The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Ti S 1
Republicans and Democrats
Alike Are Condemned.
Committee of 4 8 Chairmen Sees No
Hope In Promises of Either
National Platform.
'. J .-'' ....
CHICAGO. July 10. The republican
and democratic parties were de
nounced as "the right and left wings
of the same bird of prey" at the
opningr of a proposed "third party"
national convention here today.
Sounding the keynote of the assem
blage called together by the commit
tee of 48 to adopt a platform and
place in the field another set of
candidates for presidency and vice
presidency, Allen McCurdy. tempor
ary chairman, charged that the two
big parties had evaded paramount do
mestic issues at a time when what
the country needs is "fewer laws and
more freedom."
' The abolition of special privilege.
Mr. McCurdy said, was the issue
around which the new party would
appeal to the voters In November. He
said the party proposed effecting that
said the party purposed effecting that
and removing the sources from which
privilege derives its power.
Public Ownership Advocated.
"To accomplish this purpose," he
declared, "it proposes public owner
ship of transportation and of the
principal basic resources of the coun
try and declares that all land held
out of use for speculation should be
forced into use by taxation."
Attacking the republican and demo
cratic platforms Mr. McCurdy said
their only difference is the number
of words used to say nothing.
"The republican bid is bold," he
continued. "It reads out of its coun
cils every man and woman who ever
stood for any form of human rights:
adopts a pbitform that evades, equivo
cates or straddles every living issue;
paves the way for a war by which, in
exchange for the lives and treasures
of the people, Mexican oil shall be
delivered to the interests; indorses
the infamous Ksch-Cummins hill over
the protests' of farmers, workers and
informed citizens, and consistently
crowns its work by nominating as
randidate for the presidency of the
United States in the year 1920, a
proved, steady, wheel-horse politician,
guaranteed to stand without hitching
' who learned all the politics he ever
learned in the satisfactory and thor
ough school of Marcus A. Hanna and
Joseph B. Foraker, way back in the
golden age marked by the Standard
Oil scandals.
Democrat i- Platform Brazen.
"The democratic bid is more than
i bold; it is brazen. With mild reserva
tions, it not only, claims a partisan
credit,, which belonga to the whole
nation, for fighting and winning the
war, but it declares that it admin
istered the conduct of that war with-
- out the taint of scandal.
"And the ghosts of Hog Island and
. aircraft and shipbuilding and canton
ment construction and nitrate -plant
satisfactory that can
regular prices. Avail
ii ip or mture travel.
$50 Bag, 18-inch. . $21.50
$40 Bag, black and
tan, 18-inch ...$30.00
Perfume Department
Madame Ruppert Pace Bleach .' $1.87
Hudnut's Milk of Cucumber and Orris $1.00
Mrs. Graham's Face Bleach $1.50
Derma Royale $1.00
Orchard White 39
Miolena Cold Cream .50
Miolena .Cucumber .Cream 500
Miolena Freckle Cream ' ...500
Nikk Marr Cream ...500
Nikk Marr Balm ;..5O0
OLA-WOOD Theatrical Cold Cream .".. .500
Peroxide Cream I..
Santiseptic Lotion 450
Patent Medicine Department
Corn Pads ."..150
Mosquito Cream .250
Campho Phenique 300
New Skirt 150
W. L. Mosquito Lotion ' 250
"Peroxide Foot Powder ;250
appropriations are.- still stalking
throughout the land.
"Scandal! Is It tio scandal that In
the year 1917, the year of supreme
sacrifice when our boys were fight
ing and dying for $30 a month, and
our people were economizing and sac
rificing .to buy liberty bonds, that
the United States Steel corporation
made net earnings of $888,831,511 or
$20,000,000 more than its total capital
stock? What can we call that orgy
of war profiteering by a set of the
most unscrupulous scoundrels who
ever fattened -out of the necessities
and the miseries of a great nation
at war? . . .
Admlnlntratlon Is Arraigned.
"The republican party would lead
us back to the bondage of Marcua
Hanna. Not to be outbid, the demo
cratic party, through its indorsement
of the administration of A. Mitchell
Palmer, woHld lead us back to the
days of Philip II of Spain, Charles I
of Kngland, the unspeakable Metter-
F.dirard L,arifrd.
Funeral services for the late
Kdward learned were held
Wednesday. June 30, and inter
ment made in Rose City ceme
tery. Mr. Lamed was for eight
years steward at the Seward
hotel and died following a short
illness. He -was prominent in
business circles and was an
active member of the Elks and
Woodman lodge. '
He is survived by his widow.
nich of Austria and cause their in
quisitions, secret police, spies, espion
age, agents provocateur, star chamber
proceedings, arrests without war
rants, private prisons, illegal deten
tions and administrative justice to
supplant "the methods provided by the
bill of rights which has been the
bulwark of Anglo-Saxon freedom for
nine centuries. .
"To such depths of will and per
formance has the party of Thomas
Jefferson descended."
County Will Pave Road.
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 10. (Spe
cial.) The county court today en
gaged C. B. Hatch to supervise con
struction of a mile of concrete paving
in the Odell districts. It wae origin
ally planned to pave the stretch un
der contract, but a single bid of $39,
000 was considered excessive. Com
missioner H. F. Blackman- was in
structed to procure a roller and con
crete machinery. The work will be
under way the coming week. The
paving will be financed jointly by
the county and state.
r. ..... .
If : I
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l ,: 9 f : j
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Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Woodlark Building
be purchased. This is the first time that these articles have ever been sold for less than
yourself of this extraordinary opportunity to save money on your luggage for the vacation
The "Advance" Kit Bag
A handsome English style bag; heavy softihand-board-ed
cowhide; se wed-on corners; finest tan ribbed serge
lining, size 20 inches. Regular price $60. Special Sale
Price 3 Days Only. $45.00
Ladies' Overnight Bag
Boarded Cowhide, black and tan, silk lined, 16
inch, $38, special -i $30.00
1 8-Inch Cowhide Bag
8 Rubberized Pockets for toilet articles, $37.50, $30. OO
$40.00 20-inch, special
Display of Free Speech
Alarms Government.
Policy In Siberia Is Scored and
California Legislation Fig
ures In Debate.
TOKIO. July 10. (By the Associat
ed Press.) Not since the advent of
constitutional government has Japan
seen-euch " political turmoil as that
prevailing during, the present sitting
of the diet. . The government appar
ently is serene in the conviction that
it will have the support of Selyu
Kal, or majority party. Nevertheless,
in the fierce attack which the oppo
sition is making upon it. a display of
liberal and free speech has developed
that .observers believe is destined to
have an important effect on the de
velopment of constitutional govern
ment In Japan.
Repeated allegations that the gov
ernment was controlled by the mili
tary. especially with regard to its
Siberian policy, were followed by the
sensational announcement of Yukio
Ozaki. former minister of justice
who recently returned to Tokio from
a visit to America and Europe, that
henceforth he would abandon all
parties and wage an independent
fight to defeat militarism. M. Ozakl
declared that only through the over
throw of militarism could the good
repute of Japan in the world be re
stored to its former luster. He said
he had abandoned- the Kensei-Kai.
opposition party, because his new at
titude conflicted with the policy
aaopted oy me party several years
ago. when it supported the naval ex
tension policy at present in opera
tion. Budget Devoted to Armament.
"The introduction of a budget of
which one-third is devoted to a
bloated increase of armaments is the
height of absurdity," M. Ozaki as
serted. "Japan never will win her
rightful place among the nations
.. t;i .. i r r tuA . r. e
the military clique. World suspicion
has turned against us because the
world sees in Japan an aggressively
Imperialistic and militaristic coun
try." -
The climax of the attacks in the
diet against the cabinet was reached
yesterday when Representative Nagai.
a youthful new member and a pro
fessor in Waseda university, de
clared: The Lenine autocracy is reigning
in the west;, the Hara autocracy in
the east."
He charged that the government,
by its unconstitutional dissolution of
the last diet to avoid aetion on uni
versal suffrage, had invited danger
ous thoughts of class strife. The gov
ernment's action, he declared, was
against the spirit of the constitution
granted by Emperor Mutsuhito.
Mherian Policy la Scored.
Another member, Kotaro Mochizu
ki, referred to the anti-Japanese agi
tation in California. He scored the
Siberian policy and said he possessed
proofs that different views were held
in the war and foreign offices con
cerning it. While America had sent
nfy 7000 men to help the Pzecho-
Alder at West Park
of the Famous
BAGS and
At Greatly Reduced Prices Never Before Offered onThese Goods
The "Liklv" luErp-ae-e is the most DODular and the best made: most
Drug Department
Bathing Suits . .' $1.50 and up
Bathing Caps 250 and up
Goggles and colored Glasses 250 and up
Rubberized Sponge .Bags 500 and up
Bath Towels 350 and up
Cameras, Films, Carrying Cases and Tripods.
Sterno Stoves ; 050
Knife, Fork and Spoon all in one, very handy. $3.25
Clocks, from $2 to, .". ..$JO.OO
- Thermos Bottles and Kits.
Flash Lights . $1.00 and up
Slovaks, he . asserted. Japan had
dispatched a much stronger force
and America had protested against
Japan's attitude.
The opposition parties Introduced
a resolution declaring lack of confi
dence . in the ministry by the house
and listing five reasons why the gov
ernment should retire. The first or
these was that, ignoring the popular
demand, the ministry had refused to
introduce universal suffrage. The
second charged that, by dissolution of
the last diet, the gpvernment had
sacrificed the interests of state to
those of party.
Blundering ollcy Charged.
The third declared that by its blun
dering economic policy the govern
ment had plunged the country Into a
financial crisis. The fourth set rortn
that the way the government had con
ducted its foreign policy had gained
the derision and contempt of the pow
ers. The fifth claimed that the gov
ernment's indefinite Siberian policy
had resulted in the recent tragedy at
Nikolaievsk. Siberia, where 700 Japa
nese were- massacred by the bolshe
viki. Viscount Uchida, the foreign min
ister. Baid both the Japanese officials
and the people of America were striv
ing their utmost to una a solution oi
the Japanese questions. He praised
the efforts of Roland S. Morris, the
American ambassador.
Speaking with regard to suffrage.
Premier Hara said extension of the
franchise was necessary, but declared
he was unable to see why the social
organization should be destroyed.
Growers Reverse Conditions by
Seeking Market ' for Product.
KOSEBURG, Or., July 10. (Special.)
Contrary to conditions for the past
few years, prune growers of this
county are seeking Duycrs instead of
the buyers bargaining for their crop.
There is a decided lull in the prune
market at the present time, with lit
tle likelihood of any material change
during the season. '
Formerly the growers wanca iui
the ibuyers to come to them. Now
conditions are reversed. The price re
mains the same, 16 cents, and from all
appearances the market is closed.
Many of the larger prune growers
sold at the above price but quite a
number of the smaller ones refused
this offer.
Keli-o City Auditorium Repaired.
KELSO, Wash., July 10. (Special.)
The former Kelso Theater, which
was purchased recently by the city
for auditorium purposes, is being re
paired under the supervision of J. A.
Alexander, a local contractor. A new
heating plant has been installed, and
the structure is being repainted, and
' renovated and many P'ovments
made. The city waier omcc uxa ut
moved into the building, and rooms
have been prepared for a- council
ihamber. for club rooms for the fire
men and American Legion, and for the
city Ibirary.
(inolinc Supply Seems
ROSEBURG. Or July 10. (Special.)
Regardless of the gasoline shortage
throughout the southern part of the
state there seems to be no noticeable
inconvenience to tourists, fully 100
oars a dav passing through this city
for the past week, going north or
south, and upward of 50 cars are
narked nlcrhtlv in the local camping
grounds. Many miles of the Pacific
highway where construction work is
being carried on Is very rougn. .
Mr. Johnson on Way South.
KELSO. Wash.. July 10. (Special.)
p. f. Snyder, secretary to Albert
Johnson, representative In Congress,
and former editor of The Kelsonian,
visited in Kelso for a short time this
week. He came west a short time
IRS- ! - :!
ago from Washington, D. C, and with
his family is staying in Seattle. He
joined Mr. Johnson here en route to
California, where Mr. Johnson will
spend several weeks on important
committee Investigations.
Baker Invites Representatives.
BAKER. Or.. July 10. (Special.)
The secretary of the Baker county
chamber of commerce has been in
structed to do all that is possible to
induce Representative Sinnott and the
appropriations committee of the house
to visit Baker while on their tour
of the national parks and irrigation
projects. If they are unable to be
guests of Baker the chamber -Is plan
ning on sending a delegate to the
committee for the purpose of talking
over irrigation possibilities in Baker
New Kire Fight Plan Offered.
In order to fight .forest fires close
to the shores, a new plan Ms being
considered by the administration of-
fic of the forest reserve. It is
1 Y I
M f V f 1 II
R . I.:' ...... A I a I
1 ' fr ' I
jj jill "Right, hell! Might's right, and on this ship I'm the boss! 1 take what
jj I I want!" Such was the creed of the Wolf in this greatest of all sea
ij stories a story of thrills, struggles, mutiny and shipwreck until the
!j I Ih idler, fighting for the girl, becomes a MAN. The cast includes Noah Berry
III (the Wolf), Tom Forman, Raymond Hatton and Mabel Julienne Scott.
jj I The Theater Beautiful ' . rjW-j,"N
thought that by placing launches
equipped with high-pressure pumps
on the lakes that such fires may be
easily extinguished. The system would
call for one man to each launch and
would thereby reduce the forces and
would prove most effective against
lake shore blazes.
Bond Issue to Come TTp Today.
ROSEBURG. Or., July 10. (Special.)
At its meeting Monday evening tlte
Rostburg city council wilr consider
the matter- of issuing bonds . to the
amount 'of. $7000 for the purchase of
the aviation field, south of the city,
authorized in a recent city election.
The only objection -offered is that the
bends cannot be sold in the open-market
at par value at the present time.-'
'X" Secretary Goes-to Poland.
EUGENE.- Or.. July ip! (Special.)
H. W. Davis, for the past six or eight
months general secretary of the Eu
gene T. M. C. A., has resigned and
announces that he will engage in
Y. M. C. A. work in Poland. He will
leave for overseas within the next
month. Mr. Davis was for eight years
prior to the war pastor of the Baptist
church of this city. He resigned to
enter T. M. C. A. work and was sta
tioned In England.
Reticence Blocked Nomination, De
clares Judge Aniidon.
, LOS ANGELES, Cal.. July 10. Ex
penses of the campaign to obtain the
democratic presidential nomination for
William G. McAdoo, ex-secretary of
.he treasury, totaled $443. Judge S. B.
Amnion of Wichita, Kan., asserted
here today. Judge Amidon. who is .a
national democratic committeeman,
managed the McAdoo forces at the
San Francisco convention. He said
the money was supplied by himself
and three friends.
"The McAdoo campaign failed be
cause of McAdoo's reticence." said
Judge Amidon. "If he
had said the
ord. we could have nominated him
on the third or fourth Dauoi: tut jr
he did not want the nomination and A
consequently we could not make any 1
promises to obtain the necessary
Catholic Hospital Started.
BEND. Or.. July 10. (Special.)
Work was started here today on or
ders of the Sisters of St. Joseph on
excavatiohs preliminary to the con
struction of a $40,000 Catholic hospi
tal. Equipment will bring the total
outlay up to $60,000. The building will
be four stories in height, of fireproof
construction, of the Tudor gothio
architectural type.
'Hood River Without Caroline.
HOOD KlVKli, Or., July 10. (Spe
cial.) Hood Klver is without gaso
line today and a supply is not in sight
until prohahly Monday, when the
Standard Oil company expects- ship
ments from Portland. The famine
will limit local motoring tomorrow. A
number of tourists have been caught
with empty tanks.