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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 No Exchanges r1 J CliitfcFKEfefet iI Store Opens 9:30 A. M., Shop Early in the Morning l! k u fc Mil No Lavawavs L tl 1 II ISl.'B M-ii- II II - E " j7Q - 4 ' Jp -c, ' j 111 11'" ;::Vn.;L V .v;. f? G&'fJ V : -;,- '.4iV "C: - HI I t,"fw i 1 Hi V t iff Ml I "V - . -if - k$&&&ix r ' ; x- 4 ill 1 MJgfyt ' il 1 1 I s k ! ; t j1 1 " f R ! - 4Lsi ill!! ? s - t ' j . " s 13 t 1 IS . - j - r , v P - it ' a i . ; , ' v s St ? ! ' ? II B I III i v r 40 .' " - "4Tav- ITS'- if Wi'f"- 5VVr. operatic fantasy. "The Forest Chll- rirMn written Viv Mr XTli MnlTYi Parsons. Seventy persons, many of whom -will be children, will be in the cast. Promininet society women will be patroness for the afternoon's enter tainment, which will be a benefit to erect a memorial tablet for the late Miss Camilla Dosch and her - little nephew, Fleurot, in the woman's building: of the U-nlversity of Oregon. Epeclal music, written for the occa sion by Wirt Dennison and Harold Barlow, -sf ill be a feature of the fan tasy. A 26-piece orchestra under Mr. Barlow's direction will furnish the music The William Maxwell Wood resi dence at St. Helens court is being occupied for the aurntmer by Mra. Thomas G. Hailey and her daughter, Miss Elisabeth Hailey. The latter arrived a few days ag-o, and Mrs. Hailey is expected today. They have been in Berkeley, where MIbs Hailey has been attending: the University of California. a Mrs. R. B. von Kleinemld and daughter Elizabeth of Tucson, Aria., are the gruests of Mr. and Mrs. Flitcher Linn for the summer. President von Kleinsmid of the University of Arizona has been one of the speakers at the National Edu cation association sessions at Salt Like, and after a. trip east will ar rive in Portland August X for a short visit. ' Miss Joan Rosendale has announced her engagement to George Jehling-er. The news of the betrothal was told at a tea grlven at the home of the Misses Rosenthal. Assisting- the hostess were Miss Helen and Miss Gladys Dunne, Miss I'elphirve Rosenfeld and Miss Elsie Feldman. Mrs. Lawrence Rosenthal and Mrs. Albert Steng-er presided at the table. Lovely nosegays, with the names or tne betrothed pair, were given at the door by Flora Jean Feld man. One of the prettiest luncheons of the season was that given by Chi chapter of Gamma Phi Beta, Oregon Agricultural college, at the Portland Just yesterday came this order from our buyers, now in New York: "Speed up the clearance of all spring summer stocks. We don't want to see a single coat, suit or dress on the racks nor a single hat on the stands when we get back' In answer we are cutting prices, already greatly reduced, down to the very minimum, in many cases more than half. The front of the store is in the hands of . carpenters, but to offset any inconveni ence because of their work, we are offering bargains that make the Emporium the logical place to buy. Let your dollars do double duty here ! COATS AT STUPENDOUS DISCOUNTS Sports styles and dressy models in all materials. Original price tags show your saving! Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Coats selling up to $39.50 Coats selling up to $49.50 Coats selling up to $59.50 Coats selling up to $69.50 $17.50 $22.50 $27.50 $33.50 Lot 1 Suits selling up to $49.50 $22.50 SUITS IN FOUR SACRIFICE GROUPS The keener your judgment and the earlier you shop the greater your economy. Lot 2 Lot 3 Suits selling up to $65.00 ' Suits selling up to $75.00 $29.50 $34.50 Lot 4 Suits selling up to $95.00 $39.50 SILK DRESSES RADICALLY REDUCED At these remarkable reductions of course you can have a new dress of satin, taffeta or georgette. Note the discounts! Lot ! Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Dresses selling up to $29.50 Dresses selling up to $45.00 Dresses selling up to $59.50 Dresses selling up to $95.00 s $14.95 $26.95 $36.95 $47.95 Every Wool Dress Reduced!. Every Jersey Dress Reduced! Every Summer Dress Reduced! Jersey Sports Coats Special $18,50 Jersey Sports Suits Special $27.50 Every Skirt Every SweaterEvery Fur Reduced! White Jersey Suits Special $33.50 BLOUSES IN FIVE WONDERFUL GROUPS Lot 1 VOILE BLOUSES Regularly to $3.45 $2.35 Lot 2 SILK BLOUSES Regularly to $5.50 $3.35 Lot 3 SILK BLOUSES Regularly to $7.50 $4.35 Lot 4 SILK BLOUSES a Won der lot! Regularly to $10. $6.35 Lot 5 SILK BLOUSES Regularly to $21.50 $9.35 Splendid quality and style, chine Georgette and Crepe de Georgett and erep d chin of On look at the fine georgettes The premier lot! Extraordinary oViina pretty styling, in both whit and and crepea proves they're real values; in both white and varied colors. bargains. colors. To close out broken lots. THREE SUPER-SAVING GROUPS OF HATS Lot 1 135 Trimmed Hats Regularly Selling Up to $12.50 Lot 2 Trimmed Hats Regularly Selling Up to $7.50 $1.95 $4.85 A variety of straws, colors and shapes. A mere fraction of their real worth. Third floor. 1242 128 SIXTH ST, JUST OFF WASHINGTON Lot 3 Tailored and Sports Hats Regularly Up to $10 $3.35 Sailors and soft sports models irt white, black and a variety of colors. Some of them sold for three times this price. First floor. their family were among; the Port-ia-nders who motored to The Dalles for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Placeman n bave returned from California. . - . The Uissea Rosenthal. Miss Joan Rosendale and Mrs. H. Jehlinser of Chicago wiU receive at the Rosen thai residence on Sunday. July 18. Mrs. Jehllng-er will receive on Tues day at 793 LoTJoy street. . A reception for students of the ElUson-Whita conservatory of mu sic and the University of Oregon sum mer school was held on Friday right at the conservatory. Recetvinr were Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell, Harold Henry, Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons, Dr. and Mrs. George Rebec and Dean Landsbury. Several hundred guests called. Miss Ruby Archambeau grave a tea on Friday for Mrs. J. H. Symons of f Continued on Page 4. hotel on Wednesday afternoon. The i table was cleverly decorated with a centerpiece of sweet peas and dainty; Place caraa. i nose present were: inrs. C. W. Grenfell (Myrtle Linville) and the Misses Bernice Bowers (University of Idaho),- Kdith Peattie. Margaret Westgate, Fryda Wilson, Margie Davis, Alice Gray, Frances Manary, Dorothea Cordley, Ruth Harshberger, Nona Becker, Mary Peattie, Mae Walsh, Helen Olson, Grace Hovenden, Neta McKillop, Myrtle Balcom, El eanor Howland. Dorothy Ariss, Elsie Price. Ruth Stewart and Marjory Vol brecht. Miss Anna Wheeler, who has been away at school in Santa Barbara, wUi go to the beach this week. Miss Wheeler lias been entertained by her aunt. Mrs. W. C. Alvord. and numer ous friends. Mr. and Mra Harry A. Haseltins announce the marriage of their daughter Frances to Frederick D. Kribs. the ceremony having taken place on June 29. Miss Pauline McKlnley and Allan T. Slade will be married on July 15. For the bride-elect Mrs. James Wilson and Miss Dorothy Bowman entertained on Wednesday evening at the Bowman residence in Irvington. Mr. and Urs. H, H. O'Reilly and I Photography and Art 407 Morrison St. Between 10th and 11th SMART TAILORING Schweitzer & Eagin Ladies' Tailors 5th Floor Columbia Bldg. Stylish Summer Furs ll to; Dainty and effec tive neckpieces designed especially for smart Wear Summer Ermine Fisher Mink Sable Skunk Squirrel Mole and Fox . Phone Marshall 785 For information on Fur Storage Refrigerated Vaults 20 degrees below freezing. s (90 BTABUSHED ITJRS 19-lSt Superfluous Hair Removed Quickly and Painlessly From face, neck, limbs, arms and under arms by MARINE LLO DEPILATORY Foil instructions for nae. Rec ommended by Beauty Specialists- MARINELLO SHOP 2O0-10 Central BIdK Cor. 19h and Alder. BALD aa an En, for 10 TEAKS Cued the Ekdee Hair Cerate for Six Weeks. RESULT! Hair Stmrttd Over Entire Scalp. Jii.OO PER JAR. S2.20 Postpaid. Gt It at Tsar DrucsUt or THE KKDKK CO., MO Cnlon Ave J. US St. James Pb-e' Portland, Or. Chicago. III. Phona your want ada to Tha Orego clan. Main 7070, Automatic 560-35. SPECIAL FOR $1 EACH Two 11x14 enlarged portraits, finished In carbon black, mounted in artist - proof case. Regular price $3.60 each. No Coupons No Agents Present this ad at studio and get the benefit of agent's com mission. Hofsteater Studio I&514 Third Street, Between JiorrUoa and Yamhill. lT DATT LADIES' 1V1. X XTL X X TAILOR SUITE 511. Bt'SH A tANR BVILUIXU i