12 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1020 OREGDrJ WORK HURT SAYS MR MEREDTH Appropriation Pruning mow, visitor Hoias. Is ;15 ENTERPRISES SUFFER Eecretary of Agriculture In. Address Declares Activities Will Bo Curtailed. ; Congress has lopped off the appro- ; 1 "priation for the department of agrl ;tl culture until many important enter i prises, no less than 15 of which affect .Oregon directly, must ba curtailed ot abandoned, charged Edwin T. Mere- "-dith, secretary or the department, speaking; before the Chamber of Com--merce at noon yesterday. By colncl- ;dence. Joseph W. Fordney, chairman "of the committee on appropriations, i 'was also seated in the aining room '.and, when called on to reply, con fessed that the representatives are .Detween two tires increasing; de- 'mands for appropriations by the ad- " ;mlnlstratlon on one hand, and a de mand for a reduction in taxes by the people on the other. "And," said the man heading the appropriations com mittee, "sometimes congress is -penny ;wlse and pound foolish." ; Secretary Meredith, after conferring with his numerous subordinates in the forenoon at the postoffice bulld- .lng. attended the chamber luncheon .and afterward left for Idaho, making r.he trip as far as Hood River over ;the Columbia highway. Secretary ; 'Meredith is returning from San Fran ' -Cisco, where he was a "dark horse" ) tat the democratic convention. - Cox Nomination Approved Mr. Meredith, while his first choice -was McAdoo, approved of the nomlna ' tion of Governor Cox and announced his belief that the democratic ticket - would be successful. He contended that the "wet" question had been . ieettled and should not enter into the v .campaign. : ; Reverting tw his speech at noon S' 'Secretary Meredith stressed the in sufficiency of funds to carry on the Iwork of his department In a fitting -manner. He submitted a summary "showing how the reductions In the .-, appropriations will affect work being i, .conducted in Oregon, as follows: All of the co-operative dairy exten keep the national forests spick, and, span for your vacation. "The weather service Is a part of the agricultural department. You know that it puts out the storm sig nals: you know it forecasts the weather, but do you know that It I Influences the icing of the cars for , your fruit? Do you know it in fluences the shipment of your veg etables? There are a dozen places that the weather service touches you that you do not realize. "The department of agriculture, through the work of its various bureaus, makes for its stockholders the people of the United States a profit of several times 1000 per cent year on all the money Invested In it. and when I speak of the depart ment of agriculture I have in mind also the agricultural colleges and ex periment stations in the various states, which are co-operating with it in so many important directions. As evidence that it is paying big returns. I will give but a few typical items out of a large number that could be cited. We spent $250,000 establishing durum wheat In this country. The durum wheat now produced here is worth 50,000,000 a year. We spent less than $200,000 Introducing a rice and establishing the industry In Cali fornia. The rice crop in that state is now worth $21,000,000 a year. We spent $40,000 introducing Egyptian cotton," breeding it up and establish ing the Industry in the arid regions of the southwest- The American Egyptian cotton crop is now worth $20,000,000 a year and is increasing every year. We discovered a serum that prevents hog cholera, and Its use, as demonstrated by the depart ment, has reduced the losses from that disease by 40,000,000 a year, but we are still losing $60,000,000. And it takes earnest men, veterinarians, county demonstration agents, and others, to point the way, to empha size the need, and to prove to the farmers that the serum is effective. Force to Be Reduced. "There will not be so many of those men out this year, however, because congress has cut our appropriation so that, in several states. w will have to withdraw entirely and do ab solutely no hog cholera work so far as the national government Is con corned. "The hog cholera appropriation was cut $188,000 by the house com mittee on agriculture and do you know how many t.ogs there are In the United Scales? More than 70.000, 000. There are something like 100.000 in Connecticut, and a representative from that state on the floor of the house said: M mpye that we reduce this appropriation another $100,000." and enough men in congress say 'Aye' to carry the motion, and it costs NOTED PROHIBITION WORKER, "WHO GAVE AN EYE TO MAKE ENGLAND DRY," ARRIVES IN PORTLAND TO LECTURE. n A I . . v - I i ! - ky - Hs&ivc I - iXi , t W. K. (PUSSYFOOT) JOHNSON j PUSSYFOOT JOHNSON IRE FOR LECTURES Noted Prohibition Leader, to Give Three Talks. COX WILL BE OPPOSED tsion work will be discontinued. - Investigations carried on by the .bureau of plant industry In the pro ;.. Jductlon of cereals at' Burns,, Oregon, V; lwill be terminated. f The department will have to wlth---draw its financial support from the rework now conducted on the Umatilla m '.reclamation project, Hermiston. Ore ! ;gon. - The forest service In reforesting 1 burned areas within the national for- tests in Oregon will be seriously cur-- 'tailed. ' Investigation work Involving the : ' 'most efficient management of the na : tlonal forests and of privately-owned jtimberlands In Oregon will be re 7; duced. Wrork on RinKn Postponed Improvement of range conditions in .the national forests In Oregon will have to be postponed. Proper enforcement of the food and idrugs act will be restricted. ! It has been necessary to close the - department's field station at Ashland,, Or., where some of the most import- lant Investigations -of the bureau of "J feYitomology in the control of forest T "ineects have been under way for sev- -eral years. " Investigations In the' control of the ?pea aphis. Insects Injurious to straw V ".berries and loganberries, the cauli 'Z. Iflower root maggot, and other seri- ous insect pests of truck crops' will be abandoned. C '. Special estimates on the commer - cial production of fruits must be.dis i'J -continued. 1 Study of the use of water In Irrl ;!Igation. In co-operation with the Ore "r ;gon experiment station, cannot be J carried on. " ' - - ; J All activities of the bureau of mar- ' -kets in Oregon relating to the trans it Iportat ion and storage of fruits and S Jvegetables will be discontinued. Oregon must, in large measure, be "'deprived of the benefits of the mar 3!ket news services. t Studies of the accounting methods ... '.ot fruit marketing organizations will ;;'be discontinued, ?V ; Studies of accounting methods and j -business practice with respect to ?rain elevators in the northwest. S. ; which have been partially completed, J"; !oan not be continued. ' Investment Declared Hife, Of the appropriations made by con X! Ipress, the department of agriculture Jieceived one-fourth of 1 per cent, de ;oJared Secretary Meredith, and yet there is invested in agriculture in VcT.his country a matter of $80,000,000. "; 000, .with an income of $25,000,000,000. ; : ; "Congress," asserted Mr. Meredith, ;"took $2,000,000 from the appropria- r'ltion this year to show that it was .economical, and yet the house of rep w resentatives voted $250,000 for free " t seeds. With the money appropriated It ffor free seeds, the station at Hermis- ;ton could be continued and many .other activities could be continued Free seeds have no politics. . If the ' '.republican members or the democratic members of the house had voted ;; against free seeds, that $250,000 item .could have been saved or put to a j; 'better use." . - ' Everyone Is Interested In the de J. partment of agriculture, maintained K .the secretary, through one or another of the various bureaus of the depart- ;ment. ; 11 Work of Department Outlined. J "Why, the ham you ate this morn-V- ting for breakfast was passed upon by M tan inspector of the bureau of animal ': J Industry. The method of handling j ; 'your eggs in storage and transporta 'i .tion has been studied and improved: m! 'the bureau of chemistry has seen to ''? 'it that there are no injurious ingre- , ;dients In your catsup. When you put jmaple syrup on your cakes. It has n (seen to It that if the product "was la- Cbeied maple syrup, it was maple r syrup. - ' "The cotton in your automobile tires -is stronger and more durable than ' 'that used In the past, because th department has developed long staple P. ;cotton industries; has taught farmers 'how to produce cotton of better fiber. -' .Your clothes the department touches lyou there, not only through Its work i, Swlth cotton and wool, but through 'its extremely valuable results In de ... -veloping dyea and dye materials which jwlll help to make us independent of 2 iforeign supplies. Your shoes the i; ' soecialists are teaching farmers how - 'to prepare hides and skins with the -'.least damage and waste. I "Your medicine the department -eees to it that the labels on it do not say it is a remedy for such and ' .such a thing unless it actually Is r" .'a remedy. Even in your recreation T' ! hours the department Is with you ' Jits protective hand reaches out to ttne wua Diras ana animais ana pro- - - iNdes. game for your hunting. It America well, nobody knows how much, maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe millions. "The cattle fever tick Infested an area of more than 729,000 square miles and caused a loss of from $40,000,000 to $60,000,000 a. vear. Th department of agriculture has eradi cated the tick in 509,000 square miles of this territory and, according to present plans. wiU have the remain ing 220,000 square miles free 01' ticks by the end of 1S23. "As I have already said, the men in the department brought to this country a cotton called "Egyptian." which is your present long staple cot ton, and I am told no Egytian would now recognize it. You are today producing $20,000,000 worth of this cotton, which was developed by men who are paid wages that are entirely too small. And 1 want to point out to you that one of the reasons why they are too small is that we fre quently call men In the government service "slackers" and "loafers! and men occupying 'soft snaps,' and so on. Congress thinks that Is what you think about them. You and I must look Into these things and see that these men are kept there, that their services are appreciated, and . that they are paid decent compensation. Fig Introduction Recalled. "They grow figs in California. The department brought Smyrna figs to this country, but they did not bear fruit. It was then discovered that the wasp wrs the fertilizing agent, so we secured the wasp, but still we had no fruit. It was then found that the wasp. In order to live must have the Capri fig, and we brought this fig to this country. As a result, the united btates will soon be producing- enough high-quality figs to meet the demand. "In California dates are being grown, which were introduced by the department from Egypt. Inferior dates, poor dates, have 30 offshoots a year and the average man, anxious to get into the culture of dates, will plant these 30 offshoots, but ten years from today be will be tearing up his orchard, with a resulting loss of hun dreds of thousands of dollars. The superior date has only one offshoot a year and men in the department of agriculture, thinking ten years ahead of the, date farmer of California, say, "You mustn't plant these inferior dates.' As a matter of fact, we spent $4000 this spring to send a man abroad to get some of the superior offshoots. These men are thinking for you and doing a real service and we snould appreciate It and we should know it. "In France they make Roquefort cheese, of which we import large quantities, by putting It in caves and letting it spoil. If it spoils right is is Roquefort cheese; if it doesn't It isn't. Furthermore, the Frenchman uses sheep's milk. Our problem was to make Roquefort cheese equal to the imported article out of cow's milk, t The men in the dairy division have solved the problem and we are now producing commercfally a Roquefort cheese which measures up fully to the French product. It will interest you to know also that we are making Swiss cheese according to methods developed by the dairy division and that last year they sold $500,000 worth of dairy products. One of the senators asked me the other day if he couldn't borrow a man to go out to his state and do the same thing in a community there. That is another example of what the work of the department means to America. Millions of dol lars have been saved because we only spent a quarter of a million dollars on Durham wheat, two hundred thou sand on rice, a couple of hundred thousand on long staple cotton and so on." 000 and appropriations aggregating $8,000,000,000 are asked for. Many times congress is pennywlse and pound foolish. Appropriations were reduced $1,450,000,000 this year, but the expenditures exceed the income by $1,000,000,000, so this billion must be borrowed by selling bonds or rais ing taxes. "There Is some complaint about our high taxes, but they are small com pared with other countries. Although we spent $25,000,000,000 of borrowed money, our public debt is only 4 8-10 of our wealth. We must reduce tax ation, but not at the expense of de partments such as the department of agriculture. A bill was introduced in the senate, but not passed, calling for universal military training. This bill, if enacted, would add between $60'-.-000.000 to $1,000,000,000. The wealth of the United States is greater th-in that of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Belgium combined." The local committee in charge of the reception, given Secretary Meredith consisted of Governor Olcott, Senator Chamberlain, President Kerr of Ore gon Agricultural college: S. Benson, E. E. Faville, W. P. Strandborg, Nathan Strauss, C. F. Berg, Dr. C. J. Smith, J. L. Meier, C. C Chapman, E. N. Strong, J. S. Beall. George Quayle, J. L,. Wright. Edwin New begin. 'W. H. Crawford, C. E. Spence, W. E. Wilson. D. L. Carpenter and E. N. Weinbaum. YOUTH FACES 3 CHARGES RALPH Jj. GRIFFIX, AGED IS ARRESTED. IS, Ex-Mayor Again Is Mayor. ' COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. July 10. (Special.) It Is again Mayor Wheeler, Mr. 'Wheeler having been elected by the city council to fill. the unexpired term of R. E. Walker, who resigned because of necessar7 absence from the city. Mr. Wheeler served two years as mayor just before Mr. Walker took the office and for eight years previous to that was a member of the city council and probably is more familiar with city affairs than any other resi dent of the city. Young Man Accused of Being Bur glar, Automobile Thief and Iesertcr From Army. Ralph L. Griffin, 18, who is accused of being a burglar, an automobile thief and a deserter from the army, was arrested by Motorcycle Patrol man Wright at Sixth and Oak streets yesterday and later turned over to the federal authorities. Following his arrest Griffin Is said to have admitted that he deserted the army at Camp Lewis about a week ago, stole an automobile at T&coma and came to Portland and early yes terday morning attempted to loot the store of Byrne & Hough at Bertha station. He was frightened away from the store by section men work ing in the vicinity and two shots werf fired at him by Andrew Johnson, the section foreman, according to the story. ' - Griffin was arrested when.he started to run on sighting Patrolman Wright. The policeman thought something must be wrong and overtook and caught the suspect. When driven away from the store at Bertha early yesterday morning Griffin abandoned his automobile, the pursuit being too hot for him, accord ing to the police. The shooting and pursuit aroused the entire neighbor hood and several calls were sent into the police station and sheriff's office. A police automobile was damaged in an accident at Fourth and Morri son streets en route to the scene. Griffin said he was a mechanic bj trade. W. C. T. V. Elects prricers. VANCOUVER. Wash., July 10. (Special.) The Clarke county branch of the Woman's Christian Temperance union held its annual convention in Camas -yesterday. Mrs. Ella Shandy of that city was elected president; Mrs. L C. Davis of Vancouver, vice president; Mrs. L. N. Jorgenson, cor responding secretary; Mrs. Sara Mathys, treasurer; and Mrs. Mary Whipple, recording secretary. Fined for Conducting oLtery. Ah John, Chinese proprietor of an establishment at 287 Everett street. was fined $25 In municipal court yes terday on a charge of conducting a lottery game. John was arrested In a raid conducted by Patrolmen Ragan and Meacham Friday. C. H. Rich ards, who was arrested while visiting the place, was fined $5 by Judge Rossman. TRAIN WRECKS TRUCK Party of Tourists Escape Injury When Machine Is Hit. BAKER. Or., July 10. (Special.) An unidentified party of tourists barely escaped death Thursday after noon when the truck in which they were riding wm struck by . an east bound passenger train on the Oregon-Washington Railway & Navi gation main line near Durkee. The machine was traveling toward Baker and the driver attempted to cross the tracks In front of the rapidly approaching train. The locomotive cow-catcher struck the left rear wheel of the auto and practically tore off the entire rear end of the truck. The truck was occupied by two men and a woman at the time of the crash, but all escaped Injury. Democratic Nominee Declared to Be Pawn of Forces Seeking to Reinstate Liquor in C. S. W. E. (Pussyfoot) Johnson, the "man who gave an eye to make Eng land dry." arrived in Portland yester day afternoon for a series of three lectures, which will be given today. "I'm mighty glad to be here." said Mr. Johnson, as he stepped off the train. I have a warm spot In my heart for Portland, as I have been here once or twice before. Portland has the best apples in the world when they are .used for proper pur poses." No one was at the train to meet lr. Johnson except a repre sentative oi rne oregonlan and a camera man. Comnlenting of the nomination of Cox by the democratic party In San Francisco, Mr. Johnson said: "It was play to get liquor back, but Cox wllr never be elected. The democratic platform is a mere nothing and Cox has played the 'wet' game ever since he entered public life. I know him; he happens to be governor of my state. I do not say this as a demo crat or a republican. I have no party." Johnson Opposes Cox. Johnson was then asked If the Anti-Saloon league would oppose the election of Cox. "I am not prepared to state offl daily that It will." he replied. "I cer tainly shall oppose him. and every man of the Anti-Saloon league, re gardless of party, with whom I have talked." Mr. Johnson believes that prohibi tlen in England Is a certainty within the next few years. "The Indications are good in Eng land." he said. "Great Britain fears economic pressure. They realize- that they cannot compete with dry Amer ica. Every day the forces of the wets are beaten.- There has been more than 2000 prohibition meetings In England since October. The movement is growing there just like It is bound to grow over the entire world. John Barleycorn is doomed:' The situation in Russia, according to Mr. Johnson, varies in each prov ince. Finland, he says, has gone dry, and Lenine and Trotzky are against liquor on account of desiring to hold their rabble armies together. V. S. Declared Permanently Dry, " "Do you think that America will ever go wet again?" Mr. Johnson was asked. He smiled. "There Is no more chance of liquor coming back to the United States than there is that slavery will come back." he answered. We have had taste of prohibition and it tasted good. The result?. Look all around you at the smiling, happy faces, the wealth and the contentment. That's the answer. "When I went home to-Westerrille, O.. this last time, the town drunkard, Dan Sullivan, had bought a new set of teeth. For 13 years he" went with out teeth to buy whisky. Now he has teeth, a house and is supporting family. There are thousands of Dan Sullivans in the United States." Johnson shows no ill effects from his nation-wide tour. In Wyoming he was met by an airplane that car ried him to Twin Falls, Idaho, more than 600 miles. He delivered three talks In that day and attended banquet and that night was placed on the same train at Gooding, Idaho, that he had departed from in the morning at Granger, Wyo. It was hi first ride and he says he enjoyed every minute of it. Mr. Johnson's manner is cordial and he answered questions without at tempt at evasion. The first lecture will be" at the Firs Congregational church at 11 A. M. to day, and a mass meeting will be held at the city auditorium at 8 P. M. In the evening he ' 111 address the con gregation at the Central Presbyteria church. The public is Invited to all of these meetlnpi. " Predicament Is Explained. After Mr. Meredith related how men are leaving $3000 a year salaries in the department to take $7000 and $13,000 a year jobs outside, because the department cannot hold its men, Mr. Fordhey was called on for re "The poor devil of a congressman Is between two fires," he began. "Oni one hand is the administration asking more money and on the other, the taxpayers demanding smaller taxes. We have a revenue of $5,000,000,- Chevrolet Bug Can she travel? We'll say she can drive It for only $250 DOWN Pay the balance at terms to suit you cap handle this one without a struggle PRICE $675 See Mr. Fernqulat at W. H. WalHngf ord Co. 15TU AJIO WASHINGTON From Guess Work to Science You may remember the day when people "fitted their own glasses" by trying on various lenses until they found a pair -which seemed the most satisfactory. The progress made in recent years through the science of Optometry is most impressive. The fitting of glasses the conservation of sight is no longer a matter of haphazard guess. - Scientific research has developed intricate and accurate instruments, which in the hands of a trained expert, . reveal eye defects which were never apparent to the unskilled observer, or even the sufferer himself. Many physical ills never before attributed to abnormal vision are permanently remedied through the use of my. Perfect Fitting Glasses. Dr. Wheat, Eyesight Specialist Home Mission, Is Opened. The Interdenominational home mis I . 25 .cents- Ml il Still uys Generous Quantities of Owl Label Household 'Drugs In addition to splendidly maintaining quantities during the most trying period in American business history. The Owl Drug Company Laboratories have not overlooked the all-important matter of quality. Its notably high standards have been upheld. Owl Label 25c Packages still stand for the utmost in quantity and the superlative degree of quality. The dry drugs are put up in air-tight containers and the liquids in full-measure bottles. Boric Acid (powdered) 8 ox. 25c Powdered Alum 12 os. 25a Precipitated Chalk 12 ox. 25c Chalk and Orris. '. 4 ox. 26c Comp. Licorice Powder S o. 25c Cream of Tartar 3 oz. 25c Flaxseed (ground or whole)... H4 lbs. 25c Henna Leaves or Powder... 2Vioz. 25c Insect Powder '. 3 oz. 25c Moth Wax ...10 oi. 25c " Ground Mirstard 6 oz. 25c Orris Powder 3 oz. 25c Rochelle Salts 3 oz. 25c Salts Tartar IVioz. 25c Senna Leaves 4 oz. 25c Soda Phosphate 16 oz. 25c Sugar Lead - 5 oz. 25c' Sulphur and Cream of Tartar Loz enges : . .' ......Us oz. 25c Castor Oil ; 4 oz. 25c Oil of Cedar 2 oz. 25c Oil of Cloves Vt oz. 25c Eucalyptus Oil 2 oz. 25c Linseed Oil (raw) .'. . . 6 oz. 25c L JJHJH-I.I- WJSm!! Oil of AVintergreen (true) 2 dr. 25c Rose Water 6 oz. 26c Rose Water and Glycerine 6 oz. 25c Oil Sweet Almonds 1 oz. 25c Spirits of Turpentine S oz. 25c Spirits of Nitre 2 oz. 25c Tincture of Arnica 2 oz. 25c Tincture of Benzoin 2 oz. 25c Tincture Green Soap 3 oz. 25c Tincture Iodine 1 oz. 25c Tincture Myrrh 2 oz. 25c Boric Acid (solution) S oz. 25o Carbolic Acid (10 per cent) 4 oz. 25c Alcohol (for rubbing) .- 2 oz. 25c Aromatic Spirits Ammonia 2 oz. 25c Chloroform Liniment 2 oz. 25c Concentrated Ammonia 8 oz. 25c Cascara (fluid . extract) 2 oz. 25c Glycerine 4 oz. 25c Lysol .' 3 oz. 25c Witch Hazel . . 8 oz. 25c Peroxide of Hydroiren should be in every . home medicine cabinet. Safe and effective as a first-aid treatment. Full pint 25c W. W. BKOIVX, Manager. BROADWAY AND WASHINGTON ST. Marshall 3O0O Mall Orders C-lven Special Attention. slon at 385 East Pine street had ts station by Motorcycle Patrolman An formal opening Friday evening. Rev. derson where it was locked up to In E D Blackman gave the dedication sure Okomotu s appearance in the prayer; Miss Leona Mpreiana, iu-.yea.r-old daughter of Mrs. Leona More land, read selections from the Scrip tures; Rev. Edward Murphey, the superintendent, delivered an address and Rev. C. U. Fowler pronounced the benediction. C. A- Mulr was In charge of the music. -. JAP DRIVER IS ARRESTED Oriental Charged With Disregard of Stop Signal. II. Okomotu. Japanese, was ar rested at Third and Morrison streets yesterday by Traffic Patrolman Ben der on a charge of reckless driving and disregard of the stop signal. The man's truck was driven to the municipal court Monday The driver, according to the police, was Incompetent. His truck Is said to have passed the semaphore 70 feet before the Japanese could bring It to a stop in compliance with the com mand of the officer, and this in spite of the fact that he was driving only about five miles an hour. Read The Orefronian classified ads. 207 Morgan Building. Entrance 346 Washington St. iH XR7E ENDEAVOR ! Ill VV to show in every - j 11 1 service we perform j pi that our foremost R Kj policy is to render Rj III complete satisfac- liilit 1 on everyne- 1 i j Phone Main 507 1 I Edward Holman and Son 1 1 I Funeral Directors j . 220 Third St. Portland J jj i ef- "' ' -" , - 7- 0JJmtlMUi I" Jl' ! w ) I i It 3 iini" --w- 1 DR. Jl. E. WRIGHT - SMI Plus Service at the Lowest Possible Cost Is the magnet with the . wonderful drawing power to this office. -You will have no regrets if you entrust me with your dental work. - Time tried and never found wanting, you are assured of the very best results. My plates fit perfectly, don't fall down or distort the face. In every brand of dental service you will receive the same gratifying results. MY PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE DR. B. E. WRIGHT Northwest Corner Sixth and WaKhlnfcton Streets. Phone Main 2119 Raleigh Bids. Painless Extraction of Teeth Twenty Years in Active Service Office Honrs i 8 A. M. to S P. M. Sunday 10 to 1Z A. M. Open Evenlngn by Appointment Coniiultation Kree. Kidney Remedy for 40 Years A Pronounced Success Cork Tilings, Linoleums For Your Home or . Place of Business Cork Floor Products Co. 202 Broadway at Taylor When kidney diseases have been successfully treated for a period of more than forty years, it is reason able to assume that the remedy there fore must possess unusual merit. Such Is the remarkable record of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. With out Its ability to give relief and bene fit lts users so that they would con tinue Its use. It could not have ex isted 40 months, much less 40 years of Its enviable record. Many letters have come to us to prove that it has been a household remedy for years and years Here is what one grateful woman has recently written: "I wish to say that your remedies have been used in ojr family for fif teen years. We are never without a bottle of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy In our home, and it has saved-many-a -doctor's -bill.- -It -is .a wonderful medicine for all diseases of the kidneys and liver." (Signed) Florence E. Schmidt. R. F. D. No. 1, Dunkirk, Ohio. For the elimination of poisons due to Impaired kidney action, Warner's Safe. Remedy was famous for 25 years before this woman so Judiciously be gan Its effective use. There are thou sands of people who realize that their general health depends upon their kidneys and have found Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy a reliable family medicine. Forty years ago it was named "Safe" because it is SAFE absolutely; equalizing the work of both the kidneys and liver. Satisfac tory results are obtained in the most severe cases, and it Is sold by drug gists everywhere. A sample sent on receipt of ten cents. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 265, Rochester, N. X. Adv. - ...