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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1920)
20 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAJf, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 YOU BRING IN YOUR FILMS WE'LL BRING OUT THEIR FINE POINTS MAIN FLOOR IsK Mr. Foster Travel Information Service Why bother about schedules and other trouble some travel details when Mr. Foster's courteous, efficient representative will cheerily attend to all this for you and probably do it better than you would yourself. No charge for this service. Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. Worried About Your Furs? Don't know what to do with them while you are vacationing?. Afraid of moths, thieves damage or total loss? .Then there's only one thing for you TO DO put them in our storage vaults. Call, phone, drop a postal. We do the rest. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. Chautauqua Tickets Tickets for the Willamette Valley Chautauqua to be held at Gladstone Park July 13-25 inclusive are on eale in our Book Shop. Billy Sunday, other notable speakers, bands, singers, players. Adults' season .tickets $2.50; children's (7 to 12) at $1.25. Free programmes in Book Shop. ... Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. - z SEE ALSO PAGE 13 this section. Tn& Q.uautV Stoe of- Portland Greatest Apparel Values Wait on This Store's Patrons Kl On Sale Monday Entire Stock of Silk Bags Were $12.50 to $35.00 Now $6.25 to $17.50 Our-entire regular stock of silk bags at these prices will be reduced to half be ginning Monday. Imitation shell, metal and covered frames' with black, brown, navy and taupe silk. Mostly pouch style with ornite tops. Among them are favorite-drop frame bags, with beaded tops and large mirrors. Majority of the bags are fitted with coin purse and mirror. A few handsome brocaded bags are also -half .'.price. ' Center Aisle Bargain Square Moire Bags Half Price at 98c to $2.50 Were $1.95, $2.25, $2.98, $3.98 and $5 now 98c to $2.50. Moire hand bags fitted with coin purse and mirror and having moire or metal handles. Black, navy and taupe. Each bag half its former price. -Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Our Entire Stocks of Georgette Crepe Freshly Price Adjusted $2.75 and $3 grades S2.25 $3.25 and $3.50 grades $2.50 $3.75 and $4 grades now 3 $4.50 grade now only $3.50 Fine all-silk georgette' crepe in plain colors can now be had at these revised prices. White, flesh, black, navy, turquoise, peach, nile, maize, rose, orchid and many other lesirable shades. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. all ktce WERE PRICED $50 TO $150 NOW PRICED $25 to $75 Jersey combined with georgette, brocade combined with georgette, lovely satin throws, luxurious tea gowns lined with chiffon and many other beauties for the boudoir. ONE OR TWO OF A KIND and we have decided to clear them away at just half the original prices. Women who desire something exceptionally fine will be interested. . . Meier & Frank's: Negligee Shop, Third Floor. DressEmbroidery 75c Tard-wide cotton voile dress embroidery that has been 98c until now. White with white, rose, black, navy, brown, gray or tan embroidery. Laces 49 Shadow, plat Valenciennes, point de Paris, imitation filet and antique finished laces. White and ecru. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. July Sale Corsets Certain corsets sold down to a few of a kind or size have been abruptly reduced for this July outgoing. sk Sports Corsets $1.95 Flesh pink batiste -with wide blastic at side and back. Sizes 20 to 24 for misses and small women. American Lady Corsets $1.95 Regular $3.50 grade of front lace corsets for medium figures. White only. Pink Satin Corsets $3.45 Low bust, dancing corsets with elastic tops. Sizes 24 to 30. Regu larly $4.50. Meier & Frank's: Corset Shop, Third Floor. $3.95 $6.95 $6.95 500 Fine Porch and Afternoon Dresses $13.50 to $15 Values I $5 to $10 Values $595 $395 Sizes 12 to 20 in the dresses at $3.95; sizes 34 to 42 in the dresses at $6.95. Charming frocks. Not just house dresses. Really fashionable affairs of soft finished gingham, chambray, cotton crepe and percale. Soft delft blue, pink, tan, lilac and fancy colored plaids. Plenty of plain colors in the lot. Three dresses are pictured, but there are dozens of other styles equally attractive. Short and long sleeves. Many women will want two or three. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. TAFFETA SILK SALE $2.59 " Our entire regular stocks of this season's $3.50, $4 and $4.50 qualities. Plain colored taffeta carefully bought for the regular stocks of the Daylight Silk Shop. Now at 91c to $1.91 yard LESS than the prevailing prices all season. Taffeta for dresses, wraps, skirts, peplum blouses and petticoats. AVonderful Collection of Colors such as navy, midnight blue, Copenhagen, pale blue, brown, tan, fawn, taupe, gray, burgundy, heliotrope, plum and pink, also light and medium color combinations in two-tone taffeta. 35 and 36 Inches Wide Sale opens 9:15 A. M. Monday in the Daylight Silk Store. Meier & Frank's: Silk-Store, Second Floor. Finer Silk Petticoats in a Sale $8.95, 810.50 and $14.95 Exclusive originalities in petti coats which well-dressed women enjoy. Made of beautiful jersey with plain and combination jersey or messaline flounces. A dark blue petticoat with two narrow stitched frills, a taupe jersey with embroidered Van Dyke points falling oyer a band of American beauty, a cerise jersey -with a black and cerise flounce, a sand-colored jersey with pleated messaline flounce which has Dresden medallions.' Many others. -Meier & Frank's: Petticoat Shop, Tfclrd Floor. Many Coats at Half 75 Suits Reduced to $32.50 All Remaining Model Gowns from Famous Maker Now $58.50 Stirring days in the Fashion Salons. One beautiful garment after another freshly marked to hurry away in order to make room for early autumn arrivals. Clever women will provide for the coming social season at a fraction of the normal costs. This sale will appeal to exclusive customers because there is seldom more than one garment of a kind. . Regular $20 to $98.50 Coats Half Price $10 to $49.25 All kinds of coats and wraps, seem to be included in this collection. Coats of leather, fiber silk, serge, jer-. sey, Bolivia, checks, velveteen and other luxurious ma terials. Golf coats without sleeves, motoring coats, short coats, long coats. Wanted colors in light and dark shades. Broken size assortments. $45 to $57.50 Tailored Suits $32.50 Sports suits of the new and fashionable rainbow tweed carefully built by expert men tailors. . Charming shades of rose, brown, tan, blue and green. Excellent for traveling, sports and general wear. Youthful mod els suitable for misses as well as women. "MODEL" Gowns $58.50 Remaining gowns from a famous maker's spring col lection will be offered tomorrow at this new low price. As all Portland knows, these gowns are pre-eminent in style, materials and workmanship. They are fashioned of the finest fabrics and trimmings obtainable in Eu-. rope and America. Soft satin, heavy crepe de chine, beautiful georgette crepe, rich taffeta, fine serge and other woolen materials. Morning Afternoon Dinner A Few Evening Frocks This opportunity to secure whatever is left at $58.50 will be eagerly welcomed. Model sizes only. Large variety of colors. Meier & Frank's: Fashion Salons, Fourth Floor. All These Fine Hats Half Price Hats which have not been reduced before are to be closed out Monday at exactly half last week's prices. A brown hat with leather ap- I ostrich plumes, was $30, pow $15. puque ana railia. emoruiuery was $38, now $19. . Large shade hat with jade, purple ind red chenille border ing thn brim and deep chenille tassel, was $27.50, now $13.75. Dress hat of brown lisere turned ip in front with fancy os trich, was $20, now $10. Dress hat of brown straw with Transparent hat edeed with horsehair lace, was $16.50, now $8.25. Large horsehair hat with wreath of fine flowers, was $18, now $9. Eark blue straw with rose col ored brim and trailing rosebuds in soft pink and gray, was $3u, now $15. About 50 hats in the rsscrtrrtcnt at half price. Meier & Frank's: Millinery Salons.Fourth Floor. Regular $6.50, $7, $S and $11 Georgette Blouses $5 Ten Charming Styles of Midsummer Blouses made of the heavier kinds of georgette crepe. White, flesh, beige, gold and maize. Tailored styles, soft little tucked affairs with hemstitching, side pleated blouses with flaring tucked sleeves, lovely ones trimmed only with unusually 'good-looking hemstitching and several styles with em broidery or lace. Each one has been freshly taken from" our regular stocks and reduced especially for this sale. Majority are the $8 and $11 values. Plenty of Sizes in the Collection but not all sizes in each style. Meier & Frank's: Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor.