6 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 MW TODAT. FAR BARGAINS Large or Small A ncr utiny of the descriptions of i tho places below must convince you ' that we are In a position to supply ; any requirement In the farm and acre use line. Wo positively have hun dreds of select listings, the majority of which we have photographs of. : and a call at our office will be ap- I predated. This will not mean that if j we do not happen to have what you want that your trail will be camped , on for the rest of your life, as we J positively do not do Business in mis manner. fc.to.. Jharvi-aa Irtftaj ' YAMHILL COUNTY $7500 This splendid 21-acre tract, 18 acres ef which are In apples years oia; splendid eight-room plastered house In first-class condition, large barn, on rural route, two miles from Yamhill, 39 miles from Portland. The srround is all tiled and the orchard has been well kept and is In splendKl condi tion. The terms are one-half cash and. as long a time as you want on the balance. Interest at 6 per cent. CLACKAMAS COUNTY $1600 40 acres, about two acres under cultivation; heavy stand of first and second-growth fir on the balance; all tillable; 12 miles southeast of Ore con City and about six miles from Beaver Creek, 29 miles from Port land; 200 cash, $15 monthly. LANE COUNTY $3000 T9. acres, 60 acres tillable, 25 acres tn cultivation; good black soil; all fenced and cross-fenced; four-room lloirse, barn 80x100, milk house, po tato house, other outbuildings; good creek through place, spring water piped to the house; four acres family orchard; rural route and telephone. Included in the price Is complete set of farm implements: $1000 cash, $300 yearly, with interest at 6 per cent. Fhotos at omce. CLACKAMAS COUNTY $3200 $1000 cash, five years at 6 per cent on the balance, buys this splendid 40 acre tract, 10 acres of which are in cultivation, balance timber and brush; ail fenced; shack buildings; good spring; five miles east of town. Just off the Abernethy road. A very de cided snap. YAMHILL COUNTY $12,000 150 acres, all stocked and equipped, over 100 acres tillable, 50 acres in cultivation, 25 acres very easily cleared, 25 acres fir and oak timber, balance stumn pasture: six - room house, barn 40x80, straw barn and goat barn; hog, chicken and wood house: family orchard: small creek. springs and good well; complete set of implements, wagon, etc.; three chunky mares, two colts, 3 years old; six cows, two yearlings, five calves, one bull, six p'.gs, 100 chickens; $6000 cash. This is a good paying farm and first time offered for sale In the cast 25 years: 44 miles from Portland and six miles from good town and railroad. Photos at oil ice. . LINN COUNTY $23,000 We have a splendid 290-acre dairy ranch, seven milos from Lebanon; 250 acres are tillable. 140 acres in culti vation, balance in second-growth fir and oak timber; good, rich loamy soil; splendid seven-room hoi.-se with bath; barn 40x84. with 140-ton hay loft, good stanchions below; two silos, granary, milkhouse. wood house and straw shed: water piped to buildings from large spring; $6500 cash, unlimited time on the balance. This is the place you. Mr. Stockman. have- been looking; for. Photos at oil tee. POLK COUNTY $43,900 439 acres, 415 acres tillable, 200 acres in cultivation, 150 acres good oak timber, 24 acres of prunes 5 years old, good famiily orchard; eight room house In good condition; large barn, 36xi0; two stock barns, new lioghoiise, chicken - house and tool house; good well and two springs; place is fenced and cross-fenced; land slightly rolling; best of soil; located on county road 4'4 miles from Iallas; jis.nuu casn, long time on tne balance. i'tiotos at omce. FRED W GERMAN CO. 7.TS CHAMBF.R OF COMMERCE. LEASE CONCRETE BUILDING 50x135 2-Story and Basement Suitable for light manufacturing or owner will remodel for ga rage purposes. Excellent location on Main East Side artery. See 914 WILCOX BLDG. Main 5638 TO LOAN OR SMALLER AMOI NT. INTEREST Th. 1ST .MORTGAGES. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. 6TH FLOOR PL ATT BLDG. TBI. MARSH. (Kiri. $1000 NET PER MONTH West Bide apartment of 90 rms. Ar ranged in three, four and five-rm. apartments. Modern to the smallest detail. Lot 136x100. All improvements in. 1'rice 4o,uou. xia.ouo handles. YATES REALTY CO.. S4S Fourth St., near Conrt IT on is e. IRV1XGTOV ENGLISH COLONIAL SOO l-.nst 14th . Central entrance, a. W. floors. Ivory, large living room, art paper, three B. R., glass S. P. TS500. East 419. Owner. TO KIW TODAT. EST UYS IN IRVIN9T0N T? allocked ToliT Wo. 785 Knott street, N. W. corner of 24th. Center entrance; all Ivo ry finish except solid mahog any dinlr.ir room; beautifully papered: oalc floors throujthout, very large living room; three or four bedrooms and si. porch on seTcond; large billiard room, maid's room and bath on 3d. HOT-WATER HEAT, $13,000. Knott-lt. rornfn are scarce. Ilot-vatf r-hratrd homes coat money to build. Splendid modern corner home, costly hardwood finished first floor, with large living room; pleasant bedrooms in white, one is very large; beautifully pa pered. Price $9500. Near 16th and Brazee. An inspection and comparison of values Is solicit ed. rrtTlNCTON. So. 834 Braaee. tSIiOCKED TODAY. This most beautiful near-new, semi-English COLONIAL. On corner with 100 feet frontage, 50 feet deep. Ivory finish and hardwood firs, throughout. Plate-glass win dows and spruce siding. Eight rooms four on each floor) In old ivory finish; artistically pa pered; costly lighting and plumbing fixtures. Most beau tiful bath and kitcihen. Double garage. A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. $10,500; all street liens paid. SEE THIS TODAY, SURE. Three Splendid Homes 565 Hancock, $5500; unlocked today. 394 E. 13th N., garage incL, $6000. 398 E. 13th N., garage, corner,' $6500. Real homes, built for present owner with god material and workmanship. Walking dis tance to city and near Irving ton school, car, Broadway car and E. 15th and Broadway. Shall we show you through? By appointment only. Center of Inrlnjrton One-Tear-Old New England Colonial of best construction, on large sightly corner. Every modern convenience; large living room In old Ivory, beautifully pa pered, artistically lighted; French doors from same to sun parlor. Second floor has three or four fine bedrooms, all hard wood floored, tile bath, triple bevel-plate mirrors In two of the bedrooms; large plate-glass windows throughout; Gasco fur nace; garage: between Irving ton school and, club. Two-Year-Old Dutch Colonial As modern as could be built today and better; a home of great beauty you can't beat it. Owner leaving state. ta 'W No. 774 Thompson St.. the most costly medium-size home in Portlan-d for sale now at less than cost when built, and at about half present value. A mo ntlUiAlM Large mahog any living: room, oak library, breakfast room. 20x32 dancing hall, billiard room or library in nasement. oak floored and fireplace. Ameilican radiator vapor heat, couple of all-tile baths and all-tile kitchen; one bedroom is double size, with fireplace: hardwood floors throughout, except si. porch. A home of rare beauty, charm and value for you If you can 6iry the very best. By appoint ment only. Another One of Irrlnarton's Many Costly nod Brantifnl HomfR Southwest corner 23d and Thompson. A home of character fireproof, upkeep proof, hardwood finish, hot water heat, costly plumbing. These are samples of many Buy In nest Homn nt S22.0OO, $24,(HM, fSS.OOO, 28,000, S27.5O0, $35,000. . $ 11,500 Large, modern cor ner home, hot-water heated, very large living room; also li brary extra; double garage, with hot-water heated living room above. By appointment only. IV. W. Corner Hancock and 21st streets 100x160, and well built home thereon. $8500 lOOxlOO S. tV. loth and .Schuyler. ground value. Corner Heavy lOOxlOO. S. E. Corner E. 17th and Broadway. 57500. Good old house. Will you fax the house up a little and live in it or rent it until the ground sells at $15, 000 or $20,000? Best Apartment liouse bite. 75O0 Old Ivory and enamel, beautifully papered, thoroughly modern, good billiard room, 60x100. Pleased to Show These and Other Good Listings. R. T. STREET "GOOD HOMES REALTOR," E. 15th and Broadway. East 894 ONEY To Loan on mproved TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building BOOKS ALL OUT -OP -PRINT BOOKS SCP- FLIED, We can get any book published. Call and see our immense stock of old ana new books. Hyland's Bookstore 204 FOURTH ST. " Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. EXECUTORS AND ADMINIS TRATORS Will Find Onr Thrice-Secured FARM MORTGAGES Exceptional Investments tor trait lands. Mot forec-losare in twen ty yearn. FEAR A Phone Sis in S3. GRAY, 102 Fourth St. I 1 r-f5 r RealEstate KEW TODAY. Brick Hotel Bldg. 74 ROOMS 3 STORIES 100x100 Stores on ground floor. This property could not be duplicated for $100,000. Our sacrifice forced sale price $80,000. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TRACKAGE 100x200 Facing 100 Feet on East First 100 Feet on East Second 200 Feet on East Washington 50x100 N. W. Corner 15th and Irving. W. S. POINDEXTER 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800 EEAL ESTATE. pirov! ivn Evniiiiv Ttrsntwood Park. Los Angeles: ocean, mountains, sunshine, fruit, flowers, wonderful climate ana restful sleep; brick bungalow, a rooms, i v. i ,.-., . . .i.rrlc bath cabinet. exceptional light system; lot 100x260; 115.000: eolf club, car line; also $2o00 and $(1500 lots. Samuel Bird. R. . -D. 1. Sawtelle, Ca-I. TRUTH ABOUT FLORIDA Send 10c for authentic facts, figures, pictures. Ques tion,, answered free. Address Florida Grower, Tampa Fla, 160-ACRE stock ranch. 20 cultivated, bal ance timber, pasture. 20.0O0 outrange .(... n mUA ra.llrAnd: alr building?. , t.f famiiv orchard: t4O0. a mv terms: no cyclones. Box; 123. Eu gene. Or. For Wale Flat and Apartment Proper.. CORNER 21 ST ATTD I.OVJ.IOT. 70x100 and 3 good bouses, $18,000. APARTMENT BLDG. $40,000. I Fine location, close In. west side, corner. Will take residence as part payment. 2 -FAMILY FLAT. Each flat has rooms, modem In every way, located on E. 10th St., close In. 13TH ST., NKAR ALDER. 50x100. LARGE BLDG. $35,000. The building has about 40 rooms and is very suitable for roomtng house. , ' BRICK HOTEL BUILDING. $80,000. 74 rooms, ground floor, lobby and stores, grounds 100x100, near Union depot. This is a real sac rifice sals and must be turned quick. 6-FAMILT FLAT BUILDING. $16,000. 4 flats of 5 rooms each and of 4 rooms, four completely and well furnished, lot 50x100, located near 12th and Hall sts.. walking dis tance from downtown. WEST SIDE FLATS, ON 16TH ST.. NEAR WASH. LOT 5OT1O0. $20,000. This Is a fine building and ele gant location for future increase in ground value. - RITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bids.. 4-FLAT BLDG. Close In, east side. 5 rooms each, com- pletoly furnished. Price $10,000; $4000; now paying 16 per cent. 4-FLAT BLDG. East side. 5 rooms each. S6750. on terms; now paying about 15 per cent on price asked. 4-FLAT BLDG. East side. 5 rooms each, all modem conveniences, price $14,000. Terms if desired. . 4-FLAT BLDG. West side, 5 rooms each, all modern, exclusive location. Price $14,000. . We have many other flat bldgs., tela, apartment houses, store bldgs., rages, downtown business property Investments. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Third and Washington. ho- ga- and THREE FLATS. 1 3 -room flat, furnished. 1 4-room flat, furniBhed. 1 6-room. unfurnished, on E. 50th and Lincoln sts., - bringing in $75 per month, Jias nice garage and is In nice condition, street Improvements all In aid paid for, on corner lot, party is moving to California and has told us to sell it. Come in and see us and make an offer. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. BDWT. 2980. - 83 4TH ST. IRVINGTON HOME. 53S E. 20th st. N., between Bra zee and Knott sts., you will find a beautiful home in one of the fin est 'locations in this district. Peo ple who own this home have been compelled to move to California. We are selling this home at a very reasonable prica. We want you to see this place before buying. $7500, terms. , WAKEFIELD, BDWY. 291)0. FRIES & CO.. 85 4TH ST. APARTMENT FLATS. $17,500. Four, five-room and sleeping porch apartment building. very favorably located and always rented, furnace for each apartment and all modern con veniences. Income 10 net. I need home with four sleeping rooms and will consider up to $10,000 value as part payment, Daianca . .satisfactory terms. w las, oregonlan. $25.000 An excellent building containing four o-room iiats, located on one or the best corners of the east side, near the dental college; every flat has a sepa rate furnace; newly pointed. This is a good paying investment. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6869. 105 Fifth St. BARGAIN Will sacrifice four modern i- room Ziats; au rented, $113 per month; -uuu win nanate; must sell at once. binUil-KI.tl!.K tu 214 Fifth St.. Opiosite Courthouse. SPECIAL This la 6th-street property. . central and first-class, large flat bldg.. fine investment: price $90o0: will pay $150 per month and home for you; 5 blocks of city hall. Owner. 349 6th L BUY a home and have an income at same time. I have two small apartment houses in Irvlngton for sale at $17,000 and $18,000. First-class in every respeot.- R. J. O'fieu. 717 Moara or Trade bldg. FLAT BUILDING FOUR 4-room apart ments, income better than 10 net; oouu; 9uuu casn will nanaifl. E. E. CUMPSTON, SELLWOOD 1422 OR 3033. FOR SALE 26 H. K. apts.. splendid loca tion, fnone uawy. i. For Sale Beach Property. 0-ROOM completely furnished cottage on ridge at Beach Center. 1 or 2 lots or whole biork. Miss violet Calder. O. do?, lit, seaview. w asn. FOUR-ROOM furnished house, corner 50x lou: diocks xrom ocean, seaview. wash. Trade lor lot In sunnyside or Mt Tabor, or small house. Tabor 9178. CAN ftOX BfcAUH Five-room cottage. furnished; three lots: ocean front; $3500. I-. ft. xjreoacK, ccoia, or. NEAHKANIE BEACH. cozy furnished cottage, tine view, running water, $750. .vain u.-iu. COTTAGE at Nye Beach. Newport, fer sale or exchange ror Portland property. Phone Woodlawn 1525 after 6:30 P. M. $650 l-room cottage overlooking ocean, 0 miles north of Gearhsrt; would trade. take piano ana casn. vvoodlawn 441. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Ii;h Property. WHY PAT RENT year afjer year -when you po to the beach? Buy one of those dandy ocean front lots at Highland Park, located on S. P. Tillamook line, between Manhat tan Beach and Rockaway; on very easy terms: build vou a modest little cottaee: do as others are doing; buy your lumber from a house wrecking company at half price: then vou will always have a sum mer home all your own at the seashore. MacFALL WELCH. Owners. Portland Offices, 401-2 Goodenough bldg. t'none Alain 3tti. After July 15, address Manhattan Beach. CHOICE BEACH LOT. EXCHANGE FOR Painting and Paperhanging and furnish material, located in Tillamook beach (Salt- Lot a!r). near station and ocean. AK too. Oregonlan. HOMH AND INCOME LONO BEACH. o 1-3 acres. 3 acres cranberry lana; J acres fruit, berries and garden. City water, pleas&nt 5-room house, large barn. 2 poultrv houses, milk house. Home market for all products. Combines a delightful horns and good Income. price $4500. Terms. MarlXNF.S PRATT. 209-10 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1658. ABOUT 85 acres, located along Stltcoos lake, 2000 feet of waterfront, a charm ing view over the lake; hunting and fishing In abundance; railroad runs through the land. 3 miles to ocean; go In your own runabout from your own harbor. fries (4000. For particulars write P. OLSON. CLIFTON. OR. BEAUTIFULLY located beach cottage at Seal Rocks, Newport; fins ocean view: 5 lota, fetced and all furoilr.hed. barn, garage, woodhouse. good well. large porrtiGS, lireplace and ready to move in : bargain. Frank, E. Geiser. 70 Ella st. FOR SALE Or will rent or leas two choice lota. 30x140 feet at Tillamook beach, on board walk, county road and railroad; near dance pavilion and hotel. AL 767. Oregonlan. FOUR-ROOM furnished house. corner 50x100, 3 blocks from ocean, Seaview. Wash. Trade for lot In Bunnyslde or ML Tabor, or small house. Tabor 9178. SEAVIEW. WASH. For rent or for sale. complete 6-room furnished cottage; running water, patent toilet, elec light. Call 600 Dekum bldg., 11 to 1. EIGHT beautiful lots. Bay Ocean. $SO0; one Neahkahnle, $200. E 179. Oregonlan. For Male Lota. LOTS FOR SALE. Why rav hirxh rents, when you can get a lovely corner lot, 57' by 100 in. University Park for onlv $350. Build a small home oi this and you will have the satisfaction of being independent. Also nice lot. 50 by 100, on Killingaworth ave., that can be had very reasonable. Call owner at Sell. 1575, Sunday or Monday. MI. TABOR. $3000. -100x100. on S. W. cor. East 54th and Belmont: paved streets, all improve ments In and paid. This Is the biggest bargain in Portland today. See it at once. RITTER. LOWE CO . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid.. IMPROVED LOT. 60x100. IRVINGTON Full-bearing fruit and shade trees. aH street improvements in and paid; a choice location, 1 block to Broadway car line: a Fnap for quick action. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of. Trade Bldg. TWO beautiful lots on Holgate street highly improved: 20 full-bearing fruit trees 10 years old and in fine condition; ail kinds of berries; 2 blks. from car. Just the place to build a bungalow and Deat tne nign rents, price tl-ou. very easy terms. JOHN B. HOWARD. 318 Chamber, of Commerce. LAURELHURST, $1100. Flue location, full lot, all street Im provements In and paid. Thia. Is a real pick-up: owner lust reduced price idsu for immediate sale. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. V, ACRE. Just outside city limits, not far from car line; good neighborhood. In light brush easily cleared. $HO0; terms, $25 cash. $20 per month. City water and gas available. SUKBN rBTBHSU.N,. 1102 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3731. IRVINGTON. IRVINGTON. lOOxlOO. K. 21st St.. for $3000: all Improvements in and paid, 1 block to Broadway car line; SO feet paved street; big bargain. RITTER, LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR THE MORTGAGE AND INTEREST. 70x100 lot, occupied by two old hjouses on ad St., near blierldiin; x-l"j.iu wll tnke ft; pretty -cheap for west side prop erty. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. ROSfcl CITY PARK. ONLY rx)0. Nice 50x100, east front, on East 52d St. Everything clear: good abstract, some pick-up: act quick. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. IRVINGTON JMSTIUCT. One lot. 50X-100.- on E. 27th near Knott, everything paid $'000 100x100. on Knott street, corner: everything paid 2400 HENRY W. UODDARD. 243 Stark St. WILL TRADE FOR LIBERTY BONDS. Dandy 50x100 west facinK lot on Kast noth st.. In Rose City district. Price J1000. all clear; good buy. RITTER. I.OWB & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. $35(l ROSE CITY SPECIAL. Sunday and Monday only my f-roora modern home; hardwood floors, white enamel finish, 50x110: about (1150 to handle. 4 block to R. C. car. Phone Tabor 7528. No agents. BAROAIN, wr;t-side lot. no buildinff re strictions; $000, $60 cash. $10 monthly; street Improvements paid. J0HNS0N-D0D60N CO.. 833 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6 lots In St. Johns. $1200 cash. Box 2. Elk City. Or. BKATJTI FUI, wooded lots, none smaller than 5xlOO, near the Jerterson high; $500, $50 cash. $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. FOR SALE Corner lot. 50x32. in Har vard Heights, near Keen college: im provements are paid; price $250, which Is about cost of improvements. 6o4 E. Morrison st. j;no IRVINGTON PARK LOT $200. BY OWNER, cement walks, curb, cl-ty water, electricity; 3 blocks from car; $."0 down, $10 per month; has cost me $650. Broadway 1631. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 2 lots In Tualatin View fark. witn view ot valley. Cost $600 each: will sell one or both for half price. Owner. Marshall 4827. NICE 0.0x100 lot In good location. Jef ferson High district. nest Buy in the city for $300. Good terms. WUln. 37U6 Sunday or evenings. ALAMEDA PARK, lot 50x100. $1100. Im provements in and paid. HOth and Skid more sts. Owner, 326 Hall st- Phone Main 3223. BY OWNER Choice 50x100. E. fae. lot in Rose City dist., below hill, N. Sandy blvd. Phone E. 3909 mornings and evenings. FOR SALE Two fine quarter blocks, one block south ot Alnswortn ave.. Highland Park, side walks and curbing in; at a bargain, cheap. F. M. Miles. Main 1390. TWO VERY DESIRABLE LOTS. two blocks from railroad and store at Rock away Beach, an clear; will exchange for used car. Call Wdln. 3017. FOR SALE Lot 60x100. in Ladd addi tion, near Atn ana uawtnorne. Owner. AF 750. Oregonlan. " FOR SALE 3 lots. 22. 23. 24. Reservoir Park, east Portland, n.vu. Address H. F. C. box 71. Cacamonga. California LOT 50x100 Groveland park, all improve ments in. uninqstmberea. i.o for quick sale: owner non-resident. Tahor o.)46. FOR SALE Desirable lot on E. S4th St. near Glisan. in Terrace f ark. ouo leon Bldg.. or Main 241S. 1500 AND $2000 private money, on city property lor two years. Diasien, oun Panama bldg. Main 9208. FOR SALE Lot 50xlOO, Rail Rd. add., 82d st. and o.-w. K t im. crossing. Montavllla. $160 cash. Tel. Main 7910s SAVE $200. 50x112 lot, $285; gas. water. electricity, cement walk; Investigate. Owner. N 151. oregonlan. . FOR SALE Two lots. 50x100. on Inter state ave.. facing Winchell st.. level ground and fruit trees. Call Vdln. 40, 4 LOTS, ctear, value jioikj. easy terms, or trade for car or small ousineps. iai. D. Bolt, Main 7901. or Main 51S0. fou RALE or trade, lot 140X315. on E. Irving st.; snap, win you duiio. a small house for them? Tabor 7345. CHEAP 6 lots in Warrenton; make me an orfer. t zw. uregonian. K-nre RAT.E Good corner lot. 6 East Bum Bide, on good terms. Owner. East 2704. FOR SALE ( lots just outside city limits, city conveniences. wogmawa a-u. REAL ESTATE. For Sale ATTENTION! SPECULATORS! BUII.F.RS! INVESTORS ! Choice building lota are nosr at the LOWEST PRICE ever recorded in Port land, and are certain to advance to for mer prices or even higher. NOW IS THE TIME to pick over while the price is low. These and hundreds of others are listed with ua at far below ths ORIGINAL PRICE. SEE THBM KOWI ALBERTA DISTRICT. $1500100x100 on E. 30th, facl-n east, 1O0 feet north of Jarrett; hard . surfaced. EASY TERMS. $1000 123x100 on west side of E. 20th St.. 2i0 feet north of Killings worth. EAST TERMS. S25 SOxliio on East 13th. facing west. 150 feet north of Shaver; hard surfaced. EASY TERMS. $650 "i0xlO0 on East 31st. facing west. 155 feet north of Kiliingsworth. EASY TERMS. $800 Oxl00 on E. 19th. facing east. 2i feet north of Sumner. EASY TERMS. $45050x100 on east side of Glenn are, loo feet north of Jarrett. EASY TERMS. ALBINA DISTRICT. $15Q 60x150 on Eugene St.. facing north, 1-50 feet west of Union ave. HARD-SURFACED. Easy terms. ; $1300 50x100. faclnc West cm Rodney. 150 feet north of Going. EASY TERMS. $900 50x00 on S. E. corner Shaver and Montana; 4 fruit trees: hard surfaced. EASY TBRM.S. $S50 50x100. Castle ave.. 20O feet north of Mason, facing east; hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $75050x100, facing east on Alblna ave.. 150 feet -north of BEECH. Only $100 down. Easy terms on . balance. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $2000 100x100. beautiful lot. on N. W. corner E. 9th and Thompson. - HARD-SURFACED. Easv terms. $1000 oOxlOO. north side of Schuyler, 150 feet east of E. 83d. HARD SURFACED. Easy terms. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $1200 50x100, north side of Senate St.. 100 feet west of E. 37th st. Hard surfaced. EAST TERMS. $1200 5(1x100, south side of Sandy blvd., . 150 feet east of Inrperlal ave. ' EASY TERMS. A snap! $90050x100 on north side of LAU RELHURST AVE.. 1-vO feet west or k. 44tn. msi ikkms. good VALUE. MT. SCOTT BARGAINS. $350 0xl00 on north side of 42d ave- west of E. 72d st.: 8 fruit trees; CASH. Splendid value! $275 5Oxlo0 on 04th a-e.. 100 feet west of smh st., facing north. EAiSl TERMS. " EXCLUSIVE PIEDMONT. $15O0 50x100 on west side of MaJlory. 50 feet north of Jessup. Hard- surfaced. Cash. $12S0 Boxloo on east side of Kerby. 2iX feet north of Kiliingsworth. Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $1250 62x100. west of Vancouver ave.. on north side of Aintfworth. EASY TERMS. ROSE CITT DISTRICT. $1400 Beautiful 100x100. on west side of E. 51st. 100 feet north of Stan ton. HARD-SURFACED. EASY TBRMft. $1300 lOOxlOO. on west side of E. 5.1th St., 1O0 feet south of Slsklvou Hard-surfaced. EASY TERMS. $120060x100. northwest corner of E. 66th and Sandy blvd. Hard-sur- lacea. jsasy TERMS. $12oO 50x100. southwest corner of E. iust and Thompson. HARD SURFACED. Cash. $1200 T.OxlOO. S. W. corner E. 55th and Thompson. ElASY TERMS. $80000x100. west side of E 4mh si 150 feet north of Alameda drive. -EASY TERMS. $800 50x100. southeast corner of E ' .'i-Jd and Klickitat. EASY TERMS. oi'xioo. northeast corner of E 72d and Beech. EASY TERMS. Good value. 730 50x100. west side of E. 51st. 200 feet north of Stanton. EASY TtKllS. 0S0 50x100, west side of E. 50th. 100 ieei souta OI Tillamook. CASH $400 50x100 on east side of E. 0-!d 100 feet north of Klickitat. 1 AMI. A real bariraln $400 OOxloo on E. 06th. 100 feet north of Falling, faciiiif west. EASY SELLWOOD LOT (SNAPS. $1600 Splendid 100x100. E. 20lh. facing west. 50 feet south of Rex ave. nara-surraced. EASY TERMS. $-100 .Kxll0. east side of E. 20th st. 2.i0 feet north of Bybee. Hard surfaced. Cash. $20 .rJixllO. on ensr side rvf jr. ,. 6o fet north of Miller ave. EASY These are but a few of the remark able lot values we have listed. We have hundreds In every part of the cltv. AVAIL YOURSELF OF A BIG OPPOR TUNITY NOW! See J. Ijgie Richard son. "The Lot Man." with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Lot. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Open Eveninars and Sundavs. 106 i Third St., Bet. Wash, a-nd Stark. RJDSE CITY PARK. BEST BUY IN THE CITY. 100x100 fet. S. W. corner of 50th and Brazee streets, one block to Sandy blvd.. an Ideal location, many fruit -trees, property on level with street. To close an estate this property Is offered for $2000. free nd clear of all Incumbrances: terms, cash. .1. - L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. Main 2o8. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTION. Why wait until the cream Is gone? Select your future homesite now; you can build later; these lots have ever green shrubbery, such as dogwood, maple and firs: paved streets; sewers, water in and paid: representing a large portion of our selling price; we have never of fered this property before at such low prices. See us today. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD A GOOD HOME? If so .we have the site. Take a look at B. 28th at. fac. west bet. Eugene and TMompson. Beautiful colonial houses across the street. Can sell you 50x195 luxiua or larger grounas ir wanted. We have an exceptlcnlly low price on this property. This is fine stuff. 'See us and make an offer. RITTER, LOWE Sc CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg., We Write All Kinds of Insurance. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. SPECIAL SNAPS. $850 50x100, 3 blocks to Broadway car line, on E. 27th St.: all clear. $90O E. 15th. near Klickitat, clear; this is a real pick-up. $1000 Nice level 50x100 fac. east, near Tillamook, close to Broadway car line; all liens paid. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. IRVINGTON. $1700. Betweeji two fine homes on EV 17th st. facing west, between Stanton and Sis kiyou, 50x100. nice trees and shrubbery, all improvements in and paid. Let us prove to you that this is the best buy in Irvlngton. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2Q1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON CORNER SNAP Only $3500 for 100x100 on N. E. cor of East 20th and Klickitat: 2 blocks to Broadway car; beautiful evergreen ahrub beria firs and dogwood; expensive colo nial homes on opposite corners; take a look; $90O cash, balance 3 years at 6 RITTER, LOWE & CO.. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. WHY NOT BUY 03x150 on Kiliingsworth ave., near East 14th $650, $65 down. $10 per month? Close to 4 car lines, schools and churches; fine location for small house; save rent, put up temporary house for summer, see us without de lay. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton iot. some trees. 50x 100; 50-ft. south of Kllckatat street, facing east. Price $1300, half cash. B 549 Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK Beautiful lot. improvements complete. $200 cheaper than any other lot In this vicinity. Owner, 717 Board of Trade bldg WILL SACRIFICE a $25O0 lot for $150O. This Is a most desirable lot with view, near Hawthorne on 25th. Phone owner! Broadway 1977, room 320. AM SACRIFICING my $650 lot in Al-berta for $400 cash. Call any time, Broadway 2 LOTS. $400 each, lu blocks from car line: 6 fruit trees. 4303 43d ave. S. E W. S. car. FOR SALE 2 fine lots In Portland view add.. Vancouver. Wash. sidewalk in. all clear. Phone 883J. C 180. Oregonlan. FINE sightly lot E. 11th. bet. Going and Prescott. $900. Main 7030. 2 LOTS, 25x1 00. Union ave.. near Dekum or will trade for Dodge car. Mala ti3S3. REAL ESTATE. SPECIAL LOT BARGAINS. READ CAREFULLY. We can recommend each and every parcel listed below as being way below true value. Now Is the opportune time to buy that home site; you can build later. We are averaging a lot sale a day because we only handle vacant property that will sell. Let us assist in the location of your home: $300 N. W. cor. East 68th and Broadway: 60x100. $300 East 73d. in Jonesmore; no liens: 50x114. $300 Fine building lot. close to W. W. car. on East 30th st. $900 Union ave.. the biggest bar gain in Portland, near Going and It's all clear at this price. $900 Alameda Park. beautiful south front lot on Mason between two nice homes. $1200 Can you beat this? 50x100 on East Glisan. near Bast 24th. 1 short block off Sandy; ripe for flats or apartments. $1400 Corner on Hawthorne, near East 50th: 66 2-3x100. $1S50 Beautiful Alameda cor. on Bryce, containing 90OO sq. ft.; all liens paid. We only have a few days oa this at this price. $2000 Alblna, 100x100, near Miss issippi and Russell; formerly held af-$60OO. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. IRVINGTON. M BLOCK ON KNOTT ST. See this and you will want It. beauti ful wooded 100x100. at very low price: the finest corner in Irvlngton. Let us show you. RITTER. LOWE 4; CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale -Houses. FORCED SALE! WALKING DISTANCE! $2100 $400 down, $20 per month. Just across the steel bridge, is this comfortable, substantial 5-room bungalow cottage, with plumbing, good cement basement, sewer, paved St.. sidewalk all In and paid for. NO MORTGAGE TO ASSUME. THIS WOULD SELL FOR MORE MONEY IF IT WERE IN Mt. Scott. A WON - DERKUL BARGAIN. An un disputed opportunity. LET US SHOWMT TO YOU TODAY! See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. IO6V4 3d St.. Bet. 'Wash, and Stark. Open Evenings and Sundays. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I have Just spent $515 remodeling, pa pering and painting outside and In, my six-room house on Portland Heights. To raise cash $1600 is what I ak for it complete. It has . bathroom, wash tray, lights, furnace, etc. Call Mar. 4887 this morning. I have another on adjoining property for $2200. This is a four-room cottage which -needs a little money spent to make you a cozy modern home, at half tne price of building the bouse. Marshall 4887. OWN YOUR HOME. MAKE YOUR RENT BUY THIS. $300 THAT'S ALL IT TAKES $300. THIS IS SOME BARGAIN. Six-room double-constructed house, full basement, Dutch kitchen, buffet, good plumbing, fino lot. This Is no cheaply built house; It Is substantial from the ground up and the price Is only $3000. Sunday, Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7967. Marnels or Williams. 8-0 Chamber of Commerce. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. On Kiliingsworth ave., near East 7th. large 5-rm. bungalow with full cement basement, furnace, bath, gas, electricity, large floored attic; house would cost $45110 to build; will sacrifice for $4000. $1000 cash. Willamette addition. 3 blks. St. Johns car, modern 7-room home with 150x100 corner; 20 full bearing fruit trees; also berries; snap, only $50oo, $1500 cash. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 WASH. ST. PIEDMONT DISTRICT HOME. By owner, large 7-room house. Faces east; lot 100x110: white enamel plumb ing: elegant electric fixtures, beautiful shade trees, roses and shrubbery; wal nuts, berri-s and all kinds of fruit trees. Barn, chicken house, garage; a country home in the city. $4500. Woodlawn 1430. 1415 Minnesota ave. $4.-,(M ON EASY TERMS. $45O0. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. NOW VACANT 7 ROOMS and sleeping porches. H. W. firs., furnace, fireplace, everything. Sunday. Marshall 5903; week days. Main 7967. Marlels or Wil liams, 8o Chamber of Commerce blng. FURNISHED 5-room house, modern, lots. 1 in garden, bearing fruit trees. prune, grapes, berries, iriwn. roses, wood. $2650. good terms. Mt. Scott car to SOth St. S. E.. 2 blocks south. Inquire A NEW English colonial (Alameda), dis.. beautiful view of city; 8 lovely rooms, hardwood floors, fixtures are all of the very best and all modern, convenient; garage; lot 50x102: $10,000. some terms. Call Main 5385 for information and ap pointment. $K50 YOUR OWN TERMS. LARGE TENT HOUSE LOT 100x100. Ten fine fruit trees, chicken house. hard-surface street, on 65th St.. 100 feet south 65th ave.; if you want a real snap look at it or call Main 6795 evenings for more details. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Very neat and clean, fireplace, usual built-ins, 5 rooms, good attic, and base ment: a cozy home for vou. Eighth St.. near school and car: $3500. Only $650 cash, call Tabor 4js:i. BEAUMONT BUNGALOW. : rooms. - sleeping porcnes. uuxiuu lot. Sleeping porcnes. uux.iimi ioi. narawooi floors, all bullt-lns. furnace, fireplace Hardwood lull cemeni oasemeni. unn,r going io California, will sacrifice. $4700, terms. Tabor HBS4. BY OWNER Furnished or unfurnished 6 room modern house, garage and chicken house, with 2 or 3 lots, abundance of fruit, berries and garden. This Is a real h'ly; $750 will handle. 4513 40th ave. S. E Phone Sellwood 2774. LET ME SHOW TOn 6-room modern house within easy walking distance of center of city, near east end ol railroad bridge: a grent bargain nt $."ooo. Easv terms. 6. F. W. TOKGLER. 106 Sherlock bldg. BUNGALOW BARGAIN 5 rooms (mostly ureel and bnth: electric lights. e; stove: only $170O, $0OO cash. Thomason. 624H poster roaa. Mt. cott car to Lau re 1 wood. PROPERTY with future; 1 1-5 acres. 240 feet frontage, on O.-W. R. N. 6-room house, fruit, berries, cow. chickens, fur niture If desired. 1708 Midway ave. E., St. Johns. NINE rooms, sleeping porch, attic, full basement, furnace, fireplace, fruit, roses. lawn, paved street: good home; near East 22d and Hawthorne. Only $5750 terms. Owner, East 4723. NICE B-rm. bun-rftlow for sale: good loca tton; also good modern home in best part of Lnurelhurst. Phone Main 7141 or Marshall 2003. ROSE CITY home. 6 rooms, sleeping porch 71x100, must sell, somebody gets bar gain: terms. Owner. 470 E. 54th N. Tabor 6979. MUST sell modern 5-room house; pay ments less than rent, 5 Interest: no reasonable offer refused. 0913 Wood stock ave. FOR SALE By owner, my modern 6-room residence in Holladay addition. fine corner, shrubbery, flowers and garden 3-15 E. 2nd St. N. NOW VACANT $2900. 6-room house, newly painted: in fine shape. E. 30th and Burnslde. East 2S71. QUICK SALE. LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA.. Good 6-room house, close In. nice dis trlct. good terms. Wdln. 1402. ment. furnace and trays, small payment down, balance montniy or to suit pur chaser. Tabor 8843. BEAUTIFUL little bungalow, located on 82d and"AVasco; price $-700. Owner. Ta bor 2356. Terms. MODERN 7-room house, 169 North 22d st, Phone Main 2561. FOR SALE Good seven-room house, Mt. Scott, 2S50. For particulars call Mar shall 335S. after six. GOOD 4-room home. Woodstock district, $2000: terms. Metcair, Marshall 243 Sellwood S6".2. DO YOU WANT A REASONABLY PRICED HOME? PHONE MARSHALL 16S4. J. M. bEKKl. FOR SALE Large barn on 100x100 lot In Montavllla. Inquire In grocery at 7th st. and Base Line road. FOR SALE 3 -room house on 50x100 lot. In Montevllla. Inquire In grocery at 75th and Base Line road. . THREE 5-room bungalows cheap; owner. East 8067. 6-ROOM new house. Harold ave. Call afternoons. Main 216. CI.ASfY 0-room bungalow and garage for sal" at 277 Russett st. or Woodlawn 2354. FOR PALE House and lot, fine location. IROU 4th st.. room 35. $3."00 6-ROOM semi-modern house, Haw thorne dist., newly renovated. E. 6329. I 6-RM. house semi-modern, cor. 32d and Clinton au; $33. East 1223. REAL ESTATE. For Sale PACIFIC AGENCT. INC., 614-20 Swetland Bldg. Auto. 611-50 or Marshall 39S9. Office Open Sunday. NO. 533. ROSE CITY. $13,000. One of those delightful homes ' with all the modern conveniences that go with them, coueisting of W rooms, with plateglais windows, an exception bathroom with wonderful fixtures, large sleeping f torch, everything dandy: luOxloO ot. Phone Auto. 511-50 or Mar shall 8989. NO. 458. PIEDMONT. PRICE $11.0OO. CASH $6000. Fine 8-room home in a restrict ed district; plategiass windows, heavy French bevel plate mirror buffet, finely finished throughout, modern in every respect; larKe front porch with massive pillars and buttresses of artistic cement blocks: ground lOOxluo. A very pretentious home at a bargain price. Phone Auto511-00. NO. 430. LADD ADDITION. Fine 8-room modern home on an 80x120 lot; with this home goes a gas range, pool table. $4iKto electric automobile with battery charger. This Is one of the finest homes in one of Portland's re stricted districts. Price $15,000. Phone Automatic 011-50. NO. 433. HOLLADAY ADDITION. PRICE $4250. CASH $1UU0. We have for sale at a remark able bargain this 11-room house with all the conveniences of a modern home. This place is lo cated close in on East Weldler st. on a 75x100 lot. We still have a few days left before this place will be taken off the market. if you are looking for a pood home well located In a splendid dis trict call Automatic 511-50 and let us show you this place. NO. 496. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. PRICE $9250. ONE-HALF CASH. This Is a fine 6-room Colonial home on Aspen st. Excellent bard wood floors, built-in effects, Ivory finish, in fact a modern, up-to-date home on about a lot and three-quarters. There is a fine view from almost every room in this home where you can see miles of beautiful Willamette valley and hills and mountains beyond. Un avoidable circumstances have placed the owners in a position that they are unable to maintain so pretentious a home and are of fering It at several thousand dol lars less than the original cost. For appointment to see, flione Automatic 511-50. NO. 538. ALBERTA. $2500. If you are looking for a nice lit tle convenient home, well located, and have only a few dollars to pay down, let us show you this 3 room and sleeping porch, which is practically a 4-room .house, lo cated on East Fifteenth st. north. This house Is almost completely furnished. Including a combina tion range worth $,5. Call early and avoid the rush. Phone Auto matic 511-50. NO. 474. IRVINGTON. PRICE $18,000, ONE-HALF CASH. 12-room modern house, located on a fine corner, louxlio very beautiful grounds, convenient to two car lines. The lawn has been cared for by an expert gardener. The house In itself Is very nicely arranged, the rooms being unusu ally large and airy. Ideal for en tertaining, as nearly the whole of the first floor can be thrown into one large room. There are 4 lire places, fine hardwood floors, first class hot-water heating plant. 2 bathrooms and all other modern features, also a fine garage. The owner Is leaving the city and la very anxious to dispose of his' home before going away. Phone Automatic 511-50 for appointment to see this place. NO. 470. IRVINGTON. $12 500. Beautiful 8-room Irvlngton home, corner lot 75x100, in a very exclusive district. Wonderful ground with rare shrubbery and flowers. An excellent home In the pink of condition, with every mod ern convenience; 3 blocks from Broadway or Irvlngton car line. Phone Automatic 011-50. NO. 52. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. PRICE $11,500. TERMS. This Is an exceptionally well built, conveniently arranged, splen didly designed home of the Cali fornia style. Large living room, paneled dining room, white enamel bath, bedroom, center hall and reception hall: also a very fine garage. Lot 75x100. Phone Auto matic 511-00. NO. 531. TABOR SIDE. Good 5-room cottage on East Hawthorne St., on a 50x100 lot; fine chicken house and runs, lots of fruit and shrubbery. Price $2000. NO. 529. BARGAIN PRICE. ROSE CITT. $4950. 50x100 lot. fine home In an ex clusive district. This is newly finished in old Ivory, hardwood floors, full cement basement, hot air furnace: $15oo will handle this; terms on the baiance. NO. eon. WEST SLOPE, MT. TABOR. PRICE $0750. Five-room bungalow with fine sleeping porch, extra large lot and dandy garage. This Is located In the best part of the llounl Tabor district and is a fine little home. Terms about one-half cabh. NO. 469. MOUNT SCOTT. $3750. A very good six-room home, dining room and kitchen with bulit-ins. full basement, lot 40x100, on an alley. Some fruit and flow ers. About one-half cash. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 014-20 Swetland Bldg. Automatic Sll-50. J247r VACANT VACANT J2475. SEE THIS BEFORE BUYING. Six rooms, good basement, fine plumb ing, electric lights, gas; house is in finest condition, just newly painted and decorated; lot 50x100: several fruit trees; near car; this is certainly a bargain and terms are easy. Sunday. Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7967. Marlels or Williams. 820 Cham." of Com. bldg. ROSE CITY' DISTRICT. Fine 8-room. absolutely modern res., corner on one of the finest drives In city all conveniences. everything; enough said. Let me show you. $t;ooo. but make me an offer of third or half cash and we can get together. Call Owner. Aut. 31026. before 10 A. M.. or after 5 P. M. Accept late model, 0-pass. car. ONE-FOURTH acre, dandy semi-modern 3-room house, good woodshed, barn, chicken house, 6 fruit trees, lots of berries: have $050 equity; will consider in trade a good Ford or other good ear up to $000. $150 cash, balance of $700 at $10 a month at 6 interest. This is a good buy. Call at 5s29 72d st. 8. E., or phone Tabor 2473. Cable Realty Co. ROSE CITY BUY $5250 7-room modern, hardwood floors, fire place. Bleeping porch, full cement base ment, new furnace, one block off street car. This 1 an exceptional buy. Don't overlook this if you are looking for a home in Rose City. NE1LAN & PARK HILL, 219 Lumbermens bldg, 5th and Stark sts. FOR SALE By owner, one of the cheap 7 est furnished 4-room houses In the city. This will so q.uic.k Phone East biOi. REAL ESTATE. For rle House. HIGH-CLASS . LARGE 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Oomg at a bargain. DESIRABLE. CLOSE-IN LOCATION. An attractive, cheerful home; easi;y furnished, easy to care for; large rustic porch, delight tui living room. Ivory finish; flrep.ace. furnace., and a good attic, too. CHOICE CORNER GROUNDS; PAVED STREETS. Ciose beautiful Laureihurst park and convenient Sunnysiue car. Don't deiay If jou want something choice at lo.v price Owner. Tbor 0109 or weekdays. Broadway 421. .FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Must Act Quickly, owner of nifty buntaiow leaving for talt J..ake. wants to svll house and fur 51,lt , ? rooms. 2 bedrooms, dandy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nooK. full . f"111 basement, laundry trays, SOxluO lot. The last word m cozy uunsalows. Located Portsmouth. 1 b.k. St. Johns car. Ail ready to start housekeeping, sacrifice price for quick saie oil terms, only $3000. Ask for Mr. Sohlstrom. T. MOORE CO. Yeon bldg. GEO. IRVINGTON home, 6 rooms and attic. with all desirable features, 70x100 lot and well located. Price, appraised valut to close an estate. 2-f!at building, full lot. East Salmon St., near 14th. Income $y5 monthly. Price and terms right. 5 rooms, barn and poultry house. 1 i acres, bearing fruit trees and berries. Just inside city limits; 4 bloe.ks to elec tric lima. Only $3000. 1. G. DAVIDSON. . 819 Chamber ot Commerce. ONLY $11K). JiO CASH. Neat o-room house close in, 4 blocks off Sellwood car line. Sewer and cement walk in and paid for. This little home Is worthy of your consideration. There is no mortgage, just straight monthly payments on contract. I only accept properties for sale that are well worth the price asked. J. J. MCCARTHY. Abir.gton Blag. IN LAURELHURST. I have two modern homes In Laurel hurst. 6 and 7 rooms each, with sleep;ng porcnes, center entrances, well con structed and in fine condition, price tosou and iHVH! respectively. The latter lias new garage and only one biock to ear. Reasonable cash lirst payments and balance on very easv terms. MR. BROWN. 331 Railway Exchange. Main 7"1 1 A SNAP FOR SOMEONE. .MIST SBLL, AT ONCE. $6000 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON' -$6000 V A CANT STRICTLY MODERN. 7 rooms, strictly modern; full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors; in finest condi tion, just newly painted and decorated and really a splendid buv; on terms. Sunday, .Marshall 59H3; week days. Main .:i67. Manels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce 1'ldg. RUNT SLAVES. ATTENTION! $0 Neat, connortable 5-R. lurnlshcd cottage. situated So. Portland, near car and river, garden, real , living. $3S00 1 li acres. Oregon City electric. 5-K. gungalow. lurnished. garden, cherries, etc. $2900 Sunnyside. 6-R. modern home. CHARLES H1NGLEK - 41 CO., 2 20 Henry Bldg. S'.HMH. .-t'.MftM - WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. 8-room magnificent home in pink of condition: all modern conv.. large liv. rm.. rec. hall; 70x100. view; worth $lo.OOO; terms; vacant. tl. C. GOLDENBERO. G. C UOLDKNBERG. Ablngton Lhlg. Main 4RIVS. MUST UK SOLI) AT ONCE. $1050 YOUR OWN TERMS $1650. NEAR PENINSULA LB R. CO. MILL. 8-room house, vacant; plumbing, gas. etc.; jiu-t newly painted and papered in side; good condition, several fruit trees: near Wiilam, tie blvd. This is no man sion but beats renting and is worth the money. Sunday Marshall 5963: week days, 7967. Muriels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WALKING DISTANCE FROM M Y OFFICE. Semi-modern house of six large rooms between Williams Ave. and Union Ave. on Hancock street, only seven blocks from Broadway bridge. I will sell this plaie for $2:;uo to responsible family on the following terms: $;ioo cash and $20 per month, interest only li1",. on balance. J. J. M'CA KT11 Y. Ablngton lildg. ROSE CITY PARK 7-ltooM BUNGALOW. CLOSE IN VACANT. Bargain for quick deal; 4 bedrooms besides delightful sleeping porch: ail modern features: CHOICE CORNER lot: PAVED STREETS; ideal location, close In and close to R. ('. car: quick action necessary. Ow ner. Tabor 5169 or week days. Broadway 421. $!00. WHY RENT? $1600. BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME. 4 rooms, good casement, electric liKhts. ' gas. some plumbing, fine lot. Oilxlno; 11 bearing prune trees, chicken house and run. hard surface and car. This is a beau tiful little place and a bargain. Silnd;iv. Marshall 0:('.:i: week days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. K20 Chamber of Commerce Itldg BUNG A LOW B A RGA1N MOVE RIGHT IN. Large rooms. modern. nearly new. Fine for street car man. Near Killings worth ami car barns, big lol. fruit, ber ries, flowers. Price $42oO. easiest terms or good discount for half cash. Wood lawn 31 S3. $100000 MANSION FOR sno.ooo MORE LEGITIMATE OFFER NEVER .MADE. G. C. GOLDENBKRG. Abington Bldg. Main 4Sil3. A BARGAIN" 0-room house; lot. 100x140 feet; some fruit, berries, roses and other shrubbery: good neighborhood, good lo cation. Plenty of juod garden ground. Near car line and paved street. Take as part payment 00 1 "O feet lot in pood location for home. Phone Tabor 9216. $297.-i TERMS S 2970. f niTii a vr. Al.lll-'Il STS 7-room excellent res., modern. $18 and monthly. G. GOLDEN'RERG G. C. UULUtMitKli Abington Bldg Main 4S03. 4-ROOM bungalow and bath, completely lurntsned: liutrn Kltenen in wnne enamel, also bath: lot 00x114: all kinds of smill fruit and flowers; garden ail in: laving hens and young chickens: uric s::oon: SKMio c:ash. balance terms. Owner. Tabor 60so. BETTER THAN RENT. Neat 5-room bungalow. $:i000: fire place, buffet. Dutch kitrhen. paved street, 1 block to car: $70O cash, bal ance $20 per month including interest. Call o"l'4 Oak. St. Broadway 206 Sun day and evenings. Woodlawn 4417. Kol'lt "beautiful homes for sale by owner. Showy 8-room home, fine big garden, lots of fruit, flowers and lawn. A real home for S380O. Three sina.ll homes near Columbia park that are very tiretty. Prices are low; paving in. Call Colum bia 1141. 2000 Portsmouth ave. A REAL NIFTY 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW OX DIVISION ST, j:ii;ni) EASY TERMS. WILL YOU FEE IT? J. E. HEDGES. 171 W. PARK. GROUND FLOOR. WEST SIDE FLAT BUILDING 6 flats, good Income. 50x100 lot. Will accept exchange up to 4noO, balance cash or mortcage. Price $S0OO. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Rank Bldg. Main S77. WEST SLOPE. Mt. Tabor, only J4SO0 now; most modern 5-room bungalow, with good attic; a dream and more than worth -the money. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Week Tabor 219. FOR SALE By owner, str-.ctly modern 7 room house, hardwood floors and sleep ing porch. 1 to 2o acres land with fruit and shrubbery. Reed College dis trict, easy terms. Sell. 3677. OPPORTUNITY for handy man: nice level, fertile lot on Mississippi ave.. near park: cheap, easy terms: will furnish money to build. 1040 Mississippi ave. Wood lawn 378. BY OWNER Strictly modern 8-room, Jitory-and-a-half bungalow in Rose City. , one block off Sandy, fireplace, hardwood floors, beautiful built-ins. full base- 4-ROOM modern bungalow, nicely fur nished, lot 50x100. lots of fruit, close to car line. $2000. Good terms. Mr. Miller ship. Alder hotel. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE must soil two modern close-in houses between Benson Tech. and Washington high schools. Price $3000. East 1364. UP-TO-DATE modern bungalow. Fared street, full basement, 20 minutes from town. $2200. $400 down. Woodlawn 4092. TWO HOUSES on one lot, need repair, will sell cheap. See them at 40 and 42 E. 27th. near Pine. Make me an offer. Phone Main lMO. TWO HOUSES on one lot. 6 and 3 rooms, both rented. 47 and 49 28th. East Side. See property then see me. H. A. Mad dock. 511 Merchants Trust Bldg. FOR SALE Modern home. S rooms, base ment entire. Hawthorne and Sunnyside cars, owner leaving citv. sacrifice for $6000. E. Colman. 135 13th St. 734 EAST BURNSIDE $4000. Modern 8-room house: 4 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace; a snap. East 2S71. (BARGAIN Modern bungalow on E. 37th i St., beautiful surroundings, $1300 down, 1 balance easy terms. Owner, labor S327.