The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 11, 1920, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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Lavish Entertainment to Be
Provided for Veterans.
C S. Qoodcii and Cassius R. Peck
:; Sfentioned for Commander of
Oregon Department.
C '
Throughout the state former service
mt;ii are looking forward to the sec
ond annual convention of the Ameri
can Legion, department of Oregon,
Which will he held at Astoria on July
30 and 31 and August 1. While busi
ness of importance is scheduled to
come up, an entertainment wh on will
long he remembered by th delegates
is promised by Clatsop post No. 12 of
the legion, concluding with a clam
bake and sham battle at Seaside.
- Interest is centered in the selection
of the next state commander of the
American Legion. Mentioned already
from Portland as probable candidates
are G. L. Goodell and Cassius R.
Peck, the latter past commander of
Portland post.
. ' Pendleton After A'citt Meeting
Pendleton already has thrown down
the gage as a competitor for the
next state convention. One rival said
to be in the field against Pendleton is
Jesse It. Illnman, past commander
of Clatsop post, is chairman of the
oonention committee, which is com
posed of eight members from Astoria
itnd two from Portland, and which
was appointed several months ago by
William B. Follett, state commander
f the legion.
According to the programme, dele
grates will arrive in a special train
from Portland on Thursday night,
July 29, and will be met by a recep
tion committee from Astoria post and
unsigned accommodations. At 8:30
that evening there will be a band
concert and dancing in the streets.
. Governor to Give Address.
Sessions of the convention proper
will open at 9:30 Friday morning with
Invocation by Major W. S. Gilbert,
a.haplaln of the 3d Oregon. Mayor
James Bremmer of Astoria will wel
come the visitors and Department
Oornmander Follett will reply for the
legion. An address by Governor Ol
.ott will follow and appointment of
committees will conclude the morn
4ngk work.
The meeting' will resume at 1:30
n continue until S o'clock with
routine business. At 7:30 Friday
night a boxing card will be presented
st the Astoria theater. The annual
i convention ball will open at 9 o'clock.
Cm Saturday, July 31, the delegates
"will be taken on a sightseeing trip
over the city at 9 o'clock and the
meeting will open at 10 o'clock. At
1 .8 J a patriotic and historical parade
Jvlll be staged.
. Salmon Fennt on Programme..
The convention will resume at 3
jo'clock for election of officers and
selection of the next meeting place.
jx o ciock a siimon least wjii bs
jriven all visiters. At 9 o'clock
1 I j i iP If 4 L y i
-K A k - i K r I
1 Jesse R. Hlnman, Astoria, chairman convention committee and pant commander Clataon post. No. 12. 2 K. T.
Gooeh, Antorla. 3 G. L. Goodell, Portland 4 Iceland R. Gilbert, A atorla. commander Clatnop poat and
member committee on arranfccment a. 5 Dr. F". H. Vincll, Antorla. 6 Harry Fuller. Aatoria. '7 S. A. Wold.
Antorla, aecretary arrans;cmcnta committee. S Dr. R. H. Hoaklna. Antorla. 9 Harry Kalcr, Aatorla. chair
man committee in charge of Seaside battle scene, "Battle of the Arjfonne." 10 Richard Clancy, Aatorla,
chairman decorating committee.
land concert and street dance .will
be features offered.
On Sunday August 1, the delegates
will be take.i -on special trains to
Seaside, where a clambake will be
prepared, and a baseball gamer band
concert and otiier entertainment - vnl,
be i rovided. At 8:30 a spectacu.f.r
pyrotechnical display, reproducing the
battle of the Argonne, will be given.
Special trains will leave that night
for Portland.
Alleged Drug Addicts Suspected of
Petty Thievery.
Three alleged drug users, declared
by the police inspectors to be mem
bers of a gang, which has been carry
ing on a campaign of petty thievery
about the city, were sent to jail .on
charges of vagrancy by Municipal
Judge Rossman yesterday.
Melvin Redford and Frank Howard,
two of the three, were given 100 days
in jail each and Peter Popich was
given 60 days.
The trio were arrested by Inspect
ors Coleman and Price as the result of
the campaign initiated following the
discovery of the dep beneath' the dock
at Flanders street, said to be head
quarters of the gang.
Disorderly Conduct Gets 60 Days.
Adajn German, arrested at Grand
avenue and East Morrison street r ri
day on a charge of disorderly con
duct, was sent to jail for 60 days by
Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday.
German was arrested after numerous
complaints had been received at the
police station.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Mrs. Alice M. McXausht Tells of
Democratic Convention at Wom
en's Club Meeting.
"The rank and file of the demo
crats of the United States wanted
William Gibbs McAdoo for president,"
declared Mrs. Alice M. McNaught, al
ternate at the democratic convention,
who addressed the Democratic Wom
an's club yesterday afternoon in room
A of the central library on her im
pressions o the convention.
Mrs. McNaught bases McAdoo's de
feat on the fact that he had no or
ganization. She hastened to explain
that although she was one of' Mc
Adoo's most ardent supporters, she
was not against Cox. She declared
that Cox cannot make the country
wet unless congress o wills it and
cautioned everyi woman to take care
to put the right men into congress
The speaker characterized the con
vention as one of the fairest, most
open conventions in the world and
said that she wished everyone of her
democratic friends could have been
present. Mrs. McNaught passed her
alternate's badge about among the
club members and said that it meant
more to her than a $100 bill.
. The members of the club seem to
be as strongly in favor of Woodrow
Wilson" as ever, for every time his
name was mentioned applause fol
asked permission to address the meet
ing, stating that "the time will come
when everyone will bow down to
Woodrow Wilson as we now bow
down to the memory of Abraham
Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh. W. C.
T. U. worker for years, spoke for a
few minutes, urging the women to
work for Senator Chamberlain, since
she predicted a "close contest at the
coming election. Mrs. Unruh is not
a member of the club.
Mrs. R. P.' Marshall is president of
the club. and Mrs. Nellie C. Hughes
secretary. '
Conple Wed at Baker.
BAKER, Or., July 10. (Special.)
Mss Leota Ritchie and Raymond Fin
null, well kaown in Umatilla and
Baker counties, were married Wednes
day night at the home of E. E. Sav
age on Auburn avenue. The bride is
a graduate of Baker high school. Mr.
Finrlell is a cement contractor in Pen
dleton and is a graduate of Pendleton
high school. The young couple will
take a two months' honeymoon In
boulhern California and will later
take up their residence in Pendleton.
State Rifle Competition Opens to
Select-Team to Be Sent to .
Camp Perry, Ohio.
CAMP LEWIS, Wash., July 10.
(Special.) The Oregon camps here
were all but deserted this afternoon
When leave was given to two-thirds
of the entire command to leave camp
from Saturday noon until Sunday
night. Many of the Oregon citizen
soldiers are visiting Tacoma, Seattle
and other Puget sound points after a
busy week spent in drilling and ma
neuvering. Those required in camp
to keep up the necessary guard duty
and routine will be permitted by Colo
nel C. C. Hammond, regimental com
mander, to leave next Saturday after
noon and Sunday.
The state rifle competition opened
this morning on the camp rifle range
and on the result selections will be
made by the adjutant-general of thoue
who are to attend the national rifle
competition at Camp Perry, O., early
next month.
Eighteen Oregon soldiers will be
sent east in a special sleeping car the
end of July. Fifty competitors for
places on the team were trying out
for position today under the supervl
sion of Lieutenant-Colonel Woolpert
of Salem and ' Lieutenant A. "A.
Schwarz of Portland. Lieutenant
Schwarz is a veteran of many national
competitions and probably will be
coach of the Oregon team.
All Oregon officers attending the
15 days of field maneuvers at this
place are making their own beds, tak
ing care of their own shoes and quar
ters and running . their -own personal
chores. This as a result of orders
issued by Colonel' George A. White,
adjutant-general of Oregon, and
which became effective Immediately
before camp, to the effect that en
listed men are not allowed to flunkey
for officers under any circumstances,
even if they make apnleation for
such duty. , Among the objections to
the practice, quoted in the order, is
that it deprives the men of oapor
tunities for strictly military insfruc
tion and is prejudicial to the best in
terests of the service. Those requir
ing personal servfee are advised to
hire professional flunkeys not be
longing to the service. The order
smashes a military custom that is as
old as the military service itself.
Achievement I Made as Sub-Re-
lowed immediately. Mrs. if. Orweiler' locked up in th women's cell.
Elopers Held la Jail.
' EUGENE, Or., July 10. (Special.)
Alf Williams and Be.ttie Ward, who
eloped from Cottage Grove a few days
ago, were arrested at Corvallis yes
terday and they spent last njght in
the Lane county jail. Williams is
charged With contributing to the de
linquency of a minor and the girl was
locked up. at the request of her
mother who telephoned to Sheriff
Stickels to hold her. As there was no
other place to keep the girl she was
cruiting Station.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. July 10. (Spe
ciaL) According to Robert F. Fallon,
who has charge of the local recruiting
station, Chehalis has the record for
sub-recruiting stations of the western
Eugene L. Harris of Elma, Wash.
enlisted as machinist, third class, for
training at the machinist mate school
at Chicago. Frank E. Chitty,
printer from Centralia, enlisted for
duty at Bremerton as printer, first
class. George H. Booth of Everett en
listed as machinist, third class, and
will be sent to the machinist mate
school at Hampton Roads.
"Water Supply Purchased.
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 10. (Spe
cial.) The Hood River Irrigation dis
trict has obtained. an option to pur-
LJ tT . w W. . a,
"iizfirii ft PIANOS 1
A Song of
a golden haze spreads over
the crisp yellow stubble in the
meadows great masses of
cloud drift slowly across the sky
from a little village, dreaming quietly'
in the white, unruffled dust of sum
mer, a woman's voice croons a lullaby
. in the mrdday calm.
Orrtfits. including records, have been
arranged by us which meet the favor
of discerning music lovers. They range
in price from i30 to J160.
Sign and mail this ad for full information.
VilgrB Allen
Stalkinm I
rrtfA -uraif -tfaatij j ;
' a
chase 100 inches of water from the
Stanley-Smith Lumber company. The
source of the supply is a huge spring
near Parkertown on the old road to
the Green Point mill of the concern.
Surveys and forrnal preparations will
be completed this fall, it is antici
pated, and then the matter will be
submitted to a vote of the property
owners of the district.
Read The Oregoninn classified adu.
Silk Lamp Shades Regularly Priced $15 to $100 Now 25 to 40 Off
Dozens of China Closets in Mahogany and Walnut 40 Off
Important Price Reductions Are in Effect Upon Many Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Good Furniture in This Fine. Three-quarters of a Million Dollar Stock!
Home-maker Who Seeks to Make the Home Better and More Attractive! 'Lowest Prices and Most Liberal Credit to All!
A Harvest for the
Furniture of Reed and
Fiber in the July Sale!
Visit our third floor for selections in this delightful
furniture. We show scores upon scores of pieces,
beautiful in design," and handsomely finished.' What--'
ever you may want in reed or fiber, we have it here.
$39.50 Fiber Reed Rocker; spring seat; COQ Oft
loose cushions DsdJOt)
$38.50 Fiber Reed Chair to match dOQ rjjr
rocker, only ib0 i O
$37.50 Fiber Reed Rocker; cretonne QOO QC
upholstered; now DOOU
$36.50 Fiber . Reed Chair to match dJOry or
rocker, only I tO
Three-Piece Reed Suite
for the Living Room
Old ivory finish; upholstered in cretonne.
Regular $81.50 Settee for .Sp64.oO
Regular $42.00 Rocker for ....$32.75
Regular $40.50 Chair for $31.50
Reed Bedroom Chair ' ,
Regularly $16 Only $11.35
Mattress Special!
This week we offer a full-size 50-lb. selected
cotton felted mattress covered with art tick
and finished with roll edges at I- rj Qf?
the very special price of. .- D-L t
Anglo-Persian Rugs
in Discontinued Patterns
$195.00 Rugs in 9x12 size $152.50
$175.00 Rugs in 8-3x10-6 size ..$137.50
$119.00 Rugs in 6x9 size $ 89.50
$ 66.00 Rugs in 4-6x7-6 size $ 49.50
Important Sale of Body Brussels Carpets
We offer discontinued patterns in Bigelow Lowell Body Brussels and
Whittall's Victoria Body Brussels, regularly priced $5.25, now only $3.45
the yard, either with or without border.
. Sale of Small-Size Rugs
of Fine Quality!
The July sale affords good opportunity to buy at
a considerable saving.
Regular $4.50 Wool Velvet Rugs, IQ ?K
27x54 size tDO.DO
Regular $5.50 Axminster Rugs, 27x54
size. Special
Regular $8.50 Axminster Rugs, 36x63
size. Special :
Regular $8.50 Axminster Rugs, 36x72
size in' picture designs
Regular $9.50 Wilton ' Velvet Rugs,
27x54 size, fringed ends I . . .
Blankets for Outing
and Hiking Use!
Regular $6.75 Liberty Wool rn
Single Camp Blankets Oft.tlll
Regular $8.00 Gray Single 3r OP
Camp Blankets .' VOmtO.
Regular $7.50 Fine Cotton & A OfT
Rlankpts. nair WtOO
c? S9.45
Blankets, pair
Regular $14.50 , Oregon
Wool Blankets ..
Carpet and Rug Catalogue!
We will be glad to send our fine cata
logue to anyone who will write to us
requesting it. ' It is beautifully illus-.
trated in colors, .and it shows scores of
patterns in rugs and carpets in their
true colors.
Striped Madras Curtains
Less Than Half-Price .
Reductions from old prices. Take advantage.
Some silk stripes.
$ 6.50 Curtains; pair $3.25
$ 7.50 Curtains; pair. S2.75
$11.00 Curtains; pair. -S5.50
$13.00 Curtains; pair 6.00
Beautiful Portieres
One-Half Price
$ 7.50 Portieres; only. . . . . . v . . $ 3.75
$18.50 Portieres; only 9.25
$32.50 Portieres; only. . S16.25
$65.00 Mohair Velour Portieres.". .32.50
n i m-
TO OUR FRIENDS IN THE NORTHWEST: Write to --us tor our
Jittle magazine, "Hearthstone," devoted to fine furniture. It contains
much information concerning home-making.
One Carload Foster Ideal
in the July Sale !
Brass beds have been scarce and
hard to obtain. We are the first
to show these new styles. Make
selections, now during the July
sale. We have a complete range of
styles and sizes full size, three
quarter, and twin.
Keep Your Carpets and
Rugs Clean for Less!
Pittsburg Standard
. Vacuum Carpet Cleaner
Regularly Priced $30
July Sale Price Only
This is a high quality cleaner, that
will do the same work as the more
expensive makes. Let us show you!
We Are Agents for the
Hoover Electric Carpet
Sold on easy terms. Let us demon
strate this fine sweeper for you.
Jenning's Special Carpet
Every part metal. '
Regularly Priced $3.50
; Sale Price S2.35
$125 Overstuffed Davenports, Sale $93.75
These davenports are made under our own supervision. They are full 7 feet
long, and covered with denim in a variety of designs. They are very comfortable
and will give immense service.
$70 Easy Chairs to match Davenports $5?S.50
Odd Bedroom Pieces
Reduced in Price
$200.00 Massive Ivory OO Kfl
Enamel Dresser D10iOU
$145.00 Massive Ivory Chif- CQC
ferobe; now DVJ t J
$235.00 Handsome Ivory Q- CO CA
Enamel Dresser L06,0J
$175 American Walnut g2Q 00
$100 Mahogany Triple-Mir- 07(1 Kfk
ror Dressing Table D I U.tlU
'$63.75 American Walnut CQ Kfk
Triple-Mirror Dressing ta.beO0J
Oak Dining- Suite
Regularly $145.75
Only S108.50
$10 Down $10 Monthly
There are six pieces in this suite
solid oak Extension Table with 45
inch top which extends to six feet;
large Buffet and four solid oak Diners.
A splendid suite at a modest price
which has been further reduced dur
ing the July sale.
Fine Bedroom Suite in Ivory Enamel Regular Price $284.50
Sale Price $213.50 $20 Down $15 Monthly
There are four pieces in this suite: Full-size Bed, Triple-Mirror Vanity
Dresser, Chiffonier and Dresser. All perfectly matched.,
Aerolux Shades
Complete Lines in All Sizes
By the use of these shades you
can" convert a- porch into a comfort
able, pleasant summer room. They
can be made to fit any opening.
We Are Agents for
Bridge, Beach & Co.'s
Combination Ranges
Call at our basement salesroom to
see these ranges the best that can
be made.
Jenning's Washington at Fifth Jenning's; Washington at Fifth Jenning's Washington at Fifth Jenning's Washington at Fifth Jenning's-Washington at Fifth