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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
THE .SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1020 SEAL ESTATE. For hal PHONB MARSHALL 1898. ROPE CITY DISTRICT. No. 48. This S-room bungalow snd den with an extra fine corner lot, located in the heart of the ex clusive district under the hill. This home was built when they built them riKht. Immediate, possession. Price $4750. $1000 cash. Balance It as than rent. No. rn. On 7-room. No. 40. One 5-room . $4350 $4200 HAWTHORXB DISTRICT. No. 52. Completely furnished bungalow, 5-rooni bungalow on one on one of the prettiest corners, in. ThiH place is completely furnished. We tan show you better than we can tell you about it. Total price is only $1500, $1500 cash, balance like rent. No. 14. One S-room house $3700 No. One 8-room house $5on0 No. 27. One 7-room house $ 4750 ALBERTA DISTRICT. VACANT. PRICK 52275. $500 CASH. No. 43. 5-room house, bath and toilet, basement, 1 Va blocks from t-ar line, close to school, nice cozy home for you. Very pretty tot, 5ox 1 'in, with fruit trees, garden, lots oC,XIo wers. RKAI.TT DEPARTMENT. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 25 STARK ST. NEAR FOURTH, i'liune Marshall Xb'JU. furnish f;d bungalow. A rtiM ic .'i-rnom bungalow with good furn iture, living room has nice fire pi ace and den, with built-in bookcases, ru-e electric fixtures; dining room has artistic buffet with large piate,-glass mirrors, beam ceiling; two large, light bed rooms with but h between ; Dutch itcht-n in wiute, half cement basement S oor, good furnace, garage, lot 40xlO0, hard -surface street now going in; $4000, $l0iu cash, $50 .month including Interest at 7 per cent. O. W. Muellhaupt Co., C E. Adams. 407 U. S. National Bank b id k , Broadway 33S ; residence. Wood la wn 33,t. WEST SIDE HOME. To close est at e San Francisco owner desirous of selling a 7-rooin roirirnte in line cond iiion, ready to move in, at 3V5 12th st.. near M ontgomery. Will consider terms. Owner on prein ises Monday and Tuesday 12 to 4, or phono Last 610. XslCK residence for sale in Corvallis. Or., near o. A. C. administration building, 0 rooms and bath on one floor, large front east porch, nice big fireplace, dining room has built-in buffet, kitchen Jias all built-in feat urea, a fine full cement basement, witli laundry room, fruit room and large fuel room; house built 4 venrs ago and is in fine condi tion. mU'ht consider exchange for Portland residence of 0 or 7 rooms. Ad dress box 102, Corvnllis. Or. IKVlNliTUiv 8-room Dutch Colonial In very best of condition, finished in old ivory, tapestry walls, oak floors, Jovel-y living room, tun room, divided by folding doors; very at tractive dining room ; open for inspec tion dailv 10 to 4 P. M.: take a look; 6oli K. 12th st. N. ; price $S5o0. C. M. I'KUR. COR A. M'KENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. QUICK ACTION POSIT! V ELY SAVES YOU $-00 Any of our pretty, new, modern, well built bungalows for sale today at $2O0 less than regular price. Buy today and save this amount on your home. ('. F. BOND REALTY CO. THE 1 DEAL HOME BUILDERS. 1230 SANDY BLVD. T A BO it 3523. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS. WKSTOVKK HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial home, buitt of hollow tile and stucco, on ciou lle lot, with u nobs t rue ted view of city, mountains and river ; every new (nature, including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand-painted solarium. 12 sets French doors, 3 tile baths, double ga rat, gas, hot water heat. 107!) Westover road. 11. R. Torroy, owner, Tabor407. " I R V I NGTON B IT N C, A LOWS. 7.'tl E. DSth St. N. East 410. Six rooms and sewing room, h- w. floors, French doors, fireplace, bookcases, massive buffet. all ivory throughout, includes all drapery, $150 range, laundry equipped and linoleum ; vacant, $15no cash, bal. to suit. OWNER. EAST 410. 0-ROoM, ex ti a well -built, modern house, w it h over a n acre of ground, lots of fruit, located on a corner, paved street, 1 block from car; a choice property that would be very hard to duplicate at any price, and this ono for only $12,000; terms if desired. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 0 1 0 1 1 e nry b 1 d gJ $;i;,UO $1400 CASH, BAL. MONTHLY, a-room bungalow, fireplace, buil t-in bookcases, buffet, complete kitchen, nice, lawn, roses, some fruit, on hard surfaced street, all liens paid; would consider Close-in acreage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. s:;oo down, move in. 0 rooms, bat h, basement, attic, fur nace, trays, gas and electric fixtures, 2 storiea. hard surface, no liens, block south of Alberta car; $3550. easy terms at 7 per cent 1010 E. Pith st. iortn. Key at 1030. Phone T. 2337. HAW T HOKXB D 1 S T R I C T . We have a 5-room cottage, excellent plum bin g, cement basement, .ifxlUU lot fruit ai.d shrubbery, on car Tine. Get bus v. $2" no. . HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 3tith and Hawthorne. Tabor 7403, TAKE IRVINGTON CAR. Brand new 0-rnom bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood floors, furnace and built-ins; all street improvements paid S;t.a cash will handle it : go see It to day. f2l E. 10th at North. Phone owner. East 4000. UNIVERSITY PARK. 1 block to car; 10 room house, modern, fine condition. 07? joo-ft. lot: swell tent-house, all kinds of fruit and shrubbery ; $3300. cash $2200. A real buv. Let mo show you. Owner. P Yanadermeer. 270 "s Fourth st. Phone M m in 5:: 55 mornings. Main 030 P. M. 5-KuoM modern bungalow, Waverleigh H eights : sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and built-ins; just pa in ted. All improvements in and paid. One blocK to car. $4000, terms. No agents. Sellwood 1 IS t 0 . HAWTHORNE Modern G-room bungalow. In pink of condition, well located, close to school and car; r.n-foot lot; $4200. COE A. M'KENNA CO. S2 Fourth St. Main 4322 LACRELHURST $5200. Colonial buncalow with very large liv lng room, dining room with concealed bed; fireplace. H. W. floors, basement, floored ; ttic ; everything paid ; terms. HENRY W. UUUUARU, 243 Stark St CoZ Y 3 -room cottage, one-half block Al berta car; close Union ave.; cement base Tnent. pantry and bath, electric and itas. 40s 1 00 lot ; berries, fruit and flowers: easy monthly payments; cheap. Owner, onti lawn 4t-r.. BY owner. 5-room modern bungalow; large attic. gas tire pi ace. Dutch kitchen, hi. i i t-ins. wash trays : perfect condition. lion l.",th su N.. Alberta. Price 3250. $no down. balance as rent. Phone Woodiawn 1047. IRVINGTON. 400 E. 14th st. N. splendid location 7 rooms, i urn ace, fireplace, ooxlOO lot price $.noo: terms. F. E. BOWMAN Su CO.. . 210 Cham, of Commerce. Main 3026. OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE Modern 0 room house in East Central addition, close in; will sell for $3000; will con sid.r $2000 cash., balance reasonable terms. Phone Enst 4"4h. DUPLEX HOUSE SNAP. 6 rooms in each apt., separate furnace, fireplace, each apt. rents lor $45 np month ; walking distance. Main 7921 Tabor a31!l. IRVINGTON. Fully modern o-room bungalow ; on corner lot; op-n from 7 to 8 :30 evening- S. E. corner of 16th and Cllckitat streets. $2 SOU. " Near Laurelhurst park, 5-room bun galow; improvements in and paid; $800 cish. 220 East 34 th st. Sunny side or I i a w t home car. FOR SALE $500 equity in 5 -room mod ern house and lot. Mt. Scott district, ciose to car and paved road. A K 755, OreKonian. BY OWNER. $5O0 cash, $30 month, buys 5-room buniilow; price 2iH; worth $500 more; a hautv. 4000 04th st. S. E. -RO M bungalow, furnace, fireplace, ha rd wood t'ioors, garage ; for sale by o ner. Tabor 48 1 a FOR S A LE 6-room house, fine hot-water heater. 401 E. 37th. J. A. Finley. Tabor . B r o a dway 2 777. FOR SALE by owner. 6-room modern fur nisher! or unfurnished; will reduce price for a few days. East ON 70. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern 2-slory. 7-room house. . Call afternoons. Owner, Main 2986. 7-ROOM modern house with hardwood floors Cali owner. Tabor 6310. MODERN 5-room bungalow, Willamette Heights. Call owner, Main 5404. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Ho usee. FRANK L. McGUIRE Offers the following distinctive homes, chown f rom . Portland's exclusive residence dis tricts. Homes of QUALITY, combining comfort and beauty: IRVING TON. $11,500 IRVLYOTOX's loveliest home; first storv of brick, stucco panel, ULTRA-MODERN, sun parlor. fireplace, bookcase, HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT; 4 light, airy bedrooms up; BEAUTIFUL OROUXDS 140x50; TERMS. On Tillamook, near 27th. $ 8.430 Beautiful Irvlngton distinctive home; 7 rooms, artistic fireplace in living room, paneled dining room with cove ceilings, cozy den; SLEEPING PORCH; ga rage; 04x100. TERMS. East 13th, near Halsey. $ 5.S0O IRVINGTON HOME OF RARE CHARM AND BEAUTY. 5-room superior ultra-modern bunga low ; massive builtins, f Irejplace, ideal Dutch kitchen. HARD WOOD FLOORS, sleeping porch ; a home you'll love to live in, E. 10th, near Brazee. TERMS. WEST -SIDE. $10,000 BEAUTIFUL STUCCO HOME on HEIGHTS TERRACE. S rooms. ultra-modern; VIEW UNSURPASSED; lower heights. AN UNUSUALLY DISTINC TIVE HOME. $ 6,000 Massive lines, has this artiftlc typical -room WILLAMETTE HERJ-HTS bungalow, very well- built, fireplace, furnace, 3 sun ny sleeping rooms, built-in con veniences; First St., Va block to car. EASY TERIS. ROSE CITY. $ 6,300 Distinctive ROSE CITY 6-room clever bungalow, every con ceivable built-in, plate-glass windows, art buffet, bookcases, fireplace, HARDWOOD FLOORS, indirect lights; GA rage; double-constructed bunga low of EXCEPTIONAL VAL UE; E. Z'Jtht near Knott. $ 6,100 UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY; 6 large, airy rooms, massive b u 1 1 t - 1 n s. HARDWOOD FLOORS, artistic lighting features, best white enamel plumbing, full cement basement with furnace ; GA RAGE, Terms, E. 46th, cor ner; Alameda. LAURELHURST. $ 7,300 L O V E L Y LAURBLHURST home. 8 rooms besides child's , nurserv; massive buiit-ins, HARDWOOD FLOORS through -out; breakfast room, etc., street liens al 1 paid ; this home la w or: h $10,000. and is an UN DISPUTED BARGAIN; Irving, nea Hazeifern place. LAURELHURST. $ 6,000 A beauUt'ul 0-room bungalow. Ideally situated on Floral ave., in LAURELHURST; low, sweep ing 1 i nes, li om eli k e living room with fireplace; French doors lead to solid -paneied dining room with massive bu f fet and another artistic fireplace; mod el Dutch kitchen; hard-surfaced st.. liens paid; VERY EASV TERMS. PIEDMONT HOMES. $ 7,000 E X C L U S I V E PIEDMONT HOME, commodious and beau tiful, X rooms, massive built ins. SOLID M A H O G A.N Y' WOODWORK, large family sleeping porch. HOT-WATER HEATING SYSTEM, garage, fu'll corner lot; Rodney ave. $ 5.350 BEAUTIFUL TREES shade this, one of PIEDMONT'S love liest homes; full width, heavy columned front veranda; six rooms, practical, splendid con struction; full lot, Coiumercia. street. A SUMMER PARADISE. $ 5,500 OWNER jn Alaska authorizes us to dispose of his beautiful U-room home, solid concrete front porch, full width and side of house; splendid summer grounds, 120x200, with abun dance of fruit, flowers, shrubs, etc. ; doutble garage. Y'ou could not duplicate this home today for $10,000. TERMS. If you're wanting a DISTINCTIVE HOME, combining comfort, durability and beauty, at prices to meet with your approval, look over our display of EX CLUSIVE HOMES. Se FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Main 100S. 106iA 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. An attractive home of seven rooms and large sleeping porch, modern and in fine condition, two baths, large base ment and attic, nearly lOOxloO ground. A most convenient location with beauti ful wooded view ; to close the estate will sell for $U,500, some terms. SAMUEL R. NORTON, 610 Henry building. Bdwy. 2326. VANCOUVER 5-room modern bungalow. cement basement, gas, water. luuxlO'i lot, 4 walnuts, 3 apple, 4 cherry. 2 pear and 2 prune trees. Berries, chicken house and run. garage, neat storage bldg., graded street, cement walk, fir trees. Pretty little home. Am em ployed in Portland and wish to move. Will take $looo cash, an auto up to $7oo and the balance in monthly pay ments, total $3200. Phone 655R. Van couver; Main 7414, Portland. WEST SIDE SNAP. 100x100 with nine-room modern house, done in hardwood and mahogany ; has three baths and five fireplaces; built by an architect for his own home ; price 50 below value at $17,0u0. You are in vited to Investigate these and many other exclusive listings which w& have to offer. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Rank Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, fireplace, bookcase, buffet built in. kitchen and pantry, large cool er, full cement basement, new furnace, wash room and trays, fruit room, 50x100 lot. paved street, Vs block to Sandy. Price only $4400; liberal terms. Call 304 Va Oak st. Bdwy. 266- Evenings and Sunday, Wdln. 4417. BEAUTIFUL home, Willamette Heights, S loveiy rooms ana sleeping porch, hard wood floors throughout the entire house, most wonderful large living room, grand view; located only 1 block from car. Will sell for cash or trade for part of value. PACIFIC REALTY CO., Main 847. 400 Spalding Bids. ROSE CITY" DISTRICT. Nice little 4-room bungalow, fine lot, good location, near car; bath, Dutch kitchen, basement, nice lawn, roses and shrubbery ; garage; $ I Sou. terms, Y'ou can't beat it. Phone 318-32; inquire 62 E. 75 N. WALKING distance, 6-room house. A -1 condition, built-ins. concrete basement, ftationary tubs, new shades, linoleum, fine garage, cement floor and ruuwav. corner lot. fruit, shade trees. lawn, flowers. $3500. terms. 555 E. Sth. cor ner of Woodward ave. $6UO0 IRVINGTON $0000. New and modern in every detail; six large rooms, papered with very best tapestry paper, hardwood floor, attic and garage; 150 E. 20th N., near Stanton st. Phone Woodiawn 4S41. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $41)00 $1300 DOWN. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, garage, 49th near Sandy. Call Main 1038. or Main 440S. Mr. Schomacker. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Ust st.. near Harrison, strictly modern R-room house, all conveniences: roomy, convenient ga rage. For quick tale, $5000. Can oc cupy July 15. Call owner. Tabor 500S. for appointment. LA U R E LH URST. 7-room bungalow on Ankeny st., ele gant plumbing, hardwood floors in ail rooms, tile bath, garage, modern and complete in all respects. Phone owner and builder. N. O. Eklund, Tabor 0O. EAST PTH NEAR ASH. Good 6-room house with basement; streets paved and paid; good condition and walking distance. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. MUST SELL NOW 5 ROOMS, $2800. . Modern bungalow, , block Sellwood car. 18 minutes ride, near shops, excel lent .condition. $750 cash. Marshall 122 or Sellwood 2"o6; no fair offer refused. WANT TO GET IN TOUCH WITH SOJV.E ONE WHO WILL BUY $100,000 RESI DENCE FOR $30,000. . G. C. GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. BEAUTIFUL 7-room home, ideal location, every convenience, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, hot-water heat. 341 E. 60th st. Tabor 7734. IRVINGTON BARGAIN Charming, small home, near Knott, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, garage, $6000; easy terms. Neu hauser. Main 878. ALAMEDA PARK. Brand new 6-room bungalow, well built, modern and complete. Owner and builder. N. O. Eklund. Tabor 6Kt. FOR SAL E cheap. 3-room house, lot 5o j no. chicken barn ; price $560, $100 and balance on terms. 6132 8ith st. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car. 3 blocks south. BY OWNER 6-room modern house, full sightly lot in Irvington; two blocks to car; for quick sale $3600 on terms. Wdln. 380S. ROSE CITY PARK. o-room oungaiow, modern. garage, some iruit, tine location, immediate pos session. Call Tabor 5319, Main 7031. REAL ESTATE. For Kali -House. DEKUM & JORDAN. HOME BARGAINS. IRVINGTON. $4500 0 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, corner lot. Good terms. ROSE CITY PARK. 2 new bungalows, just com pleted. Select your own fix tures and shades. Located close to Sandy below the hill. Priced right. JONESMORE. $1500 4-rpom plastered house, lOOx 100 ground. Fine fruit and berries. House In best of re pair. $250 cash, balance monthly. DEKUM & JORDAN, 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4th and Stark Sta. 2233 Main. 6-ROOM SANTA BARBARA BUNGALOW. In Popular Sunnyside District. Last breath in modern California home design ; close cornice, gabled window caps pergola and canopied entry. Full depth plastered basement, with stat trays. "Newly-wed' kitchen. floored with inlaid linoleum; 3 bedrooms (or 2 and den), large living room (west front), entire house done by recognized decora iorV, harlwoi finish floors, large Rouble garage matches house, with joint rull width runway. Built by owner when all materials were bought at lower than present; cannot be duplicated at 30 per cent advance. Shown by appt. only. J abor 1702. FOR SALE An up-to-date modern 5 -room bungalow with 10 lots. 50x100 each, cov ered with heavy-bearing fruit trees, prunes, apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries and grapes, raspberries, logan berries, gooseberries and currants. This Place is in S. E. Portland. 6 blocks from Hawthorns car line. Price Stimm, $1000 cah; your own terms on" balance at 0 Pr cent Interest. ROB BINS REALTY CO.. OOH Foster Road. Tabor 8673. Evenings. Tabor 7031. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 5-room bungalow, very nobbv looking, large rooms, plate glass windows, French doors. gray tile fireplace, bookcases, beautiful bath, built-in linen closets and plate mirror. Clothes chute, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. combination sleeping room. large, deep concrete basement, Gasco furnace, shades, fix tures, etc. On car line; improvements in and paid; fine porch; magnificent views. House will stand inspection. Cash or terms. Owner. Main 3:0. 1 R VI N G TO N HOME B A RG A I N S. I have 2 line 2-story 8 and 9-room nomes in most exclusive section, near car. that I will soli this week at far bolow market value. Thev have just been repainted and decorated inside and out and are like new. One is on a large corner, nas garage, plate glass windows i " 'jo ii b'-tos uoor Knobs throughout ; l.xrfd living room; both finished in old Ivory. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407 A SNAP. . me '-roorn house, buffet. Ironing .ovi eeaia ouitt in. finished attic, lull cement basement, wash travs fruit closets, hot-air furnace, hot-water heat er large yard with six fruit trues: will sen lurnmiied or unfurnished. Phone ?nerIEast 4V'VS' caU mornings before OK SAA-' Must be sold this week, a good o-room cottage, woodshed, chicken house and pen, fruit and shade trees; sidewalks and curb; fine corner lOOxloti n6 oiL A'04 Kast 39th 6t- southeast; 300 feet dff of Woodstock ave in East moreland district, close to Reed college; b,ou nomes on all sides; if looking for a nome. see it. then see me. 2G3& Salmon st. J. J. Banta. lfe -STORY 6-room bungalow, living room uining room. Kitchen, 1 bedroom, bath LWitl uownsiair, 2 bedrooms up sta rs. b or the price asked this w f very beautiful place. 2 blocks to school and 2 blocks to car; fioxlou lot, with Iw.A be.rrie!i and beautiful shrubbery; $1J00. Investigate this on". JOHNS O X -1 ) O Tj KO M f ' rS 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 31 87 $2.s.i) CoOU CASH. $20 monrhly. Rose City i-ar car. cosy o-room bungalow fine condition, complete plumbing, electric- il.t . nan, i u ii oHsement, Wash tra ep:enaiti auxitm corner lot. fine lawn very nice fruit trees and shrubberv: garage. Here Is your cnance. Quick LOVELY HOME $5Uu nr.WN 8 fine rooms, beautifully decorated ivory woodwoik, furnace, laundry trays. jluiv n Htm, ovj eiecinc range, lol i2x-3, garage, Fplendid view of moun tains; price $4500. A positive sacrifice Call S. VV. corner 55th and Couch. Ta V r 854. THAT VACANT LOT. wny not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences, anything; furnish plans and Iinance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. m-.. Attiiejr -o.. inc., vzi iNi. vv. Bank HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. oo iook at cor. 20th and Taylor You will see a 6-room 2-stoy home, spick and i'" niiu.e arm out, ideally located move your rurniture right In. Sacrifice HAWTHORNE REALTY CO cor. Jtn and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. $2000 S7UO CASH 4-room bungalow htyle home with two additional unfinished rooms upstairs which could be used as sleeping rooms -gas and electric lights, complete kitch en, good basement, 4Oxl0o-ft. iot. garase JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. V. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN Most desirable 10-room modern house cn lower heights, very choice neighbor nood. only short walk from business center. This is a foreclosure and cai be bought now at about half its vaiu. BROOKE. Marshall 4827. value. FIrY,n"ROM funglllw Jwt completed, full cement basement with laundry travs extra large lot; small payment Will Price $3H500. eaay lermS n lhu balance. JOHN E. HOWARD. Chamber of Commerce. WHY" PAY Ti RVT?" When you can buy a 3-room plastered bungalow with large lot, close to car line on monthly payments. B. M. PRICE & CO., 200 Henry Bld-f. LA UR E LH URSf! t ea,utiful 7-room home with sleeping any finished .rom: v WIn artisUc au imisned. H. Vv . fjoors. An ideal home, ideally located, for onlv imi HENRY W. GODDAR'pjJjS STark 4V MODERN WEST SIDE FLATS 50vl an IS7MV UKEAT IKJ LIKE JCE W ! . . G. C COLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. FIVE-ROOMg, Gasco furnace, hardwnrf floors garage; asked $6000 for it la T'Jl "t0-y: owner' m'ovi" to I acoma; must sell. East 1541 or 'Jbi n.. t landers et. 440 E. 2 1ST. N " 8-room bungalow, living' room 16x!0 sun room, quaint dining rOOm. iHrira iuicu tvnciieit, x oearoom floor. 2 bedrooms and sewing roofn 5 floor; garage. Phone East 7076 "d n nil l . . - RICHMOND DISTRtpt" Five-room. modern bung-low $3uoo. terms. galow S. S. PRENTISS 015 Chamber of Commerce Bide only A REAL SNAP 6-room house, 2 blo.k to car, 50xlOO lot, fruit and kII. $2b50, $650 cash, balance ea-Ty berrle: JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N. W. Bank bldg. M''in o-o- FOR SALE by ow ner, house, lot Goxl4- i 'i bearing fruit trees, electric lights. gaS g .1 w.. ' tiiitften nouse barn $s.i0, JojO cash, 2 years nn and bal.. 0328 51st ave. S. E. J Slct r v-G I.' TV, V . - $26U0 Brand new 3-room bungalow IjT tricity. ga. tun basement; lot 50ia. nine bearing fruit trees; cherries rH pick. Ownor. 2100 Holladay ave. Tabor ALAMEDA PARK. ouO seven rooms, niodern; home witn nne lawn, -roses and fir 1 Come quick. Main 1100. wo. PIEDMONT. Strictly modern y-room house- tint water heat, exclusive district. Woodl la w n 1 8 t . BY OWNER New 6-room modern bun" low, lot 50x100, unobstructed view ' of ...p, -.r , consiaer small .v.. . ""-o i y MUULni six-ivum umigaiow. large iiiit rooms, furnace, cement basement ruvA and paid, Mawtnorne. very reasons hil Owner. Tabor .40. SEVEN-ROOM house, lot 100x100- beauri" ful fruit and flowers, paved street- own era leaving town, must sell. 1213 Will iams ave. 318-25. ALBERTA bargain Lot EoxToo smTTl house; gas and electric; cheap for cash or terms; non-residence cause of sale Phone East 8275. 1 FOR SALE FINE- MODERN HOME j ROSE CITY PARK. PHONE 312-70. REAL ESTATE. ONLY $2700 for two Ktores. one of them perfectly equipped for a bakery, a good oven already there. A big cement base ment, on Weidler st., close in. No. 288 and 2(to, 10O feet from Weidler car line. This property the former owner was offered $0500 for and refused it. The present owner desires to cash in imme diately, no therefore offers this valua ble property clear of every thing for $2700. It must be all cash. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $4S00. on E. 45th st., a new 7 room bungalow, double constructed, full cement basement, furnace, hardwood oak floors, fireplace, all of the interior fin ish in white enamel, paved streets, ce ment aidewalks all In and paid for, $60 worth of wood in basement, brand-new linoleum on the kitchen, pantry and bathroom; everything goes for the price of $4$M; half cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $1700 buys and pays in full for a very good 5-room cottage, close in on Brooklyn st., on one carline and only one block from another ; $300 cash, the balance $25 per month. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $350. In Rose City Park dis trict, on East 53d St., practically new 5-room bungalow with room in the attic for three more good -sized rooms. This bungalow is modern, up-to-date and very classy appearance ; has fireplace, full basement with concrete walls, cement sidewalks and full lot; lots of shrubbery and flowers. This Is one of the best buys in Rose City Park district. $2000 cash win handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $6500. In thft center of the city on the west side, close in to every one of the civic buildings, courthouse, city hall, city auditorium, high school and a grade school, the largest in the city, a block away. Now listen to this. Here is 106x100 feet, a corner, paved street, every improvement in and paid for. On this corner there are 4 good houses, of which at the present rental, and this is the hard -times low rental, as the rents have not been advanced, which ts an uncommon thing, of this place to every other place in the city, where they have been advanced over and over again; anyhow, suffice it to say that the rents will stand an increase today and forever twice what is now being paid without oppression, but the present rental will net the purchaser more than 12 per cent net on this investment. You can-occupy one house yourself and forever afterward from the other income received make big money. This is about the price of the lots, to say nothing of the buildings; $2500 in cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. LAURELHTRST NIFTY BUNGALOW REAL VALUE A GEM $7200. We just want you to compare this with some of the bungalows you have seen for $Sooi. You make your own comparisons. You just couldn't build a home any better, the arrangement is ideal and truly no woman could ask for any more in a bungalow than you will find here. You just pic ture the kind of a home you want draw on your Imagination as strong as you like and here you will find it. Among the outstanding features we will men tion hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, buffet, French doors, tile bath with latest designed fix tures, convenient breakfast nook, etc. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st,. near 3d. Main 30i2. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. . (Open Sunday. PHONE MARSHALL 1898. $200. Just think, only $200 down and $30 per month buys this new home ; extra 1 lne o-room bungalow, big lot 40x1 16. evtj-y modern convenience, furnace, fire place, cement drive in for garage, full cement basement with laundry trays; in fact, modern in every way. One block to car line, right in the hoart of the very best home district. Price $4650, $20O cash, bal. $50 per month. Better hurry. Realty Dept. LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO. 2S5 Stark St., Near 4th. Marshall 1898. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. KOxlOO $420(1. $750 Cash Will Handle. OWNER SAYS THIS COST HIM $50no, but must sell at once. Here truly is a remarkable house for that money. Lots of fruit and ber ries. This house is modern in every way except hardwood floors. Fire place, full cement basement, fur nace, etc. Assessments paid. $750 cash, balance easy. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st., near Third. Main 3092 Branch Office. Goth and Sandy (.Open Sunday.) WALNUT PARK. A splendid 6-room home on Cleveland ave., one block from car; modern to the minute, except oak floors ; . JIM x 100 lot, some fine fruit trees and heaps of beau tiful ros-es, ali Improvements in and paid; exceptionally choice surrounding's; $5000, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth St. Main 6S69. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Beautitul new bungalow on corner lot. Rose City Park. Built for a home and is new and modern in all appointments. Can be handled for $20o0 cash, balance $46 per month, including all ' interest. The monthly payment is less than the house would rent for. Owner, 028 East 44th North, cor. Brazoe. Phone 310-40. ONLY $2600 Really a bargain is this nearly new dandy 6-room home with sleeping porch, white enamel bath, Dutch kitchen, several fruit trees, ber ries and garden, 50x100 lot; only 1 blk. from car; cement walk and street work paid; $800 paid down and balance to suit you. Shown by appointment. Act now. tilU.HiX O. LATH HOP. 516 Ab- ington bldg. (sign ot the horseshoe) FOR SALE, like rent 70S-7OO E. 46th N.. 002-t;yG-7I6 F. 45th N. ; all new. ivory finish, oak floors throug-hout. window shaSes, tapestry paper, buffet. Radiant fire, breakfast nock, built-in kitchen, Ms cement basement, furnace, full plumb ing, laundry trays and drain In base ment, electric fixtures, 5 rooms. 14x26 attic, mac 100 lot: all improvements paid. See the owner at 7it E. 4dth N. REAL SNAP 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. LOT 78x115 FEET. CLOSE TO 2 CAR LINES. Good garage, berries, cherries, apples. Will take small payment down, balance monthly payments. On account of sick ness com pel lea to go away. See owner at 30o Oak St., or phone Tabor 1275. LAURELHURST. $5750 6-room house, exclusive of sun .room, den and sleeping porch: center entrance, narawood floors, finished in white, except living room and dining room ; an tne omit-in conveniences ; fine view ; close to car and school. E. B Holmes Co.. 272 Stark st. Main 84.151. ROSE CITY PARK. A dandy 5-room bungalow, parquet oak floors, fireplace, furnace, just newly paintea. a nice bungalow on 50x100 loL All impts. in and paid; 2 blks. from car. only .,iuu cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th St. Main 6K0. FOR SALE BY O WN E R 6- roo m house. newiy rinisnea tnroughout; whit enam el kitchen ana bath, full cement base ment, furnace, stationary tubs, splendid garage. lawn. roses, shrubbery, fruit trees. This is my own home and must be seen to be appreciated. 805 Grand ave. fsortn. IRVINGTON HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. PRICE $2750. Only two blocks from Irvington car; 5 rooms and bath, elec tricity and gas, full lot, fruit trees; terms $500 cash. A. ri. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5549 CORNER ON WEIDLER S76O0. Up-to-date modern 6-room home with large reception nail and living room ; upstairs iinisnea in ivory, downstairs quarter sawed. Lot 50x100; extra high uasemenL. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. $4500 CLOSE-IN corner In Irvington7 rooms, bath. 3 bedrooms up. fireDlace. furnace, white enameled kitchen ; $2fK)0 uow n win nanuie n. ASK Mr. Hchuitz. KITTtK, LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WEST SIDE modern home, fine view. large lot filled with roses, vines, shrubs and large trees. If interested in a. west sine home call upon owner for full de tails. Price $!)000. L. K. Moore, 817 tsoara or x raae. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, ROSE CITY. tiUU Lr KSKJ rt IN r, t, $ 4 2 5 TERMS. KOO.M n, i AA1H1LL ST. 2-ROOM house for sale. S53 E. 82d st. N. i aKe nose -iiy rarK car to the end. MODERN HOME. 6 rooms, on Elliott a vp Ladd's Addition. Inquire 420 Pittock blk, REAL ESTATK. For Sale ALAMEDA PARK N E W N 1 F T Y BUNGA LOW $7500. One of the finest bungalows in alt of Alameda Park. Ideally located near car. Exceptionally large living room, extending entire w iuth of house, den separated from living room with French doors. This is so out of the ordi nary, so downright original in de sign and so well buiit, that we just know it will appeal to you. Nothing that. one would expect to find in an " expensive home is lacking here. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO 270 Stark st,. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch office, 5uth and Sandy. (Open Sunday). HOMES ON EASY TERMS. ' KENTON DISTRICT TWO CAR LINES. 5-room modern bungalow, one block from car line, 50x100 lot. $2000; $20O cash and $20 per. month at tv- tt-room modern house, fine condition. luu leet from car line, $2o00, easy terms, 6-room modern house, a real bargain. $1800; $200 cash and $20 per month at 5-room modern bungalow, fine yard. iruit, garden, etc. $3uuu. easy terms SMALL HOMES LIKE RENT. 3-room cottage, 2 blocks from car line. patent toilet, $750; $luo cash and $15 per month at ivo. 3-room cottage, newly finished inside and out. $1200; $200 cash and $15 per month at tiVo. 4-room new house, $2000; $200 cash and $20 per month at 67e. a, c. McDonald & son, 296 W. Lombard St. Wdln, 6273. Open Evenings. $4250. 7 ROOMS. This modern bungalow Is in the pink of condition. Inside and out; is located In choice residence district, has hard wood floors in living and dining rooms. fireplace, very attractive buffet, living rooms are decorated with tapestry pa per ot soft, neutral tone to suit almost any drapery ; white enameled Dutch kitchen, cement basement. 7 -foot solid cement garage driveway. There are 4 mice, large, light, airy bedrooms. Can give immediate possession. All street and sewer improvements In and paid. Don't overlook this good buy. Call Mon day. ' J. A. IR'BBiELL. 1049 Hawthorne ave. Tabor SS92. '"Stucco Office" HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6-room strictly modern bungalow; fur nace. f i replace, bull t-in features, ce ment basement. wash trays, hardwood floors, floored attU:. etc.; walking dis tance Fra-nklin high; convenient t stores, car. etc. Price cut to $4200 for quick sale. HAWTHORNE. 6 ROOMS. BARGAIN. Good home with fruit and berries, full cone, basemen t. furnace, etc Leaving tne state. 93800. Cannot be dupli cated at the price in citv. MT. TABOR. 6 ROOMS. Dutch kitchen, full cement -basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors: 2 bedrooms, i7iclosed slpg. porch. $60uO. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 16V) V2 Fourth St. $2S00 MT. TABOR $2500. Near 62 d and East Burnside. a good 6-room house and a real buy: 4 rooms and bath down. Including 1 bedroom; 2 rooms up: full base ment, large front porch, enclosed back porch; lot 50xlo ft., with numerous fruit trees in full bear ing; $050 cash. $25 per month. MR. ROGERS. ' COE A. McK-EN NA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. ALAMEDA PARK 7 ROOMS" $0500. TO AVOID FORECLOSURE owner must sell at once. Here is a home modern in every way and located on 20th street in beauti ful Alameda park. Before you buy iu Alameaa see this. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark at., near 3d. Main 3002. Branch oft ice. 5oth and Sandy. (Open Sunday) . $6000 SNAP. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Hot - water heat, 5 excellent rooms with attic, old ivory finish throughout, hardwood floors in main rooms, paved street and sew er all in and paid, terms, $1500 cash .will handle it. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. QUICK SALE. 2H-"tory house, all modern conveni ences, hardwood floors on first and sec ond, tile floor in kitchen. 12 rooms, 4 baths. House in first-class condition ; big basement. Corner 50x100; 10 min. walk from loth and Morrison; in good location. Will sell on easy terms. For less than $15,000 house and lot. Value of lot $ 15,000 and over. MAX LOEB, Ritz Hotel. Main 2808. LAURELHURST HOME. Really a splendid English Colonial of 6 rooms with den and sun parlor; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch ; hardwood floors, old ivory and white, fireplace and hot-air furnace. A lovely home and a most attractive price, only $6300, rea sonable terms. Owners are moving , away. An opportunity, look into it. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th St. Main 6869. FOR $3500 you can buy this almost new u-room nome, witn big basement, good plumbing, 3 nice bedrooms, pleasant Dutch kitchen, loose too grounds, and the most beautiful fruit, berries and flow ers imaginable. There are grapes, cher ries, prunes, apples, a fine garden and chicken house. Owner wants $1000 down might take a little less. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 516 Abington bldg. (sign of uic norsesnoej. PIEDMONT HOME. A grand 8-room home on the finest lOOxfOO corner in Piedmont, large and cheerful rooms, most beautiful floors and shrubbery, many fruit trees and lots of berries; al-1 Improvements in and paid; $10,000. very easy terms. This is a fine hom and a real buy. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Filth St. Main 6S69. $0000. LAURELHURST. $0000. One of the most comfortably arranged 6-room. two-story houses in Laurelhurst; centrally located ; also has sun-room, den and sleeping porch; cement base ment, furnace, fireplace; lots of built-ins and good airy closets. Will be glad to show by appointment. J. A. McCART Y. 27014 Stark st. Main 17O0. Sunday and evenings. Tabor 5057. LOTS OF GROUND $1650. 67x304, all tn cultivation, 20 assorted bearing fruit trees and berries, good barn, chicken house and 4-room bun galow type of-house with sleeping porch. Woodstock district; $250 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room and breakfast nook, modern hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins. buf fet, bookcases, w hite enamel kitchen and bath ; old ivory living-dining room, tapestry paper, full basement, garage, paved st. $1000 cash, balance terms. Owner, Marshall 4079. $3O00 SOM B bargain for bungalow on Wilbur st. , 5 room s. 2 bed room s. full basement, bath, fine garden, lawn and shrubbery. Very easy term a Ask AL. Schultz. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST. Nine large rooms, up to date, just completed, your own terms. Ilb5 E. Davis. SNAPS 4-room plastered cottage, pantry. 2 porches, garage, 75x100, fruit, $1250, half cash. 3-room shack, 3 full lots, fruit, $900. half cash. 6128 52d st., Woodstock car. E. 16TH NEAR COUCH. Fine 6-room house with basement, fur nace, fireplace ; walking distance ; ga rage. Price only $3500. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON ! IRVINGTON ! Vacant, move right in. Well built, modern home, garage. Near car and school. Selling at cost. $7500; easy terms. Neuhau sen. Main 8078. FOR BALE By owner, large house and lot.' near 26th and Sandy. $4200; adjoin ing lot if desired; also sell or trade lot 24th and East Couch as part payment on modern house. East 2027. HAWTHORN DISTRICT. Houses from $3500 up to $6000. Easy terms, fine bargains. Mcdowell, east 419. ROiE CITY PARK home, situated on one of the most desirable corners on the Alameda drive. See owner. 1391 Ala meda drive. Tabor 1428. LARGE 4-room furnished cottage. 139 10th ave.. Seaside. Bargain. Appk to owner on premises. HOUSE. 415 Tillamook st.. very close price if sold before Wednesday. East 7076. REAL ESTATE. For !Sale -Houses. $3000 NEAR UNION AVE. A 7-room house with good basement, bath. etc.. vacant and in A-l condition, city improvements all in and paid; its a,crackerjack buy: $500 cash will han dle, balance like rent. $2500 A REAL BUY. 1 A 6-room house with good basement, bath, built-in china closet, large pantry, corner lot. MYRTLE PARK STATION; easiest kind of terms. $2300 ANOTHER SNAP. 100x100 ground with 12 bearing fruit trees, 5-room house, bath, basement, etc.. it's a real buy, folks, only $2300 with $300 down, bal. terms to suit. $5500 ROSE CITY PARK. A 6-room house with furnace, fire place, oak floors, all built-in conven iences, cement basement, wash trays. 50xlo0 lot. city improvements in and paid; beautiful lawn and roses; terms. $5750 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. If you are looking for a real nifty bun galow, let us show you this. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, full cement basement, wash trays, floored attic, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-ins. breakfast nook, interior is fin ished in ivory and white enamel, 50x100 lot. garage. Price is right and terms easy. snonn rose city house.- A 6-room house, glassed-in sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, all Duiit-ins, full cement basement, wash trays, hard wood floors, cabinet kitchen. 3oxl00 lot. with ear a ire. fruit trees and berrle city improvements In and paid; terms easy. KH500 ROSE CITY HOME. . Let ii show vou this: Here is a real home, an 8-room 2-story bungalow with furnace. fireplace. oak floors, every imaginable built-in feature, bath and two bedrooms downstairs, large porcnes. eic Full cement basement, wash trays. lOOx 100 ground, beautiful lawn, roses and shrubbery and fruit trtts ; garage and runway. Terms can be arranged. ROMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. LAURELHURST 6 ROOMS AiND SLEEPING PORCH $o;oo. Look here, folks. We are offer ing ix wonderful home at a price w ay under its real value. The ' owiier lives in the east utid evidently does not know present valuta. Located just one block from car. Except lonal ly large living room. Hardwood floors, firep.ace.s. buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, etc The sleeping porch is glass en closed, iou will really be sur prised to know that you can buy such a fine home, so ideally located, for so little money. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch ol I ice- 5uth and Sandy. tOpen SunuJy). PHONE MARSHALL 1898. $200. Just think, only $200 down and $50 per month buys this new home; extra line o-room bungalow, big lot -ioxi to, every inoUern convenience, furnace, fire place, cement drive in lor garage, ful cement basement with laundry truys ; ii fact, modern in every way. One block to car line, right in the hoart of the very best home district. Price $40."y. $200 cash, bal. $50 per month. Better hurry. Realty Dept. LAWYERS' TITLE & TRUST CO. 2a 5 Stark St., Near 4th. Marshall 1S93. THIS modern 5-room bungalow, located at the very door of Laureln urst park, has extra large rooms; living room extends across the entire front, being about 14x 2S; nice large dining room. heavy beamed ceilings with lis ht in the inter sections ; has hardwood f .oors. fireplace, furnace. 2 nice large bedrooms, full base-men t The price is only $45oo with a cash payment 'of $looo down. The price is right, the location excellent and terms liberal, so why not let us show you this good buy? Call Monday. J. A. HUB-BELL. 1089 Hawthorne ave. Tabor SS92. "Stucco Office." FOR THE N E WLYW EDS. A practically new newly wed apart ment house type ot bungalow, splendid pergola en trance. Murphy disappearing bed, dressing room, large living-room with fireplace and seat, Pullman buflet kitchen and break last nook, built-in table and seats, beautiful lot. paved street and carline; $300 cash, any large monthly pay men t will do. Fred W. Gorman Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 6 large rooms. 2 fireplaces, tiled bath, large attic, splendid furnace, $5oo Ruud automatic heater. Double construction throughout. Beautiful view. Best home improvement. Trees and flowers. Lot 75x loo. Street paved. Price, for quick bale, $6750. Bargain. $1250 will handle. Main 1128. ROSE CITY NEW BUNGALOW. Brand new 7-rcom bungalow, furnace, fireplace, oak floors throughout except kitchen; all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, 2 bedrooms down. 2 upstairs; lot 50x100; a fine new home, on East 55th st. south of Sandy. Price $5675, about $225u rush, balance 6'&. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318-21 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $3M)0 EAST 24TH ST.. BET. ANKENY AND ' R. C." CARS. 6-R. FULL BASE MENT, FURNACE, BUFFET. BOOK CASES. REC. HALL. LARGE BATH ROOM, GOOD CLOSETS, CEILED AT TIC. HARD SURFACE ST.. SEWERS. A GOOD, ROOMY HOUSE. TERMS. CLEVELAND-HEN I ERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. $350 DOWN. 75x125 ground. 5-room bungalow with bath, toilet, electric lights, gas. modern plumbing, built-in features: 2 blocks to car line. In Woodiawn district. Price $2950; a big bargain. DUE D DEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. W E S T O V E R TERRACE. A beautiful 7-room Dutch Colonial on the choicest spot in Westover. There is a lovely sun porch, with a view un surpassed. Tiled bathroom. sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, garage, etc. A real buy at $12,600. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. 104 5th St. Main 6S09. BUNGALOW. 6 lare rooms and bath on one floor, flrep'ace, paneled dining rootn. all built ins, Dutch kitchen; 5oxlOO lot. ail imps, m and paid. A real snap at $4HM). JlivUO cash. 201 E. 47th st.. blk. S. Haw thorne car. Tabor S5. NEW, nifty, modern bungalow. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement. $5oo will handle; interest at 6. Price $3500. O. W. Bryan, 50'. Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963, Marshall 865. $2hOO NEAT little cottage on E. 10th st. 5 rooms and bath, full basement, laun dry trays, very cheerful, in good neigh borhood. Terms. Ask Mr. Schultz. RITTER. LOWE &. CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW $2500. $250 CASH and $25 MONTHLY'. 5 rooms and bath, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, full basement, lot 5Oxl00. A. H. AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5549. IRVINGTON FINE COLONIAL All oak floors, center hall, art paper, ivory finish ; garage. Choice location, near club. 5)xlOO or more. Neuhausen, Main 8078. ROSE CITY. Beautiful new modern 5-room bunga low, strictly up to date. Price $4500. Terms $500 down, $30 monthly, includ ing interest. ' Call owner. Auto. 219-85. 5-ROOM house with furniture. $2000: $ri0 down, balance iike rent. 484 Claremont ave. Take Woodiawn ear to 1 3th and Dekum ave. Call Sunday and even ings after 7 o'clock. LARGE house, 7 acres, turkeys, chickens, quarter acre potatoes, $500 down. bal. $200 per year. 4S miles from Portland in Washington. D 170, Oregonlan. E. 9TH NEAR DAVIS. , Good 6-room house on lot 50x100; evervthing in good condition; garage. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. IRVINGTON. 6-room bungalow, all up-to-date, fine neighborhood.. Can't be beat at $6900. McDowell, East 419. IRVINGTON home. 8 rooms, hardwood floors on 1st and 2d floors; full cement basement, garage Further Information call East 6554. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Center hall, ivory finish, oak floors. 2 bedrooms down, 1 and sleeping porch up, garage. $75(M(. Neuhausen. Main 8078. FOR SALE Leaving city, 2 4-room flat, 337 Sacramento, between Union and Williams ave., $3800; good renting property. IRVINGTON O-room modern house, in good condition, close to school and car. bargain, terms. . Owner, phone 319-93. 508 Tillamook et KKAL KSTATB. For 8ale -Houses. HAWTHORNE HOMES. $3150 Yon should see this nifty homo. Newly decorated in white enamel and tapestry paper; 4 rooms and bath uown; 2 rooms up; full cement basement. St. imp. in and pd. Near Hawthorne ave. on 3Sth st. Terms. $4200 You would never expect to buy this nifty 6-room bungalow-style home for so little money. Sur rounded, by attractive homes, close in. ' Terms. Imp. pd. $4250 Buys a home on full 5(xlH cor ner lot, paved st., 6 rooms and bath. 3 down and three up. with basement plastered and part i tioned off into an apartment of four rAoms now rented. Garage. We have a number of fine home buys In this desirable section. See our photo display of homes for sale. J A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094 and 5S3. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $350 cash, balance monthly, buys a 5-room, double -constructed bunga low on East 6th St.. built-in buf fet, paneled dining room, beamed ceilings, modern kitchen, full ce ment basement, laundrv travs. fine loox 100-foot lot. some fruit. A good buy at $3250. See N. I. Farnsworth, with H. A. DRYER. "THE ACREAGE MAN," 508-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5081. IF INTERESTED in a $55(10 property for $4500. come and go with us to see an h-room house, 3 sleeping porches, mod ern except hardwood floors, full base ment, concrete except floor; lot 75x100 ft., garage, nice t hicken house and park, 4 fruit trees with fruit. tji& shade trees including 1 walnut. 1 mulberry, raspber ries and small fruit; paved st., all im provements paid : on Wilder. 3 biks. to Broadway car. Price $450, $1500 down, bal. $35 or $40 per month. 7'i? interest. ECONOMY REAL ESTATE Co.. Phone Marshall 3S42. 243 Fourth st. ROSE CITY PARK. One of the most attractive and best built six-room bungalows in Portland: oak polished floors throughout, large liv ing, cheerful fireplace, built-in buffet in dining; Dutch kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, a'.l on one floor; laundry room, Iarje Gasvo furnace, lOOxluo lot, garage, im provements ail in and paid ; one b ock from car. below hi!!, all for $74oo. $250 cash wilt handle. Do not fail to see this THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main 6S69. FINE Portland Heights homes very cheap for quick sale. Tabor K-i37. MORTGAGE Ft 'RECLOSURE. MUST ACT QUICK. $)t500. S-room house, furnace, fireplace, sleep ing porch, full cement basement, garage, grounds 100x120, lots of fruit and ber ries, block to car, real high-class lo cation. RITTER. LOWE & CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 9-ROOM house Terrace Heigh ts overlook ing city, beautiful mountain view. $10.00O; R-room house Enst 30th St.. near i itnton street, good neighborhood, $3."t00. Choice home sites and several bouses, also river front and acreage near Con cord station on Oregon tity car line $4O0 per acre and upward; 032-acre stock ranch ; plenty of water and buildings, two hours from Portland. MH.O'Mi. Risley Starkweather & Black, 6o2 Broad wav bldg. Main 6100. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Four-room bungalow in Piedmont, white enameled through and through, built-in china closet, electric li ghts and gas, wash trays, bath, full basement, lot 4Sxl00. 2 blocks from Mississippi car line, 2 blocks from St. Johns carline. one block from Pen Insula park. 2 blocks from library, 3 blocks from Jefferson high, fine location. Price $2 50. terms if desired. Phone Woodiawn 43 LA U RE LH U R ST BUNG A LOW. If you are looking for a strictly mod ern bungalow in one of the best districts in Portland, with garage, let me show you this one. Will sell furnished or un furnished. For particulars and appoint ment, call Mr. Jesse, Main 141. MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME. Owner moved to Cal. First time of fered. One of most beau tif ul It-room Colonial homes, with garane, located on corner near park. Great big rooms, old ivory finish, artistically papered ; 3 f (re places, 4 bedrooms., sleeping porch and 2 tile baths. Finished attic. A real snap for someone. Tabor 407. $3250 E. 4 1ST ST. S. E. $3250. 5-room bungalow-home, among bear ing fruit trees; house and grounds in finest condi t ion, one of few chances to obtain a cozy little home at exceptional price and terms. BLISS. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 62 FOURTH STREET, MAIN 4522. COLUMBIA PARK. Cozy, convenient, modern cottage: close to park, one block to car and paved street: three large rooms down stairs, two attic rooms, small basement; newly painted and papered; large lot. with fruit trees, shrubbery and flowers : price $1050, $750 cash, balance easy terms. CaU owner, Columbia 1106. $4000. 7-room residence. No. 822 Commercial street, between Failing and Shaver sis., on Shaver car line, close to public school, Sox 100 ft. iot; terms reasonable. See owner F. H. Andrews. 6th floor Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. Tel. Main 0025. MODERN Hawthorne home, o rooms and convertible sleeping porch, fireplace, tur nace, buffet, bookcases, oak i loors. ce ment basement, paved street; price $4100. $12O0 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 377. BARGAIN I house and 4 adjoining build ings, all built In less than year: largo garden all for $200 cash; mile from Forestry bldg., on Linn ton road, short ways from I. M. line. Inquire at place. Mail box 171. W. F. Gates, owner, leav ing city. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Cal I and see us. BUILDERS' REALTY EXCHANGE. 621 Morgan Bldg. Mln 2035. E. BURNSIDE NEAR 17TH. Fine 6-room house with furnace, fire place, streets paved and paid and every thing in A-l condition ; good lot ; price $5000. H 5f v GOD DA RD. 243 St ark S t. THE classiest bungalow in the city, about completed, close in and on car line in restricted district, by owner on easy terms, a bargain. Call Main 33S2 be tween 10 and L2 A. M. week days, Sun day Main 4090. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $ 25 0O . If you want a nifty 5-rooin bungalow, with full lot. garage, abundant fruit and berries; 2 blocks from car ; a real snap. See R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abington bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful 5-room bungalow w ith garage will be completed in one week; all modern conveniences; beauti fully located. 2 blks. from Irvington car on 17th. between Skidmore and Prescott. Call Wdln. 346. BROADWAY CAR E. 26TH ST. NORTH. C LA-Si Y MODERN N EAV B UNG A LO W. Everything desirable In a home, up to date, fu 11 lot, all improvements in and paid ; low price, easy terms. Tabor 8202. FOR SALE Laurel hurst 7-room residence on East Glisan street ; in good repair, hardwood floors, fireplace, 3 bedrooms. Is considered a good buy. HARVEY WELLS & COMPANY. Main 4564. 602 Gasco Building. MUST SELL. Five-room house, bath, electric lights and gas. 90x100 lot. 14 fruit trees and berries, large chicken yard, $1900. terms. Woodiawn 3333. IRVINGTON SNAP Charming. little home, 6 rooms, garage: ivory finish, pa pered oak floors. $6500. Neuhausen, Main 878. S. P. R. P- shops. 4. 5. 6-room furnished bungalows, very easy terms. Owner; East 3225. TWO 5-room cottages, very close In. $2500 each. $250 down and $20 monthly. Owner. Tabor 680. FOR SALE: Cozy 8-room house. East 2ith : gas. electricity, fireplace, trees, auto part payment or farm. Marshall 520. SIX-ROOM modern: 3 bedrooms, fine lot paved street: $4250. terms. 338 e. 35th st.. near Hawthorne. Owner. East 741. LOT 50x100 with 2 cottages. 2d. between Harrison and Hall, west side. Inquire 420 r'ttiocK oik. FOR SALE Nice 6-room bungalow. 7th st. No 283 N. Only $3250. Phone owner, i? f rt(VJ4. week da vs. MY' $10,000 home in Irvington for sale foj $7500; N. W. corner 15th and Hancock. 8-ROOM modern house, $3000. terms; in good condition, close in, walking dis tance. west side. Owner. Main 692. o-myui " uuioi,j ii sale, a oar gain; no carfare, 15 blocks from Morri son, south. Automatic 32409. 5-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, reasonable price. 928 South Jersey t. Take St. Johns car. BEAUTIFUL residence, rent. Wdln. 299S. installments like KKAL KSTATR. lor (ale -House. ROSE CITY PARK. New Modern Nifty Bungalows. $5oo cash w!U handle some of them. N e are agents for one of Portland's best builders and have homes, some complete, others under course of con struction. Buy now and have interior fmjshed to suit. Prices from $43oo up. $4.iOO Let us show you this thoroughly double constructed. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with full cement basement, wash travs. furnace, fi replace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. oOxitMl it. garage. Terms. $.o00 Let us show you this 5 rooms and den on corner lot. strictly mod ern and ready for interior finish ing. St. Imp. in and pd. Easy terms. J A. WICKMAN CO.. -M RY Exch. bldg. Main 1QQ4 and 5S3. $13a0 $475 cash if taken by Tuesday night ; 4-room modern plastered house, bath, basement, garage, IS bearing fruit trees, M'xloO lot. $1600, $175 cash, 5-room modern bun galow, 3 blocks to car. $1 130. $350 cash. 4-room. newly fin ished outside and in, pla&tered houbC. garage. $750 $150 cash. $20 per mo., or $300 casn ana io per month at 6' c. FRED SPEAR. Tabor 5S7. 65th ave. to st.. go south 1 blk. TENT HOUSE FOR SALE. Complete with floor, side w at la door and two windows. Heavy canvas root. Painted. Built-in portable sections. Fine for sleep ing house or camp. Special price $75.04i. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 315 East Eleventh St. 2 Blocks South of Hawthorne. ENGLISH COLONIAL. Irvington. select, beautiful grounds, massed with fiower beds, arched per gola, sun rooms draped with creepers, center halt with French doors to living and dining rooms, in old ivory, Luxem burg kitchen. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch in white enamel, hardwood floors, hot water heat; built 5 years by day labor; garage; $0000, terms $1500 cash, $00 per month, 6 p-r cent. Now vacant. East 1347. No agents. $ 500 IRVINGTON HOME J500. on East 17th st., near Thompson, 8 fine rooms, large sleeping porch, fin ished attic, full cement basement. Fox furnace; I'irepiace. sun room, eastern oak floors with iniaid borders. It you need four or more sleeping rooms and a larse living room this home will please you. The house is wo large for me and I have priced it very low (or a quick sale. Inspection invited. Call EaM 2436. $525o $5250. FINE WAVERLEY HEIGHTS H.c. This is a high-giade 6-room home In fine neishliorhuod. newiy painted and decorated throughout, hardwotxi floors, fireplaov, furnace, garage; all improve ments in and paid. The price is ab solutely riht. BLISS. COE A. McKKNNA & CO., 52 FOURTH STREET, MAIN 4 522. LAURELHURST. Save contractors', real estate men's profit; new colonial, large living and dining room. 3 bed rooms, tile bath, fine plumbing and electric fixtures, best ha rdwood floors and furnace, sleeping porch ; open any time. 1214 Hassalo st. Furniture for sale if desired. W. A. CARPENTER. Ow ner. Designer, Builder. 5(i McKay Bldg. Marshall 5366. xioUSE and lot on E. 31st st., between Clinton and Division. 75x 100 ft., 7 -room. modern, gas and electricity, bath room and pantry, full basement; small house, 1 4x20. in rear ; 12 bearing fruit trees, raspberries and grapes; also chicken house, price $4500, $2100 down, bal. $40 mo. . 7r interest. ECONOMY REAL ESTATE CO., Phone Marshall 3s42. 243 Fourth st. N E W 1 RYl NGTO N B UNG A LO W. E. 24th, Near Klickitat. New modern five-room bungalow; has all the bui.t-in features, including PuJ man breakfast room, elegant tapestry paper on living and dining rooms, wood work finished' in ivory and mahogany, large garage. Open today from 4 to 7. Owner. II02 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow, fireplace, built-ins and basement; 4Nxl40 lot; gar den in, berries, rose bushes and fruit trees; 2 blks. from Rose City car, bet. 09th and 70th on Morrison. Terms, $35oo, $ 1 750 cash. bal. at $2. per mo., includ ing int. at 6 per cent. Inquire 1776 Morris. FOUR rooms and bath. jut finished, by owner, large basement. Dutch kitchen and breakfast alcove in. lots of built ins. fireplace and bookcase in living room, lots of fruit and berries ; price $250O, $1000 cash, balance to suit. Lo cated at 712'J 41st ave., bet ween 70th and 72d st. S. E. Phone Sundays or eve nings Main 6S, Hsk for Mr. Harper. NOB HILL HOME. Very attracti e 2-story h-room home on Kearney, near 25 1 h. like new ; large rooms and old ivory finish, plate glass windows, oak floors throughout, hot w a tor heat, 4 bedrooms, 1 inished attic, lots of trees and shrubbery. A real snap. Tabor 407. WONDERFUL. $65(10. Irvington, 7 rooms. white enamel, hardwood floors; garage. Dillahunt, 1347. $2 t OO HAW THORN E district; five-room bungalow, 5dx lOo lot. paved street, sewer, concrete f ounaation, base ment, fruit and berries ; place in good condition; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. NEW BUNGALOW OLD PRICE. Dandy new 4-room modern bungalow. $2650. Close to Union ave.. full lot; 2 nice bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook; full plumbing. Can sell at cost. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Abington bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Extra well-built 0-room horn with breakfast room, H. W. floors, house fin ished in cream enamel. This is a beau tiful place and well located and the price is $S3oo. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. A SNAP. A beautiful corner house in first-class shape: hardwood floors, fireplace, new furnace, built-ins with cut glass, mod ern in every way. Be sure and see it. 1201 E. Harrison and 40th st. Tab. 419S. WALKING DISTANCE, west side. 7 rooms, hot and cold water, bath, gas, electric light, 2 fireplaces, cement basement, good condition: lot OOxloti. $5 000. half cash. See owner evenings. 467 10th St.. near Jackson. ' BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY. 3 large rooms, larse attic, best of con struction, strictly up to the minute; fin ished in old ivory and white enamel, tapestry papered and very fine. See it today. Tabor S2Q2. FOR SALE Laurelhurst 7-room residence on East Glisan street: in good repair, hardwood floors, fireplace, 3 bedrooms. Is considered a good buy. HARVEY WELLS COMPANY. Main 4561. 602 Gasco Building. FOR SALE Rose City bungalow. 8 rooms, all conveniences; Fox furnace, hot-water bvatem. fireplace, hardwood tioors; fruit tres. 50x100 lot. garage; $2000 down. $ut)0 balaace, $25 per month. 340 E. 4 1st North. A REAL HOME in the most desirable part of Rose City Park, consisting of a mod ern 6-room bungalow, beautiful shrub bery, fruit trees and berries. M ust be seen to be appreciated. 443 East 52d N. Tabor 5141. IN ROSE CITY PARK. Charming 6-room bungalow, ivory fin ish strict 1 v modern and choice location. PACIFIC REALTY CO.. Main 847. 409 Spalding B'.dg. " IRVINGTON. Choice location, modern. 8 rooms. 2 fireplaces. 4 large corner bed rooms, hardwood floors throughout, hot water heat. Price $11,000. Owner, East 5050. IRVINGTON HOME. MUST SELL. Owner leaving for ranch, will include extras with hous. A fine home, choice location. A SACRIFICE for quick sale. E. 394 . Main 8078. 830 N. W. Bank. $26O0 CENTRAL Irvington. 411 E. 17th "n., 4-room house, 50x1 00 lot; fine fruit trees, shrubbery, etc.; home has cement basement, some plumbing. East 7976. J14O0 ROOM ED cottage, garage, choice corner lot, 50x100. fine garden and roses. 699 E. 76th N. 2 blocks south of Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor 41MK FOR SALE acre. 6-room modern bun galow and garage, bearing fruit trees and berries, end of Woodstock car line. .10 62 d st. S. E.. just off 63th ave. $X4'0 4-ROOM bungalow, good garage. chicken house and fine garden; terms t - uit. See owner, 2162 Halsey st. cor. 88th. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE T B. NEUHAUSEN CO., MAIN 8078. 830 N. W. BANK BLDG. 4-ROOM cottage, good condition. S7S Mis sissippi ave. Woodiawn 517. i