TIIE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JTJL.Y 11, 1920 DC 1 PROWERS PUN TO POUND Steps Taken to Combat Ad vances of Bolsheviks. ARMY MEETS SUCCESS Battered Ilnes Arc Being Tight ened and Military situation Is Reported Improved. SPA. Belgium. July 10. (Havas.) Marshal Koch had a conference this niorninj? with the head of the Polish delegation at which dispositions were made under which the allies mipht help Poland in their fight against the bolsheviki. Better news from the Polish bol shevik front was received by Polish circles here today, the messages seem ing to indicate that the Poles were sncceeding in stabilizing their lines. The Polish question was the sub ject of a conversation yesterday be tween Premier L.loyd-Oeorge of Great Britain and Premier Milierand of France, the two prime ministers con sidering what, if anything, could be done to help the Poies In their pres ent military difficulty. Premier Lloyd-George is understood to have said that In view of the agree ment Just concluded between Great Britain and the Russian soviet gov ernment, he did not feel disposed to do anything more than give dtploma tice support to the roles. Premier Milierand Is reported as having re plied that, this elng the case. France could not go further. The note of -the Polish government respecting peace with the Moscow government was received today by the Polish delegation here to be com municated to the allied premiers. It !as stated by those connected with 'the delegation, however, that the not which was in code, had been so muti lated in transmission by telegraph that the delegation could not deter mine what it really contained. REPORTED RETREAT DOl'BTED Withdrawal of Forces Said to Be On l'rom Thrco roints. PARIS, July 10. rolish forces are withdrawing from Brest-Lit ovsk, VII na and Pinok. as a result of the great Russian bolshevik offensive, accord ing to a telegram received by the newspaper IVlnf ormation this morn- The Paris report of a withdrawal movement by the roles from Brest I,itv!k. Vilna and Pin.sk is not con firmed from any other source. Pinsk is not far back of the last reported Polish bolsheviki fighting line but the other places named are far re moved! from It. Advices received today declared the Poles were holding tip the bolshevik advance. This would seem to throw additional doubt upon the correctness of the Paris advices. MOVING Or CAPITAL. DENIED Foli'li -Minister Says Situation Is Better and Govrrnment Stays. WASHINGTON. July 10. The Pol ish povernment is not leaving War saw, declared Prince Castmir L,udo mirski. the Polish minister, in a state ment today denying a report cabled from Germany yesterday that It was the intention of Poland to move her teat of government from Warsaw. The statement declared ' t ha t news was received by the legation today from Poland to the effect that the Polish army was holding back, the bolshevik forces, that the entire na tion, as well as the army, was full of patriotic enthusiasm and that all the parties are united in an unbroken front. ; Six Americans Fly for Poland. NEW YORK. July 10. members of the American Flying club have re sponded to the recent call from Poland for members to volunteer for service in the Kosciusko escadrillo against the bolsheviki. WELFARE WORKERS OUT f Continued From First Pajre. 1919 and it devolved upon me to ap point three members I made every effort to select a high class personn and individually I think I succeeded n so doing. But various elements in this commission do not seem to ix and almost from the first there was continuous complaint in regard to the workings of the commission as a whole. t'omminHion Important One. "The great authority which the law gives this commission over all child caring agencies of the state makes it one of the most important bodies of stat government, and it is quite essential that as such it work along harmonious, as well as efficient lines, so that the various institutions and child-caring agencies concerned are not kept in continual turmoil. As I stated in my letter to each of the retiring commissioners, I hold the highest regard for each, individually. and it is with the keenest regret that I feel that this commission, a.3 it was constituted, cannot function In a manner which is for the best in terest of the state. In the selection of the new personnel I believe that this can be done. "It is my understanding that the new members of the commission will sever any connections which they may hold with any of the child-caring agencies coming under the control of the commission, and that they will devote all of their energies along child welfare lines to the work of the commission itself. All of the new appointees have "had large experience in child welfare matters and have been actively interested in such work for many years. nominees. Senator LaFollette and Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City, ex chairman of the United States Indus trial relations commission and leader of the friends of Irish freedom. James Duncan of Seattle, a leader In the shipyard strike there during the spring of 1919 and later a labor candidate for mayor of that city, en tered the convention as a delegate. ( He was elected chairman of the Washington state delegation and took an active part in the proceedings. Developments of the convention are being watched with interest by a number of labor, liberal and radical leaders who are not directly partici pating. Robert LaFollette Jr. at tended the opening session- on be half of his father, but refused to com ment on the elder LaFollette's prob able course if the presidential nom ination were tendered him. W. 2. Foster, secretary of the gen eral committee which conducted the strike in the steel industry a year ago and who figured in the senate Investigation of the strike, watched progress from a gallery. , W. ;. ( ililrrnood Attend. W. G. Calderwood, formerly an of ficial of the national prohibition party and several times a candidate for federal office on that ticket, sat in the Minnesota delegation. George L. Record of New Jersey was elected chairman of the platform committee and H. K. Wilkie of Mary land chairman of the committee on political procedure. Both bodies held executive sessions lasting well Into the night but arranged to carry on their work with the assistance of out siders tomorrow. The procedure committee devoted Its efforts to drafting a tentative plan under which the various groups may lend their support to a single presi dential candidate while carrying qn Independent work In the interest of their particular sets of ideas, or local requirements. "Group autonomy" was the obj:: ttve to be worked for, participants stated. After two hours of argument over rules and permanent officers, the con vention adjourned at 3 P. M. for lunch to meet again at E P. M. While the convention got under way the friends.of Irish freedom arrived, set up a booth on the sidewalk and unfurled banners urging the third party to "recognize Irish freedom." Speakers said that the convention must guard against charges being spread that all work done here was by "packed" committees. Debate grew heated at times while the western delegates continued to demand rep resentation on the . procedure com mittee. A motion by Mrs. Frank Page of Massachusetts to name a committee member from each state was defeated overwhelmingly. Permanent officers of the conven tion were installed without oratory when the convention assembled for its second session. Support of Labor Sought. C. J. France of Seattle Introduced a formal resolution of appeal to the labor party convention which opens Sunday, asking its delegates to unite as a body with the committee of 4S gathering. It was read amidst cheers and adopted by a rising vote. . "We realize that there is no mate rial difference, either in purpose or ideal, between us," it said in part. "We feel deeply the obligation rest ing upon us both to compromise any alight differences which might keep us from unifying into one great, suc cessful political movement. "Shall wo give our common enemy the unutterable Joy which would fol low our failure to unite in a solid phalanx? Conference Is Suga-ested. "With these thoughts which we know arc your thoughts, we suggest that your convention provide lor a sub t committee selected from your platform committee to confer with the sub-committee selected from our platform committee: that these two committees meet with a firm deter mination to attain a platform of fundamentals upon which . we can bolh unite, a method for concerts political action and common candidates. "We further suggest that all through the proceedings of our two conventions, such Joint conference committees be appointed from time to time, so that we may work In mutual harmony to the end that our two conventions may come together in one great body and present such challenge to the autocracy of America that this movement will go down In history." Differences between the committee of 4S and the labor party remained acute on the railroad problem, leaders Of both groups said. Both groups tand for government ownership but differ as to the amount of "demo cratlc management," which would at tach to the transportation systems if taken over by the government. Non-partisan league representatives who were represented to have pledged their aid In organizing the farmers of the northwest behind the new party announced that they were attending the conferences In a per sonal capacity only. NEW PARTY IS STARTED ("Continued From First Page.) the producers' league and consumers' league and Beveral other organiza tions. Tho committee of 48 embraces a number of well-known liberal lead ers, some of whom were prominent in the "bull moose" movement eight years ago. The committee was formed last year at St. Louis with a member for each state. While delegates debated rules and resolutions today their committee ontinu--1 n?s t iations with the labor party. Both conventions expect to be ready Monday to take up and com plete in one ('ay s session their plat form, which, it is expected, will - be almost Identical. On-ly two names, so far as known, will be presented to the labor "party lor consideration, aa presidential Commission oT Four to Sail as Soon as Passports Can He ob tained From Governmfnl. DKTROIT, Mich., July 10. A com mittee of American socialists will go to Russia to study social and eco nomic conditions as soon as passports fan be obtained, it was decided today at a meeting of the socialist national committee, here to map plans for the coming political campaign. The com mission will be similar to the British mission which some time ago visited Russia. The American committee, compoTed of four members, will make a report on conditions to the socialist party of America, it was announced. Members of the commission are Al gernon Lee, New York city alderman; J. K. Cohen, a printer of Philadelphia; James O'Neal, New York newspaper man, and Alexander Trachtenberg, doctor of philosophy at Yale univer sity, exiled from Russia following the revolution that preceded the over throw of the cxar. The socialist party will make an immediate appeal to President Wilson to act on the party's petition for re- ease from the Atlanta federal prison of Hugene V. Debs, socialist presiden tial candidate. Government to- Aid Air Service. ATTfITT W.ih T.i 1 v in ttj tz Smith, confidential secretary to Post- master-ueneral ifurieson, wno canea cx crwemmnt nfffclMln in Seattle to day, said the postal department will aid air mail service in the northwest in every possible way. With Mrs. Siiith and Judge and Mrs. Cooper Griggs, . collector of customs for vlnrlHa. Xtr. Smith is returning to Washington from the San Francisco convention by way of Canada. The price of an F.gyptlan war char lot at the time of Solomon was about jsno. . 3 Atiyeh Bros. exhibit of high quality dental presents untold possi bilities for beautifying the home at a moderate cost. Atiyeh Bros, Alder at Tenth mmmmm Do You Want to Save on Your Clothes? Three rules that will lower your clothing expense : First, buy good all-wool clothes such as are made in the Kirschbaum shops. Second, have several suits and alter nate them frequently. Third, keep the garments well pressed and properly hung when not in use. Kirschbaum Clothes in the new style S $40 to $65 PHEGLEY Sc CAVENDER Corner Fourth and Alder Streets During July and August SOCIALISTS TO GO ABROAD T AMERICANS WILL STUDY CON DITIONS IN RUSSIA. Brush Fire Dcslrojs Home. HOOn RIVKR, Or.. July 10. (Spe cial.) A brush fire burned the river side home of Homer O. Vanallen, owner of the Hood River-White Sal mon ferry, tndny. The fire also de stroyed a barn- filled with ealmon fisherman. Mr. Vanallen saved only gear owned by K. C. Wright, local a piano. UNFILLED ORDERS PILE UP Steel Corporation Is Behind -10,- 78,817 Tons, Says Report. NEW YORK. July 10. Unfilled Or ders of the United States Steel cor poration for the month ended June SO were 10.978,817 .tons, it j an nounced today. This is an Increase of 31,351 tons from the previou's total, when the figures were 10,047, 4fi. Today's total is th greatest since July. 1917, when unfilled orders ag gregated 10,844,164. BATUM GIVEN TO REPUBLIC Georgians Celebrate French and British Act as Holiday. BATUM, Trans-Caucasia, July 7. (Bv the. Asocla.ted Press The Brit ish and French turned the city and! province of Saturn over to the Georg ian republic today. The day was celebrated as a great nonaay. 100 DROWNED, IS BELIEF 1500 Houses in Seoul, Corea, Are Flooded by River Overflow. TOKIO. July 10. (By the Asso ciated Press.) One hundred persons are thought to have been drowned and 4500 houses flooded in .Seoul, Corea, by the overflowing of the River Han, according to advices from! Seoul today. Considerable other damage wast caused and troops hav been called out to protect the city, the advices I say; Tillamook County Man Fined. C. W. Kliot of Tillamook county was fined $300 in the federal court yes terday on a charpe ot sellinsr moon shine. Kliot entered a plea of guilty. Read The Oreeronlan classified ads. "Red Rock" Cottage Cheese possesses in a marked degree those qualities which build bone and muscle. It is a delight ful food, easily assimi lated, and it costs less than meat or eggs. At your dealer's. From 4nX meadows AV;MfiJ of clover vSSgy Hupmobile A bargain that can's be beat. Pay $275 Down Drive it as you paV the balance on easy terms. Price Only $850 See Mr. Kernqulut at W.H.WallingfordCo. J.1TH AND WASHINGTON DANCING TAUGHT All dances taught In 8 three-hour lessons. Ladles $3. gentlemen $5, at Ee Honey's beautiful academy. 23d and Washington. Begin ners' classes start Mon day and Thursday eve., advanced classes Tues day eve.. 8 to 11 :30. Plenty or 6eirabl partners and prac tice. No embarrassment. Learn from professional dancers in a real school. All the latest steps taught. Open all summer. Phone Main 7656. Private lessons all hours. Call at once. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE AND RENT Our Ftock Consists of Hlch-Clast Rebuilt Machines Only. RETAIL DEPT. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 WASHINGTON ST. Mala 68S1. ti l UlilUIIJ ill mi ill hi Bring Your Eye Troubles to Experienced Men if You Want the Best Service la - - fj' 9 ---jk-.-H6 Q'Our Ophthalmometer is one of the most 'scientific eye-testing instruments in the world. With it we can detect error of vision instantly. mm 209- : Scientific Knowledge of the highest order is required to recog nize and properly correct defects of vision. J It is extremely unsafe to permit anyone not thoroughly qualified to test your eye sight or to prescribe glasses for you. Not only is this expert knowledge neces sary; the latest scientific instruments and appliances are required and years of ap- plied experience to make the result of the examination absolutely certain. I Our many years' experience in scientific eyesight testing, fitting and making per fect glasses is at your disposal. J Complete lens-grinding factory on the premises. I 1 I SAVE YOUR EYES 1 1 Thompson Optical Institute Eyesight Specialists Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment 10-11 Corbett Bldg., 5th and Morrison Since 1908 - C3 liunim POISON OAK OR IVY NO LONGER TO BE DREADED A NTONE who has ever experienced -oak or Ivy poisoning will be grateful to know that this extremely painful and Irritating annoyance need not be feared, or longer remain troublesome. The pain. Itching, fever and irritation disappear almost like niagrio with a few applications ' of Santtseptia Lotionf and the eruptions and redness of the skin soon follow. Timely use of Santiscptic will even prevent the poisoning In many cases. "Santiseptic Lotion is the greatest remedy on earth for poison oak," eaya Carl I-arson of Canyonvllle, Or. '1 have had, it la all lorms on my face, arms and body. Nothing gave me relief until I tried Santiseptic I would not now be without Santiseptic in my home." Mr. Larson's experience Is but typical of thousands of others who have had the misfortune to be come infected with poison ivy. Santiscptic also heals other skin Irritations, such as sunburn, wind burn, chafing, fever and cold sores, n., . v. inAn l. ; t t . - remarkable soothing and healing lo- I linn Min iika it aft.p Eh.vin. t women for the complexion and baby's skin. SantiFeptic is easily procured at most drugstores and toilet groods counters aud costs but 50 cents. Adv. Jantzen's Bathing- Suits In all styles, sizes and colors. Men's. Women's and Children's. All prices, S3.50 to Sit. SO. "The Store That U nder sells Because a Sells for Cash" Store Closes Wed. 1 P. M. rfifter's Cotton and Worsted Kathins Suits in all styles, col ors, sizes. s:t to ..o suit. Both, women's and children's. Continued With Amazing Values Our Great Stock-Lowering GORSET SALE The Best of High-Grade Guar anteed Corsets in the Season's Most Popular Models at $3.95 ft Miss This Sale and You 11 Miss a Wonderful Saving Opportunity Midseason finds us with hundreds of dozens of high-class regular stock models that we must immediately dispose of to make room for fall goods. Now, to be brief, this is what we offer: 5 Models in Rengo Belt Corsets 5 Models in Henderson Corsets 8 Models in Merit o Corsets 6 Models in R. and G. Corsets 3 Models in Col ma Corsets All at One Price $3.95 A All Pair, and Guaranteed If space permitted itemizing- the different lots we are sure the majority of our trade would instantly see a particularly favored model and an. out-of-the-ordinary saving! Nothing but strictly guaranteed high-class Brocades, Satins, Fancies, fine quality Coutils, Pckin Stripes and Novelties. Every size to 36 in the assortment, but not in each model. Slender, average, average to stout and stouts every figure provided for. Yes, and to make this sale of greater importance we include FOUR HEAVY STEEL ELASTIC. WATCH SPRING. DOUGLE - BONED MODELS WITH REINFORCEMENTS for the FULL figure in the RENGO BELT REDUCING CORSETS with medium and low bust, and seven snappy Sport Models with full elastic waist or inserts others in Henderson and Colma front lace styles, all at one price, $;J.93 a pair. Tempting Values in Summer Sewing Needs in Dainty Laces and . Embroideries Desirable styles and dependable qualities in laees and em broideries selling; this sale at the lowest prices you have seen for years. Thoughtful women will purchase now for both present and future needs. Come see for yourself what unusual values are being offered at this sale. You have choice from: ALL SORTS OF LACES AT Sc YD. Dainty French Val Edges and Insertions also English and Domestic Imitation Cluny and Torchon Edges and Inser tions in white and ecru all at 5 yard. Dainty EMBROIDERIES A T 10c YD. v In this assortment are Edges Insertions, and Readings in a wide variety of patterns. They come in Swiss, Longcloth and Cambric and all priced for this sale at 10 f yard. FRENCH VAL LACES AT 10c YD. Very pretty French Val Edges and Sets in medium and wide widths, also real Linen Barmen Edges and Insertions Imitation Filet and Maltese Laces all at 1) yard. Embroidered - SKIRTINGS AT 29c YD. Both Imported and Domestic Embroidery Skirtings in 8 to 12-inch widths they come in fine Swiss and Cambric, and are shown in patterns with fine, firm edges. Choice at 29? yard. TIIE POPULAR LACES AT 25c YD. A wonderful lot of Imitation Crochet, Filet, Cluny, Carrick Macross and many other styles in 4 to 6-inch widths. Both Bands and Edges; and all at 23? yard. Crepe GEORGETTES A T 50c YD. Mo.st desirable for making neckwear and trimming sum mer dresses. A fine quality Georgette with hand-loom em broidery in white and colored work this sale at ,"0? yard. VOILE FLOUNC1NGS AT 50c YARD Pretty white and colored Voile Flouncings a full variety of choice patterns. This sale at .jO?. 36-inch width. VOILE FLOUNCINGS AT $1.00 YARD Fine Voile Flouncings in white embroidered in two-tone colored silk also white in eyelet and raised patterns. This sale at $1.00 yard. Thousands of Yards Fancy Dress Voiles In an early season, underpric ing that permits of a worth while saving. Just at a time when these beautiful summer fabrics are in greatest demand. Three grcaMots to select from: 50c Yd. Unlimited choice from both light and dark colored patterns, suitable for both women's and children's garments. 38 - inch width. 98c Yd. Dress Voiles that sold regu larly up to twice the above fig ure all styles and colors; and all brand new goods. $1.48 Yd. At this special price you have choice from all our Silk-stripe and Silk-figured Voiles beauti ful styles and colors in 36 and 38-inch widths. Exquisitely Dainty and Beautiful Crepe de Ghine and Georgette Waists Unusually Underpriced $2.99 From many of our most popular lines we have selected all broken assortments and grouped this special offering. Included are styles with both long and short sleeves in flesh and pink. Also Pongee Waists with long sleeves all at this special price $2.99. SILK BROADCLOTHS A T $2.95 YARD 33-inch extra weight Broad cloths in pretty stripe patterns. All colors a silk for waists or shirts that will wash like linen. $2.95 yard. Mother Jersev RIBBED UNION SUITS AT $1.95 A SUIT Form-fitting Union Suits in white and ecru short sleeves with ankle or '94 length leg. Also long sleeves in ankle length at $1.95 suit. $3.99 In this underpriced offering are to be found the very best styles in fine Crepes de Chine and Georgettes. Sizes 36 to 44, in flesh and white, in styles with both long and short sleeves. Choice from all, this sale, at $:j.99. New Balbriggan SHIRTS AND DRA WERS A T 79c A GARMENT A standard make in season able weight, perfect - fitting Shirts and Drawers with bi cycle scats. All sizes this sale at 79? garment. STRIPE JAP SILKS AT $1.69 YD. o6-Inch Stripe Jap Silks at a sharp price reduction. A fine heavy quality shown in a choice range of colors priced for this sale at $1.69 yard. Helpful Hints for the Canning Season - r m t t -, -, m j w m m w m r ' t IN OUR BASEMENT Silco Wide-mouth Jar, qt., per doz $1.35 Ball Mason Jar, qt., per doz $1.00 Mason Jar Caps, per doz .30? Sealer Jar Rubbers, per doz ....5? Good Luck Jar Rubbers, doz. 10?, 3 doz.. . .25? Jar Wrenches 15? Fruit Strainers 35? Jelly Strainers , $1.00 10-qt. Aluminum Preserving Kettle $1.95 6-qt. Covered Kettle '$1.95 ! Our Store Now Opens i at 9 A. M. The Most in Vqhie- The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M.