THE SUSP AT OREGQNIAN.. PORTLAND. JULY 11, 1920 One Week's Demonstration 'Hotpoint' Appliances Begiming tomorrow and continuing until Saturday evening an expert from the Hotpoint factory will demon strate why these particular electrical appliances should be in every happy home. . Jewel Shortening 01 .23 Large pails of this popular shortening are priced at $2.40. SEE ALSO BACK-PAGE this section. Sugar Peas, certified early June, fancy, $5.25 case, dozen-cans $2.75. Walnuts, fancy No. 1 soft shell," 10 pound lots $3.85, pound 40. California Rice, fancy, 7 lbs. 95. Tomatoes, Del Monte, fancy solid pack, No. 2M cans, $4.25 case, dozen $2.23. Berry Sugar, one sack to a custo mer, none sold to dealers, 100-lb. sack, $23. Meier & Frank's: grocery. Ninth Floor. We commend Hotpoint appliances be - Hotpoint disc stoves, $9 and $10.25. cause our customers 1 find them excep tionally satisfactory. ' , Hotpoint Irons. $7.76. , . , . Hotpoint boudoir sets. $10. Hotpoint curlinf? irons, J6.2B. - - Hotpoint heating pads, $8.75 and $10. Hotpoint imrhersion heaters. $6.25 and. $8-50.- - . . Hotpoint lecmte neaiers. Hotpoint ovens. $22.50. ; Hotpoint radiant grills. 3 heats, $15. Hotpoint toasters, $7.50. Hotpoint toast racks. 75c Hotpoint' percolators and vacuum clean ers at various prices - . . Meier & Frank's: j JElectrc Shop, Basement Balcony. ,H TMt'STOrC OF- POrOTLAND . rMkkAiKUv'HorTiaciyAlteSAa. 21743 of ; Staple DRAPERIES in Midsummer Sale Peremptory Disposal of Dining Room Suites Table Sets and Separate Pieces Each Piece Freshly Reduced - From Its Former Price . . . Dining-room furniture is taking up too much space in the Furniture Store. Splendid furniture of its kind, but much of it arrived unexpectedly after we had du plicated earlier orders. Anyone seeking dining tables, buffets, china closets or. com plete sets can congratulate himself because he will be able to save large sums of money on perfectly good examples . of fine furniture making. This Italian Renaissance Dining Suite . Was $863, Now $694.75. v It is veneered with fine walnut "such as the Florentine cabinet makers used hundreds of years ago. The chairs are faithful reproductions of old Floren tine models upholstered with tapestry. The enclosed china cupboard is in keeping with the latest ideas of the best decorators. The buffet is long and inlaid with marquetry. The table is oblong and has interestingly shaped supports a la Renaissance. This Set of Table and' Chairs Was $42230, Now $33750 5 side chairs and 1 arm chair with, high backs, upholstered in soft blue leather, complete with table 48x60 inches which extends to 6 feet. 1 1 al i a n . Renaissance style. Largely mahogany. . This Set of Table and 6 Chairs Was $377, Now $299.75 Chippendale table in mahogany finish 48x60 inches, extending to 8 feet, finished with claw and ball feet. The tall chairs are upholstered with blue leather. .. ; ; v -.- , .- . .- .: 'i ' - Queen Anne Set Was $40330, Now $32230 ' ' Mahogany-finished table with beveled edges, 48x60 inches, extending to 8 feet; 1 arm chair and 5 side chairs upholstered in blue leather. . Mahogany Finished Set ''.'" Was $350.75, Now $279.50 . : - ' Table 48x60 inches extending to-8 feet, 1 tall-back arm chair and 5 side chairs with tapestry seats and cane backs. . . Odd Extension Dining Ta bles, Buffets and iZhina Cabinets at Great Reductions Choice of walnut or mahogany finish in each kind. - nrrwrs : For One Week Beginning Tomorrow Factory Demonstration of the "HOOVER'' Electric Suction Sweeper Meier & Frank's: Furniture Store, Eighth Floor. OFFERING' Seven Days' Free Trial In Your Own Home Without Any Obligation to Purchase More than 10,000 homes in Portland "are equipped with the Hoover suction sweeper. - Why? ; Because women are getting tired of sweeping floors without -cleaning them working harder than their neighbors without results and husbands are sav ing them such unnecessary labor by seeing that their wives have Hoovers. , Why the Hoover? Because the Hoover Suction Sweeper is different from every other electric sweeper in that it cleans thoroughly with less ' effort and actually prolongs the life of the carpet or rugs. ! Factory representatives this week at Meier & Frank's will explain the exclusive patented features of the Hoover, showing why , it is the only- electric sweeper which Beats as It Sweeps as It Cleans The air suction lifts the carpet from the floor bringing it into contact with an electrically driven brush which revolves more than a thousand times a minute and detaches even the most stubborn clinging hair, thread and lint. Telephone or Write for free trial or first come and talk it over with the demon strator and then if you like request a free trial. Absolutely no obligation to purchase. Your Own Terms " Hoover Suction Sweepers are sold on your own terms in reason. Special demonstrations ,in the Rug Store and in the Electric Shop. -Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor and Basement Balcony; Grass Rugs at Season's ... Lowest . Prices lowered like this: ' Fine rugs for summer use because they look cool and they are cool. . Capital for porches and living rooms. This week prices will be Meier & Frank's: Rug Store, Seventh Floor, 3 4 6 8 9 .6 -foot rugs 7 -foot rugs,: 9 -foot rugs 10-foot rugs 12-foot ,rugs SI. 39 S2.85 S4.95 S7.85 S8.95 Factory Demonstration of "Economy" Jars Begins Monday Housewives planning to can ' raspberries, cher ries, loganberries and other fruit. and berries can learn just how to do it in the best possible way. An individual instructor from the Economy Fruit Jar factory is here for the . special purpose of helping to solve your problems. . Ask her what ever you wish to know. Economy fruit jars are very favorably known and all sizes can be had here. . . . . ... Pints, dozen. .... ; .SI. 30 Quarts, dozen . . . SI. 40 - Kerr Fruit Jars . Pintsf dozen. ; . ... ; .S1.05 Quarts, dozen SI. 15 Vjj-Gallons, dozen. .S1.45 Va-Gallons, dozen.. 1.80 Economy caps, dozen 35 c .Wide-Mouth Kerr. Jars Pints, dozen . .... . . $1.30 Quarts, dozen. -SI. 40 i2-Gallons, dozen. -S1.80 Complete assortment of all kinds of wanted fruit jars and other canning supplies. Meier & Frank's: Housewares Store, Basement. . Lot 8990 Yards Figured Madras Was 90c, Now 67 Yard wide madras with daintily colored figures for bedroom curtains. Lot 9500 Yards Colored Madras Was $1.50, Now $1.15 Yard wide velvety looking madras in richly decorative colors for smart over-draperies. Blue, rose, green and brown. This midsummer sale of staple draperies is another vivid example of the helpful ness of Meier & Frank's. It extends to owners of hotels, boarding houses and private homes the advantages of prices lower than could be obtained today in the wholesale mar ket. Everything in the sale is of first quality, fresh and ready to give a hundred per cent of value, although prices have been greatly reduced. People who buy now will con gratulate . themselves in the autumn. 12 extra special lots. Lot 13200 Yards ' Over-Draperies ' Were $2.70 and $3, Now S1.95 Were $3.25, Now S2.15 Diana? Sultana,. Rialto and Aurora cloths which are popularly known as "sunfasts" but which are . not . now guaranteed as non-fading from sun. Made of mercerized cotton. Charming shades of rose, blue, mulberry, brown, gold, plum, tan and pink. 50 inches wide. ' Lot 2 1000 Yards Cretonnes Were 60c to 70c, Now 39c? Were 85c to $1.10, Now 53 Were $1.25 to $1.50, Now 77 Yard. wide cretonnes for bedrooms and living rooms. Black and light colored backgrounds with modern and conventional patterns. Good variety from which to choose. Useful for over draperies, slip covers, upholstery,' cushions. Lot 35080 Yards Marquisette, Scrim '. Were 70c, Now 52c Were 95c, Now 63c At 52c marquisette and scrim 40 inches wide, white, cream and ecru. At 63c marquisette of extra heavy weight in white, cream and ecru. They will make attractive curtains which will . hang well and wear satisfactorily. . Lot 45000 Yards V Marquisette Was 85c, Now 54c 48-incl marquisette in white cream and ecru . Lot 5400 Yards Filletnet Was $1.30, Now 95 Yard wide curtaining which looks, like filet net with small figures. Attractive for ruffled curtains. Lot 64000 Yards Marquisette Was 50c, Now 39 Yard wide curtaining in white, cream and ecru. Lot 7 423 Yards Grenadine Was 70c, Now 53c Yard wide . ecru colored grenadine with all over patterns . introducing designs in colors. Sorry we have not more of it. . Lot 10 100 Yards Marquisette Was 75c, Now 48 Yard wide white, cream and ecru marquisette, finished with filet lace edges. Lot 11950 Yards Silkoline Was 35c, Now 23 Yard wide silkoline with dainty flower pat terns for comforter covers and other purposes. Lot 1240 Pairs Rep Portieres Were $7, $8.50, Now S4.99 Good looking figured rep portieres in green and brown for porch and living room use. 40 pairs only. Meier & Frank's: Drapery Store, Seventh Floor. , " Sole Portland Agents for Famous Universal Stoves and Ranges Universal Insulted Pipeless Furnaces Your Own Terms in Reason -Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. I i 9 H SBB