scarcely ever have a
headache since you fitted me with these glasses more
than a year ago.
Mr. Bowen has also received great benefit from the
ones you fitted for him. Trusting to receive my glasses
in a few days.
Respectfully yours,
Salem, Oregon, R. 8.
P. S. These glasses are Punktals..
Second Floor Oregonian Bldg. '
1 Our local patronage is larg-e, yet we take particular pride ln the fact 5
that visitors from all parts of the Northwest visit this office, and we
1 enjoy the largest practice from out-of-town people. 3
I RDinCC WORlff has heen brought to the highest state of perfection. The 1
I DfllUUr. flUniV teeth on this bridge are interchangeable at will without
1 removinjT from the mouth. We use gold or porcelain, aa your fancy die-
I tates. This is only one of our many original methods. s
Hours 1 8:30 to S P. M. Phone Main S02A. I
33 Years In Portland.
I Q Si3 Jl