THE SUNDAY-' OREGON! AX, ' PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1920 HIGH-LIGHTS ON PORTLAND'S DREDGING OPERATIONS MAPS ARE RETURNED DRAWINGS OFFERED TO A5IER ICAXS VAIiCELESS. T mew Papers Which Led to Arrest of Xlppones Said to Ha-ve'Been. Property of Russian. Minimum Now. 42 Feet at Low Water Over Bar. CHANNEL DEEPENS On DHED6N6 loos raaaaa-aaaaai WO-SK DONE BY "JETTIES Three Government Dredgeboats Will Remain, in Colombia River Doing Usual Service. Not only haa the channel at the mouth of the Columbia river held its own for the pasi year without dredg ing, but it has actually widened and deepened until there is now a mini mum depth of 42 feet at low water over :'the bar," and a width of ap proximately 3500 feet at the 40 foot depth. The channel at the mouth of the-river has widened 1000 feet in the past year. These facts were announced yester day 'By Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Slat terv'corps of engineers, commanding the second Portland district, as the result of a new survey of conditions at the mouth of the river which has Just been completed by army en gineers. The automatic maintenance and im provement of the channel is ascribed by the -engineer to the work of the two Jetties at the mouth of the Co lumbia, completed about five years go. The 40 foot depth now extends as far up the river as Fort Stevens, Colonel Slattery reported yes-terday. From that point, to the head of navi gation at the south end of Portland harbor, a depth of at least 30 feet will be maintained by dredges of the United States engineers, and the port of Portland. "The results of this survey show that there will be no work here for dredge Chinook for at least a year," said Colonel Slattery. "This dredge is now on the Atlantic coast, but we are keeping strings on her so she can be brought back if needed. "The other three government dredges will be operated in the Co lumbia river as usual. The Clatsop will work between Fort Stevens and Puget Island, and the Multnomah and Wahkiakum between Puget Island and Portland." Pacific Coast Shipping Sotes. ASTORIA, Or., July 10. (SpoclaL) A. message was received today from the cruiser BlrmlnKham stating that she will arrlyehera at o'clock on Monday morn ing en route to Portland. The BlrminK ham is" commanded by Captain S. P. Ev an, son of Fighting Bob'" Kvans. The, steam sclioonsr Santiam sailed at o'clock last night for fian Pedro with lumbar from the Hammond mill. The. tank steamer Colonel E. U trake, nrlnjttna fuel oil and gasoline for Astoria and Portland, arrived at noon today from California. , . The steam schooner Daisy, completing her -cargo of lumber at Knanpton, sailed at 2:30 today for San, Francisco. After taking on boilers at Portland, the -steam schooner Johan Poulse.n shifted last nicht to "Westnort, where she will fin ish loading lumber and probably will sail Sunday evening for Kan Francisco. GHATS HARBOR, Wash., July 10. f Special. ) A trial trip over the Grays Harbor bar was made yesterday afternoon by the motor schooner Forest King, built and fitted at the Grays Harbor iiotorship yards, in this city. uaplalm oanoorn, lutstad and McGee were aboard the vessel and declared the trip an unqualified success. Ttie" Forest King has 1400-horsepower oil-burning engines. The ship will load at tht'West and Donovan mills, complet ing--.rgo about Tuesday and going to Callao. Peru, on her maiden voyage. Standard OH barge No. 01, containing ano.lioo gallons of crude oil, arrived irom Richmond. Cal., last night. No gasoline or kerosene was in the shipment. Ships In port tonight are the steameTS Oregon, at the Wilson mm, Aoeroeen; Wahkeena. at the Eureka mill, Hoqulam; tv-innher. at the Bay City mill. Aberdeen: barge No. 1)1, at Standard Oil tanks: schooner Fred J. Wood, at E. K. Wood mill. Hoqulam. and schooner Eleanor, at Eureka mill. Hoqulam. The Oregon will leave for San Francisco at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. 8he Is carrying only a part cargo, due to a dam aged rudder. She loaded at the Wilson mill,' Aberdeen. COOS BAT. Or., July 10. (Special.) The steam schooner Martha Buehner ar rived last night from San r ranclsco at 6:30 to load a lumber cargo at the Buehner mill. The steamer C. A. Smith arrived from San! Francisco at S o'clock thia afternoon, conjlng for a cargo of lumber. SRATT1.E. Wash., July 10. (Special.) When the steamship Protesllaus, Captain D. Mansfield, of the Blue Funnel line steams from Seattle at o'clock tomorrow bound for ports in the orient, the big ves sel .will say good-bye to Seattle for five or six months. The Pmteallaus has been ordered to the TTnlted Kingdom after she delivers her cargo in China, Japan and the. .Philippines, to undergo repairs ' and a general overhauling. She will load In the-orient for London, Liverpool and other norts in the British isles. Tie Protesllaus will be replaced on the trans-Pacific route by the steamship Tal thyMus of the Blue Funnel line, which Is expected in Seattle October 5. She has beea lylng between ports in the orient and the United Kingdom. The Talthybius will - make two or three voyages in the trans-Pacific trade while the Protesllaus is receiving her overhauling In England. Seattle representatives of the Harrison Direct line aald today that the big freight er Crown of Oallcia will follow the steam shift frown of Toledo to this port In the regular monthly service or the Harrison fleej. The Crewn of Gaiicia will leave Liverpool about July IB, reach Fan Fran cisco about Auaust 15 and Seattle late in August. The vessel will load in British Columbia and on Puget sound. Just in time to diaslpate considerable anxiety felt for her safety, owing to the length of time she wn out from San Frajicieco for thia port, the shipping hoard's steamship Westboro arrived In Seattle today. yesterday completed th seventh day sinca this vessel sailed from Sar Francisco for Puget sound, a vev a4 ordinarily made by her speed in three days, and in the absence of any wireless reports as to her position or any acctden en -route, waterfront circles were much worried. Her slow passage was caused by engine trouDies. WrOMA, Wash.. July 10. (Special.) A Tacoma snipping bureau or the Mer chahta' Exchange was formed here to day. Information regarding the move meats of all steamers will be kept, as well as .shipping records. Lumbermen, ship pers. ehandlers, grain men and mer chants are Interested in the bureau. When the O. 8. K. steamer Africa Maru clers from Tacoma July 12, she will carry as part of her cargo six Hampshire ewes ana two rams rrom the Selwav Gardiner sheep ranch In the Deer Lodge valley, Montana, which are being sen to the mikado of Japan. The selection of the thoroughbreds was made recently by Issa .Tanlmura. Japanese commissioner of agriculture. These are the first Hamp shire, breed sheep ever sent to Japan from Ihe United States. On the Africa will go also selections from the following breeds of sneep to Japan: ftamboullette, Corie dale.. Lincoln, South Downs and Delal Merino. Ten Morgan horses, the gift of the " United States government, two of whlrh are Tor the personal use of th emperor's household, and six Jersey cattl a gift of the Jersey Cattle club of th United States, are being taken also. pne thousand one hundred and twenty. eignt yraen, iri nu "rtmii, caneq a the port of Tacoma during June, accord ing to the report of Harbormaster W. Rowland, made today. Bringing 13, MOO barrels of crude oil. th oil tanker Argyll of the Union Oil com Tn.y was due In Tacoma at the smelter from1 Oleum. Cal. The Charles Nelson company's steamer Mukitteo is due at the Baker dock to- night from 6an Francisco with a general cargo, Jtxr first public address on -the new - -M-f g -4 (r 1 ZtA It'-?' V'e-'-.sSSw a&aiKM- Above Tl rf dure Portland fllllnar Mite for bankert at xnanlclpal terminal lo. 4. A apertacalar bit of drcdnlnjr wan done here In ratlnic the material from the river bottom to an elevation of 44 feet above water and depoMltlar It throiifih a slotted pipeline. Below- Tangle of wlrea. chalna and rubbish, taken from the dredge Tualatin ratter In 48 hours. Unusual features of the dredging operations going on In Portland harbor were revealed In the monthly report the port commission of James H. Polhemus, chief engineer for the commission. One disclosure that resulted in decisive action waa that wire and chains dropped Into the river before the lumber mill docks had delayed the redge Tualatin three hours in two days wnue tn. aeons was Demg remved from her cutter. The commission ruled that hereafter all such delays to the dredges will be charged against the owners of the mills, and prosecution nder the federal law was threatened. Mr. Polhemus told the commission that wires and chains, used to hold log raft together, are heinsr allowed to fall into the river because they are not worth saving. A recent achievement in which the dredging force of the Port of Portland takes pride Is the fill for the ohos- phate rock bunkers to be built at terminal No. 4. In this operation the material used in making the fill was pumped from the bottom of the river by the dredge Portland and deposited 44 feet above water level. shipping' bill, enacted Into law at the recent session of congress, will be made by Senator Wealey u. Jones In Tacoma August 10. according- to an announce ment made today. Representatives from 11 tha Pacific coast states will attend he meeting, as the new law has caused the foreign coast to threaten to remove il their business to Canad Ian and At lantic ports. Th commercial organ isa- ions of the coast cities have been urging he suspension of the law In order to protect their trade with the orient. SAN PEDRO. Cal.. July 10. The steamer Charles, formerly the steamer Harvard, arrived In the outer harbor this morning from Philadelphia. She will be rebuilt In the plant of the Ioe Angeles mhlpullding and Dry Dock company and operated with the steamer Yale in the oa-st wie service by a new company, of w hich Fred L. Baker, head of the ship building company, is the president. The : Yale and the Harvard, before the war. were the most popular steamers on the coast, plying between here and San Fran- j tsco. iuring the war tney aid duty in , transporting soldiers to France and Eng-i land. 1 The first wireless telephone system to operate across the ocean or any part of j bo ocean-will be placed In service oe- ; tween here and Avalon July 15 by the ; Pacific Telephone company. An exchange as been installed in Avaion lor me service. The new exchange is said to have : cost $.M.000. The strike of purse seine fishermen con tinues to occupy the attention of the en tire waterfront. Other Industries than the annerles are beginning to be affected. Boat buriding and cepair plants are among these. At present there is but S5 difference a ton between the fishermen and the can ners. Reports this a f ternoon Indicated that a compromise would be effected. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., July 10. (Special.) Anxiety for the safety of the United States shipping board steamer Westboro on account of her slow passage up the coast was relieved this morning when she arrived and proceeded to Se attle. She is In the service of Williams, Dimond & Co. between Pacific coast ports and northern Europe. She will have new engines installed at the EMithte plant at Seattle, after which she will again be placed in commission. The steamer red Baxter rinisnaa re loading the cargo of cedar poles this eve ning, taken from her when sha turned turtle, and will proceed to sea tonight. She. will pick up tha motorship Oregon off Grays Harbor and tow her to San Francisco. The Oregon will be towed out of Grays Harbor by a' tug and turned over to the Baxter. The fleet of six torpedo boat destroyers now at Bramerton will sail for . Alaska Monday, where they have been assigned to protect salmon packers from pirates who bava been robbing traps, causing a serious loss to the packers. It is under stood that Secretary of Navy Daniels will go north with the fleet, for the purpose of making an investigation as to the feasibility of establishing a coaling sta tion at some point in western Alaska for both naval and merchant craft, the coal to como from " the mines In the north. Lieutenant-Commander F. t. Austin, who brought the submarine chaser Both well from the Atlantic to Premerton, has been detached from the craft and assigned to the command of the life saving steamer finohomish, stationed at Cape Flattery. TAX- WOULD HELP SHIPS SHIPPER SAYS AMERICAN VES SELS WOULD GET BUSINESS. SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. (Special.) Manufacturers in the ban Francisco bay district hava complained to tha foreign trade department ol the chamber of Com merce that th. lowering of trani-PacIf Ic freight rate, from points east of Salt L,ake discriminates against California. At a re sult a concession has been obtained. Tha rate on steel originating at San Francisco has been lowered from (12 to all a ton. This city ships large quantities of ateel annually to China and Japan, so the aol lar reduction will mean a considerable saving. From various coast ports, where they participated in Fourth or July . celebrations six destroyers came In today, joining other outfits of tha Pacific destroyer fleet now here. They were the Roper, Swasey and Thornton from San Diego, tha Chauncey and Fuller from Coos Bay, tha Litchfield from Keyport, and the Stanabury from Ban Pedro. On her initial voyage, the new freighter Eastern Boldier, flying the flag of Nippon cama In today, 19 daya from Yokohama, reporting uouu ton of general merchan dise. She comes to Suxuki & Co.. and following discharge will be delivered to charterers on the sound. With quite a number of passengera and the usual general cargo, the Matson steam er Lorllne, captain Sanaelln. left today xor lonoiuiu ana fort Allen. Important cargo departures today In cluded the Alaska Maru. for Shanghai Via Seattle,' and the West N'orranua, for Buenos Aires by way of tha sound. The Oulf Mail Line steamer alliance, expected today fro corinto ana Lani. will not arrive until Monday, having put In at San Pedro. Tha aiatson steamer Watonwan is due tomor row from Honolulu. Japanese Steamers Transport Car goes for Lees Than Half Charged . - by U. S. Bottoms. Application of a section of the Underwood tariff, which imposes a discriminatory duty of 5 per cent on goods entering: the United States in foreign bottoms, would work to the( great advantage ot American vessels plying between the Pacific coast and the Orient, in the-opinion of Captain Jack Kittlesen. master of the North China line steamer The Angeles. American vessels are at many dis advantages in competing with tlie Japanese, says Captain Kittlesen, and the imposition of a discriminatory tariff would help to overcome some of these disadvantages. "While we were lying at Shanghai," aid tha skipper, "trying to get return freight at the shipping board rate of $17 a ton, the steamer Easterr. Solr dier, operating under the Japanese flag, was right beside us, taking any amount of cargo for Seattle at from $3 to $4 per ton. Competition Hke this cannot possibly be met on an even footing." Captain Kittlesen also said that a cargo that cost $15,000 to load on this coast was discharged in China for $2000, and that the same amount of freight loaded In two days at Shang hai required four days for Its dis charge here and would take longer at some other ports of the Pacific. SPEED MADE TO ANTIPODES Lumber - Schooner Slakes Round Trip In Less TJtan 8 Months. ABERDEEN, Wash.. July 10. (Spe cial.) Captain H. Ashbury. master of the lumber schoner Fred J. Wood, now loading at the E. K. Wood mill for Adelaide, Australia, says that his vessel is the fastest lumber schooner plying the Pacific. In proof of his contention he cites the latest perform ance of his vessel. Ashbury took the Fred J. Wood out through the Grays Harbor channel ast October, bound for Adelaide, two days after the schooner Fearless had cleared for the same port. After un loading at Adelaide, taking on coal at Honolulu, and loading a return cargo. he reached Grays Harbor again after an absence of seven months and: 20 days. In. tha meantime, according to tha marine chart, the Fearless is Just getting into Honolulu on the first lap of her voyage. Columbia River Bar Report, NORTH HEAD, July 10. Condition fo the oar at o f. m. sea smooth; wind west. Tides at Astoria Bandar. High. Lo. :o A. M fi.T feet 3:0 A. M....n.8 foot :o f. ai. . ictr-:i t p. M....G.O feet JPhone your want ads to Th Orego- nian. Main vuiu. Automatic 560-95. toon, bound from Port Ioe Angeles for San Francisco, 112 miles from San Fran cisco. C. A. Smith. San Francisco, for Coos Bay. 18 miles from San Francisco. El Segundo, Richmon, tor Point Walls, 3G mllps from Point WeHs. Waxhtenaw, Portland from Port San L.uis. miles from Port Safi I.uis. Admiral Dewey, Seattle from San Fran cisco, 112 miles fim San FranciFCo. F. H. Buck, San Pedro from Seattle. 673 miles from San Pedro. Johanna Smith, Coos Bay for San Fran cisco, :: miles north of San Francisco. CAPTAIN A. F. I.UCAH. San Pedro for Cordova, 104 milaa from San Pedro. 8 P. M., July 9. . SPOKANE. Seattle for Ketchikan, 214 miles from Seattle. 8 P. M.. July 9. ADMIRAL NICHOLSON. Santa Barbara for Monterey. 120 mllee from Montfrey. TUO HERCULES. Astoria for San Dl egn, log ran In tow, ISO miles south of San Francisco. JIULTXOMAU San Pedro for Son P,.n. Cisco, 12.1 miles South of San 1Tr,nl,rn MOTORSHIP CETHANA f Portlnnd. Sao miles from Cnlnmbla river CURACAO. San Francisco for Corlnlo 22M mlls-south of Sun Francisco. CROWN CITT. Sn K,.,i.ra , h.. attle. 00 miles south of Columbia river. ADMIRAL, FARRA?i;t. sn Francisco for Seattle, 220 miles from Seattle .Yior.r BTT. Seattle for Sn n P,r. miles south of Seattle COL. K. I,. DRAKE. Astoria for Will bridge. 55 miles from Will-bridge OTHO, Norfolk for Seattle, ' 30 miles south of Cape Flatterv. ADMIRAL 6EBRKK Oru IT. 11- . San ' Francisco, 190 miles south of Cape Scott. VIXITA. Kahului for Pan Mr, iim miles east of Kahului, July 0 8PM WILHELMINA, San Francisco for Hono lulu, 70j miles from San Francisco, July 8, 8 P. M. MANOA. HOnOlUlU for Kan lOotl miles from San Francisco. July 8, 8 P. M.. N1MROD. Honolulu for San l-n,w. p" j"" from San Francisco. July 0, 8 HARTWOOD. San Francisco for r-.r.vm Harbor. 42 miles north of San Francisco. WILLAMETTE. San Francisco for Port land. 6. miles north of Knn t,,.n...n DE VOLENTE. Honolulu for Sen vn- cisco, 110 miles west of San Francisco. i ji- iu fails. A. San Francisco .for r.ureKa. no miles north of San Francisco ADMIRAL SCHLEY. San Franci.eo for i.os Angeiej. 1UU miles south of San Tr,n CisCO. HAXTUM, Fan Francisco Vr.rt s ijuis, i miles south of San Francisco. --,:'o-,i r rani-isco tor feeattle, 34 miiFs irom Krancisco. R1CHCONCAL. Port San l.ul. for Mono lulu. 1K4 miles from ort Kan Luis.' wr.isi ivukkamus. Fan Francisco for r-ori oamDie, iu mliea north of San Fran CISCO. , HUMBOLDT. San Francisco for iniit-B wiuin r ban franclsco. WATONWAN. Hllo for San Francisco, 37 miles from San Francisco. LUKLINE, San Francisco for Honolulu, .- miles west of San Francisco. HARVARD OX WEST COAST Steamship Reaches San Pedro After Trip From Atlantic LOS ANGELES, CaL, July 10. The steamship Harvard, which, with its sister snip, th Tale, recently was puchased from the . United States shipping board by the Los Angeles Steamship company, arrived from the east coast today and entered San Pedro after an absence of three years on war duty. Whistles ashore and on various craft tn the harbor shrieked a welcome. The Vale Is due Monday. It was announced the steamers would be refitted at shipyards at the harbor and in three or four months probably be back In passenger serv ice, between. San Pedro and San Fran cisco. Cargo Offered Eastern Ocean. A. Cohen, president of the Northern Grain &. Warehouse company, which represents E. A. Strauss & Co.. In this city, yesterday announced that this company will supply a full cargo of wheat or flour for the steamer East ern Ocean. The vessel will be due here the lattsr part of this month under the Operation of the Columhia- Pacific Shipping company. V. S. Naval Radio Reports. All positions reported at 8 P. M. unless oinrrau. imncalcu. lug 4itoa K-ing,' towiag drydock' pon Obituary. John S. Richmond, 91, Civil war vet eran, died at his residence at Long Beach, Wash., Friday. Mr. Richmond was bom in Erie, Pa., in 1829, and had been living at Long Beach, Wash., for the last ten years. He is survived by three sons and one daughter. The funeral will be held tomorrow at Long Beach, with interment at Ilwaco, Wash. BAKER, Or., July 10. (Special.) The funeral of 'Sister Mary Oliverla, Of St. Francis Academy, who died at St. Elisabeth hospital Wednesday ev ening, was held yesterday. The spe cial services were offered at-St. Fran cis cathedral and interment followed at the Catholic cemetery. . Sister Mary Oliveric was born in Philadel phia In 1882 and had been a resident of Baker for the past five years. During that time she had'&cttd as a teacher at the academy. HALSET, Or., July 10. (Special.) Isabella Kirk. 81 years old. widow of Henry H. Kirk, died early this morn ing. She was the only survivor of a large family who crossed the plains in 1852 and .settled On land near the pre sent site of Jefferson. BAKER. Or., July 10. (Special.) Fernon W. McCray, aged ten. son of Mr. and Mrs. James .W. McCray, of Cornucopia, who died yesterday morn ing in Baker at St. Elizabeth Hospital was buried at Mounthope. cemetery this after-.oon. Rev. E. T. Starkey of Calvary Baptist church officiating. Death resulted from infection from a rusty nail the boy stepped on several days ago. TOKIO, Julv, 9. (By the Associated Press.) In connection with the case of T.- Oyama, arrested late in June charged with attempting to sell mili tary maps, the American embassy to. day turned over to a . representative of Oyama some 200 maps of Siberia which Oyama had left temporarily In the office of Colonel Charles Burnett, the American military attache, say ing he wanted to sell them. Before being able to regain possession of the maps, which Colonel Burnett decided were of no value, Oyama was arrested. Edward Bell, American charge d'affaires, told the foreign minister that Oyama, describing himself as a merchant of Khabarovsk. Siberia, called at the embassy accompanied by another Japanese and offered to sell the Siberian maps, an examination of which showed them to have been for merly the property of the Russian general staff. WASHINGTON. July 10. Tha text of Charge Bell's note to the Japanese foreign office bearing on the attempt ed sale of maps to the American mill tary attache at Tokio has been re ceived at the state department. - Of ficials there declined to make it pub lie, saying that it was a matter for been, informed that the embassy had no objection to tha publication ot the document. No request for the recall of the military attache has been made by the Japanese government, it was aaid at the department, and none la ex pected. DAILY CITY STATISTICS HKVWOODJHARTMAN Cumow J Henwood. 2,"5 North Nineteenth Mreet. and Lillian Hartman, 2. 2o5 North Nineteenth street. LEEP-McBRIDE -T. H. Ieep, 28. 53 Eighteenth. Mreet. north, and Alleene Mc Bride, 35, 5a Eighteenth street, north. 3 A.RL1CKA-M A RT1.M Roy R. Gr- llrka, legs!, 30. West Mohawk street, and .-Nellie M. Jlartin, leRal, loea 7ast Twenty-seventh - street north. DI.NLAP-WILI.S Clvde E. Pun-lap, 31 2S East Fifteenth street, and lva C, Wills. 24. Bii Belmont street. KLBVUO-SM ITH Frank Flegro, 21. 4O0 North Twenty-third street, and Annie Smith. IS, 4O0 North Twenty-third street. OK.VSEM-RANKIN John II. Densem legal, Lents. Or., an-d lna V. Rankin, legal. 2.- East Thirty-sixth street. UARRICK-WWHART Sidney Carrlck 2S. 211 street, and Eh t her M, Wlshart. 22. J.4 Eleventh street HOLCOMB-HENHERMAN Myron Hol comb, at, Seattle. Wish., and Flora Un- perman. , . tirnFoa notei. SHE EH A V - REEVES Willis Elmer Phee han, 30, 607 Vi Marshall street, and Ethel Lillian Reeves, 24 East Eighty-third street. CLARKE-HOWARD Ceorire Sheppard Olarke. leca.1. 44H East Forty-fourth street north, and Mildred C. Howard, legal, 729 J.we.nlv-tl!tn Ktreet north. u r-j juL.Nii-uuTi Byron De louni 2K. canary. Or., and Esther Nenetta Doty (:, Kast urisan street. SAlTNDERS-HDOClj'M John Frederi Saunders. 23. 314 North Nineteenth street and May Slocum, 2, 814 North Nineteenth street. HUOHES-HOLLINOSWORTH Home J. Htiehef, legal, tlarnct house, and Eva K. HoinnRBworth. lo. Tweittn ana wash Ington streets. Vanacouver Marriage License. MATTOON-SNOOK. Hallle F. Mattoon 21. Portland, and Marguerite A. Snook, P,,rtl,nH , SNI VERS-NEELT Alv n Snivers. 28.' Portland, and Lula Eilcne Neely, Zi. Tort-land. KR AM LETTE-PIERCE Zen tha C. Bt-amlette, 4S, The Dalles, Or., and Mrs. Anna Pierce. 4:1, The Dalles. Or. i I-: oka v isl-bkuw .-n LeKoy .lonn ue Grave, 21. Seattle. Wash., and Lenore J. Brown. 20. Portland. BARRETT-MA KHH James Roy Barrett. 2. Portland, and Mary Mabel Marsh, in. Portland. McKLROV-MOIROW John J. McElroy. 34, Portland, and Gertrude K. Moirow. 34, Portland. C KITTEN DEN - PETERSON Roy Crit tenden, 20. Portland, and Adelaide Peter son. 20.- Ke'so. Wah. ES r A BKOUK-HA 1. r cm. R tifnrre r.a ri F.stHbrook. 21. (', Wash..' and. Mabel C. Hnlfour. 111. Portland. CHRIST! NFON-VATt,D .1. nrlstlan- son. Si, Willamette, Or., and Catherine i ales Hend. Or. Bl R(4 ETT-V A N BI.ARICAN A. Wurjetl S3, Forest t;rove. Or., and Mrs. Julia r. Van Rlarican, ft7. Portland. MAHELR-LUNK Harry F. Maheur. 2S, Portland, and, Frieda K. I.unk, 20, Port land. . w H k.n uh.KWO-Ksi siua i naries w . Henderaon. leaat. l a man. Wash., and Irene L. Emmons. legal. Wa5hougaL. Wash. SKEWS-CLEAKVv.Air.rC rtaymona Skews. 22. Portland, and Kathryn Clear- iter. 22, Portland. 1IOLST-HE ATER Harry T,. Hoist. 23. Seattle, and Hazel Heater. 2S. Seatt.e. Kit A XK LIN- AKhU 1 1 fc. d w a r d W. Franklin. 8(1, Reedsport. Or., and Violet R. Abbott. 22, Reedsport. Or. LOULKS-SAWVEI. Evert B. T.oulks, SI. Oregon lty. or., ana naua Bawvei, za, Oregon City. Or. KVA.VH-llAKKAb OaT K. E.vanS. Vancouver, Wash., and Mary P. Barral, 22. Butte. Neb. A rthuk-ck atek Stanley jj. Artnur, 27, Los Angeles. Cal., and- Ida M. Crater. 22, Portland. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. July 10. Sailed at 1 P. M.. steamer Coaxt. tor oriental ports: at S P. M-. eteatner Westwind. for United Kingdom: at 0 P. M., barge No. 03, for San Pedr. ASTORIA. July 10. Arrived at 1:30 and left up at 4 P. M., steamer Col. K. 1 Drake, fro-n San Pedro. Pnited at 3 P. M.. steamer Daiiy. for ban Francisco. SEATTLE. Wash., July 10. Arrived: Eastern Oalo from Honolulu; Westhoro from Baltimore; Mukllteo, towing motor ship Oregon, from Bsn Pedro, via San Francisco: Alaska from Southwestern Alaska; Santa Rita from Antofagast: U. S. S. Idaho from San Francisco. Departed:, Governor for San Pedro, via .San Francisco; Jefferson for Southeastern Alaska: Pansa for Calcutta, via Shanghai: Northwestern for Southwestern Alaska; West Ison for Manila; J. A. Moffett for San Pedro: Eastern Gale for Honolulu, via Belllngham; Westham for British Colum bia ports. - TACOMA. Wash., July 10. Arrived: Steamer Argyll from San Francisco; Mu- kilteo from San Francisco. Sailed: Eastern Sailor for Alexandria. SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. Arrived: Avalon from Wlllapa: Silver Shell from Portland: Horace X. Baxter from Van couver; Eastern Soldier from Tokohama. Sailed: Haxtum from Liverpool: Ha kushika ror Shanghai: West Norranus for Seattle; Alaska Maru for Naw York; Lur ltne for Honolulu: Daisy Freeman for Portland; Queen for Seattle; Tiverton for Portland. - SAN FRANTiSO, July 10. Arrived at 7 A. M.. steamer Silver Shell, from Port land. Sailed at noon, steamer Haxtum, from Portland, for Liverpool; steamer Wll lrmette, for Portland; at 1 P. M., steamer City of Topeka, for Portland via Eureka and Coos Bay. . . CRISTOBAL, July . Sailed-Steamer T3antu. from Portland, for England. - HONOKONO, July . Arrived Steamer Arcturua, from Portland, via Pusat Sound. ASTORIA. July 8. Sailed at 3:15 P. JS., steamer Washtanr w. for Port Baa Luia SAN PEDRO, Cal., July 10. (Special.) Arrived: Steamers Charles, from -Philadelphia. 11 A. M.; Bear Port, from Port land, S A. M. ; Necanlcum. from Brookings, 9 A. M. ; President, from San Francisco, 3 P. M. ; Richmond, towing barge, from Portland, 7 A. M. bailed: Steamera Davenport, for Puget sound, 10 A. il. ; Halco, for Astoria, 5 P. M. The Drink of Quality 4- - 'v .-.-rr-r-Mais "At home in town or out in the country we both ask for T- 1 4- " 4 t li ,'WLXtfli!itYJNVC H 4 1 : i I Forthe,, mam who enjoys a .tasteful drink, for the woman who likes a satisfying 'V.a',l4"Vm-f'i1 Kotroro rrex Pabst the Drink of, (Quality is .themu tualchoice. L'anjJones';& - Co. ' Distributors TJ.BraadWilSA49 ami 51 North FifthSC 3 Pabst itulmbacher; the new Pabst drink, is a dark" bever-i age of extra heavy bods, made to satisfy you'll like it. 1 May be had wherever good drinks are sold-r-don't ask for just KulmbacherJ say "Pabst Kulmbacher." ' "" CINEMA STOCK 1 SALE POUTIAND TRl'ST COMPANY TO ACCEPT SUBSCRIPTIOXS. K. Masters Says $75,000 Studio Will Bo Erected; Conditions Surpass California. A trust agreement was signed by th Portland Trust company yester day morning witn the newly organ ised Beaver .Productions, Inc., which plans to initiate A $300,000 stock sub scription drive Monday morning, ac cording to an announcement by F. K. Masters, general manager of the film corporation, yesterday. It is planned for the trust company to accept all subscriptions, which willj not be binding unless the entire issue Is subscribed, said Mr. Masters. "Oregon is the best state in the United States for the taking of mo tion pictures," said Mr. Masters, in discussing the plans of his company. Pictures can -be taken here for one- third less than In California, because companies can be moved over-night to locations typical of almost any country in the world. "The working hours are longer also, because of better atmospheric condi tions. The light is softer and con tains violet rays not found in the at mosphere about L.CS Angeles. "One hundred Los Angeles com panies'will be able to use studio space here, according to recent assertion by H. K. Altken, president Cf the D. W. Griffith Company, Inc. "We intend to erect a $75,000 stu, dio, close to the city limits on the Columbia highway, invent $20,000 in equipment, and hold $75,000 in trust for the production of our first pic ture. Ve have arranged to film a very popular book, and will use na tionally known stars, but I am not at liberty to give their names. "Six companies in addition to our own can be taken care of in the stu dio planned. We figure to produce from six to eight pictures a. year. Krom the start the corporation will mean the spending in Portland of at least $.1,000,000 a. year." The $300,000 of preferred stock is to be offered at 90. making $270,000 to be raised, though Mr. Masters is authority for the assertion that $135, 000 of that amount has already been pledged in Seattle and Portland. Theodore Johnson, branch manager in Portland for the Robertson-Cole exchange for the past year, is to be business manager of the new concern, and 1. Ft. Phillips of Los Angeles, as sistant director. The production man ager, it Is said, will be a man who is at present an executor in a $3,300, 000 film producing company. BEACH CABARETS RAIDED j I 40 Prohibition Agents Descend on Atlantic City Board AValk. ATLANTIC CITT, N. J., July 10. Six cabarets and cafes In or near the board walk were raided simultaneous ly by 40 prohibition agents from Phil- Teeth Examined Without Charge YOKOHAMA, July 0. Sailed: for Seattle. Iconium, The Belgian government has enact ed a law prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or keeping In stock of matches containing white phos-phorus. The law provides for the confiscation and Syrian garnets are the most es- ; destruction of the prohibited products. teemed of the varieties of. these j as well as of the apparatus used in stones. ' '. J their manufacture. REGISTERED Dentists using the E. R. Parker System do not be lieve it is fair to charge for making examinations or giving advice. When ' you visit one of their offices, your mouth is examined by an experienced dentist and a chart is prepared on which the affected teeth are shown. The necessary treatment is ex plained to you,, and you are told in advance just what the price will be for having needed work done. The examination costs you nothing. ' If you decide not to take the dentist's advice, you may depart just as freely as you would walk out of a railroad ticket office after inquiring the fare to another city without buying a ticket. You are Invited to come in and have a free examination of yourjteeth made. Registered Dentists Using the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM fill DH. PARKER Dr. A. T. (ace. Ir. A. H. Mil,-. Dr. i'. . C bristensea. fr. r. It. RnnM. Ir. A. K. .M It r hell. .Or. A. W. Deaua. 326 Washington Street adelphia." litres quantities of liquor were seized and carried away. Thousands of bathers flocked on the great wooden way in defiance of police regulations during the raids. Read The Oregon'an classified ads. Come in and ask about our , Budget Plan NEW EDISON "Ik fsnwwM ania a W Th New EJiacra -will fit right into your pleasora expenditures, if yon reg ulate them by our Budget Plan. HYATT TALKING MACHINE COMPANY. 350 Alder SL, Portland, Oregon. 3. HAVE YOU REALIZED THAT YOU CAN CURE ECZEMA ARMY ITCH. PSORIASIS, Pnlaoa Ivy or any poisoned skin? Thousands have suffered for years and have been told that they could not be cured. Crotch-stitch, tinea that keeps you awake nights and worries you. You have spent hundreds of dollars and thousands of sleepless nights. The maker of RuBon will give you $100 If you can find any skin trouble that cannot be cured with RU BOX. Fred Dawson at Albany. Or., is dis tributor and has sold thousands of bottles. He will fill your order for any amount. Your druggist can get it for you. AH wholesale druggists sell RuBon. Tell your friends about it. HIT DAM CHEMICAL CO, I.U DUIi Kansas City, Mo. Sealed tins preserve the fresh ness and delicate flavor of imported Pompeian Olive Oil