The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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Charges Brought Against
Pierce Sanatorium.
Danger From Fire and General
Conditions Said to Men
ace Men's Health.
ingr firms for the equipment of the?
postoffice tube railway on which
trains are to be run without driver or
other attendant. Th xvRtfm. which
, is new, has been evolved after long:
investigation by the engineers of the
postoffice. Many trial runs . have
been made on an experimental track
at Woolwich, in which the gauge,
gradients and radii of curves of the
actual line were reproduced, and
these tests have shown that the
method is capable of achieving all
that is required.
The first section of the line extends
over six and one-half miles from the
western terminus at Paddington dis
trict postoffice to the eastern district
postoffice at Whitechapel. The tube
will not only link up these two offices
but also the western district and
western central district postoffices.
the western parcels post, the mail
sorting office at Mount Pleasant, the
new general postoffice, the north
western railway through the Broad-
street terminus, and the Great East
ern railway. To avoid other tube
lines the depth of the railway from
the surface varies between 28 feet
and about 90 feet.
Reported Proposal From Brit
ain Announced.
Charges of a- serious nature have
been brought against the Pierce
Sanatorium for disabled veterans, lo
cated at Hillsdale, by L. B. Baketel,
president of the Portland Association
of Fathers of Soldiers and Sailors of
the U. S. A., in a letter to the U. S.
Public Health Service.
The most serious charges are that
meat which was served the 44 sol
dier patients in the institution was
unfit for human consumption; that
sanitary conditions are poor; that the
buildings are inadequately protected
against fire, and that the care given
the patients does not correspond to
the expense involved to the govern
ment. Dr. Edward Allen Pierce, owner and
medical director of the Pierce Sana
torium, last night branded the report
as "absolutely false in part and gross
ly exaggerated in every particular."
Further than that, he immediately
announced his determination to have
a thorough and complete investigation
of the Baketel charges. He at once
forwarded the following telegram re
questing investigation to Hugh De
Valin, United States public health
eervice. Seattle, Wash., who, as super
visor, has jurisdiction over this dis
trict:. "Charges against Pierce Sanatorium
.have-'becn given newspaper-publicity.
In justice to all concerned I ask. that
a public health service officer con
versant with tuberculosis hospitals be
cent hero immediately to conduct
"I remember the meat episode men
tioned in the letter," said .Dr. Pierce.
"It was an unfortunate occurrence
that happened while our regular chef
was away. The meat was to have
fcecn served cold. During the time
that -it was being prepared a small
part of the meat became spoiled and
was sent up through carelessness to
the patients by the assistant chef.
This was something that could not
have happened had our regular chef
been there. As it was the circum
etance was investigated immediately.'
Acts and reports of government
health officers who have been in
touch with the sanatorium were also
cited as disproving the criticisms
made public in the letter.
Mr. Baketel states that charges he
makes are based upon personal in
vestigations that he made on June 30.
His letter to the United States public
health service, directed to Major
.Kichey l. Waugh, of Portland, fol
lows in part:
Baketel Makes Charges.
"Kindly permit me to make the fol
lowing report to you regarding con
ditions as I understand them to exist
at the Pierce sanatorium, where today
there are 44 rormer servjee men suf
fering from tuberculosis, who are
there by the suffrage of the govern
ment and for each of whom the gov
i ernment is paying the Pierce sanato
rium $4 per day.
"Some weeks ago I received word
that the food served the soldiers was
not fit for humans. At the time I
' doubted the statement. Just a few'
(lays ago. however, some meat was
brought to me which had been taken
; from the patients' table. The meat
was turned over to a local meat in
spector who said that if it was con
sumed by humans it probably would
not harm them, but he would not eat
It unless starving or blindfolded.
"On June 30 I visited the sanato
rium to learn first hand what condi
tions really are. They could be worse,
lint not much. From a standpoint of
sanitation I doubt if there is another
institution in Oregon its equal. v
"Service for the patients is not'what
one has the right to expect for 4
per day. The private patients, of whom
there are 10, and who are charged
$6 per day, receive the same treat
ment as the former service men. If
the nurses would talk, their story, I
understand, would be the same thing.
'The patients want to complain, but
do not dare. I am informed that
whenever a patient does complain
way Is found to rid the institution of
that particular person.
"There is a decided lack. of -needed
and necessary equipment. But one bed
in the entire institution has rubber
roller casters. When the other beds
are moved they must be picked up
and carried, patient and all. The
building is a fire trap of the worst
kind without fire protection. There
are a few fire extinguishers, but they
would amount to nothing. ,If the
building, which was formerly a sum
mer residence, should catch fire ii
the center of it, the patients, most
of whom are in bed. would be ab
solutely cut off as there is no possible
means of escape. They would be like
. rats in a trap. Is it for such as this
' that the government of the United
States pays $4 per day for each man?
Other Charge Possible.
"This is a rough sketch of the con
ditions as I have found them. There
is more to be said, but this
shoiuld be sufficient. The Association
of Fathers of Soldiers and Sailors of
the u. S. A. has taken up the cause
of these boys in dead earnest. We
propose to see it through and if noth-
, ing else will do, we shall demand
grand jury investigation with its ac
companying publicity. These boys
must be given clean, wholesome food
and have sanitary surroundings. It
is a demand we have a right to make.
"I -would respectfully ask that
you give this complaint every pos
sible consideration and that it be for
warded to the surgeon-general of the
United States.
Following receipt of the above let
ter at the local office of the public
neaitn service, Kichey L. Waugh
sistant surgeon in temporary charge
notified Mr. Baketel that the letter
had been forwarded through the
proper channels.
It was the expressed opinion of Dr.
Waugh, who has come in contact with
numbers of the discharged patients
leaving the institution, that most o
the complaint springs from patient
; who are just about to be discharged.
ana who are very hard to please.
"I talked with several of these men
, who had been discharged," said Dr.
vvaugn, -and they expressed them
selves as being satisfied with th
treatment in general received at th
institution. They admitted that th
lack of water made it impossible
limes lor an 10 taice a Datn at onoe
ut did not consider this a particula
Postal Service to JEquip Modern
Underground System.
. LONDON. Bids have been asked
from the principal electrical engineer-
Subjects in Each Country, Under
Pending Agreement, Would
- Be Free to Go Home.
LONDON. July 10. Leonid Krassln,
Russian bolshevik minister of trade
and commerce, who left London 're'
cently for Moscow after having con-
CAXADIAXS EMPLOY NOVELTST suited with Premier Lloyd George and
allied representatives concerning
Manitoba .Features Election, by
Air Appeals to Voters
of Constituency.
WINNIPEG, Man. Airplanes, used
for advertising purposes, will feature
the election campaign of the mem
bers of the Manitoba government.
who will seek re-election under the
leadership of Premier Norris this
summer. This unique method of con
ducting electioneering is new and to
claimed by officials of the Norris
government to be the first attempt
to use it in the world. Edward Brown,
provincial treasurer in the present
cabinet, recently took a flight over
Winnipeg and expressed himself as
highly delighted with the possibili
ties of airplanes in the campaign.
Two machines are already engaged
in the enterprise. They will touch
at least one town in every constitu
ency. Campaign literature will be
dropped from the airplane as it
circles over the town. After land
ing, the government supporter in the
machine will address the crowd that
gathers to meet it. Supporters of
Premier Norris are enthusiastic over
the scheme. -
The machines at present engaged
display an appeal urging voters to
support the present government.
commercial relations between soviet
Russia and the allies, will return to
London immediately, said a Moscow
wireless dispatch.
Conditions which the Brltibh gov
ernment was declared to have stipu
lated before trade could be resumed
with. Russia and which the Russians
have accepted were given as follows:
That each government agree to re
frain from inimical action or official
propaganda against the Institutions
of the other government; in particu
lar that the soviet government shall
not assist the eastern people in hos
tilities against Great Britain.
That British subjects in Russia and
Russians in Great Britain be per
mitted, to return to their homes.
That the soviet government agree
in principle to recognize its obliga
tions and to refund to private indivi
dual British subjects losses suffered
through the sale of goods or personal
service rendered to Russia.
That Great Britain agree to the
conditions of the soviet regarding
trade on a mutual basis but retain
the right to object to the appointment
of any official agent of the soviet.
Single ' G. came on and won rather
easily. Gladys B. was third.
The 2:06 class pacing resulted rn the
first split-heat race of the year. The
third heat and the race-off heat and
the race went to Royal Earl; with
Esther R., who had won the first heat,
second in the last three miles.
Peter L., the favorite, won the 2:10
class trotting in straight heats. Sum
S: 10 Class Trotting, Purse $1200.
(Three heats.)
Peter L. b. lv. by Petr the Great
(Edman) .7. 1 1 1
Edgar Worthy, eh. c, by Morgan
Axworthy (McMahon) 3 3 2
Busy's Lassie, b. m., by Peter the
if- . 1 A A
Sunny Smiles, b. m.', by"etr Gilt-
ner igan . 4 z o
Roxanna Moon. b. m., by Oratorio
(Hedrick) 6 6 3
Oacar Watts also started.
Times 2:0, 2-.12K. 2:094-
2:06 Claaa Paeina-. Fume S15M).
(Three heats.)
Royal Earl, b. g.. by Th Earl
(Efran) 2 3 1 1
Esther' R, b. m., by Baronwood
Klnif (Murphy) 12 2 2
Gold Quartz, ch. g., by Peter the
Great (Valentine) 5 14 3
Hal'Mahone, b. s., by Prince Ar-
gothal (Childs),, 3 4 3ro
Watty McClucky, b. by Ander-
sonian (McQualg) 4 6 dr
Drift Patch also started.
Time 2:04. 2:0 2:0854, 2:08, (Split
heat race.)
Free-for-AII Paring;, Parse $1800.
' (Two in three heats.)
Single G, b. h., by Anderson Wilkes
(Allen) 1 1
Grace Direct, b. m., by Walter Direct
(Sturgeon) V. 2 2
LMUte urattan. o. m., by irattan noyai
Director of Mint Announces Candi
dacy for U. S. Senate.
OAKLAND. Raymond T. Baker of
Oakland, director of the mint, ai
nounced his candidacy for the United
States senatorship from Nevada.
More than once before the Nevada
toga has been held temptingly be
fore Baker's eyes, but each time he
has sidestepped the invitation. He
will seek election this fall.
Voters Everywhere Report That
This Is to Be Repnblican Year
and Many Pledges Given.
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 10.
(Special.) Senator E. L. French of
Clarke county, who is candidate for are
the office of lieutenant-governor on
the republican ticket, is giving a
month's time to campaigning in east
ern Washington. He has been gone
about three weeks ?nd will return
It Is some two years ago that Baker, I about July 15 to prepare to handle the
first proposed for senatorial honors.
contemplated the strange fatality
that followed Nevada senators, two '
of whom had died immediately after
their terms ended. Baker didn't like
the prospect.
"They don't last long enough in
that job," he said. "I can name enough
dead senators' from Nevada to man
ship, but I know five living directors I
the mint -Better a live director
than a dead senator."
But casualties recently among the
mountain senators have not been
heavy and Baker, has decided to take
chance. If elected he will, assume
he. seat of the late Senator Francis
G. Newlands which, since -Newland's
death in 1917, has been temporarily
filled by appointment.
Baker is the son of Mrs. George
W. Baker of 213 Mountain avenue,
Piedmont, and a brother of Cleve-
and Baker. His wife is the former
Mrs. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt. His
father before his death was chief
counsel for - the Southern Pacific.
Baker was Instrumental in establish-
ng the honor system in the Nevada
penitentiary. Later he was sent as
secretary to the American legation
at Petrograd under Ambassador
George T. Mayre. - He is a native of
this state, a graduate of Stanford
university and a former deputy clerk
of this county.
prune crop of his orchard at Hills
worth, where he lives.
In making a swing through the
southwestern part of Washington
Senator French found that his candi
uaLj rt a j icic;ivu uuuouc&wjr ActwiA I -
bly and he is meeting with great sue- flHIUo
cess in eastern Washington
He has found that this is a repub
lican year and that a large majority
of those whom he meets firmly be
lieve this, more especially so since the
democrats have nominated Governor
Cox for president.
Mr. French was induced to become a
candidate through the insistence of
his colleagues, favorably impressed by
(V. Fleming) 3 4
Gladys B. b. m.. by Morgan Axworthy
(McMahon) 6 8
Sanardo, b. h.,' by San Francisco (Mur
phy) 4 C
Verlie Patchen and ' Goldie Todd also
Time 2:014, 2:02.
- 2:20 Class Trotting, Parse S120O.
(Three heats.)
Bob Commodore, br. h., by Vice
Commodore (McDonald) 1 1 2
Ellsworth Wilkes, b. g., by Nutwood
Wilkes (Valentine) 2 2 1
Miss Clara Mae, blk. m., by Warner
Hall (Geers) ; 3 3 4
Pelham Express, b. h., by Atlantic
Eioreas (Tnline) : 5 4 3
Dulce Belle, b. m.. by' Echo Todd
( f lemlng) 4 5 e
Doctor D. Viola Watts and Lena Bond
also started.
Time 2:1014. 2:09, 2:004.
2:1 Class Pacing. Pars $1200.
' (Three heats.)
Juno. b. m., by John Dewey (Ray).. 1 1
Lillian S, b. m.. by Colonel Forest
(Thornton) 2 3
Lecco Grattan, ch. h.. by Lecco
Wilkes (Perry) 4 8
Elastic Line, b. g., by Elastic Pointer
(valentine) B z
Kokomo George, ch. g.. by Hedge-
wood Boy (Palin) 8 4 3 1
Joe MCK. tiarlev R. Bun aui and Julia
also Biariea.
Time 2:n7i 2:0.-, 2:08"..
I General March Says American
Force Well Liked.
WASHINGTON, July 10. The Amer
ican army on the Rhine does not
suffer by comparison - with the allied
armies, there, Major-General Peyton I
March.' chief of staff, told newspaper
men today after his return from
trip of inspection overseas.
The American forces are in splendid
condition with their morale high. The
French people. General March said.
warmly disposed toward the
Americans, regardless of national
sentiments concerning .' international
matters, such as the league of nations.
One purpose of General March s I
visit was to inspect the work of re
turning the bodies of the American
dead, which he declared was progress
ing satisfactorily. He found the
cemeteries in France and England!
well kept.
Eighteen Nationalist Leaders Are
Hanged, by British.
Sugar Beet Crop Is Estimated at
700,000 Metric Tons.
LONDON. Dr. Alice Masaryk, the
daughter of the president - of the
Czecho-Slovak republic and herself
president of the Czecho-Slovak Red
Cross, who has been visiting Lon
don, expressed herself hopefully with
regard to the future of her country.
'There is promise of a good har
vest," she said. "The sugar-beet crop
Is estimated at 700,000 metric tons, of
which 400.000 tons will be available
for export. The political outlook is
also good, the new constitution hav
ing provided a sound working basis.
Its democratic character afforded
protection for the minorities in the
German districts which could not be
given up.
"The Germans, she remarked, "'will
not have such a hard time in the re
public as we had when they were in
f-h- 'V::
1)7 vj'i:
r ' rv f
dits are continuing raids along the
north shore of the Gulf of Ismid and
the eastern shore of the BosphoruB.
The British have hanged 18 nation
alist leaders and the Greeks have
hanged 12, all charged with instigat
ing attacks at Beikos and other points
near Constantinople, in the straits
zone fixed by the treaty. British
warships are still bombarding bandits
near Beikos. The Greek villages of
Tal and Kourossi have been burned
by nationalists, who axe charged with
having murdered many Greeks.
Loss of Sugar Cargo Causes Action
Against Angl-esia. f
GALVESTON,' Tex.. July 19. Fire
on the British steamship Cardigan
while in New Tork harbor several
months ago laden with sugar for St.
Nazaire resulted in the seizure today
of the British steamship Anglesia by
the United , States marshal under a
libel for $100,000 damage.
The damage was alleged to have
been sustained by the owner of the
cargo of the steamship Cardigan.
Senator K. I.. French of Clarke
- county, Washington, candidate
for lientenant-coversor.
$50,000,000 FOR SOLDIERS
Immense Sum Loaned Service Men
In Canada.
OTTAWA. Ont. The soldiers' set
tlement board has loaned more than
fifty million Jollais to returned sol
diers settling on the land. The num
ber of loans approved 16,175, and the
average loan l34.
Advances -vere made for the fol
lowing purposes: Land purchase im
provements, stock and equipment,
$41,990,112; on Dominion lands, im
provements, stock, and equipment,
$5,257,800; on land already owned.
$3,451,091; making a grand total of
Shipyards Employ Many.
Ottawa, Ont. The actual money
invested in Canadian shipbuilding
yards is $47,000,000, and 23.000 men
are actively engaged in the construe
tion of vessels. There are in addi
tion another 20,000 men engaged in
other industries which supply, the
raw material used in construction,
making engines and rigging, and out
fitting them.
Kelso Girls Give Dance.
his ability and fairness in serving as
president pro tern, of the senate. He
enjoys the confidence and is held in
affectionate regard by the members
of both houses of the legislature and
is regarded as one of the best-in-
fot-med members of either branch on
atfairs of the state institutions. He
Is a citizen who regards it as a civic
duty for successful business men to
serve the commonwealth in official
position. Notwithstanding personal in
terests that require close attention, he
has served with distinction in va
rious committee assignments.
So high is Mr. French held in re
gard and esteem in his home county
that no candidate has ever filed
against him on the republican ticket,
realizing it would be futile.
Ellis Island Xnrse Arrested on
Complicity Charge.
NEW YORK. July 10. Federal in
quiry today in recent escapes of aliens
from Ellis island followed the arrest
of Xavier F. De Stefano, male nurse
at the immigration station there.
Sixteen aliens were reported to have
escaped this morning, but this was
denied by Superintendent Baker.
De Stefano was charged with as
sisting John Tresaey, an Irish stow
away, to escape.
We Are Agents for Standard Patterns Call at Pattern Counter for Fashion Sheets
Women's Buster Brown .
Fashioned Pure Thread
Silk Hose $1.98 the Pair!.
In black, brown, white, gray;
they have double heels and '
toes and elastic garter tops.
They are splendid values.
First, Second aid Alder Streets
Women's Fashioned
Mercerized Lisle Hose
98c the Pair!
In black, brown, smoke, navy
and gray; double heels and
toes and elastic garter tops.
Summer and Vacation Needs!
The City's Lowest Prices on Seasonable Merchandise! Take Advantage!
Shoe Specials for Wise Shoppers
Hot Weather Footwear
' Low Prices
y ii v cr.-x a - i - ii. 1 - 3 v JiL
' Fancy Dress Voiles
69c the Yard!
These are all 40-inch width ; we show them in attractive
floral and figured designs.
Dress Ginghams 39c the Yard
Here are plaids, checks and stripes in beautiful array.
Just what you want for an inexpensive summer frock!
Honeycomb Bedspreads Less
Than Present Wholesale Cost
$3.48 $3.98
Mercerized Marquisettes, Etamines and Voiles
in both Drawn Work and Plain Borders
In 36 to 40-inch width, 45 a yard
' 1 m -1 m
Shoes. These are Hood's high- Jk Ii I Q
aualitv. Of miiT-sp Vio nrinr. II
inal price was much more. We
Women: Here's a good hot
weather Foot Covering!
Leather boudoirs, light and
cool ! Finished with little pom
poms on the toes! In black,
tan, pink and red. All sizes.
Women's White Shoes ;
White reignskin low heels, military heels, high "
heels, Goodyear welts, white ivory soles; factory-"
hurts, slightly mussed, etc. Values that are!; '
really extraordinary ! Nearly all sizes.
Suits for Juveniles
$10.50 Suits for.. $8.75
$ 9.50 Suits for $7.75
Nobby styles for little fellows; navy serge,
etc. etc.
Other Suits $3.50 to $5.98
Boys' Blue Denim Overalls
Assorted lines; some with double seat and
knees. Only one pair of a size to a customer.
Come early.
Regular $1.59 Overalls, 1 to 8 yrs. .$1.29
Regular $1.79 Overalls, 9 to 17 yrs. .$1.49
Sale Men's Neckwear
$1.95 Neckwear only. $1.59
$1.65 Neckwear only .$1.25
$1.05 Neckwear only 69
Seasonable Specials in
Three-Burner Blue-Flame Oil Stoves $24.50
Conservo Cookers for only ..$12.50
Cherry Stoners, each only $2.00
Water Sets
Thin-blown glass sets with fancy cut de
signs pitcher and six glasses,
Extra Glasses
Cut-star and other designs. 15
seized by Brazil during the war prob
ably will be definitely given to
France, according to a opa- aispaicn.
Banishment to Be Revoked.
RIO JANEIRO, July 9. A bill re
voking the decree of 1889 banishing
the former Imperial family from Bra
zil passed first reading in the cham
ber of deputies today.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Doubles Its Beauty. .
Grand Circuit Card Develops First
Split Heat Race of Tear
at Cleveland.
CLEVELAND, O., July 10. Stepping
the fastest two miles of the grand
circuit, 2:01 and 2:02, Single G.
won the free-for-all pace, feature, of
the getaway card at North Randall
track today, from six of the best pac
ers in training. It was the second
time Ed Allen had driven the veteran
All Records Since War Broken at
Ellis Island.
NEW TORK. July 10. All weekly
immigration records at Ellis Island
since the war were broken this week.
It was announced today that 13,161
aliens had been inspected, including
11,161 steerage passengers. From
600 to 1000 foreigners still await Inspection.
Churcli to Have Summer School.
KELSO. Wash., July 10. (Special.)
The second annual vacation Bible
school the Kelso Presbyterian
church will open next Monday morn
ing at the church and will continue
for two weeks. Twelve instructors
have " volunteered their services ior
the school and courses will be given
in - woodworking, cooking, sewing,
Bible study, nursing, photo coloring,
agriculture, etc. Children between the
ages of 3 and 18 are admitted, and the
attendance is .limited to 100. There
will . be a kindergarten. Miss Bess
Lawler, county nurse, -will give the
instruction in nursing.
KELSO. Wash.. Julv 10. CSnerial.)
The Liberty Girls, a girls' patriotic horse first in the event in three years.
organization which was formed dur
ing the war, gave the first street
dance of the year I.ere Saturday eve
ning. The Liberty Girls, since the
close of the war., have been devoting
their energies to civic improvement
propects, and the proceeds of the
dance will be used for that purpose.
Women .are . in . sole .charge of a-
dozen or more of the most prosperous
weekly newspapers in Louisiana.
In the first heat Tommy Murphy took
Sanardo out in front at the start and
set a dizzy pace to the head of the
stretch, with Single G. in second place.
Here Allen took Single G. to the front
and Grace Direct, the favorite, and
Louie Grattan moved up. Sanardo
tired fast and just lasted to beat
Verlie Patchen for fourth place.
In the second heat Grace Direct set
the pace, with Single G. lying close
up until the seven-eighths pole, where
Kelso Doctor to Open Hospital.
KELSO, Wash., July 10.(Special.)
Dr. E. C. Hackett is having a large
residence adjoining the Presbyterian
church on property which he recent
ly purchased from Dr. C. W. Bales
repaired and remodelled for hospital
purposes. A surgery will be Installed
and a number of hospital rooms will
be provided. The hospital will be
ready .within a few weeks.
France May Get Hun Steamers.
PARIS, July' 10. German steamers
Why So Many Children Have
To Support Their Parentsf
Physician Saj's Lack of Iron in the Blood Saps the Strength and Breaks Down Health of
Thousands at Middle Age and Makes Them a Burden on Their Sons and Daughters
Appeals to Fathers and Mothers, Who Feel Themselves Growing Old, Weak and Run-down, to
Build Up the Iron in Their Blood. Tells How
Often Increases
Strength. Energy
1 7 1
ana Endurance
' A few cent buys "Dandsnne."
After an application of "Dandertne"
you can not find a fallen hair or an)
dandruff, besides every hair shows
new life, vigor, brightness, more color
and thickness-
The eyes respond more readily to
consistent care than does the skin.
All society women and actresses bathe
the eyes as regularly as they brush
the teeth. For keeping the eyes bright
and giving them that sparkle and
brilliancy which is so desirable, high
class beauty parlors and drug stores
recommend simple witch hazel, cam
nhnr. hvdrastis, etc.. as mixed in La-
voptik eye wash. The witch hazel and
camphor cleanse and soothe and the
hydrastis and other Ingredients have
remarkable tonic and beautifying
properties. Many use Lavoptik to re
lieve dark rings and bloodshot eyes.
Dainty eye cup FREE with each pack
age. Skidmore Drug Co. and all lead-
ins druggists. ov,
In Two
It Is happening all the
time to American fathers and
mothers of today. They gel
no further than middle age
before they find that the
weighty cares of a family
and the sreat nerve strain
of modern life have used up
the iron In their blood and
broken down their physical
health and strength. While
others as old or older in
years but with plenty of iron
In the blood still have the
vigor and endurance of ear
lier days, these thin-blODd-ed.
run-down parents no
longer can call up the energy
and power to do their daily
tasks and master their prob
lems. The mother loses her pride
and her Joy in running the home
and looks pale, haggard and
worn. The father loses his am
bition for work, his endurance
and his self-confidence, and is
nervous, worried and always
tirfd. Thev are fast on their
way to become what every true
American dreads most to be a dependent
on others. They are the men and women
who crowd the sanatoriums with middle
aged nervous wrecks. They are the par
ents who simply by allowing their blood
to run low In iron, force sons and daugh
ters to give up plans and hopes in life,
take care of father or mother and end up
as soured and disappointed bachleors and
maids. Are you a parent, nearing middle
age? Is your strength what it was a lew
years ago? Or do you feel yourself grow
ing old, weak and run-down? Then you
owe it to yorself and to your children to
try the simple test suggested fcy Dr. H. R.
Vail, formerly Physician in tne Baltimore
Hospital and a Medical Examiner, in his
following explanation of why he prescribes
organic iron Nuxated Iron to build up
red blood and give increased power and
jjr vail says: There are thousands of
fathers and mothers today whre t.dii;,
are rapidly - ageing and breaking down
m dm
VJfel$ "r AJtM ' i
Tl CS&f"'
Parents Didn't Know
-Their Blood Lacked Iron
They didn't know that numan blood nearly alwaya runs loir in iron before
middle age or that lack of iron roba thousanda of health and strength and makes
them dependent and a load on others after SO. j r-
Every parent who wants or hopes to keep atronsr. vigorous and self-dependent
to a ripe old axe should read In the accompanying article how to. keep p the
iron in the blood.
when they should be enjoying; perfect
health, sfmpiy because they are neglecting
the condition of their biood. They have
allowed the iron in their blood to run low,
and lack of iron in the blood not only
makes a man nervous, irritable and easily
fatigued, but it utterly robs him of that
virile foro. that stamina and strength of
will o necessary to success and power in
every walk of life. It may al-o transform
a healthy, beautiful, sweet-tempered wom
an into one who is weak, nervous and
cross. To build up the iron in the blood
and bring back energy and vigor to mind
and body. I have found no better means
than organic iron Nuxated Iron which
is used by over 3.000.OOO peopi annually
and which I have prescribed with ear
prising success for my patients who ar
approaching the dangerous period of mid
die life. By enriching the biood, and cre
ating thousands of new blood cells it often
increases the strength, energy and endurance-
la two wek' Ue. - I etroasly
appeal to ail parents who feel the weigh-
of their years, weak, nervous and run
down, to try this simple test of -Nuxated
Iron : 5ee how long you can work and
how far sou ran walk without nTromins
tired. Next, take two five-grain tablets of
Nuxated Iron three times per day after
meals for two weeks. Then itfit your
strength and see how much you have
gained. .
Manufacturer Note: Nuxated Iron, which
Is prescribed and recommended above by
physicians, is not a secret remedy "but one
which is well known to druggist1-everywhere.
Unlike the older inorganic iron
nroducts. it is easily assimilated and does
not injure the teeth, make them"" black,
nor upset th stomach. The ma iiTaetur-
ers guarantee successful and entirety sat
isfactory results to every purchaser, or they
will refund your money. It is dispensed ly
all good druggists, i u-r a,ie byrthe Owl
Drufi Co. Ad.v -